Scriptcase Macros

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Scriptcase has macros and special variables that allow the user to manipulate events, buttons, applications, security control,
manipulate with dates, etc.

Follows a table of all macros and special variables from ScriptCase, including the list of applications that works for each one.

sc_begin_trans ("Connection") This macro starts a set of transactions in the database.
sc_change_connection ("Old_Connection",
This macro dynamically change the application connections.
sc_commit_trans ("Connection") This macro effective a set of transactions in the database.

sc_concat With this macro you can concatenate fields on select for every database.

sc_connection_edit ("Connetion_Name",
This macro edits an existing connection at runtime.
sc_connection_new ("Connection_Name",
This macro creates new connections dynamically.
This macro deactivates the Scriptcase standard database error treatment message
sc_error_continue ("Event") for an event.

This macro configure the variable that contains the database error
message that can occurs during the exclusion of a record.
This macro configure the variable that contains the database error
message that can occurs during the addition of a record.
This macro configure the variable that contains the database error
message that can occurs during the update of a record.
This macro execute SQL commands passed as parameter or a SQL
sc_exec_sql ("SQL Command", "Connection")
command in the SQL field action type.
sc_lookup (Dataset, "SQL Command", This macro executes a SELECT command stored in the second
"Connection") parameter and returns the data in a variable.
This macro erases the changes made using
This macro undoes the connection edits made by macro
This macro undoes the connections made by the macro
sc_rollback_trans ("Connection") This macro discards a set of transations in the data base.
sc_select (dataset, "SQL Command", This macro executes the commands passed in the second
"Connection") parameter and returns the dataset in a variable.
This macro modify dynamically a field that will be recovered in
sc_select_field ({Field})
the grid.
This macro modify dynamically the grids "ORDER BY" clause
sc_select_order ("Field") field.
This macro adds dynamically a condition to the grid WHERE
sc_select_where (add)
This macro allows to change the type of return from the dataset of
sc_set_fetchmode (parm);
the select commands
sc_sql_injection ({My_Field}) or This macro is used protect the field/variable against "SQL
($My_Variable) injection".
This macro protects the value passed as parameter according with
sc_sql_protect (Value, "Type", "Connection")
the used database.
This macro is used to make a reference of the where clause
currently used.
This macro saves the where clause content of the original
application select.
Global variables containing database access values used by main
Variables - Database Database Variables
This macro calculates and returns increments and decrements
sc_date (Date, "Format", "Operator", D, M, Y)
using dates.
sc_date_conv ({Field_Date}, "Input_Format", This macro converts the date field passed as parameter with an
"Output_Format") input format to another field with an output format.
sc_date_dif ({Date1}, "Format Date1", This macro calculates the difference between two dates (passed as
{Date2}, "Format Date2") parameters) returning the result in days.
sc_date_dif_2 ({Date1}, "Format Date1", This macro calculates the difference between two dates returning
{Date2}, "Format Date2", Option) the amount of days, months and years.

sc_date_empty ({Field_Date}) This macro checks if a date field its empty retuning a boolean.

sc_time_diff ({datetime_01}, "Date_01 Calculate difference in hours, returning the amount of hours,
Format", {datetime_02}, "Date_02 Format") minutes and seconds.
sc_ajax_javascript ( 'JavascriptMethodName', This macro allows the execution of JavaScript methods in
array("parameter")) form/control events
sc_alert ("Message") This macro shows a Javascript alert message screen.
sc_apl_conf ("Application", "Property",
This macro modify the application execution property.
sc_calc_dv (Digit, Rest, Value, Module,
This macro calculate verify digits.
Weights, Type)
sc_call_api ($profile, $arr_settings) This macro allows us to use as integrated Scriptcase APIs
sc_changed ({Field_Name}) This macro returns "true" if the field name have been changed.
sc_confirm ("Message") This macro shows a Javascript confirm screen.
This macro returns the encrypted field or variable to its original
sc_decode ({My_Field})
sc_encode ({My_Field}) This macro returns the field or variable with the content encrypted.
This macro Interrupts the application execution if there are error messages
sc_error_exit (URL, "Target") or
(My_Application, "Target") generated by the macro "sc_error_message".

sc_error_message ("Text") This macro generate an error message.

sc_exit (Option) This macro forces the application exit.
sc_getfield ('myField') This macro assign the properties of a field to a javascript variable.
sc_get_language This macro returns the abbreviation of the language used.
sc_get_regional This macro returns the abbreviation of the regional settings used.
sc_get_theme This macro returns the application theme name.
This macro dynamically modify the field label displayed in group
sc_groupby_label ("My_Field")
by lines.
This macro loads images passed as parameter to use in the
sc_image (Image01.jpg)
sc_include ("File", "Source") This macro is used to "include" PHP routines.
sc_include_lib ("Lib1", "Lib2", ...) This macro is used to select dynamically the application libraries.
sc_include_library ("Target", "Library Name",
This macro includes a PHP file from a library in the application.
"File", "include_once", "Require")
This macro its used to modify dynamically the grid form field
sc_label ({My_Field})
sc_language This macro returns the language and regional settings.
sc_link (Column, Application, Parameters, This macro dynamically creates or modifies links between grid
"Hint", "Target", Height, Width) applications and other applications.
sc_log_add ("action", "description") This macro will add a register into the log table.
This macro returns what was inserted in the "description" field of
sc_log_split ({description})
the log table in an array format.
sc_mail_send (SMTP, Usr, Pw, From, To,
Subject, Message, Mens_Type, Copies, This macro is used to send e-mails.
Copies_Type, Port, Connection_Type,
Attachment, SSL)
This macro is used to create a string with the link data to another
sc_make_link (Application, Parameters)
This macro update a Master Application object from a Detail
sc_master_value ('Object', Value)
sc_redir (Application, Parameter01;
Parameter02; Target, Error, height_modal, This macro its used to redirects to other application or URL.
sc_reset_global ([Global_Variable1],
This macro delete session variables received as parameter.
[Global_Variable2] ...)

sc_send_mail_api ($arr_settings) Enables dynamic sending of embedded emails with Mandrill and Amazon SES

sc_send_sms ($arr_settings) This macro is used to send text SMS messages

sc_seq_register This macro provide the register sequential number.

sc_set_global ($variable_01) or ({My_Field}) This macro is used to register session variables.

sc_set_groupby_rule Macro is used to select an specific GROUP BY rule.

This macro allows to dynamically change the application

sc_set_language ('String Language')
sc_set_regional ('String Regional') This macros allows to dynamically change the application regional
sc_set_theme ('String Theme') This macro is used to dynamically define the application themes.
This macro verifies if its been used a safe/secure site. (https
sc_trunc_num ({My_Field}, Decimal_Number) This macro its used to set the number of decimals.
sc_url_exit (URL) This macro modifies the application exit URL.
sc_url_library ("Target", "Library Name", This macro returns the path of a file, inside a library, to be used on
"File") the applications.
This macro dynamically activates or deactivates warning messages
sc_warning 'on' or 'off'
sc_webservice ("Method", "URL", "Port",
"Send Method", "Parameters Array", "Setting's This macro is used to communicate with a web service.
Array", "Timeout", "Return")
This macro its used to generate ZIP files from a file list and/or
sc_zip_file ("File", "Zip")
Variables - Totalling Totalling Variables Variables that contains all the totals (general and for grouping).
Variables - Totalling (group by) Totalling
Breaking totals variables.
Variables (group by)
This macro its used to save the where clause content generated
through the filter form.
sc_apl_status ("Application", "Status") This macro Activate/Deactivate the applications at user level.

sc_ldap_login This macro establish the connection with the user credentials.

sc_ldap_logout () Macro used to release the connection after using the macro sc_ldap_login

sc_ldap_search ( $filter = 'all', $attributes = Macro to perform searches in the LDAP.

array() )
This macro deletes all the modifications effected by "sc_apl_conf"
sc_reset_apl_conf ("Application", "Property")
sc_reset_apl_status This macro deletes all the application security status variables.
This macro restores a menu item structure. (removed by the macro
This macro its used to enable a menu item structure. (disabled by
the macro "sc_menu_disable").
sc_user_logout ('variable_name', Macro used to log the user out to the system.
'variable_content', 'apl_redir.php', 'target')
sc_ajax_message ("Message", "Title",
This macro allows the application to display customized messages.
"Parameters", "Parameters_Redir")
Macro to refresh a Grid
sc_ajax_refresh ()
sc_block_display (Block_Name, on/off) This macro dynamically show/hide the fields of a specific block.
sc_field_color ("Field", "Color") This macro changes the color of a determined field text.
sc_field_disabled ("Field_Name = True/False", This macro is used to block a field to get any data that would be typed on it.
sc_field_disabled_record ("Field_Name = This macro has the objective to block the typing on determined
True/False", "Parametre") fields in the Forms.
sc_field_display ({My_Field}, on/off) This macro dynamically display or not a specific field.
This macro is intended to inhibit the query fields on the initial
sc_field_init_off (Field1, Field2,...)
sc_field_readonly ({Field}, on/off) This macro dynamically set a form field attribute to '"Read-Only"
sc_field_style ({My_Field}, "Background-
This macro allows to modify dynamically the grid field style.
Color", "Size", "Color", "Family", "Weight")
sc_format_num ({My_Field}, "Group_Symb",
"Dec_Symb", "Amount_Dec", "Fill_Zeros",
This macro its used to format numerical values.
"Side_Neg", "Currency_Symb",
sc_format_num_region ({My_Field}, This macro has the objective to format numbers, using the regional
"Qtde_Dec", "Insert_Zeros", "Monetary_Sym") settings
sc_form_show 'on' or 'off' This macro dynamically show or not the form.

sc_get_groupby_rule () This macro provides the name of the Group By rule running at the time.

sc_hide_groupby_rule ('group1', 'grop2', Macro used to disable Group By rules.

sc_set_focus ('Field') This macro its used to set the focus to a form field.
sc_text_style ({My_Field}, "Background- This macro allows to modify dynamically the text style from the
Color", "Size", "Color", "Family", "Weight") grid field.
This macro returns "true" when the "copy" button is selected in a
This macro returns "true" when the "Delete" button is selected in a
This macro shows and hides buttons on the toolbar in execution
sc_btn_display ("Button_Name","on/off")
This macro returns "true" when the "Add" button is selected in a
This macro returns "true" when the "Add New" button is selected
in a form.
This macro returns "true" when the "Save" button is selected in a
sc_set_pdf_name "sc_my_file_name.pdf" This macro will change the grid's exported files name.
Variables - Authentication Authentication
Variables User/Password for the WEB server.
sc_appmenu_add_item ("Menu_Name",
"Id_Item", "Id_Parent", "Label", "Aplication", This Macro adds dinamically an item to the menu.
"Parameters", "Icon", "Hint", "Target")
sc_appmenu_create ("Menu_Name") This macro dynamically creates a menu item.
sc_appmenu_exist_item ("Menu_Name",
This macro checks if there is a menu item.
sc_appmenu_remove_item ("Menu_Name",
This macro removes dynamically a menu item.
This macro reset the array used in the dinamically creation of a
sc_appmenu_reset ("Menu_Name")
menu application.
sc_appmenu_update_item ("Menu_Name",
"Id_Item", "Id_Parent", "Label", "Aplication", This macro updates a menu item.
"Parameters", "Icon", "Hint", "Target")

sc_btn_disable ('button_id', 'on/off') Macro used to disable Menu buttons.

sc_menu_delete (Id_Item1) This macro remove items of the menu structure.

sc_menu_disable (Id_Item1) This macro deactivate menu structure items.

sc_menu_force_mobile (boolean) Macro used to force the creation of menus to mobile devices.

sc_menu_item This macro Identifies the menu item selected.

sc_script_name This macro identifies the application name that was selected in the menu.

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