Content Graph

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Short description:

The graph shows a logarithmic curve, with a growth in upward direction,

followed by a stable growth. It shows the P of t = L + C times e to the negative k
t power, where k is greater than 0 and L is greater than 0.

Long description:
Short description:

The graph plots time in hours versus velocity in miles per hour. The
horizontal axis is labelled as time, ranges from 0 to 5 in increments of 1 and,
the vertical axis is labelled as velocity, ranges from 0 to 15. The shaded part
shows area of a rectangle.

Long description:

The horizontal axis labelled as time in hours, ranges from 0 to 5 in increments

of 1 and, the vertical axis labelled as velocity in miles per hour, ranges from 0
to 15. The shaded portion shows area of rectangle, v of t = 15. The horizontal
axis covers area from 0 to 1 and the vertical axis covers area from 0 to 15.
Short description:

A table lists 4 columns, Time t in hours, Velocity v of t in miles per hour,

Distance travelled in each hour, and Accumulated distance travelled.

Long description:

The column 1 of the table represents time t in hours, the column 2 of the table
represents velocity v of t in miles per hour, the column 3 of the table
represents distance travelled in each hour, and the column 4 of the table
represents accumulated distance travelled. The data from the table is as

Time t in hours Velocity v(t) in Distance Accumulated

miles per hour travelled in each distance travelled
1 15 15 15
2 15 15 30
3 15 15 45
4 15 15 60
Short description:

The bar graph shows a decreasing concave down curve. The x axis, ranges
from 0 to 2, in increments of half. The y axis, ranges from 0 to 2, in
increments of 1. The area has an approximate value of 3.49571.

Long description:

The bar graph shows x axis, ranges from 0 to 2, in increments of half, and y
axis, ranges from 0 to 2, in increments of 1. The concave downward curve
passes through the points (1 half, 1.9), (1, 1.7), (3 seconds, 1.3) and (2, 0). The
area has an approximate value of 3.49571.
Short description:

The graph of y = f of x shows an increasing-decreasing-increasing curve. The

horizontal axis is labelled as x and the vertical axis is labelled as y. The
shaded portion shows the area A of x.

Long description:
Pg 411

Short description:

The graph of Y1 = start expression negative x to the 3 power + 3 x times

minus 1 end expression is a decreasing-increasing-decreasing curve.

Long description:

The curve goes in the downward direction and passes through maximum point
(negative 1, negative 3), then rises to maximum point (1, 1), and again falls in
downward direction. The horizontal axis ranges from negative 3 to 3 in
increments of 1, and the vertical axis ranges from negative 6 to 6 in increments
of 1.
Short description:

The graph plots the function D of x for number of items versus price per item,
in a concave up curve.

Long description:

The horizontal axis represents the number of items, and the vertical axis
represents price per item. The intersection point of P and Q shows the
equilibrium point on the concave up curve. The red colour area shows
consumer surplus and the blue colour area shows the total expenditure.
Short description:

Long description:
Short description:

The bar graph shows Age of drivers in years versus number of moving
violations in per million miles driven. The horizontal axis ranges from 0 to 85,
and the vertical axis ranges from 0 to 30 in increments of 5.

Long description:

The data of the bar graph is as follows. At 18 years of age, the number of
moving violations is 21.0 per million miles driven; at 25 years of age, the
number of moving violations is 14.5 per million miles driven; at 35 years of
age, the number of moving violations is 8 per million miles driven; at 45 years
of age, the number of moving violations is 6 per million miles driven; at 55
years of age, the number of moving violations is 5.5 per million miles driven;
at 65 years of age, the number of moving violations is 4.5 per million miles
driven; at 75 years of age, the number of moving violations is 3.5 per million
miles driven; and at 85 years of age, the number of moving violations is 4 per
million miles driven.
Short description:

The scatter multiple line graph plots bottom, middle and top sheet for sugar
versus calories.

Long description:

The horizontal axis ranges from 0 to 15, in increments of 3, and the vertical
axis ranges from 0 to 140. The line joining the blue dots represents middle
sheet. The line joining the grey dots represents middle sheet. The line joining
the green dots represents top sheet.
Short description:

The graph shows function k of x = e to the 2 x power minus e to the x power,

is a concave up and concave down curve.
Long description:

The horizontal axis ranges from negative 4 to 1, in increments of 1, and the

vertical axis ranges from 0 to 2, in increments of 1. The point of inflection
states left parenthesis l n 0.25, negative three tens right parenthesis.

Short description:

The spread sheet shows function Y1 = start parenthesis negative two thirds
end parenthesis x + 2.

Long description:

The data is shown as follows:

Normal Float Auto Real Median MP

X Y1
-3 4
0 2
3 0
6 -2
9 -4

Short description:

Long description:
Short description:

Long description:
Short description:

Function a = 3 negative start parenthesis negative 4 end parenthesis = 7.

Function b= 3 negative start parenthesis negative 5 end parenthesis = 8.

Long description:
Short description:

Long description:
Short description:

Long description:
Short description: Commented [H1]: Figure not clear.

The spreadsheet shows the value of 2049.73 e to the 0.00750602030 power =


Long description:
Short description:

The image shows 6 different functions.

Long description:

The first point slope form function y minus y1 = m start parenthesis x minus
x1 end parenthesis.

The second function y minus 5 = one thirds start parenthesis x minus left
parenthesis negative 2 right parenthesis end parenthesis. The value of start
parenthesis x1, y1 end parenthesis = start parenthesis negative 2, 5 end
parenthesis; and the value of m = 1 over y.

The third function states 3 start parenthesis y minus 5 end parenthesis = 3

start parenthesis one third left parenthesis x + 2 right parenthesis end

The fourth function states 3 start parenthesis y minus 5 end parenthesis = x +


The fifth distributive property function states 3 y minus 15 = x + 2.

The sixth standard form function states x minus 3 y = negative 17.

Short description:

The image shows 4 rows with symbols. The first, second and fourth row has 5
symbols each. The third row has 5 symbols.

Long description:

The data of row 1:

+ Plus
- Minus
= Equal to
× Multiplication
÷ Division

The data of second row:

⊇ Superset
□ Square

~ Similarity
⊆ Subset
∑ Sigma
Δ Delta
π Pie

α Alpha
θ Theta
Ω Omega

√ Square root
≤ Less than equal to
β Beta
≥ More than equal to
θ Theta

Short description:
The graph shows a concave downward sloping curve. The horizontal axis
ranges from 0 to 10, in increments of 1, and the vertical axis ranges from 0 to
12, in increments of 1. The downward curve passes through points (0, 12), (4,
8), (7, 3), and (8, 0).

Long description:

Short description:
Long description:

Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt

Short description:

The image shows 4 to the 3 power = 4 × 4 × 4 = 64. The base for the
expression is 4 and 4 is also used as a factor for 3 times.
Long description:

Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt

Short description:

Long description:

Short description:
Long description:

Short description:

Long description:

Short description:

Long description:

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