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RFID-based Book Finder

Aapo Oksman, Aapo Vienamo, Mikko Heino and Jalmari Toivanen

Abstract—This paper introduces a solution to a problematic an antenna depends, for instance, on its electrical length and
scenario of the library of Aalto University School of Electrical thus affects the matching between the tag antenna and chip
Engineering. The library has thousands of books which are [1]. Tags designed to operate inside one book might detune
permanently stored in offices, lounges and meeting rooms outside out of resonance within other books and would be unlikely
the main library. As a consequence, these books are often difficult to respond. For this purpose, the tags were designed to be
to locate. The suggested approach facilitates the use of RFID
technology for relocating and inventorying the books. The main
wideband to achieve robust operation in varying environments.
components of the solution are the passive RFID tags and reader. The wide operation bandwidth was achieved by applying a
A new wideband and robust tag design is introduced which is new matching technique that exploits the use of multiple inner
tuned and ensured to perform well within varying paper materials loops in conjunction with meandered dipoles [2]. The new
and book sizes. The presented reader is implemented using off- technique was developed by the authors whilst designing RFID
the-shelf components and represents the ease which customers tags for the IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest [3]. The
presently have in building their own embedded systems. The authors participated the contest with the system introduced in
introduced system is low cost, easily reproducible and could be this paper. A second challenge was the implementation of the
adapted for other similar applications requiring item tracking reader as off-the-shelf components may not always perform
and locating. ideally and as specied when embedded into a small Printable
Keywords—2014 IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest, antenna Circuit Board (PCB).
design, embedded RFID reader, hybrid RFID tag, impedance
matching, inner loop matching technique, item locating, RFID
application, RFID read range
This section presents the details of the reader device, user
interface and the bill of materials. The section also discusses
I. I NTRODUCTION RFID tag design theory and describes the tag design process

L OCATING items rapidly and accurately has become a

crucial part of our modern society. Accurate locating
not only saves time and money, but also reduces wastage
used in this project. The tag design exploits the double loop
matching technique invented by the authors [2]. The section
also further studies the double loop matching technique by
as products are not lost during the processes. One of the introducing even more loops.
most effective indoor tracking method is provided by Radio
Frequency IDentification (RFID) technology. Main benefit
A. Reader Device
of RFID technology rely on the ability to inventory items
simultaneously and rapidly without the requirement of line of The books are located and catalogued using an RFID reader
sight to the target. To fully utilize this property RFID engineers module (Skyetek SM-MA-MH-1.H-00CET0) [4] connected
are required to design RFID tags which operate reliably within to an embedded computing device (Raspberry Pi Model A)
varying environments and medium materials. hosting the user interface. The module is capable of reading
In this paper, a RFID system is proposed to locate books and writing RFID tags by the GS1 EPC Tag Data Standard.
of the library of Aalto University School of Electrical Engi- The module settings are software-adjustable. As an example,
neering. In the suggested approach, the books placed outside the reader output RF power is adjustable from 10 to 30 dBm
the main library are equipped with an Ultra-High Frequency and the operating frequency band can be set in the range from
(UHF) RFID tag and they can be located using a hand-held 860 to 960 MHz. For this project, the reader output power
RFID reader device. In addition to locating the books, the was set to 30 dBm and the operation frequency to the US
system keeps the book inventory up to date. UHF RFID-band from 902 to 928 MHz. The module switches
One of the main challenges was to design tags which would its operation frequency rapidly within the band [4]. The reader
operate reliably regardless of book sizes and paper materials. sensitivity is specified to be 60 dBm when used with 40 kbps
The electrical properties of objects in the vicinity of tags data rate and 30 dBm transmit power [4]. The reader can be
affect significantly their operation. In this case, different books powered either by a battery or an external power source. The
may have different dielectrical permittivities which affects the book database can be stored either on the hand-held device
electrical length of the tag antennas. The resonant frequency of itself or online on a remote server. The user interface, for
selecting books to be located or catalogued, is operated using
A. Oksman, A. Vienamo, M. Heino and J. Toivanen are all students of a touch screen. Reader case was fabricated using 3D printing.
Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering. Oksman and Vienamo are The reader and the bill of materials are presented in Fig. 1 and
B.Sc. (tech.) students of Automation Engineering whereas Heino and Toivanen
are M.Sc. (tech.) students of Radio Science and Engineering, Espoo, Finland
Table I, respectively.
(email: The design contest rules state that the maximum Equivalent
Manuscript received March 22, 2014. Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) of the reader should be no


Component Cost
Raspberry Pi Model A 25 e
2.8 TFT screen 45 e
RFID module (SM-MA-MH.1H00CE-T0) 400 e
Enclosure 20 e
Miscellaneous (Cables, connectors, wirings etc.) 50 e
PCB material for reader and tag antennas 50 e
Higgs-4 RFID chips 0 e (Free samples)
Total 590 e

be intuitive and simple. Once the reader is switched on a

two-segment window appears on the touch screen. This initial
menu screen consists of two buttons: Scan and Library. Scan
is used for inventorying all of the books within the range
Fig. 1. Hand-held reader device. The reader is operated using the touch of the reader antenna whilst Library is used for viewing the
screen. entire book database for searching single books. Once Scan is
toggled on the reader begins to enlist all of the books within
its range. In scanning mode the reader sends query commands
constantly and switches its operation frequency within the US
UHF RFID-band. The percentages beside the book names in
Fig. 2 indicate how many times the reader has received a
response with respect to the total queries. Toggling Library
enlists the whole book database where the user may select
a single book and start locating it by clicking Filter. The
user is mainly responsible for locating the books as the 3-dB
beamwidth of the patch antenna should be exploited to delimit
the presence of the searched tag. The user interface runs on a
Debian based Raspbian operating system and was programmed
with Python. It utilizes Python libraries Tkinter for creating the
graphs and pySerial for serial port communications with the
RFID module.

B. Tag Design Theory

Fig. 2. Three main sections of the reader user interface. Scan is used to A passive UHF RFID tag consists of an antenna and
search all nearby books whereas Filter can be used for locating a single book microprocessor chip. The chip contains all the information of
from the book database.
the tag and is programmed to respond to certain commands
following the GS1 EPC Tag Data Standard. Once the chip
greater than 4 W. In conjunction with the reader transmit intercepts a valid command it modulates a response to the
power, the reader antenna gain can thus be 6 dB at maximum. Continuous Wave (CW) provided by the reader. Thereafter,
Due to the gain resriction a circularly polarized patch antenna the modulated response propagates back to the reader for
[5] was selected as the reader antenna. The selected antenna detection. In order to harvest power the chip requires an
is small enough to fit conveniently to the back cover of the antenna that receives the incoming radiowaves effectively. The
reader casing. The circular polarization of the antenna enables antenna should be conjugately matched to the chip ensuring
detecting tags independent of the polarization alignments. The maximal power transfer and read range. [1]
antenna was designed and manufactured on 1.5 mm thick The chips are highly capacitive and require an inductive
Rogers RO4003C substrate and has a gain of 5.5 dBi at 915 antenna. The most commonly used antenna element in RFID
MHz. One benefit of the patch antenna is the relatively sharp tags is a modified half wavelength dipole, due to its omnidi-
3-dB beamwidth edges in its radiation pattern which could be rectional radiation pattern, which ensures the tag readability
further exploited when locating a single tag. Outside the main from various angles. Shorter than λ/2 dipoles are inherently
beam, the tag is not likely to receive enough power required capacitive and thus they require additional inductive elements
to empower the chip and thus, does not respond. Visible laser to cancel their own and the chips capacitances. Capacitance
pointers could be utilized in future for displaying the 3-dB is usually cancelled by adding loop elements to the structure
edges which the user could exploit to point the direction of a [6]. A loop antenna exhibits a strongly non-linear dependence
single tag. between loop circumference and impedance especially with
The user interface, illustrated in Fig. 2, was designed to loop circumferences small compared to wavelength. Resistance

scales down more rapidly than reactance with decreasing small The design began by creating the chip feed port and adding
loop circumferences [7]. The circumference of the loops in the outermost loop crossing the entire design area. Four
RFID tags are usually significantly smaller than wavelength meandered dipole arms were placed to the corners of the loop.
and thus they mainly contribute to the reactance of the tag. Using four meandered dipole arms instead of two was known
Achieving conjugate matching in free space is relatively to result in larger bandwidths as the design area is used more
straightforward as complex environmental factors are not re- effectively [9]. Initially the height of the loop was tuned to
quired to be taken into account. In free space, minor distur- cancel the capacitive reactance of the chip. The meandering
bances in tag performance are caused by, for instance, the lengths were tuned to get the resonance point to the center
chips impedance dependence on input power, coupling effects of the US RFID UHF-band at 915 MHz. The linewidth was
of other nearby tag antennas and ElectroMagnetic Interference controlled to cover as much of the design area as possible.
(EMI) from the environment. [1] The linewidth could also be used as a tuning parameter for
A tag’s performance is significantly affected by nearby making small shifts in the resonant frequency. In this design
objects and varying medium material. The reactive near field the linewidth of different sections was kept the same for the
of a tag is considered to extend to a range of λ/2π [7]. All sake of simplicity.
objects within this limit alter the fields generated by the tag. At this point the design exhibited too high resistance values
The relative permittivity of the environment may vary as well at the center frequency and thus the impedance had to be scaled
as the volume of the medium material which both affect the down closer to the desired 18.4 Ω. The inner loop matching
electrical length of the tag antenna. Changes on the electrical technique was used to scale down the impedance by adding
length of the antenna can be taken into account when designing inner loops to the antenna structure. After the impedance was
tags. Broadband tags are typically better at tolerating varying scaled lower, small corrections could be made by adjusting
environmental conditions. The impedance bandwidth of the tag the loop separations dw, meandering lengths l, linewidth t and
is a compromise with the matching level. A poor matching the loop heights h. Parameters l and t mainly contribute to
level is unlikely to provide enough power to awaken the chip. the location of the resonant frequency and had to be tuned, in
Chip empowerment failure is more commonly referred to case the loop height was changed, to effectively use the design
as failure of the forward link. In turn, reverse link failure area. The design parameters are illustrated in Fig. 3. Strength
is set mainly by the sensitivity of the reader. When a tag of this model and technique relies on the adjustability of dw
is interrogated, forward and reverse links are both required. as it can be tuned to set the correct impedance level without
Therefore, the smaller of forward and backward ranges defines affecting the resonance frequency. Increasing loop sizes scales
the total read range [1]. The maximum read range is greatly the impedance higher and lowers it when decreasing them [2].
affected by the additional medium material path loss which h should only be adjusted if dw is at its limits and reactance
can not be accounted in the design process. is still too low or high. Most crucial in this design is to
set reactance to the desired level as the resistance curve will
eventually still cross the desired resistance values.
C. Robust Tag Design with the Inner Loop Method The correct impedance level was thus achieved with two
The tags are realized using Alien Technology’s Higgs-4 chip inner loops. The final antenna structure, relevant dimensions
in the SOT323 package [8] and an antenna patterned on a PCB. and a manufactured prototype tag are presented in Fig. 3.
According to the rules of the AP-S Student Design Contest [3] With these particular dimensions and substrate material the tag
the tags must operate in the US UHF RFID-band of 902 − 928 operates reliably inside a book. In the free space the conjugate
MHz and their size is limited to 50 mm x 50 mm x 5 mm. In matching is lost and the tag most likely ceases to operate.
this project, yet thinner tags were aimed to facilitate their usage Although, this same tag design could easily be tuned to operate
inside books. For practical reasons, the tags were implemented within other medium materials by varying the meander lengths
on rigid and 1.5 mm thick FR4 substrates. This substrate was and loop sizes.
conveniently available to our student team and the antenna The simulations depicted the model to exhibit a double
pattern could be etched on it in an in-house laboratory. The resonance, with respect to the chip impedance, which can
tags were designed and simulated with CST Microwave Studio. be seen clearly as a loop on the Smith chart in Fig. 4. The
The book was simulated as a dielectric box measuring 235 mm resonance loop was carefully tuned to the center of the Smith
x 170 mm x 16 mm with an initial relative permittivity of dry chart to maximize the impedance bandwidth.
paper r = 2.31. The tag model was placed in the center of The final impedance curves and matching are illustrated
the book. The antenna lines were simulated as 35 µm thick in Fig. 5 and 6, respectively. The book permittivity affects
annealed copper lines. the resonance loop and rotates it on the Smith chart. Book
A meandered dipole antenna was chosen as the initial thickness or the amount of paper and adjustment parameter
antenna structure as it enables an omnidirectional radiation dw rotate the double resonance in a similar manner. The
pattern facilitating the search of even randomly oriented simulated -10-dB impedance bandwidth of the tag inside the
books. The dipole was further loaded with inductive loops book is approximately 90 MHz from 872 to 962 MHz with
to obtain conjugate matching to the highly capacitive chip two higher matching points occurring at 886 MHz and 948
(18.4 − j181.2 Ω at 915 MHz) [2], [8]. In the simulations MHz as seen in Fig. 6. The matching peaks as the resistance
the chip was modelled as an equivalent circuit consisting of curve crosses the desired 18.4 Ω. The slight notch in matching
parallel connected 1.8 kΩ resistor and 0.95 pF capacitor [8]. at the center frequency results from the resonance frequency

36 340
33 Resistance 320
30 300

Resistance [Ω]

Reactance [Ω]
27 280
24 260
21 240
18 220
15 200
12 180
9 160
6 140
3 120
0 100
800 850 900 950 1000
Frequency [MHz]

Fig. 5. Resistance and reactance of the antenna when optimized for book
relative permittivity r = 2.31.

Fig. 3. Designed RFID tag antenna. The optimized dimensions with book
relative permittivity of r = 2.31, were g = 0.7 mm, L1 = 21.4 mm, −5
L2 = 18.7 mm, t = 1.6 mm, h = 20 mm, w = 46.4 mm and dw = 3.6 −10

S11 [dB]
mm. −15
−20 r = 2.31
1 −25 r = 1.85
r 0.5
= 2.31 −30 r = 2.85
2 −35
r = 1.85 US RFID-band
r = 2.85 −40
800 850 900 950 1000
0.2 5 Frequency [MHz]

Fig. 6. Simulated reflection coefficients with respect to the chip impedance

0.2 0.5 1 2 5 with different book relative permittivities.

achieving conjugate matching. The main benefit of multiple

−0.2 −5 smaller loops is that resistance scales down more in relation
to reactance as more loops are added to the design.


−1 This section illustrates and discusses the measurement re-
sults of the system. As common for RFID systems, special
Fig. 4. Impedance curves of the tag antenna with respect to the chip interest is on the total read range of the system. The initial
impedance with three different book permittivity values. plan was to first ensure the functionality of the prototype tag
so that possible system failures later on could be pinpointed
to the reader.
of the meandered dipole antennas as they obtain their largest
resistance value at this point.
Fig. 4 and 6 also present how changes in the books relative A. Tag Measurement Setup
permittivity affect the matching. The resonant frequency is Correct operation of the tag was verified by measurements
inversely proportional to relative permittivity. This is caused by with Tagformance lite, a commercially available UHF RFID
the change in the electrical lengths of the antenna dimensions tag performance tester from Voyantic Ltd. The device was
which are inversely proportional
√ to the square root of the used for conducting threshold and read range measurements by
relative permittivity l ∼ 1/ r [7]. The matching level drops placing the tag within different paper amounts and qualities.
when shifting the resonant frequency. Although the frequency The measurement antenna and the tag under test were placed
shifting is significant, the results indicate that the reflection into an anechoic box. The tags were set at a distance of 30
coefficient remains better than −5 dB in the whole US RFID cm from the antenna onto a specific foam stand. The tag chip
UHF-band when the relative permittivity of the book is within is the aforementioned Higgs-4 from Alien Technology. The
1.85 and 2.85. Thus this wideband design is shown to be robust measurement setup is presented in Fig. 7 with an ongoing read
and should remain operational inside any book. range measurement.
The loop addition method is thus verified to provide ef- A threshold measurement describes the lowest possible
fective means for scaling down the impedance and further reader power that results in an observed tag response and is

News paper, 20 mm
Magazine, 8 mm

Power On Tag Forward [dBm]

3 Book, 16 mm
Book, 30 mm
2 Books, 30+16 mm
800 850 900 950 1000
Frequency [MHz]

Fig. 7. Tags were tested in an anechoic box using a commercially available Fig. 8. Measured power sensitivity of the tag inside different books and in
UHF RFID tag performance tester. Read range measurement is in progress. free space.

commonly used for making relative comparison measurements. The main objective of a read range measurement is to obtain
For the threshold measurements, the selected observable mea- the dependence between power on tag forward and power on
surement unit was Power On Tag Forward which describes the tag reverse at different power levels. In the case of excessive
transmitted power level present at the tag. This measurement forward link margin, this dependence can be further exploited
unit is independent of the path loss. Path loss refers to the link to obtain the correct power on tag reverse value as the tag is
budget to the tag which consists of the antenna gain and free brought closer to the reader. The new theoretical read range
space attenuation. Power on tag forward allows comparison to reverse, resulting from decreasing the forward link margin,
other tags presented in literature. Theoretical read ranges, set can be further derived by applying the reader sensitivity and
by the forward and reverse link, were also obtained from the antenna gain to the power on tag reverse value.
threshold measurement. Theoretical read ranges are specified
by the EPCglobal. Theoretical Read Range Forward is derived
from the maximum allowed commercial transmitter power of B. Tag Power Sensitivity
30 dBm and from the tag sensitivity. Commonly the theoretical Fig. 8 illustrates threshold measurements with six different
read range forward does not deviate significantly from the paper amounts and qualities. The different measurement cases
values of built RFID systems as the 30 dBm transmission were selected to simulate varying operation environments. The
power is relatively easy to achieve [1]. Theoretical Read Range tag was designed to operate reliably inside a book and was
Reverse is defined for a reader specific sensitivity of -70 dBm known to detune at free space. Thus the measurement cases
and an antenna gain of 4 dBi. Theoretical read range reverse were selected to depict a transformation from low to high
might differ significantly from those of a RFID system, as relative permittivities. The selected news paper, magazine and
typically, a good reader sensitivity is more expensive and books are presented in Fig. 9. News paper, is a daily news
harder to achieve [1]. paper ”Helsingin Sanomat” with loose sheets and a relative
One crucial factor should be considered when comparing permittivity approximated to be close to that of free space.
theoretical and actual total read range of a RFID system. If the Magazine, is an ”IEEE Microwave Magazine” which was
theoretical read range forward is shorter than the theoretical thought to have a higher relative permittivity. Book, 16 mm, is
read range reverse, the total read range is the one set by ”Fundamentals of Radio Engineering” which was used as the
the forward link. On the contrary, this is not the case when initial reference book for the simulations. Book, 30 mm, is a
theoretical read range reverse is shorter. When the forward hardbound copy of D. Pozar, ”Microwave Engineering”. The
link has excessive link margin the tag can be moved slightly measurements show that the tags are wideband and perform
closer to the reader. This increases the power on tag which reasonably well inside different kinds of books. The obtained
affects the Power On Tag Reverse. Similarly as power on tag minimum values are approximately 3 dB higher than the
forward, power on tag reverse is independent of the path loss. specified -18.5 dB typical sensitivity of the Higgs-4 chip [8].
Power on tag reverse may increase or decrease depending how The tag is seen to operate more reliably within books and even
the tag chip impedance reacts to the increased power on tag better as more paper material is in the vicinity of the tag. Thus,
forward. Usually the sacrifice of forward link margin increases the tag design can be considered successful.
the theoretical read range reverse, thus increasing the total read Fig. 10 displays how a commercial tag, UPM Raflatac
range. It should be noted, that this is not obvious as the tag DogBone, performs in comparison to the prototype tag. The
impedance matching may become worse due to the change performance of the UPM tag lowers drastically as more paper
of the chip impedance. To inspect the amount that the total material is in the proximity of the tag. Thus the performance
read range increases requires specific measurement procedures. is the opposite of the prototype tag.

Forward , book, 16 mm
Forward, 2 books, 30+16 mm
Reverse, book, 16 mm

Theoretical Read Range [m]

Reverse, 2 books, 30+16 mm
800 850 900 950 1000
Frequency [MHz]

Fig. 9. Selected literature to simulate the varying tag environment. 1. Fig. 11. Measured theoretical forward and reverse read ranges.
Daily news paper, 2. IEEE Microwave Magazine, 3. Fundamentals of Radio
Engineering and 4. D. Pozar, Microwave Engineering. TABLE II. T HEORETICAL R EAD R ANGES AT 915 MH Z

Theoretical EPCglobal Standard Built System

Read Range 16 mm book 2 books 16 mm book 2 books
Power On Tag Forward [dBm]

0 3-loop tag, book, 16 mm Forward [m] 7.9 8.5 7.9 8.5

−2 UPM tag, air Reverse [m] 10.9 9.8 4.3 3.9
−4 UPM tag, book, 16 mm
−6 UPM tag, book, 30 mm
−8 readings.
−10 Fig. 12 presents the total read ranges for the built system.
These results were calculated for the antenna gain restriction
−16 of 6 dB to represent the maximum read range of the system.
−18 Based on these measurements and depending on the paper
800 850 900 950 1000 amount and quality in the vicinity of the tag, the total read
Frequency [MHz] range of the built RFID system is approximately 5 meters in
the US UHF RFID-band.
Fig. 10. Power sensitivity comparison with a commercial tag UPM Raflatac
DogBone. D. Reader Measurements
The reader tests could be executed after ensuring the func-
C. Theoretical Read Range tionality of the tag. Reader tests began by measuring the
output power directly from the reader module output cable.
Measured theoretical read ranges are presented in Fig. 11. This measurement also revealed the operation principle of the
As previously stated, the theoretical read range reverse of an reader module as it constantly switched its operation frequency
actual RFID system is most likely significantly lower due to the within the US UHF RFID-band. The reader is most likely
lower than -70 dBm reader sensitivity. To obtain reader specific designed to switch its operation frequency to maximize its
values the theoretical read range reverse values should be read range. In realistic read cases, constructive and destructive
recalculated using different reader sensitivity and antenna gain. interferences are always present due to multipath propagation.
For the RFID system presented in this paper, the theoretical Using multiple frequencies ensures the occurrence of construc-
read range reverse values should be recalculated using the tive interference at least at some frequencies. As a downside,
specified -60 dBm reader sensitivity [4] and the 6 dB antenna this slows the tag detection time, especially at long ranges,
gain restriction, stated by the design contest [3], to obtain the as the user may have to wait long periods until a suitable
maximum read range. On the contrary, theoretical read range frequency occurs. Output power of 1 W was measured from
forward values are the same for the presented RFID system the reader using a spectrum analyzer. The measured value is in
as the module was used at its maximum transmission power accordance with the specified value of 1 W [4]. Thus a 6 dB
level of 30 dBm [4]. The measured theoretical read ranges reader antenna could be used for testing the maximum read
depict the total read range to be limited by the forward link. range of the system.
However, it should be noted that due to the sensitivity of the The read range measurement setup is shown in Fig. 13.
reader module, the actual total read range of the built system The tag was placed inside the middle book amongst three
becomes limited by the reverse link. This is further illustrated books. A 9 dB horn antenna was used as the reader test
in Table II which presents the theoretical read ranges at 915 antenna in conjunction with a 3 dB attenuator to simulate the
MHz in conjunction with the corresponding built RFID system maximum allowed reader antenna gain of 6 dB. An external

9 Book, 16 mm
Read Range [m]

8 Book, 30 mm
800 850 900 950 1000
Frequency [MHz]

Fig. 12. Measured total read ranges for the built RFID system.

power source was used to provide constant power to the reader.

Based on the previously measured theoretical read ranges,
the system read range was estimated to be approximately
5 meters. The measured values could deviate significantly
from the previously obtained values due to, for example, non-
ideal measurement environment, possible antenna mismatches
and antenna misalignments. Maximum read range was to be
obtained by aligning the polarizations of the tag and reader
antennas to the same plane. Oblique read angles were to
be studied after finding the maximum read range. It was
shortly noticed that such accurate read range characterizations
would be impossible with this specific reader and measurement
setup. Firstly, the measurement setup was not ideal as, for
example, the wall on left in Fig. 13 does not fully absorb
UHF radiowaves and thus allows multipath propagation to
the tag. Other directions are not as likely to cause multipath
propagation due to the λ-sized absorbers and large empty
space in conjunction with the highly directional measurement
antenna [7]. Another difficulty in the measurement process was
set by the frequency shifting as the read range became limited
by the detection time. The tag detection time increased with
the reading distance.
The reader was able to detect the tag inside the middle
book, shown in Fig. 13, which was approximately 7 meters
away from the reader antenna. The cost for this relatively long
read range was the response waiting period, which could be Fig. 13. Read range measurement setup: 1. 5-m tape measure, 2. Prototype
even up to 30 seconds. The user should be careful and patient tag, 3. Reader, 4. 9 dB reader test antenna, 5. 3 dB attenuator and 6. Power
when using similar readers at long distances. An instantaneous source.
response range was measured to be approximately 4 meters
which was in agreement with the previously measured theo- scaling down the antenna resistance while maintaining suffi-
retical read ranges. cient reactance values. The simulations indicated the conjugate
matching to remain at acceptable levels even when facing sig-
nificant changes in the medium material relative permittivity.
A prototype tag was manufactured and its functionality was
This paper described an RFID system for finding books. The verified with an accurate tag performance tester. Threshold
built RFID reader was made from off-the-shelf components measurements depicted the tag operational and displayed the
and was seen to operate reliably and appropriately in different wide operational bandwidth and robustness in varying envi-
circumstances. ronments. The tag was tolerant to varying paper amounts and
A robust and easily tunable passive UHF RFID tag was qualities and performed even better as more paper material
designed to operate within books. The design exploited the was in the vicinity of the tag. The theoretical read range at
double loop matching technique [2]. The technique was further 915 MHz was measured as approximately 8 meters which
studied by adding even more inner loops to the design. The corresponded to a read range of approximately 4 meters for the
inner loop addition was verified as an effective method for built RFID system introduced in this paper. The built system

total read range was inspected to be approximately 5 meters Aapo Oksman was born in Helsinki, Finland, 1993.
depending on the paper amount and quality in the proximity He began his studies towards the Bachelor of Science
of the tag. in Technology in automation engineering in Aalto
University School of Electrical Engineering in Es-
The built RFID system performance was investigated by poo, Finland, 2013.
studying the maximum read range. Read range tests revealed Despite the early stage of his studies he has
a long operational distance of even up to 7 meters with the acquired a remarkable amount of knowledge in elec-
prototype tag placed inside a book amongst other books. tronics and embedded systems.
Long range was believed to partly result from the constructive
interferences presented by the frequency shifting of the reader.
As a downside from the frequency shifting the tag response
time became slow at long ranges. With the aforementioned 7
meter read range the response time could be as slow as 30
seconds. The user should be patient when reading tags from
long distances. The range for a rapid response was measured
to be approximately 4 meters which was in agreement with
the measured theoretical values. Aapo Vienamo was born in Helsinki, Finland, 1994.
The presented system was seen easily reproducible and rel- He began his studies towards the Bachelor of Science
in Technology in automation engineering in Aalto
atively low cost. All of the required components are available University School of Electrical Engineering in Es-
for consumers and thus the system could be rebuilt for different poo, Finland, 2013.
applications requiring item locating in varying environments. Regardless of the early point of his career, he
displayed exceptional skills during the project being
responsible for the software of the reader device.
The RFID system presented in this paper was the authors
submission to the 2014 IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest.
The project began as an assignment in a practical antenna
designing course and proved to be highly educative. The
project was supported by Aalto University School of Electrical
Engineering. Besides Aalto, the authors would like to espe-
cially thank their Electronics workshop course lecturer Kimmo
Silvonen, Antennas-Practice course lecturer Jari Holopainen
Mikko Heino was born in Paimio, Finland, 1989. He
and Team mentor Ville Viikari for their support and guidance. received the Bachelor of Science in Technology in
electrical engineering from Aalto University School
R EFERENCES of Electrical Engineering in Espoo, Finland, 2013.
From 2012 to 2013, he worked as a research
[1] K. Finkenzeller, RFID Handbook, New York, Wiley & Son, 2000. assistant and from 2014 onwards he is working as a
[2] M. Heino, J. Toivanen, J. Holopainen and V. Viikari, ”Double Loop master thesis worker in the Department of Radio En-
Matching Technique for Robust UHF RFID Tag Antennas,” Accepted to gineering and Science of the Aalto University School
AP-S, 2014. of Electrical Engineering. His research interests in-
[3] IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest, 2014. Antennas for RFID clude RFID antennas and isolation improvement in
Application [Online]. Available: MIMO systems.
[4] Skyetek, (2012). Skyemodule M10 Datasheet [Online]. Available:
[5] T.-C. Yo, C.-M. Lee and C.-H. Luo, ”Small Single Band Circular Polar-
ization and Dual Band Circular Patch Antenna”, International Workshop
on Antenna Technology: Small and Smart Antennas Metamaterials and
Applications, pp. 435-438, Mar. 2007.
[6] G. Marrocco, ”The art of UHF RFID antenna design: impedance- Jalmari Toivanen was born in Espoo, Finland, 1988.
matching and size-reduction techniques,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas He received the Bachelor of Science in Technol-
and Propagation, vol. 50, pp. 66-79, Feb. 2008. ogy in electrical engineering from Aalto University
School of Electrical Engineering in Espoo, Finland,
[7] J. D. Kraus and R. J. Marhefka, Antennas for all Applications, 3rd ed.
Boston, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
From 2011 to 2012, he worked as a lab assistant in
[8] Alien Technology, (2012, May 8). Higgs 4 SOT Datasheet [Online]. the Metrology Research Institute at Aalto University
Available: School of Electrical Engineering. During summer
Technology-Higgs-SOT.pdf 2013, he worked as an R&D trainee at Voyantic
[9] Thuat Nguyen-Tran, Mau Chien Dang, Nhan Ai Tran, Anh Hoang, Ltd. His research interests include the design of RF
Dat Son Nguyen, Fribourg-Blanc, E., Hong Phuong Phan, Ho Cong applications and their operation verification.
Tam Vuong, Van Hieu Nguyen and Tien Thong Pham, ”Contribution
on UHF RFID antenna design and tag fabrication,” IEEE International
Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications, pp. 463-468, Sep.

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