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It is the most precise instrument used for measuring angles in the horizontal
and vertical planes. It may be classified as;
 Transit Theodolite
 Non Transit Theodolite
 Vernier Theodolite
 Micrometer Theodolite

Transit theodolite and non Transit theodolite:

It is one which the telescope can be transited ie, revolve through a complete
revolution about its horizontal axis in the vertical plane where as in non transit, the
telescope can't be transited.

Vernier Theodolite:
It is, for reading the graduated circle if vernier is used the theodolite is called
vernier theodolite.

Micrometer Theodolite:
If micrometer is provided to read the graduated circle the theodolite is called
micrometer theodolite.


Integral part of a theodolite and is mounted in a spindle known as horizontal
axis. It may be internal focusing type or external focussing type. When the telescope is
elevated or depressed it rotates about the trunnion axis (horizontal axis) which is
placed at right to the line of collimation.

Vertical Circle:
It is a circular graduated attached to the trunnion axis of a telescope. It is
graduated in degrees with the graduated at 20” and is divided in to four quadrant.
‘A’ Frame/Standards:
Two standards resembling the letter „A‟ are mounted on the upper plate. The
horizontal axis is supported on this frame.

Vernier Frame Or T - Frame Or Index Frame:

It consists of two arms, vertical and horizontal. The vertical arm helps to lock
the telescope at a desired level. A horizontal arm is used to take the measurement of
vertical angles.

Levelling Head:
It consists of two parallel triangular plates known as tribrach plates. It has
mainly 3 functions.
 To attach theodolite to tripod.
 To support the main part of an instrument.
 To provide mean for levelling with theodolite.

Lower Plate or Scale Plate:

It is the base of the whole instrument. It carries a horizontal circle (and
therefore it is called as scale plate) lower clamping screw and a corresponding tangent
screw. The size of the theodolite is represented by the size of the scale plate ie, 10cm
theodolite, 12cm theodolite etc.

Upper Plate or Vernier Plate:

It is the base on which the standards and vertical circle are placed. It carries an
upper clamping screw and a corresponding tangent screw. It provides two verniers
placed at 180° apart and marked as A&B.


 Centering: Set up the instrument exactly over the station points by means of
either a plumb Bob or a optical plummet.
 Transiting: The process of turning the telescope about its horizontal axis
through 180° in the vertical plane.
 Swinging: The process of turning the telescope about its vertical axis in the
horizontal plan either in clockwise or anti clockwise direction.
 Face left or face right: When the vertical circle in the left or right of the
observer while taking the reading. The positions are called as face left or face

 Telescope normal: Telescope is said to be normal or direct when the face of

the vertical circle is to the left and the „bubble up‟.
 Telescope inverted: Telescope is said to be inverted or reversed when the
vertical circle is to the right and the bubble down.
 Changing face: The operations of bringing the face of the telescope from left
to right and vice versa.


These are made at every instrument station for making observation, which
includes setting up, levelling up and elimination of parallax.

Setting Up:
 Place the theodolite over the station points by spreading tripod legs well apart
and keeping the telescope at a convenient height. The plumb bob should be
approximately over the station point and the levelling head levelled.
 Lift the instrument without disturbing the relative position of legs and move it
until the plumb bob hangs about 2cm above and within about 1cm horizontally
over the station point.
 Move the legs radially as well as circumferentially so as to bring the plumb bob
exactly over the station point and approximately levelled instrument. Press the
legs firmly into the ground.
 The shifting head is used for the accurate centering of the instrument over the
station point. The plumb bob should be handed about 2-3mm over the station
mark when the shifting head is used.

Leveling Up:
It is the process of bringing the axis of plate level perpendicular to the vertical
axis and the vertical axis truly vertical. This can be achieved by operating the
footscrews available with the instrument. This process includes;

 Bring all the foot screws to the middle of its run. Loosen the lower clamp and
turn the instrument till the plate bubble is parallel to an imaginary line joining
any two of the footscews. Bring the bubble to the center of its run by turning
both screws simultaneously inward or outward.

 Turn the instrument through 90° till the plate bubble lies in the direction
parallel to an imaginary line joining the centre of the instrument and the third
screw. Bring the bubble to the center of its run by turning the third foot screw
either by clockwise or anticlockwise.
 Turn the instrument back to its former position and see whether the bubble
remains at its centre. If not, centre the bubble by operating the same two
footscrews and repeat the above procedure.
 Repeat the above steps alternatively until the bubble remains centre in both
 After the bubble being at center in both position. Turn the instrument through
180° as a check. Now the bubble should remain at its center.

Elimination of Parallax:
Parallax may be defined as the relative movement of the image with respect to
the object when the eye of an observer is moved up and down. Parallax is caused
when the image formed by the objective is not in the same plane of cross hairs. Unless
parallax is eliminated, accurate bisection and sighting of object become impossible.
Hence it can be eliminated by forming the image of an object in the plane of cross
hairs. It is done in two steps.

Focussing the eye piece:

The object of focussing the eye piece is to make the cross hairs distinct and
clear. To focus the eyepiece, direct the telescope towards the sky or a piece of white
paper in front of object glass. Now more the eyepiece in and out until cross hairs are
seen quite distinctly and clearly.

Focusing the object glass:

The object of focussing the object glass is to bring the image of the object
formed by the object glass in the plane of cross hairs. To focus the object glass, turn
the telescope towards the object and turn the focussing screw so that the image
appears sharp and clear lying in the plane of cross hairs.

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