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G.R. No.

L-20329 March 16, 1923 After said document had been duly acknowledge
and delivered, the petitioner caused the same to be
THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW presented to the respondent, Joaquin Jaramillo, as
YORK, petitioner, register of deeds of the City of Manila, for the
vs. purpose of having the same recorded in the book of
JOAQUIN JARAMILLO, as register of deeds of record of chattel mortgages. Upon examination of
the City of Manila, respondent. the instrument, the respondent was of the opinion
that it was not a chattel mortgage, for the reason
Ross, Lawrence and Selph for petitioner. that the interest therein mortgaged did not appear
City Fiscal Revilla and Assistant City Fiscal Rodas to be personal property, within the meaning of the
for respondent. Chattel Mortgage Law, and registration was refused
on this ground only.
We are of the opinion that the position taken by the
This cause is before us upon demurrer interposed respondent is untenable; and it is his duty to accept
by the respondent, Joaquin Jaramillo, register of the proper fee and place the instrument on record.
deeds of the City of Manila, to an original petition of The duties of a register of deeds in respect to the
the Standard Oil Company of New York, seeking a registration of chattel mortgage are of a purely
peremptory mandamus to compel the respondent ministerial character; and no provision of law can
to record in the proper register a document be cited which confers upon him any judicial or
purporting to be a chattel mortgage executed in the quasi-judicial power to determine the nature of any
City of Manila by Gervasia de la Rosa, Vda. de document of which registration is sought as a
Vera, in favor of the Standard Oil Company of New chattel mortgage.
York. (on last part of facts)
The original provisions touching this matter are
It appears from the petition that on November 27, contained in section 15 of the Chattel Mortgage
1922, Gervasia de la Rosa, Vda. de Vera, was the Law (Act No. 1508), as amended by Act No. 2496;
lessee of a parcel of land situated in the City of but these have been transferred to section 198 of
Manila and owner of the house of strong materials the Administrative Code, where they are now
built thereon, upon which date she executed a found. There is nothing in any of these provisions
document in the form of a chattel mortgage, conferring upon the register of deeds any authority
purporting to convey to the petitioner by way of whatever in respect to the "qualification," as the
mortgage both the leasehold interest in said lot and term is used in Spanish law, of chattel mortgage.
the building which stands thereon. His duties in respect to such instruments are
ministerial only. The efficacy of the act of recording
The clauses in said document describing the a chattel mortgage consists in the fact that it
property intended to be thus mortgage are operates as constructive notice of the existence of
expressed in the following words: the contract, and the legal effects of the contract
must be discovered in the instrument itself in
relation with the fact of notice. Registration adds
Now, therefore, the mortgagor hereby
nothing to the instrument, considered as a source
conveys and transfer to the mortgage, by
of title, and affects nobody's rights except as a
way of mortgage, the following described
specifies of notice.
personal property, situated in the City of
Manila, and now in possession of the
mortgagor, to wit: Articles 334 and 335 of the Civil Code supply no
absolute criterion for discriminating between real
property and personal property for purpose of the
(1) All of the right, title, and interest of the
application of the Chattel Mortgage Law. Those
mortgagor in and to the contract of lease
articles state rules which, considered as a general
hereinabove referred to, and in and to the
doctrine, are law in this jurisdiction; but it must not
premises the subject of the said lease;
be forgotten that under given conditions property
may have character different from that imputed to it
(2) The building, property of the mortgagor, in said articles. It is undeniable that the parties to a
situated on the aforesaid leased premises. contract may by agreement treat as personal
property that which by nature would be real In Leung Yee vs. Frank L. Strong Machinery Co.
property; and it is a familiar phenomenon to see and Williamson (37 Phil., 644), this court held that
things classed as real property for purposes of where the interest conveyed is of the nature of real,
taxation which on general principle might be property, the placing of the document on record in
considered personal property. Other situations are the chattel mortgage register is a futile act; but that
constantly arising, and from time to time are decision is not decisive of the question now before
presented to this court, in which the proper us, which has reference to the function of the
classification of one thing or another as real or register of deeds in placing the document on
personal property may be said to be doubtful. record.

The point submitted to us in this case was In the light of what has been said it becomes
determined on September 8, 1914, in an unnecessary for us to pass upon the point whether
administrative ruling promulgated by the Honorable the interests conveyed in the instrument now in
James A. Ostrand, now a Justice of this Court, but question are real or personal; and we declare it to
acting at that time in the capacity of Judge of the be the duty of the register of deeds to accept the
fourth branch of the Court of First Instance of the estimate placed upon the document by the
Ninth Judicial District, in the City of Manila; and little petitioner and to register it, upon payment of the
of value can be here added to the observations proper fee.
contained in said ruling. We accordingly quote
therefrom as follows: The demurrer is overruled; and unless within the
period of five days from the date of the notification
It is unnecessary here to determine whether hereof, the respondent shall interpose a sufficient
or not the property described in the answer to the petition, the writ of mandamus will be
document in question is real or personal; issued, as prayed, but without costs. So ordered.
the discussion may be confined to the point
as to whether a register of deeds has ------------------------------------------------------------------
authority to deny the registration of a
document purporting to be a chattel G.R. No. L-40411 August 7, 1935
mortgage and executed in the manner and
form prescribed by the Chattel Mortgage
DAVAO SAW MILL CO., INC., plaintiff-appellant,
Then, after quoting section 5 of the Chattel & POWER CO., INC., defendants-appellees.
Mortgage Law (Act No. 1508), his Honor continued:
Arsenio Suazo and Jose L. Palma Gil and Pablo
Based principally upon the provisions of Lorenzo and Delfin Joven for appellant.
section quoted the Attorney-General of the J.W. Ferrier for appellees.
Philippine Islands, in an opinion dated
August 11, 1909, held that a register of
deeds has no authority to pass upon the
capacity of the parties to a chattel mortgage
which is presented to him for record. A The issue in this case, as announced in the
fortiori a register of deeds can have no opening sentence of the decision in the trial court
authority to pass upon the character of the and as set forth by counsel for the parties on
property sought to be encumbered by a appeal, involves the determination of the nature of
chattel mortgage. Of course, if the the properties described in the complaint. The trial
mortgaged property is real instead of judge found that those properties were personal in
personal the chattel mortgage would no nature, and as a consequence absolved the
doubt be held ineffective as against third defendants from the complaint, with costs against
parties, but this is a question to be the plaintiff.
determined by the courts of justice and not
by the register of deeds. The Davao Saw Mill Co., Inc., is the holder of a
lumber concession from the Government of the
Philippine Islands. It has operated a sawmill in
the sitio of Maa, barrio of Tigatu, municipality of appellee by assignment from the original
Davao, Province of Davao. However, the land upon mortgages.
which the business was conducted belonged to
another person. On the land the sawmill company Article 334, paragraphs 1 and 5, of the Civil Code,
erected a building which housed the machinery is in point. According to the Code, real property
used by it. Some of the implements thus used were consists of —
clearly personal property, the conflict concerning
machines which were placed and mounted on 1. Land, buildings, roads and constructions
foundations of cement. In the contract of lease of all kinds adhering to the soil;
between the sawmill company and the owner of the
land there appeared the following provision: xxx xxx xxx

That on the expiration of the period agreed 5. Machinery, liquid containers, instruments
upon, all the improvements and buildings or implements intended by the owner of any
introduced and erected by the party of the building or land for use in connection with
second part shall pass to the exclusive any industry or trade being carried on
ownership of the party of the first part therein and which are expressly adapted to
without any obligation on its part to pay any meet the requirements of such trade of
amount for said improvements and industry.
buildings; also, in the event the party of the
second part should leave or abandon the Appellant emphasizes the first paragraph, and
land leased before the time herein appellees the last mentioned paragraph. We
stipulated, the improvements and buildings entertain no doubt that the trial judge and appellees
shall likewise pass to the ownership of the are right in their appreciation of the legal doctrines
party of the first part as though the time flowing from the facts.
agreed upon had expired: Provided,
however, That the machineries and
In the first place, it must again be pointed out that
accessories are not included in the
the appellant should have registered its protest
improvements which will pass to the party of
before or at the time of the sale of this property. It
the first part on the expiration or
must further be pointed out that while not
abandonment of the land leased.
conclusive, the characterization of the property as
chattels by the appellant is indicative of intention
In another action, wherein the Davao Light & Power and impresses upon the property the character
Co., Inc., was the plaintiff and the Davao, Saw, Mill determined by the parties. In this connection the
Co., Inc., was the defendant, a judgment was decision of this court in the case of Standard Oil
rendered in favor of the plaintiff in that action Co. of New York vs. Jaramillo ( [1923], 44 Phil.,
against the defendant in that action; a writ of 630), whether obiter dicta or not, furnishes the key
execution issued thereon, and the properties now in to such a situation.
question were levied upon as personalty by the
sheriff. No third party claim was filed for such
It is, however not necessary to spend overly must
properties at the time of the sales thereof as is
time in the resolution of this appeal on side issues.
borne out by the record made by the plaintiff herein.
It is machinery which is involved; moreover,
Indeed the bidder, which was the plaintiff in that
machinery not intended by the owner of any
action, and the defendant herein having
building or land for use in connection therewith, but
consummated the sale, proceeded to take
intended by a lessee for use in a building erected
possession of the machinery and other properties
on the land by the latter to be returned to the lessee
described in the corresponding certificates of sale
on the expiration or abandonment of the lease.
executed in its favor by the sheriff of Davao.
A similar question arose in Puerto Rico, and on
As connecting up with the facts, it should further be
appeal being taken to the United States Supreme
explained that the Davao Saw Mill Co., Inc., has on
Court, it was held that machinery which is movable
a number of occasions treated the machinery as
in its nature only becomes immobilized when
personal property by executing chattel mortgages
placed in a plant by the owner of the property or
in favor of third persons. One of such persons is the
plant, but not when so placed by a tenant, a Napoleon under articles 522 et seq.) The
usufructuary, or any person having only a distinction rests, as pointed out by
temporary right, unless such person acted as the Demolombe, upon the fact that one only
agent of the owner. In the opinion written by Chief having a temporary right to the possession
Justice White, whose knowledge of the Civil Law is or enjoyment of property is not presumed by
well known, it was in part said: the law to have applied movable property
belonging to him so as to deprive him of it
To determine this question involves fixing by causing it by an act of immobilization to
the nature and character of the property become the property of another. It follows
from the point of view of the rights of Valdes that abstractly speaking the machinery put
and its nature and character from the point by the Altagracia Company in the plant
of view of Nevers & Callaghan as a belonging to Sanchez did not lose its
judgment creditor of the Altagracia character of movable property and become
Company and the rights derived by them immovable by destination. But in the
from the execution levied on the machinery concrete immobilization took place because
placed by the corporation in the plant. of the express provisions of the lease under
Following the Code Napoleon, the Porto which the Altagracia held, since the lease in
Rican Code treats as immovable (real) substance required the putting in of
property, not only land and buildings, but improved machinery, deprived the tenant of
also attributes immovability in some cases any right to charge against the lessor the
to property of a movable nature, that is, cost such machinery, and it was expressly
personal property, because of the stipulated that the machinery so put in
destination to which it is applied. "Things," should become a part of the plant belonging
says section 334 of the Porto Rican Code, to the owner without compensation to the
"may be immovable either by their own lessee. Under such conditions the tenant in
nature or by their destination or the object to putting in the machinery was acting but as
which they are applicable." Numerous the agent of the owner in compliance with
illustrations are given in the fifth subdivision the obligations resting upon him, and the
of section 335, which is as follows: immobilization of the machinery which
"Machinery, vessels, instruments or resulted arose in legal effect from the act of
implements intended by the owner of the the owner in giving by contract a permanent
tenements for the industrial or works that destination to the machinery.
they may carry on in any building or upon
any land and which tend directly to meet the xxx xxx xxx
needs of the said industry or works." (See
also Code Nap., articles 516, 518 et seq. to The machinery levied upon by Nevers &
and inclusive of article 534, recapitulating Callaghan, that is, that which was placed in
the things which, though in themselves the plant by the Altagracia Company, being,
movable, may be immobilized.) So far as as regards Nevers & Callaghan, movable
the subject-matter with which we are property, it follows that they had the right to
dealing — machinery placed in the plant — levy on it under the execution upon the
it is plain, both under the provisions of the judgment in their favor, and the exercise of
Porto Rican Law and of the Code Napoleon, that right did not in a legal sense conflict
that machinery which is movable in its with the claim of Valdes, since as to him the
nature only becomes immobilized when property was a part of the realty which, as
placed in a plant by the owner of the the result of his obligations under the lease,
property or plant. Such result would not be he could not, for the purpose of collecting
accomplished, therefore, by the placing of his debt, proceed separately against.
machinery in a plant by a tenant or a (Valdes vs. Central Altagracia [192], 225
usufructuary or any person having only a U.S., 58.)
temporary right. (Demolombe, Tit. 9, No.
203; Aubry et Rau, Tit. 2, p. 12, Section Finding no reversible error in the record, the
164; Laurent, Tit. 5, No. 447; and decisions judgment appealed from will be affirmed, the costs
quoted in Fuzier-Herman ed. Code of this instance to be paid by the appellant.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Inc., decided to increase the capacity of its sugar
---- central by buying additional machinery and
equipment, so that instead of milling 150 tons daily,
G.R. No. L-41643 July 31, 1935 it could produce 250. The estimated cost of said
additional machinery and equipment was
approximately P100,000. In order to carry out this
B.H. BERKENKOTTER, plaintiff-appellant,
plan, B.A. Green, president of said corporation,
proposed to the plaintiff, B.H. Berkenkotter, to
advance the necessary amount for the purchase of
said machinery and equipment, promising to
reimburse him as soon as he could obtain an
additional loan from the mortgagees, the herein
PAMPANGA, defendants-appellees.
defendants Cu Unjieng e Hijos. Having agreed to
said proposition made in a letter dated October 5,
Briones and Martinez for appellant. 1926 (Exhibit E), B.H. Berkenkotter, on October 9th
Araneta, Zaragoza and Araneta for appellees Cu of the same year, delivered the sum of P1,710 to
Unjieng e Hijos. B.A. Green, president of the Mabalacat Sugar Co.,
No appearance for the other appellees. Inc., the total amount supplied by him to said B.A.
Green having been P25,750. Furthermore, B.H.
VILLA-REAL, J.: Berkenkotter had a credit of P22,000 against said
corporation for unpaid salary. With the loan of
This is an appeal taken by the plaintiff, B.H. P25,750 and said credit of P22,000, the Mabalacat
Berkenkotter, from the judgment of the Court of Sugar Co., Inc., purchased the additional
First Instance of Manila, dismissing said plaintiff's machinery and equipment now in litigation.
complaint against Cu Unjiengs e Hijos et al., with
costs. On June 10, 1927, B.A. Green, president of the
Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., applied to Cu Unjieng e
In support of his appeal, the appellant assigns six Hijos for an additional loan of P75,000 offering as
alleged errors as committed by the trial court in its security the additional machinery and equipment
decision in question which will be discussed in the acquired by said B.A. Green and installed in the
course of this decision. sugar central after the execution of the original
mortgage deed, on April 27, 1927, together with
The first question to be decided in this appeal, whatever additional equipment acquired with said
which is raised in the first assignment of alleged loan. B.A. Green failed to obtain said loan.
error, is whether or not the lower court erred in
declaring that the additional machinery and Article 1877 of the Civil Code provides as follows.
equipment, as improvement incorporated with the
central are subject to the mortgage deed executed ART. 1877. A mortgage includes all natural
in favor of the defendants Cu Unjieng e Hijos. accessions, improvements, growing fruits,
and rents not collected when the obligation
It is admitted by the parties that on April 26, 1926, falls due, and the amount of any indemnities
the Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., owner of the sugar paid or due the owner by the insurers of the
central situated in Mabalacat, Pampanga, obtained mortgaged property or by virtue of the
from the defendants, Cu Unjieng e Hijos, a loan exercise of the power of eminent domain,
secured by a first mortgage constituted on two with the declarations, amplifications, and
parcels and land "with all its buildings, limitations established by law, whether the
improvements, sugar-cane mill, steel railway, estate continues in the possession of the
telephone line, apparatus, utensils and whatever person who mortgaged it or whether it
forms part or is necessary complement of said passes into the hands of a third person.
sugar-cane mill, steel railway, telephone line, now
existing or that may in the future exist is said lots." In the case of Bischoff vs. Pomar and Compañia
General de Tabacos (12 Phil., 690), cited with
On October 5, 1926, shortly after said mortgage approval in the case of Cea vs. Villanueva (18 Phil.,
had been constituted, the Mabalacat Sugar Co., 538), this court laid shown the following doctrine:
1. REALTY; MORTGAGE OF REAL Article 334, paragraph 5, of the Civil Code gives the
ESTATE INCLUDES IMPROVEMENTS character of real property to "machinery, liquid
AND FIXTURES. — It is a rule, established containers, instruments or implements intended by
by the Civil Code and also by the Mortgage the owner of any building or land for use in
Law, with which the decisions of the courts connection with any industry or trade being carried
of the United States are in accord, that in a on therein and which are expressly adapted to
mortgage of real estate, the improvements meet the requirements of such trade or industry.
on the same are included; therefore, all
objects permanently attached to a If the installation of the machinery and
mortgaged building or land, although they equipment in question in the central of the
may have been placed there after the Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., in lieu of the other of
mortgage was constituted, are also less capacity existing therein, for its sugar
included. (Arts. 110 and 111 of the industry, converted them into real property by
Mortgage Law, and 1877 of the Civil Code; reason of their purpose, it cannot be said that
decision of U.S. Supreme Court in the their incorporation therewith was not
matter of Royal Insurance Co. vs. R. Miller, permanent in character because, as essential
liquidator, and Amadeo [26 Sup. Ct. Rep., and principal elements of a sugar central,
46; 199 U.S., 353].) without them the sugar central would be unable
to function or carry on the industrial purpose
2. ID.; ID.; INCLUSION OR EXCLUSION for which it was established. Inasmuch as the
OF MACHINERY, ETC. — In order that it central is permanent in character, the
may be understood that the machinery and necessary machinery and equipment installed
other objects placed upon and used in for carrying on the sugar industry for which it
connection with a mortgaged estate are has been established must necessarily be
excluded from the mortgage, when it was permanent.
stated in the mortgage that the
improvements, buildings, and machinery Furthermore, the fact that B.A. Green bound
that existed thereon were also himself to the plaintiff B.H. Berkenkotter to hold
comprehended, it is indispensable that the said machinery and equipment as security for the
exclusion thereof be stipulated between the payment of the latter's credit and to refrain from
contracting parties. mortgaging or otherwise encumbering them until
Berkenkotter has been fully reimbursed therefor, is
The appellant contends that the installation of the not incompatible with the permanent character of
machinery and equipment claimed by him in the the incorporation of said machinery and equipment
sugar central of the Mabalacat Sugar Company, with the sugar central of the Mabalacat Sugar Co.,
Inc., was not permanent in character inasmuch as Inc., as nothing could prevent B.A. Green from
B.A. Green, in proposing to him to advance the giving them as security at least under a second
money for the purchase thereof, made it appear in mortgage.
the letter, Exhibit E, that in case B.A. Green should
fail to obtain an additional loan from the defendants As to the alleged sale of said machinery and
Cu Unjieng e Hijos, said machinery and equipment equipment to the plaintiff and appellant after they
would become security therefor, said B.A. Green had been permanently incorporated with sugar
binding himself not to mortgage nor encumber them central of the Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., and while
to anybody until said plaintiff be fully reimbursed for the mortgage constituted on said sugar central to
the corporation's indebtedness to him. Cu Unjieng e Hijos remained in force, only the right
of redemption of the vendor Mabalacat Sugar Co.,
Upon acquiring the machinery and equipment in Inc., in the sugar central with which said machinery
question with money obtained as loan from the and equipment had been incorporated, was
plaintiff-appellant by B.A. Green, as president of the transferred thereby, subject to the right of the
Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., the latter became owner defendants Cu Unjieng e Hijos under the first
of said machinery and equipment, otherwise B.A. mortgage.
Green, as such president, could not have offered
them to the plaintiff as security for the payment of For the foregoing considerations, we are of the
his credit. opinion and so hold: (1) That the installation of a
machinery and equipment in a mortgaged sugar maintenance and repair equipment hereunder
central, in lieu of another of less capacity, for the referred to.
purpose of carrying out the industrial functions of
the latter and increasing production, constitutes a Respondent City Assessor of Cagayan de Oro City
permanent improvement on said sugar central and assessed at P4,400 petitioner's above-mentioned
subjects said machinery and equipment to the equipment. Petitioner appealed the assessment to
mortgage constituted thereon (article 1877, Civil the respondent Board of Tax Appeals on the
Code); (2) that the fact that the purchaser of the ground that the same are not realty. The Board of
new machinery and equipment has bound himself Tax Appeals of the City sustained the city assessor,
to the person supplying him the purchase money to so petitioner herein filed with the Court of Tax
hold them as security for the payment of the latter's Appeals a petition for the review of the assessment.
credit, and to refrain from mortgaging or otherwise
encumbering them does not alter the permanent In the Court of Tax Appeals the parties submitted
character of the incorporation of said machinery the following stipulation of facts:
and equipment with the central; and (3) that the
sale of the machinery and equipment in question by Petitioner and respondents, thru their
the purchaser who was supplied the purchase respective counsels agreed to the following
money, as a loan, to the person who supplied the stipulation of facts:
money, after the incorporation thereof with the
mortgaged sugar central, does not vest the creditor 1. That petitioner is a public utility solely
with ownership of said machinery and equipment engaged in transporting passengers and
but simply with the right of redemption. cargoes by motor trucks, over its authorized
lines in the Island of Mindanao, collecting
Wherefore, finding no error in the appealed rates approved by the Public Service
judgment, it is affirmed in all its parts, with costs to Commission;
the appellant. So ordered.
2. That petitioner has its main office and
Malcolm, Imperial, Butte, and Goddard, JJ., concur. shop at Cagayan de Oro City. It maintains
Branch Offices and/or stations at Iligan City,
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Lanao; Pagadian, Zamboanga del Sur;
- Davao City and Kibawe, Bukidnon Province;

G.R. No. L-17870 September 29, 1962 3. That the machineries sought to be
assessed by the respondent as real
MINDANAO BUS COMPANY, petitioner, properties are the following:
THE CITY ASSESSOR & TREASURER and the (a) Hobart Electric Welder Machine,
BOARD OF TAX APPEALS of Cagayan de Oro appearing in the attached
City,respondents. photograph, marked Annex "A";

Binamira, Barria and Irabagon for petitioner. (b) Storm Boring Machine,
Vicente E. Sabellina for respondents. appearing in the attached
photograph, marked Annex "B";

(c) Lathe machine with motor,

appearing in the attached
LABRADOR, J.: photograph, marked Annex "C";

This is a petition for the review of the decision of (d) Black and Decker Grinder,
the Court of Tax Appeals in C.T.A. Case No. 710 appearing in the attached
holding that the petitioner Mindanao Bus Company photograph, marked Annex "D";
is liable to the payment of the realty tax on its

(e) PEMCO Hydraulic Press, realties, by reason of their being intended or
appearing in the attached destined for use in an industry.
photograph, marked Annex "E";
3. The Court of Tax Appeals erred in
(f) Battery charger (Tungar charge denying petitioner's contention that the
machine) appearing in the attached respondent City Assessor's power to assess
photograph, marked Annex "F"; and and levy real estate taxes on machineries is
further restricted by section 31, paragraph
(g) D-Engine Waukesha-M-Fuel, (c) of Republic Act No. 521; and
appearing in the attached
photograph, marked Annex "G". 4. The Tax Court erred in denying
petitioner's motion for reconsideration.
4. That these machineries are sitting on
cement or wooden platforms as may be Respondents contend that said equipments, tho
seen in the attached photographs which movable, are immobilized by destination, in
form part of this agreed stipulation of facts; accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 415 of the
New Civil Code which provides:
5. That petitioner is the owner of the land
where it maintains and operates a garage Art. 415. — The following are immovable
for its TPU motor trucks; a repair shop; properties:
blacksmith and carpentry shops, and with
these machineries which are placed therein, xxx xxx xxx
its TPU trucks are made; body constructed;
and same are repaired in a condition to be (5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or
serviceable in the TPU land transportation implements intended by the owner of the
business it operates; tenement for an industry or works which
may be carried on in a building or on a
6. That these machineries have never been piece of land, and which tend directly to
or were never used as industrial equipments meet the needs of the said industry or
to produce finished products for sale, nor to works. (Emphasis ours.)
repair machineries, parts and the like
offered to the general public indiscriminately Note that the stipulation expressly states that the
for business or commercial purposes for equipment are placed on wooden or cement
which petitioner has never engaged in, to platforms. They can be moved around and about in
date.1awphîl.nèt petitioner's repair shop. In the case of B. H.
Berkenkotter vs. Cu Unjieng, 61 Phil. 663, the
The Court of Tax Appeals having sustained the Supreme Court said:
respondent city assessor's ruling, and having
denied a motion for reconsideration, petitioner Article 344 (Now Art. 415), paragraph (5) of
brought the case to this Court assigning the the Civil Code, gives the character of real
following errors: property to "machinery, liquid containers,
instruments or implements intended by the
1. The Honorable Court of Tax Appeals owner of any building or land for use in
erred in upholding respondents' contention connection with any industry or trade being
that the questioned assessments are valid; carried on therein and which are expressly
and that said tools, equipments or adapted to meet the requirements of such
machineries are immovable taxable real trade or industry."
If the installation of the machinery and
2. The Tax Court erred in its interpretation equipment in question in the central of the
of paragraph 5 of Article 415 of the New Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., in lieu of the
Civil Code, and holding that pursuant other of less capacity existing therein, for its
thereto the movable equipments are taxable sugar and industry, converted them into real

property by reason of their purpose, it war. The transportation business could be carried
cannot be said that their incorporation on without the repair or service shop if its rolling
therewith was not permanent in character equipment is repaired or serviced in another shop
because, as essential and principle belonging to another.
elements of a sugar central, without them
the sugar central would be unable to The law that governs the determination of the
function or carry on the industrial purpose question at issue is as follows:
for which it was established. Inasmuch as
the central is permanent in character, the Art. 415. The following are immovable
necessary machinery and equipment property:
installed for carrying on the sugar industry
for which it has been established must xxx xxx xxx
necessarily be permanent. (Emphasis ours.)
(5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or
So that movable equipments to be immobilized in implements intended by the owner of the
contemplation of the law must first be "essential tenement for an industry or works which
and principal elements" of an industry or works may be carried on in a building or on a
without which such industry or works would be piece of land, and which tend directly to
"unable to function or carry on the industrial meet the needs of the said industry or
purpose for which it was established." We may works; (Civil Code of the Phil.)
here distinguish, therefore, those movable which
become immobilized by destination because they Aside from the element of essentiality the above-
are essential and principal elements in the industry quoted provision also requires that the industry or
for those which may not be so considered works be carried on in a building or on a piece of
immobilized because they are merely incidental, land. Thus in the case of Berkenkotter vs. Cu
not essential and principal. Thus, cash registers, Unjieng, supra, the "machinery, liquid containers,
typewriters, etc., usually found and used in hotels, and instruments or implements" are found in a
restaurants, theaters, etc. are merely incidentals building constructed on the land. A sawmill would
and are not and should not be considered also be installed in a building on land more or less
immobilized by destination, for these businesses permanently, and the sawing is conducted in the
can continue or carry on their functions without land or building.
these equity comments. Airline companies use
forklifts, jeep-wagons, pressure pumps, IBM
But in the case at bar the equipments in question
machines, etc. which are incidentals, not
are destined only to repair or service the
essentials, and thus retain their movable nature. On
transportation business, which is not carried on in a
the other hand, machineries of breweries used in
building or permanently on a piece of land, as
the manufacture of liquor and soft drinks, though
demanded by the law. Said equipments may not,
movable in nature, are immobilized because they
therefore, be deemed real property.
are essential to said industries; but the delivery
trucks and adding machines which they usually
own and use and are found within their industrial Resuming what we have set forth above, we hold
compounds are merely incidental and retain their that the equipments in question are not absolutely
movable nature. essential to the petitioner's transportation business,
and petitioner's business is not carried on in a
building, tenement or on a specified land, so said
Similarly, the tools and equipments in question in
equipment may not be considered real estate within
this instant case are, by their nature, not essential
the meaning of Article 415 (c) of the Civil Code.
and principle municipal elements of petitioner's
business of transporting passengers and cargoes
by motor trucks. They are merely incidentals — WHEREFORE, the decision subject of the petition
acquired as movables and used only for for review is hereby set aside and the equipment in
expediency to facilitate and/or improve its service. question declared not subject to assessment as
Even without such tools and equipments, its real estate for the purposes of the real estate tax.
business may be carried on, as petitioner has Without costs.
carried on, without such equipments, before the
So ordered. aforedescribed machinery. Petitioner thereafter
filed a complaint for judicial foreclosure with the
------------------------------------------------------------------- Court of First Instance of Rizal, Branch VI,
docketed as Civil Case No. 36040, the case before
G.R. No. L-58469 May 16, 1983 the lower court.

MAKATI LEASING and FINANCE Acting on petitioner's application for replevin, the
CORPORATION, petitioner, lower court issued a writ of seizure, the
vs. enforcement of which was however subsequently
WEAREVER TEXTILE MILLS, INC., and restrained upon private respondent's filing of a
HONORABLE COURT OF motion for reconsideration. After several incidents,
APPEALS, respondents. the lower court finally issued on February 11, 1981,
an order lifting the restraining order for the
enforcement of the writ of seizure and an order to
Loreto C. Baduan for petitioner.
break open the premises of private respondent to
enforce said writ. The lower court reaffirmed its
Ramon D. Bagatsing & Assoc. (collaborating stand upon private respondent's filing of a further
counsel) for petitioner. motion for reconsideration.
Jose V. Mancella for respondent. On July 13, 1981, the sheriff enforcing the seizure
order, repaired to the premises of private
respondent and removed the main drive motor of
the subject machinery.
The Court of Appeals, in certiorari and prohibition
Petition for review on certiorari of the decision of proceedings subsequently filed by herein private
the Court of Appeals (now Intermediate Appellate respondent, set aside the Orders of the lower court
Court) promulgated on August 27, 1981 in CA-G.R. and ordered the return of the drive motor seized by
No. SP-12731, setting aside certain Orders later the sheriff pursuant to said Orders, after ruling that
specified herein, of Judge Ricardo J. Francisco, as the machinery in suit cannot be the subject of
Presiding Judge of the Court of First instance of replevin, much less of a chattel mortgage, because
Rizal Branch VI, issued in Civil Case No. 36040, as it is a real property pursuant to Article 415 of the
wen as the resolution dated September 22, 1981 of new Civil Code, the same being attached to the
the said appellate court, denying petitioner's motion ground by means of bolts and the only way to
for reconsideration. remove it from respondent's plant would be to drill
out or destroy the concrete floor, the reason why all
It appears that in order to obtain financial that the sheriff could do to enfore the writ was to
accommodations from herein petitioner Makati take the main drive motor of said machinery. The
Leasing and Finance Corporation, the private appellate court rejected petitioner's argument that
respondent Wearever Textile Mills, Inc., discounted private respondent is estopped from claiming that
and assigned several receivables with the former the machine is real property by constituting a
under a Receivable Purchase Agreement. To chattel mortgage thereon.
secure the collection of the receivables assigned,
private respondent executed a Chattel Mortgage A motion for reconsideration of this decision of the
over certain raw materials inventory as well as a Court of Appeals having been denied, petitioner
machinery described as an Artos Aero Dryer has brought the case to this Court for review by writ
Stentering Range. of certiorari. It is contended by private respondent,
however, that the instant petition was rendered
Upon private respondent's default, petitioner filed a moot and academic by petitioner's act of returning
petition for extrajudicial foreclosure of the the subject motor drive of respondent's machinery
properties mortgage to it. However, the Deputy after the Court of Appeals' decision was
Sheriff assigned to implement the foreclosure failed promulgated.
to gain entry into private respondent's premises
and was not able to effect the seizure of the
The contention of private respondent is without mortgage, it is the defendants-
merit. When petitioner returned the subject motor appellants themselves, as debtors-
drive, it made itself unequivocably clear that said mortgagors, who are attacking the
action was without prejudice to a motion for validity of the chattel mortgage in
reconsideration of the Court of Appeals decision, as this case. The doctrine of estoppel
shown by the receipt duly signed by respondent's therefore applies to the herein
representative. 1 Considering that petitioner has defendants-appellants, having
reserved its right to question the propriety of the treated the subject house as
Court of Appeals' decision, the contention of private personality.
respondent that this petition has been mooted by
such return may not be sustained. Examining the records of the instant case, We find
no logical justification to exclude the rule out, as the
The next and the more crucial question to be appellate court did, the present case from the
resolved in this Petition is whether the machinery in application of the abovequoted pronouncement. If a
suit is real or personal property from the point of house of strong materials, like what was involved in
view of the parties, with petitioner arguing that it is the above Tumalad case, may be considered as
a personality, while the respondent claiming the personal property for purposes of executing a
contrary, and was sustained by the appellate court, chattel mortgage thereon as long as the parties to
which accordingly held that the chattel mortgage the contract so agree and no innocent third party
constituted thereon is null and void, as contended will be prejudiced thereby, there is absolutely no
by said respondent. reason why a machinery, which is movable in its
nature and becomes immobilized only by
A similar, if not Identical issue was raised destination or purpose, may not be likewise treated
in Tumalad v. Vicencio, 41 SCRA 143 where this as such. This is really because one who has so
Court, speaking through Justice J.B.L. Reyes, agreed is estopped from denying the existence of
ruled: the chattel mortgage.

Although there is no specific In rejecting petitioner's assertion on the applicability

statement referring to the subject of the Tumalad doctrine, the Court of Appeals lays
house as personal property, yet by stress on the fact that the house involved therein
ceding, selling or transferring a was built on a land that did not belong to the owner
property by way of chattel mortgage of such house. But the law makes no distinction
defendants-appellants could only with respect to the ownership of the land on which
have meant to convey the house as the house is built and We should not lay down
chattel, or at least, intended to treat distinctions not contemplated by law.
the same as such, so that they
should not now be allowed to make It must be pointed out that the characterization of
an inconsistent stand by claiming the subject machinery as chattel by the private
otherwise. Moreover, the subject respondent is indicative of intention and impresses
house stood on a rented lot to which upon the property the character determined by the
defendants-appellants merely had a parties. As stated in Standard Oil Co. of New York
temporary right as lessee, and v. Jaramillo, 44 Phil. 630, it is undeniable that the
although this can not in itself alone parties to a contract may by agreement treat as
determine the status of the property, personal property that which by nature would be
it does so when combined with other real property, as long as no interest of third parties
factors to sustain the interpretation would be prejudiced thereby.
that the parties, particularly the
mortgagors, intended to treat the Private respondent contends that estoppel cannot
house as personality. Finally, unlike apply against it because it had never represented
in the Iya cases, Lopez vs. Orosa, nor agreed that the machinery in suit be considered
Jr. & Plaza Theatre, Inc. & Leung as personal property but was merely required and
Yee vs. F.L. Strong Machinery & dictated on by herein petitioner to sign a printed
Williamson, wherein third persons form of chattel mortgage which was in a blank form
assailed the validity of the chattel at the time of signing. This contention lacks
persuasiveness. As aptly pointed out by petitioner TOMASA TENEZA and BENJAMIN
and not denied by the respondent, the status of the BARBOSA, defendants-appellees.
subject machinery as movable or immovable was
never placed in issue before the lower court and Agripino Brillantes and Alberto B. Bravo for
the Court of Appeals except in a supplemental plaintiffs-appellants.
memorandum in support of the petition filed in the Ernesto Parol for defendants-appellees.
appellate court. Moreover, even granting that the
charge is true, such fact alone does not render a MAKALINTAL, J.:
contract void ab initio, but can only be a ground for
rendering said contract voidable, or annullable This case is before us on appeal from the order of
pursuant to Article 1390 of the new Civil Code, by a the Court of First Instance of Abra dismissing the
proper action in court. There is nothing on record to complaint filed by appellants, upon motion of
show that the mortgage has been annulled. Neither defendants-appellate on the ground that the action
is it disclosed that steps were taken to nullify the was within the exclude (original) jurisdiction of the
same. On the other hand, as pointed out by Justice of the Peace Court of Lagangilang, of the
petitioner and again not refuted by respondent, the same province.
latter has indubitably benefited from said contract.
Equity dictates that one should not benefit at the The complaint alleges in substance that appellants
expense of another. Private respondent could not were the owners of the house, worth P200.00, built
now therefore, be allowed to impugn the efficacy of on and owned by them and situated in the said
the chattel mortgage after it has benefited municipality Lagangilang; that sometime in January
therefrom, 1957 appealed forcibly demolished the house,
claiming to be the owners thereof; that the
From what has been said above, the error of the materials of the house, after it was dismantled,
appellate court in ruling that the questioned were placed in the custody of the barrio lieutenant
machinery is real, not personal property, becomes of the place; and that as a result of appellate's
very apparent. Moreover, the case of Machinery refusal to restore the house or to deliver the
and Engineering Supplies, Inc. v. CA, 96 Phil. 70, material appellants the latter have suffered actual
heavily relied upon by said court is not applicable to damages the amount of P200.00, plus moral and
the case at bar, the nature of the machinery and consequential damages in the amount of P600.00.
equipment involved therein as real properties never The relief prayed for is that "the plaintiffs be
having been disputed nor in issue, and they were declared the owners of the house in question
not the subject of a Chattel Mortgage. Undoubtedly, and/or the materials that resulted in (sic) its
the Tumalad case bears more nearly perfect parity dismantling; (and) that the defendants be orders
with the instant case to be the more controlling pay the sum of P200.00, plus P600.00 as
jurisprudential authority. damages, the costs."

WHEREFORE, the questioned decision and The issue posed by the parties in this appeal is
resolution of the Court of Appeals are hereby whether the action involves title to real property, as
reversed and set aside, and the Orders of the lower appellants contend, and therefore is cognizable by
court are hereby reinstated, with costs against the the Court of First Instance (Sec. 44, par. [b], R.A.
private respondent. 296, as amended), whether it pertains to the
jurisdiction of the Justice of the Peace Court, as
SO ORDERED. stated in the order appealed from, since there is no
real property litigated, the house having ceased to
----------------------------------------------------------------- exist, and the amount of the demand does exceed
P2,000.00 (Sec. 88, id.)1
G.R. No. L-16218 November 29, 1962
The dismissal of the complaint was proper. A house
ANTONIA BICERRA, DOMINGO BICERRA, is classified as immovable property by reason of its
BERNARDO BICERRA, CAYETANO BICERRA, adherence to the soil on which it is built (Art. 415,
LINDA BICERRA, PIO BICERRA and EUFRICINA par. 1, Civil Code). This classification holds true
BICERRA, plaintiffs-appellants, regardless of the fact that the house may be
vs. situated on land belonging to a different owner. But
once the house is demolished, as in this case, it In its February 18, 1998 Order,5 the Regional Trial
ceases to exist as such and hence its character as Court (RTC) of Quezon City (Branch 218)6 issued a
an immovable likewise ceases. It should be noted Writ of Seizure.7 The March 18, 1998
that the complaint here is for recovery of damages. Resolution8 denied petitioners’ Motion for Special
This is the only positive relief prayed for by Protective Order, praying that the deputy sheriff be
appellants. To be sure, they also asked that they be enjoined "from seizing immobilized or other real
declared owners of the dismantled house and/or of properties in (petitioners’) factory in Cainta, Rizal
the materials. However, such declaration in no wise and to return to their original place whatever
constitutes the relief itself which if granted by final immobilized machineries or equipments he may
judgment could be enforceable by execution, but is have removed."9
only incidental to the real cause of action to recover
damages. The Facts

The order appealed from is affirmed. The appeal The undisputed facts are summarized by the Court
having been admitted in forma pauperis, no costs of Appeals as follows:10
are adjudged.
"On February 13, 1998, respondent PCI Leasing
-------------------------------------------------------------------- and Finance, Inc. ("PCI Leasing" for short) filed with
--- the RTC-QC a complaint for [a] sum of money
(Annex ‘E’), with an application for a writ of replevin
G.R. No. 137705 August 22, 2000 docketed as Civil Case No. Q-98-33500.

SERG'S PRODUCTS, INC., and SERGIO T. "On March 6, 1998, upon an ex-parte application of
GOQUIOLAY, petitioners, PCI Leasing, respondent judge issued a writ of
vs. replevin (Annex ‘B’) directing its sheriff to seize and
PCI LEASING AND FINANCE, INC., respondent. deliver the machineries and equipment to PCI
Leasing after 5 days and upon the payment of the
DECISION necessary expenses.

PANGANIBAN, J.: "On March 24, 1998, in implementation of said writ,

the sheriff proceeded to petitioner’s factory, seized
one machinery with [the] word that he [would]
After agreeing to a contract stipulating that a real or
return for the other machineries.
immovable property be considered as personal or
movable, a party is estopped from subsequently
claiming otherwise. Hence, such property is a "On March 25, 1998, petitioners filed a motion for
proper subject of a writ of replevin obtained by the special protective order (Annex ‘C’), invoking the
other contracting party. power of the court to control the conduct of its
officers and amend and control its processes,
praying for a directive for the sheriff to defer
The Case
enforcement of the writ of replevin.
Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari
"This motion was opposed by PCI Leasing (Annex
assailing the January 6, 1999 Decision1 of the Court
‘F’), on the ground that the properties [were] still
of Appeals (CA)2in CA-GR SP No. 47332 and its
personal and therefore still subject to seizure and a
February 26, 1999 Resolution3 denying
writ of replevin.
reconsideration. The decretal portion of the CA
Decision reads as follows:
"In their Reply, petitioners asserted that the
properties sought to be seized [were] immovable as
"WHEREFORE, premises considered, the assailed
defined in Article 415 of the Civil Code, the parties’
Order dated February 18, 1998 and Resolution
agreement to the contrary notwithstanding. They
dated March 31, 1998 in Civil Case No. Q-98-
argued that to give effect to the agreement would
33500 are hereby AFFIRMED. The writ of
be prejudicial to innocent third parties. They further
preliminary injunction issued on June 15, 1998 is
stated that PCI Leasing [was] estopped from
hereby LIFTED."4
treating these machineries as personal because the B. Whether or not the contract between the parties
contracts in which the alleged agreement [were] is a loan or a lease."12
embodied [were] totally sham and farcical.
In the main, the Court will resolve whether the said
"On April 6, 1998, the sheriff again sought to machines are personal, not immovable, property
enforce the writ of seizure and take possession of which may be a proper subject of a writ of replevin.
the remaining properties. He was able to take two As a preliminary matter, the Court will also address
more, but was prevented by the workers from briefly the procedural points raised by respondent.
taking the rest.
The Court’s Ruling
"On April 7, 1998, they went to [the CA] via an
original action for certiorari." The Petition is not meritorious.

Ruling of the Court of Appeals Preliminary Matter:Procedural Questions

Citing the Agreement of the parties, the appellate Respondent contends that the Petition failed to
court held that the subject machines were personal indicate expressly whether it was being filed under
property, and that they had only been leased, not Rule 45 or Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. It further
owned, by petitioners. It also ruled that the "words alleges that the Petition erroneously impleaded
of the contract are clear and leave no doubt upon Judge Hilario Laqui as respondent.
the true intention of the contracting parties."
Observing that Petitioner Goquiolay was an There is no question that the present recourse is
experienced businessman who was "not unfamiliar under Rule 45. This conclusion finds support in the
with the ways of the trade," it ruled that he "should very title of the Petition, which is "Petition for
have realized the import of the document he Review on Certiorari."13
signed." The CA further held:
While Judge Laqui should not have been
"Furthermore, to accord merit to this petition would impleaded as a respondent,14 substantial justice
be to preempt the trial court in ruling upon the case requires that such lapse by itself should not warrant
below, since the merits of the whole matter are laid the dismissal of the present Petition. In this light,
down before us via a petition whose sole purpose is the Court deems it proper to remove, motu proprio,
to inquire upon the existence of a grave abuse of the name of Judge Laqui from the caption of the
discretion on the part of the [RTC] in issuing the present case.
assailed Order and Resolution. The issues raised
herein are proper subjects of a full-blown trial, Main Issue: Nature of the Subject Machinery
necessitating presentation of evidence by both
parties. The contract is being enforced by one, and Petitioners contend that the subject machines used
[its] validity is attacked by the other – a matter x x x in their factory were not proper subjects of the Writ
which respondent court is in the best position to issued by the RTC, because they were in fact real
determine." property. Serious policy considerations, they argue,
militate against a contrary characterization.
Hence, this Petition.11
Rule 60 of the Rules of Court provides that writs of
The Issues replevin are issued for the recovery of personal
property only.15Section 3 thereof reads:
In their Memorandum, petitioners submit the
following issues for our consideration: "SEC. 3. Order. -- Upon the filing of such affidavit
and approval of the bond, the court shall issue an
"A. Whether or not the machineries purchased and order and the corresponding writ of replevin
imported by SERG’S became real property by describing the personal property alleged to be
virtue of immobilization. wrongfully detained and requiring the sheriff
forthwith to take such property into his custody."

On the other hand, Article 415 of the Civil Code such, so that they should not now be allowed to
enumerates immovable or real property as follows: make an inconsistent stand by claiming otherwise."

"ART. 415. The following are immovable property: Applying Tumalad, the Court in Makati Leasing and
Finance Corp. v. Wearever Textile Mills20 also held
xxx xxx xxx that the machinery used in a factory and essential
to the industry, as in the present case, was a
(5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or proper subject of a writ of replevin because it was
implements intended by the owner of the tenement treated as personal property in a contract. Pertinent
for an industry or works which may be carried on in portions of the Court’s ruling are reproduced
a building or on a piece of land, and which tend hereunder:
directly to meet the needs of the said industry or
works; "x x x. If a house of strong materials, like what was
involved in the above Tumalad case, may be
xxx xxx x x x" considered as personal property for purposes of
executing a chattel mortgage thereon as long as
In the present case, the machines that were the the parties to the contract so agree and no innocent
subjects of the Writ of Seizure were placed by third party will be prejudiced thereby, there is
petitioners in the factory built on their own land. absolutely no reason why a machinery, which is
Indisputably, they were essential and principal movable in its nature and becomes immobilized
elements of their chocolate-making industry. only by destination or purpose, may not be likewise
Hence, although each of them was movable or treated as such. This is really because one who
personal property on its own, all of them have has so agreed is estopped from denying the
become "immobilized by destination because they existence of the chattel mortgage."
are essential and principal elements in the
industry."16 In that sense, petitioners are correct in In the present case, the Lease Agreement clearly
arguing that the said machines are real, not provides that the machines in question are to be
personal, property pursuant to Article 415 (5) of the considered as personal property. Specifically,
Civil Code.17 Section 12.1 of the Agreement reads as follows:21

Be that as it may, we disagree with the submission "12.1 The PROPERTY is, and shall at all times be
of the petitioners that the said machines are not and remain, personal property notwithstanding that
proper subjects of the Writ of Seizure. the PROPERTY or any part thereof may now be, or
hereafter become, in any manner affixed or
The Court has held that contracting parties may attached to or embedded in, or permanently resting
validly stipulate that a real property be considered upon, real property or any building thereon, or
as personal.18After agreeing to such stipulation, attached in any manner to what is permanent."
they are consequently estopped from claiming
otherwise. Under the principle of estoppel, a party Clearly then, petitioners are estopped from denying
to a contract is ordinarily precluded from denying the characterization of the subject machines as
the truth of any material fact found therein. personal property. Under the circumstances, they
are proper subjects of the Writ of Seizure.
Hence, in Tumalad v. Vicencio,19 the Court upheld
the intention of the parties to treat a house as a It should be stressed, however, that our holding --
personal property because it had been made the that the machines should be deemed personal
subject of a chattel mortgage. The Court ruled: property pursuant to the Lease Agreement – is
good only insofar as the contracting parties are
"x x x. Although there is no specific statement concerned.22 Hence, while the parties are bound by
referring to the subject house as personal property, the Agreement, third persons acting in good faith
yet by ceding, selling or transferring a property by are not affected by its stipulation characterizing the
way of chattel mortgage defendants-appellants subject machinery as personal.23 In any event,
could only have meant to convey the house as there is no showing that any specific third party
chattel, or at least, intended to treat the same as would be adversely affected.

Validity of the Lease Agreement It should be pointed out that the Court in this case
may rely on the Lease Agreement, for nothing on
In their Memorandum, petitioners contend that the record shows that it has been nullified or annulled.
Agreement is a loan and not a lease.24 Submitting In fact, petitioners assailed it first only in the RTC
documents supposedly showing that they own the proceedings, which had ironically been instituted by
subject machines, petitioners also argue in their respondent. Accordingly, it must be presumed valid
Petition that the Agreement suffers from "intrinsic and binding as the law between the parties.
ambiguity which places in serious doubt the
intention of the parties and the validity of the lease Makati Leasing and Finance Corporation30 is also
agreement itself."25 In their Reply to respondent’s instructive on this point. In that case, the Deed of
Comment, they further allege that the Agreement is Chattel Mortgage, which characterized the subject
invalid.26 machinery as personal property, was also assailed
because respondent had allegedly been required
These arguments are unconvincing. The validity "to sign a printed form of chattel mortgage which
and the nature of the contract are the lis mota of was in a blank form at the time of signing." The
the civil action pending before the RTC. A Court rejected the argument and relied on the
resolution of these questions, therefore, is Deed, ruling as follows:
effectively a resolution of the merits of the case.
Hence, they should be threshed out in the trial, not "x x x. Moreover, even granting that the charge is
in the proceedings involving the issuance of the true, such fact alone does not render a contract
Writ of Seizure. void ab initio, but can only be a ground for
rendering said contract voidable, or annullable
Indeed, in La Tondeña Distillers v. CA,27 the Court pursuant to Article 1390 of the new Civil Code, by a
explained that the policy under Rule 60 was that proper action in court. There is nothing on record to
questions involving title to the subject property – show that the mortgage has been annulled. Neither
questions which petitioners are now raising -- is it disclosed that steps were taken to nullify the
should be determined in the trial. In that case, the same. x x x"
Court noted that the remedy of defendants under
Rule 60 was either to post a counter-bond or to Alleged Injustice Committed on the Part of
question the sufficiency of the plaintiff’s bond. They Petitioners
were not allowed, however, to invoke the title to the
subject property. The Court ruled: Petitioners contend that "if the Court allows these
machineries to be seized, then its workers would be
"In other words, the law does not allow the out of work and thrown into the streets."31 They also
defendant to file a motion to dissolve or discharge allege that the seizure would nullify all efforts to
the writ of seizure (or delivery) on ground of rehabilitate the corporation.
insufficiency of the complaint or of the grounds
relied upon therefor, as in proceedings on Petitioners’ arguments do not preclude the
preliminary attachment or injunction, and thereby implementation of the Writ.1âwphi1 As earlier
put at issue the matter of the title or right of discussed, law and jurisprudence support its
possession over the specific chattel being propriety. Verily, the above-mentioned
replevied, the policy apparently being that said consequences, if they come true, should not be
matter should be ventilated and determined only at blamed on this Court, but on the petitioners for
the trial on the merits."28 failing to avail themselves of the remedy under
Section 5 of Rule 60, which allows the filing of a
Besides, these questions require a determination of counter-bond. The provision states:
facts and a presentation of evidence, both of which
have no place in a petition for certiorari in the CA "SEC. 5. Return of property. -- If the adverse party
under Rule 65 or in a petition for review in this objects to the sufficiency of the applicant’s bond, or
Court under Rule 45.29 of the surety or sureties thereon, he cannot
immediately require the return of the property, but if
Reliance on the Lease Agreement he does not so object, he may, at any time before
the delivery of the property to the applicant, require
the return thereof, by filing with the court where the
action is pending a bond executed to the applicant, machines were personal property, and that they
in double the value of the property as stated in the had only been leased, not owned, by petitioners;
applicant’s affidavit for the delivery thereof to the and ruled that the "words of the contract are clear
applicant, if such delivery be adjudged, and for the and leave no doubt upon the true intention of the
payment of such sum to him as may be recovered contracting parties."
against the adverse party, and by serving a copy
bond on the applicant." ISSUE: Whether or not the machineries became
real property by virtue of immobilization.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED and the
assailed Decision of the Court of Ruling:
Appeals AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioners. Petitioners contend that the subject machines used
in their factory were not proper subjects of the Writ
SO ORDERED. issued by the RTC, because they were in fact real
Digest :
Writ of Replevin: Rule 60 of the Rules of Court
provides that writs of replevin are issued for the
Serg's v. PCI Leasing recovery of personal property only.
Serg’s Products, Inc. vs. PCI Leasing G.R. No. Article 415 (5) of the Civil Code provides that
137705. August 22, 2000 machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements
intended by the owner of the tenement for an
FACTS: industry or works which may be carried on in a
building or on a piece of land, and which tend
PCI Leasing and Finance filed a complaint for sum directly to meet the needs of the said industry or
of money, with an application for a writ of replevin. works

Judge issued a writ of replevin directing its sheriff to In the present case, the machines that were the
seize and deliver the machineries and equipment to subjects of the Writ of Seizure were placed by
PCI Leasing after 5 days and upon the payment of petitioners in the factory built on their own
the necessary expenses. land.They were essential and principal elements of
their chocolate-making industry.Hence, although
The sheriff proceeded to petitioner's factory, seized each of them was movable or personal property on
one machinery, with word that he would return for its own, all of them have become “immobilized by
other machineries. destination because they are essential and
principal elements in the industry.”
Petitioner (Serg’s Products) filed a motion for
special protective order to defer enforcement of the However, contracting parties may validly stipulate
writ of replevin. that a real property be considered as personal.
After agreeing to such stipulation, they are
PCI Leasing opposed the motion on the ground that consequently estopped from claiming
the properties were still personal and therefore can otherwise.Under the principle of estoppel, a party to
still be subjected to seizure and writ of replevin. a contract is ordinarily precluded from denying the
truth of any material fact found therein.
Petitioner asserted that properties sought to be
seized were immovable as defined in Article 415 of Section 12.1 of the Agreement between the parties
the Civil Code. provides “The PROPERTY is, and shall at all times
be and remain, personal property notwithstanding
Sheriff was still able to take possession of two more that the PROPERTY or any part thereof may now
machineries be, or hereafter become, in any manner affixed or
attached to or embedded in, or permanently resting
upon, real property or any building thereon, or
In its decision on the original action for certiorari
attached in any manner to what is permanent.”
filed by the Petitioner, the appellate court, Citing the
Agreement of the parties, held that the subject
The machines are personal property and they are rented from Madrigal & Company, Inc. The
proper subjects of the Writ of Replevin mortgage was registered in the Registry of Deeds
of Manila on 2 September 1955. The herein
------------------------------------------------------------------ mortgage was executed to guarantee a loan of
P4,800.00 received from plaintiffs-appellees,
G.R. No. L-30173 September 30, 1971 payable within one year at 12% per annum. The
mode of payment was P150.00 monthly, starting
GAVINO A. TUMALAD and GENEROSA R. September, 1955, up to July 1956, and the lump
TUMALAD, plaintiffs-appellees, sum of P3,150 was payable on or before August,
vs. 1956. It was also agreed that default in the
ALBERTA VICENCIO and EMILIANO payment of any of the amortizations, would cause
SIMEON, defendants-appellants. the remaining unpaid balance to
becomeimmediately due and Payable and —
Castillo & Suck for plaintiffs-appellees.
the Chattel Mortgage will be
Jose Q. Calingo for defendants-appellants. enforceable in accordance with the
provisions of Special Act No. 3135,
and for this purpose, the Sheriff of
the City of Manila or any of his
deputies is hereby empowered and
REYES, J.B.L., J.: authorized to sell all the Mortgagor's
property after the necessary
Case certified to this Court by the Court of Appeals publication in order to settle the
(CA-G.R. No. 27824-R) for the reason that only financial debts of P4,800.00, plus
questions of law are involved. 12% yearly interest, and attorney's
fees... 2
This case was originally commenced by
defendants-appellants in the municipal court of When defendants-appellants defaulted in paying,
Manila in Civil Case No. 43073, for ejectment. the mortgage was extrajudicially foreclosed, and on
Having lost therein, defendants-appellants 27 March 1956, the house was sold at public
appealed to the court a quo (Civil Case No. 30993) auction pursuant to the said contract. As highest
which also rendered a decision against them, the bidder, plaintiffs-appellees were issued the
dispositive portion of which follows: corresponding certificate of sale.3 Thereafter, on 18
April 1956, plaintiffs-appellant commenced Civil
WHEREFORE, the court hereby Case No. 43073 in the municipal court of Manila,
renders judgment in favor of the praying, among other things, that the house be
plaintiffs and against the defendants, vacated and its possession surrendered to them,
ordering the latter to pay jointly and and for defendants-appellants to pay rent of
severally the former a monthly rent P200.00 monthly from 27 March 1956 up to the
of P200.00 on the house, subject- time the possession is surrendered.4 On 21
matter of this action, from March 27, September 1956, the municipal court rendered its
1956, to January 14, 1967, with decision —
interest at the legal rate from April
18, 1956, the filing of the complaint, ... ordering the defendants to vacate
until fully paid, plus attorney's fees in the premises described in the
the sum of P300.00 and to pay the complaint; ordering further to pay
costs. monthly the amount of P200.00 from
March 27, 1956, until such (time
It appears on the records that on 1 September that) the premises is (sic) completely
1955 defendants-appellants executed a chattel vacated; plus attorney's fees of
mortgage in favor of plaintiffs-appellees over their P100.00 and the costs of the suit.5
house of strong materials located at No. 550 Int. 3,
Quezon Boulevard, Quiapo, Manila, over Lot Nos. Defendants-appellants, in their answers in both the
6-B and 7-B, Block No. 2554, which were being municipal court and court a quo impugned the
legality of the chattel mortgage, claiming that they (b) Whether the defendants are,
are still the owners of the house; but they waived under the law, legally bound to pay
the right to introduce evidence, oral or rentals to the plaintiffs during the
documentary. Instead, they relied on their period of one (1) year provided by
memoranda in support of their motion to dismiss, law for the redemption of the
predicated mainly on the grounds that: (a) the extrajudicially foreclosed house.
municipal court did not have jurisdiction to try and
decide the case because (1) the issue involved, is We will consider these questions seriatim.
ownership, and (2) there was no allegation of prior
possession; and (b) failure to prove prior demand (a) Defendants-appellants mortgagors question the
pursuant to Section 2, Rule 72, of the Rules of jurisdiction of the municipal court from which the
Court.6 case originated, and consequently, the appellate
jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance a quo, on
During the pendency of the appeal to the Court of the theory that the chattel mortgage is void ab initio;
First Instance, defendants-appellants failed to whence it would follow that the extrajudicial
deposit the rent for November, 1956 within the first foreclosure, and necessarily the consequent
10 days of December, 1956 as ordered in the auction sale, are also void. Thus, the ownership of
decision of the municipal court. As a result, the the house still remained with defendants-appellants
court granted plaintiffs-appellees' motion for who are entitled to possession and not plaintiffs-
execution, and it was actually issued on 24 January appellees. Therefore, it is argued by defendants-
1957. However, the judgment regarding the appellants, the issue of ownership will have to be
surrender of possession to plaintiffs-appellees adjudicated first in order to determine possession. lt
could not be executed because the subject house is contended further that ownership being in issue,
had been already demolished on 14 January 1957 it is the Court of First Instance which has
pursuant to the order of the court in a separate civil jurisdiction and not the municipal court.
case (No. 25816) for ejectment against the present
defendants for non-payment of rentals on the land Defendants-appellants predicate their theory of
on which the house was constructed. nullity of the chattel mortgage on two grounds,
which are: (a) that, their signatures on the chattel
The motion of plaintiffs for dismissal of the appeal, mortgage were obtained through fraud, deceit, or
execution of the supersedeas bond and withdrawal trickery; and (b) that the subject matter of the
of deposited rentals was denied for the reason that mortgage is a house of strong materials, and, being
the liability therefor was disclaimed and was still an immovable, it can only be the subject of a real
being litigated, and under Section 8, Rule 72, estate mortgage and not a chattel mortgage.
rentals deposited had to be held until final
disposition of the appeal.7 On the charge of fraud, deceit or trickery, the Court
of First Instance found defendants-appellants'
On 7 October 1957, the appellate court of First contentions as not supported by evidence and
Instance rendered its decision, the dispositive accordingly dismissed the charge,8 confirming the
portion of which is quoted earlier. The said decision earlier finding of the municipal court that "the
was appealed by defendants to the Court of defense of ownership as well as the allegations of
Appeals which, in turn, certified the appeal to this fraud and deceit ... are mere allegations."9
Court. Plaintiffs-appellees failed to file a brief and
this appeal was submitted for decision without it. It has been held in Supia and Batiaco vs. Quintero
and Ayala10 that "the answer is a mere statement of
Defendants-appellants submitted numerous the facts which the party filing it expects to
assignments of error which can be condensed into prove, but it is not evidence;11 and further, that
two questions, namely: . when the question to be determined is one of title,
the Court is given the authority to proceed with the
(a) Whether the municipal court from hearing of the cause until this fact is clearly
which the case originated had established. In the case of Sy vs.
jurisdiction to adjudicate the same; Dalman,12 wherein the defendant was also a
successful bidder in an auction sale, it was likewise
held by this Court that in detainer cases the aim of
ownership "is a matter of defense and raises an mixed materials, and this Court hold therein that it
issue of fact which should be determined from the was a valid Chattel mortgage because it was
evidence at the trial." What determines jurisdiction so expressly designated and specifically that the
are the allegations or averments in the complaint property given as security "is a house of mixed
and the relief asked for. 13 materials, which by its very nature is considered
personal property." In the later case of Navarro vs.
Moreover, even granting that the charge is true, Pineda,21 this Court stated that —
fraud or deceit does not render a contract void ab
initio, and can only be a ground for rendering the The view that parties to a deed of
contract voidable or annullable pursuant to Article chattel mortgage may agree to
1390 of the New Civil Code, by a proper action in consider a house as personal
court. 14 There is nothing on record to show that the property for the purposes of said
mortgage has been annulled. Neither is it disclosed contract, "is good only insofar as the
that steps were taken to nullify the same. Hence, contracting parties are concerned. It
defendants-appellants' claim of ownership on the is based, partly, upon the principle of
basis of a voidable contract which has not been estoppel" (Evangelista vs. Alto
voided fails. Surety, No. L-11139, 23 April 1958).
In a case, a mortgaged house built
It is claimed in the alternative by defendants- on a rented land was held to be a
appellants that even if there was no fraud, deceit or personal property, not only because
trickery, the chattel mortgage was still null and the deed of mortgage considered it
void ab initio because only personal properties can as such, but also because it did not
be subject of a chattel mortgage. The rule about the form part of the land (Evangelists vs.
status of buildings as immovable property is stated Abad, [CA]; 36 O.G. 2913), for it is
in Lopez vs. Orosa, Jr. and Plaza Theatre now settled that an object placed on
Inc.,15cited in Associated Insurance Surety Co., Inc. land by one who had only a
vs. Iya, et al. 16 to the effect that — temporary right to the same, such as
the lessee or usufructuary, does not
... it is obvious that the inclusion of become immobilized by attachment
the building, separate and distinct (Valdez vs. Central Altagracia, 222
from the land, in the enumeration of U.S. 58, cited in Davao Sawmill Co.,
what may constitute real properties Inc. vs. Castillo, et al., 61 Phil. 709).
(art. 415, New Civil Code) could only Hence, if a house belonging to a
mean one thing — that a building is person stands on a rented land
by itself an immovable belonging to another person, it may
property irrespective of whether or be mortgaged as a personal
not said structure and the land on property as so stipulated in the
which it is adhered to belong to the document of mortgage. (Evangelista
same owner. vs. Abad, Supra.) It should be noted,
however that the principle is
Certain deviations, however, have been allowed for predicated on statements by the
various reasons. In the case of Manarang and owner declaring his house to be a
Manarang vs. Ofilada,17 this Court stated that "it is chattel, a conduct that may
undeniable that the parties to a contract may by conceivably estop him from
agreement treat as personal property that which by subsequently claiming otherwise.
nature would be real property", citing Standard Oil (Ladera vs. C.N. Hodges, [CA] 48
Company of New York vs. Jaramillo. 18 In the latter O.G. 5374): 22
case, the mortgagor conveyed and transferred to
the mortgagee by way of mortgage "the following In the contract now before Us, the house on rented
described personal property." 19 The "personal land is not only expressly designated as Chattel
property" consisted of leasehold rights and a Mortgage; it specifically provides that "the
building. Again, in the case of Luna vs. mortgagor ... voluntarily CEDES, SELLS and
Encarnacion,20 the subject of the contract TRANSFERS by way of Chattel Mortgage23 the
designated as Chattel Mortgage was a house of property together with its leasehold rights over the
lot on which it is constructed and participation allowed by Act No. 3135, as amended by Act No.
..." 24 Although there is no specific statement 4118, provided that the requirements of the law
referring to the subject house as personal property, relative to notice and registration are complied
yet by ceding, selling or transferring a property by with. 29 In the instant case, the parties specifically
way of chattel mortgage defendants-appellants stipulated that "the chattel mortgage will
could only have meant to convey the house as be enforceable in accordance with the provisions of
chattel, or at least, intended to treat the same as Special Act No. 3135 ... ." 30(Emphasis supplied).
such, so that they should not now be allowed to
make an inconsistent stand by claiming otherwise. Section 6 of the Act referred to 31 provides that the
Moreover, the subject house stood on a rented lot debtor-mortgagor (defendants-appellants herein)
to which defendats-appellants merely had a may, at any time within one year from and after the
temporary right as lessee, and although this can date of the auction sale, redeem the property sold
not in itself alone determine the status of the at the extra judicial foreclosure sale. Section 7 of
property, it does so when combined with other the same Act 32 allows the purchaser of the
factors to sustain the interpretation that the parties, property to obtain from the court the possession
particularly the mortgagors, intended to treat the during the period of redemption: but the same
house as personalty. Finally unlike in the Iya provision expressly requires the filing of a petition
cases, Lopez vs. Orosa, Jr. and Plaza Theatre, with the proper Court of First Instance and the
Inc. 25 and Leung Yee vs. F. L. Strong Machinery furnishing of a bond. It is only upon filing of the
and Williamson, 26 wherein third persons assailed proper motion and the approval of the
the validity of the chattel mortgage,27 it is the corresponding bond that the order for a writ of
defendants-appellants themselves, as debtors- possession issues as a matter of course. No
mortgagors, who are attacking the validity of the discretion is left to the court. 33 In the absence of
chattel mortgage in this case. The doctrine of such a compliance, as in the instant case, the
estoppel therefore applies to the herein defendants- purchaser can not claim possession during the
appellants, having treated the subject house as period of redemption as a matter of right. In such a
personalty. case, the governing provision is Section 34, Rule
39, of the Revised Rules of Court 34 which also
(b) Turning to the question of possession and applies to properties purchased in extrajudicial
rentals of the premises in question. The Court of foreclosure proceedings.35 Construing the said
First Instance noted in its decision that nearly a section, this Court stated in the aforestated case
year after the foreclosure sale the mortgaged of Reyes vs. Hamada.
house had been demolished on 14 and 15 January
1957 by virtue of a decision obtained by the lessor In other words, before the expiration
of the land on which the house stood. For this of the 1-year period within which the
reason, the said court limited itself to sentencing judgment-debtor or mortgagor may
the erstwhile mortgagors to pay plaintiffs a monthly redeem the property, the purchaser
rent of P200.00 from 27 March 1956 (when the thereof is not entitled, as a matter of
chattel mortgage was foreclosed and the house right, to possession of the same.
sold) until 14 January 1957 (when it was torn down Thus, while it is true that the Rules
by the Sheriff), plus P300.00 attorney's fees. of Court allow the purchaser to
receive the rentals if the purchased
Appellants mortgagors question this award, property is occupied by tenants, he
claiming that they were entitled to remain in is, nevertheless, accountable to the
possession without any obligation to pay rent judgment-debtor or mortgagor as the
during the one year redemption period after the case may be, for the amount so
foreclosure sale, i.e., until 27 March 1957. On this received and the same will be duly
issue, We must rule for the appellants. credited against the redemption
price when the said debtor or
Chattel mortgages are covered and regulated by mortgagor effects the
the Chattel Mortgage Law, Act No. 1508.28 Section redemption. Differently stated, the
14 of this Act allows the mortgagee to have the rentals receivable from tenants,
property mortgaged sold at public auction through a although they may be collected by
public officer in almost the same manner as that the purchaser during the redemption
period, do not belong to the latter but Tumalad. To guaranty said loan, Vicencio executed
still pertain to the debtor of a chattel mortgage in favor of Tumalad over their
mortgagor. The rationale for the house of strong materials which stood on a land
Rule, it seems, is to secure for the which was rented from the Madrigal & Company,
benefit of the debtor or mortgagor, Inc. When Vicencio defaulted in paying, the house
the payment of the redemption was extrajudicially foreclosed, pursuant to their
amount and the consequent return contract. It was sold to Tumalad and they instituted
to him of his properties sold at public a Civil case in the Municipal Court of Manila to
auction. (Emphasis supplied) have Vicencio vacate the house and pay rent.

The Hamada case reiterates the previous ruling The MTC decided in favor of Tumalad ordering
in Chan vs. Espe.36 Vicencio to vacate the house and pay rent until they
have completely vacated the house. Vicencio is
Since the defendants-appellants were occupying questioning the legality of the chattel mortgage on
the house at the time of the auction sale, they are the ground that 1) the signature on it was obtained
entitled to remain in possession during the period of thru fraud and 2) the mortgage is a house of strong
redemption or within one year from and after 27 materials which is an immovable therefore can only
March 1956, the date of the auction sale, and to be the subject of a REM. On appeal, the CFI found
collect the rents or profits during the said period. in favor of Tumalad, and since the Vicencio failed to
deposit the rent ordered, it issued a writ of
It will be noted further that in the case at bar the execution, however the house was already
period of redemption had not yet expired when demolished pursuant to an order of the court in an
action was instituted in the court of origin, and that ejectment suit against Vicencio for non-payment of
plaintiffs-appellees did not choose to take rentals. Thus the case at bar.
possession under Section 7, Act No. 3135, as Issue:
amended, which is the law selected by the parties Whether or not the chattel mortgage is void since
to govern the extrajudicial foreclosure of the chattel its subject is an immovable
mortgage. Neither was there an allegation to that Ruling:
effect. Since plaintiffs-appellees' right to possess NO.
was not yet born at the filing of the complaint, there Although a building is by itself an immovable
could be no violation or breach thereof. Wherefore, property, parties to a contract may treat as personal
the original complaint stated no cause of action and property that which by nature would be real
was prematurely filed. For this reason, the same property and it would be valid and good only insofar
should be ordered dismissed, even if there was no as the contracting parties are concerned. By
assignment of error to that effect. The Supreme principle of estoppel, the owner declaring his house
Court is clothed with ample authority to review to be a chattel may no longer subsequently claim
palpable errors not assigned as such if it finds that otherwise.
their consideration is necessary in arriving at a just
decision of the cases. 37 When Vicencio executed the Chattel Mortgage, it
specifically provides that the mortgagor cedes, sells
It follows that the court below erred in requiring the and transfers by way of Chattel mortgage. They
mortgagors to pay rents for the year following the intended to treat it as chattel therefore are now
foreclosure sale, as well as attorney's fees. estopped from claiming otherwise. Also the house
stood on rented land which was held in previous
jurisprudence to be personalty since it was placed
on the land by one who had only temporary right
appealed from is reversed and another one
over the property thus it does not become
entered, dismissing the complaint. With costs
immobilized by attachment.
against plaintiffs-appellees.
[Vicencio though was not made to pay rent since
CASE DIGEST: the action was instituted during the period of
redemption therefore Vicencio still had a right to
Facts: remain in possession of the property]
Alberta Vicencio and Emiliano Simeon received a
loan of P4, 800 from Gavino and Generosa
----------------------------------------------------------------‘ improvements now existing or which may
hereafter exist thereon, situated in . . .
G.R. No. 120098 October 2, 2001
"Annex A"
RUBY L. TSAI, petitioner,
vs. (Real and Chattel Mortgage executed by
HON. COURT OF APPEALS, EVER TEXTILE Ever Textile Mills in favor of
MILLS, INC. and MAMERTO R PBCommunications — continued)
VILLALUZ, respondents.
A. Forty Eight (48) units of Vayrow Knitting
[G.R. No. 120109. October 2, 2001.] Machines-Tompkins made in Hongkong:

PHILIPPINE BANK OF Serial Numbers Size of Machines

vs. xxx xxx xxx
MILLS and MAMERTO R B. Sixteen (16) sets of Vayrow Knitting
VILLALUZ, respondents. Machines made in Taiwan.

QUISUMBING, J.: xxx xxx xxx

These consolidated cases assail the decision1 of C. Two (2) Circular Knitting Machines made
the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 32986, in West Germany.
affirming the decision2 of the Regional Trial Court of
Manila, Branch 7, in Civil Case No. 89-48265. Also xxx xxx xxx
assailed is respondent court's resolution denying
petitioners' motion for reconsideration. D. Four (4) Winding Machines.
On November 26, 1975, respondent Ever Textile xxx xxx xxx
Mills, Inc. (EVERTEX) obtained a three million peso
(P3,000,000.00) loan from petitioner Philippine
Bank of Communications (PBCom). As security for
the loan, EVERTEX executed in favor of PBCom, a
deed of Real and Chattel Mortgage over the lot I. TCT # 372097 - RIZAL
under TCT No. 372097, where its factory stands,
and the chattels located therein as enumerated in a xxx xxx xxx
schedule attached to the mortgage contract. The
pertinent portions of the Real and Chattel Mortgage II. Any and all buildings and improvements
are quoted below: now existing or hereafter to exist on the
above-mentioned lot.
(REAL AND CHATTEL) located and/or installed on the above-
mentioned lot located at . . .
xxx xxx xxx
(a) Forty eight sets (48) Vayrow Knitting
The MORTGAGOR(S) hereby transfer(s) Machines . . .
and convey(s), by way of First Mortgage, to
the MORTGAGEE, . . . certain parcel(s) of (b) Sixteen sets (16) Vayrow Knitting
land, together with all the buildings and Machines . . .

(c) Two (2) Circular Knitting Machines . . . On March 7, 1984, PBCom consolidated its
ownership over the lot and all the properties in it. In
(d) Two (2) Winding Machines . . . November 1986, it leased the entire factory
premises to petitioner Ruby L. Tsai for P50,000.00
(e) Two (2) Winding Machines . . . a month. On May 3, 1988, PBCom sold the factory,
lock, stock and barrel to Tsai for P9,000,000.00,
IV. Any and all replacements, substitutions, including the contested machineries.
additions, increases and accretions to
above properties. On March 16, 1989, EVERTEX filed a complaint for
annulment of sale, reconveyance, and damages
xxx xxx xxx3 with the Regional Trial Court against PBCom,
alleging inter alia that the extrajudicial foreclosure
On April 23, 1979, PBCom granted a second loan of subject mortgage was in violation of the
of P3,356,000.00 to EVERTEX. The loan was Insolvency Law. EVERTEX claimed that no rights
secured by a Chattel Mortgage over personal having been transmitted to PBCom over the assets
properties enumerated in a list attached thereto. of insolvent EVERTEX, therefore Tsai acquired no
These listed properties were similar to those listed rights over such assets sold to her, and should
in Annex A of the first mortgage deed. reconvey the assets.

After April 23, 1979, the date of the execution of the Further, EVERTEX averred that PBCom, without
second mortgage mentioned above, EVERTEX any legal or factual basis, appropriated the
purchased various machines and equipments. contested properties, which were not included in
the Real and Chattel Mortgage of November 26,
1975 nor in the Chattel Mortgage of April 23, 1979,
On November 19, 1982, due to business reverses,
and neither were those properties included in the
EVERTEX filed insolvency proceedings docketed
Notice of Sheriff's Sale dated December 1, 1982
as SP Proc. No. LP-3091-P before the defunct
and Certificate of Sale . . . dated December 15,
Court of First Instance of Pasay City, Branch
XXVIII. The CFI issued an order on November 24,
1982 declaring the corporation insolvent. All its
assets were taken into the custody of the The disputed properties, which were valued at
Insolvency Court, including the collateral, real and P4,000,000.00, are: 14 Interlock Circular Knitting
personal, securing the two mortgages as Machines, 1 Jet Drying Equipment, 1 Dryer
abovementioned. Equipment, 1 Raisin Equipment and 1 Heatset
In the meantime, upon EVERTEX's failure to meet
its obligation to PBCom, the latter commenced The RTC found that the lease and sale of said
extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings against personal properties were irregular and illegal
EVERTEX under Act 3135, otherwise known as because they were not duly foreclosed nor sold at
"An Act to Regulate the Sale of Property under the December 15, 1982 auction sale since these
Special Powers Inserted in or Annexed to Real were not included in the schedules attached to the
Estate Mortgages" and Act 1506 or "The Chattel mortgage contracts. The trial court decreed:
Mortgage Law". A Notice of Sheriff's Sale was
issued on December 1, 1982. WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby
rendered in favor of plaintiff corporation and
On December 15, 1982, the first public auction was against the defendants:
held where petitioner PBCom emerged as the
highest bidder and a Certificate of Sale was issued 1. Ordering the annulment of the sale
in its favor on the same date. On December 23, executed by defendant Philippine Bank of
1982, another public auction was held and again, Communications in favor of defendant Ruby
PBCom was the highest bidder. The sheriff issued L. Tsai on May 3, 1988 insofar as it affects
a Certificate of Sale on the same day. the personal properties listed in par. 9 of the
complaint, and their return to the plaintiff
corporation through its assignee, plaintiff
Mamerto R. Villaluz, for disposition by the
Insolvency Court, to be done within ten (10) THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS
days from finality of this decision; (SECOND DIVISION) ERRED IN EFFECT
2. Ordering the defendants to pay jointly PARTIES BY TREATING THE 1981
and severally the plaintiff corporation the ACQUIRED MACHINERIES AS CHATTELS
sum of P5,200,000.00 as compensation for INSTEAD OF REAL PROPERTIES WITHIN
the use and possession of the properties in THEIR EARLIER 1975 DEED OF REAL
question from November 1986 to February AND CHATTEL MORTGAGE OR 1979
1991 and P100,000.00 every month DEED OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE.
thereafter, with interest thereon at the legal
rate per annum until full payment; II

3. Ordering the defendants to pay jointly THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS

and severally the plaintiff corporation the (SECOND DIVISION) ERRED IN HOLDING
sum of P50,000.00 as and for attorney's THAT THE DISPUTED 1981
fees and expenses of litigation; MACHINERIES ARE NOT REAL
4. Ordering the defendants to pay jointly MORTGAGE — DESPITE THE CLEAR
and severally the plaintiff corporation the IMPORT OF THE EVIDENCE AND
sum of P200,000.00 by way of exemplary APPLICABLE RULINGS OF THE

5. Ordering the dismissal of the III

counterclaim of the defendants; and
6. Ordering the defendants to (SECOND DIVISION) ERRED IN DEEMING
proportionately pay the costs of suit. PETITIONER A PURCHASER IN BAD
Dissatisfied, both PBCom and Tsai appealed to the
Court of Appeals, which issued its decision dated THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS
August 31, 1994, the dispositive portion of which (SECOND DIVISION) ERRED IN
WHEREFORE, except for the deletion therefrom of EXPENSES OF LITIGATION — FOR
the award; for exemplary damages, and reduction WANT OF VALID FACTUAL AND LEGAL
of the actual damages, from P100,000.00 to BASIS.
P20,000.00 per month, from November 1986 until
subject personal properties are restored to V
appellees, the judgment appealed from is hereby
pronouncement as to costs.5 (SECOND DIVISION) ERRED IN HOLDING
Motion for reconsideration of the above decision ON PRESCRIPTION AND LACHES.6
having been denied in the resolution of April 28,
1995, PBCom and Tsai filed their separate petitions In G.R. No. 120098, PBCom raised the following
for review with this Court. issues:

In G.R No. 120098, petitioner Tsai ascribed the I.

following errors to the respondent court:
PARAGRAPH 9 OF THE COMPLAINT BELOW AS Essentially, PBCom contends that respondent court
PERSONAL PROPERTY OUTSIDE OF THE 1975 erred in affirming the lower court's judgment
DEED OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE AND decreeing that the pieces of machinery in dispute
EXCLUDED THEM FROM THE REAL PROPERTY were not duly foreclosed and could not be legally
EXTRAJUDICIALLY FORECLOSED BY PBCOM leased nor sold to Ruby Tsai. It further argued that
DESPITE THE PROVISION IN THE 1975 DEED the Court of Appeals' pronouncement that the
THAT ALL AFTER-ACQUIRED PROPERTIES pieces of machinery in question were personal
DURING THE LIFETIME OF THE MORTGAGE properties have no factual and legal basis. Finally,
SHALL FORM PART THEREOF, AND DESPITE it asserts that the Court of Appeals erred in
THE UNDISPUTED FACT THAT SAID assessing damages and attorney's fees against
MORTGAGED BY EVER TEXTILE MILLS TO In opposition, private respondents argue that the
PBCOM, AND WERE ASSESSED FOR REAL controverted units of machinery are not "real
ESTATE TAX PURPOSES? properties" but chattels, and, therefore, they were
not part of the foreclosed real properties, rendering
II the lease and the subsequent sale thereof to Tsai a
THE MACHINERIES IN QUESTION IN GOOD Considering the assigned errors and the arguments
FAITH, EXTENDED CREDIT FACILITIES TO of the parties, we find the petitions devoid of merit
EVER TEXTILE MILLS WHICH AS OF 1982 and ought to be denied.
FOR MAINTENANCE AND SECURITY ON THE Well settled is the rule that the jurisdiction of the
DISPUTED MACHINERIES AND HAD TO PAY Supreme Court in a petition for review on certiorari
ALL THE BACK TAXES OF EVER TEXTILE MILLS under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Court is
BE LEGALLY COMPELLED TO RETURN TO limited to reviewing only errors of law, not of fact,
EVER THE SAID MACHINERIES OR IN LIEU unless the factual findings complained of are
THEREOF BE ASSESSED DAMAGES. IS THAT devoid of support by the evidence on record or the
SITUATION TANTAMOUNT TO A CASE OF assailed judgment is based on misapprehension of
UNJUST ENRICHMENT?7 facts.13 This rule is applied more stringently when
the findings of fact of the RTC is affirmed by the
The principal issue, in our view, is whether or not Court of Appeals.14
the inclusion of the questioned properties in the
foreclosed properties is proper. The secondary The following are the facts as found by the RTC
issue is whether or not the sale of these properties and affirmed by the Court of Appeals that are
to petitioner Ruby Tsai is valid. decisive of the issues: (1) the "controverted
machineries" are not covered by, or included in,
For her part, Tsai avers that the Court of Appeals in either of the two mortgages, the Real Estate and
effect made a contract for the parties by treating the Chattel Mortgage, and the pure Chattel Mortgage;
1981 acquired units of machinery as chattels (2) the said machineries were not included in the
instead of real properties within their earlier 1975 list of properties appended to the Notice of Sale,
deed of Real and Chattel Mortgage or 1979 deed of and neither were they included in the Sheriff's
Chattel Mortgage.8 Additionally, Tsai argues that Notice of Sale of the foreclosed properties.15
respondent court erred in holding that the disputed
1981 machineries are not real properties.9 Finally, Petitioners contend that the nature of the disputed
she contends that the Court of Appeals erred in machineries, i.e., that they were heavy, bolted or
holding against petitioner's arguments on cemented on the real property mortgaged by
prescription and laches10 and in assessing EVERTEX to PBCom, make them ipso
petitioner actual damages, attorney's fees and facto immovable under Article 415 (3) and (5) of the
expenses of litigation, for want of valid factual and New Civil Code. This assertion, however, does not
legal basis.11 settle the issue. Mere nuts and bolts do not
foreclose the controversy. We have to look at the
parties' intent.
While it is true that the controverted properties Too, assuming arguendo that the properties in
appear to be immobile, a perusal of the contract of question are immovable by nature, nothing detracts
Real and Chattel Mortgage executed by the parties the parties from treating it as chattels to secure an
herein gives us a contrary indication. In the case at obligation under the principle of estoppel. As far
bar, both the trial and the appellate courts reached back as Navarro v. Pineda, 9 SCRA 631 (1963), an
the same finding that the true intention of PBCOM immovable may be considered a personal property
and the owner, EVERTEX, is to treat machinery if there is a stipulation as when it is used as
and equipment as chattels. The pertinent portion of security in the payment of an obligation where a
respondent appellate court's ruling is quoted below: chattel mortgage is executed over it, as in the case
at bar.
As stressed upon by appellees, appellant
bank treated the machineries as chattels; In the instant case, the parties herein: (1) executed
never as real properties. Indeed, the 1975 a contract styled as "Real Estate Mortgage and
mortgage contract, which was actually real Chattel Mortgage," instead of just "Real Estate
and chattel mortgage, militates against Mortgage" if indeed their intention is to treat all
appellants' posture. It should be noted that properties included therein as immovable, and (2)
the printed form used by appellant bank was attached to the said contract a separate "LIST OF
mainly for real estate mortgages. But MACHINERIES & EQUIPMENT". These facts,
reflective of the true intention of appellant taken together, evince the conclusion that the
PBCOM and appellee EVERTEX was the parties' intention is to treat these units of machinery
typing in capital letters, immediately as chattels. A fortiori, the contested after-acquired
following the printed caption of mortgage, of properties, which are of the same description as the
the phrase "real and chattel." So also, the units enumerated under the title "LIST OF
"machineries and equipment" in the printed MACHINERIES & EQUIPMENT," must also be
form of the bank had to be inserted in the treated as chattels.
blank space of the printed contract and
connected with the word "building" by Accordingly, we find no reversible error in the
typewritten slash marks. Now, then, if the respondent appellate court's ruling that inasmuch
machineries in question were contemplated as the subject mortgages were intended by the
to be included in the real estate mortgage, parties to involve chattels, insofar as equipment
there would have been no necessity to ink a and machinery were concerned, the Chattel
chattel mortgage specifically mentioning as Mortgage Law applies, which provides in Section 7
part III of Schedule A a listing of the thereof that: "a chattel mortgage shall be deemed
machineries covered thereby. It would have to cover only the property described therein and not
sufficed to list them as immovables in the like or substituted property thereafter acquired by
Deed of Real Estate Mortgage of the land the mortgagor and placed in the same depository
and building involved. as the property originally mortgaged, anything in
the mortgage to the contrary notwithstanding."
As regards the 1979 contract, the intention
of the parties is clear and beyond question. And, since the disputed machineries were acquired
It refers solely to chattels. The inventory list in 1981 and could not have been involved in the
of the mortgaged properties is an 1975 or 1979 chattel mortgages, it was
itemization of sixty-three (63) individually consequently an error on the part of the Sheriff to
described machineries while the schedule include subject machineries with the properties
listed only machines and 2,996,880.50 enumerated in said chattel mortgages.
worth of finished cotton fabrics and natural
cotton fabrics.16 As the auction sale of the subject properties to
PBCom is void, no valid title passed in its favor.
In the absence of any showing that this conclusion Consequently, the sale thereof to Tsai is also a
is baseless, erroneous or uncorroborated by the nullity under the elementary principle of nemo dat
evidence on record, we find no compelling reason quod non habet, one cannot give what one does
to depart therefrom. not have.17

Petitioner Tsai also argued that assuming that disputed properties. There is no evidence showing
PBCom's title over the contested properties is a any failure or neglect on its part, for an
nullity, she is nevertheless a purchaser in good unreasonable and unexplained length of time, to do
faith and for value who now has a better right than that which, by exercising due diligence, could or
EVERTEX. should have been done earlier. The doctrine of
stale demands would apply only where by reason
To the contrary, however, are the factual findings of the lapse of time, it would be inequitable to allow
and conclusions of the trial court that she is not a a party to enforce his legal rights. Moreover, except
purchaser in good faith. Well-settled is the rule that for very strong reasons, this Court is not disposed
the person who asserts the status of a purchaser in to apply the doctrine of laches to prejudice or
good faith and for value has the burden of proving defeat the rights of an owner.22
such assertion.18 Petitioner Tsai failed to discharge
this burden persuasively. As to the award of damages, the contested
damages are the actual compensation,
Moreover, a purchaser in good faith and for value is representing rentals for the contested units of
one who buys the property of another without machinery, the exemplary damages, and attorney's
notice that some other person has a right to or fees.
interest in such property and pays a full and fair
price for the same, at the time of purchase, or As regards said actual compensation, the RTC
before he has notice of the claims or interest of awarded P100,000.00 corresponding to the unpaid
some other person in the property.19 Records rentals of the contested properties based on the
reveal, however, that when Tsai purchased the testimony of John Chua, who testified that the
controverted properties, she knew of respondent's P100,000.00 was based on the accepted practice
claim thereon. As borne out by the records, she in banking and finance, business and investments
received the letter of respondent's counsel, that the rental price must take into account the cost
apprising her of respondent's claim, dated February of money used to buy them. The Court of Appeals
27, 1987.20 She replied thereto on March 9, did not give full credence to Chua's projection and
1987.21 Despite her knowledge of respondent's reduced the award to P20,000.00.
claim, she proceeded to buy the contested units of
machinery on May 3, 1988. Thus, the RTC did not Basic is the rule that to recover actual damages,
err in finding that she was not a purchaser in good the amount of loss must not only be capable of
faith. proof but must actually be proven with reasonable
degree of certainty, premised upon competent
Petitioner Tsai's defense of indefeasibility of proof or best evidence obtainable of the actual
Torrens Title of the lot where the disputed amount thereof.23 However, the allegations of
properties are located is equally unavailing. This respondent company as to the amount of
defense refers to sale of lands and not to sale of unrealized rentals due them as actual damages
properties situated therein. Likewise, the mere fact remain mere assertions unsupported by documents
that the lot where the factory and the disputed and other competent evidence. In determining
properties stand is in PBCom's name does not actual damages, the court cannot rely on mere
automatically make PBCom the owner of assertions, speculations, conjectures or guesswork
everything found therein, especially in view of but must depend on competent proof and on the
EVERTEX's letter to Tsai enunciating its claim. best evidence obtainable regarding the actual
amount of loss.24 However, we are not prepared to
Finally, petitioners' defense of prescription and disregard the following dispositions of the
laches is less than convincing. We find no cogent respondent appellate court:
reason to disturb the consistent findings of both
courts below that the case for the reconveyance of . . . In the award of actual damages under
the disputed properties was filed within the scrutiny, there is nothing on record
reglementary period. Here, in our view, the doctrine warranting the said award of P5,200,000.00,
of laches does not apply. Note that upon representing monthly rental income of
petitioners' adamant refusal to heed EVERTEX's P100,000.00 from November 1986 to
claim, respondent company immediately filed an February 1991, and the additional award of
action to recover possession and ownership of the P100,000.00 per month thereafter.
As pointed out by appellants, the testimonial purchasing the controverted properties despite her
evidence, consisting of the testimonies of knowledge of EVERTEX's claim was oppressive
Jonh (sic) Chua and Mamerto Villaluz, is and subjected the already insolvent respondent to
shy of what is necessary to substantiate the gross disadvantage. Petitioner PBCom also
actual damages allegedly sustained by received the same letters of Atty. Villaluz,
appellees, by way of unrealized rental responding thereto on March 24, 1987.28 Thus,
income of subject machineries and PBCom's act of taking all the properties found in
equipments. the factory of the financially handicapped
respondent, including those properties not covered
The testimony of John Cua (sic) is nothing by or included in the mortgages, is equally
but an opinion or projection based on what oppressive and tainted with bad faith. Thus, we are
is claimed to be a practice in business and in agreement with the RTC that an award of
industry. But such a testimony cannot serve exemplary damages is proper.
as the sole basis for assessing the actual
damages complained of. What is more, The amount of P200,000.00 for exemplary
there is no showing that had appellant Tsai damages is, however, excessive. Article 2216 of
not taken possession of the machineries the Civil Code provides that no proof of pecuniary
and equipments in question, somebody was loss is necessary for the adjudication of exemplary
willing and ready to rent the same for damages, their assessment being left to the
P100,000.00 a month. discretion of the court in accordance with the
circumstances of each case.29 While the imposition
xxx xxx xxx of exemplary damages is justified in this case,
equity calls for its reduction. In Inhelder Corporation
Then, too, even assuming arguendo that the v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-52358, 122 SCRA
said machineries and equipments could 576, 585, (May 30, 1983), we laid down the rule
have generated a rental income of that judicial discretion granted to the courts in the
P30,000.00 a month, as projected by assessment of damages must always be exercised
witness Mamerto Villaluz, the same would with balanced restraint and measured objectivity.
have been a gross income. Therefrom Thus, here the award of exemplary damages by
should be deducted or removed, expenses way of example for the public good should be
for maintenance and repairs . . . Therefore, reduced to P100,000.00.
in the determination of the actual damages
or unrealized rental income sued upon, By the same token, attorney's fees and other
there is a good basis to calculate that at expenses of litigation may be recovered when
least four months in a year, the machineries exemplary damages are awarded.30 In our view,
in dispute would have been idle due to RTC's award of P50,000.00 as attorney's fees and
absence of a lessee or while being repaired. expenses of litigation is reasonable, given the
In the light of the foregoing rationalization circumstances in these cases.
and computation, We believe that a net
unrealized rental income of P20,000.00 a WHEREFORE, the petitions are DENIED. The
month, since November 1986, is more assailed decision and resolution of the Court of
realistic and fair.25 Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 32986 are AFFIRMED
WITH MODIFICATIONS. Petitioners Philippine
As to exemplary damages, the RTC awarded Bank of Communications and Ruby L. Tsai are
P200,000.00 to EVERTEX which the Court of hereby ordered to pay jointly and severally Ever
Appeals deleted. But according to the CA, there Textile Mills, Inc. the following: (1) P20,000.00 per
was no clear showing that petitioners acted month, as compensation for the use and
malevolently, wantonly and oppressively. The possession of the properties in question from
evidence, however, shows otherwise.It is a November 198631 until subject personal properties
requisite to award exemplary damages that the are restored to respondent corporation; (2)
wrongful act must be accompanied by bad P100,000.00 by way of exemplary damages, and
faith,26 and the guilty acted in a wanton, fraudulent, (3) P50,000.00 as attorney's fees and litigation
oppressive, reckless or malevolent manner.27 As expenses. Costs against petitioners.
previously stressed, petitioner Tsai's act of

While it is true that the controverted properties

appear to be immobile, a
perusal of the contract of REM and CM execut

336 SCRA 324 ed by the parties gives a contrary indication. In

the case at bar, both the trial and appellate courts
show that the intention was to treat the machin
eries as movables or
FACTS: personal property.

EVERTEX secured a loan from PBC, guaranteed

Assuming that the properties were considered
by a real estate and chattel mortgage over a parcel
immovables, nothing
of land where the factory stands, and the chattels
detracts the parties from treating it as chattels
located therein, as included in a schedule attac
to secure an obligation under the principle of
hed to the mortgage
contract. Another loan was obtained secured by
a chattel mortgage over --------------------------------------------------------------------
properties with similar descriptions listed in the first ----

schedule. During the G.R. No. L-15334 January 31, 1964

date of execution of the second mortgage,
EVERTEX purchased machineries and
equipment. CITY, petitioners,
Due to business reverses, EVERTEX filed for i
nsolvency proceedings. It failed to pay its Assistant City Attorney Jaime R. Agloro for
obligation and thus, PBC initiated extrajudicial
Ross, Selph and Carrascoso for respondent.
of the mortgages. PBC was the highest bidder PAREDES, J.:
in the public auctions, making it the owner of the
From the stipulation of facts and evidence adduced
properties. It then leased the factory premises during the hearing, the following appear:
to Tsai. Afterwards, EVERTEX sought the ann
On October 20, 1902, the Philippine Commission
ulment of the sale and conveyance of the enacted Act No. 484 which authorized the
properties to PBC as it was allegedly a violation of Municipal Board of Manila to grant a franchise to
construct, maintain and operate an electric street
railway and electric light, heat and power system in
the City of Manila and its suburbs to the person or
The RTC held that the lease and sale were irr persons making the most favorable bid. Charles M.
Swift was awarded the said franchise on March
egular as it involved properties not included in the 1903, the terms and conditions of which were
schedule of the mortgage contract. embodied in Ordinance No. 44 approved on March

24, 1903. Respondent Manila Electric Co. (Meralco concrete foundation, but there soft adobe
for short), became the transferee and owner of the beneath. The leg was likewise provided with
franchise. two parallel steel bars bolted to a square
metal frame also bolted to each corner. Like
Meralco's electric power is generated by its hydro- the first one, the second tower is made up
electric plant located at Botocan Falls, Laguna and of metal rods joined together by means of
is transmitted to the City of Manila by means of bolts, so that by unscrewing the bolts, the
electric transmission wires, running from the tower could be dismantled and
province of Laguna to the said City. These electric reassembled.
transmission wires which carry high voltage current,
are fastened to insulators attached on steel towers The third tower examined is located along
constructed by respondent at intervals, from its Kamias Road, Quezon City. As in the first
hydro-electric plant in the province of Laguna to the two towers given above, the ground around
City of Manila. The respondent Meralco has the two legs of the third tower was
constructed 40 of these steel towers within Quezon excavated to a depth about two or three
City, on land belonging to it. A photograph of one of inches beyond the outside level of the steel
these steel towers is attached to the petition for bar foundation. It was found that there was
review, marked Annex A. Three steel towers were no concrete foundation. Like the two
inspected by the lower court and parties and the previous ones, the bottom arrangement of
following were the descriptions given there of by the legs thereof were found to be resting on
said court: soft adobe, which, probably due to high
humidity, looks like mud or clay. It was also
The first steel tower is located in South found that the square metal frame
Tatalon, España Extension, Quezon City. supporting the legs were not attached to
The findings were as follows: the ground any material or foundation.
around one of the four posts was excavated
to a depth of about eight (8) feet, with an On November 15, 1955, petitioner City Assessor of
opening of about one (1) meter in diameter, Quezon City declared the aforesaid steel towers for
decreased to about a quarter of a meter as real property tax under Tax declaration Nos. 31992
it we deeper until it reached the bottom of and 15549. After denying respondent's petition to
the post; at the bottom of the post were two cancel these declarations, an appeal was taken by
parallel steel bars attached to the leg means respondent to the Board of Assessment Appeals of
of bolts; the tower proper was attached to Quezon City, which required respondent to pay the
the leg three bolts; with two cross metals to amount of P11,651.86 as real property tax on the
prevent mobility; there was no concrete said steel towers for the years 1952 to 1956.
foundation but there was adobe stone Respondent paid the amount under protest, and
underneath; as the bottom of the excavation filed a petition for review in the Court of Tax
was covered with water about three inches Appeals (CTA for short) which rendered a decision
high, it could not be determined with on December 29, 1958, ordering the cancellation of
certainty to whether said adobe stone was the said tax declarations and the petitioner City
placed purposely or not, as the place Treasurer of Quezon City to refund to the
abounds with this kind of stone; and the respondent the sum of P11,651.86. The motion for
tower carried five high voltage wires without reconsideration having been denied, on April 22,
cover or any insulating materials. 1959, the instant petition for review was filed.

The second tower inspected was located in In upholding the cause of respondents, the CTA
Kamuning Road, K-F, Quezon City, on land held that: (1) the steel towers come within the term
owned by the petitioner approximate more "poles" which are declared exempt from taxes
than one kilometer from the first tower. As in under part II paragraph 9 of respondent's franchise;
the first tower, the ground around one of the (2) the steel towers are personal properties and are
four legs was excavate from seven to eight not subject to real property tax; and (3) the City
(8) feet deep and one and a half (1-½) Treasurer of Quezon City is held responsible for the
meters wide. There being very little water at refund of the amount paid. These are assigned as
the bottom, it was seen that there was no errors by the petitioner in the brief.
The tax exemption privilege of the petitioner is wires (See Annex A) and their sole function is to
quoted hereunder: support or carry such wires.

PAR 9. The grantee shall be liable to pay The conclusion of the CTA that the steel supports
the same taxes upon its real estate, in question are embraced in the term "poles" is not
buildings, plant (not including poles, wires, a novelty. Several courts of last resort in the United
transformers, and insulators), machinery States have called these steel supports "steel
and personal property as other persons are towers", and they denominated these supports or
or may be hereafter required by law to pay towers, as electric poles. In their decisions the
... Said percentage shall be due and words "towers" and "poles" were used
payable at the time stated in paragraph interchangeably, and it is well understood in that
nineteen of Part One hereof, ... and shall be jurisdiction that a transmission tower or pole means
in lieu of all taxes and assessments of the same thing.
whatsoever nature and by whatsoever
authority upon the privileges, earnings, In a proceeding to condemn land for the use of
income, franchise, and poles, wires, electric power wires, in which the law provided that
transformers, and insulators of the grantee wires shall be constructed upon suitable poles, this
from which taxes and assessments the term was construed to mean either wood or metal
grantee is hereby expressly exempted. (Par. poles and in view of the land being subject to
9, Part Two, Act No. 484 Respondent's overflow, and the necessary carrying of numerous
Franchise; emphasis supplied.) wires and the distance between poles, the statute
was interpreted to include towers or poles.
The word "pole" means "a long, comparatively (Stemmons and Dallas Light Co. (Tex) 212 S.W.
slender usually cylindrical piece of wood or timber, 222, 224; 32-A Words and Phrases, p. 365.)
as typically the stem of a small tree stripped of its
branches; also by extension, a similar typically The term "poles" was also used to denominate the
cylindrical piece or object of metal or the like". The steel supports or towers used by an association
term also refers to "an upright standard to the top of used to convey its electric power furnished to
which something is affixed or by which something is subscribers and members, constructed for the
supported; as a dovecote set on a pole; telegraph purpose of fastening high voltage and dangerous
poles; a tent pole; sometimes, specifically a electric wires alongside public highways. The steel
vessel's master (Webster's New International supports or towers were made of iron or other
Dictionary 2nd Ed., p. 1907.) Along the streets, in metals consisting of two pieces running from the
the City of Manila, may be seen cylindrical metal ground up some thirty feet high, being wider at the
poles, cubical concrete poles, and poles of the bottom than at the top, the said two metal pieces
PLDT Co. which are made of two steel bars joined being connected with criss-cross iron running from
together by an interlacing metal rod. They are the bottom to the top, constructed like ladders and
called "poles" notwithstanding the fact that they are loaded with high voltage electricity. In form and
no made of wood. It must be noted from paragraph structure, they are like the steel towers in question.
9, above quoted, that the concept of the "poles" for (Salt River Valley Users' Ass'n v. Compton, 8 P.
which exemption is granted, is not determined by 2nd, 249-250.)
their place or location, nor by the character of the
electric current it carries, nor the material or form of The term "poles" was used to denote the steel
which it is made, but the use to which they are towers of an electric company engaged in the
dedicated. In accordance with the definitions, pole generation of hydro-electric power generated from
is not restricted to a long cylindrical piece of wood its plant to the Tower of Oxford and City of
or metal, but includes "upright standards to the top Waterbury. These steel towers are about 15 feet
of which something is affixed or by which square at the base and extended to a height of
something is supported. As heretofore described, about 35 feet to a point, and are embedded in the
respondent's steel supports consists of a cement foundations sunk in the earth, the top of
framework of four steel bars or strips which are which extends above the surface of the soil in the
bound by steel cross-arms atop of which are cross- tower of Oxford, and to the towers are attached
arms supporting five high voltage transmission insulators, arms, and other equipment capable of
carrying wires for the transmission of electric power
(Connecticut Light and Power Co. v. Oxford, 101 (3) Everything attached to an immovable in
Conn. 383, 126 Atl. p. 1). a fixed manner, in such a way that it cannot
be separated therefrom without breaking the
In a case, the defendant admitted that the structure material or deterioration of the object;
on which a certain person met his death was built
for the purpose of supporting a transmission wire xxx xxx xxx
used for carrying high-tension electric power, but
claimed that the steel towers on which it is carried (5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or
were so large that their wire took their structure out implements intended by the owner of the
of the definition of a pole line. It was held that in tenement for an industry or works which
defining the word pole, one should not be governed may be carried in a building or on a piece of
by the wire or material of the support used, but was land, and which tends directly to meet the
considering the danger from any elevated wire needs of the said industry or works;
carrying electric current, and that regardless of the
size or material wire of its individual members, any xxx xxx xxx
continuous series of structures intended and used
solely or primarily for the purpose of supporting The steel towers or supports in question, do not
wires carrying electric currents is a pole line come within the objects mentioned in paragraph 1,
(Inspiration Consolidation Cooper Co. v. Bryan 252 because they do not constitute buildings or
P. 1016). constructions adhered to the soil. They are not
construction analogous to buildings nor adhering to
It is evident, therefore, that the word "poles", as the soil. As per description, given by the lower
used in Act No. 484 and incorporated in the court, they are removable and merely attached to a
petitioner's franchise, should not be given a square metal frame by means of bolts, which when
restrictive and narrow interpretation, as to defeat unscrewed could easily be dismantled and moved
the very object for which the franchise was granted. from place to place. They can not be included
The poles as contemplated thereon, should be under paragraph 3, as they are not attached to an
understood and taken as a part of the electric immovable in a fixed manner, and they can be
power system of the respondent Meralco, for the separated without breaking the material or causing
conveyance of electric current from the source deterioration upon the object to which they are
thereof to its consumers. If the respondent would attached. Each of these steel towers or supports
be required to employ "wooden poles", or "rounded consists of steel bars or metal strips, joined
poles" as it used to do fifty years back, then one together by means of bolts, which can be
should admit that the Philippines is one century disassembled by unscrewing the bolts and
behind the age of space. It should also be reassembled by screwing the same. These steel
conceded by now that steel towers, like the ones in towers or supports do not also fall under paragraph
question, for obvious reasons, can better effectuate 5, for they are not machineries, receptacles,
the purpose for which the respondent's franchise instruments or implements, and even if they were,
was granted. they are not intended for industry or works on the
land. Petitioner is not engaged in an industry or
Granting for the purpose of argument that the steel works in the land in which the steel supports or
supports or towers in question are not embraced towers are constructed.
within the termpoles, the logical question posited is
whether they constitute real properties, so that they It is finally contended that the CTA erred in ordering
can be subject to a real property tax. The tax law the City Treasurer of Quezon City to refund the
does not provide for a definition of real property; but sum of P11,651.86, despite the fact that Quezon
Article 415 of the Civil Code does, by stating the City is not a party to the case. It is argued that as
following are immovable property: the City Treasurer is not the real party in interest,
but Quezon City, which was not a party to the suit,
(1) Land, buildings, roads, and notwithstanding its capacity to sue and be sued, he
constructions of all kinds adhered to the should not be ordered to effect the refund. This
soil; question has not been raised in the court below,
and, therefore, it cannot be properly raised for the
xxx xxx xxx first time on appeal. The herein petitioner is
indulging in legal technicalities and niceties which For purposes of taxation the dam is
do not help him any; for factually, it was he (City considered as real property as it
Treasurer) whom had insisted that respondent comes within the object mentioned
herein pay the real estate taxes, which respondent in paragraphs (a) and (b) of Article
paid under protest. Having acted in his official 415 of the New Civil Code. It is a
capacity as City Treasurer of Quezon City, he construction adhered to the soil
would surely know what to do, under the which cannot be separated or
circumstances. detached without breaking the
material or causing destruction on
IN VIEW HEREOF, the decision appealed from is the land upon which it is attached.
hereby affirmed, with costs against the petitioners. The immovable nature of the dam as
an improvement determines its
----------------------------------------------------------------- character as real property, hence
taxable under Section 38 of the Real
G.R. No. 106041 January 29, 1993 Property Tax Code. (P.D. 464).

BENGUET CORPORATION, petitioner, Although the dam is partly used as

vs. an anti-pollution device, this Board
CENTRAL BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS, cannot accede to the request for tax
BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS OF exemption in the absence of a law
MARCELINO, respondents.
We find the appraisal on the land
Romulo, Mabanta, Buenaventura, Sayoc & De los submerged as a result of the
Angeles for petitioner. construction of the tailings dam,
covered by Tax Declaration Nos.
002-0260 and 002-0266, to be in
accordance with the Schedule of
CRUZ, J.: Market Values for Zambales which
was reviewed and allowed for use by
the Ministry (Department) of Finance
The realty tax assessment involved in this case
in the 1981-1982 general revision.
amounts to P11,319,304.00. It has been imposed
No serious attempt was made by
on the petitioner's tailings dam and the land
Petitioner-Appellant Benguet
thereunder over its protest.
Corporation to impugn its
reasonableness, i.e., that the P50.00
The controversy arose in 1985 when the Provincial per square meter applied by
Assessor of Zambales assessed the said properties Respondent-Appellee Provincial
as taxable improvements. The assessment was Assessor is indeed excessive and
appealed to the Board of Assessment Appeals of unconscionable. Hence, we find no
the Province of Zambales. On August 24, 1988, the cause to disturb the market value
appeal was dismissed mainly on the ground of the applied by Respondent Appellee
petitioner's "failure to pay the realty taxes that fell Provincial Assessor of Zambales on
due during the pendency of the appeal." the properties of Petitioner-Appellant
Benguet Corporation covered by Tax
The petitioner seasonably elevated the matter to Declaration Nos. 002-0260 and 002-
the Central Board of Assessment Appeals,1 one of 0266.
the herein respondents. In its decision dated March
22, 1990, the Board reversed the dismissal of the This petition for certiorari now seeks to reverse the
appeal but, on the merits, agreed that "the tailings above ruling.
dam and the lands submerged thereunder (were)
subject to realty tax."
The principal contention of the petitioner is that the (f) that the installation
tailings dam is not subject to realty tax because it is and utilization of the
not an "improvement" upon the land within the tailings dam as a
meaning of the Real Property Tax Code. More pollution control
particularly, it is claimed — device is a
requirement imposed
(1) as regards the tailings dam as an by law;
(2) as regards the valuation of the
(a) that the tailings tailings dam and the submerged
dam has no value lands:
separate from and
independent of the (a) that the subject
mine; hence, by itself properties have no
it cannot be market value as they
considered an cannot be sold
improvement independently of the
separately mine;
(b) that the valuation
(b) that it is an of the tailings dam
integral part of the should be based on
mine; its incidental use by
petitioner as a water
(c) that at the end of reservoir and not on
the mining operation the alleged cost of
of the petitioner construction of the
corporation in the dam and the annual
area, the tailings dam build-up expense;
will benefit the local
community by serving (c) that the "residual
as an irrigation value formula" used
facility; by the Provincial
Assessor and
(d) that the building of adopted by
the dam has stripped respondent CBAA is
the property of any arbitrary and
commercial value as erroneous; and
the property is
submerged under (3) as regards the petitioner's liability
water wastes from the for penalties for
mine; non-declaration of the tailings dam
and the submerged lands for realty
(e) that the tailings tax purposes:
dam is an
environmental (a) that where a tax is
pollution control not paid in an honest
device for which belief that it is not
petitioner must be due, no penalty shall
commended rather be collected in
than penalized with a addition to the basic
realty tax tax;

(b) that no other . In other words, the government has
mining companies in practically reserved the rights to use
the Philippines the road to promote its varied
operating a tailings activities. Since, as above shown,
dam have been made the road in question cannot be
to declare the dam for considered as an improvement
realty tax purposes. which belongs to appellee, although
in part is for its benefit, it is clear that
The petitioner does not dispute that the tailings the same cannot be the subject of
dam may be considered realty within the meaning assessment within the meaning of
of Article 415. It insists, however, that the dam Section 2 of C.A.
cannot be subjected to realty tax as a separate and No. 470.
independent property because it does not
constitute an "assessable improvement" on the Apparently, the realty tax was not imposed not
mine although a considerable sum may have been because the road was an integral part of the lumber
spent in constructing and maintaining it. concession but because the government had the
right to use the road to promote its varied activities.
To support its theory, the petitioner cites the
following cases: 3. Kendrick v. Twin Lakes Reservoir Co. (144
Pacific 884), an American case, where it was
1. Municipality of Cotabato v. Santos (105 Phil. declared that the reservoir dam went with and
963), where this Court considered the dikes and formed part of the reservoir and that the dam would
gates constructed by the taxpayer in connection be "worthless and useless except in connection
with a fishpond operation as integral parts of the with the outlet canal, and the water rights in the
fishpond. reservoir represent and include whatever utility or
value there is in the dam and headgates."
2. Bislig Bay Lumber Co. v. Provincial Government
of Surigao (100 Phil. 303), involving a road 4. Ontario Silver Mining Co. v. Hixon (164 Pacific
constructed by the timber concessionaire in the 498), also from the United States. This case
area, where this Court did not impose a realty tax involved drain tunnels constructed by plaintiff when
on the road primarily for two reasons: it expanded its mining operations downward,
resulting in a constantly increasing flow of water in
In the first place, it cannot be the said mine. It was held that:
disputed that the ownership of the
road that was constructed by Whatever value they have is
appellee belongs to the government connected with and in fact is an
by right of accession not only integral part of the mine itself. Just
because it is inherently incorporated as much so as any shaft which
or attached to the timber land . . . but descends into the earth or an
also because upon the expiration of underground incline, tunnel, or drift
the concession said road would would be which was used in
ultimately pass to the national connection with the mine.
government. . . . In the second
place, while the road was On the other hand, the Solicitor General argues
constructed by appellee primarily for that the dam is an assessable improvement
its use and benefit, the privilege is because it enhances the value and utility of the
not exclusive, for . . . appellee mine. The primary function of the dam is to receive,
cannot prevent the use of portions of retain and hold the water coming from the
the concession for homesteading operations of the mine, and it also enables the
purposes. It is also duty bound to petitioner to impound water, which is then recycled
allow the free use of forest products for use in the plant.
within the concession for the
personal use of individuals residing There is also ample jurisprudence to support this
in or within the vicinity of the land. . . view, thus:
. . . The said equipment and improvements. (Standard Oil Co. of
machinery, as appurtenances to the New Jersey v. Atlantic City, 15 A 2d.
gas station building or shed owned 271)
by Caltex (as to which it is subject to
realty tax) and which fixtures are The Real Property Tax Code does not carry a
necessary to the operation of the definition of "real property" and simply says that the
gas station, for without them the gas realty tax is imposed on "real property, such as
station would be useless and which lands, buildings, machinery and other
have been attached or affixed improvements affixed or attached to real property."
permanently to the gas station site In the absence of such a definition, we apply Article
or embedded therein, are taxable 415 of the Civil Code, the pertinent portions of
improvements and machinery within which state:
the meaning of the Assessment Law
and the Real Property Tax Code. Art. 415. The following are
(Caltex [Phil.] Inc. v. CBAA, 114 immovable property.
SCRA 296).
(1) Lands, buildings and
We hold that while the two storage constructions of all kinds adhered to
tanks are not embedded in the land, the soil;
they may, nevertheless, be
considered as improvements on the xxx xxx xxx
land, enhancing its utility and
rendering it useful to the oil industry. (3) Everything attached to an
It is undeniable that the two tanks immovable in a fixed manner, in
have been installed with some such a way that it cannot be
degree of permanence as separated therefrom without
receptacles for the considerable breaking the material or deterioration
quantities of oil needed by of the object.
MERALCO for its operations.
(Manila Electric Co. v. CBAA, 114
Section 2 of C.A. No. 470, otherwise known as the
SCRA 273).
Assessment Law, provides that the realty tax is due
"on the real property, including land, buildings,
The pipeline system in question is machinery and other improvements" not specifically
indubitably a construction adhering exempted in Section 3 thereof. A reading of that
to the soil. It is attached to the land section shows that the tailings dam of the petitioner
in such a way that it cannot be does not fall under any of the classes of exempt
separated therefrom without real properties therein enumerated.
dismantling the steel pipes which
were welded to form the pipeline.
Is the tailings dam an improvement on the mine?
(MERALCO Securities Industrial
Section 3(k) of the Real Property Tax Code defines
Corp. v. CBAA, 114 SCRA 261).
improvement as follows:
The tax upon the dam was properly
(k) Improvements — is a valuable
assessed to the plaintiff as a tax
addition made to property or an
upon real estate. (Flax-Pond Water
amelioration in its condition,
Co. v. City of Lynn, 16 N.E. 742).
amounting to more than mere
repairs or replacement of waste,
The oil tanks are structures within costing labor or capital and intended
the statute, that they are designed to enhance its value, beauty or utility
and used by the owner as or to adopt it for new or further
permanent improvement of the free purposes.
hold, and that for such reasons they
were properly assessed by the
respondent taxing district as
The term has also been interpreted as "artificial The Court is convinced that the subject dam falls
alterations of the physical condition of the ground within the definition of an "improvement" because it
that are reasonably permanent in character."2 is permanent in character and it enhances both the
value and utility of petitioner's mine. Moreover, the
The Court notes that in the Ontario case the plaintiff immovable nature of the dam defines its character
admitted that the mine involved therein could not be as real property under Article 415 of the Civil Code
operated without the aid of the drain tunnels, which and thus makes it taxable under Section 38 of the
were indispensable to the successful development Real Property Tax Code.
and extraction of the minerals therein. This is not
true in the present case. The Court will also reject the contention that the
appraisal at P50.00 per square meter made by the
Even without the tailings dam, the petitioner's Provincial Assessor is excessive and that his use of
mining operation can still be carried out because the "residual value formula" is arbitrary and
the primary function of the dam is merely to receive erroneous.
and retain the wastes and water coming from the
mine. There is no allegation that the water coming Respondent Provincial Assessor explained the use
from the dam is the sole source of water for the of the "residual value formula" as follows:
mining operation so as to make the dam an integral
part of the mine. In fact, as a result of the A 50% residual value is applied in
construction of the dam, the petitioner can now the computation because, while it is
impound and recycle water without having to spend true that when slime fills the dike, it
for the building of a water reservoir. And as the will then be covered by another dike
petitioner itself points out, even if the petitioner's or stage, the stage covered is still
mine is shut down or ceases operation, the dam there and still exists and since only
may still be used for irrigation of the surrounding one face of the dike is filled, 50% or
areas, again unlike in the Ontario case. the other face is unutilized.

As correctly observed by the CBAA, the Kendrick In sustaining this formula, the CBAA gave the
case is also not applicable because it involved following justification:
water reservoir dams used for different purposes
and for the benefit of the surrounding areas. By We find the appraisal on the land
contrast, the tailings dam in question is being submerged as a result of the
used exclusively for the benefit of the petitioner. construction of the tailings dam,
covered by Tax Declaration Nos.
Curiously, the petitioner, while vigorously arguing 002-0260 and 002-0266, to be in
that the tailings dam has no separate existence, accordance with the Schedule of
just as vigorously contends that at the end of the Market Values for San Marcelino,
mining operation the tailings dam will serve the Zambales, which is fifty (50.00)
local community as an irrigation facility, thereby pesos per square meter for third
implying that it can exist independently of the mine. class industrial land (TSN, page 17,
July 5, 1989) and Schedule of
From the definitions and the cases cited above, it Market Values for Zambales which
would appear that whether a structure constitutes was reviewed and allowed for use by
an improvement so as to partake of the status of the Ministry (Department) of Finance
realty would depend upon the degree in the 1981-1982 general revision.
of permanence intended in its construction and use. No serious attempt was made by
The expression "permanent" as applied to an Petitioner-Appellant Benguet
improvement does not imply that the improvement Corporation to impugn its
must be used perpetually but only until the purpose reasonableness, i.e, that the P50.00
to which the principal realty is devoted has been per square meter applied by
accomplished. It is sufficient that the improvement Respondent-Appellee Provincial
is intended to remain as long as the land to which it Assessor is indeed excessive and
is annexed is still used for the said purpose. unconscionable. Hence, we find no
cause to disturb the market value
applied by Respondent-Appellee CASE DIGEST:
Provincial Assessor of Zambales on
the properties of Petitioner-Appellant FACTS:
Benguet Corporation covered by Tax On 1985, Provincial Assessor of Zambales
Declaration Nos. 002-0260 and 002- assessed the said properties in issue as
taxablei m p r o v e m e n t s . T h e a s s e s s m e n t
It has been the long-standing policy of this Court to was appealed to the Board of
respect the conclusions of quasi-judicial agencies Assessment Appeals of the P r o v i n c e o f
like the CBAA, which, because of the nature of its Zambales. However, the appeal
functions and its frequent exercise thereof, has was dismissed mainly on the
developed expertise in the resolution of g r o u n d o f t h e petitioner's failure to pay the
assessment problems. The only exception to this realty taxes that fell due during the pendency of the
rule is where it is clearly shown that the
appeal.The petitioner elevated the matter to the
administrative body has committed grave abuse of
discretion calling for the intervention of this Court in Central Board of Assessment Appeals, one of
the exercise of its own powers of review. There is theherein respondents. In its decision dated March
no such showing in the case at bar. 22, 1990, the Board reversed the dismissal of
theappeal but, agreed that the tailings dam
We disagree, however, with the ruling of and the lands submerged thereunder shall
respondent CBAA that it cannot take cognizance of be subject torealty tax.For purposes of
the issue of the propriety of the penalties imposed
taxation the dam is considered as real
upon it, which was raised by the petitioner for the
first time only on appeal. The CBAA held that this property as it comes within theobject
"is an entirely new matter that petitioner can take mentioned in Article 415 of the New Civil
up with the Provincial Assessor (and) can be the Code, It is a construction adhered to the
subject of another protest before the Local Board or soilwhich cannot be separated or detached
a negotiation with the local sanggunian . . ., and in without breaking the material or causing
case of an adverse decision by either the Local destruction onthe land upon which it is
Board or the local sanggunian, (it can) elevate the
attached. The immovable nature of the dam
same to this Board for appropriate action."
as an improvement whichdetermines its
There is no need for this time-wasting procedure. character as real property, hence taxable under
The Court may resolve the issue in this petition Section 38 of the Real Property TaxCode
instead of referring it back to the local authorities.
We have studied the facts and circumstances of
this case as above discussed and find that the Issue:
petitioner has acted in good faith in questioning the
assessment on the tailings dam and the land Whether or not the tailings dam is subject to
submerged thereunder. It is clear that it has not realty tax?
done so for the purpose of evading or delaying the
payment of the questioned tax. Hence, we hold that Whether or not it be considered as
the petitioner is not subject to penalty for its immovable property?
non-declaration of the tailings dam and the
submerged lands for realty tax purposes. Held:

WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED for Yes, it is subject to realty tax and it is considered
failure to show that the questioned decision of an immovable property.The petitioner does not
respondent Central Board of Assessment Appeals dispute that the tailings dam may be considered
is tainted with grave abuse of discretion except as realty within themeaning of Article 415. It
to the imposition of penalties upon the petitioner insists, however, that the dam cannot be
which is hereby SET ASIDE. Costs against the subjected to realty tax as aseparate and
petitioner. It is so ordered. independent property because it does not
constitute an "assessable improvement" onthe
mine although a considerable sum may have been
spent in constructing and maintaining it.The Real DECISION
Property Tax Code does not carry a
definition of "real property" and simplysays
that the realty tax is imposed on "real YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.:
property, such as lands, buildings,
machinery an. Even without the tailings dam, the
petitioner's mining operation can still be carried out Petitioner was issued a writ of possession in Civil
because the primary function of the dam is merely Case No. 6643 1 for Sum of Money by the Regional
to receive and retain the wastes and water coming Trial Court of Balanga, Bataan, Branch 1. The writ
from the mine. There is no allegation that the water of possession was, however, nullified by the Court
coming from the dam is the sole source of water for of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 65891 2 because it
the mining operation so as to make the dam an included a parcel of land which was not among
integral part of the mine. In fact, as a result of the those explicitly enumerated in the Certificate of
construction of the dam, the petitioner can now Sale issued by the Deputy Sheriff, but on which
impound and recycle water without having to spend stand the immovables covered by the said
for the building of a water reservoir. And as the Certificate. Petitioner contends that the sale of
petitioner itself points out, even if the petitioner's these immovables necessarily encompasses the
mine is shut down or ceases operation, the dam land on which they stand.chanrob1es virtua1 1aw
may still be used for irrigation of the surrounding 1ibrary
areas, again unlike in the Ontario case.
Dissatisfied, petitioner filed the instant petition for
By contrast, the tailings dam in question is being review on certiorari.
used exclusively for the benefit of the petitioner.
Respondent Ricardo Galit contracted a loan from
The Court is convinced that the subject dam falls petitioner Marcelo Soriano, in the total sum of
within the definition of an "improvement" because it P480,000.00, evidenced by four promissory notes
is permanent in character and it enhances both the in the amount of P120,000.00 each dated August 2,
value and utility of petitioner's mine. Moreover, the 1996; 3 August 15, 1996; 4 September 4, 1996 5
immovable nature of the dam defines its character and September 14, 1996. 6 This loan was secured
as real property under Article 415 of the Civil Code by a real estate mortgage over a parcel of land
and thus makes it taxable under Section 38 of the covered by Original Certificate of Title No. 569. 7
Real Property Tax Code. After he failed to pay his obligation, Soriano filed a
complaint for sum of money against him with the
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED for Regional Trial Court of Balanga City, Branch 1,
failure to show that the questioned decision of which was docketed as Civil Case No. 6643. 8
respondent Central Board of Assessment
Appeals is tainted with grave abuse of Respondents, the Spouses Ricardo and Rosalina
discretion except as to the imposition of Galit, failed to file their answer. Hence, upon motion
penalties upon the petitioner which is hereby of Marcelo Soriano, the trial court declared the
SET ASIDE spouses in default and proceeded to receive
evidence for petitioner Soriano ex parte.

On July 7, 1997, the Regional Trial Court of

Balanga City, Branch 1 rendered judgment 9 in
favor of petitioner Soriano, the dispositive portion of
which reads:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in

[G.R. No. 156295. September 23, 2003.] favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant
ordering the latter to pay:chanrob1es virtual 1aw
MARCELO R. SORIANO, Petitioner, v. library
GALIT, Respondents. 1. the plaintiff the amount of P350,000.00 plus 12%

interest to be computed from the dates of maturity above-entitled case by the HON. BENJAMIN T.
of the promissory notes until the same are fully VIANZON, ordering the Provincial Sheriff of Bataan
paid; or her authorized Deputy Sheriff to cause to be
made (sic) the sum of P350,000.00 plus 12%
2. the plaintiff P20,000.00, as attorney’s fees; and interest to be computed from the date of maturity of
the promissory notes until the same are fully paid;
3. the costs of suit. P20,000.00 as attorney’s fees plus legal expenses
in the implementation of the writ of execution, the
SO ORDERED. 10 undersigned Deputy Sheriff sold at public auction
on December 23, 1998 the rights and interests of
The judgment became final and executory. defendants Sps. Ricardo and Rosalina Galit, to the
Accordingly, the trial court issued a writ of plaintiff Marcelo Soriano, the highest and only
execution in due course, by virtue of which, Deputy bidder for the amount of FOUR HUNDRED
Sheriff Renato E. Robles levied on the following EIGHTY THREE THOUSAND PESOS
real properties of the Galit spouses:chanrob1es (P483,000.00, Philippine Currency), the following
virtual 1aw library real estate properties more particularly described
as follows:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
1. A parcel of land covered by Original Certificate of
Title No. T-569 (Homestead Patent No. 14692) ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-569
situated in the Bo. of Tapulac, Orani, Bataan.
Bounded on the SW, along line 1-2 by Lot No. 3, A parcel of land (Homestead Patent No. 14692)
Cad. 145; containing an area of THIRTY FIVE situated in the Bo. of Tapulac, Orani, Bataan, . . . .
THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY NINE Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot No. 3,
(35,759) SQUARE METERS, more or less . . .; Cad. 145, containing an area of THIRTY FIVE
2. STORE/HOUSE — CONSTRUCTED on Lot No. (35,759) SQUARE METERS, more or less . . .
1103 made of strong materials G.I. roofing situated
at Centro I, Orani, Bataan, . . . containing an area TAX DEC. NO. — PROPERTY INDEX NO. 018-09-
of 30 sq. meters, more or less . . . (constructed on 001-02
TCT No. T40785);
STOREHOUSE — constructed on Lot 1103, made
3. BODEGA — constructed on Lot 1103, made of of strong materials G.I. roofing situated at Centro I,
strong materials, G.I. roofing, situated in Centro I, Orani, Bataan . . . containing an area of 30 sq.
Orani, Bataan, . . . with a floor area of 42.75 sq. m. meters, more or less . . . (constructed on TCT No.
more or less . . . . 11 40785)

At the sale of the above-enumerated properties at TAX DEC. NO. 86 — PROPERTY INDEX No. 018-
public auction held on December 23, 1998, 09-001-02
petitioner was the highest and only bidder with a
bid price of P483,000.00. Accordingly, on February BODEGA — constructed on Lot 1103, made of
4, 1999, Deputy Sheriff Robles issued a Certificate strong materials G.I. roofing situated in Centro I,
of Sale of Execution of Real Property, 12 which Orani, Bataan, . . . with a floor area of 42.75 sq. m.
reads:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library more or less . . .


REAL PROPERTY highest and lone bidder, Marcelo Soriano, being the
plaintiff did not pay to the Provincial Sheriff of
TO ALL WHO MAY SEE THESE Bataan the amount of P483,000.00, the sale price
PRESENTS:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library of the above described property which amount was
credited to partial/full satisfaction of the judgment
GREETINGS:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library embodied in the writ of execution.

I HEREBY that (sic) by virtue of the writ of The period of redemption of the above described
execution dated October 16, 1998, issued in the real properties together with all the improvements

thereon will expire One (1) year from and after the
registration of this Certificate of Sale with the WRIT OF POSSESSION
Register of Deeds.
Mr. Renato E. Robles
This Certificate of Sheriff’s Sale is issued to the
highest and lone bidder, Marcelo Soriano, under Deputy Sheriff
guarantees prescribed by law.
RTC, Br. 1, Balanga City
Balanga, Bataan, February 4, 1999.
Greetings:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
On April 23, 1999, petitioner caused the registration
of the "Certificate of Sale on Execution of Real WHEREAS on February 3, 2001, the counsel for
Property" with the Registry of Deeds.chanrob1es plaintiff filed Motion for the Issuance of Writ of
virtua1 1aw 1ibrary Possession;

The said Certificate of Sale registered with the WHEREAS on June 4, 2001, this court issued an
Register of Deeds includes at the dorsal portion order granting the issuance of the Writ of
thereof the following entry, not found in the Possession;
Certificate of Sale on file with Deputy Sheriff
Renato E. Robles: 13 WHEREFORE, you are hereby commanded to
place the herein plaintiff Marcelo Soriano in
ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-40785 possession of the property involved in this case
situated (sic) more particularly described
A parcel of land (Lot No. 1103 of the Cadastral as:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
Survey of Orani), with the improvements thereon,
situated in the Municipality of Orani, Bounded on 1. STORE HOUSE constructed on Lot No. 1103
the NE; by Calle P. Gomez; on the E. by Lot No. situated at Centro 1, Orani, Bataan covered by TCT
1104; on the SE by Calle Washington; and on the No. 40785;
W. by Lot 4102, containing an area of ONE
HUNDRED THIRTY NINE (139) SQUARE 2. BODEGA constructed on Lot No. 1103 with an
METERS, more or less. All points referred to are area of 42.75 square meters under Tax Declaration
indicated on the plan; bearing true; declination 0 No. 86 situated at Centro 1, Orani, Bataan;
deg. 40’E., date of survey, February 191-March
1920. 3. Original Certificate of Title No. 40785 with an
area of 134 square meters known as Lot No. 1103
On February 23, 2001, ten months from the time of the Cadastral Survey of Orani. . .
the Certificate of Sale on Execution was registered
with the Registry of Deeds, petitioner moved 14 for against the mortgagor/former owners Sps. Ricardo
the issuance of a writ of possession. He averred and Rosalinda (sic) Galit, her (sic) heirs,
that the one-year period of redemption had elapsed successors, assigns and all persons claiming rights
without the respondents having redeemed the and interests adverse to the petitioner and make a
properties sold at public auction; thus, the sale of return of this writ every thirty (30) days from receipt
said properties had already become final. He also hereof together with all the proceedings thereon
argued that after the lapse of the redemption until the same has been fully satisfied.
period, the titles to the properties should be
considered, for all legal intents and purposes, in his WITNESS THE HONORABLE BENJAMIN T.
name and favor. 15 VIANZON, Presiding Judge, this 18th day of July
2001, at Balanga City.
On June 4, 2001, the Regional Trial Court of
Balanga City, Branch 1 granted the motion for (Sgd) GILBERT S. ARGONZA
issuance of writ of possession. 16 Subsequently,
on July 18, 2001, a writ of possession 17 was OIC
issued in petitioner’s favor which reads:chanrob1es
virtual 1aw library Respondents filed a petition for certiorari with the

Court of Appeals, which was docketed as CA-G.R. BECAUSE THE SAME IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
SP No. 65891, assailing the inclusion of the parcel WHICH ENJOYS THE PRESUMPTION OF
of land covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. REGULARITY AND IT CANNOT BE OVERCOME
T-40785 among the list of real properties in the writ BY A MERE STRANGE FEELING THAT
of possession. 18 Respondents argued that said SOMETHING IS AMISS ON ITS SURFACE
property was not among those sold on execution by SIMPLY BECAUSE THE TYPEWRITTEN WORDS
Deputy Sheriff Renato E. Robles as reflected in the ON THE FRONT PAGE AND AT THE DORSAL
Certificate of Sale on Execution of Real Property. PORTION THEREOF IS DIFFERENT OR THAT IT
In opposition, petitioner prayed for the dismissal of DORSAL PORTION OF THE FIRST PAGE
the petition because respondent spouses failed to BECAUSE THE SECOND PAGE IS MERELY
move for the reconsideration of the assailed order HALF FILLED AND THE NOTATION ON THE
prior to the filing of the petition. Moreover, the DORSAL PORTION COULD STILL BE MADE AT
proper remedy against the assailed order of the trial THE SECOND PAGE.
court is an appeal, or a motion to quash the writ of
possession. On the first ground, petitioner contends that
respondents were not without remedy before the
On May 13, 2002, the Court of Appeals rendered trial court. He points out that respondents could
judgment as follows:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library have filed a motion for reconsideration of the Order
dated June 4, 1999, but they did not do so.
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby Respondents could also have filed an appeal but
GRANTED. Accordingly, the writ of possession they, likewise, did not do so. When the writ of
issued by the Regional Trial Court of Balanga City, possession was issued, respondents could have
Branch 1, on 18 July 2001 is declared NULL and filed a motion to quash the writ. Again they did not.
VOID. Respondents cannot now avail of the special civil
action for certiorari as a substitute for these
In the event that the questioned writ of possession remedies. They should suffer the consequences for
has already been implemented, the Deputy Sheriff sleeping on their rights.chanrob1es virtua1 1aw
of the Regional Trial Court of Balanga City, Branch 1ibrary
1, and private respondent Marcelo Soriano are
hereby ordered to cause the redelivery of Transfer We disagree.
Certificate of Title No. T-40785 to the petitioners.
Concededly, those who seek to avail of the
SO ORDERED. 19 procedural remedies provided by the rules must
adhere to the requirements thereof, failing which
Aggrieved, petitioner now comes to this Court the right to do so is lost. It is, however, equally
maintaining that — settled that the Rules of Court seek to eliminate
undue reliance on technical rules and to make
1.) THE SPECIAL CIVIL ACTION OF CERTIORARI litigation as inexpensive as practicable and as
UNDER RULE 65 IS NOT THE PLAIN, SPEEDY convenient as can be done. 20 This is in
AND ADEQUATE REMEDY OF THE accordance with the primary purpose of the 1997
RESPONDENTS IN ASSAILING THE WRIT OF Rules of Civil Procedure as provided in Rule 1,
POSSESSION ISSUED BY THE LOWER COURT Section 6, which reads:chanrob1es virtual 1aw
RESORTED TO LIKE THE FILING OF A MOTION Section 6. Construction. — These rules shall be
FOR RECONSIDERATION OR MOTION TO liberally construed in order to promote their
QUASH OR EVEN APPEAL. objective of securing a just, speedy and
inexpensive determination of every action and
CERTIFICATE OF SALE ON EXECUTION OF The rules of procedure are not to be applied in a
REAL PROPERTY AS NULL AND VOID AND very rigid, technical sense and are used only to
SUBSEQUENTLY THE WRIT OF POSSESSION help secure substantial justice. If a technical and

rigid enforcement of the rules is made, their aim Eschewing, therefore, the procedural objections
would be defeated. 22 They should be liberally raised by petitioner, it behooves us to address the
construed so that litigants can have ample issue of whether or not the questioned writ of
opportunity to prove their claims and thus prevent a possession is in fact a nullity considering that it
denial of justice due to technicalities. 23 Thus, in includes real property not expressly mentioned in
China Banking Corporation v. Members of the the Certificate of Sale of Real Property.
Board of Trustees of Home Development Mutual
Fund, 24 it was held:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library Petitioner, in sum, dwells on the general proposition
that since the certificate of sale is a public
. . .while certiorari as a remedy may not be used as document, it enjoys the presumption of regularity
a substitute for an appeal, especially for a lost and all entries therein are presumed to be done in
appeal, this rule should not be strictly enforced if the performance of regular functions.
the petition is genuinely meritorious. 25 It has been
said that where the rigid application of the rules The argument is not persuasive.
would frustrate substantial justice, or bar the
vindication of a legitimate grievance, the courts are There are actually two (2) copies of the Certificate
justified in exempting a particular case from the of Sale on Execution of Real Properties issued on
operation of the rules. 26 (Emphasis ours) February 4, 1999 involved, namely: (a) copy which
is on file with the deputy sheriff; and (b) copy
Indeed, well-known is the rule that departures from registered with the Registry of Deeds. The object of
procedure may be forgiven where they do not scrutiny, however, is not the copy of the Certificate
appear to have impaired the substantial rights of of Sale on Execution of Real Properties issued by
the parties. 27 Apropos in this regard is Cometa v. the deputy sheriff on February 4, 1999, 32 but the
CA, 28 where we said that — copy thereof subsequently registered by petitioner
with the Registry of Deeds on April 23, 1999, 33
There is no question that petitioners were remiss in which included an entry on the dorsal portion of the
attending with dispatch to the protection of their first page thereof describing a parcel of land
interests as regards the subject lots, and for that covered by OCT No. T-40785 not found in the
reason the case in the lower court was dismissed Certificate of Sale of Real Properties on file with the
on a technicality and no definitive pronouncement sheriff.
on the inadequacy of the price paid for the levied
properties was ever made. In this regard, it bears True, public documents by themselves may be
stressing that procedural rules are not to be adequate to establish the presumption of their
belittled or dismissed simply because their non- validity. However, their probative weight must be
observance may have resulted in prejudice to a evaluated not in isolation but in conjunction with
party’s substantive rights as in this case. Like all other evidence adduced by the parties in the
rules, they are required to be followed except when controversy, much more so in this case where the
only for the most persuasive of reasons they may contents of a copy thereof subsequently registered
be relaxed to relieve a litigant of an injustice not for documentation purposes is being contested. No
commensurate with the degree of his reason has been offered how and why the
thoughtlessness in not complying with the questioned entry was subsequently intercalated in
procedure prescribed. 29 (emphasis and Italics the copy of the certificate of sale subsequently
supplied.) registered with the Registry of Deeds. Absent any
satisfactory explanation as to why said entry was
In short, since rules of procedure are mere tools belatedly inserted, the surreptitiousness of its
designed to facilitate the attainment of justice, their inclusion coupled with the furtive manner of its
strict and rigid application which would result in intercalation casts serious doubt on the authenticity
technicalities that tend to frustrate rather than of petitioner’s copy of the Certificate of Sale. Thus,
promote substantial justice must always be it has been held that while a public document like a
avoided. 30 Technicality should not be allowed to notarized deed of sale is vested with the
stand in the way of equitably and completely presumption of regularity, this is not a guarantee of
resolving the rights and obligations of the parties. the validity of its contents. 34
It must be pointed out in this regard that the

issuance of a Certificate of Sale is an end result of
judicial foreclosure where statutory requirements
are strictly adhered to; where even the slightest (3) Everything attached to an immovable in a fixed
deviations therefrom will invalidate the proceeding manner, in such a way that it cannot be separated
35 and the sale. 36 Among these requirements is therefrom without breaking the material or
an explicit enumeration and correct description of deterioration of the object;
what properties are to be sold stated in the notice.
The stringence in the observance of these (4) Statues, reliefs, paintings or other objects for
requirements is such that an incorrect title number use or ornamentation, placed in buildings or on
together with a correct technical description of the lands by the owner of the immovable in such a
property to be sold and vice versa is deemed a manner that it reveals the intention to attach them
substantial and fatal error which results in the permanently to the tenements;
invalidation of the sale. 37
(5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or
The certificate of sale is an accurate record of what implements intended by the owner of the tenement
properties were actually sold to satisfy the debt. for an industry or works which may be carried on in
The strictness in the observance of accuracy and a building or on a piece of land, and which tend
correctness in the description of the properties directly to meet the needs of the said industry or
renders the enumeration in the certificate exclusive. works;
Thus, subsequently including properties which have
not been explicitly mentioned therein for registration (6) Animal houses, pigeon houses, beehives, fish
purposes under suspicious circumstances smacks ponds or breeding places of similar nature, in case
of fraud. The explanation that the land on which the their owner has placed them or preserves them
properties sold is necessarily included and, hence, with the intention to have them permanently
was belatedly typed on the dorsal portion of the attached to the land, and forming a permanent part
copy of the certificate subsequently registered is at of it; the animals in these places are also included;
best a lame excuse unworthy of belief.chanrob1es
virtua1 1aw 1ibrary x x x

The appellate court correctly observed that there

was a marked difference in the appearance of the (9) Docks and structures which, though floating, are
typewritten words appearing on the first page of the intended by their nature and object to remain at a
copy of the Certificate of Sale registered with the fixed place on a river, lake or coast;
Registry of Deeds 38 and those appearing at the
dorsal portion thereof. Underscoring the irregularity x x x.
of the intercalation is the clearly devious attempt to
let such an insertion pass unnoticed by typing the The foregoing provision of the Civil Code
same at the back of the first page instead of on the enumerates land and buildings separately. This can
second page which was merely half-filled and could only mean that a building is, by itself, considered
accommodate the entry with room to spare. immovable. 39 Thus, it has been held that —

The argument that the land on which the buildings . . . while it is true that a mortgage of land
levied upon in execution is necessarily included is, necessarily includes, in the absence of stipulation
likewise, tenuous. Article 415 of the Civil Code of the improvements thereon, buildings, still a
provides:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library building by itself may be mortgaged apart from the
land on which it has been built. Such mortgage
ART. 415. The following are immovable would be still a real estate mortgage for the building
property:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library would still be considered immovable property even
if dealt with separately and apart from the land. 40
(1) Land, buildings, roads and constructions of all (emphasis and Italics supplied)
kinds adhered to the soil:chanrob1es virtual 1aw
library In this case, considering that what was sold by
virtue of the writ of execution issued by the trial
x x x court was merely the storehouse and bodega

constructed on the parcel of land covered by 1. A parcel of land
Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-40785, which by
themselves are real properties of respondents 2. STORE/HOUSE CONSTRUCTED made of
spouses, the same should be regarded as separate strong materials
and distinct from the conveyance of the lot on
which they stand. 3. BODEGA made of strong materials

WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the

petition is hereby DENIED for lack of merit. The
Decision dated May 13, 2002 of the Court of At the sale of the above-enumerated properties at
Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 65891, which declared public auction, petitioner was the highest and only
the writ of possession issued by the Regional Trial bidder. Accordingly, Deputy Sheriff Robles issued a
Court of Balanga City, Branch 1, on July 18, 2001, Certificate of Sale of Execution of Real Property
null and void, is AFFIRMED in toto.chanrob1es
virtua1 1aw 1ibrary

SO ORDERED. Respondents filed a petition for certiorari with the

Court of Appeals, assailing the inclusion of the
Case digest:
parcel of land covered among the list of real
properties in the writ of possession. Respondents
MARCELO R. SORIANO V. SPOUSES RICARDO argued that said property was not among those
and ROSALINA GALIT sold on execution by Deputy Sheriff Renato E.
G.R. No. 156295. September 23, 2003
Robles as reflected in the Certificate of Sale on
Execution of Real Property.


Respondent Ricardo Galit contracted a loan from Court of Appeals granted the instant petition.
petitioner Marcelo Soriano, in the total sum of
P480,000.00, evidenced by four promissory notes.
This loan was secured by a real estate mortgage ISSUE
over a parcel of land. After he failed to pay his
obligation, Soriano filed a complaint for sum of Whether or not the Certificate of Sale on execution
money against him with the Regional Trial Court. of real property is null and void and subsequently
the writ of possession.
Respondents, the Spouses Ricardo and
Rosalina Galit, failed to file their answer. Hence,
upon motion of Marcelo Soriano, the trial court
declared the spouses in default and proceeded to
receive evidence for petitioner Soriano ex parte. Yes. Petitioner dwells on the general proposition
that since the certificate of sale is a public
document, it enjoys the presumption of regularity
The RTC rendered judgment in favor of and all entries therein are presumed to be done in
petitioner Soriano, against the defendant ordering the performance of regular functions.
the latter to pay. It became final
and executory. Accordingly, the trial court issued a
writ of execution in due course, by virtue of which, There are actually two copies of the Certificate of
Deputy Sheriff Renato E. Robles levied on the Sale on Execution of Real Properties issued
following real properties of the Galit spouses: namely: (a) copy which is on file with the deputy

sheriff; and (b) copy registered with the Registry of court was merely the storehouse
Deeds. The object of scrutiny, however, is not the and bodega constructed on the parcel of land,
copy of the Certificate of Sale on Execution of Real which by themselves are real properties of
Properties issued by the deputy sheriff but the copy respondents spouses, the same should be
thereof subsequently registered by petitioner with regarded as separate and distinct from the
the Registry of Deeds which included an entry on conveyance of the lot on which they stand.
the dorsal portion of the first page thereof
describing a parcel of land not found in the --------------------------------------------------------
Certificate of Sale of Real Properties on file with the
sheriff. G.R. No. L-26278 August 4, 1927

LEON SIBAL , plaintiff-appellant,

Thus, it has been held that while a public document vs.
EMILIANO J. VALDEZ ET AL., defendants.
like a notarized deed of sale is vested with the
presumption of regularity, this is not a guarantee of
the validity of its contents. It must be pointed out in J. E. Blanco for appellant.
this regard that the issuance of a Certificate of Sale Felix B. Bautista and Santos and Benitez for
is an end result of judicial foreclosure where appellee.
statutory requirements are strictly adhered to;
where even the slightest deviations therefrom will JOHNSON, J.:
invalidate the proceeding and the sale. Among
these requirements is an explicit enumeration and The action was commenced in the Court of First
Instance of the Province of Tarlac on the 14th day
correct description of what properties are to be sold
of December 1924. The facts are about as
stated in the notice. conflicting as it is possible for facts to be, in the trial

The argument that the land on which the buildings As a first cause of action the plaintiff alleged that
the defendant Vitaliano Mamawal, deputy sheriff of
levied upon in execution is necessarily included is, the Province of Tarlac, by virtue of a writ of
likewise, tenuous. execution issued by the Court of First Instance of
Pampanga, attached and sold to the defendant
The foregoing provision of the Civil Code Emiliano J. Valdez the sugar cane planted by the
enumerates land and buildings separately. This can plaintiff and his tenants on seven parcels of land
only mean that a building is, by itself, considered described in the complaint in the third paragraph of
immovable. Thus, it has been held that the first cause of action; that within one year from
the date of the attachment and sale the plaintiff
. . . while it is true that a mortgage of land offered to redeem said sugar cane and tendered to
necessarily includes, in the absence of stipulation the defendant Valdez the amount sufficient to cover
of the improvements thereon, buildings, still a the price paid by the latter, the interest thereon and
any assessments or taxes which he may have paid
building by itself may be mortgaged apart from
thereon after the purchase, and the interest
the land on which it has been built. Such corresponding thereto and that Valdez refused to
mortgage would be still a real estate mortgage accept the money and to return the sugar cane to
for the building would still be considered the plaintiff.
immovable property even if dealt with
separately and apart from the land. As a second cause of action, the plaintiff alleged
that the defendant Emiliano J. Valdez was
In this case, considering that what was sold by attempting to harvest the palay planted in four of
virtue of the writ of execution issued by the trial the seven parcels mentioned in the first cause of
action; that he had harvested and taken possession
of the palay in one of said seven parcels and in him from all liability under the complaint; (2)
another parcel described in the second cause of declaring him to be the absolute owner of the sugar
action, amounting to 300 cavans; and that all of cane in question and of the palay in parcels 1, 2
said palay belonged to the plaintiff. and 7; and (3) ordering the plaintiff to pay to him
the sum of P11,833.76, representing the value of
Plaintiff prayed that a writ of preliminary injunction the sugar cane and palay in question, including
be issued against the defendant Emiliano J. Valdez damages.
his attorneys and agents, restraining them (1) from
distributing him in the possession of the parcels of Upon the issues thus presented by the pleadings
land described in the complaint; (2) from taking the cause was brought on for trial. After hearing the
possession of, or harvesting the sugar cane in evidence, and on April 28, 1926, the Honorable
question; and (3) from taking possession, or Cayetano Lukban, judge, rendered a judgment
harvesting the palay in said parcels of land. Plaintiff against the plaintiff and in favor of the defendants
also prayed that a judgment be rendered in his —
favor and against the defendants ordering them to
consent to the redemption of the sugar cane in (1) Holding that the sugar cane in question
question, and that the defendant Valdez be was personal property and, as such, was
condemned to pay to the plaintiff the sum of P1,056 not subject to redemption;
the value of palay harvested by him in the two
parcels above-mentioned ,with interest and costs. (2) Absolving the defendants from all liability
under the complaint; and
On December 27, 1924, the court, after hearing
both parties and upon approval of the bond for (3) Condemning the plaintiff and his sureties
P6,000 filed by the plaintiff, issued the writ of Cenon de la Cruz, Juan Sangalang and
preliminary injunction prayed for in the complaint. Marcos Sibal to jointly and severally pay to
the defendant Emiliano J. Valdez the sum of
The defendant Emiliano J. Valdez, in his amended P9,439.08 as follows:
answer, denied generally and specifically each and
every allegation of the complaint and step up the (a) P6,757.40, the value of the sugar
following defenses: cane;

(a) That the sugar cane in question had the (b) 1,435.68, the value of the sugar-
nature of personal property and was not, cane shoots;
therefore, subject to redemption;
(c) 646.00, the value of palay
(b) That he was the owner of parcels 1, 2 harvested by plaintiff;
and 7 described in the first cause of action
of the complaint; (d) 600.00, the value of 150 cavans
of palay which the defendant was
(c) That he was the owner of the palay in not able to raise by reason of the
parcels 1, 2 and 7; and injunction, at P4 cavan. 9,439.08
From that judgment the plaintiff
(d) That he never attempted to harvest the appealed and in his assignments of
palay in parcels 4 and 5. error contends that the lower court
erred: (1) In holding that the sugar
The defendant Emiliano J. Valdez by way of cane in question was personal
counterclaim, alleged that by reason of the property and, therefore, not subject
preliminary injunction he was unable to gather the to redemption;
sugar cane, sugar-cane shoots (puntas de cana
dulce) palay in said parcels of land, representing a (2) In holding that parcels 1 and 2 of the
loss to him of P8,375.20 and that, in addition complaint belonged to Valdez, as well as
thereto, he suffered damages amounting to parcels 7 and 8, and that the palay therein
P3,458.56. He prayed, for a judgment (1) absolving was planted by Valdez;

(3) In holding that Valdez, by reason of the ...........................
preliminary injunction failed to realized
P6,757.40 from the sugar cane and 5
P1,435.68 from sugar-cane shoots (puntas .......................................... 1.00
de cana dulce); ...........................

(4) In holding that, for failure of plaintiff to 6

gather the sugar cane on time, the .......................................... 1.00
defendant was unable to raise palay on the ...........................
land, which would have netted him the sum 7 with the house thereon
of P600; and. 150.00
(5) In condemning the plaintiff and his
sureties to pay to the defendant the sum of 8 1,000.0
P9,439.08. .......................................... 0
........................... ======
It appears from the record: ====
(1) That on May 11, 1923, the deputy sheriff
of the Province of Tarlac, by virtue of writ of
execution in civil case No. 20203 of the (3) That within one year from the sale of
Court of First Instance of Manila said parcel of land, and on the 24th day of
(Macondray & Co., Inc. vs. Leon September, 1923, the judgment debtor,
Sibal),levied an attachment on eight parcels Leon Sibal, paid P2,000 to Macondray &
of land belonging to said Leon Sibal, Co., Inc., for the account of the redemption
situated in the Province of Tarlac, price of said parcels of land, without
designated in the second of attachment as specifying the particular parcels to which
parcels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (Exhibit B, said amount was to applied. The
Exhibit 2-A). redemption price said eight parcels was
reduced, by virtue of said transaction, to
(2) That on July 30, 1923, Macondray & P2,579.97 including interest (Exhibit C and
Co., Inc., bought said eight parcels of land, 2).
at the auction held by the sheriff of the
Province of Tarlac, for the sum to The record further shows:
P4,273.93, having paid for the said parcels
separately as follows (Exhibit C, and 2-A): (1) That on April 29, 1924, the defendant
Vitaliano Mamawal, deputy sheriff of the
Province of Tarlac, by virtue of a writ of
Parcel execution in civil case No. 1301 of the
Province of Pampanga (Emiliano J.
1 Valdez vs. Leon Sibal 1.º — the same
.......................................... P1.00 parties in the present case), attached the
........................... personal property of said Leon Sibal located
in Tarlac, among which was included the
2 sugar cane now in question in the seven
.......................................... parcels of land described in the complaint
........................... (Exhibit A).
.......................................... 120.93 (2) That on May 9 and 10, 1924, said
........................... deputy sheriff sold at public auction said
personal properties of Leon Sibal, including
4 1,000.0 the sugar cane in question to Emilio J.
.......................................... 0 Valdez, who paid therefor the sum of

P1,550, of which P600 was for the sugar situated in the Province of Tarlac belonging
cane (Exhibit A). to Leon Sibal and that on September 24,
1923, Leon Sibal paid to Macondray & Co.
(3) That on April 29,1924, said deputy P2,000 for the account of the redemption
sheriff, by virtue of said writ of execution, price of said parcels.
also attached the real property of said Leon
Sibal in Tarlac, including all of his rights, (3) That on June 25, 1924, Emilio J. Valdez
interest and participation therein, which real acquired from Macondray & Co. all of its
property consisted of eleven parcels of land rights and interest in the said eight parcels
and a house and camarin situated in one of of land.
said parcels (Exhibit A).
(4) That on June 25, 1924, Emilio J. Valdez
(4) That on June 25, 1924, eight of said also acquired all of the rights and interest
eleven parcels, including the house and the which Leon Sibal had or might have had on
camarin, were bought by Emilio J. Valdez at said eight parcels by virtue of the P2,000
the auction held by the sheriff for the sum of paid by the latter to Macondray.
P12,200. Said eight parcels were
designated in the certificate of sale as (5) That Emilio J. Valdez became the
parcels 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and 11. The absolute owner of said eight parcels of land.
house and camarin were situated on parcel
7 (Exhibit A). The first question raised by the appeal is, whether
the sugar cane in question is personal or real
(5) That the remaining three parcels, property. It is contended that sugar cane comes
indicated in the certificate of the sheriff as under the classification of real property as
parcels 2, 12, and 13, were released from "ungathered products" in paragraph 2 of article 334
the attachment by virtue of claims presented of the Civil Code. Said paragraph 2 of article 334
by Agustin Cuyugan and Domiciano Tizon enumerates as real property the following: Trees,
(Exhibit A). plants, and ungathered products, while they are
annexed to the land or form an integral part of any
(6) That on the same date, June 25, 1924, immovable property." That article, however, has
Macondray & Co. sold and conveyed to received in recent years an interpretation by
Emilio J. Valdez for P2,579.97 all of its the Tribunal Supremo de España, which holds that,
rights and interest in the eight parcels of under certain conditions, growing crops may be
land acquired by it at public auction held by considered as personal property. (Decision of
the deputy sheriff of Tarlac in connection March 18, 1904, vol. 97, Civil Jurisprudence of
with civil case No. 20203 of the Court of Spain.)
First Instance of Manila, as stated above.
Said amount represented the unpaid Manresa, the eminent commentator of the Spanish
balance of the redemption price of said Civil Code, in discussing section 334 of the Civil
eight parcels, after payment by Leon Sibal Code, in view of the recent decisions of the
of P2,000 on September 24, 1923, fro the supreme Court of Spain, admits that growing crops
account of the redemption price, as stated are sometimes considered and treated as personal
above. (Exhibit C and 2). property. He says:

The foregoing statement of facts shows: No creemos, sin embargo, que esto excluya
la excepcionque muchos autores hacen
(1) The Emilio J. Valdez bought the sugar tocante a la venta de toda cosecha o de
cane in question, located in the seven parte de ella cuando aun no esta cogida
parcels of land described in the first cause (cosa frecuente con la uvay y la naranja), y
of action of the complaint at public auction a la de lenas, considerando ambas
on May 9 and 10, 1924, for P600. como muebles. El Tribunal Supremo, en
sentencia de 18 de marzo de 1904, al
(2) That on July 30, 1923, Macondray & Co. entender sobre un contrato de
became the owner of eight parcels of land arrendamiento de un predio rustico,
resuelve que su terminacion por desahucio likewise immovable, and are considered as part of
no extingue los derechos del arrendario, the land to which they are attached."
para recolectar o percibir los frutos
correspondientes al año agricola, dentro del The Supreme Court of Louisiana having occasion
que nacieron aquellos derechos, cuando el to interpret that provision, held that in some cases
arrendor ha percibido a su vez el importe de "standing crops" may be considered and dealt with
la renta integra correspondiente, aun as personal property. In the case of Lumber Co. vs.
cuando lo haya sido por precepto legal Sheriff and Tax Collector (106 La., 418) the
durante el curso del juicio, fundandose para Supreme Court said: "True, by article 465 of the
ello, no solo en que de otra suerte se daria Civil Code it is provided that 'standing crops and
al desahucio un alcance que no tiene, sino the fruits of trees not gathered and trees before
en que, y esto es lo interesante a nuestro they are cut down . . . are considered as part of the
proposito, la consideracion de inmuebles land to which they are attached, but the
que el articulo 334 del Codigo Civil atribuge immovability provided for is only one in abstracto
a los frutos pendientes, no les priva del and without reference to rights on or to the crop
caracter de productos pertenecientes, como acquired by others than the owners of the property
tales, a quienes a ellos tenga derecho, to which the crop is attached. . . . The existence of
Ilegado el momento de su recoleccion. a right on the growing crop is a mobilization by
anticipation, a gathering as it were in advance,
xxx xxx xxx rendering the crop movable quoad the right
acquired therein. Our jurisprudence recognizes the
Mas actualmente y por virtud de la nueva possible mobilization of the growing crop."
edicion de la Ley Hipotecaria, publicada en (Citizens' Bank vs. Wiltz, 31 La. Ann., 244;
16 de diciembre de 1909, con las reformas Porche vs. Bodin, 28 La., Ann., 761;
introducidas por la de 21 de abril anterior, la Sandel vs. Douglass, 27 La. Ann., 629;
hipoteca, salvo pacto expreso que disponga Lewis vs. Klotz, 39 La. Ann., 267.)
lo contrario, y cualquiera que sea la
naturaleza y forma de la obligacion que "It is true," as the Supreme Court of Louisiana said
garantice, no comprende los in the case of Porche vs. Bodin (28 La. An., 761)
frutos cualquiera que sea la situacion en that "article 465 of the Revised Code says that
que se encuentre. (3 Manresa, 5. edicion, standing crops are considered as immovable and
pags. 22, 23.) as part of the land to which they are attached, and
article 466 declares that the fruits of an immovable
From the foregoing it appears (1) that, under gathered or produced while it is under seizure are
Spanish authorities, pending fruits and ungathered considered as making part thereof, and incurred to
products may be sold and transferred as personal the benefit of the person making the seizure. But
property; (2) that the Supreme Court of Spain, in a the evident meaning of these articles, is where the
case of ejectment of a lessee of an agricultural crops belong to the owner of the plantation they
land, held that the lessee was entitled to gather the form part of the immovable, and where it is seized,
products corresponding to the agricultural year, the fruits gathered or produced inure to the benefit
because said fruits did not go with the land but of the seizing creditor.
belonged separately to the lessee; and (3) that
under the Spanish Mortgage Law of 1909, as A crop raised on leased premises in no
amended, the mortgage of a piece of land does not sense forms part of the immovable. It
include the fruits and products existing thereon, belongs to the lessee, and may be sold by
unless the contract expressly provides otherwise. him, whether it be gathered or not, and it
may be sold by his judgment creditors. If it
An examination of the decisions of the Supreme necessarily forms part of the leased
Court of Louisiana may give us some light on the premises the result would be that it could
question which we are discussing. Article 465 of the not be sold under execution separate and
Civil Code of Louisiana, which corresponds to apart from the land. If a lessee obtain
paragraph 2 of article 334 of our Civil Code, supplies to make his crop, the factor's lien
provides: "Standing crops and the fruits of trees not would not attach to the crop as a separate
gathered, and trees before they are cut down, are thing belonging to his debtor, but the land
belonging to the lessor would be affected Norris vs. Watson, 55 Am. Dec., 161;
with the recorded privilege. The law cannot Whipple vs. Foot, 3 Am. Dec., 442; 1 Benjamin on
be construed so as to result in such absurd Sales, sec. 126; McKenzie vs. Lampley, 31 Ala.,
consequences. 526; Crine vs. Tifts and Co., 65 Ga., 644;
Gillitt vs. Truax, 27 Minn., 528; Preston vs. Ryan,
In the case of Citizen's Bank vs. Wiltz (31 La. Ann., 45 Mich., 174; Freeman on Execution, vol. 1, p.
244)the court said: 438; Drake on Attachment, sec. 249; Mechem on
Sales, sec. 200 and 763.)
If the crop quoad the pledge thereof under
the act of 1874 was an immovable, it would Mr. Mechem says that a valid sale may be made of
be destructive of the very objects of the act, a thing, which though not yet actually in existence,
it would render the pledge of the crop is reasonably certain to come into existence as the
objects of the act, it would render the pledge natural increment or usual incident of something
of the crop impossible, for if the crop was an already in existence, and then belonging to the
inseparable part of the realty possession of vendor, and then title will vest in the buyer the
the latter would be necessary to that of the moment the thing comes into existence.
former; but such is not the case. True, by (Emerson vs. European Railway Co., 67 Me., 387;
article 465 C. C. it is provided that "standing Cutting vs. Packers Exchange, 21 Am. St. Rep.,
crops and the fruits of trees not gathered 63.) Things of this nature are said to have a
and trees before they are cut down are potential existence. A man may sell property of
likewise immovable and are considered as which he is potentially and not actually possessed.
part of the land to which they are attached;" He may make a valid sale of the wine that a
but the immovability provided for is only vineyard is expected to produce; or the gain a field
one in abstracto and without reference to may grow in a given time; or the milk a cow may
rights on or to the crop acquired by other yield during the coming year; or the wool that shall
than the owners of the property to which the thereafter grow upon sheep; or what may be taken
crop was attached. The immovability of a at the next cast of a fisherman's net; or fruits to
growing crop is in the order of things grow; or young animals not yet in existence; or the
temporary, for the crop passes from the good will of a trade and the like. The thing sold,
state of a growing to that of a gathered one, however, must be specific and identified. They
from an immovable to a movable. The must be also owned at the time by the vendor.
existence of a right on the growing crop is a (Hull vs. Hull, 48 Conn., 250 [40 Am. Rep., 165].)
mobilization by anticipation, a gathering as it
were in advance, rendering the crop It is contended on the part of the appellee that
movable quoad the right acquired thereon. paragraph 2 of article 334 of the Civil Code has
The provision of our Code is identical with been modified by section 450 of the Code of Civil
the Napoleon Code 520, and we may Procedure as well as by Act No. 1508, the Chattel
therefore obtain light by an examination of Mortgage Law. Said section 450 enumerates the
the jurisprudence of France. property of a judgment debtor which may be
subjected to execution. The pertinent portion of
The rule above announced, not only by the Tribunal said section reads as follows: "All goods, chattels,
Supremo de España but by the Supreme Court of moneys, and other property, both real and
Louisiana, is followed in practically every state of personal, * * * shall be liable to execution. Said
the Union. section 450 and most of the other sections of the
Code of Civil Procedure relating to the execution of
From an examination of the reports and codes of judgment were taken from the Code of Civil
the State of California and other states we find that Procedure of California. The Supreme Court of
the settle doctrine followed in said states in California, under section 688 of the Code of Civil
connection with the attachment of property and Procedure of that state (Pomeroy, p. 424) has held,
execution of judgment is, that growing crops raised without variation, that growing crops were personal
by yearly labor and cultivation are considered property and subject to execution.
personal property. (6 Corpuz Juris, p. 197; 17
Corpus Juris, p. 379; 23 Corpus Juris, p. 329: Act No. 1508, the Chattel Mortgage Law, fully
Raventas vs. Green, 57 Cal., 254; recognized that growing crops are personal
property. Section 2 of said Act provides: "All special notice of the failure of the plaintiff to appear
personal property shall be subject to mortgage, at the trial during the presentation of evidence by
agreeably to the provisions of this Act, and a the defendant. His absence from the trial and his
mortgage executed in pursuance thereof shall be failure to cross-examine the defendant have lent
termed a chattel mortgage." Section 7 in part considerable weight to the evidence then presented
provides: "If growing crops be mortgaged the for the defense.
mortgage may contain an agreement stipulating
that the mortgagor binds himself properly to tend, Coming not to the ownership of parcels 1 and 2
care for and protect the crop while growing. described in the first cause of action of the
complaint, the plaintiff made a futile attempt to
It is clear from the foregoing provisions that Act No. show that said two parcels belonged to Agustin
1508 was enacted on the assumption that "growing Cuyugan and were the identical parcel 2 which was
crops" are personal property. This consideration excluded from the attachment and sale of real
tends to support the conclusion hereinbefore property of Sibal to Valdez on June 25, 1924, as
stated, that paragraph 2 of article 334 of the Civil stated above. A comparison of the description of
Code has been modified by section 450 of Act No. parcel 2 in the certificate of sale by the sheriff
190 and by Act No. 1508 in the sense that (Exhibit A) and the description of parcels 1 and 2 of
"ungathered products" as mentioned in said article the complaint will readily show that they are not the
of the Civil Code have the nature of personal same.
property. In other words, the phrase "personal
property" should be understood to include The description of the parcels in the complaint is as
"ungathered products." follows:

At common law, and generally in the United 1. La caña dulce sembrada por los
States, all annual crops which are raised by inquilinos del ejecutado Leon Sibal 1.º en
yearly manurance and labor, and essentially una parcela de terreno de la pertenencia del
owe their annual existence to cultivation by citado ejecutado, situada en Libutad,
man, . may be levied on as personal Culubasa, Bamban, Tarlac, de unas dos
property." (23 C. J., p. 329.) On this hectareas poco mas o menos de superficie.
question Freeman, in his treatise on the
Law of Executions, says: "Crops, whether 2. La caña dulce sembrada por el inquilino
growing or standing in the field ready to be del ejecutado Leon Sibal 1.º, Ilamado
harvested, are, when produced by annual Alejandro Policarpio, en una parcela de
cultivation, no part of the realty. They are, terreno de la pertenencia del ejecutado,
therefore, liable to voluntary transfer as situada en Dalayap, Culubasa, Bamban,
chattels. It is equally well settled that they Tarlac de unas dos hectareas de superficie
may be seized and sold under execution. poco mas o menos." The description of
(Freeman on Executions, vol. p. 438.) parcel 2 given in the certificate of sale
(Exhibit A) is as follows:
We may, therefore, conclude that paragraph 2 of
article 334 of the Civil Code has been modified by 2a. Terreno palayero situado en Culubasa,
section 450 of the Code of Civil Procedure and by Bamban, Tarlac, de 177,090 metros
Act No. 1508, in the sense that, for the purpose of cuadrados de superficie, linda al N. con
attachment and execution, and for the purposes of Canuto Sibal, Esteban Lazatin and
the Chattel Mortgage Law, "ungathered products" Alejandro Dayrit; al E. con Francisco Dizon,
have the nature of personal property. The lower Felipe Mañu and others; al S. con Alejandro
court, therefore, committed no error in holding that Dayrit, Isidro Santos and Melecio Mañu; y al
the sugar cane in question was personal property O. con Alejandro Dayrit and Paulino
and, as such, was not subject to redemption. Vergara. Tax No. 2854, vador amillarado
P4,200 pesos.
All the other assignments of error made by the
appellant, as above stated, relate to questions of On the other hand the evidence for the defendant
fact only. Before entering upon a discussion of said purported to show that parcels 1 and 2 of the
assignments of error, we deem it opportune to take complaint were included among the parcels bought
by Valdez from Macondray on June 25, 1924, and With reference to the parcel of land in Pacalcal,
corresponded to parcel 4 in the deed of sale Tarlac, described in paragraph 3 of the second
(Exhibit B and 2), and were also included among cause of action, it appears from the testimony of
the parcels bought by Valdez at the auction of the the plaintiff himself that said parcel corresponds to
real property of Leon Sibal on June 25, 1924, and parcel 8 of the deed of sale of Macondray to Valdez
corresponded to parcel 3 in the certificate of sale (Exhibit B and 2) and to parcel 10 in the deed of
made by the sheriff (Exhibit A). The description of sale executed by the sheriff in favor of Valdez
parcel 4 (Exhibit 2) and parcel 3 (Exhibit A) is as (Exhibit A). Valdez is therefore the absolute owner
follows: of said parcel, having acquired the interest of both
Macondray and Sibal therein.
Parcels No. 4. — Terreno palayero, ubicado
en el barrio de Culubasa,Bamban, Tarlac, I. In this connection the following facts are worthy of
F. de 145,000 metros cuadrados de mention:
superficie, lindante al Norte con Road of the
barrio of Culubasa that goes to Concepcion; Execution in favor of Macondray & Co., May 11,
al Este con Juan Dizon; al Sur con Lucio 1923. Eight parcels of land were attached under
Maño y Canuto Sibal y al Oeste con said execution. Said parcels of land were sold to
Esteban Lazatin, su valor amillarado Macondray & Co. on the 30th day of July, 1923.
asciende a la suma de P2,990. Tax No. Rice paid P4,273.93. On September 24, 1923,
2856. Leon Sibal paid to Macondray & Co. P2,000 on the
redemption of said parcels of land. (See Exhibits B
As will be noticed, there is hardly any relation and C ).
between parcels 1 and 2 of the complaint and
parcel 4 (Exhibit 2 and B) and parcel 3 (Exhibit A). Attachment, April 29, 1924, in favor of Valdez.
But, inasmuch as the plaintiff did not care to appear Personal property of Sibal was attached, including
at the trial when the defendant offered his the sugar cane in question. (Exhibit A) The said
evidence, we are inclined to give more weight to personal property so attached, sold at public
the evidence adduced by him that to the evidence auction May 9 and 10, 1924. April 29, 1924, the
adduced by the plaintiff, with respect to the real property was attached under the execution in
ownership of parcels 1 and 2 of the compliant. We, favor of Valdez (Exhibit A). June 25, 1924, said real
therefore, conclude that parcels 1 and 2 of the property was sold and purchased by Valdez
complaint belong to the defendant, having acquired (Exhibit A).
the same from Macondray & Co. on June 25, 1924,
and from the plaintiff Leon Sibal on the same date. June 25, 1924, Macondray & Co. sold all of the
land which they had purchased at public auction on
It appears, however, that the plaintiff planted the the 30th day of July, 1923, to Valdez.
palay in said parcels and harvested therefrom 190
cavans. There being no evidence of bad faith on his As to the loss of the defendant in sugar cane by
part, he is therefore entitled to one-half of the crop, reason of the injunction, the evidence shows that
or 95 cavans. He should therefore be condemned the sugar cane in question covered an area of 22
to pay to the defendant for 95 cavans only, at P3.40 hectares and 60 ares (Exhibits 8, 8-b and 8-c); that
a cavan, or the sum of P323, and not for the total of said area would have yielded an average crop of
190 cavans as held by the lower court. 1039 picos and 60 cates; that one-half of the
quantity, or 519 picos and 80 cates would have
As to the ownership of parcel 7 of the complaint, corresponded to the defendant, as owner; that
the evidence shows that said parcel corresponds to during the season the sugar was selling at P13 a
parcel 1 of the deed of sale of Macondray & Co, to pico (Exhibit 5 and 5-A). Therefore, the defendant,
Valdez (Exhibit B and 2), and to parcel 4 in the as owner, would have netted P 6,757.40 from the
certificate of sale to Valdez of real property sugar cane in question. The evidence also shows
belonging to Sibal, executed by the sheriff as above that the defendant could have taken from the sugar
stated (Exhibit A). Valdez is therefore the absolute cane 1,017,000 sugar-cane shoots (puntas de
owner of said parcel, having acquired the interest of cana) and not 1,170,000 as computed by the lower
both Macondray and Sibal in said parcel. court. During the season the shoots were selling at
P1.20 a thousand (Exhibits 6 and 7). The defendant
therefore would have netted P1,220.40 from sugar-
cane shoots and not P1,435.68 as allowed by the SIBAL v. VALDEZ
lower court.

As to the palay harvested by the plaintiff in parcels For the purpose of attachment and execution,
1 and 2 of the complaint, amounting to 190 cavans,
and for the purposes of the Chattel Mortgage
one-half of said quantity should belong to the
plaintiff, as stated above, and the other half to the Law, "ungathered products" have the nature of
defendant. The court erred in awarding the whole personal property.
crop to the defendant. The plaintiff should therefore
pay the defendant for 95 cavans only, at P3.40 a FACTS:
cavan, or P323 instead of P646 as allowed by the
lower court.

The evidence also shows that the defendant was (this case has a lot of confusing facts, just read the
prevented by the acts of the plaintiff from cultivating
about 10 hectares of the land involved in the original if this digest fails to compress everything)
litigation. He expected to have raised about 600 The Deputy Sheriff of the Province of Tarlac, by
cavans of palay, 300 cavans of which would have
virtue of a writ of execution issued by the Court of
corresponded to him as owner. The lower court has
wisely reduced his share to 150 cavans only. At P4 First Instance of Pampanga, attached and sold to
a cavan, the palay would have netted him P600. the defendant Emiliano J. Valdez the sugar cane
In view of the foregoing, the judgment appealed planted by the plaintiff and his tenants on seven
from is hereby modified. The plaintiff and his parcels of land. Included also in those attached
sureties Cenon de la Cruz, Juan Sangalang and
were real properties wherein 8mout of the 11
Marcos Sibal are hereby ordered to pay to the
defendant jointly and severally the sum of parcels of land, house and camarin which was first
P8,900.80, instead of P9,439.08 allowed by the acquired by Macondray & Co and then later on
lower court, as follows:
bought by Valdez in an auction. First Cause for
P6,757.40 for the sugar cane; petitioner: That Within one year from the date of the
attachment and sale the plaintiff offered to redeem
1,220.40 for the sugar cane shoots;
said sugar cane and tendered to the defendant
for the palay harvested by
323.00 Valdez the amount sufficient to cover the price paid
plaintiff in parcels 1 and 2;
by the latter, the interest thereon and any
for the palay which
600.00 defendant could have assessments or taxes which he may have paid
raised. thereon after the purchase, and the interest
corresponding thereto and that Valdez refused to
8,900.80 accept the money and to return the sugar cane to
the plaintiff. Second Cause for petitioner: That

In all other respects, the judgment appealed from is Valdez was trying to harvest palay from four out of
hereby affirmed, with costs. So ordered. seven parcels of land. Petitioner filed for
preliminary injunction to stop defendant from 1)
Case digest:
distributing the lands 2) harvesting and selling the
sugar canes, and 3) harvesting and selling the
palay. The writ was issued which prevented

defendant from planting and harvesting the lands. and the fruits of trees not gathered and trees before
Defendant later appealed claiming that he was the they are cut down . . . are considered as part of the
owner of many of the alleged land thus he also land to which they are attached, but the
owns the crops of it. The court awarded the immovability provided for is only one in abstracto
defendant 9,439.08 because the petitioner unduly and without reference to rights on or to the crop
denied the defendant to plant in his land thus acquired by others than the owners of the property
preventing him to profit thereto. to which the crop is attached. . . . The existence of
a right on the growing crop is a mobilization by
anticipation, a gathering as it were in advance,
ISSUE: rendering the crop movable quoad the right
Whether the sugar cane is personal o real acquired therein. Our jurisprudence recognizes the
property? (The relevance of the issue is with possible mobilization of the growing crop."
regards to the sugar cane of the Petitioner which For the purpose of attachment and execution, and
came from the land that now belongs to the for the purposes of the Chattel Mortgage Law,
defendant) "ungathered products" have the nature of personal
property. SC lowered the award for damages to the
defendant to 8,900.80 by acknowledging the fact
that some of the sugar canes were owned by the
petitioner and by reducing the calculated expected
It is contended that sugar cane comes under the yield or profit that defendant would have made if
classification of real property as "ungathered petitioner did not judicially prevent him from
products" in paragraph 2 of article 334 of the Civil planting and harvesting his lands.
Code. Said paragraph 2 of article 334 enumerates --------------------------------------------------------------
as real property the following: Trees, plants, and
ungathered products, while they are annexed to the G.R. No. L-55729 March 28, 1983
land or form an integral part of any immovable
ANTONIO PUNSALAN, JR., petitioner,
property." That article, however, has received in
recent years an interpretation by the Tribunal REMEDIOS VDA. DE LACSAMANA and THE
Supremo de España, which holds that, under HONORABLE JUDGE RODOLFO A.
ORTIZ, respondents.
certain conditions, growing crops may be
considered as personal property. Benjamin S. Benito & Associates for petitioner.

Expedito Yummul for private respondent.

In some cases "standing crops" may be considered
and dealt with as personal property. In the case of
Lumber Co. vs. Sheriff and Tax Collector (106 La., MELENCIO-HERRERA, J.:
418) the Supreme Court said: "True, by article 465
The sole issue presented by petitioner for
of the Civil Code it is provided that 'standing crops resolution is whether or not respondent Court erred
in denying the Motion to Set Case for Pre-trial with of defendant ... executed a
respect to respondent Remedios Vda. de document dated July 31, 1978,
Lacsamana as the case had been dismissed on the entitled Amendment to Deed of
ground of improper venue upon motion of co- Absolute Sale ... wherein said
respondent Philippine National Bank (PNB). defendant bank as Vendor sold to
defendant Lacsamana the building
It appears that petitioner, Antonio Punsalan, Jr., owned by the plaintiff under Tax
was the former registered owner of a parcel of land Declaration No. 5619,
consisting of 340 square meters situated in notwithstanding the fact that said
Bamban, Tarlac. In 1963, petitioner mortgaged said building is not owned by the bank
land to respondent PNB (Tarlac Branch) in the either by virtue of the public auction
amount of P10,000.00, but for failure to pay said sale conducted by the Sheriff and
amount, the property was foreclosed on December sold to the Philippine National Bank
16, 1970. Respondent PNB (Tarlac Branch) was or by virtue of the Deed of Sale
the highest bidder in said foreclosure proceedings. executed by the bank itself in its
However, the bank secured title thereto only on favor on September 21, 1977 ...;
December 14, 1977.
23. That said defendant bank
In the meantime, in 1974, while the properly was fraudulently mentioned ... that the
still in the alleged possession of petitioner and with sale in its favor should likewise have
the alleged acquiescence of respondent PNB included the building,
(Tarlac Branch), and upon securing a permit from notwithstanding no legal basis for
the Municipal Mayor, petitioner constructed a the same and despite full knowledge
warehouse on said property. Petitioner declared that the Certificate of Sale executed
said warehouse for tax purposes for which he was by the sheriff in its favor ... only
issued Tax Declaration No. 5619. Petitioner then limited the sale to the land, hence,
leased the warehouse to one Hermogenes Sibal for by selling the building which never
a period of 10 years starting January 1975. became the property of defendant,
they have violated the principle
On July 26, 1978, a Deed of Sale was executed against 'pactum commisorium'.
between respondent PNB (Tarlac Branch) and
respondent Lacsamana over the property. This Petitioner prayed that the Deed of Sale of the
contract was amended on July 31, 1978, building in favor of respondent Lacsamana be
particularly to include in the sale, the building and declared null and void and that damages in the total
improvement thereon. By virtue of said instruments, sum of P230,000.00, more or less, be awarded to
respondent - Lacsamana secured title over the him.2
property in her name (TCT No. 173744) as well as
separate tax declarations for the land and In her Answer filed on March 4, 1980,-respondent
building. 1 Lacsamana averred the affirmative defense of lack
of cause of action in that she was a purchaser for
On November 22, 1979, petitioner commenced suit value and invoked the principle in Civil Law that the
for "Annulment of Deed of Sale with Damages" "accessory follows the principal".3
against herein respondents PNB and Lacsamana
before respondent Court of First Instance of Rizal, On March 14, 1980, respondent PNB filed a Motion
Branch XXXI, Quezon City, essentially impugning to Dismiss on the ground that venue was
the validity of the sale of the building as embodied improperly laid considering that the building was
in the Amended Deed of Sale. In this connection, real property under article 415 (1) of the New Civil
petitioner alleged: Code and therefore section 2(a) of Rule 4 should
apply. 4
xxx xxx xxx
Opposing said Motion to Dismiss, petitioner
22. That defendant, Philippine contended that the action for annulment of deed of
National Bank, through its Branch sale with damages is in the nature of a personal
Manager ... by virtue of the request action, which seeks to recover not the title nor
possession of the property but to compel payment concerned, as the issues had already been joined
of damages, which is not an action affecting title to with the filing of respondent Lacsamana's Answer.
real property.
In the Order of November 10, 1980 respondent
On April 25, 1980, respondent Court granted Court denied said Motion to Set Case for Pre-trial
respondent PNB's Motion to Dismiss as follows: as the case was already dismissed in the previous
Orders of April 25, 1980 and September 1, 1980.
Acting upon the 'Motion to Dismiss'
of the defendant Philippine National Hence, this Petition for Certiorari, to which we gave
Bank dated March 13, 1980, due course.
considered against the plaintiff's
opposition thereto dated April 1, We affirm respondent Court's Order denying the
1980, including the reply therewith of setting for pre-trial.
said defendant, this Court resolves
to DISMISS the plaintiff's complaint The warehouse claimed to be owned by petitioner
for improper venue considering that is an immovable or real property as provided in
the plaintiff's complaint which seeks article 415(l) of the Civil Code. 6 Buildings are
for the declaration as null and void, always immovable under the Code. 7 A building
the amendment to Deed of Absolute treated separately from the land on which it stood is
Sale executed by the defendant immovable property and the mere fact that the
Philippine National Bank in favor of parties to a contract seem to have dealt with it
the defendant Remedios T. Vda. de separate and apart from the land on which it stood
Lacsamana, on July 31, 1978, in no wise changed its character as immovable
involves a warehouse allegedly property. 8
owned and constructed by the
plaintiff on the land of the defendant While it is true that petitioner does not directly seek
Philippine National Bank situated in the recovery of title or possession of the property in
the Municipality of Bamban, question, his action for annulment of sale and his
Province of Tarlac, which warehouse claim for damages are closely intertwined with the
is an immovable property pursuant issue of ownership of the building which, under the
to Article 415, No. 1 of the New Civil law, is considered immovable property, the
Code; and, as such the action of the recovery of which is petitioner's primary objective.
plaintiff is a real action affecting title The prevalent doctrine is that an action for the
to real property which, under Section annulment or rescission of a sale of real property
2, Rule 4 of the New Rules of Court, does not operate to efface the fundamental and
must be tried in the province where prime objective and nature of the case, which is to
the property or any part thereof lies.5 recover said real property. It is a real action. 9

In his Motion for Reconsideration of the aforestated Respondent Court, therefore, did not err in
Order, petitioner reiterated the argument that the dismissing the case on the ground of improper
action to annul does not involve ownership or title venue (Section 2, Rule 4) 10, which was timely
to property but is limited to the validity of the deed raised (Section 1, Rule 16) 11.
of sale and emphasized that the case should
proceed with or without respondent PNB as Petitioner's other contention that the case should
respondent Lacsamana had already filed her proceed in so far as respondent Lacsamana is
Answer to the Complaint and no issue on venue concerned as she had already filed an Answer,
had been raised by the latter. which did not allege improper venue and, therefore,
issues had already been joined, is likewise
On September 1, 1980,.respondent Court denied untenable. Respondent PNB is an indispensable
reconsideration for lack of merit. party as the validity of the Amended Contract of
Sale between the former and respondent
Petitioner then filed a Motion to Set Case for Pre- Lacsamana is in issue. It would, indeed, be futile to
trial, in so far as respondent Lacsamana was proceed with the case against respondent
Lacsamana alone.
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby denied On January 18, 1993, NPC entered into a lease
without prejudice to the refiling of the case by contract with Polar Energy, Inc. over 3x30 MW
petitioner Antonio Punsalan, Jr. in the proper forum. diesel engine power barges moored at Balayan Bay
in Calaca, Batangas. The contract, denominated as
Costs against petitioner. an Energy Conversion Agreement5 (Agreement),
was for a period of five years. Article 10 reads:
----------------------------------------------------------- responsible for the payment of (a) all taxes, import
duties, fees, charges and other levies imposed by
G.R. No. 168557 February 16, 2007 the National Government of the Republic of the
Philippines or any agency or instrumentality thereof
FELS ENERGY, INC., Petitioner, to which POLAR may be or become subject to or in
vs. relation to the performance of their obligations
THE PROVINCE OF BATANGAS and under this agreement (other than (i) taxes imposed
or calculated on the basis of the net income of
POLAR and Personal Income Taxes of its
employees and (ii) construction permit fees,
OF BATANGAS, Respondents.
environmental permit fees and other similar fees
and charges) and (b) all real estate taxes and
x----------------------------------------------------x assessments, rates and other charges in respect of
the Power Barges.6
G.R. No. 170628 February 16, 2007
Subsequently, Polar Energy, Inc. assigned its rights
NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION, Petitioner, under the Agreement to FELS. The NPC initially
vs. opposed the assignment of rights, citing paragraph
LOCAL BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS OF 17.2 of Article 17 of the Agreement.
capacity as the Assessor of the Province of On August 7, 1995, FELS received an assessment
Batangas, and the PROVINCE OF BATANGAS of real property taxes on the power barges from
represented by its Provincial Provincial Assessor Lauro C. Andaya of Batangas
Assessor, Respondents. City. The assessed tax, which likewise covered
those due for 1994, amounted to ₱56,184,088.40
DECISION per annum. FELS referred the matter to NPC,
reminding it of its obligation under the Agreement to
CALLEJO, SR., J.: pay all real estate taxes. It then gave NPC the full
power and authority to represent it in any
Before us are two consolidated cases docketed as conference regarding the real property assessment
G.R. No. 168557 and G.R. No. 170628, which were of the Provincial Assessor.
filed by petitioners FELS Energy, Inc. (FELS) and
National Power Corporation (NPC), respectively. In a letter7 dated September 7, 1995, NPC sought
The first is a petition for review on certiorari reconsideration of the Provincial Assessor’s
assailing the August 25, 2004 Decision1 of the decision to assess real property taxes on the power
Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 67490 barges. However, the motion was denied on
and its Resolution2 dated June 20, 2005; the September 22, 1995, and the Provincial Assessor
second, also a petition for review on certiorari, advised NPC to pay the assessment.8 This
challenges the February 9, 2005 Decision3 and prompted NPC to file a petition with the Local
November 23, 2005 Resolution4 of the CA in CA- Board of Assessment Appeals (LBAA) for the
G.R. SP No. 67491. Both petitions were dismissed setting aside of the assessment and the declaration
on the ground of prescription. of the barges as non-taxable items; it also prayed
that should LBAA find the barges to be taxable, the
The pertinent facts are as follows: Provincial Assessor be directed to make the
necessary corrections.9

In its Answer to the petition, the Provincial properties of FELS in order not to preempt and
Assessor averred that the barges were real render ineffectual, nugatory and illusory any
property for purposes of taxation under Section resolution or judgment which the Board would
199(c) of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7160. issue.

Before the case was decided by the LBAA, NPC Meantime, the NPC filed a Motion for
filed a Manifestation, informing the LBAA that the Intervention15 dated August 7, 1998 in the
Department of Finance (DOF) had rendered an proceedings before the CBAA. This was approved
opinion10 dated May 20, 1996, where it is clearly by the CBAA in an Order16 dated September 22,
stated that power barges are not real property 1998.
subject to real property assessment.
During the pendency of the case, both FELS and
On August 26, 1996, the LBAA rendered a NPC filed several motions to admit bond to
Resolution11 denying the petition. The fallo reads: guarantee the payment of real property taxes
assessed by the Provincial Assessor (in the event
WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. FELS is that the judgment be unfavorable to them). The
hereby ordered to pay the real estate tax in the bonds were duly approved by the CBAA.
amount of ₱56,184,088.40, for the year 1994.
On April 6, 2000, the CBAA rendered a
SO ORDERED. 12 Decision17 finding the power barges exempt from
real property tax. The dispositive portion reads:
The LBAA ruled that the power plant facilities, while
they may be classified as movable or personal WHEREFORE, the Resolution of the Local Board
property, are nevertheless considered real property of Assessment Appeals of the Province of
for taxation purposes because they are installed at Batangas is hereby reversed. Respondent-appellee
a specific location with a character of permanency. Provincial Assessor of the Province of Batangas is
The LBAA also pointed out that the owner of the hereby ordered to drop subject property under
barges–FELS, a private corporation–is the one ARP/Tax Declaration No. 018-00958 from the List
being taxed, not NPC. A mere agreement making of Taxable Properties in the Assessment Roll. The
NPC responsible for the payment of all real estate Provincial Treasurer of Batangas is hereby directed
taxes and assessments will not justify the to act accordingly.
exemption of FELS; such a privilege can only be
granted to NPC and cannot be extended to FELS. SO ORDERED.18
Finally, the LBAA also ruled that the petition was
filed out of time. Ruling in favor of FELS and NPC, the CBAA
reasoned that the power barges belong to NPC;
Aggrieved, FELS appealed the LBAA’s ruling to the since they are actually, directly and exclusively
Central Board of Assessment Appeals (CBAA). used by it, the power barges are covered by the
exemptions under Section 234(c) of R.A. No.
On August 28, 1996, the Provincial Treasurer of 7160.19 As to the other jurisdictional issue, the
Batangas City issued a Notice of Levy and Warrant CBAA ruled that prescription did not preclude the
by Distraint13over the power barges, seeking to NPC from pursuing its claim for tax exemption in
collect real property taxes amounting to accordance with Section 206 of R.A. No. 7160. The
₱232,602,125.91 as of July 31, 1996. The notice Provincial Assessor filed a motion for
and warrant was officially served to FELS on reconsideration, which was opposed by FELS and
November 8, 1996. It then filed a Motion to Lift Levy NPC.
dated November 14, 1996, praying that the
Provincial Assessor be further restrained by the In a complete volte face, the CBAA issued a
CBAA from enforcing the disputed assessment Resolution20 on July 31, 2001 reversing its earlier
during the pendency of the appeal. decision. The fallo of the resolution reads:

On November 15, 1996, the CBAA issued an WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is the
Order14 lifting the levy and distraint on the resolution of this Board that:

(a) The decision of the Board dated 6 April appellate court’s decision in CA-G.R. SP No.
2000 is hereby reversed. 67490.

(b) The petition of FELS, as well as the Thereafter, NPC filed a petition for review dated
intervention of NPC, is dismissed. October 19, 2004 before this Court, docketed as
G.R. No. 165113, assailing the appellate court’s
(c) The resolution of the Local Board of decision in CA-G.R. SP No. 67490. The petition
Assessment Appeals of Batangas is hereby was, however, denied in this Court’s Resolution25 of
affirmed, November 8, 2004, for NPC’s failure to sufficiently
show that the CA committed any reversible error in
(d) The real property tax assessment on the challenged decision. NPC filed a motion for
FELS by the Provincial Assessor of reconsideration, which the Court denied with finality
Batangas is likewise hereby affirmed. in a Resolution26 dated January 19, 2005.

SO ORDERED.21 Meantime, the appellate court dismissed the

petition in CA-G.R. SP No. 67491. It held that the
FELS and NPC filed separate motions for right to question the assessment of the Provincial
reconsideration, which were timely opposed by the Assessor had already prescribed upon the failure of
Provincial Assessor. The CBAA denied the said FELS to appeal the disputed assessment to the
motions in a Resolution22 dated October 19, 2001. LBAA within the period prescribed by law. Since
FELS had lost the right to question the assessment,
Dissatisfied, FELS filed a petition for review before the right of the Provincial Government to collect the
the CA docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 67490. tax was already absolute.
Meanwhile, NPC filed a separate petition, docketed
as CA-G.R. SP No. 67491. NPC filed a motion for reconsideration dated March
8, 2005, seeking reconsideration of the February 5,
On January 17, 2002, NPC filed a 2005 ruling of the CA in CA-G.R. SP No. 67491.
Manifestation/Motion for Consolidation in CA-G.R. The motion was denied in a Resolution27 dated
SP No. 67490 praying for the consolidation of its November 23, 2005.
petition with CA-G.R. SP No. 67491. In a
Resolution23 dated February 12, 2002, the The motion for reconsideration filed by FELS in CA-
appellate court directed NPC to re-file its motion for G.R. SP No. 67490 had been earlier denied for lack
consolidation with CA-G.R. SP No. 67491, since it of merit in a Resolution28 dated June 20, 2005.
is the ponente of the latter petition who should
resolve the request for reconsideration. On August 3, 2005, FELS filed the petition
docketed as G.R. No. 168557 before this Court,
NPC failed to comply with the aforesaid resolution. raising the following issues:
On August 25, 2004, the Twelfth Division of the
appellate court rendered judgment in CA-G.R. SP A.
No. 67490 denying the petition on the ground of
prescription. The decretal portion of the decision Whether power barges, which are floating and
reads: movable, are personal properties and therefore, not
subject to real property tax.
WHEREFORE, the petition for review is DENIED
for lack of merit and the assailed Resolutions dated B.
July 31, 2001 and October 19, 2001 of the Central
Board of Assessment Appeals are AFFIRMED. Assuming that the subject power barges are real
properties, whether they are exempt from real
SO ORDERED.24 estate tax under Section 234 of the Local
Government Code ("LGC").
On September 20, 2004, FELS timely filed a motion
for reconsideration seeking the reversal of the C.

Assuming arguendo that the subject power barges that taxes—the lifeblood of our economy—are
are subject to real estate tax, whether or not it involved in the present controversy, the Court was
should be NPC which should be made to pay the prompted to dispense with the said pleadings, with
same under the law. the end view of advancing the interests of justice
and avoiding further delay.
In both petitions, FELS and NPC maintain that the
Assuming arguendo that the subject power barges appeal before the LBAA was not time-barred. FELS
are real properties, whether or not the same is argues that when NPC moved to have the
subject to depreciation just like any other personal assessment reconsidered on September 7, 1995,
properties. the running of the period to file an appeal with the
LBAA was tolled. For its part, NPC posits that the
E. 60-day period for appealing to the LBAA should be
reckoned from its receipt of the denial of its motion
Whether the right of the petitioner to question the for reconsideration.
patently null and void real property tax assessment
on the petitioner’s personal properties is Petitioners’ contentions are bereft of merit.
Section 226 of R.A. No. 7160, otherwise known as
On January 13, 2006, NPC filed its own petition for the Local Government Code of 1991, provides:
review before this Court (G.R. No. 170628),
indicating the following errors committed by the CA: SECTION 226. Local Board of Assessment
Appeals. – Any owner or person having legal
I interest in the property who is not satisfied with the
action of the provincial, city or municipal assessor
THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN in the assessment of his property may, within sixty
HOLDING THAT THE APPEAL TO THE LBAA (60) days from the date of receipt of the written
WAS FILED OUT OF TIME. notice of assessment, appeal to the Board of
Assessment Appeals of the province or city by filing
II a petition under oath in the form prescribed for the
purpose, together with copies of the tax
declarations and such affidavits or documents
submitted in support of the appeal.
TAXES. We note that the notice of assessment which the
Provincial Assessor sent to FELS on August 7,
1995, contained the following statement:
If you are not satisfied with this assessment, you
may, within sixty (60) days from the date of receipt
hereof, appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals
of the province by filing a petition under oath on the
form prescribed for the purpose, together with
copies of ARP/Tax Declaration and such affidavits
Considering that the factual antecedents of both or documents submitted in support of the appeal.32
cases are similar, the Court ordered the
consolidation of the two cases in a
Instead of appealing to the Board of Assessment
Resolution31 dated March 8,
Appeals (as stated in the notice), NPC opted to file
a motion for reconsideration of the Provincial
In an earlier Resolution dated February 1, 2006, the Assessor’s decision, a remedy not sanctioned by
Court had required the parties to submit their law.
respective Memoranda within 30 days from notice.
Almost a year passed but the parties had not
submitted their respective memoranda. Considering
The remedy of appeal to the LBAA is available from as provided by law. It follows ineluctably that the
an adverse ruling or action of the provincial, city or 60-day period for making the appeal to the LBAA
municipal assessor in the assessment of the runs without interruption. This is what We held in
property. It follows then that the determination SP 67490 and reaffirm today in SP 67491.37
made by the respondent Provincial Assessor with
regard to the taxability of the subject real properties To reiterate, if the taxpayer fails to appeal in due
falls within its power to assess properties for course, the right of the local government to collect
taxation purposes subject to appeal before the the taxes due with respect to the taxpayer’s
LBAA.33 property becomes absolute upon the expiration of
the period to appeal.38 It also bears stressing that
We fully agree with the rationalization of the CA in the taxpayer’s failure to question the assessment in
both CA-G.R. SP No. 67490 and CA-G.R. SP No. the LBAA renders the assessment of the local
67491. The two divisions of the appellate court assessor final, executory and demandable, thus,
cited the case of Callanta v. Office of the precluding the taxpayer from questioning the
Ombudsman,34 where we ruled that under Section correctness of the assessment, or from invoking
226 of R.A. No 7160,35 the last action of the local any defense that would reopen the question of its
assessor on a particular assessment shall be the liability on the merits.39
notice of assessment; it is this last action which
gives the owner of the property the right to appeal In fine, the LBAA acted correctly when it dismissed
to the LBAA. The procedure likewise does not the petitioners’ appeal for having been filed out of
permit the property owner the remedy of filing a time; the CBAA and the appellate court were
motion for reconsideration before the local likewise correct in affirming the dismissal.
assessor. The pertinent holding of the Court in Elementary is the rule that the perfection of an
Callanta is as follows: appeal within the period therefor is both mandatory
and jurisdictional, and failure in this regard renders
x x x [T]he same Code is equally clear that the the decision final and executory.40
aggrieved owners should have brought their
appeals before the LBAA. Unfortunately, despite In the Comment filed by the Provincial Assessor, it
the advice to this effect contained in their is asserted that the instant petition is barred by res
respective notices of assessment, the owners judicata; that the final and executory judgment in
chose to bring their requests for a G.R. No. 165113 (where there was a final
review/readjustment before the city assessor, a determination on the issue of prescription),
remedy not sanctioned by the law. To allow this effectively precludes the claims herein; and that the
procedure would indeed invite corruption in the filing of the instant petition after an adverse
system of appraisal and assessment. It judgment in G.R. No. 165113 constitutes forum
conveniently courts a graft-prone situation where shopping.
values of real property may be initially set
unreasonably high, and then subsequently reduced FELS maintains that the argument of the Provincial
upon the request of a property owner. In the latter Assessor is completely misplaced since it was not a
instance, allusions of a possible covert, illicit trade- party to the erroneous petition which the NPC filed
off cannot be avoided, and in fact can conveniently in G.R. No. 165113. It avers that it did not
take place. Such occasion for mischief must be participate in the aforesaid proceeding, and the
prevented and excised from our system.36 Supreme Court never acquired jurisdiction over it.
As to the issue of forum shopping, petitioner claims
For its part, the appellate court declared in CA-G.R. that no forum shopping could have been committed
SP No. 67491: since the elements of litis pendentia or res judicata
are not present.
x x x. The Court announces: Henceforth, whenever
the local assessor sends a notice to the owner or We do not agree.
lawful possessor of real property of its revised
assessed value, the former shall no longer have Res judicata pervades every organized system of
any jurisdiction to entertain any request for a review jurisprudence and is founded upon two grounds
or readjustment. The appropriate forum where the embodied in various maxims of common law,
aggrieved party may bring his appeal is the LBAA
namely: (1) public policy and necessity, which To recall, FELS gave NPC the full power and
makes it to the interest of the authority to represent it in any proceeding regarding
real property assessment. Therefore, when
State that there should be an end to litigation – petitioner NPC filed its petition for review docketed
republicae ut sit litium; and (2) the hardship on the as G.R. No. 165113, it did so not only on its behalf
individual of being vexed twice for the same cause but also on behalf of FELS. Moreover, the assailed
– nemo debet bis vexari et eadem causa. A decision in the earlier petition for review filed in this
conflicting doctrine would subject the public peace Court was the decision of the appellate court in CA-
and quiet to the will and dereliction of individuals G.R. SP No. 67490, in which FELS was the
and prefer the regalement of the litigious disposition petitioner. Thus, the decision in G.R. No. 165116 is
on the part of suitors to the preservation of the binding on petitioner FELS under the principle of
public tranquility and happiness.41 As we ruled in privity of interest. In fine, FELS and NPC are
Heirs of Trinidad De Leon Vda. de Roxas v. Court substantially "identical parties" as to warrant the
of Appeals:42 application of res judicata. FELS’s argument that it
is not bound by the erroneous petition filed by NPC
x x x An existing final judgment or decree – is thus unavailing.
rendered upon the merits, without fraud or
collusion, by a court of competent jurisdiction acting On the issue of forum shopping, we rule for the
upon a matter within its authority – is conclusive on Provincial Assessor. Forum shopping exists when,
the rights of the parties and their privies. This ruling as a result of an adverse judgment in one forum, a
holds in all other actions or suits, in the same or party seeks another and possibly favorable
any other judicial tribunal of concurrent jurisdiction, judgment in another forum other than by appeal or
touching on the points or matters in issue in the first special civil action or certiorari. There is also forum
suit. shopping when a party institutes two or more
actions or proceedings grounded on the same
xxx cause, on the gamble that one or the other court
would make a favorable disposition.44
Courts will simply refuse to reopen what has been
decided. They will not allow the same parties or Petitioner FELS alleges that there is no forum
their privies to litigate anew a question once it has shopping since the elements of res judicata are not
been considered and decided with finality. present in the cases at bar; however, as already
Litigations must end and terminate sometime and discussed, res judicata may be properly applied
somewhere. The effective and efficient herein. Petitioners engaged in forum shopping
administration of justice requires that once a when they filed G.R. Nos. 168557 and 170628 after
judgment has become final, the prevailing party the petition for review in G.R. No. 165116. Indeed,
should not be deprived of the fruits of the verdict by petitioners went from one court to another trying to
subsequent suits on the same issues filed by the get a favorable decision from one of the tribunals
same parties. which allowed them to pursue their cases.

This is in accordance with the doctrine of res It must be stressed that an important factor in
judicata which has the following elements: (1) the determining the existence of forum shopping is the
former judgment must be final; (2) the court which vexation caused to the courts and the parties-
rendered it had jurisdiction over the subject matter litigants by the filing of similar cases to claim
and the parties; (3) the judgment must be on the substantially the same reliefs.45 The rationale
merits; and (4) there must be between the first and against forum shopping is that a party should not
the second actions, identity of parties, subject be allowed to pursue simultaneous remedies in two
matter and causes of action. The application of the different fora. Filing multiple petitions or complaints
doctrine of res judicata does not require absolute constitutes abuse of court processes, which tends
identity of parties but merely substantial identity of to degrade the administration of justice, wreaks
parties. There is substantial identity of parties when havoc upon orderly judicial procedure, and adds to
there is community of interest or privity of interest the congestion of the heavily burdened dockets of
between a party in the first and a party in the the courts.46
second case even if the first case did not implead
the latter.43
Thus, there is forum shopping when there exist: (a) industry or work which may be carried on in a
identity of parties, or at least such parties as building or on a piece of land and which tend
represent the same interests in both actions, (b) directly to meet the needs of said industry or
identity of rights asserted and relief prayed for, the work.51
relief being founded on the same facts, and (c) the
identity of the two preceding particulars is such that Petitioners maintain nevertheless that the power
any judgment rendered in the pending case, barges are exempt from real estate tax under
regardless of which party is successful, would Section 234 (c) of R.A. No. 7160 because they are
amount to res judicata in the other.47 actually, directly and exclusively used by petitioner
NPC, a government- owned and controlled
Having found that the elements of res judicata and corporation engaged in the supply, generation, and
forum shopping are present in the consolidated transmission of electric power.
cases, a discussion of the other issues is no longer
necessary. Nevertheless, for the peace and We affirm the findings of the LBAA and CBAA that
contentment of petitioners, we shall shed light on the owner of the taxable properties is petitioner
the merits of the case. FELS, which in fine, is the entity being taxed by the
local government. As stipulated under Section 2.11,
As found by the appellate court, the CBAA and Article 2 of the Agreement:
LBAA power barges are real property and are thus
subject to real property tax. This is also the OWNERSHIP OF POWER BARGES. POLAR shall
inevitable conclusion, considering that G.R. No. own the Power Barges and all the fixtures, fittings,
165113 was dismissed for failure to sufficiently machinery and equipment on the Site used in
show any reversible error. Tax assessments by tax connection with the Power Barges which have been
examiners are presumed correct and made in good supplied by it at its own cost. POLAR shall operate,
faith, with the taxpayer having the burden of manage and maintain the Power Barges for the
proving otherwise.48 Besides, factual findings of purpose of converting Fuel of NAPOCOR into
administrative bodies, which have acquired electricity.52
expertise in their field, are generally binding and
conclusive upon the Court; we will not assume to It follows then that FELS cannot escape liability
interfere with the sensible exercise of the judgment from the payment of realty taxes by invoking its
of men especially trained in appraising property. exemption in Section 234 (c) of R.A. No. 7160,
Where the judicial mind is left in doubt, it is a sound which reads:
policy to leave the assessment undisturbed.49 We
find no reason to depart from this rule in this case. SECTION 234. Exemptions from Real Property
Tax. – The following are exempted from payment of
In Consolidated Edison Company of New York, the real property tax:
Inc., et al. v. The City of New York, et al.,50 a power
company brought an action to review property tax xxx
assessment. On the city’s motion to dismiss, the
Supreme Court of New York held that the barges (c) All machineries and equipment that are actually,
on which were mounted gas turbine power plants directly and exclusively used by local water districts
designated to generate electrical power, the fuel oil and government-owned or controlled corporations
barges which supplied fuel oil to the power plant engaged in the supply and distribution of water
barges, and the accessory equipment mounted on and/or generation and transmission of electric
the barges were subject to real property taxation. power; x x x
Moreover, Article 415 (9) of the New Civil Code Indeed, the law states that the machinery must be
provides that "[d]ocks and structures which, though actually, directly and exclusively used by the
floating, are intended by their nature and object to government owned or controlled corporation;
remain at a fixed place on a river, lake, or coast" nevertheless, petitioner FELS still cannot find
are considered immovable property. Thus, power solace in this provision because Section 5.5, Article
barges are categorized as immovable property by 5 of the Agreement provides:
destination, being in the nature of machinery and
other implements intended by the owner for an
OPERATION. POLAR undertakes that until the end In conclusion, we reiterate that the power to tax is
of the Lease Period, subject to the supply of the the most potent instrument to raise the needed
necessary Fuel pursuant to Article 6 and to the revenues to finance and support myriad activities of
other provisions hereof, it will operate the Power the local government units for the delivery of basic
Barges to convert such Fuel into electricity in services essential to the promotion of the general
accordance with Part A of Article 7.53 welfare and the enhancement of peace, progress,
and prosperity of the people.60
It is a basic rule that obligations arising from a
contract have the force of law between the parties. WHEREFORE, the Petitions are DENIED and the
Not being contrary to law, morals, good customs, assailed Decisions and Resolutions AFFIRMED.
public order or public policy, the parties to the
contract are bound by its terms and conditions.54 SO ORDERED.

Time and again, the Supreme Court has stated that Case digest:
taxation is the rule and exemption is the
exception.55 The law does not look with favor on tax FELS ENERGY, INC. V THE PROVINCE OF
exemptions and the entity that would seek to be BATANGAS and THE OFFICE OF THE
thus privileged must justify it by words too plain to PROVINCIAL ASSESSOR OF BATANGAS
be mistaken and too categorical to be G.R. No. 168557 February 16, 2007
misinterpreted.56 Thus, applying the rule of strict
construction of laws granting tax exemptions, and
the rule that doubts should be resolved in favor of
provincial corporations, we hold that FELS is FACTS
considered a taxable entity.
Two consolidated cases were filed by FELS
The mere undertaking of petitioner NPC under Energy, Inc. (FELS) and National Power
Section 10.1 of the Agreement, that it shall be Corporation (NPC), respectively.
responsible for the payment of all real estate taxes
and assessments, does not justify the exemption.
The privilege granted to petitioner NPC cannot be
extended to FELS. The covenant is between FELS NPC entered into a lease contract with Polar
and NPC and does not bind a third person not privy Energy, Inc. over diesel engine power barges
thereto, in this case, the Province of Batangas. moored at Batangas. The contract, denominated as
an Energy Conversion Agreement, was for a period
It must be pointed out that the protracted and of five years wherein, NPC shall be responsible for
circuitous litigation has seriously resulted in the the payment of:
local government’s deprivation of revenues. The
power to tax is an incident of sovereignty and is (a) all taxes, import duties, fees, charges and other
unlimited in its magnitude, acknowledging in its
levies imposed by the National Government
very nature no perimeter so that security against its
abuse is to be found only in the responsibility of the (b) all real estate taxes and assessments, rates and
legislature which imposes the tax on the
other charges in respect of the Power Barges
constituency who are to pay for it.57 The right of
local government units to collect taxes due must
always be upheld to avoid severe tax erosion. This
consideration is consistent with the State policy to Subsequently, Polar Energy, Inc. assigned its rights
guarantee the autonomy of local
governments58 and the objective of the Local under the Agreement to FELS. Thereafter, FELS
Government Code that they enjoy genuine and received an assessment of real property taxes on
meaningful local autonomy to empower them to the power barges. The assessed tax, which
achieve their fullest development as self-reliant likewise covered those due for 1994, amounted
communities and make them effective partners in to P56,184,088.40 per annum. FELS referred the
the attainment of national goals.59 matter to NPC, reminding it of its obligation under

the Agreement to pay all real estate taxes. It then building or on a piece of land and which tend
gave NPC the full power and authority to represent directly to meet the needs of said industry or work.
it in any conference regarding the real property
assessment of the Provincial Assessor. The findings of the LBAA and CBAA that the owner
of the taxable properties is petitioner FELS is the
entity being taxed by the local government. As
stipulated under the Agreement:
NPC sought reconsideration of the Provincial
Assessor’s decision to assess real property taxes OWNERSHIP OF POWER BARGES. POLAR shall
on the power barges. However, the motion was own the Power Barges and all the fixtures, fittings,
denied. The Local Board of Assessment Appeals machinery and equipment on the Site used in
(LBAA) ruled that the power plant facilities, while connection with the Power Barges which have been
they may be classified as movable or personal supplied by it at its own cost. POLAR shall operate,
property, are nevertheless considered real property manage and maintain the Power Barges for the
for taxation purposes because they are installed at purpose of converting Fuel of NAPOCOR into
a specific location with a character of permanency. electricity.

It follows then that FELS cannot escape liability

from the payment of realty taxes by invoking its
FELS appealed the LBAA’s ruling to the Central exemption in Section 234 (c) of R.A. No. 7160,
Board of Assessment Appeals (CBAA). The CBAA
rendered a Decision finding the power barges
exempt from real property tax.
…the law states that the machinery must be
actually, directly and exclusively used by the
government owned or controlled corporation;
It was later reversed by the cbaa upon
reconsideration and affirmed by the CA

The agreement POLAR undertakes that until the

end of the Lease Period, it will operate the Power
ISSUE Barges to convert such Fuel into electricity.
Whether power barges, which are floating and Therefore, FELS shall be liable for the realty
movable, are personal properties and therefore, not taxes and not the NPC who is not actually, directly
subject to real property tax. and exclusively using the same. It is a basic rule
that obligations arising from a contract have the
force of law between the parties


No. Article 415 (9) of the New Civil Code provides CONCLUSION
that "[d]ocks and structures which, though floating,
are intended by their nature and object to remain at Petitions are DENIED.
a fixed place on a river, lake, or coast" are -----------------------------------------------------------
considered immovable property. Thus, power
barges are categorized as immovable property by G.R. No. 183416, October 05, 2016
destination, being in the nature of machinery and
other implements intended by the owner for an PROVINCIAL ASSESSOR OF AGUSAN DEL
industry or work which may be carried on in a SUR, Petitioner, v. FILIPINAS PALM OIL
PLANTATION, INC., Respondent.

DECISION it should only be P42.00 pesos per tree;

LEONEN, J.: (2.) The [petitioner] ERRED in finding that the total
number of standing and fruit bearing oil palm tree is
The exemption from real property taxes given to PI 10 [sic] trees per hectare when it should be only
cooperatives applies regardless of whether or not 92 trees;
the land owned is leased. This exemption benefits
the cooperative's lessee. The characterization of (3.) The [petitioner] ERRED in finding that the
machinery as real property is governed by the Market Value[s] of the plantation roads
Local Government Code and not the Civil Code. are:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
A.) P270,000.00 per kilometer for primary roads
This Petition1 for review assails the Decision2 dated B.) P135,000.00 for secondary roads
September 26, 2007 and the Resolution3 dated C.) P67,567.00 for tertiary roads constructed by the
May 26, 2008 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. company.
SP No. 74060. The Court of Appeals affirmed the It should only be:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
Decision of the Central Board of Assessment A.) P105,000.00 for primary roads
Appeals (CBAA) exempting Filipinas Palm Oil B.) P52,300.00 for secondary roads
Plantation Inc. from payment of real property C.) P26,250.00 for tertiary roads
taxes.4chanrobleslaw Likewise, bridges, culverts, canals and pipes
should not be assessed separately from plantation
Filipinas Palm Oil Plantation Inc. (Filipinas) is a roads, the same being components of the roads
private organization engaged in palm oil thereof;
plantation5 with a total land area of more than 7,000
hectares of National Development Company (NDC) (4.) The [petitioner] ERRED in imposing real
lands in Agusan del Sur.6 Harvested fruits from oil property taxes against the petitioner for roads,
palm trees are converted into oil through Filipinas' bridges, culverts, pipes and canals as these
milling plant in the middle of the plantation belonged to the cooperatives;
area.7 Within the plantation, there are also three (3)
plantation roads and a number of residential homes ([5].) The [petitioner] ERRED in finding that the
constructed by Filipinas for its Market Value of NDC service area is P11,000.00
employees.8chanrobleslaw per hectare when it should only be P6,000.00 per
After the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Law9 was passed, NDC lands were transferred to ([6].) The [petitioner] ERRED in imposing realty
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law beneficiaries taxes on Residential areas built by [respondent]
who formed themselves as the merged NDC- except for three of them;
Guthrie Plantations, Inc. - NDC-Guthrie Estates,
Inc. (NGPI-NGEI) Cooperatives.10 Filipinas entered ([7].) The [petitioner] ERRED when it included
into a lease contract agreement with NGPI- haulers and other equipments [sic] which are
NGEI.11chanrobleslaw unmovable as taxable real properties.14

The Provincial-Assessor of Agusan del Sur In its Decision15 dated June 8, 1999, the LBAA
(Provincial Assessor) is a government agency in found that the P207.00 market value declared in
charge with the assessment of lands under the the assessment by the Provincial Assessor was
public domain.12 It assessed Filipinas' properties unreasonable.16 It found that the market value
found within the plantation area,13 which Filipinas should not have been more than P85.00 per oil
assailed before the Local Board of Assessment palm tree.17 The sudden increase of realty tax
Appeals (LBAA) on the following grounds: assessment level from P42.00 for each oil palm
tree in 1993 to P207.00 was
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary confiscatory.18chanrobleslaw

(1.) The [petitioner] Provincial Assessors of Agusan The LBAA adopted Filipinas' claim that the basis for
del Sur ERRED in finding that the Market Value of assessment should only be 98 trees.19 Although
a single fruit bearing oil palm tree is P207.00 when one (1) hectare of land can accommodate 124 oil
palm trees, the mountainous terrain of the E. Road Equipment and haulers are not real
plantation should be considered.20 Because of the properties and, accordingly, Petitioner-Appellee is
terrain, not every meter of land can be fully planted not liable for real property tax thereon;
with trees.21The LBAA found that roads of any kind,
as well as all their improvements, should not be F. Any real property taxes already paid by
taxed since these roads were intermittently used by Petitioner-Appellee which, by virtue "of this
the public.22 It resolved that the market valuation decision, were not due, shall be applied to future
should be based on the laws of the Department of taxes rightfully due from Petitioner-Appellee.
Agrarian Reform since the area is owned by the
NDC, a quasi-governmental body of the SO ORDERED.27 (Emphasis supplied)
The CBAA denied the Motion for Reconsideration
The LBAA exempted the low-cost housing units filed by the Provincial Assessor.28 The Provincial
from taxation except those with a market value of Assessor filed a Petition for Review before the
more than P150,000.00 under the Local Court of Appeals, which, in turn, sustained the
Government Code.24 Finally, the LBAA considered CBAA's Decision.29chanrobleslaw
the road equipment and mini haulers as movables
that are vital to Filipinas' business. The Court of Appeals held that the land owned by
NGPI-NGEI, which Filipinas has been leasing,
Filipinas appealed before the CBAA on July 16, cannot be subjected to real property tax since these
1999.26 On November 21, 2001, the CBAA are owned by cooperatives that are tax-
rendered a decision, the dispositive portion of exempt.30 Section 133(n) of the Local Government
which reads: Code provides:

chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
WHEREFORE, this Board has decided to set aside, SECTION 133. Common Limitations on the Taxing
as it does hereby set aside, the decision rendered Powers of Local Government Units. — Unless
by the Local Board of Assessment Appeals of the otherwise provided herein, the exercise of the
Province of Agusan del Sur on June 8, 1999 in an taxing powers of provinces, cities, municipalities,
unnumbered case entitled "[F]ilipinas Palm Oil Co., and barangays shall not extend to the levy of the
Inc. Petitioner, versus the Provincial Assessors following:
Office of Agusan del Sur, Respondent" and hereby ....
orders as follows:
(n) Taxes, fees, or charges, on Countryside and
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibraryA. The market value for Barangay Business Enterprises and cooperatives
each oil palm tree should be FIFTY- SEVEN & duly registered under R.A. No. 6810 and Republic
55/100 PESOS (57.55), effective January 1, 1991. Act Numbered Sixty-nine hundred thirty-eight (R.A.
The assessment for each municipality shall be No. 6938) otherwise known as the "Cooperative
based on the corresponding number of trees as Code of the Philippines." (Emphasis supplied)
listed in Petitioner-Appellee's "Hectarage
Statement" discussed hereinabove; Section 234(d) of the Local Government Code
exempts duly registered cooperatives, like NGPI-
B. Petitioner-Appellee should not be made to pay NGEI, from payment of real property taxes:
for the real property taxes due on the roads starting
from January 1, 1991; chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
SECTION 234. Exemptions from Real Property
C. Petitioner-Appellee is not liable to the Tax. — The following are exempted from payment
Government for real property taxes on the lands of the real property tax:
owned by the Multi-purpose Cooperative; ....

D. The housing units with a market value of (d) All real property owned by duly registered
PI75,000.00 or less each shall be subjected to 0% cooperatives as provided for under R.A. No. 6938[.]
assessment level, starting 1994; (Emphasis supplied)

the Civil Code provide that these improvements
The Court of Appeals held that the pertinent redound to the benefit of the land owner under the
provisions "neither distinguishes nor specifies" that right of accession:38chanrobleslaw
the exemption only applies to real properties used
by the cooperatives.31 It ruled that "[t]he clear Article 440. The ownership of property gives the
absence of any restriction or limitation in the right by accession to everything which is produced
provision could only mean that the exemption thereby, or which is incorporated or attached
applies to wherever the properties are situated and thereto, either naturally or artificially.
to whoever uses them."32 Therefore, the exemption ....
privilege extends to Filipinas as the cooperatives'
lessee.33chanrobleslaw Article 445. Whatever is built, planted or sown on
the land of another and the improvements or
On the roads constructed by Filipinas, the Court of repairs made thereon, belong to the owner of the
Appeals held that although it is undisputed that the land, subject to the provisions of the following
roads were built primarily for Filipinas' benefit, the articles.
roads should be tax-exempt since these roads were
also being used by the cooperatives and the On the road equipment and mini haulers as real
public.34 It applied, by analogy, Bislig Bay Lumber properties subject to tax, the Court of Appeals
Company, Inc. v. Provincial Government of affirmed the CBAA's Decision that these are only
Surigao:35chanrobleslaw movables.39 Section 199(o) of the Local
Government Code provides a definition of
We are inclined to uphold the theory of appellee. In machinery subject to real property taxation:
the first place, it cannot be disputed that the
ownership of the road that was constructed by chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
appellee belongs to the government by right SECTION 199. Definition of Terms. — When used
accession not only because it is inherently in this Title, the term:
incorporated or attached to the timber land leased ....
to appellee but also because upon the expiration of
the concession, said road would ultimately pass to (o) "Machinery" embraces machines, equipment,
the national government. In the second place, while mechanical contrivances, instruments, appliances
the road was constructed by appellee primarily for or apparatus which may or may not be attached,
its use and benefit, the privilege is not exclusive, permanently or temporarily, to the real property. It
for, under the lease contract entered into by the includes the physical facilities for production, the
appellee and the government and by public in by installations and appurtenant service facilities,
the general. Thus, under said lease contract, those which are mobile, self-powered or self-
appellee cannot prevent the use of portions, of the propelled, and those not permanently attached to
concession for homesteading purposes. It is also in the real property which are actually, directly, and
duty bound to allow the free use of forest products exclusively used to meet the needs of the particular
within the concession for the personal use of industry, business or activity and which by their
individuals residing in or within the vicinity of the very nature and purpose are designed for, or
land. . . . In other words, the government has necessary to its manufacturing, mining.
practically reserved the rights to use the road to
promote its varied activities. Since, as above The Court of Appeals held that Section 19^(o) of
shown, the road in question cannot be considered the Local Government Code should be construed to
as an improvement which belongs to appellee, include machineries covered by the meaning of real
although in part is for its benefit, it is clear that the properties provided for under Article 415(5) of the
same cannot be the subject of assessment within Civil Code:40chanrobleslaw
the meaning of section 2 of Commonwealth Act No.
470.36 (Citations omitted) Article 415. The following are immovable property:
Furthermore, the Court of Appeals agreed with the (5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or
CBAA that the roads constructed by Filipinas had implements intended by the owner of the tenement
become permanent improvements on the land for an industry or works which may be carried on in
owned by NGPI-NGEI.37 Articles 440 and 445 of a building or on a piece of land, and which tend

directly to meet the needs of the said industry or the person in possession thereof[.]
works[.] ....
SECTION 205. Listing of Real Property in the
The Court of Appeals cited Davao Sawmill Assessment Rolls. —
Company v. Castillo,41 where it has been held that ....
machinery that is movable by nature becomes (d) Real property owned by the Republic of the
immobilized only when placed by the owner of the Philippines, its instrumentalities and political
tenement, but not so when placed by a tenant or subdivisions, the beneficial use of which has been
any other person having a temporary right unless granted, for consideration or otherwise, to a taxable
this person acts as an agent of the owner.42 Thus, person, shall be listed, valued and assessed in the
the mini haulers and other road equipment retain name of the possessor, grantee or of the public
their nature as movables.43chanrobleslaw entity if such property has been acquired or held for
resale or lease.
The Provincial Assessor filed before this Court a ....
Petition for Review raising the following issues:
SECTION 217. Actual Use of Real Property as
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibraryFirst, whether the Basis for Assessment. — Real property shall be
exemption privilege of NGPI-NGEI from payment of classified, valued and assessed on the basis of its
real property tax extends to respondent Filipinas actual use regardless of where located, whoever
Palm Oil Plantation Inc. as lessee of the parcel of owns it, and whoever uses it. (Emphasis supplied)
land owned by cooperatives; and cralawlawlibrary
Petitioner claims that Section 199(o) of the Local
Second, whether respondent's road equipment and Government Code specifically covers respondent's
mini haulers are movable properties and have not road equipment and mini haulers since these are
been immobilized by destination for real property directly and exclusively used to meet the needs of
taxation. respondent's industry, business, or activity.48 Article
415(5) of the Civil Code, which defines real
Petitioner argues that based on Mactan Cebu property, should not be made to control the Local
International Airport Authority v. Ferdinand J. Government Code,49 a subsequent legislation that
Marcos,44cooperatives cannot extend its exemption specifically defines "machinery" for taxation
from real property tax to taxable persons.45 It purposes.50chanrobleslaw
argues that Sections 198, 199, 205, and 217 of the
Local Government Code provide that real property In the Resolution51 dated October 13, 2008, this
taxes are assessed based on actual Court denied the Petition for Review due to
use.46 Moreover, the exemption of cooperatives procedural missteps, which included the failure to
applies only when it is the cooperative that actually, attach legible duplicate original or certified true
directly, and exclusively uses and possesses the copies of the assailed decision and failure to pay
properties.47 Sections 198, 199, 205, and 217 of the proper fees. On November 25, 2008, petitioner
Local Government Code provide: moved for reconsideration,52 praying for the
reversal of the Petition's denial due to mere
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary technicalities.
SECTION 198. Fundamental Principles. — The
appraisal, assessment, levy and collection of real On January 26, 2009, this Court granted
property tax shall be guided by the following Petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration.53 It directed
fundamental principles: the reinstatement of the Petition and required
.... respondent to comment.54chanrobleslaw
(b) Real property shall be classified for assessment
purposes on the basis of its actual use[.] On November 20, 2009, respondent filed its
.... Comment.55chanrobleslaw
SECTION 199. Definition of Terms. — When used
in this Title, the term: Respondent reiterates the rulings of the CBAA and
.... the Court of Appeals that the exemption of
(b) "Actual Use" refers to the purpose for which the cooperatives from real property taxes extends to it
property is principally or predominantly utilized by as the lessee.56 It asserts that under its lease

agreement with NGPI-NGEI, it pays an Annual effectivity of the Local Government Code. However,
Fixed Rental, which includes the payment of Mactan does not refer to the tax exemption
taxes.57 It claims that in case NGPI-NGEI is liable extended to cooperatives. The portion that
to the local government for real property tax on the petitioner cited specifically mentions that the
land, the tax should be taken from the Annual Fixed exemption granted to cooperatives has not been
Rental.58 To make respondent pay real property withdrawn by the effectivity of the Local
taxes on the leased land would be equivalent to Government Code:
assessing it twice for the same
property.59chanrobleslaw chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
[S]ection 232 must be deemed to qualify Section
On the road equipment and mini haulers being 133.
subjected to real property taxation, respondent
maintains that it should be spared from real Thus, reading together Sections 133, 232, and 234
property tax since the equipment and mini haulers of the L[ocal] G[overnment] C[ode], we conclude
are movables.60chanrobleslaw that as a general rule, as laid down in Section 133,
the taxing powers of local government units cannot
The Petition is granted to modify the Court of extend to the levy of, inter alia, "taxes, fees and
Appeals Decision, but only with respect to the charges of any kind on the National Government,
nature of respondent's road equipment and mini its agencies and instrumentalities, and local
haulers. government units"; however, pursuant to Section
232, provinces, cities, and municipalities in the
Under Section 133(n) of the Local Government Metropolitan Manila Area may impose the real
Code, the taxing power of local government units property tax except on, inter alia, "real property
shall not extend to the levy of taxes, fees, or owned by the Republic of the Philippines or any of
charges on duly registered cooperatives under the its political subdivisions except when the beneficial
Cooperative Code.61 Section 234(d) of the Local use thereof has been granted, for consideration or
Government Code specifically provides for real otherwise, to a taxable person," as provided in item
property tax exemption to cooperatives: (a) of the first paragraph of Section 234.

chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary As to tax exemptions or incentives granted to or

SECTION 234. Exemptions from Real Property presently enjoyed by natural or juridical persons,
Tax. — The following are exempted from payment including government-owned and controlled
of the real property tax: corporations, Section 193 of the L[ocal]
.... G[overnment] C[ode] prescribes the general
rule, viz., they are withdrawn upon the effectivity of
(d) All real property owned by duly registered the L[ocal] G[overnment] C[ode], except those
cooperatives as provided for under [Republic granted to local water districts, cooperatives duly
Act] No. 6938[.] (Emphasis supplied) registered under R.A. No. 6938, non-stock and
non-profit hospitals and educational institutions,
NGPI-NGEI, as the owner of the land being leased and unless otherwise provided in the L[ocal]
by respondent, falls within the purview of the law. Gfovernment] C[ode]. The latter proviso could refer
Section 234 of the Local Government Code to Section 234 which enumerates the properties
exempts all real property owned by cooperatives exempt from real property tax. But the last
without distinction. Nothing in the law suggests that paragraph of Section 234 further qualifies the
the real property tax exemption only applies when retention of the exemption insofar as real property
the property is used by the cooperative itself. taxes are concerned by limiting the retention only to
Similarly, the instance that the real property is those enumerated therein; all others not included in
leased to either an individual or corporation is not a the enumeration lost the privilege upon the
ground for withdrawal of tax effectivity of the L[ocal] G[overnment]
exemption.62chanrobleslaw C[ode]. Moreover, even as to real property owned
by the Republic of the Philippines or any of its
In arguing the first issue, petitioner hinges its claim political subdivisions covered by item (a) of the first
on a misplaced reliance in Mactan, which refers to paragraph of Section 234, the exemption is
the revocation of tax exemption due to the withdrawn if the beneficial use of such property has

been granted to a taxable person for consideration accession.68 Moreover, the road constructed
or otherwise. already became an inseparable part of the
land.69 The records also showed that the road was
Since the last paragraph of Section 234 not only built for the benefit of Bislig Bay, but also
unequivocally withdrew, upon the effectivity of the of the public.70 This Court ruled for Bislig Bay, thus:
L[ocal] G[overnment] C[ode], exemptions from
payment of real property taxes granted to natural or chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
juridical persons, including government-owned or We are inclined to uphold the theory of appellee. In
controlled corporations, except as provided in the the first place, it cannot be disputed that the
said section, and the petitioner is, undoubtedly, a ownership of the road that was constructed by
government-owned corporation, it necessarily appellee belongs to the government by right
follows that its exemption from such tax granted it accession not only because it is inherently
in Section 14 of its Charter, R.A. No. 6958, has incorporated or attached to the timber land leased
been withdrawn. Any claim to the contrary can only to appellee but also because upon the expiration of
be justified if the petitioner can seek refuge under the concession, said road would ultimately pass to
any of the exceptions provided in Section 234, but the national government. ... In the second place,
not under Section 133, as it now asserts, since, as while the road was constructed by appellee
shown above, the said section is qualified by primarily for its use and benefit, the privilege is not
Sections 232 and 234. exclusive, for, under the lease contract entered into
by the appellee and the government and by public
In short, the petitioner can no longer invoke the in by the general. Thus, under said lease contract,
general rule in Section 133 that the taxing powers appellee cannot prevent the use of portions, of the
of the local government units cannot extend to the concession for homesteading purposes. ... It is also
levy of: in duty bound to allow the free use of forest
products within the concession for the personal use
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary of individuals residing in or within the vicinity of the
(o) taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the land. ... In other words, the government has
National Government, its agencies or practically reserved the rights to use the road to
instrumentalities, and local government units. promote its varied activities. Since, as above
shown, the road in question cannot be considered
It must show that the parcels of land in question, as an improvement which belongs to appellee,
which are real property, are any one of those although in part is for its benefit, it is clear that the
enumerated in Section 234, either by virtue of same cannot be the subject of assessment within
ownership, character, or use of the the meaning of section 2 of Commonwealth Act No.
property.63 (Emphasis supplied) 470.71

The roads that respondent constructed within the This was reiterated in Board of Assessment
leased area should not be assessed with real Appeals ofZamboanga del Sur v. Samar Mining
property taxes. Bislig Bay finds application here. Company, Inc.72 Samar Mining Company, Inc.
Bislig Bay Lumber Company, Inc. (Bislig Bay) was (Samar Mining) was a domestic corporation
a timber concessionaire of a portion of public forest engaged in the mining industry.73 Since Samar
in the provinces of Agusan and Surigao.64 To aid in Mining's mining site and mill were in an inland
developing its concession, Bislig Bay built a road at location entailing long distance from its area to the
its expense from a barrio leading towards its loading point, Samar Mining was constrained to
area.65 The Provincial Assessor of Surigao construct a road for its convenience.74 Initially,
assessed Bislig Bay with real property tax on the Samar Mining filed miscellaneous lease
constructed road, which was paid by the company applications for a road right of way covering lands
under protest.66 It claimed that even if the road was under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Lands and
constructed on public land, it should be subjected the Bureau of Forestry where the proposed road
to real property tax because it was built by the would pass through.75 Samar Mining was given a
company for its own benefit.67 On the other hand, "temporary permit to occupy and use the lands
Bislig Bay asserted that the road should be applied for by it";76 hence, it was able to build what
exempted from real property tax because it was eventually known as the Samico Road. Samar
belonged to national government by right of Mining was assessed by the Provincial Assessor of

Zamboanga del Sur with real property taxes on the landowner.
road, which prompted it to appeal before the Board
of Assessment Appeals.77 Invoking Bislig Although the roads were primarily built for
Bay,Samar Mining claimed that it should not be respondent's benefit, the roads were also being
assessed with real property tax since the road was used by the members of NGPI and the
constructed on public land. This Court ruled for public.80 Furthermore, the roads inured to the
Samar Mining, thus: benefit of NGPI-NGEI as owners of the land not
only by right of accession but through the express
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary provision in the lease agreement:
There is no question that the road constructed by
respondent Saimar on the public lands leased to it chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
by the government is an improvement. But as to On March 7, 1990 NGPI Multi-Purpose
whether the same is taxable under the aforequoted Cooperative, Inc., as Lessor, and NDC-Guthrie
provision of the Assessment Law, this question has Plantations, Inc., as Lessee, entered into a "Lease
already been answered in the negaitive by this Agreement" . . . covering the agricultural lands
Court. In the case of Bislig Bay Lumber Co., Inc. vs. transferred by NDC to the DAR, which lands the
Provincial Government of Surigao, where a similar DAR ultimately distributed undivided to qualified
issue was raised. . .. workers-beneficiaries. . . .
.... ....

. . . What is emphasized in the Bislig case is that Clause No. 6.3 of the same lease agreement
the improvement is exempt from taxation because it provides that "All taxes due on the improvements
is an integral part of the public land on which it is on the Leased Property except those improvements
constructed and the improvement is the property of on the Area that the LESSOR shall have utilized
the government by right of accession. Under under Clause 1.2 hereof, shall be for the account of
Section 3(a) of the Assessment Law, all properties the LESSEE."
owned by the government, without any distinction,
are exempt from taxation.79 (Emphasis supplied, Clause No. 9.4 of the same lease agreement
citations omitted) provides that ". . . All fixed and permanent
improvements, such as roads and palm trees
The roads that respondent constructed became introduced on the Leased Property, shall
permanent improvements on the land owned by the automatically accrue to the LESSOR upon
NGPI-NGEI by right of accession under the Civil termination of this Lease Agreement without need
Code, thus: of reimbursement."

chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary All the above-cited stipulations in the lease

Article 440. The ownership of property gives the agreement between NGPI Multi-Purpose
right by accession to everything which is produced Cooperative and NDC-Guthrie Plantations,
thereby, or which is incorporated or attached Inc. were reconfirmed and reaffirmed in the
thereto, either naturally or artificially. Addendum to Lease Agreement entered into by
.... and between NGPI Multi-Purpose Cooperative and
Article 445. Whatever is built, planted or sown on Filipinas Palmoil Plantations, Inc. on January 30,
the land of another and the improvements or 1998. . . . The main subject of the said Addendum
repairs made thereon, belong to the owner of the was the extension of the term of the lease
land[.] agreement up to December 31, 2032, along with
economic benefits to the lessor other than rentals.
Despite the land being leased by respondent when
the roads were constructed, the ownership of the There is no dispute that the roads are on the land
improvement still belongs to NGPI-NGEI. As owned by NGPI Multi-Purpose Cooperative which
provided under Article 440 and 445 of the Civil leased the same to Petitioner-Appellee. These
Code, the land is owned by the cooperatives at the roads belong to the Multi-Purpose Cooperative, not
time respondent built the roads. Hence, whatever is only by right of accession but also by express
incorporated in the land, either naturally or provisions of the Contract of Lease[.]81
artificially, belongs to the NGPI-NGEI as the

Respondent claims that under its lease agreement The road equipment and mini haulers shall be
with NGPI-NGEI, it pays an Annual Fixed Rental, considered as real property, subject to real property
which includes the payment of taxes.82 If NGPI- tax.
NGEI were liable to the local government for real
property tax on the land, the tax should be taken Section 199(o) of the Local Government Code
from the Annual Fixed Rental: defines "machinery" as real property subject to real
property tax,85 thus:
"2.1. In consideration of this Lease Agreement, the chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
LESSEE shall pay the LESSOR the following SECTION 199. Definition of Terms. — When used
annual rentals:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary in this Title, the term:
"1) An annual fixed rental, in the following amount ....
(P635.00) PER HECTARE PER ANNUM which (o) "Machinery" embraces machines, equipment,
would cover the following: mechanical contrivances, instruments, appliances
or apparatus which may or may not be attached,
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary"(1) All Taxes on the permanently or temporarily, to the real property. It
Land includes the physical facilities for production, the
"(2) Administration Charges installations and appurtenant service facilities,
"(3) Amortization charges those which are mobile, self-powered or self-
propelled, and those not permanently attached to
"It is understood that, if the annual fixed rental of the real property which are actually, directly, and
"SIX HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE PESOS" (p 635.00) exclusively used to meet the needs of the particular
is insufficient to pay any increase on the land taxes, industry, business or activity and which by their
the Lessee shall pay the difference, provided such very nature and purpose are designed for, or
increase does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the necessary to its manufacturing, mining, logging,
immediately preceding tax imposed on the land; commercial, industrial or agricultural purposes[.]
provided further, that any increase beyond these
percentage shall be borne equally by the LESSOR Article 415(5) of the New Civil Code defines
and LESSEE. "machinery" as that which constitutes an
immovable property:
"The foregoing notwithstanding, it is understood
and agreed that at all times, liability for realty taxes chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
on the Leased Property Primarily and principally Article 415. The following are immovable property:
lies with the LESSOR and any reference herein to ....
payment by LESSEE of said taxes is only for (5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or
purposes of earmarking the proceeds of the rentals implements intended by the owner of the tenement
herein agreed upon." for an industry or works which may be carried on in
Clause No. 6.3 of the same lease agreement a building or on a piece of land, and which tend
provides that "All taxes due on the improvements directly to meet the needs of the said industry or
on the Leased Property except those improvements works[.] (Emphasis supplied)
on the Area that the LESSOR shall have utilized
under Clause 1.2 hereof, shall be for the account of Petitioner contends that the second sentence of
the LESSEE."83 (Emphasis supplied) Section 199(o) includes the road equipment and
mini haulers since these are directly and
Therefore, NGPI-NGEI, as owner of the roads that exclusively used by respondent to meet the needs
permanently became part of the land being leased of its operations.86It further claims that Article
by respondent, shall be liable for real property 415(5) of the New Civil Code should not control the
taxes, if any. However, by express provision of the Local Government Code, a subsequent
Local Government Code, NGPI-NGEI is exempted legislation.87chanrobleslaw
from payment of real property tax.84chanrobleslaw
On the other hand, respondent claims that the road
II equipment and mini haulers are movables by

nature. It asserts that although there may be a for an industry or works which may be carried on in
difference between the meaning of "machinery" a building or on a piece of land, and which tend
under the Local Government Code arid that of directly to meet the needs of the said industry or
immovable property under Article 415(5) of the Civil works." The Civil Code, however, does not define
Code, "the controlling interpretation of Section "machinery."
199(o) of [the Local Government Code] is the
interpretation of Article 415(5) of the Civil The properties under Article 415, paragraph (5) of
Code."88chanrobleslaw the Civil Code are immovables by destination, or
"those which are essentially movables, but by the
In Manila Electric Company v. City Assessor,89 a purpose for which they have been placed in an
similar issue of which definition of "machinery" immovable, partake of the nature of the latter
prevails to warrant the assessment of real property because of the added utility derived therefrom."
tax on it was raised. These properties, including machinery, become
immobilized if the following requisites concur: (a)
Manila Electric Company (MERALCO) insisted on they are placed in the tenement by the owner of
harmonizing the provisions of the Civil Code and such tenement; (b) they are destined for use in the
the Local Government Code and asserted that industry or work in the tenement; and (c) they tend
"machinery" contemplated under Section 199(o) of to directly meet the needs of said industry or
the Local Government must still be within the works. The first two requisites are not found
contemplation of immovable property under Article anywhere in the Local Government
415 of the Civil Code.90 However, this Court ruled Code.92 (Emphasis supplied, citations omitted)
that harmonizing such laws "would necessarily
mean imposing additional requirements for Section 199(o) of the Local Government prevails
classifying machinery as real property for real over Article 415(5) of the Civil Code. In Manila
property tax purposes not provided for, or even in Electric Company:
direct conflict with, the provisions of the Local
Government Code."91 Thus: chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
As between the Civil Code, a general law governing
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary property and property relations, and the Local
While the Local Government Code still does not Government Code, a special law granting local
provide for a specific definition of "real property," government units the power to impose real property
Sections 199(o) and 232 of the said Code, tax, then the latter shall prevail. As the Court
respectively, gives an extensive definition of what pronounced in Disomangcop v. The Secretary of
constitutes "machinery" and unequivocally subjects the Department of Public Works and Highways
such machinery to real property tax. The Court Simeon A.
reiterates that the machinery subject to real Datumanong:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
property tax under the Local Government Code It is a finely-imbedded principle in statutory
"may or may not be attached, permanently or construction that a special provision or law prevails
temporarily to the real property"; and the physical over a general one. Lex specialis derogant
facilities for production, installations, and generali. As this Court expressed in the case
appurtenant service facilities, those which are of Leveriza v. Intermediate Appellate
mobile, self-powered or self-propelled, or are not Court, "another basic principle of statutory
permanently attached must (a) be actually, directly, construction mandates that general legislation must
and exclusively used to meet the needs of the give way to special legislation on the same subject,
particular industry, business, or activity; and (b) by and generally be so interpreted as to embrace only
their very nature and purpose, be designed for, or cases in which the special provisions are not
necessary for manufacturing, mining, logging, applicable, that specific statute prevails over a
commercial, industrial, or agricultural purposes. general statute and that where two statutes are of
.... equal theoretical application to a particular case,
the one designed therefor specially should prevail."
Article 415, paragraph (5) of the Civil Code
considers as immovables or real properties The Court also very clearly explicated in Vinzons-
"[m]achinery, receptacles, instruments or Chato v. Fortune Tobacco Corporationthat:
implements intended by the owner of the tenement

(o) "Machinery" . . . includes the physical facilities
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary for production, the installations and appurtenant
A general law and a special law on the same service facilities, those which are mobile, self-
subject are statutes in pari materia and should, powered or self-propelled, and those not
accordingly, be read together and harmonized, if permanently attached to the real property which
possible, with a view to giving effect to both. The are actually, directly, and exclusively used to
rule is that where there are two acts, one of which meet the needs of the particular industry,
is special and particular and the other general business or activity and which by their very
which, if standing alone, would include the same nature and purpose are designed for, or necessary
matter and thus conflict with the special act, the to its manufacturing, mining, logging, commercial,
special law must prevail since it evinces the industrial or agricultural purposes [.] (Emphasis
legislative intent more clearly than that of a general supplied)
statute and must not be taken as intended to affect
the more particular and specific provisions of the Petitioner is correct in claiming that the phrase
earlier act, unless it is absolutely necessary so to pertaining to physical facilities for production is
construe it in order to give its words any meaning at comprehensive enough to include the road
all. equipment and mini haulers as actually, directly,
and exclusively used by respondent to meet the
The circumstance that the special law is passed needs of its operations in palm oil
before or after the general act does not change the production.96 Moreover, "mini-haulers are farm
principle. Where the special law is later, it will be tractors pulling attached trailers used in the hauling
regarded as an exception to, or a qualification of, of seedlings during planting season and in
the prior general act; and where the general act is transferring fresh palm fruits from the farm [or] field
later, the special statute will be construed as to the processing plant within the plantation
remaining an exception to its terms, unless area."97 The indispensability of the road equipment
repealed expressly or by necessary implication. and mini haulers in transportation makes it actually,
Furthermore, in Caltex (Philippines), Inc. v. Central directly, and exclusively used in the operation of
Board of Assessment Appeals, the Court respondent's business.
acknowledged that "[i]t is a familiar phenomenon to
see things classed as real property for purposes of In its Comment, respondent claims that the
taxation which on general principle might be equipment is no longer vital to its operation
considered personal property[.]" because it is currently employing equipment
outside the company to do the task.98 However,
Therefore, for determining whether machinery is respondent never raised this contention before the
real property subject to real property tax, the lower courts. Hence, this is a factual issue of which
definition and requirements under the Local this Court cannot take cognizance. This Court is not
Government Code are controlling.93(Emphasis a trier of facts.99 Only questions of law are
supplied, citations omitted) entertained in a petition for review assailing a Court
of Appeals decision.100chanrobleslaw
Respondent is engaged in palm oil
plantation.94 Thus, it harvests fruits from palm trees WHEREFORE, the Petition is PARTLY GRANTED.
for oil conversion through its milling plant.95 By the The Decision of the Court of Appeals dated
nature of respondent's business, transportation is September 26, 2007 and the Resolution dated May
indispensable for its operations. 26, 2008 in CA-G.R. SP No. 74060 are AFFIRMED
with MODIFICATION, in that the road equipment
Under the definition provided in Section 199(o) of and the mini haulers should be assessed with real
the Local Government Code, the road equipment property taxes.
and the mini haulers are classified as machinery,

chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Case digest:

SECTION 199. Definition of Terms. — When used Prov. Assessor of Agusan del Sur vs. Filipinas
in this Title, the terra: Palm Oil Plantation October 5, 2016


The exemption from real property taxes given to RULING:

cooperatives applies regardless of whether or not
the land owned is leased. This exemption benefits
the cooperative's lessee. The characterization of
machinery as real property is governed by the 1. Under Section 133(n) of the Local Government
Local Government Code and not the Civil Code. Code, the taxing power of local government units
shall not extend to the levy of taxes, fees, or
charges on duly registered cooperatives under the
Cooperative Code. Section 234(d) of the Local
(Filipinas) is a private organization engaged in palm Government Code specifically provides for real
oil plantation with a total land area of more than property tax exemption to cooperatives:
7,000 hectares of National Development Company
(NDC) lands in Agusan del Sur. Harvested fruits
from oil palm trees are converted into oil through
Filipinas' milling plant in the middle of the plantation SECTION 234. Exemptions from Real Property
area. Within the plantation, there are also three (3) Tax. - The following are exempted from payment o f
plantation roads and a number of residential homes the real property tax:
constructed by Filipinas for its employees.

(d) All real property owned by duly registered

NDC lands were transferred to Comprehensive cooperatives as provided for under {Republic Act}
Agrarian Reform Law beneficiaries who formed No. 6938
themselves as the merged NDC-Guthrie
Plantations, Inc. - NDC-Guthrie Estates, Inc.
(NGPI-NGEI) Cooperatives. Filipinas entered
into a lease contract agreement with NGPI-NGEI. NGPI-NGEI, as the owner of the land being leased
by respondent, falls within the purview of the law.
Section 234 of the Local Government Code
exempts all real property owned by cooperatives
without distinction. Nothing in the law suggests that
(Provincial Assessor) assessed Filipinas' properties the real property tax exemption only applies when
found within the plantation area the property is used by the cooperative itself.
Similarly, the instance that the real property is
leased to either an individual or corporation is not a
ground for withdrawal of tax exemption

1. Whether the exemption privilege of NGPI-

NGEI from payment of real property tax 2. The roads that respondent constructed within
extends to Filipinas Palm Oil Plantation Inc. the leased area should not be assessed with real
as lessee of the parcel of land owned by property taxes.
2. Whether Filipinas Palm Oil Plantation Inc.
roads equipment and mini haulers are
movable properties and have not been
The roads that respondent constructed became
immobilized by destination for real property
permanent improvements on the land owned by the
NGPI-NGEI by right of accession under the Civil
Code, thus:

Article 440. The ownership of property gives the
right by accession to everything which is produced
thereby, or which is incorporated or attached (o) "Machinery" embraces machines, equipment,
thereto, either naturally or artificially. mechanical contrivances, instruments, appliances
or apparatus which may or may not be attached,
Article445. Whatever is built, planted or sown on permanently or temporarily, to the real property. It
the land of another and the improvements or includes the physical facilities for production,
repairs made thereon, belong to the owner of the the installations and appurtenant service facilities,
land[.] those which are mobile, self-powered or self-
propelled, and those not permanently attached to
the real property which are actually, directly, and
exclusively used to meet the needs of the
Despite the land being leased by respondent when particular industry, business or activity and
the roads were constructed, the ownership of the which by their very nature and purpose are
improvement still belongs to NGPI-NGEI. As designed for, or necessary to its manufacturing,
provided under Article 440 and 445 of the Civil mining, logging, commercial, industrial or
Code, the land is owned by the cooperatives at the agricultural purposes
time respondent built the roads. Hence, whatever is
incorporated in the land, either naturally or
artificially, belongs to the
Article 415(5) of the New Civil Code defines
NGPI-NGEI as the landowner. "machinery" as that which constitutes an
immovable property:

Although the roads were primarily built for

respondent's benefit, the roads were also being Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements
used by the members of NGPI and the public.
intended by the owner of the tenement for an
Furthermore, the roads inured to the benefit of
industry or works which may be carried on in a
NGPI-NGEI as owners of the land not only by right
building or on a piece o f land, and which tend
of accession but through the express provision in
directly to meet the needs o f the said industry or
the lease agreement:

2b. The road equipment and mini haulers shall

The properties under Article 415, paragraph (5) of
be considered as real property, subject to real
the Civil Code are immovables by destination, or
property tax.
"those which are essentially movables, but by the
purpose for which they have been placed in an
immovable, partake of the of the latter because of
the added utility derived therefrom." These
Respondent is engaged in palm oil plantation. properties, including machinery, become
Thus, it harvests fruits from palm trees for oil immobilized If the following requisites concur (a)
conversion through its milling plant. By the nature they are placed in the tenement by the owner of
of respondent's business, transportation is such tenement; (b) they are destined for use in the
indispensable for its operations industry or work in the tenement; and (c) they tend
to directly meet the needs of said industry or works.
The first two requisites are not found anywhere in
the Local Government Code.
Section 199(o) of the Local Government Code
defines "machinery" as real property subject to real
property tax, (road equipment and mini haulers are
classified as machinery)
As between the Civil Code, a general law governing
property and property relations, and the Local
Government Code, a special law granting local
government units the power to impose real property
tax, then the latter shall prevail

Therefore, for determining whether machinery is

real property subject to real property tax, the
·definition and requirements under the Local
Government Code are controlling.

Petitioner is correct in claiming that the phrase

pertaining to physical facilities for production is
comprehensive enough to include the road
equipment and mini haulers as actually, directly,
and exclusively used by respondent to meet the
needs of its operations in palm oil production.
Moreover, "mini-haulers are farm tractors pulling
attached trailers used in the hauling of seedlings
during planting season and in transferring fresh
palm fruits from the farm [or] field to the processing
plant within the plantation area."

The indispensability of the road equipment and mini

haulers in transportation makes it actually, directly,
and exclusively used in the operation of
respondent's business.


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