10 28-11 1 Composition I Lesson Plan Secondary Template

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Teacher Name/Collaborative Group:

Week of: October 28th-November 1st

Unit Details:
Desired Results--What do we want students to know and do?

Essential Standard(s)- Demonstrate rhetorical flexibility through writing and revising a variety of texts in multiple genres and for a variety of
college-level audiences and purposes. Students should reflect upon the writing process and themselves as writers.

Learning Target(s)/Objective(s) in Student Friendly Language-

I can demonstrate rhetorical flexibility through writing and revising of the Rhetorical Analysis Paper.
I can reflect upon the writing process and myself as a writer.

Evidence-How will we know they learned?

Assessment(s) of Learning Targets-Formative and Summative

Formative: Students will participate in Peer Review with peers and will be allowed to revise their papers before submitting the polished draft.

Summative: Narrative Paper- For this assignment, you will write your own “This I Believe” essay. Consider a specific moment when you formed a
belief or a previous belief of yours was tested or changed. Then, write a narrative essay sharing your experience and your belief. Consider your “I
believe” statement your thesis and your experience, the evidence. For this exercise to be meaningful, you must make it wholly your own.
Learning Plan--Plan for instruction, intervention, and extension.

Monday/Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday Friday/Monday

10/28-10/29 10/30-10/31 11/1-11/4

Direct Instruction/Modeling Direct Instruction/Modeling Direct Instruction/Modeling

(I Do): (I Do): (I Do):
● Review Reading ● Organization Handout ● Review Reading
○ Argument Strategies-Chapter 22 ● Conference about topics ○ “Finding Sources and
○ Argument (187-190) Collecting Evidence” in Writing
Today (439-453)
Guided Practice/Group Work
(We Do):
● Sample argument (Halloween)
Guided Practice/Group Work Guided Practice/Group Work
(We Do): (We Do):
Independent Work
(You Do) ● Evaluating Sources
● Logical Fallacies ○ Using Sources effectively
○ Activity ● Tentative Outline ● Informational Source

Independent Work (You Do)

● Brainstorming (Discuss ONE Independent Work (You Do)

issue/problem that you would like to see ● Students will continue to research
information for their selected topics.
changed at JHS or in the community of Homework: Read “Finding Sources and ● Complete tentative outline
Jonesboro.) Collecting Evidence” in Writing Today (439-
● Song Analysis final questions/help 453). Find and bring to class TWO
informational sources on your topic.
● Feedback
● Writer’s conferences
● Feedback Intervention:
● Writer’s conferences ● Feedback
● Writer’s conferences

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