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In today’s rapidly changing business environment, organizations have to respond quickly to

requirements for people. Organizations have increasingly recognized the potential for their people
to be a source of competitive advantage. Not too long ago, so called HR functions was the preserve
of Personnel Manager, whose duties were to recruit and select, appraise, promote and demote.
These superficial duties could be performed by any manager, it therefore never seemed necessary
to employ an expert in the form of a human resource manager let alone create a whole department
dedicated to HRM. Little attention was paid to human resource management issues and its impact
on employee performance. The emphasis on traditions and socio-cultural issues injected an
element of subjectivity in personnel manager functions such as recruitment and selection,
performance appraisal, promotion, demotion, and compensation. But now, the human resource
acting as an active indicator of the organization has witnessed growth which has manifold for last
few years. Many private players have entered the economy thereby increasing the level of
competition and also the role of the manpower on the organization. In the competitive scenario it
has become a challenge for each company to adopt practices that would help the human resource
to satisfy and put in all their efforts in order for organization to stand out in the market. The
competitiveness of a company of an organization is measured through the quality of products and
services offered to customers that are unique from others. Only the product cannot make a
differentiation in the market but an active role of the quality of the human resource factor also
plays as a coherent factor influencing the organizational culture and market effectiveness. Thus
the best services offered to the consumers are result of the genius brains working behind them.
Human Resource in this regard has become an important function in any organization. All practices
of marketing and finances can be easily emulated but the capability, the skills and talent of a person
cannot be emulated. Hence, it is important to have a well satisfied human resource, which can be
executed effectively to get the best fits for the vacant positions. Utilizing the skills of the
employees of the organization by properly analysing the talents that one entails and also working
on providing them with ample opportunities to showcase their skills and driving a positive impact
on the organization, thereby improving the employee performance at large. Therefore an effective

human resource management system will lead to a strong organizational culture contributing to an
effective and efficient manpower.

So, maintaining the employee satisfaction is extremely important for an organisation to survive in
the market. The term has been brought to light by brought to limelight by Hop pock (1935).
According to him job satisfaction is a combination of Psychological, Physiological &
environmental factor that makes a person to admit, “I am happy at my job”. It has also been
defined as the ‘end state of feeling’ it is an important dimension of moral and not moral itself.

Job satisfaction has been considered as a state of condition where people are:

1. Induced to do work efficiently and effectively;

2. Convinced to remain in the enterprise;
3. Prepared to act efficiently during contingencies;
4. Prepared to welcome the changes;
5. Interested in promoting the image of the organization
6. More happy and satisfied with their job.

Job satisfaction is an individual feeling, which could be caused by a variety of factors. Job
satisfaction is a distributive phenomenon. Job satisfaction refers to a general attitude towards work
by an individual worker.

There are two variables, which determine the job satisfaction-

1. Organizational

2. Personal

The level of job determines the job satisfaction. The higher the level of the job, the greater the
satisfaction of the individual. This is because of higher level jobs carry greater prestige and self-
control. This relationship between occupational level and job satisfaction stems for social reference

group theory, in that our society value some jobs more than others. Hence people in valued jobs
will like them more than those who are in non-valued jobs. The relationship may also stem from
the need fulfilment theory. People in higher-level jobs find most of their needs satisfied than when
they are in lower-level ones. In addition, there are also other organizational variables like job
content, type of leadership, pay and promotional prospects, interaction in the work group, which
affects job satisfaction of a person.

The personal variables like age, educational level, sex and so on are also responsible for
satisfactions are dissatisfaction of some people.

The different aspects that largely affect the job satisfaction are as under:

 Opportunity to learn a job.

 Steadiness of employment.
 Supervision.
 Pay.
 Cooperativeness.
 Working condition
 Cleanliness.
 Working hours.
 Communication.
 Recognition.
 Individual adjustment.
 Group relationship outside the job.
 Workload
 Stress level
 Respect for co-workers
 Relationship with supervisors


The studies primarily aims at what is employee engagement and how it is done in organization.
It is also aims at how it help to retain employees in concern.

The study is carried out in Godrej and Boyce manufacturing ltd sub unit (GLOBAL INTERIO) to
find out the level of employee engagement in the organization.

The study focus on the factors that affect the inner instincts of the employee and motivate them to
contribute to the organisation.

GODREJ has been a brand from a long time and they are continuously operating on their HR
practises in order to achieve employee satisfaction.


The topic of study is to first analyse what is employee engagement, and how, why it is essential.

Coverage –The extent and limitation

The companies at large face problem of dispirited and deterred employees that lead to a low bend
to organizational effectiveness. Thus, throughout the year various human resource management
process are carried in order to boost the morale of the employees and stimulate them towards
vigorous task force. The project is based on the study of employee management and satisfaction
process. The various recommendations suggested have been the result of the study. The idea is to
generate ways of dealing with turnovers and making organizational culture more manageable and

To pursue these, the human resource management policies of the company are studied. By studying
the human resource management process, the initiatives taken, areas unheeded, new policies
formulated, the areas where improvement can be bought about can be identified.

A study of the GODREJ GROUP has been taken where the complete recruitment and selection
process of the GODREJ GROUP has been studied. The impact of the HR POLICIES AND
STRATEIES is taken in consideration and how these policies has made an influential impact on
the job satisfaction and performance of the employees is analysed. The GODREJ group has made
its name among the best employers and among the INDIA’S best workplace 2016.Godrej is
achieving new heights in the field of employee development and is also using the virtual
technology to ensure the wellbeing of their employees.


The Evolution of Godrej

1897 - Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. was established.

1918 - Godrej Soaps Limited was incorporated.

1971- Godrej Agro vet Limited began as an Animal Feeds division of Godrej Soaps.

1974 - Veg oils division in Wadala, Mumbai was acquired.

1990 - Godrej Properties Limited, another subsidiary, was established.

1991 - Foods business started. Godrej Agrovet Limited was incorporated.

1994 - Transelektra Domestic Products was acquired.

1995 - Transelektra forged a strategic alliance with Sara Lee USA.

1999 - Transelektra was named Godrej Sara Lee Limited.

2001 - Godrej Consumer Products was formed as a result of the demerger of Godrej Soaps Limited.

Godrej Soaps was renamed Godrej Industries Limited.

2002 - Godrej Tea Limited was set up.

2003 - We entered the BPO solutions and services space with Godrej Global Solutions Limited.

2004 - Godrej HiCare Limited was set up to provide a Safe Healthy Environment to customers by

providing professional pest management services.

2006 - The foods business was merged with Godrej Tea and Godrej Tea was renamed Godrej

Beverages & Foods Limited.

2007 - Godrej Beverages & Foods Limited formed a JV with The Hershey Company of North

America and the company was renamed Godrej Hershey Foods & Beverages Limited.

2008 – Godrej logo colour changed.

Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd

Godrej & Boyce manufactures a spectrum of consumer products and industrial products. The
Consumer products include Appliances (Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Air Conditioners,
Microwaves, and DVD Players), Locks, Furniture, Security Equipment, Office Automation,
Conferencing Solutions, and vending Machines. Industrial Products include Storage Solutions,
Automated Warehousing, Material Handling Equipment, Process Equipment, Precision
Components & Systems, Machine Tool Service, Electrical & Electronic, Tooling, and
Construction Material & Services.

Established in 1897, the Company was incorporated with limited liability on March 3, 1932, under
the Indian Companies Act, 1913.

38 Company-owned Showrooms,
More than

2,200Wholesale Dealers,

18,000 Retail Outlets.

The Company has Representative Offices in Sharjah (UAE), Nairobi (Kenya), Colombo (Silence)
and Riyadh (Saudi Arab)

Description of the Company:

To the faithful the Godrej narrative starts with an event a young man gave up law and took unlock
making. For, have no other young men before and since taken similar decisions and made good?
What was spectacular and unique was not the event. Events in the godrej story are only the small
visible pieces of a larger, continuously emerging picture witch event in 1897 had already formed,
Invisible to the word, yet alive and palpable in the mind of one man: the young lawyer-turned-lock

Ardeshir Burjorijee Godrej. Ardeshir Godrej was different. He was intensely interested in the now
but only in relation to the always. Time present was important but he was convinced the timeless
was what one should strive for. His lock was his first demonstration of the fact that we could do it
the first stroke in making his picture a reality. It is all very well to dream of durability. Ardeshir
knew that it does not just happen. It had to be built into the very concept and design of every
product. In a manner of speaking a product had to stand the test of time, before it actually existed.
Thus was he led to develop a fireproofing compound for his new line of business-safes? This
compound, he said could deafly the most catastrophic fires. (Years later he was proved right when
Bombay was rocked by the terrible dock explosion of 1944. mortar and mangled bodies lay
scattered over a mile radius. Among the cinders and the rubble, his safes were found-contents

unsigned, even the onionskin letterheads instate!)His locks and his safes were meeting with
acceptance. The picture was taking shape; the background was right and he perspective clear. It
was left to another man to enlarge the canvas to stunning and rewarding proportions.
Division of Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Ltd.

There are mainly division of Godrej & Boyce mfg. ltd those are:







Godrej Interio is India’s largest furniture brand. It is a business unit of Godrej & Boyce Mfg.
Co. Ltd. - part of the Godrej Group, one of India’s largest engineering and consumer product
From manufacturing the humble Trowel cupboard 80 years back to being a vibrant, innovative
brand with a diverse portfolio. .

They love bringing alive the dream space. They emphasize comfort and aesthetics while
delivering well designed, fun and functional furniture solutions to you.
True to the Godrej mission to conserve the environment, the products design, set up processes
and use raw material that is eco-friendly.

They offer their customers home and office furniture, along with solutions for laboratories,
hospitals and healthcare establishments, education and training institutes, shipyards and navy,
auditoriums and stadiums. They are present across India through our 50 exclusive showrooms in
18 cities and through 800 dealer outlets.









Godrej in Every Home and Work place.

Mission: -
Enriching quality of life
Everyday everywhere

Integrity/Trust/To serve respect/Environment

Business Strategy:-

R&D system

 Approach
1. Durability
2. Reliability
3. Focus Foundation
 Dimensions:
1. Economical
2. Environmental
3. Social Issues



 Advantages of proposition, no.1 brand in India.

 Capabilities
 Competitive advantages
 USP's (unique selling points)
 Resources, Assets, People likes majority of
 Experience, knowledge, data
 Financial reserves, likely returns
 Marketing - reach, distribution, awareness
 Location and geographical
 Value, quality


 Not easily available due to selected shop

 Customer think it is costly in some extant
 Out of presence and reach of lower family
 Lack of distributors in some selected area


 Market developments Processes of sliding channel in future

 Brighter future in market
 Customer satisfied with brand name so high demand
 We should try for Global influences
 New markets establish in particular channel product
 New strategic plan for unique selling price
 Business and product development in future
 Volumes, production, & economics through sliding channel


 Competitor effects in substitute product

 Competitor intentions - various
 Market demand may be increase or decrease
 Seasonality effects so launch before right time


LOUD programme: It is a unique campus engagement program targeted at the students from
leading business school. Live out Ur Dream (LOUD) program gives an opportunity to the students
to realize their personal dreams which would have been inside them and did not get any chance to
materialize due to some constraints. This program is run during the summer internship period of
the business schools where the students who win will get a sponsorship of Rest. 1.5 lack to turn
their dreams into reality through continuous mentorship support from senior executives of Godrej
followed by pre-placement offer.

100 leaders programme: In this innovative initiative, top 100 employees are identified across the
organisation having the leadership potential in them. These employees are differentiated, trained
and their careers are tracked for their grooming in the leadership roles in future.

Careers 2.0: This is a unique opportunity for women who are willing to come back to restart their
corporate life after a break for whatever reasons may it be. This program gives potential women a
second career having a minimum of two years of experience in any function of management. They
are assigned for live business projects across functions and sectors initially from 3 to 6 months. It
can be a part time or even full time. During this project period, guide or the co-owner will support
the project trainee as well as the trainee will be under the mentorship of a senior leader.

Bedhadak Bolo: This practice encourages the employee to speak up and express their views and
opinion frankly and fearlessly without any hesitation. This practice has enabled many employees
to come forward and bring changes which lead to meaningful innovations in product, services and
processes making the company shine. When any employee raises its voice for a betterment of the
organizational policies and processes, other employee also feel encouraged and come out with
relevant innovative solutions. This creates a culture of openness and transparency.

Agile working Culture: Godrej offers flexible options to work from home with part time working
opportunities too. In fact the Godrej is one the exceptional Indian company having a policy of
paternity leave of up to 2 weeks. All area sales managers will be entitled for 5 days working for
two weeks in a month.

Godrej Fellows Program: Under this HR practice, 12 to 15 people, under 30 years of age is being
handpicked by Godrej who possess exceptional innovative proposals that will help the company
to progress.


Various orientation programmes are carried out in GODREJ to provide better introduction of
new employees to their working environment. Some of them are as follows:
: Godrej Accelerated Learning, Leadership and Orientation programme
A one year programme that will make people’s transition from B-school to the work place an
exciting and fulfilling experience. At Godrej they believe that the first few years are crucial to
future success. On-the-job-training is very important for any newcomer but they need more than
just the basics to succeed.

GALLOP is a holistic programme that looks at all the spheres of development, from on the job
learning to training and from orientation to leadership. The programme is designed to give a
person the best possible start to a great, galloping career.
Finding one’s bearings and getting to know the business, theindustry and the people who make it
tick are very important.
They will also build close relationships with the other Gallopers in the programme - Here they
will forge relationships that will last them a lifetime. During this month, they will have informal
interactions with the senior management. Orientation does not stop after a month. They will
remain in close contact with other Gallopers through a shared 'GALLOP Stable' - room dedicated
to their programme where they can interact, study or just kick back with a cup of chai. If based in
Mumbai, they also have the option to share apartments (2 or 3 to an apartment) that are located
in their beautiful campus. Typically 80% of Gallopers live in these apartments creating the same
kind of camaraderie and bonding that one usually finds on college campuses. Every Galloper is
assigned a mentor. The mentor is normally a senior Leader with at least 10 years of experience.
She or he will guide the person through career choices and tough business decisions. In turn, the
person will be expected to 'reverse mentor' i.e. to share his/her knowledge and ideas freely with
their senior, so as to also let their seniors learn from them.
 ACE - Accelerated Careers for Executives:
ACE is a one-year induction programme for executives,
Whichprovidethem with a holistic view of functioning of company, cross functionalprojects and
Cross company and SBU projects within the Godrej group. For example: This is a typical career
progression path of a Fresh Engineer, just out of college. Traditionally, it takes almost five years
for an engineer to become a manager. Whereas through ACE, an engineer is empowered to
become a manager in just three to four years.


Smile Train

A ‘smile’ is perhaps one of the best gifts God has bestowed on us. It helps to forget worries,
sorrows and shortcomings. Some of us are however less fortunate, to be deprived of this
precious gift due to a birth defect commonly known as a Cleft Lip and Palate. Children with
these defects are unable to suckle or chew properly. .

Godrej Memorial Hospital (GMH) along with a US based NGO ‘Smile Train’ conducts a
program, for helping these very children from poor families. The program consists of primary
consultation and screening followed by expert plastic surgery. The operation lasts for anywhere
between 45 min. to three hours depending on the extent and complexity of the defect. Several of
the patients are offered follow up speech therapy and other support services. Children operated
at a younger age seem to derive optimum benefit. Over 300 surgeries have been successfully
conducted at GMH till date. GMH offers surgery and hospitalization to the patient and one
attendant completely free of cost.


Godrej is running the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon (SCMM) on Jan 17, 2010
to support ALERT India and Vatsalya Trust

Godrej’s association with SCMM started in January 2009 with a team of 30 Godrejites running
for the cause of leprosy, supporting ALERT India.

SCMM, one of India’s largest sporting events, started on 15th February 2004 and is held on the
third Sunday of January every year.

ALERT India is engaged in the early detection of leprosy cases and provides the requisite
treatment without segregation. It works towards spreading awareness about leprosy in the
community so as to eliminate the fear and myths associated with the disease and propagate the
scientific facts about it.

Table for Two

Godrej instituted the Indian chapter of ‘Table for Two’ initiative at the World Economic
Forum’s India Economic Summit in December 2008. This initiative is targeted at addressing
hunger and malnutrition in the developing world by combining the organization’s tradition of
serving society and involvement of individuals.

Godrej pledged to collect funds that would be utilized to provide school children mid-day meals.
The fund was created in three ways. Firstly, a ‘healthy meal’ option was provided in the canteen
menus to the employees. The savings from the reduced use of oil and sugar were diverted to the
central pool of funds for the ‘Table for Two’ initiative. This means that each time an employee
ordered a ‘healthy meal’, the savings contributed to this fund.


Savery (1989) highlighted the job satisfaction of nurses in Perth, Western Australia. The job
satisfaction level of the nurses was mainly due to interesting and challenging work which was
followed by a feeling of achievement wherein, he even said salary was ranked as a very low
satisfier. The job satisfaction level increased as the person grew old where in the variables like
gender, time in hospital, position held were controlled. Organizations should always focus on
satisfying the three basic needs (Individual motivators, Employee Relationships and personal
relationships) of an employee which will in return help the employees in achieving job satisfaction.

Melvin (1993) stated that the environmental design of an organization plays a very important role
in job satisfaction at the same time it also plays an important role in employee’s high job
involvement. A good environmental design of an organization helps in resolving the conflicts and
confusion. The author even cites that it is the responsibility of the management to design the
environment in such a manner
That it reduces the dissatisfaction where in the work tasks, working patterns are properly

MacDiarmid (1999) studied the job satisfaction level of workaholics. He said there are six
variables of workaholic patterns i.e. Workaholics, Enthusiastic Workaholics, Work Enthusiastic,
Unengaged Workers, Relaxed Workers and Disenchanted Workers. The job satisfaction level and
career satisfaction level was much more in Enthusiastic Workaholics, Work Enthusiastic, Relaxed
Workers than Workaholics, Unengaged Workers and Disenchanted Workers because of the future
career prospects, working involvement, drive and Work enjoyment.

Beumont (1982) in his article highlights the job satisfaction level of general household in United
States & Britain where in there is a close fit relationship in U.S than Britain. In the study he found
that in U.S there is a positive relationship between Job Satisfaction and age where as in Britain it
was considerably low.

Partridge (1981) studied the job satisfaction level of women in Britain in which he found that the
job satisfaction level of women was more as compared with black men, as they normally have low
expectations from their jobs. At the same time they have a greater feeling that the alternative jobs
available to them differs very less than those available to them.

Oshagbemi (1997) highlighted on the characteristics of job satisfaction of UK university teachers.

It grouped the university teachers into three categories i.e. “Happy”, “Satisfied”, “Unhappy”.
Satisfied workers had higher job satisfaction level as they enjoyed their primary functions of
teaching & research. Their satisfaction with organizational facilities was also very high. On the
other hand, unsatisfied categories of workers were dissatisfied on all these aspects. This limitation
can be reduced by the management of the organization by taking appropriate steps in reducing the
dissatisfaction and giving a comfort level and a sense
Of belongingness to the employees in the organization and ultimately achieving job satisfaction
leading to more job involvement.

Zaki (2003) explains the job satisfaction and performance of Lebanese banking non-managerial
staff. The researcher found a significant relationship between job satisfaction and gender in

relation to pay and supervision. Only satisfied people in the Organization perform and it is the duty
and responsibility of the organization to take proper care of them. Female employees were more
satisfied with the salary whereas male employees were more satisfied with the supervision. The
author even says at times this may not be relevant because self-ratings are inflated and generally
colleagues’ performance is under rated.

Warn (2003) highlighted on work place dimensions leading to stress & eventually reducing job
satisfaction. Stress is generally experienced due to loss of control of the desired outcomes of the
job. Stress is felt at the work place due to lack of power, role .Conflict and role ambiguity leading
to job dissatisfaction. The concept of controllability brings in a solution in decreasing the stress
and leading to job satisfaction, wherein an individual brings in a mindset of expectations and needs
which is dependent on the individual’s aspirations and control over various aspects of work
situations. A positive working atmosphere like positive learning environment or no harassment
environment or not being fearful in work place helps in reducing stress and achieving job

Ramayah (2011) evaluates within the Malaysian context whether mentoring leads to job
satisfaction. His findings reveal that career mentoring was related to all the dimensions of job
satisfaction. The dimensions of job satisfaction studied here were: job itself, co-workers,
supervisors, and promotion. Mentor plays an important role in higher level of learning always and
it directly results in positive employee outcomes. But, psychological mentoring doesn’t have a
significant relationship with the three factors of job satisfaction (co-workers, job itself and
promotion). It is also stated in the study that because psychological mentoring leads to non-
monetary satisfaction, employees at maximum time don’t value it.
NIR (1999) highlights the academics and their managers’ job satisfaction levels: A comparative
Study. Managers and academics are not able to achieve job satisfaction because they are not
satisfied with the present pay, research and administration and management. Therefore,
organizations have to look forward for the ways to reduce the dissatisfaction level where in they
can make few changes to the code of conduct of the administration and management and helping
the employees to achieve a
Satisfaction level.

Silverthrone (2008) studied the contribution of personality variable locus of control on job
satisfaction and related outcomes such as performance and job stress. Findings reveal that internal
locus of control leads to lower level of job stress and higher level of job satisfaction and
performance. External locus of control doesn’t reduce the job stress whereas internal locus of
control leads to performance and satisfaction by reducing the job stress.

Arts (2010) studies the link between Fringe benefits and job satisfaction. Fringe benefits always
don’t lead to job satisfaction. It is always acceptable to an extent where in the employee has a
feeling that he is able to satisfy his needs. Many a times it is found that it doesn’t match the
requirement of the employee leading to dissatisfaction. Therefore, organizations have to review
their system in a better way which will provide fringe benefits as required and provide employees
every opportunity to avail them, ultimately leading to job satisfaction.

udor and Tookson (2011) discusses about the link between human resource management
practices, job satisfaction and finally the turnover. Supervision, training and pay practices which
are the three variables in HRM Practices are very adversely associated with job satisfaction.
Effective jobs help in achieving job satisfaction with continuous training and good pay. Job
satisfaction is directly related to turnover.

Al-Zoubi (2012) studies the relationship between job satisfaction of various private and public
Jordanian organizations and Salary.
He found that salary is not a prime factor that influences job satisfaction. Though financial effect
is fast but has very sort effect.
Job satisfaction is always a long-term requirement by an organization. Therefore, organizations
should think of innovative ways that will enhance all job aspects including salaries as well as
psycho-social variables that enhances the work life quality. Saleem, Mahmoud and Mahmoud
(2010) study was focused to the mobile telecom services in Pakistan wherein the effect of work
motivation on job satisfaction was studied. Training is perceived to be a regular ongoing process
for systematic progression of employees’ attitude, skill and knowledge in creating motivation
towards their job satisfaction. The HRM system of the organization helps in resolving the issues
of work motivation and job satisfaction.

Kumari and Pandey (2011) states that public sector and private sector both are equally
important for any nation and these two are the basic requirement for any nation to prosper and
grow. Here the job satisfaction level was tested in relation to job ambivalence (the state of
having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something). Higher performance rating was
given to the supervisor when the job ambivalence faced by the employees is less and vice-e-
versa. Job satisfaction and performance has no relation when the job ambivalence increases
towards the job. Therefore, organizations should focus on bringing clarity to the employees
about their work, the process to be followed for the better understanding of the job.

Seniwoliba A.J. (2013) studies the job satisfaction level of teachers in public senior high school
in the Temale Metropolis of Ghana and it was found that extrinsic factors i.e. salary, incentives,
working conditions, security (Medical allowance and future pension benefits) motivates the
employees and helps in achieving job satisfaction effectively. Salary and working conditions
play a larger role in job satisfaction and by enlarge organizations should focus on it always and
take steps for improving it. Equal pay for equal rank has to be preached by organizations.



In general the objective of the study is to study various factors affecting job satisfaction .The
specific objective of the study are:-

 To study the level of job satisfaction of the workers.

 To know the welfare facilities provided by the organisation to the employees.

 To know the degree of effectiveness of the present working environment.

 Employee’s feeling of being motivated by their subordinates & the level

Of cooperation achieved.

 To give suggestive measures to improve the satisfaction level of employees


 Measure Employee Satisfaction

A company is only as strong and successful as its members, its employees, are. By
measuring employee satisfaction in key areas, organizations can gain the information
needed to improve employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity. If the employee
satisfaction is achieved that the rate of turnover of the employees will eventually fall and
this will help in booming the business

 Rapidly growing organization.

When an organization is growing quickly, it is critical to find out how employees feel about
their jobs, the organization, and their fit and future within it.

Descriptive Analysis is used to used to describe the basic features of the data in a study. They
provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures. Together with simple graphics
analysis, they form the basis of virtually every quantitative analysis of data.


The scope of the present study is limited to ‘GODREJ INTERIO’. The study covers all levels of
Employees and various aspects of Employees like: Identifying Employees attitudes towards
various attributes at work place.
This study gives us an insight of how Employees see and perceive about Organization at GODREJ

The data are selected from both the
 Primary Sources
 Secondary Sources
The primary sources are based on taking sample size 33 in Godrej & Boyce Interio.
The secondary sources were collected from internet, published booklet, bulletins and different
reports annual survey booklet of Godrej.
The data so collected were compiled edited and tabulating annually to draw meaningful
conclusion. Some suggestions were given to make this scheme more effective.


The research study was conducted in Yamuna nagar where interaction was done with the
employees working at the GODREJ INTERIO firm.

Sample size refers to the numbers of respondents researcher have selected for the survey. So, 50
sample units of employees were selected.


Questionnaire has been used as the research instrument to conduct the market survey. The
questionnaire consisted closed ended questions designed in such a way that it should gather
maximum information possible.
The questionnaire was a combination of 13 questions. Choices are given so that it is easier for the
respondent to respond from the choices rather they think and reply also it takes lesser time. They
keep on responding and the tick mark was made on the right choice accordingly.


The period of study of this dissertation is from Jan, 2019 to March, 2019.


Despite the maximum effort that has been taken to make this project work a success, the study has
suffered from the following limitations.

 Time factor acted as a major hindrance within a short period of 1 month. It was difficult
to the researcher to collect adequate data for a clear cut analysis.
 Workers were very reluctant to give information due to ignorance and fear.
 The other factors responsible for getting full information on the tendency for some
workers cheat or lie about the actual facts.
 There is some organisation constraint to give full information on his scheme .There are
some confidential reports not easily accessible to the outsiders.


Q.1 Does your job make use of your knowledge, skill and abilities?


9% 6%

very low extent

low extent
fair extent
high extent
very high extent

Knowledge, skill and abilities in an employee play a major role in the assessment of their
satisfaction level. It help in properly performing the task being laid down by the manager.
An employer must properly analyse the talents in the individual and should take steps to effectively
and efficiently make use of the skills of the employees. If the employee’s skills are being valued
by the organisation then the employee will put in more efforts and the satisfaction derived will be
The pie chart presents the data analysis of the employee satisfaction in regard to use of knowledge
at job and the results so retrieved are below.
Analysing the above pie chart low extent is 6%, fair extent is 49%, high extent is 36% and very
extent is 9% among which fair extent is appreciated.

Q.2 Are you satisfied with the safety conditions in your work place?



Axis Title


very low extent low extent fair extent high extent very high extent
Axis Title

A safe work environment is a productive one. No matter the size or type of the
business, workplace safety procedures are a necessity for all staff. Safety measures protect
employees as well as equipment and business property.
Analysing the above responses “High extent” is appreciated.

Therefore it can be concluded that the safety conditions of employees in Godrej is

quite good in drawing employee’s satisfaction.

Q3. Are you satisfied with general amenities (canteen, drinking water etc.) at work?

6% 9%

very low extent

low extent
fair extent
high extent

49% very high extent

Very low extent 0%

Low extent 6%
Fair extent 49%
High extent 36%
Very high extent 9%

Workplace amenities include toilets, shelter sheds, seating, dining rooms, change rooms, drinking
water, personal storage and washing facilities. Amenities must be kept clean, secure and
maintained in good working order.
From the above pie chart fair extent 49% is appreciated which quite is good in
Drawing employee satisfaction.
Q4. Is there cooperation and teamwork among individuals in your work unit?






very low extent low extent fair extent high extent very high extent

Truly the whole is greater than the sum of the parts! Workplace is necessarily composed of
individuals, but a workplace in which these individuals don't work together in positive ways
will never perform to its full potential. Creative teamwork maximizes individuals' strengths and
minimizes their weaknesses, leading to a workplace that is efficient, dynamic and productive.

Analysing the above bar graph fair extent is appreciated which is quite good in drawing employee

Q5.Are you clear of the goals of your work unit?

very low extent low extent fair extent high extent very high extent

0% 0%



Setting goals at work is an interesting balancing act. On the one hand, your workplace goals must
support the company mission. On the other hand, they must be your own. Otherwise, goal-setting is just
a rote, check-the-box exercise.

From the above analysis high extent is 64%, fair extent is 24% and very high extent is 12% among
which high percentage is appreciated.

Therefore it can be concluded that the employees of in Godrej are clear of their goals which is
quite good in driving employee’s satisfaction.

Q6. Are you clear about the overall vision, mission and goals of the company?

very low extent low extent fair extent high extent very high extent


12% 9%



A mission statement is a short statement of why an organization exists, what its overall goal is,
identifying the goal of its operations: what kind of product or service it provides, its primary
customers or market, and its geographical region of operation. Having a complete information
about it is necessary for an organisation to work efficiently.

Analysing the above pie chart very high extent is 0%, low extent is 9%, fair extent is 30 %, high
extent is 49% and very high extent is 12% among which high extent is appreciated.

Therefore it can be concluded that the employees of in Godrej are having clear vision, mission and
goals of the companies which is quite good in drawing employee’s satisfaction.

Q7. Do you receive the information you need to do your job well?

3% 0%


very low extent

low extent
fair extent
52% high extent
very high extent

Disclosure of proper information, accountability and responsibility It is important in order to avoid

coas and perform the tasks in a desired manner.

Analysing the above pie chart “High extent” is appreciated .It can be seen that 52% of the total
sample population of Godrej need to do your job well.

Therefore it can be concluded that the employees in Godrej can do their job well which is quite
good in drawing employees satisfaction.

Q8. Do you receive the regular feedback about your job performance from your


9% 12%

very low extent

low extent
46% fair extent
high extent
very low extent

Very low extent 0%

Low extent 12%
Fair extent 33%
High extent 46%
Very high extent 9%

Feedback. Rewards, Recognition are the internal motivators that boost the confidence of the
employee and motivate them to perform work more enthusiastically.
From the above pie chart high extent is appreciated, which is quite good in driving employee’s

Q9. Do your superiors focus on team building and team work?






very low extent low extent fair extent high extent very high extent

The STAR team model suggests that effective teamwork in the workplace happens when four
elements (Strengths, Teamwork, Alignment and Results) are in place: Individuals flourish as they
use and develop their Strengths. People come together building relationships that result in
effective Teamwork.

Analysing the above graph high extent is appreciated.

Therefore it can be concluded that the of employees in Godrej feel that their
superiors focus on team building and team work which is quite good in driving employees

Q10. Are your opinions and suggestions well taken by your superiors and peers?

0% 0%



very low extent

low extent
fair extent
high extent
very high extent


Communication on all levels improves and bottlenecks are unplugged. The goal is to get people to
look at their jobs, work together, and communicate in a collaborative manner. Employees are
asked to suggest cost saving ideas and ideas to improve quality and customer satisfaction. These
activities help the employees in feeling more contended with the organisation.

Analysing the above pie chart very low extent is 0%, low extent is 0%,
Fair extent is28%, high extent is 59%, very extent is 13% among which high extent is appreciated.

Q11. Are you satisfied with the medical facilities available to you?

3% 0%


very low extent

low extent
fair extent
high extent
57% very high extent

Companies must protect the safety and health of everyone in your workplace, including people
with disabilities, and provide welfare facilities for improvement in their standard of living. This
will promote the safety of the employees and will help in their motivation.

Analysing the above pie chart “High extent” is appreciated. It can be seen that 61% of the total
sample population of Godrej are satisfied with the medical facilities available to them.

Therefore it can be concluded that the employees in Godrej are satisfied with the medical facilities
available to them which is quite good in driving employee’s satisfaction.

Q12. Are you satisfied with the reward given to every individual of a team for work
well done?



very low extent
low extent
fair extent
49% high extent
very high extent

Very low extent 0%

low extent 0%
Fair extent 39%
High extent 49%
Very high extent 12%

Equality is the prominent factor that will lead to a healthy workplace. When employers are engaged
in activities that favours one employee over other then it may lead t discontentment among the

Analysing the above pie chart high extent is appreciated which is quite good in
driving employee’s satisfaction.

Q13. Do you feel that Godrej has revised the HR policy in recent years?






very low extent low extent fair extent high extent very high extent

HR are responsible for reviewing, adding, deleting or revising policies to ensure that they remain
current with legislation or company needs. HR staff help interpret policies, ensuring that they're
applied fairly and equitably throughout the organization.

Analysing the bar graph fair extent is appreciated having a good percentage of 51% which is quite
good in drawing employee’s satisfaction.

Q14. Are you satisfied with the amount of time you spent on training in the past one


9% 6%

very low extent

low extent
36% fair extent
high extent
very high extent

GODREJ provide extensive training tools so that the employee is able to put I all its efforts and
the work is done quickly and effectively.

From the above pie chart analysis very low extent is 0%, low extent is 6%, fair extent is 36%, high
extent is49%, very high extent is 9% among which high extent is appreciated which is quite good
in driving employee’s satisfaction.

Q15. Has the training you attended helped you to do your job in a better way?


12% 9%

very low extent

low extent
fair extent
high extent
very high extent

Very low extent 0%

Low extent 9%
Fair extent 33%
High extent 46%
Very high extent 12%

From the above analysis high extent is appreciated therefore it is concluded that the employees in
Godrej believe that the training they have attended has helped them to do their job in a better way
which is quite good in driving employee’s satisfaction.


 Godrej make very good use of the knowledge, skills and abilities of the employees.

 Godrej employees are satisfied with the safety conditions in their work place.

 The employees are very much satisfied with general amenities provided to them.

 There is good cooperation and teamwork among their individuals.

 Employees are clear of the goals of their company.

 Most of the employees are clear about the overall vision, mission and goals of the company.

 Employees receive the regular information that they need to do their job well. Employees

in Godrej receive the regular feedback about their job performance from their superior as

reported by 49% of the employees.

 Superiors in Godrej focus on team building and team work .60% of the employees feel

that they work efficiently in teams.

 Employee’s opinions and suggestions are well taken by their superiors and peers.

 Employees in Godrej are satisfied with the medical facilities available to them

61% of the employees feel that GODREJ take care of the medical services and the safety

of the workers

 Most of the employees are satisfied with the reward given to them in the team their good


 Godrej has revised their HR policy in recent years and more than 50% of the people reward

this and are happy with the changed policies.

 Employees are satisfied with the amount of time they spent on training in the past one year.

In general, level of employee satisfaction in the company is quite high. However as far as

satisfaction goes, sky is the limit and there is no end to expectations. Following suggestions are

made with the intention of further improvement:-

 System of reward and recognition may be improved. Though there is no bias in rewards,

employees have a feeling that their good work is not given credit in time

 Remuneration to employees may be improved, if feasible.

 Communication (free and frank exchange between employees and employers)may be given

more attention

 Opportunities for personal learning, growth and personal development of the employees

deserves due attention. Investment in employees is indirectly investment in the company

 Job assignment needs to be reviewed periodically in order to avoid monotony and boredom.


The project has given an opportunity to interact with the Corporate Sector and to actually see
how academic teaching of the classrooms in Management is translated to reality and practice.
In fact it was very heartening to experience that all concepts and theories mentioned in various
books are actually implemented by the Company albeit under a different name to suit its

Also, undertaking this project has help in learning to think of a topic in a logical manner and
examining the issue in its totality. This has also promoted interaction with people from
different walks of life, experiences and outlooks thus giving me a broader perspective to the
issue of training in particular and the business environment in general.

It can be concluded that it is very important to learn the subject first, so as to understand the
requirement/problem at hand and then consider its present status and future prospects so as to
arrive at a suggested set of solutions so vital to the purpose of such studies.


Badhu, S.and Saxena,K. (1999). Role of Training in Developing Human Resources: Study of
Selected Industrial Organizations of Rajasthan. The Indian Journal of Commerce, Vol.52 No.1,
January – March 1999, pp.57-56.

Beer, M., Spector, B., Lawrence, P.R., Mills, D.Q., & Walton, R.E. (1984). Managing human assets.
New York: The Free Press.

Collins C, Ericksen J, Allen M (2005). ‘Human Resource Management Practices and firm
performance in small businesses. Pp. 10 Cornell University/Gevity Institute.

Eskildsen, J.K., Nussle, M.L.(2000), “The managerial drivers of employee satisfaction and loyalty.
“Total quality management, 11(4). Bibliography 152 Garvin, D.A. (1988). Managing Quality. The
Free Press, New York, NY.

Macdonald C. & Siriani C. 1996, “The service society and the changing experience of work”.

Ross P .Bamber G. & Whitehouse G. (1998), “Employment economics and employment relations”
A Study of industrialized economics 3rd Allen and Unwin, Sydney.

. ;utm_source=peoplematters&utm_medium=interstitial&utm_campaign=learnings-of-the-day


1. Does your job make use of your knowledge, skills and abilities?
Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent
2. Are you satisfied with the safety conditions in your work place?
Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High exent
Very high extent
3. Are you satisfied with general amenities (canteen, drinking water etc.) at
Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent
4. Is there cooperation and teamwork among individuals in your work unit?
Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent
5. Are you clear of the goals of your work unit?
Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent
6. Are you clear about the overall vision, mission and goals of the company?
Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent
7. Do you receive the information you need to do your job well?
Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent
8. Do you receive the regular feedback about your job performance from your

Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent

9. Do your superiors focus on team building and team work?

Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent
10. Are your opinions and suggestions well taken by your superiors and peers?
Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent
11.Are you satisfied with the medical facilities available to you?
Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent
12. Are you satisfied with the reward given to every individual of a team for
work well done?
Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent
13.Do you feel that Godrej has revised the HR policy in recent years?
Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent
14. Are you satisfied with the amount of time you spent on training in the past
one year?
Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent
15.Has the training you attended helped you to do your job in a better way?
Very low extent Low extent Fair extent High extent
Very high extent


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