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Pedro, Pauline S.



Literary Piece Filipino Culture

Diplomat Listening to the Speech of Another Diplomat Hardworking, Family-oriented
The Chapel in the Barrio Religious
Tungkung Langit and Alunsina Laziness, Suspicious, Nosy
Humadapnon Brave, Family-oriented, Helpful, Concern for
his/her “kapwa”
There is no dull blade to him who diligently sharpens it. Industrious
Be careful with your possessions because they do not Thriftiness
pass by the door when they decide to forsake you

For Region 6- Western Visayas, the poem “Diplomat Listening to the Speech of another Diplomat” shows
how hardworking and industrious Western Visayans are. The poem clearly described a father who
cannot spend some quality time with his family because he needs to work hard for the future of his
family. Western Visayans were also described as very religious people. This can be seen in the poem
“The Chapel in the Barrio”. The poem’s mood was very solemn, and it specifically describes the location
and the details of what’s inside the chapel including the image of Christ. They are also known for their
value of industry with their saying “There is no dull blade to him who diligently sharpens it” and how
they practice the virtue of thriftiness and gratefulness that is reflected in the proverb “Be careful with
your possessions because they do not pass by the door when they decide to forsake you”.

The story of Tungkung Langit and Alunsina from the character of Alunsina proves that Western Visayans
are fond of procrastination. I also find that it shows the nosiness of Filipinos. They always want to know
and to meddle with other people’s lives. The story of Humadapnon strongly depicts the kind of hospitality
and care of Western Visayans have for their neighbors and their bravery as well.


Literary Piece Title Filipino Culture

Sicalac and Sicavay Creative, Resourceful
The Legend of Dumaguete Religious
“Our Pride” Patriotism
“Letter to Pedro” Colonial-Mentality, Friendly
In order that you would not be cheated. Ask the Value of Honesty
price at three shops
“If you owe a man anything, there is nothing like Hiya
seeing him often

Central Visayans are excellent sailors and most of their myth stories involve anything that deals with water
just like in the story of Sicalac and Sicavay where a certain character named Pandaguan was the first one
to invent a fishing net and for the very first time he used it, he immediately caught a shark. They are
excellent traders, so they typically succeed in the business industry. Proverbs like “In order that you would
not be cheated. Ask the price at three shops” and “If you owe a man anything, there is nothing like seeing
him often” says a lot about their attitude towards business.

Like Western Visayans, they are also very religious. The Legend of Dumaguete depicts how they have
resorted to prayer for their protection from the Moros. This is the story of the faith and hope of the
people of Dumaguete during the times when their land is in trouble. They also have many proverbs
about religion, one example is “The heart of the people is the heart of heaven”.

Bravery and the courage to fight for their freedom against a cruel ruler or dictator can be seen in the poem
entitled “Our Pride”. I personally think that this certain characteristic of Central Visayans especially
Cebuanos are somewhat influenced or inspired by Lapu-Lapu as he was known for his bravery and for
defeating Magellan in the Battle of Mactan. There Letter to Pedro was all about the friendship of Pedro
and his friend. Reminiscing their memories before the bridges and roads were built. These roads were
described in the poem as a way for farmers to have an access to the market and many other things. This
validates that Western Visayans are active traders since then.


Literary Piece Filipino Culture

Bowaon and Totoon Crab Mentality, Belief in “Karma”
The Legend of Mount Danglay Bravery
Panhayhay Hin Usang Bungtohanon Hospitable
An Iroy nga Tuna Patriotism
If one wishes to get friends with his fellows, Let Generosity, Pakikisama
him buy on credit and never collect money
Bago mo sabihin at gawin, makapitong isipin. Sensitivity, Pakiramdam

Most Visayans strongly believe in imminent retribution or what we call karma. This belief is shown in the
story of Bowaon and Totoon. Warays are often stereotyped as brave warriors, as in the popular phrase,
Basta ang Waray, hindi uurong sa away. But in their stories, it was clear that their bravery does not
instantly equate to violence instead it is about being fearless and never giving up to challenges. Like in the
story of the Legend of Mount Danglay, Dang and Mulay were not afraid of the giant crab they saw and
instead they planned how they were going to catch it. The poem “Panhayhay Hin Usang Bungtohanon”
showed that Warays were very hospitable towards their visitors and in “An Iroy nga Tuna” showed the
intense love they have for their motherland.

The virtue of generosity of Warays is illustrated in their proverb “If one wishes to get friends with his
fellows, Let him buy on credit and never collect money”. Their saying “Bago mo sabihin at gawin,
makapitong isipin” shows their cautiousness and sensitivity.

Literary Piece Filipino Culture

The White Horse of Alih Strong Faith, Bravery, Integrity
Fuego De San Anton Superstitious
Dukut Sin Pencil Family-oriented
Palitaa’an Love and Attachment for Mother
God must be first before you do anything else, Religious/Spiritiual
even if you make a mistake, you will be easily
Man plans but God decides Religious/Spiritual

People in Western Mindanao strongly value honesty and were very superstitious. It can be affirmed in
the story of Fuego De San Anton. In the literary work entitled The White Horse of Alih reflects the life of
the Muslims during the American period where they eventually become Juramentados. It showed how
they are willing to die for their faith, but it also emphasized that whatever religion or beliefs they have,
it doesn’t affect or choose whom they love. Belief and faith is enduring among Tausugs, they have
sayings like “God must be first before you do anything else, even if you make a mistake, you will be
easily forgiven.” and “Man plans but God decides.” Dukut Sin Pencil and Palitaa’an are poems that
demonstrates the importance and appreciation of Tausugs to their family members.


Literary Piece Filipino Culture

How Children Became Monkeys Superstitious

The Flood Story Superstitious

A woman should not imitate the frog that sits Courage
down a front in order to avoid the spear.
Never admit defeat as long as you live Bravery

The Flood Story shows the belief of the people of Mindanao with giant crabs that were in and out of the
sea and were responsible for great tides. The story is also similar to the biblical story of Noah’s Ark but I
think this was just their version of it. Bukidnon people have led to believed that the origin of man is from
monkeys since they are quite similar in appearance and actions of a human being.

The courage and bravery of the people in Mindanao is reflected in their proverbs. They are the people
that truly value their integrity and their principles.

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