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Chapter 3


This chapter is a presentation of the methodology of the research, the population,

sample size, sampling technique, description of the respondents, research instrument,

data gathering procedure, and the statistical treatment of data.

Method of Research

The researchers used the descriptive method in this study. Descriptive research

design obtained information with the use of questionnaire to describe and analyze the

behavior of the subject.

In this study, the current career status, the career development activities, the

teacher’s participation on career development activities, the barriers affecting the

teacher’s participation on career development activities, the impact of career development

activities and the teacher’s satisfaction on the school they currently working will be

described and analyzed.

Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique

The population of the study includes the Junior High Teachers of Amaya School

of Home Industries. Random Sampling Technique was used to determine the sample size

since the total population was not clearly obtained. This is due to

the fact that many teachers are on leave, on a vacation, on a seminar or on studies so

they can’t keep track of the total population. The researchers assumed that 100

respondents were enough to cover the population of Junior High School Teachers of

Amaya School of Home Industries.



Description of Respondents

The Junior High School Teachers of Amaya School of Home Industries (ASHI)

located at Sahud-Ulan, Tanza, Cavite, totaling one hundred twenty six (126) comprised

the research population. A total of one hundred (100) respondents were collected as the

research sample or the total of 79% of the whole research population.

Research Instrument

To assess the current career status of the Junior High School Teachers of Amaya

School of Home Industries (ASHI), the researcher used a questionnaire in gathering the

data. The questionnaire was divided into three parts: part 1 is the teachers’ profile to

assess their current career status; part 2 is the career development activities that they

participated or not and the impact of it on their development as a teacher, followed by the

barriers that affect the teachers’ participation on the career development activities and

their perception on how they are being affected by these barriers; part 3 is the career

satisfaction of the teachers in their current school.

Data-Gathering Procedure

First the researchers sought the Principal to conduct and distribute Career

Assessment questionnaire on Junior High School Teachers. Then, they proceed to the

respondents and explain the main purpose of the study. After the orientation, the

questionnaires are then distributed to the respondents. The researchers assist and

entertain the questions of the respondents regarding the questionnaire.



Statistical Treatment of Data

The procedures stated are used to analyze the result of the researchers’ gathered


1. Frequency count determines the number of respondent’s belongings to the group.

2. Percentage was used to determine the magnitude of a portion of a variable to the

whole, following

Percentage = f x 100
Where: f = frequency
n = total number of population

3. Ranking was used to determine what input got the highest and lowest percentage

of answers by the respondents.

4. Weighted mean was used to analyze the data regarding the impact of career

development activities on the teacher’s development as a teacher, barriers

affecting the teacher’s participation on career development activities and the

teacher’s satisfaction in their career.

Formula x = ∑fx

x = mean

f = frequency of each response

x = numerical value (score)

n = number of respondents

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