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Nama : Amara Zulfa Claudia Izzak

NIM : 2211419031
Subject: Intensive Grammar Unit 12-16


 Completing the sentences

1. During a hot day I prefer drinking cold water to eating sandwiches.
2. Mr. Gibbons would rather wear a t-shirt better than pyjamas.
3. She likes staying at home better than going to the movies this weekend.
4. Rose likes a long dress better than a mini skirt.
5. Jane’s uncle prefers cultivating the land to letting it dry.
6. The professor would rather conduct a new research better than write a text-book.
7. You prefer taking care of your sister to cooking for lunch?
8. a. They’d rather go camping better than study in the library.
b. The doctor prefers operating his patient to coming to the party.
9. You would rather study grammar better than write a short essay?

 Questions and Answers

1. I prefer wearing spectacles to contact lenses.
2. I like wearing a t-shirt better than a sweater.
3. I would rather have a Nokia mobile phone than a Motorola one.
4. I like listening to the RnB better than the classic.
5. I like visiting New York better than Philadelphia for my vacation.
6. I prefer watching basketball to soccer this evening.
7. I would rather see The Gladiator better than The Lord of The Rings.
8. I like fried chicken better than beefsteak
9. I would rather have black coffee better than white coffee for breakfast.
10. I prefer travelling out of town to staying at a hotel this weekend.

 Completing the Dialogues

1. I like reading a novel better than watching a drama.
2. Not really. I prefer watching daytime television to midnight shows.
3. I would rather go out than stay at home on Sundays.
4. I like seeing Star Wars better than Superman this weekend.
5. Yes, he does. He prefers going out of town to laying around doing nothing during
6. Not quite. They would rather sit at the front porch and have a nice family chat better than
jog in the morning.
7. I prefer to buy the brown sweater than the red one.
8. Yes, I very much do. I like riding a motorcycle better than walking to campus.
9. I would rather choose BMW than KIA.
10. I like having beefsteak better than fish for dinner this evening.

 Extension
1. A: I like apples better than oranges. How about you?
B: I like both.
2. A: I like playing football better than cycling. How about you?
B: I like cycling better than football. I’m not really interested in sports involving balls.
3. A: I prefer drama to wild west. How about you?
B: I also prefer drama.
4. A: I like studying better than watching TV. How about you?
B: I dislike both.
5. A: I prefer juice to coca. How about you?
B: I prefer coca to juice. I think it tastes better.
6. A: I like black coffee better than white one. How about you?
B: I like black coffee too.
7. A: I prefer swimming to dancing. How about you?
B: I prefer swimming as well since I can’t dance.
8. A: I like singing better than playing the guitar. How about you?
B: I like neither of them.
9. A: I like cakes better than cookies. How about you?
B: I like cakes as much as I like cookies.
10. A: I would rather go to the library than stay at home. How about you?
B: I would rather go to the library, too.
11. A: I would rather walk than take a bus. How about you?
B: I would rather walk as well but sometimes it depends on where I’m going.
12. A: I would rather stay in a dorm than commute. How about you?
B: I would rather stay in a dorm, too.
13. A: I prefer going out than staying at home. How about you?
B: I prefer going out than staying at home as well.
14. A: I like Italian cuisine better than French one. How about you?
B: I like French cuisine better than Italian one.


 Completing the sentences

1. The smart boy is actually my younger brother.
2. Jane can pronounce the difficult words correctly.
3. Mr. Brown forgot to keep away his love letter to his girlfriend.
4. John and his younger sister are good at playing music.
5. The beautiful lady across the street came to my new house last week.
6. Ms. Gibbon showed her close friend an expensive car yesterday.
7. The local police searched a stolen car for illegal drugs along the street.
8. They bought the electric stove in the grocery store at the corner.

 Questions and Answers

1. Q: How is the girl?
A: The girl is diligent. She is a diligent girl.
2. Q: How is the milkman?
A: The milkman is absent-minded. He is an absent-minded milkman.
3. Q: Where is the wise man?
A: The wise man is in the office. The man in the office is a wise man.
4. Q: Where is the strong porter?
A: The strong porter is in the warehouse. The porter in the warehouse is a strong porter.
5. Q: Where is the new book?
A: The new book is on the shelf. The book on the shelf is a new book.
6. Q: How is the school driver?
A: The school driver is helpful. He is a helpful school driver.
7. Q: How is the robber?
A: The robber is dying. He is a dying robber.
8. Q: How is the key?
A: The key is broken. It is a broken key.
9. Q: Where is the cargo vessel?
A: The cargo vessel is off-shore.
10. Q: Where is the new DVD player?
A: The new DVD player is on the shelf. The DVD player on the shelf is new.
11. Q: Where are the young people?
A: The young people are in the city. The people in the city are young.
12. Q: How is Prof. Miller?
A: Prof. Miller is secretive. He is a secretive professor.
13. Q: How is the new governor?
A: The new governor is energetic. He is an energetic new governor.

 Change
1. The good-looking girl seems very happy.
2. The missing car has been found.
3. The pelican birds are flying over the ocean.
4. The Venus star shines brightly.
5. The happily laughing lady is Joan’s mother.
6. The used car is broken.
7. a. The building near the library is a post office.
b. The people waiting for the bus are at the bus stop.
8. Someone quite influential organizes the crime.
9. a. The boiled water on the stove is not hot now.
b. The young man laughing loudly is the manager of the new firm.
10. The bird humming every morning can never be trapped.
11. People wash their expensive clothes in the machine.
12. The super mall offering new products is off the city.


 Completing the sentences

1. Mr. Sullivan is a happy farmer. He farms happily.
2. Martha is an interesting secretary. She works interestingly.
3. They are emotional demonstrators. They demonstrate emotionally.
4. Jane is a patient cook. She cooks patiently.
5. Ms. Halliday is a perfect writer. She writes perfectly.
6. a. Most of the students in the classroom are serious students. They study seriously.
b. Mr. O’Brien is a smart lecturer. He lectures smartly.
7. We are supposed to be good listeners and careful speaker. We are supposed to listen well
and speak carefully.
8. Jim used to be a slow learner. He used to learn slowly.
9. John’s sister is in fact a quiet girl.

 Putting the Adjective/Adverb in its correct place.

1. The salespeople visit the East Coast frequently.
2. The young man was driving an expensive sports car.
3. There was a special new program on TV last night.
4. He sold the dearly used car.
5. The lady was pleasantly surprised when her daughter came to visit her.
6. The car was not completely ready at two o’clock.
7. It is truly difficult to believe that he has told a love story.
8. They finished their homework quickly.
9. The old man felt terribly depressed after the accident.
10. The workers look extremely exhausted after finishing their job.
11. Throughout dinner we were bored because he spoke very rudely.
12. The speaker knowingly talked about prehistoric fossils.
13. The neighbor appeared calm in spite of the fact that his house was on fire.
14. She looked very unhappy after losing her job.
15. Mary quickly jumped up when she heard the gunshot.

 Substituting
1. Alice works seriously at home recently.
2. Alice works hard at home recently.
3. Alice works hard in the office recently.
4. Alice will work hard in the office tomorrow.
5. Alice will work slowly in the office tomorrow.
6. Alice will walk to school slowly tomorrow.
7. Alice walked to school slowly two days ago.
8. Alice walked to school fast two days ago.
9. Alice cried fast two days ago.
10. Alice cries fast all of a sudden.
11. Alice cries fast in her bedroom all of a sudden.
12. Alice cried fast in her bedroom last night.

 Completing
1. The pharmacist has always filled our order.
The pharmacist has filled our order quickly.
2. The political candidates expressed their views rudely.
The political candidates expressed their views at the meeting.
The political candidates expressed their views last night.
3. The lawyer carefully selects a new case.
The lawyer always selects a new case.
4. The coffee frequently tastes bitter.
5. The wedding reception was held expensively.
The wedding reception was held at a restaurant.
The wedding reception was held recently.
6. The traveler often goes to New Orleans.
The traveler goes to New Orleans by car.
7. The new manager subsequently altered the new plans.
The new manager altered the new plans last week.
8. The students have to study many hours in the library.
The students have to study many hours daily.
The students have to study many hours before the test.
9. They were unable to see where to sit in the theatre.
They were unable to see where to sit last night.
10. She has to submit the report before five.
She has to submit the report on Monday.
11. The new worker has been assigned to work on the project.
The new worker has been assigned to work quickly.
12. The sick man was taken to the hospital at five.
The sick man was taken to the hospital yesterday.
13. Jane has recently taken an English course.
Jane has taken an English course in the capital.
 Putting the words in brackets in their correct form.
1. After the comprehension exam, she looked exhausted by the experience.
2. The project was remarkably close to being finished.
3. Jane always does her homework carefully.
4. The new program is far more interesting than the old one.
5. The students had attended all the lectures regularly.
6. The patient became healthy after the mild operation.
7. She spoke proudly about her grandson.
8. The manager seemed certain that he would finished the project on time.
9. The fireman put out the fire immediately.
10. The boy spoke English fluently here last night.

 Extension
1. The last time I met my father was around 3 years ago.
2. I normally go out of town by intercity trains.
3. I like to study in an empty library.
4. It depends, but I usually go to bed at 1 am.
5. I cut my finger while trying to chop onions.
6. The lighthouse is located 50 meters off the shore.
7. I do my evening prayer at 7 pm.
8. I will visit the library after class tomorrow.
9. I like to borrow 2 books from the library and not more than that.
10. I would like to eat my vegetables raw and fresh.
11. I like to have dinner inside of my room.
12. I like to go to the mall with my pet cat named Kim.


 Asking Questions
1. Did the students put up the tent near the bungalow?
2. Was Mr. Brown a good writer?
3. Does Jane like cola?
4. Are most of the people here farmers?
5. Can she drive the station wagon, too?
6. Must some of us stay here?
7. Did the computer programmer go out of town last night?
8. Were Jane and Mary fond of contemporary drama?
9. Will Mrs. Halliday arrive on time for semantics?
10. Does the instructor give exercises today?
 Questions and Answers
1. Yes, he was. The old man over there was sleeping.
2. No, he didn’t. He delivered some letters.
3. Yes, some of us will. Some of us are going to come to the campus this evening.
4. No, he did. He remembered taking the books home.
5. No, none of us should. One of us should submit the report to the dean.
6. Yes, he won’t. He will visit a friend tomorrow.
7. No, I couldn’t. However, I could see you after dark.
8. No, he won’t. He will cut off interests.
9. Yes, they did. They had enough preparation for the show.
10. No, they don’t. They need supports from the government.
11. No, I couldn’t, sorry. My watch is slow.

 Extension
1. Q: Does Cath pay attention to the lecturer?
A: No, she doesn’t.
2. Q: Do you sit in the front row?
A: Yes, I do.
3. Q: Is Tim closing the textbook?
A: No, he isn’t.
4. Q: Does Karlie study economy?
A: Yes, she does.
5. Q: Is your dog relaxing in the park?
A: No, she isn’t.
6. Q: Do they study English seriously?
A: Yes, they do.
7. Q: Does Mr. Kingston talk to himself?
A: Yes, he does.
8. Q: Are Spencer, Emily, Aria, and Alison persuading everyone to go out?
A: No, they aren’t.
9. Q: Is Hanna chewing gum?
A: Yes, she is.
10. Q: Does Dani make notes in her textbook?
A: No, she isn’t.
11. Q: Is Sarah working for the big company?
A: Yes, she is.
12. Q: Does Mr. Allen give you money every month?
A: Yes, he does.
13. Q: Is Mrs. O’Conner taking the children to school?
A: No, she isn’t.
14. Q: Do you prepare dinner every evening?
A: Yes, I do.
15. Q: Are they fixing the picture on the wall?
A: No, they aren’t.

 Completing
1. Jane works as a secretary, does she?
2. The students were late again, weren’t they?
3. They began to attend the university last year, didn’t they?
4. She did not say anything that time, did she?
5. The tables should be in the dining room, shouldn’t they?
6. You do not want me to go away, do you?
7. The bankers work over time almost everyday, don’t they?
8. People don’t realize the impact of the situation, do they?
9. We must work extra hard to settle the matter, mustn’t we?

 Questions and Answers

1. Q: Jacqueline speaks French, doesn’t she?
A: Yes, she does.
2. Q: Christian doesn’t live in a dorm, does he?
A: No, he doesn’t.
3. Q: You studied Lesson 16 last night, didn’t you?
A: Yes, I did.
4. Q: Liv didn’t come to class last Tuesday, did she?
A: No, she didn’t.
5. Q: Lukas and Nadine are from Germany, aren’t they?
A: Yes, they are.
6. Q: We like to play soccer, don’t we?
A: No, we don’t.
7. Q: The Salvatore brothers are still single, aren’t they?
A: Yes, they are.
8. Q: Lana wore blue jeans to class last week, didn’t she?
A: No, she didn’t.
9. Q: You know who the dean is, don’t you?
A: Yes, I do.
10. Q: Her family have milk and eggs for breakfast, don’t they?
A: No, they don’t.
11. Q: Joseph is Professor Miller’s nephew, isn’t he?
A: Yes, he is.
12. Q: Your mom will visit the physician, won’t she?
A: No, she will not.
13. Q: Tyler can repair the shoes, can’t he?
A: Yes, he can.
14. Q: We have to come to class on time, don’t we?
A: Yes, we do.
15. Q: Dylan won’t go out of town this weekend, will he?
A: No, he won’t.


 Questions and Answers

1. Q: Where did Jane want me to take her to?
A: To dinner, I suppose.
2. Q: Who is dying on the mat?
A: The cat is, I think.
3. Q: What has Mr. McQueen written a lot?
A: Novels, I guess.
4. Q: Who came to this class last week?
A: The genius young gentleman did, I believe.
5. Q: What will Greg find?
A: A new foundation, I guess.
6. Q: What is the building across the street?
A: A bank, I am sure.
7. Q: What was on at the movie last month?
A: The Spiderman was, I believe.
8. Q: What is the thing that most of us are fond of?
A: Popular music, I suppose.
9. Q: What does the green house next to the laboratory need?
A: It needs painting, I think.
10. Q: Who wants very much to help solving my problem?
A: Someone does, I guess.
11. Q: How many times do Sam goes to the library?
A: Twice a week, I am sure.
12. Q: Where was the first oil well in history drilled in?
A: In Pennsylvania, I believe.
13. Q: Why did Mary stay home yesterday?
A: She didn’t feel well, I think.
14. Q: Who is the lady sitting at that table?
A: She’s John’s aunt, I guess.
15. Q: How will the next text be compared to today’s?
A: It will be harder, I believe.
16. Q: Who is the man sitting on the bench over there?
A: I guess he is a bank manager.
 Questions and Answers
1. Q: Who watches TV almost every night?
A: I do. I watch TV almost every night.
2. Q: Who went to see the professor two days ago?
A: She did. She went to her professor two days ago.
3. Q: Which car belongs to the dean?
A: The car over there does. It belongs to the dean.
4. Q: What do you think is more interesting than volleyball?
A: Football is. It is more interesting than volleyball, I think.
5. Q: Which beach is not too clean?
A: The beach close to the port is. It’s not too clean.
6. Q: Which type of animal can live on land or in water?
A: An amphibian can. It can live on both land and/or water.
7. Q: Who is considered to be a genius?
A: Christopher Columbus is. He is considered to be a genius.
8. Q: What season is the time for us to plant various trees?
A: The wet season is. It is the time for us to plant various trees.
9. Q: What is used to predict our proficiency in English?
A: TOEFL is. It is used to predict our proficiency in English.
10. Q: Who was one of the best American writers?
A: Ernest Hemingway was. He was one of the best American writers.
11. Q: Which novels sell extremely well?
A: The novels written by B.T. Bradford do. They sell extremely well.
12. Q: What kind of films are quite popular these days?
A: Bollywood films are. They are quite popular these days.
13. Q: Which house will be refurnished next month?
A: The vintage house will. It will be refurnished next month.
14. Q: What word has been adapted into English for years?
A: Gong. It has been adapted into English for years.
15. Q: What movie has been filmed successfully again last year?
A: Mission Impossible. It has been filmed successfully again last year.

 Questions and Answers

1. Q: Which lab is close to the library?
A: The language lab.
2. Q: Whose bag is full of candies?
A: Jane’s bag.
3. Q: What vehicle belongs to George?
A: The motorcycle.
4. Q: What kind of wood sells very dear these days?
A: Teakwood.
5. Q: Who wrote the novel in three nights?
A: Utami.
6. Q: Which artist writes her own biography?
A: The young one.
7. Q: What kind of animals need preservation?
A: The rare ones.
8. Q: Which course is not difficult to follow?
A: The intensive one.
9. Q: Which building was on fire last night?
A: The new one.
10. Q: Who holds a news conference on his duty?
A: The radio broadcaster.

 Extension
1. What blackened your skin?
2. Who told you that you are rich?
3. Who found your wallet in the classroom?
4. Which shop sells vegetables and fruits?
5. Which assistant was rude to us yesterday?
6. What came to your mind all of a sudden?
7. Who gave you a large amount of money one day?
8. What has turned the sky red?
9. Which godfather is just an imaginative figure?
10. Who will help you anytime you like?
11. Who has torn the envelope?
12. Which paper was on the shelf last night?

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