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MA5600 Configuration Template

Log in DSLAM by username “root” with default password “admin”.

A. Upgrade version
We will follow 5 steps to complete the upgrade for MA5600 from current version to
the new one MA5600V300R003C03D029:
1. Check the current version
2. Reduce capacity of packet file
3. Load packet file
4. Load data file
5. Reboot system
6. Check new version
- Please read detail and careffuly when you follow steps to guaranty your upgrade is
done smoothly.
- Any problem happen during upgrade you have to call to me immediately (Nguyen
Xuan Tuan: 0904331910).

1. Check the current version

MA5600(config)#display language
Version: MA5600V300R002B02D256

Version: MA5600V300R002B02D256229
MA5600(config)#display version 0/7
Main Board: H561SCUB
PCB Version: H561SCU VER A
Base BIOS Version: 106
Extended BIOS Version: 103
Software Version: MA5600V300R002
Logic Version: (U11)102(U88)102
MAB Version: 0008
SubBoard (0):
PCB version: H531O2GS Ver A
MAB version: 0001

Note: when you display but the version is different than the above one, you can email
or call directly to me for help.
2. Reduce capacity of packet file
Because the packet file is too big (26 Mbps) and can not tranfer in version V300R002,
so we have to reduce capacity of this file lower than 20 Mbps by Packing tool.

2.1, Install and run packing tool

- Click file Package_Setup.exe to install the tool
- At the first time when we start the tool, it will pop up a window:

- You put “test” and click OK

- Another window appear:

In “Please select a license file”, you browe to license file (OR3619.DAT) and click
Now the tool is running normally.
2.2, Reduce capacity of packet file
Open Packagin Tool:
Click “Open” and choose file scubv3r3c03b029_packet.bin:

Click OK when see the following warning:

You can see all versions of control board and service board

We only choose some boards that are suitable and with the current equipment and
capability of extention in the future. After we uncheck some unnecessary board, we
will see some usefull boards below:
Click “Package(P)” button to package the file and save to another file.
Note: When you save file, you must put the file name different with the original one
(scubv3r3c03b029_packet.bin) to keep the original file, for example you can put file
name: scubv3r3c03b029_packet2.bin like above window and click “save”:

Now we finish step 2 and we will work with the new packet file:

3. Load packet file

Before loading the packet file, make sure you have:
- Laptop
- Network cable
- TFTP sofware

+ Using ethernet cable to access to MA5600, put laptop IP address is

(same subnet with MA5600’s ethernet IP).
+ Run TFTP and choose the location of file scubv3r3c03b029_packet2.bin, let’s say
my location is D:\scubv3r3c03b029_packet2.bin
In TFTP window, click “Settings”, browse location of the file and click “OK”

+ In config sreen of MA5600 type:

MA5600(config)#undo idle-timeout //to keep the screen no timeout for long time

//Load packet file

MA5600(config)#load packetfile
{ xmodem<K>|tftp<K>|ftp<K> }:tftp
{ ServerIpAddress<I><X.X.X.X> }:
{ filename<S><1,80> }:scuv3r3c03b029_packet2.bin
{ Options<E><active,standby,all> }:active
load packetfile tftp scuv3r3c03b029_packet2.bin all
The new packet file will overwrite the old one
Rollback function will be disabled
Be sure that the system needn't this function
Are you sure to load new packet file? (y/n)[n]:y
You can see in TFTP screen, the file is trafering from laptop to MA5600.
To see the progress, you can type command:
MA5600(config)#display progress load
If the system inform: No such kind of operation is running
Then the load is completed and finish step 3

4. Load data file

- Firstly you have to unzip file scubv3r3c03b029_ver.rar to get file db_scub.dat
- Run TFTP software and browse to folder contain file db_scub.dat
- Type command:
{data<K>|license<K>|packetfile<K>|io-packetfile<K>|emu-program<K>|patch<K> |
language<K>|configuration<K>|program<K>|bios<K>|cpld<K>|cancel<K> }:data
{ xmodem<K>|tftp<K>|ftp<K> }:tftp
{ ServerIpAddress<I><X.X.X.X> }:
{ filename<S><1,80> }:db_scu.dat
{ Options<E><active,standby,all> }:active

You can see in TFTP screen, the file is trafering from laptop to MA5600.
To see the progress, you can type command:
MA5600(config)#display progress load
If the system inform: No such kind of operation is running
Then the load is completed and finish step 4

5. Reboot system

{ Options<E><system,active,standby> }:active

reboot active
Please check whether data has saved, the unsaved data may lose if reboot
active board, are you sure to reboot active board? (y/n)[n]:y
Standby board failure or not exist, reboot active will cause system reboot,
are you sure to reboot active board? (y/n)[n]:y

After the system reboot, we wait for about 5 minutes

6. Check new version

The upgrade only complete absolutely if we display and view some information like
MA5600(config)#display version 0/7
Main Board: H561SCU
PCB Version: H561SCU VER D
Base BIOS Version: 102
Extended BIOS Version: 102
Software Version: MA5600V300R003
Logic Version: (U13)103(U57)103(U66)104
MAB Version: 0005
PCB Version: H511L24GA VER B
CPLD Version: (U3)103
MAB Version: B0

MA5600(config)#display language
Version: MA5600V300R003C03B029

Version: MA5600V300R003C03B029
MA5600(config)#display io-packetfile information
Version of the board software packetfile: MA5600V300R003C03B029
Index File Type Version File Length
0 H561AIUG PROGRAM 319 1403776
1 H561AIUG BIOS 109 258176
2 H561SHEA BIOS 309 370816
3 H561SHEA PROGRAM 326 856448
4 H569ADEE BIOS 112 182784
5 H569ADEE PROGRAM 327 1464320
B. Do configuration

1. Confirm board and check board status

MA5600# config
MA5600(config)#display board 0
(Board will be registered as “Auto_find”, after boards confirmed successfully it will show as
//confirm boards
MA5600(config)#board confirm 0
Then check status all of boards, the status should be normal

2. Change hostname and time and frame description

MA5600(config)#sysname AAA.BBB.CCC

The name must follow rule: AAA.BBB.CCC
This is the colum Shortname in Network Design file

You can access the Network Design of Hai Duong province as an example:

Hai Duong.rar

This name is very important, using to identify sites. Each site has one unique name.

MA5600(config)#time hh:mm:ss yyyy-mm-dd

(the time must be the exact time)
MA5600(config)#frame set 0 description huawei

3. Create FAN monitor

Notice: Fan must be configured for all sites! Otherwise the fan cannot work well.
**Pay attention: At the right top of the FAN, there are some switches marked as S1 to S7,
before configuring FAN, we must switch on S1, S2, S3, and for other switches no need to

MA5600 (config)#emu add 0 fan 0 0 back HDG.HTS.H11 (HDG.HTS.H11 is site name)

4. Set Auto-save function

MA5600 (config)#autosave interval on
MA5600 (config)#autosave interval 1440

Notice: Auto-save function is required to be enabled as above.

5. Create interface IP for Meth0

MA5600 (config)# interface Meth0

MA5600 (config)# description Huawei, MA5600, site name
MA5600 (config)# ip add
MA5600 (config)# ip add
(can configure two ip addresses on the Meth0 port for future onsite login and manatenance,
all sites use the same two IP address: and

6. Set in-band management

The followings take vlan 3999 as management, for each site.

//Creat Vlan for management:
MA5600 (config)# vlan 3999 standard

//Add upstream-port to vlan:

MA5600 (config)# port vlan 3999 0/7 0
(allow vlan to pass uplink port 0/7/0)
MA5600(config)#port vlan 3999 0/7 1
(allow vlan to pass uplink port 0/7/1)
MA5600(config)#port vlan 3999 0/7 2
MA5600(config)#port vlan 3999 0/7 3
MA5600(config)#port vlan 3999 0/7 4
MA5600(config)#port vlan 3999 0/7 5

//Create interface vlanif and add ip address

MA5600 (config)# interface vlanif 3999
MA5600 (config-if-vlanifx)# ip add 172.20.x.x

7. Add NMS

MA5600 (config)# snmp-agent community read public

MA5600 (config)# snmp-agent community write private
MA5600 (config)# snmp-agent sys-info version v1 v2c
MA5600 (config)# snmp-agent target-host trap address 172.20.x.x securityname private
(172.20.x.x is the ip address of NMS server)
MA5600 (config)# snmp-agent trap enable standard
MA5600 (config)# snmp-agent trap source vlanif3999

8. Create adsl line-profile ( Khai báo tốc độ )

MA5600 (config)# adsl line-profile add 2

Do you want to name the profile (y/n) [n]:y
Please input profile name: ADSL 2M
Please choose default value type 0-adsl 1-adsl2+ (0~1) [0]:1
Will you set basic configuration for modem? (y/n)[n]:y
Trellis mode 0-disable 1-enable (0~1) [1]:
Downstream channel bit swap 0-disable 1-enable (0~1) [0]:1
Upstream channel bit swap 0-disable 1-enable (0~1) [0]:1
Please select channel mode 0-interleaved 1-fast (0~1) [0]:
Will you set interleaved delay? (y/n)[n]:y
Maximum downstream interleaved delay(0~255 ms) [6]:
Maximum upstream interleaved delay(0~255 ms) [6]:
Please select form of transmit rate adaptation in downstream:
0-fixed 1-adaptAtStartup (0~1) [1]:
Will you set SNR margin for modem? (y/n)[n]:y
Target SNR margin in downstream(0~15 dB) [6]:
Minimum SNR margin in downstream (0~6 dB) [0]:
Maximum SNR margin in downstream (6~31 dB) [31]:
Target SNR margin in upstream (0~15 dB) [6]:
Minimum SNR margin in upstream (0~6 dB) [0]:
Maximum SNR margin in upstream (6~31 dB) [31]:
Will you set parameters for rate? (y/n)[n]:y
Minimum transmit rate in downstream (32~8160 Kbps) [32]:32
Maximum transmit rate in downstream (32~32000 Kbps) [24544]:2048
Minimum transmit rate in upstream (32~896 Kbps) [32]:
Maximum transmit rate in upstream (32~896 Kbps) [600]:640

To modify line-profile index using the following command:

MA5600(config)#adsl line-profile modify 2

9. Active adsl user port with the correct line-profile ( Kích hoạt lại - profile 2)

MA5600 (config)#interface adsl 0/0

MA5600 (config-if-adsl-0/0)#deactivate all
MA5600 (config-if-adsl-0/0)#activate all profile-index 2

10. Create Unicast-Service VLAN

(In this project, subcribers are detected by 7 parameters:

AccessNode Type Rack.Frame.Slot.Port VPI.VCI, all users use only one VLAN for internet
that is VLAN 100 )

//create outer vlan (stacking vlan)

MA5600 (config)#vlan 100 smart

// add the vlan to uplink (uplink only checks the outer vlan)
MA5600 (config)#port vlan 100 0/7 0
MA5600 (config)#port vlan 100 0/7 1
MA5600 (config)#port vlan 100 0/7 2
MA5600 (config)#port vlan 100 0/7 3
MA5600 (config)#port vlan 100 0/7 4
MA5600 (config)#port vlan 100 0/7 5

11. Create traffic table index 7

MA5600 (config)#traffic table index 7 ip car off priority 0 priority-policy pvc-setting

(This traffic table index will be used in service-port configuration, and car is required to set
as off, note: the priority for internet service is 0)

12. Create virtual channel (service-port): add subcriber

MA5600 (config)#multi-service-port vlan 100 port 0/x 0-31 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7
(configure service-port for slot1 from port 0 to 31, the vlan is 100, and vpi/vci is 0/35, x is
slot number)
(Using multi-service-port command can configure virtual channel in batch, one command
can create 32 virtual channels for one slot of adsl board. Traffic table use index 7)

13. Configure 7 parameters for identifying subcriber

- Change the format:

MA5600(config)#raio-format pitp-pmode cid atm "anid atm rack.frame.slot.port vpi.vci"

- Change the mode into type user-defined

MA5600(config)#raio-mode user-defined pitp-pmode

- Display the mode:

MA5600(config)#display raio-mode pitp-pmode detail

OBJECT: pitp-pmode MODE: user-defined
CID: anid atm rack.frame.slot.port vpi.vci

14. Save configuration


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