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Increasing the Reliability of Crowdsourcing

Evaluations Using Online Quality Assessment
Alec Burmania, Student Member, IEEE, Srinivas Parthasarathy, Student Member, IEEE, and
Carlos Busso, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Manual annotations and transcriptions have an ever-increasing importance in areas such as behavioral signal processing,
image processing, computer vision, and speech signal processing. Conventionally, this metadata has been collected through manual
annotations by experts. With the advent of crowdsourcing services, the scientific community has begun to crowdsource many tasks that
researchers deem tedious, but can be easily completed by many human annotators. While crowdsourcing is a cheaper and more
efficient approach, the quality of the annotations becomes a limitation in many cases. This paper investigates the use of reference sets
with predetermined ground-truth to monitor annotators’ accuracy and fatigue, all in real-time. The reference set includes evaluations
that are identical in form to the relevant questions that are collected, so annotators are blind to whether or not they are being graded on
performance on a specific question. We explore these ideas on the emotional annotation of the MSP-IMPROV database. We present
promising results which suggest that our system is suitable for collecting accurate annotations.

Index Terms—Mechanical turk, crowdsourcing, emotional annotation, emotion, multimodal interactions


A key challenge in the area of affective computing is the

annotation of emotional labels that describe the under-
lying expressive behaviors observed during human interac-
to do Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs) for small individual
payments. MTurk gives access to a diverse pool of users
who would be difficult to reach out to under conventional
tions [4]. For example, these emotional labels are crucial for settings [20], [30]. Annotation with this method is cheaper
defining the classes used to train emotion recognition sys- than the alternative [34]. For tasks that are natural enough
tems (i.e., ground truth). Naturalistic expressive recordings and easy to learn, Snow et al. [34] suggested that the quality
include mixtures of ambiguous emotions [24], which are of the workers is comparable to expert annotators; in many
usually estimated with perceptual evaluations from as cases two workers are required to replace one expert anno-
many external observers as possible. These evaluations con- tator, at a fraction of the cost. In fact, they collected 840
ventionally involve researchers, experts or na€ıve observers labels for only one dollar. However, their study also sug-
watching videos for hours. The process of finding and hir- gested that there are many spammers and malicious work-
ing the annotators, bringing them into the laboratory envi- ers who give low quality data (spammer in this context
ronment, and conducting the perceptual evaluation is time refers to participants who aim to receive payments without
consuming and expensive. This method also requires the properly completing the tasks). Current approaches to
researcher to be present during the evaluation. As a result, avoid this problem include pre-screening and post-process-
most of the emotional databases are evaluated with a lim- ing filters [11]. Pre-screening filters include approval rating
ited number of annotators [4]. This problem affects not only checks, country restrictions, and qualification tests. For
the annotation of emotional behaviors, but also other behav- example, many requesters on MTurk limit the evaluation to
ioral, image, video, and speech signal processing tasks that workers living in the United States. These restrictions can
require manual annotations (e.g., gesture recognition, be effective, yet lower the pool of workers. However, they
speech translation, image retrieval). do not prevent workers who meet these conditions from
spamming. Post-processing methods include data filtering
1.1 Crowdsourcing schemes that check for spam [16]. The requirement for
many of these tasks with post-processing filters includes
Recently, researchers have explored crowdsourcing services
simple questions that demonstrate that the worker is not a
to address this problem. Online services such as Amazon’s
bot [10]. These may be simple common knowledge ques-
Mechanical Turk (MTurk) [27] allow employers or research-
tions or questions with known solutions. Additionally,
ers to hire Turkers (who we refer to as workers in this study)
some requesters create qualification tests to pre-screen indi-
vidual workers for quality before annotations begin [35].
! The authors are with the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer
These are effective yet create a large amount of overhead; in
Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX 75080.
E-mail: {axb124530, sxp120931, busso}@utdallas.edu. some cases a worker may complete a qualification test and
Manuscript received 19 Nov. 2014; revised 2 Sept. 2015; accepted 8 Oct. 2015. not ever complete a HIT afterwards. Furthermore, qualifica-
Date of publication 25 Oct. 2015; date of current version 5 Dec. 2016. tion tests and other pre-processing methods do not prevent
Recommended for acceptance by S. D’Mello. worker fatigue. If the researcher accepts the given data
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to: because the initial annotations were up to par, they see a net
reprints@ieee.org, and reference the Digital Object Identifier below.
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TAFFC.2015.2493525 decrease in quality. Or, if the annotator is rejected by the
1949-3045 ! 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Our method provides a novel way to approach crowd-

sourcing, as it does not solely rely on pre-screening workers
or the use of spam filters after the survey. This system is
useful not only to detect spam, but to track and oppose
worker fatigue, which other ground-truth systems do not
always accomplish. While we focus on annotations of emo-
tional labels, the proposed approach is abstract enough to
solve other crowdsourcing tasks.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes
related works on MTurk. Section 3 presents the MSP-
IMPROV database, which we use to demonstrate the pro-
posed online quality assessment scheme for crowdsourcing.
This section also describes the questionnaires used for the
Fig. 1. Online quality assessment approach to evaluate the quality in evaluations. Section 4 describes the metric used to estimate
crowdsourcing evaluations in real time. In Phase 1, we evaluate a refer- inter-evaluator agreement. Section 5 presents our approach
ence set used as a gold standard. In Phase 2 (not displayed in the pic- to collect reliable emotional labels from MTurk. Section 6
ture), we evaluate the performance of workers annotating multiple
videos per HIT. In Phase 3, we assess the quality in real time, stopping
analyzes the labels collected with this study, discussing gen-
the evaluation when the performance drops below a given threshold. eralization of the approach. Finally, Section 7 gives the con-
clusions and our future directions on this project.

spam filter, they do not receive payment for some quality

work completed at the beginning of the HIT.
2.1 Crowdsourcing and Emotions
1.2 Our Approach Most of the emotional labels assigned to current emotional
This paper explores a novel approach to increase the reli- databases are collected with perceptual evaluations. Crowd-
ability of emotional annotations by monitoring the quality sourcing offers an appealing venue to effectively derive
of the annotations provided by workers in real time. We these labels [23], [37], and recent studies have explored this
investigate this problem by applying an iterative online option. Mariooryad et al. [19] used MTurk to evaluate the
assessment method that filters data during the survey pro- emotional content of naturalistic, spontaneous speech
cess, stopping evaluations when the performance is below recordings retrieved by an emotion recognition system. Cao
an acceptable level. Fig. 1 provides an overview of the et al. [6] used crowdsourcing to assign emotional labels to
proposed approach, where we interleave videos from a ref- the CRowd-sourced Emotional Multimodal Actors Dataset
erence set in the evaluation to continuously track the perfor- (CREMA-D). They collected ten annotations per video, a
mance of the workers in real time. large number compared to the number of raters used in
We use a three phase method for our experiment. The top other emotional databases [4]. Soleymani and Larson [35]
diagram in Fig. 1 corresponds to phase one, where we evalu- relied on MTurk to evaluate the perception of boredom felt
ate the emotional content of 652 videos, which are separated by annotators after watching video clips. Provost et al. [25],
from the rest of the videos to be evaluated (over 7,000 sponta- [26] used MTurk to perceptually evaluate audiovisual stim-
neous recordings). We refer to them as reference videos (i.e., uli. The study focused on multimodal emotion integration of
gold standard). We aim to have five annotations per video, acoustic and visual cues by designing videos with conflicting
annotated by many different workers. These annotations expressive content (e.g., happy face, angry voice). Gravano
include scores for categorical emotion (e.g., happy, anger), et al. [13] used MTurk to annotate a corpus with social behav-
and attribute annotations (e.g., activation, valence). Phase iors. Other studies have also used crowdsourcing to derive
two, not shown in Fig. 1, aims to analyze the performance of levels for sentiment analysis [22], [34], [39]. These studies
workers annotating multiple videos per HIT. We ask each demonstrate the key role that crowdsourcing can play in
worker to evaluate 105 videos per HIT. The order of the clips annotating a corpus with relevant emotional descriptors—
includes a series of five videos from the reference set (emo- lower cost [34] and a diverse pool of annotators [20], [30].
tionally evaluated during phase one), followed by 20 videos
to be annotated (e.g., 5, 20, 5, 20, 5, 20, 5, 20, 5). By evaluating 2.2 Quality Control Methods for Crowdsourcing
reference videos, we can compare the performance of the The use of Mechanical Turk for the purpose of annotating
workers across time by estimating the agreement of the pro- video and audio has increased due to the mass amount of
vided scores. This phase also provides insight into the drop data that can be evaluated in a short amount of time [34].
in performance relative to time, as the workers tire. We lever- Crowdsourcing can be useful where obtaining labels is
age the analysis of the labels collected in this phase to define tedious, expensive, and when the labels do not require
acceptable metrics describing the inter-evaluator agreement. expert raters [37]. In many cases, three-five annotators are
The bottom diagram in Fig. 1 describes phase three. This sufficient for generating these labels. Studies have analyzed
phase combines the reference data taken from phase one the quality of the annotations provided by non-expert work-
with the performance data regarding how workers per- ers, revealing high agreement with annotations from
formed on phase two to generate a filtering mechanism experts [34] (for tasks that are natural enough and easy to
which can immediately stop a survey in progress once a learn). In some cases, studies have shown that the perfor-
worker falls below an acceptable threshold—all in real time. mance of workers is similar to the performance achieved by

subjects recruited in laboratory settings [17], [29]. The et al. [38] presented different metrics to identify classes of
review by Manson and Suri [20] provides a comprehensive workers (“proper workers”, “random spammers”, “sloppy
description about the use of MTurk on behavioral research. workers”, and “uniform spammers”). Through cycles, they
Ambati et al. [2] highlighted the importance of providing replaced bad workers with new evaluations. The iteration
clear instructions to workers so they can effectively com- was manually implemented without a management tool.
plete the tasks. However, a key challenge in using MTurk is Post-processing filters are vital to most data collections in
the task of separating spam from quality data [1], [3], [16], MTurk. Some studies rely more on this step than others [28],
[18], [34]. This section describes the common approaches [35]. Some requesters use the time duration taken to com-
used for this purpose. plete the HIT, discarding annotations if they are either too
MTurk offers many default qualifications that requesters fast or too slow [6], [32], [35]. Other post-processing meth-
can set in the HITs. One of these is country restrictions. A ods include majority rule, where requesters release a HIT
requester can also specify that workers completing the task usually with an odd amount of assignments. Workers are
must have a minimum acceptance rate, using the approval/ asked to answer a question, and the majority is considered
rejection rates of their previous assignments. For example, the correct answer (sometimes tiebreaks are necessary) [16].
Gravano et al. [13] requested only workers living in the The workers in the minority are generally declined payment
United States with acceptance rates above 95 percent. Eickh- for the HIT. While this method can produce high-quality
off and de Vries [11] showed that using country restriction data due to competition (especially with a large amount of
was more effective than filtering by prior acceptance rate. HITs [40]), it may not be optimal for evaluating ambiguous
Morris and McDuff [23] highlighted that workers can easily task such as emotion perception. Hirth et al. [16] proposed
boost their performance ratings, thus pre-filtering methods to create a second HIT, aiming to verify the answers pro-
based on worker reputation may not necessarily increase vided by the workers on the main task. Another common
quality. Other pre-filters exist such as the minimum amount approach is to estimate the agreement between workers and
of HITs previously completed by the workers. All of these discard the ones causing lower agreements [25]. For exam-
restrictions can be helpful to collect quality data in combina- ple, one of the criteria used by Eickhoff and de Vries [11] to
tion with suitable post-processing methods [1]. The design of detect cheaters was if 50 percent of their answers disagreed
the HITs can also effectively discourage cheaters by intro- the majority. Buchholz and Latorre [3] and Kittur et al. [18]
ducing more variability and changing the context of HITs identified repeat cheaters as an important problem. There-
[11]. Another common pre-processing method for requesters fore, it is important to keep track of the workers, blocking
is qualification tests, which are completed before starting the malicious users [2], [8].
actual task [28], [34]. This approach is useful to train a worker While pre-processing and post-processing verification
to complete the HIT, or to make sure that the worker is com- checks are important, monitoring the quality in real time
petent enough to complete the task. Soleymani and Larson offers many benefits to obtain quality data. MTurk allows
[35] used qualification tests to pre-screen the workers. Only for the requester to reject a HIT if the requester deems it to
the ones that demonstrated adequate performance were later be low quality. However, this process is not optimal for
invited (by email) to complete the actual task. The downside either workers or requesters. By using online quality assess-
of this method is the large overhead. Also, some requesters ment during a survey, we can monitor in real time drops in
pay workers to take the qualification test, without knowing if performance due to lack of interest or fatigue, saving valu-
they will ever complete an actual HIT, due to lack of qualifi- able resources in terms of money and time. This framework
cation or interest. Additionally, post-processing is required offers a novel approach for emotional perceptual evalua-
to ensure the workers do not just spam a HIT and abuse the tions, and other related tasks. The key contributions of this
qualification that they have earned. Qualification tests also study are:
include questions to ensure that the workers can listen to the
audio or watch the video of the task (e.g., transcribing short ! Control the quality of the workers in real time, stop-
audio segments [6]). ping the evaluation when the quality is below an
An interesting approach is to assess the workers during acceptable level.
the actual evaluation. Some studies used dummy questions, ! Identify and prevent fatigue and lack of interest over
questions with clear answers (i.e., gold standard), or other time for each worker, reducing the large variability
strategies to test the workers [3], [11], [18], [28]. These ques- in the annotations.
tions may not end up benefiting the annotation of the cor- ! Design a general framework for crowdsourcing that
pus, which creates overhead and increases the cognitive is totally autonomous running in real time (i.e., does
load of the workers. Even if the verification questions are not require manual management).
correctly answered, we cannot assume that the workers will ! Provide an extensive evaluation with over 50,000
correctly answer the actual HIT. For these reasons, there is a annotations, exploring learning effect, benefits of
clear advantage in using verification questions that are simi- multiple surveys per HIT, drop in performance due
lar to the actual task, so that workers cannot tell when they to fatigue, and performance based on task duration.
are being evaluated (i.e., blind verification). Xu et al. [41]
proposed an online HodgeRank algorithm that detects
inconsistencies in ranking labels during the evaluation. In
contrast to our proposed work, the approach does not track 3.1 Description of the Corpus
the performance of individual workers stopping the evalua- The approach to collect annotations with crowdsourcing
tions when the quality drops. Using simulations, Vuurens using reference sets is evaluated in the context of emotional

Fig. 2. The MSP-IMPROV database [5]. The figure describes the recording settings used for the data collection in the sound booth.

annotations. In particular, we annotate the expressive con- Target—improvised. This set includes the sentences con-
tent of the MSP-IMPROV database [5]. We recorded the veying the target lexical content provided in the scenario
MSP-IMPROV database as part of our National Science Founda- (e.g., “Finally, the mail carrier let me in.”—see Fig. 3). These
tion (NSF) project on multimodal emotional perception. The are the most relevant turns for the perceptual study
project explores perceptual-based models for emotion behav- (652 turns).
ior assessments [26]. It uses subjective evaluation of audiovi- Other—improvised. The MSP-IMPROV corpus includes all
sual videos of subjects conveying congruent or conflicting the turns during the improvisation recordings, not just the
emotional information in speech and facial expression [25]. target sentences. This dataset consists of previous and fol-
The approach requires sentences with the same lexical content lowing turns during the improvisation that led the actors to
spoken with different emotions. By fixing the lexical content, utter the target sentences (4,381 turns).
we can create videos with mismatched conditions (e.g., happy Natural interaction. We noticed that spontaneous conver-
face with sad speech), without introducing inconsistency sation during breaks conveyed a full range of emotions as
between the actual speech and the face appearance. To create the actors react to mistakes or ideas they had for the scenes.
the stimuli, we recorded 15 sentences conveying the following Therefore, we did not stop the camera or microphones dur-
four target emotions: happiness, sadness, anger and neutral ing breaks, recording the actors’ interactions between
state. Instead of asking actors to read the sentences in different recordings (2,785 turns).
emotions, we implemented a novel framework based on In this study, Target—improvised videos form our refer-
improvisation. The approach consists in designing spontane- ence set (i.e., Ref. set) and our goal is to evaluate the rest of
ous scenarios that are played by two actors during improvisa- the corpus: Other—improvised and Natural interactions data-
tions. These scenarios are carefully designed such that the sets (i.e., I&N set)
actor can utter a target sentence with a specific emotion. This
approach balances the tradeoff between natural expressive
3.2 Emotional Questionnaire for Survey
interactions and the required controlled conditions. Notice
The emotional questionnaire used for the survey is moti-
that the perceptual evaluation in this paper only includes the
vated by the scope of the perceptual study which focuses on
original videos (i.e., congruent emotions).
the emotions happiness, anger, sadness, neutrality and
Fig. 2 shows our experimental setup. We have recorded
others. We present each worker with a survey that corre-
six sessions from 12 actors in dyadic interactions by pairing
sponds to a specific video. The questionnaire has a number
one actor and one actress per session (Figs. 2c and 2d).
of sections presented in a single page (Figs. 4 and 5).
These subjects are students with acting training recruited at
the University of Texas at Dallas. Many of the pairs were
selected such that they knew one another, as to promote nat-
ural and comfortable interaction during the recordings. The
actors face each other to place emphasis on generating natu-
ral expressive behaviors (Fig. 2a). The corpus was recorded
in a sound booth with high definition cameras facing each
actor and microphones clipped to each actor’s shirt. We use
a monitor to display the target sentences and the underlying
scenarios (Fig. 3). One actor is chosen as Person A, who has
to speak the target sentence at some point during the scene,
while Person B supports Person A in reaching the target
sentence. We let the actors practice these scenes beforehand.
The corpus was manually segmented into dialog turns.
We defined a dialog turn as the segment starting when a
subject began speaking a phrase or sentence, and finishing
when he/she stopped speaking. When possible, we
extended the boundaries to include small silence segments
at the beginning and ending of the turn. The protocol to col-
Fig. 3. An example of the slides given to the actors. The example is for
lect the corpus defines three different datasets for the MSP- the sentence “Finally, the mail carrier let me in.” where the target emotion
IMPROV database: is angry. Person A utters this sentence during the improvisation.

Fig. 5. Second section of the questionnaire used in the perceptual evalu-

ation. The questions evaluate the emotional content of the corpus in
terms of continuous dimensions (valence, activation and dominance).
We also evaluate the naturalness of the recordings.

Fig. 4. First section of the questionnaire used in the perceptual evalua- one out of five iconic images (“manikins”), simplifying the
tion. The questions evaluate the emotional content of the corpus in understating of the attribute’s meanings. Since the data is
terms of discrete primary and secondary emotional categories.
recorded from actors, we ask the worker to annotate the nat-
uralness of the clip using a five point Likert-like scale (1-
The first question in the survey is to annotate a number very acted, 5 very natural).
from zero to nine that is included at the end of the video. We also ask each worker to provide basic demographic
This question is included to verify that the video was cor- information such as age and gender. Each question required
rectly played, and that the worker watched the video. After an answer, and the worker was not allowed to progress
this question, we ask the worker to pick one emotion that without completing the entire survey. Each radio button
best describes the expressive content of the video. We question was initialized with no default value so that an
restrict the emotional categories to four basic emotions answer had to be selected. The participants were able to
(happy, sad, angry, neutral). Alternatively, they have the view the video using a web video viewer and had access to
option of choosing other (see Fig. 4). We expect to observe all standard functions of the player (e.g., play, pause, scroll).
other emotional expressions elicited as a result of the spon- They could also watch the video multiple times.
taneous improvisation. Therefore, we also ask the workers
to choose multiple emotional categories that describe the
emotions in the videos. We extend the emotional categories
to angry, happy, sad, frustrated, surprised, fear, depressed, AGREEMENT
excited, disgust and neutral state plus others. The workers Even though the survey includes multiple questions, this
were instructed to select all the categories that apply. study only focuses on the inter-evaluator agreement for
The second part of the questionnaire evaluates the the five emotional classes (anger, happiness, sadness,
expressive content in terms of the emotional attributes neutral and others). We will monitor the performance of
valence (positive versus negative), activation (calm versus the workers using only this question for the sake of sim-
excited), and dominance (strong versus weak)—see Fig. 5. plicity. Since the workers are not aware that their perfor-
Using emotional primitives is an appealing approach that mance is evaluated only on this question, we expect to
complements the information given by discrete emotional observe, as a side effect, higher inter-evaluator agreement
categories [31], [33]. We evaluate these emotional dimen- in other questions. This section describes the metrics
sions using Likert-like scales. We include Self-Assessment used to estimate the inter-evaluator agreement, which
Manikins (SAMs) to increase the reliability of the annota- play an important role in the proposed online quality
tions (see Fig. 5) [14]. For each question, the worker selects assessment approach.

As described in Section 3.2, the workers are asked to indicates that the new labels improve the agreement for
select one out of five options: anger, happiness, sadness, video s
neutral and others. We require an inter-evaluator agree- ! "
s <~ vs ; v
^st >
ment metric that is robust even when it is estimated over ut ¼ arccos ; (2)
k~ vst k
vs k ' k^
a small reference set (e.g., five videos—see Section 5). The
metric also has to capture the ambiguity in the emotional Dust ¼ usref % ust : (3)
content, since certain videos have clear emotional content
(i.e., easy tasks), while other convey mixtures of emotions In summary, the advantages of using this metric are: (1)
(i.e., difficult tasks). We follow an approach similar to the we can assign a reference angle ust to each individual video;
one presented by Steidl et al. [36]. They used a metric (2) by measuring the difference in angles (Dust ), we can eval-
based on entropy to assess the performance of an emotion uate the performance of the workers regardless of the ambi-
classification system. The main idea was to compare the guity in the emotional content conveyed by the video; and
errors of the system by considering the underlying confu- (3) we can assign a weighted penalty to the workers for
sion between the labels. For example, if a video was selecting minority labels.
assigned a label “sadness” even though some raters In addition to the proposed angular similarity metric, we
assigned the label “anger”, a system that recognizes calculate standard inter-evaluator agreement metrics for the
“anger” is not completely wrong. Here, the selected met- analysis of the annotations after the survey. We use the
ric should capture the distance between the label assigned Fleiss’s Kappa statistic [12] for the five class emotional
by a worker and the set of labels pre-assigned to the refer- question. We use this metric to demonstrate that the online
ence set. An appealing approach that achieves these quality assessment method does indeed produce higher
requirements is based on the angular similarity metric, agreement. Notice that this metric is not appropriate for
which is described next. the online evaluation of the workers’ performance, since
The approach consists of modeling the annotations as we have a limited number of videos in the reference set.
a vector in a five dimensional space, in which each axis Also, this metric penalizes choosing a larger minority
corresponds to an emotion (e.g., [anger, happiness, sad- class as previously discussed. The evaluations for activa-
ness, neutral, others]). For example, if a video is labeled tion, valence, dominance and naturalness are based on
with three votes for “anger” and two votes for Likert-like scales, so the standard Fleiss’s Kappa statistic
“sadness”, the resulting vector is [3, 0, 2, 0, 0]. This vec- is not suitable. Instead, we use Cronbach’s alpha, where
tor representation was used by Steidl et al. [36]. We values close to 1 indicate high agreement. We report this
define ~ vsðiÞ as the vector formed by considering all the metric for dimensional annotations, even though we do
annotations from the N workers except the ith worker. not consider the values provided by the workers in the
We also define the unitary vector v ^si in the direction of online quality assessment.
the emotion provided by the ith worker (e.g., [0 0 0 1 0]
for “neutral”). We estimate the angle between ~ vsðiÞ and 5 ONLINE QUALITY ASSESSMENT
s $
^i . This angle will be 0 if all the workers agree on one
v We propose an online quality assessment approach to
emotion. The angle for the worse case scenario is 90 $ , improve the inter-evaluator agreement between workers
which happens when the N % 1 workers agree on one annotating the emotional content of videos. Fig. 7 shows
emotion but the i-th worker assigns a different emotion. the proposed approach, which will be described in Sec-
We estimate this angle for each worker. The average tion 5.3. We use a three phase method for our experiment.
angle for the video s is used as the baseline value In phase one, we collect annotations on the target videos
(usref —see Eq. (1)). A low average value indicates that the (i.e., Target—improvised dataset), which form our reference
workers consistently agree upon the emotional content set (Section 5.1). In phase two, we ask workers to evaluate
in the video (e.g., easy task). multiple videos per session without any quality assess-
! ment approach (Section 5.2). We implement this phase to
1X N <~ vsðiÞ ; v
^si > define acceptable thresholds for the proposed approach.
usref ¼ arccos : (1)
N i¼1 vsðiÞ k ' k^
k~ vsi k In phase three, we use the reference set to stop the survey
when we detect either low quality or fatigued workers.
All phases are collected from MTurk using the pre-filters
We estimate usref for each target video using the annota- as follows: At least 1 HIT completed, approval rate
tions collected during phase one (see Section 5.1, where greater than or equal to 85 percent, and location within
each reference video is evaluated by five workers). After the United States. Table 1 presents the demographic infor-
this step, we use usref to estimate the agreement of new mation of the workers for the three phases. This section
workers evaluating the sth video. We define ~ vs as the vector describes in detail the phases and their corresponding
formed with all the annotations from phase one. We create inter-evaluator agreements.
^st with the new label provided by the tth
the unitary vector v
worker. We estimate the angle ust using Equation (2). Finally, 5.1 Phase One: Building Reference Set
we compute the difference between the angles usref and ust 5.1.1 Method
(Eq. (3)). The metric Dust indicates whether the new label The purpose of phase one is to collect annotations for the
from the tth worker increases the inter-evaluator agreement reference set, which will be used to monitor the perfor-
in the reference set. A positive value for Dust (i.e., usref > ust ) mance of the workers in real time. For our project, the most

Detailed Information about the Perceptual Evaluation Conducted Using Crowdsourcing

Phase # Videos # Annotations Annotations per Survey Unit Cost Gender Age Overhead
m s [USD] F M m s m s
Phase 1 – Ref. 652 3,260 1 0 0.08 74 74 33.9 12.2 0 0
Phase 1 – I&N 100 500 1 0 0.05 40 38 32.3 12.1 0 0
Phase 2 – All 585 5,250 105 0 0.047 28 22 34.4 9.9 23.8 0
Phase 3 – All 5,562 50,248 50.0 24.4 0.047-0.05 475 279 34.0 12.3 28.0 5.0

The table includes the number of videos with five annotations, total number of annotations, average number of annotations per survey, cost per annotation, demo-
graphic information of workers, and the overhead associated with the online quality assessment method. (Ref.= Target - improvised, I&N= Other - improvised
plus Natural interaction).

important videos in the MSP-IMPROV corpus are the Tar- 5.1.2 Analysis
get—improvised videos (see discussion in Section 3.1). Since The first two rows in Table 1 describe the details about the
the videos in the reference set will receive more annotations, evaluation for phase one. We received evaluations from 226
we only use the 652 target videos to create the reference set. gender-balanced workers (114 females, 112 males). There is
All of the videos were collected from the same 12 actors no overlap between annotators completing annotations on
playing similar scenarios. Therefore, the workers are not the target references and spontaneous sets. We do not have
aware that only the target videos are used to monitor the overhead (i.e., videos annotated to evaluate quality) for this
quality of the annotations. For the HITs of this phase, we phase since we do not use any gold metric to assess perfor-
use the Amazon’s standard questionnaire form template. mance during the evaluation. Table 2 shows statistics of the
We follow the conventional approach of using one HIT per number of videos evaluated per participant. The median
survey, so each video stands as its own task. We collect five number of videos per worker is four videos. The large dif-
annotations per video. Since this approach corresponds to ference between the median and mean for Phase 1-Ref is
the conventional approach used in MTurk, we use these due to outlier workers who completed many annotations
annotations as the baseline for the experiment. (e.g., one worker evaluated 508 videos).
During the early stages of this study, we made a few Tables 3, 4 and 5 report the results. Table 3 gives the
changes on the questionnaire, as we refined the survey. As value for Dust , which provides the improvement in agree-
a result, there are few differences in the questionnaire used ment over phase one, as measured by the proposed angular
in phase one compared with the one described in Section similarity metric (see Eq. (3)). By definition, this value is
3.2. First, the manikins for portraying activation, valence, zero for phase one, since the inter-evaluator agreements
and dominance were not added until phase two (see Fig. 5). for this phase are considered as the reference values
Notice that we still used five Likert-like scales but without (usref ). The first two columns of Table 4 report the inter-
the pictorial representation. Second, dominance and natu- evaluator agreement in terms of the kappa statistic (pri-
ralness scores were only added after halfway through phase mary emotions—five class problem). Each of the 652 vid-
one. Fortunately, the annotation for the five emotion class eos were evaluated by five workers. The agreement
problem, which is used to monitor the quality of the work- between annotators is similar for target videos and spon-
ers, was exactly the same as the one used during phase two taneous videos (Other—improvised and Natural interaction
and phase three. datasets). In each case, the kappa statistic is about k=0.4.
An interesting question is whether the inter-evaluator We conclude that we can use the target videos as our ref-
agreement observed in the assessment of the emotional erence set for the rest of the evaluation.
content on target videos differs from the one observed on The first two rows of Table 5 show the inter-evaluator
spontaneous videos (i.e., Other—improvised and Natural agreement for the emotional dimensions valence and activa-
interaction datasets—see Section 3.1). Since we will compare tion (we did not evaluate dominance in phase one). All the
the results from different phases, we decide to evaluate 50 values are above or close to a=0.8, which is considered as
spontaneous videos from the Other—improvised dataset and high agreement. We observe higher agreement for sponta-
50 spontaneous videos from the Natural interaction dataset neous videos (i.e., Other—improvised and Natural interaction
using the same survey used for phase one (see second row datasets) than for reference videos. Table 5 also reports the
of Table 1—I&N).

Annotations per Participant for Each of the Phases Improvement in Inter-Evaluator Agreement for Phase Two
and Three as Measured by the Proposed Angular
Mean Median Min Max Similarity Metric (Eq. (3))
Phase 1 – Ref. 22.0 4.0 1 508
Phase 1 – I&N 6.4 3.0 1 50 Angle Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Phase 2 – All 105.0 105 105 105 [$ ] [$ ] [$ ]
Phase 3 – All 67.9 51 30 2,037 Dust 0 1.57 5.93

(Ref.= Target - improvised, I&N= Other - improvised plus Natural It only considers Target - improvised videos (i.e., reference set) during
interaction). phases 1, 2 and 3.

Inter-Evaluator Agreement per Phase in Terms Cronbach’s Alpha Statistic for the Emotional Dimensions
of Kappa Statistic Valence (Val.), Activation (Act.), and Dominance (Dom.)

Type of Data Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase Val. Act. Dom. Nat.
# k # k # k Phase 1 – Ref. 0.84 0.79 – 0.23
Target - improvised 652 0.397 1 – 648 0.497 Phase 1 – I&N 0.88 0.85 – 0.57
Other - improvised 50 0.402 371 0.466 3,024 0.458 Phase 2 – All 0.86 0.70 0.57 0.46
Natural interaction 50 0.404 213 0.432 1,890 0.483 Phase 3 – All 0.89 0.73 0.54 0.44
All 752 0.402 585 0.466 5,562 0.487 We also estimate the agreement for naturalness (Nat.). (Ref.= Target -
improvised, I&N= Other - improvised plus Natural interaction).
For phase 2, only one of the Target - improvised videos was evaluated by five
workers, so we do not report results for this case.
5.2.2 Analysis
Cronbach’s alpha statistic for the perception of naturalness. For phase two, we collected 50 surveys in total, each consist-
The agreement for this question is lower than the inter- ing of 105 videos using the pattern described in Section 5.2.1
evaluator agreement for emotional dimensions, highlight- (see third row in Table 2). From this evaluation, we only
ing the level of difficulty in assessing perception of have 585 videos with five annotations (see Table 1). Some of
naturalness. the videos were evaluated by less than five workers, so we
do not consider them in this analysis. Since we are including
5.2 Phase Two: Analysis of Workers’ Performance reference videos in the evaluation, the overhead is approxi-
5.2.1 Method mately 24 percent (i.e., 25 out of 105 videos).
Table 3 shows that the difference in the angle for the eval-
Phase two aims to understand the performance of workers
uations in phase two is about 1.57 degree higher than phase
evaluating multiple videos per HIT (105 videos). The analy-
one. Table 4 shows an increase in kappa statistic for this
sis demonstrates a drop in performance due to fatigue over
phase, which is now k ¼ 0:466. The only difference in phase
time as workers take a lengthy survey. The analysis also two is that the annotators are asked to complete multiple
serves to identify thresholds to stop the survey when the per- videos, as opposed to the one video per HIT framework
formance of the worker drops below the acceptable levels. used in phase one. These two results suggest that increasing
The approach for this phase consists of interleaving vid- the number of videos per HIT is useful to improve the inter-
eos from the reference set (i.e., Target—improvised) with the evaluator agreement. We hypothesize a learning curve
spontaneous videos. Since the emotional content for the ref- where the worker gets familiar with the task, providing bet-
erence set is known (phase one), we use these videos to esti- ter annotations. This is the reason we are interested in refin-
mate the inter-evaluator agreement as a function of time. ing a multiple HIT annotation method, where we monitor
We randomly group the reference videos into sets of five. the performance of the worker in real-time.
We manually modify the groups to avoid cases in which the The third row in Table 5 gives the inter-evaluator agree-
same target sentence was spoken with two different emo- ment for the emotional dimensions. The results from phase
tions, since these cases would look suspicious to the work- one and two cannot be directly compared, since the ques-
ers. After this step, we create different surveys consisting of tionnaires for these phases were different, as described in
105 videos. We stagger a set of five reference videos every Section 5.1.1 (use of manikins, evaluation of dominance).
20 spontaneous videos creating the following pattern [5, 20, The inter-evaluator agreement for dominance is a ¼ 0:57,
5, 20, 5, 20, 5, 20, 5]. We use the individual sets of five refer- which is lower than the agreement achieved for valence
ence videos to estimate the inter-evaluator agreement at (a ¼ 0:86) and activation (a ¼ 0:70).
that particular stage in the survey. The results from this phase provide insight into the
In this approach, the number of consecutive videos in the workers’ performance as function of time. As described in
reference set should be high enough to consistently estimate Section 5.2.1, we insert five sets of five reference videos in
the worker’s performance. Also, the placement of the refer- the evaluation—we use the [5, 20, 5, 20, 5, 20, 5, 20, 5] pat-
ence set should be frequent enough to identify early signs of tern. We estimate Dust for each set of five reference videos.
fatigue. Unfortunately, these two requirements increase the Fig. 6 shows the average results across the 50 evaluations in
overhead produced by including reference sets in the evalu- phase two. We compute the 95 percent confidence intervals
ation. The number of reference videos (five) and spontane- using the Tukey’s multiple comparisons procedure with
ous videos (twenty) were selected to balance the tradeoff equal sample size. The horizontal axis provides the average
between precision and overhead. time in which each set was completed (i.e., the third set was
We released a HIT on Amazon Turk with 50 assignments completed on average at the 60 minute mark). The solid hor-
(50 assignments ( 105 videos = 5,250 annotations—see izontal line gives the performance achieved in phase one.
Table 1). The HIT was placed using Amazon’s External HIT Values above this line correspond to improvement in inter-
framework using our own server (we need multiple annota- evaluator agreement over the baseline from phase one.
tions per HIT, which is not supported by Amazon’s stan- Fig. 6 shows that, at some point, the workers tire or lose
dard questionnaire form template). We used a MS SQL interest, and their performance drops. We compute the one-
database for data recording. We use the surveys described tailed large-sample hypothesis test about mean differences
in Section 3.2. In this phase, we do not punish a worker for between the annotations in Set 2 and Set 5. The test reveals
being fatigued; we let them finish the survey. that the quality significantly drops between these sets

Fig. 7. Diagram for the proposed online quality assessment evaluation

(phase three). The evaluation stops when (1) the quality of the hits drops
Fig. 6. Average performance versus time for phase two. The error bars below a threshold, (2) the workers quit, or (3) the survey is completed.
represent a 95 percent confidence interval (Tukey’s multiple comparisons
procedure). We report the inter-evaluator agreement using Dust (Eq. (3)).
The circles correspond to the five quality control points in the survey. The Based on the results in Fig. 6, we decide to stop the evalua-
horizontal line represents the quality achieved during phase one. tion when Dust ¼ 0. At this point, the inter-evaluator agree-
ment of the workers would be similar to the agreement
(p-value = 0.0037—asserting significance at p < 0.05). On observed in phase one (see discussion in Section 6.1.3). Fur-
average, we observe this trend after 40 minutes. However, thermore, even when workers provide high quality data
the standard deviation in the performance is large, implying early in the survey, they may tire or lose interest. If
big differences in performance across workers. Fixing the Dust < -0.2 (empirically set), we discard the annotations col-
number of videos per survey is better than one video per lected after their last successful quality control. This
HIT, but it is not an optimal approach due to the differences approach also discards the data from workers that provide
in the exact time when workers start dropping their perfor- unreliable data from the beginning of the survey. This sec-
mance. The proposed approach, instead, can monitor the ond threshold removes about 15 percent of the annotations.
quality of the workers in real time, stopping the evaluation For this phase, we use the MTurk bonus system to
as soon as the quality drops below an acceptable level due dynamically adjust the payment according to the number of
to fatigue or lack of interest. videos evaluated by the worker. We continuously display
the monetary reward in the webpage to encourage the
5.3 Phase Three: Online Quality Assessment worker to continue with the evaluation. We emphasize that
5.3.1 Method the particular details in the implementation such as the
order, the number of reference videos, and the thresholds
After the experience gained on phase one and two, we
can be easily changed depending on the task.
develop the proposed approach to assess the quality of the
annotators in real-time. Fig. 7 describes the block diagram
of the system. In the current implementation, the workers 5.3.2 Analysis
complete a reference set. Following the approach used in The last row of Table 1 gives the information about this
phase two, each reference set consists in five videos with phase. Phase three consists of 50,248 annotations of videos,
known labels from phase one. Then, we let the worker eval- where 5,562 videos received at least five annotations. This
uate 20 videos followed by five more reference videos. set includes videos from Target—improvised, Other—impro-
Therefore, the minimum number of videos per HIT in this vised and Natural interaction datasets. The median number
phase is 30. If the worker does not submit the annotations of videos evaluated per worker is 51 (Table 2). In phase
for these videos, the HIT is discarded and not included in three, the evaluation can stop after 30 videos, if the quality
the analysis. At this point, we have two reference sets evalu- provided by the worker is below the threshold (i.e., mini-
ated by the workers. We estimate the average value for Dust mum number of videos evaluated per worker is 30—
(see Eq. (3)). If this value is greater than a predefined thresh- Table 2). In these cases, 10 videos out of the 30 correspond
old, the worker is allowed to continue with the survey. At to reference videos. Therefore, the overhead for this phase
this point, the worker can leave the evaluation at any time. is larger than the overhead in phase two (28 percent). Unlike
Every 20 videos, we include five reference videos, evaluat- other phases, the gender proportions are unbalanced, with a
ing the performance of the worker. We stop the perfor- higher female population.
mance if the quality is below the threshold. This process Fig. 8a shows the evaluation progression across workers
continues until (1) the worker completes 105 videos (end of for all the evaluations. The horizontal axis provides the
survey), (2) we stop the evaluation (worker falls below evaluation points where we assess the quality of the work-
threshold), or (3) the worker decides to stop the evaluation ers. As explained in Section 5.3.1, we begin to stop evalua-
(worker quits early). tions after the second evaluation point. The workers
An important parameter in the proposed approach is the completed 20 videos between evaluation points. We added
threshold for Dust used to stop the evaluation. If this threshold a gray horizontal line to highlight the selected threshold.
is set too high, we would stop most of the evaluations after We use dashed lines to highlight the annotations that are
few iterations, increasing the time to collect the evaluation. If discarded after applying the second threshold when
the threshold is set too low, the quality will be compromised. Dust < %0:2 (see Section 5.3.1). Fig. 8b shows 50 evaluations

Fig. 9. Percentage of the evaluations that ended either after each of the
evaluation points (starting from the second check point), or after the
worker decided to quit the survey.

videos, we collect more than five annotations. In these cases,

we randomly select five of them to estimate this statistic. We
repeat this approach 10 times, and we report the average
kappa statistic value. The kappa statistic for phase three is
higher than the ones achieved in phase one and two. An
interesting case is the performance achieved over the refer-
ence videos (i.e., Target—improvised). When we compare
the kappa statistic for phase one and three, we observe
improvement from k ¼ 0:397 to k ¼ 0:497 (relative improve-
ment of 25.2 percent). For the entire corpus, the kappa
statistic increases from k ¼ 0:402 to k ¼ 0:487 (relative
improvement of 21.1 percent). To assess whether the differ-
ences are statistically significant, we use the two-tailed z-
Fig. 8. Progression of the evaluation during phase three. The gray solid test proposed by Congalton and Green [7]. We assert signifi-
line shows the baseline performance from phase one (a) global trends cance when p < 0.05. In both cases, we observe that the
across all the evaluations, and (b) performance for 50 randomly selected
evaluations to visualize trends per worker.
improvement between phases is significant (p-value <
0.05). Furthermore, we are able to evaluate the corpus with
randomly sampled to better visualize and track the trends five annotations per video, which is higher than what is fea-
per worker. The figures illustrate the benefits of the sible in laboratory conditions when the size of the corpus is
approach, where evaluations are stopped when Dust was large. Notice that the reference videos were evaluated on
less than zero. By comparing the performance with the gray average by 20.0 workers.
line at Dust ¼ 0, we can directly observe the improvement in The last row of Table 5 gives the Cronbach’s alpha statis-
performance over the ones achieved in phase one (most of tic for valence, activation and dominance. The inter-evalua-
the evaluations are over the gray line). tor agreement values are very similar to the ones reported
Fig. 9 shows the percentage of the evaluations that ended for phase two. Notice that we do not include this metric in
after each of the evaluation points (starting from the second the assessment of the workers’s performance. Therefore, we
check point). It also shows the percentage that quit the eval- do not observe the same improvements achieved on the
uation at any point. The figure shows that only 7.7 percent five-class emotional problem. Our future work will consider
of the workers reached the fifth evaluation point, finishing a multidimensional metric that incorporates the workers’
the entire survey. In 33.8 percent of the evaluations, the performance across all questions in the survey.
worker decided to quit the survey, usually between set 2
and set 3. Notice that paid workers were allowed to quit 6 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION
only after set 2. Our method stopped 58.5 percent of the
This section analyzes the labels derived from the proposed
evaluations due to low inter-evaluator agreement provided
by the workers. online quality assessment method (Section 6.1). We com-
As explained in Section 4, we evaluate the performance pare the method with common pre-filter and post-filter
of the workers in terms of the proposed angular similarity methods (Section 6.2), and we briefly describe the emotional
metric. Table 3 shows that the angle is higher than the content of the corpus (Section 6.3). This section will also dis-
angles for phase one (single video per HIT) and two (multi- cuss how to generalize this approach to other problems
ple videos without online quality assessment). We achieve a (Section 6.4) and the limitations of implementing this
377 percent relative improvement on this metric between approach (Section 6.5).
phase two and three (from 1.57 to 5.93 degree). This result
demonstrates the benefits of using the proposed approach 6.1 Analysis of the Workers’ Performance
in crowdsourcing tasks. 6.1.1 Time Versus Quality
Table 4 shows the inter-evaluator agreement in terms of Many studies have proposed post-filters to eliminate HITs
kappa statistics. For some videos, especially our reference when the duration to complete the task is higher than a

Fig. 10. Performance of the annotation in terms of the time taken by par-
ticipants to assess each video. The quality decreases when the duration
of the annotation increases.

given threshold [6]. Given the size of this evaluation (59,341

annotations), we can study the relationship between time
per annotation and quality of the ratings. For phase three,
we group the annotations into four groups according to the
time taken to complete the annotation (0 < t ) 30 s,
30s < t ) 60 s, 60 s < t ) 100 and 100 s ) t). Fig. 10 gives Fig. 11. Evaluation conducted to set the threshold to stop the evaluation.
the average values for Dust for videos within each group. The analysis was simulated over the results from Phase 2. The peak
The quality of the ratings is inversely related to the time of performance is achieved with Dust < %14$ .
required to complete the task. A longer duration may be
correlated with fatigue, as the annotators fail to keep their Initially, we use the results from phase two to set the
focus in the task. Fig. 6 shows that the average time between threshold by simulating the online quality assessment algo-
the last two reference sets in phase two is longer (approxi- rithm over the 50 evaluations. We only kept the evaluations
mately 30 minutes), supporting this hypothesis. This result until the performance dropped below a given threshold. We
suggests that removing annotations with longer durations estimated the average angular similarity metric as a function
is effective, which can be included in future extension of of this threshold. Fig. 11 shows the expected performance
this work by stopping the evaluation when average dura- that we would have achieved in phase two if we had imple-
tion is above a threshold. mented the different values of the threshold. This analysis
led us to stop the evaluation when Dust < %14$ . This thresh-
old is lower than Dust = 0 used in the final evaluation, result-
6.1.2 Learning Effect
ing in more forgiving setting. After a small subset of the
Fig. 6 suggests a learning effect in phase two, where work- evaluations was collected, we determined that the amount of
ers improve their performance after evaluating multiple rejected workers was quite low, and the overall quality of the
videos. When we compare the kappa statistic between data was not improving as we expected. Our initial results
phase one (k=0.402) and phase two (k=0.466) the differences showed an improvement in the angular similarity metric of
are significantly different (two-tailed z-test proposed by only 3.65 degree, a lower performance than the one achieved
Congalton and Green [7], with p-value =1.49e-10). Since the by rejecting workers with Dust < 0 (5.93 degree—see Table 3).
only difference between these phases is the number of vid- We realized that “good” workers in phase three can quit,
eos included in each HIT, we conclude that there is a benefit which was not the case in phase two. Using a more strict
in evaluating multiple videos. threshold increased the quality in the evaluation.
An interesting question is whether we observe learning
effect on phase one, where we allow workers to complete 6.2 Comparison to Other Methods
multiple one-video HITs. To address this questions, we
This section compares the proposed approach with com-
remove the first five annotations provided by each worker
mon pre-filter and post-filter approaches. We conduct a
in phase one for the videos from the reference sets. Then,
small case study, where we release a set of evaluations to
we measure the Fleiss’s Kappa from the remaining anno-
annotate 100 videos from the Target—improvised dataset. We
tations (Phase 1-Ref.). If we consider only the videos with
request five annotations per video resulting in 500 HITs,
five annotations (337 videos), we observe that the agree-
using the same questionnaire of phase one (Figs. 4 and 5).
ment is k ¼ 0:417. If we estimate the Fleiss’s Kappa statis-
Unlike the loose pre-filters chosen for our original phase
tic over videos with at least four annotations (563 videos),
one (85 percent approval rate living in the United States),
the agreement is k ¼ 0:412. These results show a
we require workers living in the United States who have
modest improvement from kappa statistics for phase one
completed at least 100 HITs at an approval rate of 98 per-
(k ¼ 0:397—Table 4).
cent. By raising the requirements, we aim to replicate pre-
processing methods that aim to improve the quality by
6.1.3 Setting a Threshold Based on Performance restricting the evaluation to more qualified workers. In total,
Notice that the labels from phase one are only used as refer- 31 workers participated in this evaluation. The Fleiss’ kappa
ence (see Eq. (3)). We only evaluate whether the new anno- achieved with this method is only k ¼ 0:35. We can directly
tations in phase three increase or reduce the agreement compare the pre-filter method with the results obtained
observed in phase one (changes in Dust ). Therefore, we from phase three when we only consider the same set of 100
hypothesize that increasing the agreement of the reference videos (four videos were discarded since they were not
set will not change the results reported here. Setting a suit- evaluated five time in phase three). When we consider the
able threshold for Dust is more important than having first five annotations per video, the Fleiss’ kappa is k ¼
slightly higher agreement in the reference set. 0:599. The difference is statistically significant (two-tailed

z-test, 0.05 threshold, with p-value < 0.05). The pre-filter TABLE 6
method is also statistically lower than the quality achieved Confusion Matrix between Individual Annotations and Consen-
by our method across all the turns (k=0.487—see Table 4). sus Labels Derived with Majority Vote (WA: Without Agreement)
When we estimate the angular similarity metric, Dust , the Majority Vote
average angular difference is Dust = %4.58$ for the pre-filter
Angry Sad Happy Neutral Others WA
method. The negative sign implies that the quality is even

lower than the results achieved in phase one with less Ang 0.76 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.13
restrictive requirements. Studies have shown that increas- Sad 0.04 0.79 0.01 0.07 0.08 0.15
Hap 0.02 0.01 0.86 0.08 0.07 0.20
ing filter on workers prior acceptance rate does not neces-
Neu 0.12 0.13 0.10 0.76 0.19 0.38
sary increases the inter-evaluator agreement. Eickhoff and Oth 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.58 0.14
de Vries [11] showed that adding a 99 percent acceptance
rate pre-filter gives a minor decrease in cheating (from 18.5
to 17.7 percent), while restricting the evaluations to workers We estimated the average scores assigned to videos for
in the the United States reduces cheating from 18.5 to 5.4 valence, activation and dominance. Fig. 12 gives the distribu-
percent. Morris and McDuff [23] highlighted that workers tion for these emotional attributes for all the videos in the
can easily boost their performance ratings. In contrast, MSP-IMPROV corpus. While many of the videos received
our method increases the angular similarity metric to neutral scores (* 3), there are many turns with low and high
Dust ¼ 5:93$ (Dust ¼ 7:36$ when we only consider the videos values of valence, activation, and dominance. The corpus
selected for this evaluation). provides a useful resource to study emotional behaviors.
We also explore post-processing methods. The most com-
mon method is to remove the workers with lower inter-
6.4 Generalization of the Framework
evaluator agreement (e.g., the lower 10th percentile of
for Other Tasks
the annotators [26]). Following this approach, we remove
We highlight that the results and methodology presented in
the worst three workers, who were identified by estimating
this study also extend to other fields relying on repetitive
the difference in Fleiss Kappa statistic achieved with and
tasks performed by na€ıve annotators without advanced
without each worker. When the worker is included, the
qualifications (video and audio transcriptions, object detec-
evaluation considers five annotators, and when the worker
tion, text translation, event detection, video segmentation).
is excluded, the kappa statistic is estimated from four anno-
This section describes the steps to implement or adapt the
tators. The average angular similarity metric increases to
proposed online quality assessment system.
Dust = %2.61$ . This value is still lower than our proposed
Fig. 1 shows the conceptual framework behind the pro-
method (Dust ¼ 5:93$ —Table 3).
posed approach. The first step is to pre-evaluate a reduced
set of the tasks to define the reference set. We emphasize
6.3 Emotional Content of the Corpus that this set should be similar to the rest of the tasks so the
This section briefly describes the emotional content of participants are not aware when they are being evaluated.
the corpus for all the datasets. Considering all the The second step is to create surveys where videos from the
phases, the mean number of annotations per dataset is reference set and the rest of the annotations are interleaved.
as follows: (standard deviations in parentheses): Target— An important aspect is defining how many and how often
improvised 28.2 (4.6); Other—improvised 5.3 (1.0); and, Nat- to add reference questions in the HIT. In the design used in
ural interaction 5.4 (1.1). Further details are provided in our study, the time between evaluation points was probably
Busso et al. [5]. too long (Fig. 6). In retrospect, increasing the time resolution
For the five emotional classes (anger, happiness, sadness, may have resulted in a more precise detection of the stop-
neutral and others), we derive consensus labels using ping point in the evaluation (e.g., by including reduced
majority vote. Table 6 gives the confusion matrix between number of reference sets, but more often).
the consensus labels and the individual annotations. The An interesting application of the proposed approach is
table also provides labels assigned to videos without major- online training of workers. By using the proposed online
ity vote agreement (“WA” column). The main confusions in quality assessment, the workers can learn from early mis-
the table are between emotional classes and neutrality takes, steepening the learning curve.
(fourth row). All other confusions between classes are less The standard questionnaire template from MTurk
than 8 percent. does not support a multi-page, multi-question survey with

Fig. 12. Distribution of scores assigned to the videos for (a) valence, (b) activation, and (c) dominance.

real-time quality metric tracking estimation. Our implemen- evaluating multiple videos provided better inter-evaluator
tation uses a HTML + Javascript front end that is compatible agreement than evaluating one video per HIT. The results
with most modern browsers paired with a PHP backend to from this phase also revealed a drop in performance associ-
load data into a MS SQL database. Our media, code, and ated with fatigue, starting approximately after 40 minutes.
database are hosted on a web-enabled server. This code is Phase three presented our novel approach, where videos
implemented in MTurk with the help of the External HIT from the reference set were included in the evaluation, facil-
framework. We plan to release our code as open source to itating the evaluation in real time of the inter-evaluator
the community, along with documentation so that the setup agreement provided by the worker. With this information,
is easy to repeat. We hope that this will allow other research- we stopped the survey when the quality drops below a
ers to build and improve our approach. given threshold. As a result, we effectively mitigated the
problem of fatigue or lack of interest by using reference vid-
6.5 Limitations of the Approach eos to monitor the quality of the evaluations. We improved
One challenge of the proposed approach is recruiting many inter-evaluator agreement by approximately six degrees as
workers in a short amount of time. It seems that workers measured by the proposed angular similarity metric
would rather complete many short HITs than completing (Eq. (3), Table 3). The annotation with this approach also
long surveys. We used the bonus system to reward the produced higher agreement in terms of kappa statistic.
workers based on the number of evaluated videos. There- An important aspect of the approach is that the reference
fore, the workers may not have realized that providing videos are similar to the rest of the videos to be evaluated.
quality annotations was more convenient for them than As a result, the worker is not aware when he/she is being
completing other available short hits (the listing of the HIT evaluated, solving an intrinsic problem in detecting
only had the base payment for the first 30 videos). Further- spammers using crowdsourcing. By including reference
more, the evaluation should be designed with time to videos across the evaluation, we were able to detect early
accommodate for the annotation of the reference set. signs of fatigue or lack of interest. This is an important bene-
Another limitation of the approach is the 28 percent over- fit of the proposed approach, which is not possible with
head due to the reference sets (Table 1—phase three). The other filtering techniques used in crowdsourcing based
overhead can be reduced by modifying the design of the evaluations.
evaluation (e.g., evaluating the quality with fewer videos, Further work on this project includes creating a multi-
increasing the time between check points). In our case, col- dimensional filter that considers not only the primary emo-
lecting extra annotations for the reference set was not a tion, but also other part of the survey. In phase three, we do
problem since Target—improvised are the most important not observe improvements in inter-evaluator agreement for
videos for our project. These 652 videos have at least 20 valence, activation, and dominance. An open question is to
annotations on average, providing a unique dataset to explore potential improvements by considering comprehen-
explore interesting questions about how to annotate emo- sive metrics capturing all the facets of the survey.
tions (e.g., studying the balance between quantity and qual-
ity in the annotations, comparing errors made by classifiers ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and humans). The authors would like to thank Emily Mower Provost for
The Fleiss’ kappa values achieved by the proposed the discussion and suggestions on this project. This study
approach are generally considered to fall in the “moderate was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant
agreement” range. Emotional behaviors in conversational IIS 1217104 and a NSF CAREER award (IIS-1453781).
speech convey ambiguous emotions, making the perceptual
evaluation a challenging task. Many of the related studies REFERENCES
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[25] E. Mower Provost, I. Zhu, and S. Narayanan, “Using emotional student member of the IEEE.
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pp. 263–270.

Srinivas Parthasarathy received the BS degree Carlos Busso (S’02-M’09-SM’13) received the
in electronics and communication engineering BS and MS degrees with high honors in electrical
from the College of Engineering Guindy, Anna engineering from the University of Chile, San-
University, Chennai, India, in 2012 and the MS tiago, Chile, in 2000 and 2003, respectively, and
degree in electrical engineering from the Univer- the PhD degree in 2008 in electrical engineering
sity of Texas at Dallas—UT Dallas in 2014. He is from the University of Southern California (USC),
currently working toward the PhD degree in elec- Los Angeles, in 2008. He is an associate profes-
trical engineering at UT Dallas. During the aca- sor at the Electrical Engineering Department,
demic year 2011-2012, he attended as an University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). He was
exchange student The Royal Institute of Technol- selected by the School of Engineering of Chile as
ogy (KTH), Sweden. At UT Dallas, he received the best electrical engineer graduated in 2003
the Ericsson Graduate Fellowship during 2013-2014. He joined the Multi- across Chilean universities. At USC, he received a provost doctoral fel-
modal Signal Processing (MSP) laboratory in 2012. In summer and fall lowship from 2003 to 2005 and a fellowship in Digital Scholarship from
2014, he interned at Bosch Research and Training Center working on 2007 to 2008. At UTD, he leads the Multimodal Signal Processing (MSP)
Audio Summarization. His research interest includes the area of affec- laboratory [http://msp.utdallas.edu]. He received the US National Sci-
tive computing, human machine interaction, and machine learning. He is ence Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award. In 2014, he received the ICMI
a student member of the IEEE. 10-Year Technical Impact Award. He also received the Hewlett Packard
Best Paper Award at the IEEE ICME 2011 (with J. Jain). He is the co-
author of the winner paper of the Classifier Sub-Challenge event at the
Interspeech 2009 emotion challenge. His research interests include digi-
tal signal processing, speech and video processing, and multimodal
interfaces. His current research includes the broad areas of affective
computing, multimodal human-machine interfaces, modeling and syn-
thesis of verbal and nonverbal behaviors, sensing human inter- action,
in-vehicle active safety system, and machine learning methods for multi-
modal processing. He is a member of ISCA, AAAC, and ACM, and a
senior member of the IEEE.

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