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David Lukas Wenzler

What is ROS
ROS = Robot Operating System
• First stable release 2009/02/10 (ROS 0.4)

History / Development of ROS

2007 2009 Community all over the
• Stanford University • Willow Garage • Hobbyist
• Stanford-AI-Robot- • Silicon Valley • Researcher
Projektes (STAIR)
• Menlo Park, • Industry
Why ROS?
• Unified communication framework for sensors,
actuators and computers
• Software can be reused
• Easy simulation of the robot
• Record and play back sensor data

• → Standardized framework for robot development
How does ROS work?
PUB-SUB design pattern
• ROS uses a publish–subscribe design pattern

publishes a message to a topic (named logical channels)
Subscribes to a topic

Publishers Subscribers
(senders of messages) (receiver of messages)

→ Important: Subscriber will only receive messages of subscribed topics

→ Filtering of the messages
How does ROS work?
PUB-SUB design pattern
• Example of the PUP-SUB pattern

→ Important: Puplisher and Subscriber don´t know each other
How does ROS work?
ROS basic architecture
• Nodes: Executables, the computation is done here
• Master: Registration and lookup service for al other nodes
• Parameter Server: Central data storage for the nodes during runtime
• Messages: Data send to other nodes
• Topic: Buses used by nodes to transmit data
• Services: Used to communicate with nodes and receive a reply
• Bags: All information of the communication is stored here
How does ROS work?
ROS basic architecture

• Open source project

• Interfaces for common industrial devices
(manipulators, grippers, sensors, and device networks)
• Includes libraries for common industrial applications
(2D/3D sensor calibration, process path/motion planning, ...)
• Collaboration with the industries big players like Microsoft or BMW
ROS industrial - Video
Live ROS Example
A lsmall live example using a virtual machine and ROS to control a
turtle simulation of the “turtlesim” package

1. Starting of the Master node: roscore

2. Starting of the visualization tool: rqt_graph
3. Starting of the simulation node: turtlesim turtlesim_node
4. Starting of the keyboard input node to control the velocity of the
turtle: turtlesim turtle_teleop_key
Thank you for your attention

Any questions?
• Fernández, Enrique, et al. Learning ROS for Robotics Programming, Packt
Publishing Ltd, 2013. ProQuest Ebook Central,
• Quigley, Morgan, et al. "ROS: an open-source Robot Operating
System." ICRA workshop on open source software. Vol. 3. No. 3.2. 2009.
• Jason M. O'Kane. A Gentle Introduction to ROS. CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform, 1st edition, 2014. ISBN 978-14-92143-23-9

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