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Member Of Group:

Andi Bagus Rahmawan (081711733013)

Muhammad Fadhel Maulana (081711733038)
Farrel Yumna Wiyoga (081711733045)


1. How do you define a good writing?

2. What do you need to make a good writing?


1. Good writing uses the right combination of words, specific, easy to remember, and it
should provide readers with a different perspective than their own on the topic it is
2. What we need to make a good writing:
 The first is to use simple words, by using a simple word, a sentence will be
effective and not wordy.
 The second is be as specific as possible, by using it the writing will be clear and
can anticipate questions from the readers before they ask them.
 The third, Good writing is based on data obtained from various studies, this can
make our writing more credible.
 The fourth, Use adverbs and "fillers" sparingly. Use adverbs and "fillers"
sparingly. if you don't use it sparingly sentence will not be effective.
 And the last, each paragraph must have a beginning, middle and end. this is to
keep the flow in the writing or essay that we make.

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