001 Conversation Questions

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Conversation Questions

Days of the Week

A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
 What day is it today?
 Can you spell the days of the week?
 What day was it yesterday?
 What day is tomorrow?
 What day is the day after tomorrow?
 What day was it yesterday?
 What day was the day before yesterday?
 Which days of the week do you have an English class?
 What is your last working day of the week?
 What is your first working day of the week?
 On which day do you start work again?
 What day of the week is the hardest for you to spell?
 What days of the week are the weekend?
 What is the date today?
 What was the date yesterday?
 What will the date be tomorrow?

Conversation Questions
Months of the year
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
 What month is it now?
 What month is it next month?
 What month is last month?
 Which month is your birthday?
 What month is Christmas?
 What month is Easter?
 What month do you go on a holiday?
 Which month is the hardest for you to spell?
 Which month is the hottest?
 Which month is the coldest?
 Which month do you like best?
 Which month does summer begin?
 Which month does winter begin?
 Which month does your school begin?
 Which month does your school end?
 What month do you like the least?
 What month do you like the best?
 What months are cold in your country?
 Which months are hot in your country?
 What month is winter.
 How do you say the months of the year in your native language?

 Which months are the hardest to spell for you?
 What month is your birthday?
 What month does school start in your country?
 What month does school finish in your country?
 What time of year are you the busiest?

Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
 What's your name?
 What's the most beautiful girl's name you've heard?
 What's the best boy's name you've heard?
 How did your parents choose your name?
 Are you happy with your name?
 If not, why not?
 What are some of the most common names for boys and girls in your country?
 What are some really unusual names you've heard?
 Are there any names you absolutely hate?
 If so, what are they?
 Why do you hate them?
 Do you think names shape our personality? To what degree?
 Does your name have a meaning?
 If so, what does it mean?
 Do you have a middle name?
 What is it?
 If you have multiple middle names, what are they?
 In your culture, when you introduce yourself, does the last name come first or
the first name?
 Do you have a nickname?
 If so, what is it?
 How did you get it?
 Do you like it?
 What are some interesting nicknames that you have heard?

Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
 What is your best friend's name?
 What is your favorite animal?
 What is your favorite city in the United States?
 What is your favorite color?
 What is your favorite country? And why?
 What is your favorite day of the week? Why?

 What is your favorite drink in the summer?
 What is your favorite food?
 What is your favorite holiday? Why?
 What is your favorite kind of book?
 What is your favorite kind of ethnic food?
 What is your favorite kind of movie?
 What is your favorite kind of music?
 What is your favorite kind of pizza?
 What is your favorite magazine?
 What is your favorite memory of childhood?
 What is your favorite movie?
 What is your favorite pastime?
 What is your favorite proverb?
 What is your favorite radio station?
 What is your favorite season? Why?
 What is your favorite sport?

Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
 Do you have any bad habits?
 Do you bite your nails?
 Do you over sleep?
 sDo you sleep on the sofa?
 Do you sleep in your clothes?
 Do you eat late at night?
 What are some good habits to have?
 What are healthy eating habits?
 What are bad eating habits?
 What are good study habits?
 What are bad study habits?
 Where do we learn our habits?
 What are some of your bad habits?
 Do children learn bad habits at school or at home?
 Do you smoke?
 Do you drink alcohol?
 Do you spit on the street?
 Do you throw rubbish on the street?
 Do you smoke at public places?
 Do you sleep in class?
 Are you extremely lazy?
 Do you cut people off in the middle of their stories and conversations?
 Does your mother or father have any bad habits?
 Is it easy or difficult to get rid of a bad habit?
 Do other people's bad habits get on your nerves?
 Have you been successful in getting rid of a bad habit?
 Is always coming late a bad habit?
 What bad habits bother you the most?
 What good habits do you most admire?
 What unusual habits do you observe in your family members? Do they
bother you?
 How can you develop a good habit?
 If someone makes an annoying sound what do you say?
 How can we get rid of bad habits?
 How can we develop good habits?
 Which bad habit do you think would be the most difficult to get rid of?
 Which good habit do you think would be the most difficult to develop?
 Which habit is the most important for parents to set as an example of for
their children?

Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
 Are you on time?
 If you are late, what message does this send to the person who is waiting
for you?
 Do you prefer to show up late or early?
 What is your busiest day of the week?
 Do you like to be busy, or do you like to have an easy schedule?
 What takes up most of your time?
 Do you think you manage your time wisely?
 Do you manage time, or does time manage you?
 What do you do if you show up too early for something?
 What do you do if you show up too late for something?
 What do you do if you forget an appointment?
 Do you spend a lot of time when preparing for something?
 How much time do you spend sleeping?
 Do you wish you could sleep more?
 Does waiting for something bother you?
 Do you get bored easily?
 Do you schedule out what you have to do every week? Do you make a
schedule for every day?
 Are you good at getting things done on time?
 Do you think time moves slowly or quickly?
 What would you do if you had a few extra hours in a day?
 Would you rather have more time or more money?
 In your culture, is it polite to always show up on time, or to show up a
little late?
 How important is time in your culture?

 Do you think people in America are too concerned with time?
 What time do you get up in the morning?
 What time do you go to bed?
 What time does school start?
 What time is it?
 What time do you go to work?
 What time does your work begin?
 What time does your work end?
 What time do you take a bath in the evening?
 When do you do your homework?
 What time do you like to get up?
 What time do you like to go to bed at night?
 What time do you think high school students should go to bed?
 What's the most significant time of your life? (Significant for any reason:
because you liked it or hated it; because of your profession; because of a
relationship; or because it was a turning point in your life)
 What's your perception of time now? Does it go by slowly or quickly?
What does this depend on?
 Can you do without a watch or a clock? For how long?
 If you could stop time, what would you do and why?
 Do you show up early or late for work? Class? Meeting a friend for
lunch? English conversation class?
 Are you a "night owl" or an "early bird"?
 Which time of day do you feel you are most productive in your work or
 If you are a punctual person and your mate is not, how do you resolve
conflicts that arise?
 If you had the power to stop and restart time, when would you use it?
 Do you show up early or late in your home country verses in the United

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