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Monday, October 28' 2Ol9

r Monday,Oftober 2& 2019v0t.15 Nors

Br fov/e Manrr N. o ELA Crluzt @joveemarie

ITING the need to liberalize the

restrictive economic policies of the
Philippines, the chairman of the House
Committee on Constitutional Amendments
0frhe 1987 Constitution, the..
The age
said the House of,Representatives will start in economic provisions of which are .

December the plenary debates on the measure deemedtoorestrictivebyboth :

amending the economic provisions of the 1987 loral and foreign businessmen.
Constitution. Before transmitting the amend-
ments to the Constitution or the
economic Charter change to the
Cagayan De Oro Rep. Rufus Constitution bylifting the restric- will approve lat least] these eco- plenary, Rodriguez said his com-
Rodriguez, the panel chairman, tive economic provisions of the nomic amendments andit [the mea- mittee will first hold regional con-
said there is already "a large con- 32-year-old Charter. surel willbe brought to theplenary sultations on the measure.
sensus", in favor of amending the "In December, the committee for debates," he added. SBE "cEA-cEA," A2

Ner.l'c " N?YT PAV€ PLe . --->
sect0ts mea5urecl by the W0rld Bank in restri(ti0ns rppreseflt the gest solrce
b ig considered the ve6i0n 0f the (0nrultative
its "lnvesting A(r0ss B0rders 2012"rep0rt of rigidity. (ommitee ir lilingthemeas re.
that survey€d 105 economies. D'eputySpeakerMj(hael R0mer0sald the The C0nsultativ€ C0mmittee, (hahed by
Jf( reconmenoed t\e removdl of the Philippines'sabilityt0 leapfr0q int0the cir(1e former Chief Justice Reynato 5, Pun0, and ih
restricti0ns at the earliest date, sayinq this ofn ati0ns witlr the bist ease 0fd0lng bu sin ess seni0rmember,the latef0rmer5enate Presldent
can best be accomplished by deleting the systemsin pla(e,aswell asthepositivepeace Aquilin0Q. Pimentellf.,ledthe reviewthe 1987
restricti0nswith0uaddingthephrase"unless and order situation wili b0ost investors, (onstitution. lttra n sm itted t0 th€ 0fn(e 0fthe
otherwii€ provid€d by law"-a sh0rtcut confidence*making eronomic proqress President its prop0sed (hanges t0 the Chartcr
earlier s ggested by s0me lawmakers, 'sweet and very long" [0r the c0(nlry. in y 2018 lls m.tin provisiOn is t0 oeate
induding Rodriguez,
lB lnn0r.lrprl rp0t01s w,th )1nredut0n0myl0
The gr0upals0 p0ledthal lhere havp been Pending measures ,ortroland utilire their rpvpnues.
majoteLolom rhanges,tn(e the 197 I dnd
c lN the 18th tonqtess, thete are several -l-p!u./
r,soluti0- (e€k\ t0 amencl
l987 con5titution5 were dtdft€d., pending mea5ures seekingt0 amend cettain Jhe 0/0vi i0ns 0'll,p (0.'sLi uri0", pdrti(Ularly
Constraints to growth R0driquez id these r0nitituti0nal pro\/isi0ns 0f the 1987 (0nstituti0n.
EARLitR, rhe Joint Foreign Chambers 0f
5n(ti0n 2, \p(ti0n l, \e(ton 4. Secti0n /,
amendmenl\ will rurthpr ir.provp the rank These measures seek to amendment (p( 01 11. 0f Arti.le
Sccli0.r 10.
the Philippines (lF(); which backed the 0fthe Philippines in theWorld Baflk Ease of ' ArtidesVl {tegislative Deparrm€nt), X (L0cal
Xll 0r
Nati0nal Patrim0ny and E(0n0my by inserting

economic (ha-cha, said restrirti0ns 0n Doing B0sine\t {EoDB) rep0rt ds pr0ven by Government), XII (Nati0nal Patrim0nV), the phrase'1tnle5s 0therwiseprovided bylaw.",
f0reign invegtment make th€ e(0n0my thc2!-n6161 ls6pf,6p I24th r095thin the XIV (Education, Science and Technoloqy, lhp\n dmpndmnnts Spp(.0 telar trp restti(liVe
le5s c0mp€titive by imp0ring c0nstraints annualrepo[. Arts, Culture and sports) and XVI (General [orni0nownc15\ip'oa ,a,lm0ref0rpigrdire(t,
t0 gr0wlh lhdtresull ir lower inve(tTent\,' F0r his part, H0use C0mmitee 0nWays Piovisi0ns)bfthe 1987 C0nstituti0n 0f the investment.
fewer jobs, poorer infrastruiture and less and Means Chairman J0ey Sarte Sal(eda Republic of the Philippines. Besides a m etd ing the economic
inclusive development. 5did rhe ,iltirg 0[ restri(tive pco.0mic 0ne of these measures*House pr0visi0ns 0f the (harter, Rodriguez!
Ihe gr0!p sa id the Philippines is 0ne pr0visi0ns 0fth e C0nstituti0n willgreatly C0ncurlent Resolution 1-is auth0red res0luti0n als0 seeks a presidential
0f the m0st re5tri(tive c0untries'in 11 b0 0si the €c0n0my, as the r0nstituti0nal by R0driguel. A(ording t0 R0driguez, he bicamerai-lederal system 0f government.

o teA.rlld Ned's't

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