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The project entitled ‘Defense Administration” is developed as a part of 5 th semester
project for the partial fulfilment of the BCA degree.

The project titled as "Defence Administration System" is developed in as front
end and ms SQL Server as back end. The main aim of the project is to make a complete
solution for Defence Administration system

The main objective of the application is to design innovative software, which deals
with the defence authority management. The motto of the project is to simplify the
job of the administrative people and to provide a user-friendly package.

1.4 SCOPE:

This application is built in such a way that the authoritative people can handle
their defence activities and records in a specified manner without any


 This project has login module, Weapons Details module, Adding Army
module, Adding Weapons module, Adding Navy module, Adding Air
force module and reports module.
 The administrator should enter the username and password to enter into
the project. If the username and password are mistake, it will say error
message. If it is correct it will show next form.
 All Weapons details are entered in this module. The Weapon name,
Weapon Details, Weapon Allotment and the stock of Weapons available
are entered in this module. The Weapons details can be modified or
deleted if the Weapon is not available.
 The Army Member details are entered in this module. The Weapons
Allotted to which army stored in this module.
 The Navy details like Navy Crew name, address and contact numbers are
entered in this module. The entered Crew details can be modified or
deleted by the administrator. The Weapons are selected from the list of
weapons available.
 The Army, Navy, Air Force members details is selected from the
database and displayed in the form. All Weapon reports, Army member’s
reports, Navy member’s reports and the Air force reports are displayed to
the administrator through this module.



Hardware basically refers to the item in a PC that can be touched and felt like
keyboard, monitor, mouse and the system unit. Additional hardware components
that can be added to the PC are modem, printer, scanner etc.

The hardware thus used here are consists of:

Processor : AMD A4-5000 APU
RAM : 1 GB
Graphics : 1.50 GHz
Quality : 64 bit Screen
Resolution : 1366* 768
Mouse : Standard Optical


There is use of large software in developing this project. Software is basically the
logical program that handles different components which cannot be touched or
felt and helps to interact with one another in a Hassle-free manner.

The software used here consists of:

Operating System : windows 8 and above
Developing Tool : MS visual Studio 2010
Front End (Design) : VB.NET
Back End (Database) : MS SQL server 2008

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