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EJK: Is it the answer to change?


In the verge of the campaign of Duterte’s administration against illegal drugs, human
rights advocates and the unnumbered critics of this government have decried of extrajudicial
killings. Many have expressed and even criticized and accused the President for human rights
violation. The intensive war against the proliferation of the illegal drugs in all places in the
country has called the attention of the many Filipinos both political leaders and ordinary citizens.
It also has drawn flaks among international community leaders, international organizations, and
peoples from around the world. Condemnation of the anti-illegal drugs battle is mostly due to
and centered to violation of rights to life as many have wept. Rightfully the government’s
intention is to eradicate illegal drugs in all sorts in the country. It’s striking that this sovereign
drive has been associated with extrajudicial killings and worst the state’s critics and political
opponents have accused the President of committing and endorsing killings without due process.
Also, the United Nations and European Union have urged the country’s head of state to stop the
extrajudicial killings.
As what Senator Allan Peter Cayetano stated during the Senate’s Committee on Justice
hearing on the alleged extrajudicial killings of law enforcers, everyone has to be lectured on what
is an extrajudicial killing. All should have to know, what is really extrajudicial killing? When is
killing considered to be extrajudicial? Are all deaths in the country extrajudicial? Or is it only the
media who has sensationalized the numbered deaths and framed the minds of the people to the
issue of non-judicial killings? What could be transpired from all the efforts of the government to
stop the more than three decades old problem on drugs? Is everything in the campaign really
extrajudicial? Countless questions have puzzled every citizen of the country and the humanity
across the globe. The countrymen including the people of the world need to be rightfully
educated of the whole truth. If extrajudicial has existed in the drive of the government, then
offenders should be held liable. For the inalienable right to life is constitutionally protected. And
it is the duty of the state to protect the rights of its citizenry.
Although the government has denounced publicly such extralegal execution and argued
that such killings are committed by non-state actors. The perpetrators of the numbered deaths
relating into illegal drugs is still at large. Investigations and charging criminal cases to culprits
are not enough if there is such commission of extrajudicial execution.
The term “extrajudicial killings” as used by various media outlets to define killings of the
drug addicts during the campaign of the government against illegal drugs is wrong according to
Senator Cayetano. He also argued that on 2012, former President Benigno Aquino III and Ex-
Department of Justice Secretary and who is currently Senator Leila De Lima signed an
administrative order to know when the term “extrajudicial killings” can be used. In such
Administrative Order No.35, extra-legal killings (ELK) or extra-judicial killings (EJK)- for
purposes of operationalization and implementation of this Administrative Order No.35, the
ELK/EJK will refer to killings wherein:
a. The victim was:
i. a member of, or affiliated with an organization, to include political,
environmental, agrarian, labor, or similar causes; or
ii. an advocate of above-named causes;
iii. a media practitioner; or
iv. person(s) apparently mistaken or identified to be so.

Learning from this signed Administrative Order No.35 operational guidelines of EJK,
killings of common lawbreakers like drug lords, drug pushers, and drug addicts must not be
referred to as extrajudicial killings and shall be addressed with other appropriate words within
the judicial system. It is definitely wrong to view the issue of engendered deaths and use the term
extrajudicial killings. There is no EJK in this case in the country. Only, there are killed drug
delinquents, crimes committed as it can be further referred.
On the other side, the government has protected the right to life of its people. Well,
killing drug delinquents on legitimate police operations really matters much more the life of the
victims of drug-related criminals. As human rights advocates and political partisans have
professed that these suspected criminals’ rights to life must be respected same is true with the
rights to life of their victims. The government is doing its part of guarding and saving its people
from all the cunning effects of narcotics. Just recently, the government has announced the soft
opening of the mega rehabilitation facility inside Fort Magsaysay in Nueva Ecija. This is to
prove that the government is concerned not only to the welfare of the righteous but the victims of
illegal drugs as well. Now, who’s right is best to be protected? It should be the rights of the
entire citizenry and not the felons. The right to life is fundamental to all mankind in the land.
And the right to live cannot be breached by anybody. Casualties in the anti-narcotics drive are
inimical. But everyone has to understand that in legitimate police operations and the enforcers
lives are put in danger, then, expectation for any casualty is at stake. It would either the police
operatives or the drug offenders. Of course, these drug offenders would not just simply
surrenders and the police likewise would not simply lay down the laws.

Human rights violation in any way is not acceptable. Whatever will be the reasons for
killing will not justify that the government is after the bulwark of the state. The right to life is
fundamentally basic and is not to be breached. In the determination of the government to stop
illegal drugs, the phrase “extrajudicial killings” have gone controversial locally and
internationally. Furthermore, there are only killings for many decades but the government is not
behind it. The sovereign state has its duty to protect its populace from any harm. And illegal
drugs problem have persisted and have caused the many victims and the country too much
In all of these, the government has been cleared of the allegations of extrajudicial
killings. The moved to eliminate illegal drugs will continue to be intensive. It has to stay and be
mindful of every human’s constitutional rights. To fervently solve the root of these unlawful
death problems in the country, it is proposed that the government shall:
1. Provide and legislate a clear-cut definition of extra-judicial killings
2. Curbed laws and be implemented fully
3. Held culprits accountable including law enforcers committing violations
4. Make media accountable for their malicious reporting
5. Educate the people about human rights, violations, and laws for protection
6. Report to authorities all illegal acts
7. Develop trusts among government bodies, law enforcers, and the Filipino citizens

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