Tic-Tac-Toe Menu Choice Board Template From Shakeuplearning

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Functions Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Menu:  

Start with number 5​ and then make two other choices to make your tic-tac-toe. 

Create a set of    Construct a 

cards using  Develop a K​ ahoot  graph that 
Quizlet​ with all  to test your  describes the 
the definitions  classmate’s  relationship 
you learned in this unit.  knowledge on the ideas  between two things(ex: 
Refer to the end of the  we’ve learned.  distance vs time, money vs 
lesson for a list of the  hour, etc). Then create a 
definitions covered. This is  story for the graph. What 
your personal set so write  happened that caused 
in your own words with  those peaks and turns. 
your own examples.  Label your graph correctly 
and note any slope 

Create a  Find 10 pictures 

presentation  of real life places 
using about you  where you can 
reteaching a topic  see any of the 
we learned in class. Use  Create a graphic  function types we studied. 
your own words,  organizer for the  Paste them in a google 
explanations, and  remaining function  document and label the 
examples.  types: exponential,  functions. Discuss the 
logarithmic, and  specifications of the graph 
trigonometric (6-sin, cos,  like slope and possible 
tan, sec, csc, cot)  function. 

Choose a  Write a reflection  Draw the unit 

mathematician to  or make a comic  circle and label it 
research and  strip about a  with the degrees, 
make a  topic you found  radians, and 
presentation about their  difficult in math and how  points. 
early years,  you were able to 
accomplishments,  understand it. Give tips on 
interesting facts, death.  what helped you and what 
Include pictures and  did not.  
animations in your 

Created by Kasey Bell  


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