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Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9


The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature
and other text types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a
changing world; also how to use the features of a full-length play, tense
consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus direct and indirect
speech to enable him/her competently performs in a full-length play.

The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying
effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the
following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions.

Use active and passive constructions (EN9G-IVa-22)

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. identify whether the verb used in the sentence is active or passive;
b. explain the difference between active and passive as voices of the verbs;
c. re-write the sentences from active to passive and vice versa.


Topic: Voices of the Verbs

Materials: Laptop, Projector, Power point Presentation, printed materials
Reference: A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature, pp. 441-442.
Authors: Aiza Almonte,
Methods Used: GIM (General Inductive Method) Brainstorming, Independent
Value/s Integration: Accuracy


 Prayer
 Checking of attendance

A. Motivation
(Giving examples of sentences using the voices of the verbs)
The teacher will provide sample sentences using the voices of the verb
and will ask the students to identify whether the verb used in the given sentences
functions as active or passive.
1. She catches the ball with one hand.
The ball is caught with one hand.

2. The students took the exam yesterday.

The exam was taken (by the students) yesterday.

B. Presentation of the Lesson

The teacher will introduce the new lesson, “The Voices of the Verb.” He will
then ask stimulating questions to the students focusing the topic. In asking
questions, the teacher will emphasize merely on the difference between active
and passive as voices of the verbs.
C. Discussion
Voices of the Verb
Active form of a verb is used to say what a subject does.
Example: The chef cooks food every day.

Passive form of a verb is used to say what happens to the subject.

Example: Food is cooked (by the chef) every day.

We also use the passive form of a verb when it is not important who does the
action, or when we don’t know who does it.

Examples: 1. The letter was delivered at 9 a.m.

The letter was delivered by the postman.

2. Tamaraw is found in Mindoro. (passive)

Henry finds tamaraw in Mindoro. (active)

Ways in Transforming Verb Voice


Active: They buy a brand-new Nissan Sentra.

Passive: A brand-new Nissan Sentra is bought by them.

Active: They bought a brand-new Nissan Sentra.

Passive: A brand –new Nissan Sentra was bought by them.

Active: They shall buy a brand-new Nissan Sentra.

Passive: A brand-new Nissan Sentra shall be bought by them.

Active: Ferdie is now buying a brand-new Nissan Sentra.

Passive: A brand-new Nissan Sentra is now being bought by Ferdie.

Active: Ferdie has finally bought a brand-new Nissan Sentra.

Passive: A brand new-Nissan Sentra is now being bought by Ferdie.

Consistency of Verb
In as entence with two or more verbs, it is important that consistency of
voice be observed.
Example: 1. Estrella writes the letter and Marie mails it. (active)
2. The news was heard by Manny when it was announced at five
o’clock in the morning. (passive)

D. Application
The teacher will provide different tasks to the group.

Group 1 is tasked to change the sentences from passive form of the verb
to active form.
1. Christmas is celebrated every year.
2. Food has been cooked in the kitchen.
3. The laboratory room was being cleaned.
Group 2 is tasked to change the sentences from active form of the verb to
passive form.
1. We celebrate Christmas every year.
2. Kaye has cooked food in the kitchen.
3. The working student was cleaning the laboratory room.

Group 3 is tasked to identify whether the form of the verb in each of the
following sentences is active or passive.

1. Floods are caused by the overflowing rivers.

2. The moon embraces the sun.
3. Our workers abroad need protection from some abusive employers.

Group 4 is tasked to differentiate active form of the verb to passive.

The students will be assessed on the following criteria:

1. Accuracy- 10
2. Teamwork- 5
Total 15

E. Value Integration
The teacher will ask the students the essence of the voices of the verb in
constructing effective sentences.

F. Generalization
The teacher will ask the students to make a generalization based on the
topic being discussed.


Directions: Encircle the letter which corresponds to the letter of your choice.
1. Gian is getting _________ to Zoey.
A. marry with B. marry to C. married with D. married to

2. Someone was cleaning the room when I arrived.

A. The room cleaned when I arrived.
B. The room was being cleaned when I arrived.
C. The room was cleaned when I arrived.
D. The room was cleaning when I arrived.

3. They built this house 23 years ago.

A. This house was built 23 years ago.
B. This house was being built 23 years ago
C. This house being built23 years ago.
D. This house built 23 years ago.

4. Ruel is cutting a cake with a sharp knife.

A. A cake is cut with a sharp knife by Ruel.
B. A cake is being cut with a sharp knife by Ruel.
C. A sharp knife is cut with a cake by Ruel.
D. A cake cuts Ruel with a sharp knife.
5. The teacher is going to tell a story.
A. A story is told by the teacher.
B. A story is going to tell by the teacher.
C. A story is going to be told by the teacher.
D. A story is going to tell the teacher.

Study in advance the simple past and past perfect tense of the verb for our
discussion tomorrow.



No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation ___________.

No. of learners who required additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80% __________.

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