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“Freedom Writers”

Freedom Writers movie is very inspirational, especially that it is based

on a true to life story. It shows that there will always be a chance for everyone
to change for the betterment of their lives. One lesson that we can get, is the
character of Mrs. G. She never doubted herself and all of her students. She
kept believing that she can make a difference and a positive impact in
everybody’s life.

One major issue that was really emphasized in the movie is violence
and the tensions among the different races. It is good that the issue was
tackled in the movie because it one of the major problems that every nation
is experiencing. Every race fought for their territories, pride and most
especially respect. Most of them thought that violence is the right way to gain
everything but the truth is they are making the situation even more worst.
Most of Mrs. G’s students only trusted their own kind or race. But after
everything that Mrs. G did, everyone learned to trust and deal with each

Because of Mrs. G’s doings, all of her students treated everyone as a

family and their teacher as their mother. The main lesson that is being taught
is that we all should treat everyone equally with respect, and not discriminate
based on the color of the ski or on the race of an individual.

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