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Employment Agreement

This Employment Agreement is made in order to build a good basic relationship by and
between the Parties to have a respect industrial relationship by observing the terms of
Agreement and government regulations.

Each party signed below:

1. Name :
Passport No. :
Address :

Nationality : Indonesia
Acting on behalf of herself, hereinafter referred to as First Party (Employer),

2. Name :
Passport No. :
Address :

Date of Birth :
Nationality : Indonesia
Acting on behalf of herself, hereinafter referred to as Second Party (Employee).

Both parties hereby explain as below:

1. First Party hereby accept the Second Party as her Employee with the terms and
conditions as below:
Date Hired :
Work Area :
Title :

2. Second Party agreed to work for the First Party as her Employee with terms and
conditions as stipulated above.

According to the explanation set above, both parties hereby agree to make and sign this
Employment Agreement with terms and conditions as below:

General Provision

Article 1

1. The First Party agreed to accept the Second Party as her employee with the point of hire
in Jakarta
2. The Second party agreed to be hired by the First Party as her employee
3. The First Party agreed to hire the Second Party and the Second Party agreed to be hired
by the First Party in three month probation (unless this agreement is made to extend or to
amend a previous agreement, in which case probation period is no longer required).

Rights and Obligations

Article 2
1. The First Party has the right to assist, guide, and warn the Second Party in carrying out
her duties.
2. The function and main duties of the Second Party is assisting the First Party with the
children i.e. preparing meals, picking up from school, accompanying the children when
3. The First Party will provide monthly salary and benefits to the Second Party as follows:

3.1. Net Income (In Indonesia):

Basic Salary : Rp

Please note that the prevailing minimum wage under Indonesian Federal law in
the city of Jakarta is Rp3.940.973, 00 per month for the year 2019.

3.2. Facilities/Benefits


 Medical allowance = Rp / year, according to doctor’s bill or

receipt, and it cannot be transferred to cash nor compensated if the total
claim is below the limit as stated above (this condition applies to the single
employee who has been employed after a month or after three months to the
married employee)
 Hospitalization = Full coverage (after employed for three months).

Room and Board

 Under the prevailing job position as a live-in sitter, the First Party will
provide a free, healthy and adequate room and board for the Second Party
within the First Party residence.
 The Second Party agreed to maintain the room and board provided by the
First Party for her use in an orderly manner.
 When the Second Party receives visitation from friends and relatives, the
Second Party agreed to inform the First Party of their existence in the

The condition as stated in verse 3.1. will be paid directly on the first day of the
following month to the Second Party.

3.3. Working Hours

 Regular working hours are from 8am to 5pm. For overtime, the First Party
will pay the Second Party the amount of Rp10.000.00 per hour.
 Upon acceptance, The Second Party understood and agreed on the job
description provided by the First Party as a live-in sitter that can be needed

3.4. Traveling

- Working hours are from 9am to 5pm for the duration of

travel or equivalent to 40 hours a week. Work over 40 hours
a week is considered overtime.
- The First Party agreed to pay the Second Party the amount
of US$15.59 per hour, or local currency equivalent.
If the visited Country or State has greater minimum wage than
US$8.00 per hour, the First Party agreed to pay the Second Party
the prevailing or minimum wage per hour imposed by Federal or
the State law (whichever is greater) in the jurisdiction which the
Second Party will be employed at the time of travel.
In the US, the Federal minimum wage is US$7.25 per hour,
while State minimum wage varies accordingly (e.g. San
Francisco minimum wage is US$15.59 per hour effective July
- For overtime, the First Party agreed to pay the Second Party
the amount of US$23.385 per hour, or local currency
Or one-half times the prevailing wage per hour imposed by
Federal or State law (whichever is greater) in the jurisdiction
which the Second Party will be employed.
- In the event the length of travel is longer than ten days, the
Second Party is eligible to one day off each week onward.
- The First Party agreed to cover all travel expenses related to the
Second Party during travel (e.g. transportation, accommodation,
food and any other expenses incurred for the duration of travel),
and subsequently to the Second Party’s country of residence at
the end of the assignment.
- The First Party will not withhold the passport of the Second Party
at anytime.
- The Second Party understood and agreed not to accept any other
employment while working for the First Party for the duration of
- While traveling in the employ of the First Party, the First Party is
responsible for ensuring that the Second Party will not become a
public charge anywhere and anytime.
- The First and Second Party understood and agreed that the
Second Party cannot be required to work after working hours
without compensation.
- The First Party is fully responsible for the Second Party
whereabouts during travel, and guarantees the return of Second
Party to the point of hire (Jakarta - Indonesia) at the end of travel.
- The First Party will bring The Second Party to The United
States Of America for holiday from June 17th 2019 until July
19th 2019. The Second Party salary while in the US has all
been transferred to the Second Party US$ account
#4110719871 (Permata Bank) amounting to $5,225.00 on
April 8, 2019.

4. The First Party will provide the Second Party a number of holidays, vacation, days off
and sick days per year. Details as follow:

- The Second Party will be entitled to two weeks vacation. The Second Party has to
notify the First Party three weeks in advance prior to the vacation.
- In the case of sickness, the First Party will agree to provide the Second Party time to
rest and heal as required by the physician before returning back to work.
Article 3

The First Party will provide THR to the Second Party as one basic salary + fixed allowance, if
the Second Party passed the probation.

Article 4

The First Party will provide work and safety equipments according to the area of work.

Article 5

In the event of employment termination, both parties shall abide to:

 Act no. 12 Year 1964 regarding Employment Termination
 Act no. 13 Year 2003 regarding Labor.


Article 7

1. The First Party does not obliged to any verbal agreement providing neither by anyone not
anytime before/after this Employment Agreement

2. Other terms and conditions which are not governed by this Employment Agreement will
be governed by Labor Act

3. This Employment Agreement will be effective after both parties signed.

4. Both parties agreed to choose the domicile of law at the Registry Office of South Jakarta
District Court or the other Registry Office of District Court which have been agreed by
both parties.

This Employment Agreement is made and signed by both parties with stamp in two copies
and each of them has the same power.

Jakarta, April 8, 2019


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