Flag Courtesy:: Reverence For The Philippine Flag

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 Do's and Don'ts of the Philippine Flag

In accordance to Executive Order No. 179, of 1994, we are encourage to display, in our
homes and all practicable places, prominently the symbol of our nation from May 28 until
June 12 every year. However, not everyone is aware of the Do's and Don'ts of displaying
the Philippine Flag, so it is prone to desecration. As public service, we've come up with an
article describing the guidelines of taking care of our Flag.

Reverence for the Philippine Flag

 The national flag alone should be displayed in all public offices, buildings,
official residences, public squares and institutions of learning everyday of the
 The flag should be displayed in the open only from sunrise to sunset, except on
places designated by law and therefore should be properly illuminated.
 When flown from a flagpole, the flag should have its blue stripe on top in time
of peace and red on top in time of war.
 The flag should not be displayed on horizontal position or hung fastened by its
fly. The fly portion of the flag should be free to move
 When displayed vertically, the triangle should be on top. The blue field should
be to the right (left of the observer) in time of peace, and the red field to the
right (left of the observer) in rime of war.
 When displayed over the middle of a street, as between buildings or post, the flag should
be suspended vertically with the blue stripe pointing to north or east.
 When a number of flags are grouped and displayed from stationary staffs, the Philippine
flag should be in the center at the highest point or at the right of the other flag.
 The Philippine National Flag must not be smaller than the others
 When flown with flags or pennants of organizations on the same halyard (for special
occasion only), the Philippine flag should be at the peak.
 When displayed with another flag from crossed staff, the Philippine flag should be on its
right side (left side of the observer), and its staff should be over the staff of the other
flag. Two Philippine flags should never be thus displayed
 When the national flag is borne in a parade with other flags or of other nations, it should
always be in front and in the center of the line of the other flags
 When used on a speaker's platform without the staff, it should be displayed vertically and
placed above and behind the speaker. It should never be used to cover the speaker's desk
or to drape over the front of the platform.
 When mounted on a platform, the flag should be placed on the presiding officer's right and
a bit in front, as he faces the congregation. Other flags should be on his left. However,
when it is displayed on a level with the congregation, it is placed on the right of the
 The flag should be flown from a staff when displayed on a float
 When the flag is flown at half-mast t symbolize mourning, it must first be raised t full
mast, allowing it to fly there for a moment before bringing it down to half-mast. To lower
the flag at sunset or any other time when ordered, it must again be raised to full mast
before it is brought down;
 When the flag is displayed on a small staff or in a parade, mourning is indicated by
attaching black ribbon to the spearhead, allowing the ribbon to fall naturally
 When used to cover a casket, the triangle should be over the head and the blue stripe over
the right side of the body. The flag should not touch the ground
 The flag should not be used as curtain or drape. Use buntings of blue, white and red. The
blue color in the bunting should be at the top or at the point of honor and it must be
equally in width
 On national holidays and on historical and special occasions as the President or local chief
executive may proclaim, the Philippine Flag shall be displayed in all public and private
places, buildings including residences
 Tattered, faded or worn-out flags should be replaced immediately. They should be
disposed off or destroyed privately, preferably by burning.

Prohibited Acts on the Philippine Flag

To display the National Flag in discotheques, cockpits,
night and day clubs, casinos, gambling joints and places of
vice or where frivolity prevails.

To use the National Flag as a staff or whip.

To use the National Flag as pennant in the hood, side,

back and top of motor vehicles.

To dip the National Flag to any person or object by way of

compliment or salute.
To wear the National Flag in whole or in part as a costume or uniform

To print, paint or attach representation of the National Flag on

handkerchiefs, napkins, cushions, and articles of merchandise.

To use or display or be part of any advertisement or infomercial.

To mutilate, deface, trample on, cast contempt, or commit any act or

ommission casting dishonor or ridicule upon the National Flag or over
its surface.

To use the National Flag as drapery, festoon or tablecloth.

To use the National Flag as trademarks, or for industrial, commercial

or agricultural labels or designs
To display the National Flag horizontally. It shall always be hoisted aloft
and be allowed to fall freely.

To display the National Flag below any platform

To add any word, figure, mark, picture, design, drawings,

advertisement, or imprint of any nature on the National Flag

To use the National Flag for unveiling monuments or statues.

To display in public any foreign flag, except in embassies and other

diplomatic establishment, and in offices of international organizations

To diplay the National Flag under any painting or picture.

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