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Paper 3 - Use of English Part 1

1. Punctuate the text (clue – there are 3 sentences in total and 4 gapped words missing)

the miracle berry

The increasing number of people trying to eat healthily has to a rise in the availability of low-

calorie products however a very common complaint among consumers is that the taste of low-

calorie foods is often quite a new café in tokyo japan appears to have a solution to this in the

form of a little red berry from africa named the miracle fruit

2. Compare your punctuation and gaps with the original

3. These are the options for (0). Which is correct?

led shown guided conducted

4. These are the options for (1) – (3). Put them into groups of 4 for each question

Weak Fallen for Hit upon Particularly

Faint Appropriately Presumably Thrown up
Bland Jumped to Flat Admittedly


1 Weak Bland Faint Flat

2 Thrown up Fallen for Jumped to Hit upon
3 Appropriately Particularly Presumably Admittedly

5. Choose the correct answer for gaps (1) to (3)


Noticing... Discussion

6. What did you notice about the similarities and differences in the options?

7. What did you notice about the correct answer – why is it correct? Why are the other options wrong?

8. What comes before and after the correct word in the gap? Why is it important to look before and after?

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