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A Midusmmer

Night’s Dream
Karen Arreola
2nd Blk.
Karen Arreola
“The course of true love never did run smooth” said by the lover Lysander in A

Midsummer Night’s Dream. What he meant by that was that true love faces many, many

obstacles, and that is what makes it so powerful. For love to be real, it doesn’t necessarily have

to be so consistent all the time. Many relationships that have lasted decades are still together

now. That is, because love is not supposed to come easy, if it did, wouldn’t everybody be in


Look at it this way; Titania and Oberon were not the best of couples. They had a third

party in their relationship, that third party was Theseus and Hippolyta. Like in many other

relationships in real life, they were put to through obstacles. This is one of the obstacles real love

has to go through to become strong. In many romances of today, people are either impatient, or

just lusting. A great example of impatience is the fact that when facing a problem, they don’t try

to fix it, they believe love should be perfect to be real. That’s not what it should be though , a

problem will not fix itself. There is always some sort of treatment behind it. This is kind of what

Titania and Oberon went through. They faced the fact that they had other people on their minds,

but got through it, and that is what true love should come to be.

Also, people nowadays just lust, not exactly love. An example of lust is what Titania felt

for Bottom. She thought she had fallen in love the instant she saw him. The audience knows it

was a magical potion sent from Oberon, but that is exactly what love has come to be, for some

people. She was instantly blinded by the “love”. Nothing mattered to her, not even how wild it

was to love an animal. This is basically a misinterpretation we have picked up with time.

Because of that, many others don’t try to give love a chance.

The thought that love should be impeccably perfect, and that fights should never exist is

just an illusion. Some couples may fight, some may not. It is true, a relationship with no fights

and no obstacles is good, but sometimes those imperfections are what makes things perfect.

Take a look at Lysander and Hermia. Their love is probably one of the strongest in the

entire book. This makes sense, because they overcame the fact that Lysander lost feelings for

Hermia. It may have all been a dream, or the effect of a potion, but it was the love that outshined

everything else. No one else in the story was able to stand to their best friend taking their love.

To finish this off, Lysander was right when he said love was never easy to deal with.

Clear examples of that are, Lysander and Hermia, Titania and Oberon. They went through many

hardships in their relationship. They had to face their parents, rivals, and magic potions. But still

as good relationships turn out, they ended up overcoming those factors. That is what true love

should be, a series of obstacles faced, but that at the end makes them stronger as a couple, which

will eventually becomes long, loving, true love marriages.

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