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The folowing text is for questions 27 to 37

I’m Silvia, I joined an archery class when I was at elementary school. I practiced ever’y
Wednesday, Saturday and was hard. Besides, I didn’t have much time to play with my friends.

At first, I Just wanted to play sports that not many kids liked to do it. I practiced hard and my
skills improved fast. My coach and parents were happy.

It was november 2015 when I attended an archery competition for the first time. My coach and
parents motivated and supported me to do m y best. They gave me high objektive in the competition. I
paracticed the whole week because I didn’t want to disappoint them.

On the D-day, I prayed to god and stepped on the arena with confidence. I was sure that the best
way to secceed was defeating my fear of losing the competition. Then, I stood firmly and held the bow
and the arrow strongly. I took a deep breath, pulled the bow, watched the target clearly, and released the
arrow. At last, I finished the competition as the broze medallist. It was an amazing achievement for a new
comer. Everyone congratulated me, including my teachers and schoolmates.

The first competition changed my mind. I want to be a professional archer. I want to comete in
the higher levels.

The following text is for questions 31 to 34

There is one type of chickens which appears different fromothr chickens.These are called frizzles.
Let’s see what they are.

Frizzling is where the feathers start to curl upward and outward from the body, instead of lying
flat against the body as in a normal hen. The shaft of the feather starts to twist and culs causing the unique
appearance of the feathers.

Frizzling is caused by an incomplete dominant gene. One copy of the gene present in one bird is
sufficient to cause frizzling. A copy present in both parent birds will result in a high incidence of
frazzles. Responsible breeders do not breed frizzle to frizzle. This would give you frazzle or curly chicks.
The acceptable practice is to brees frizzle to a normal hen which will give you a mix of regular and
frizzled chicks. Frazzles are extremely delicate. The feathers can be so brittle that they break at a touch,
feathering can be patchy or even near total baldness can result.

Frizzles do need soma special treatment because of their feathering. Since they cannot fly, they
should have perches set lower down so that they can access them, otherwise they may ‘pile up’ together
on the bedding. If you decide to free range them, the area should be predator proof as they cannot fly up
and away from danger.

In extreme cold they should be carefully monitored as the feathering does not insulate as well as
regular feathers do. In fact, any inclement weather-heat, cold, rain-is all a bit of a challenge of frizzles.
The feathers do a poor job of keeping the chicken at a constant body temperatur, so care should be teaken
to ensure their well-being.

The following text is for questions 35 to 38

One-Eyed Jack

This old-fashioned breakfast goes by lost of names: egg-in-a-baset, egg-in-a-hole, gashouse egg
an bull’s-eye egg. But whatever you call it, it’s fun and filling way to start your day. You can make it

Kitchen gear :

 Drinking glass
 Small bowl
 Small nonstick pan
 Heatproof spatula


 1 slice whole-wheat or multigrain bread

 Large egg
 Teaspoons olive oil
 Salt and black papper


1. Wash your hands with soap and water then gater all your kitchen gear and ingredients and put
them on a clean counter.
2. Use the open mouth of the glass to cut a hole out of the center of the slice of bread. Set aside the
bread frame and the cutout circle of bread.
3. Crack the egg into the bowl gently, being careful not to break the yolk
4. Put the pan on the stove and turn the heat to medium. When the pan is hot (flick some water on-it
should dance and evaporate immediately), add the oil, then lay the bread frame into it carefully.
5. Gently pour the egg into the hole, and season the egg with a pinch of salt and pepper. (if you like,
you can also fry the cutout circle of bread alongside).
6. Cook the bread frame until it has browned undermeanth and the egg in the hole has started to set,
about 2 minutes, then carefully flip the whole thing.cook the other side until egg yolk is as firm as
you like it-about 30 secounds to a minute longer. (if you’re frying the cutout, flip that too).
7. Eat right away.

The followingtext is for questions 45 to 47

Mrs. Riani is a dentist. She wears a veil and has bright eyes, a nice smile and soft voice. She
always greets her patiens warmly and asks them to sit in a big chair

When examining her patients, she wears a mask and gloves. She makes the chair go back and
asks the patients to open their mouths widely. She uses a bright light to help her see inside the mounth.
After figuring out the problems, she writes prescriptions. She usually asks her patiens to return in a week.

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