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 1KG of Gold

 500 Grams of Gold

 250 Grams of Gold

 100 Grams of Gold

 50 Grams of Gold
400 Troy Oz of Gold
999.9 Fine Bullion Bar
The Gold bar to the right is worth the $800,000 displayed on
the left at $2000/oz.

The Gold bar weighs 12.44 kg, 27.42lbs or more than

3x 1-gallon milk jugs - quite heavy.
As an investment, Gold has out performed Dow Jones for last
8 years straight.
For centuries people have tried to re-produce Gold. So far
everyone has failed. Its also quite tough to re-produce
digitallyl. That said if you see a shade of Tungsten color-
please excuse us.

1 Ton of Gold
The 1 ton of Gold is worth $64.3 Million dollars at $2000/oz.
Gold has gone from $18.92 in 1911 to over $1,700 in 2012, the price of Gold has inflated more than 9,000%
In recent times, Tungsten (heavy 'cheap' metal) filled fake Gold bars, which look like the ones above, have been found in Manhattan.
Such tungsten fake bars can be even be ordered from &
The Bank of England's Gold Reserves can be seen in this video.

 1.66 Tonnes of Gold

 Value of Gold on Truck

$106.4 Million

A Chevrolet Silverado 2500 Truck full of Gold

This is how much Gold the average man could haul in his truck without braking the suspension.
Max carrying weight of the truck is 3670 lbs = 1664.68kg, which is the weight of the Gold you see in the truck bed - 133x 400oz bullion bars of Gold.
The value of the 1.66 tonnes of Gold at $2000/oz is displayed to the left at $106.4 Million dollars.
 100 Tonnes of Gold

 10 Tonnes of Gold

10 Tonnes of Gold vs 100 Tonnes

The Central Banks of western countries usually handle their nations' large Gold
Reserves. Couple generations ago the US dollar was backed by Gold, so the Fed had
to hold Gold. Today, the dollar is backed by the confidence in United States'
repayment of its debt (bonds). The US Central Bank's- The Federal Reserve's
Chairman Ben Bernanke, says that Gold is only held as a tradition and that Gold is not

 $1.6 Billion

 24.88 Tonnes of Gold

Same value as $1.6 Billion @ $2000/oz.

Semi Truck 'full' of Gold - 24.88 Tonnes

The legal carry weight of a semi-truck is between 22-25 tonnes.
The truck is carrying 24.88 tonnes of Gold worth $1.6 Billion dollars @ $2000/oz (on the 2nd truck).
$2,130,952,380 = B2 Bomber = 33.14 Tonnes of Gold @ $2000 / oz
Couple years back when Gold was less valuable, a B2 Bomber was literally worth more than its weight in pure Gold. With the price of Gold going up,
finally Gold is more valuable in weight than a B2 Bomber.
The Northrop Grumman B2 Spirit Bomber program cost $44.75 Billion for a total of 21 units built, that averages to $2,130,952,380 per unit and the same value in
Gold @ $2000/oz can be seen on the semi-trucks on the right. To the left you see a Semi truck with $2.13 Billion dollars.
Doesn't matter how you choose economically between the semi truck of cash, the Gold trucks or the B2 Bomber, they're all worth the same.

US  Gold Reserves - 8,133.5 Tonnes

The 8,133.5 Tonnes of Gold Reserves have an official book value worth $11,041,059,958
  Billion) as of 1/11/2013 and are shown below.
Year 1933, in the Pillar of Human Civilization & Capitalism-- The United States of America,
  possession was criminalized. Shortly after confiscating the Gold, the US devalued
Gold from $20.67/oz to $35/oz, by so devaluing the US dollar by 70% overnight. The US Dollar
'Federal Reserve Note' still said "Redeemable in Gold", while doing so got you arrested.
USA was on the Gold Standard until 1971. Gold possession remained illegal until 1975.

The arguably real intention of criminalizing Gold was because the Federal Reserve printed too
many dollars, backed by a limited amount of Gold. People knew Gold was worth more than the
$20.67/oz that US Government was 'redeeming' (selling) Gold at.
World Government
Gold Reserves
This Gold values shown are official numbers from Wikipedia.
There is a strong chance the numbers are inaccurate since
western world's Central Banks have purportedly leased out the
Gold reserves while using accounting tricks to hide the facts, in
order to push the Gold price down. Gold price is an indirect
indicator of economic stability, the lower the price, the more
stable the global economy appears.
Developing countries have been buying significant amounts of
Gold in recent years, with India being #1 and China #2.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York holds 540,000 Gold bars.
Germany stores 45% of their Gold with Federal Reserve, while
according to official memo from Bank of England to Federal
Reserve it is acknowledged that Gold delivered back to Germany
has been 'bad delivery' bars, instead of 'good delivery'. Germany
is concerned and interested in getting back home the Gold it
stores with the Federal Reserve.
A German court has recently demanded audit of Germany's Gold
holdings, while the Central Bank of Germany has
begun shipping 50 tonnes of Gold / year back home.
Many other governments are engaging in Gold
hoarding, including China, who imported
more Gold in 2012 than
all of ECB's holdings.
All the Gold in the World
- Mined in History
- 166,500 Tonnes
- Stacked in 400oz Gold Bars
All the Gold in the world, displayed in 400oz bullion bars.
Keep in mind the Gold bars have a lot of wasted space between them,
making the stacks of gold appear larger than they really are.

Data Source


Level 4: 
Other Use
22,300 Tonnes (13.4%)
Level 3:  
World Governments
29,000 Tonnes (17.4%)

Level 2:  
Private Investment
31,000 Tonnes (18.7%)

 Level 1:
84,200 Tonnes (50.5%)
All the Gold in the World
- In a Solid Gold Cube
If all the gold ever mined was melted into a solid cube,
the cube with sides of 20.5m would fit in an Olympic Swimming Pool.

The small gold sphere, in front of the cash couch, weighs 1 metric ton exactly, with a value
over $50 Million dollars.
More Infographics
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Showcasing the Flow of Money during Crisis & All the Money &
Assets in the World stacked in $100 bills. Like Show your love with Bitcoin.

All the Gold in the World US Debt Visualized in $100 bills

Comparison of Gold ranging from 1 gram to 170,000 tonnes.
How US debt compares to Whitehouse, World Trade Center,
Visualized in Bullion Bars. Boeing 747 & Football Field.
The debt dwarfs & overshadows the Statue of Liberty.

All the Silver in the World The Illusion of Deposit Insurance

Silver is more rare than you would want to believe. This article visualizes the illusion of safety.

This shows all Silver mined in history compared to There is ~370 times more money in deposits at US banks than
all Silver ever lost and world official reserves. the size of the Federal Deposit Insurance Fund.

Federal Reserve's Money Printing Derivatives: The Global Casino

Failure - The Bottomless Cash Pit
The Federal Reserve has a bottomless pit of cash at its Banks reap massive profits from unregulated casino-style
disposal to 'stimulate the economy', but the money ends up at betting, and the betting bubble has grown so large that it
the Banks' pockets, not the People's. eclipses the World Economy many times over.

Cyprus Bank Crisis - America: The Food Stamp Nation

Deposit Confiscation America has over 44 million people on Food Stamps.
The program is hidden from view, but this article visualizes how
Cyprus banks are bankrupt & confiscating depositor's money,
the Government feeds
while EU officials say it's a template for rest of Europe's troubled
the hungry and the poor.

Your Tax Dollars at Work - US Presidential Election Donations

US Federal Budget Visualized
Understand the US budget easily. See the size of US budget in 100's of Millions of dollars are flooded into the US elections
visual form, including social security, welfare, defense, through SuperPAC's to influence public opinion for the purpose
healthcare, education, etc.. of control. In short: Cash buys Presidents.

A New Perspective on Cost of War Global Crisis: A World in Debt

Iraq and Afghanistan wars were more expensive than the The world's piles of debt stacked against national monuments
Government claim they were. See the reality. of countries who borrowed the money, including Russia, China,
France, Japan, Germany, etc...

Who Loaned Greece the Money? Fiscal Cliff - The 3D Cheat Sheet
The Fiscal Cliff is the combination of tax increases and
Greece owes a lot of money to a lot of people. spending cuts by US Federal Government.
This is the long list of banks who loaned the money. This infographic explains Fiscal Cliff's size and scope.

Euro Bank Exposure to PIIGS US Revenue & Deficit in $100 bills

The Superhighway of Bad Debt.
US Revenue & Deficit = US Budget. Shows how much money
Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece & Spain are all in financial trouble, US Government brings in, and how much it borrows.
see how the debt stacks on 18 wheeler trucks.

78 Comments Sort by Top

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Anuj Peepre
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Ken Clawson
And here I thought all the gold was in California...
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Greg Ffrench
= you for got the Vatican's gold.
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Dayang Nur Success

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Michael Harden
WERE are SCREWED! Those guys on Gold Rush better start digging
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Paweł Andrzejewski
Shown graphic doesn't look convincing.
Lets get your output of gold 166,500 tons of gold. Its density in
room temperature is 19.3g per cm3. Lets start from here. 1 cubic
meter (100cm x 100cm x 100cm) will have a mass of (1,000,000 x
19.3)=19300000gr that's 19.3 tons. Now take the overall gold
output 166,500 and see how many cubic meters this is
166,500/19.3=8626.94 Round up and we got 8627 cubic meters of
pure gold. Taking cube root of that it's 20,5m. That would be side
of a cube you could stack all gold into. This looks much less
impressive that that half of Liberty Statue (93m ground to torch).
Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 5 · 6y

Brandön Bowërs
Outstanding post. 8133 tons, nice graphic. Now it would be
interesting to postulate how much gold would be required for each
world power's debt to REALLY put it in perspective. I wonder what
16 trillion dollars worth of gold (at $2000/ozt would look like?
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Brandon Mcbride
Please show a graphic of total gold compared to us debt info
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Preston Mathis
US Debt = $21.2 Trillion
$21.2 Trillion \ $50 Million (value of one ton of gold) = 424
Thousand Tons.
All the gold mined in history = 166 Thousand Tons. Ouch.
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Miles Mcdonald
Preston Mathis That settles it! The Syhlock business is a
better hustle than the price of gold
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Lu Kin
must have!
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Nigel Mark Dias

You can, even with a low investment:
Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 3y

Thomas Drelich
Do one for all the silver mined in history and the silver that's left
Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 4 · 6y
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