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1. Aurangzeb Alamgir died in 1707 A.D.

2. Syed Ahmad Shaheed died at Balakot in 1831.
3. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan born in 1817.
4. Mughul rule came to an end in Subcontinent in 1857.
5. Sir Syed opened a school at Ghazi Pur in 1859.
6. Sir Syed published Aligarh Institute Gazette in 1866.
7. Urdu-Hindi controversy started in 1867.
8. Muhammadan Anglo Oriental(MAO) Collegewas established in 1877.
9. All India National Congress was established in 1885 by A.O.Hume.
10. All India Muslim Educational Conference was established by Sir Syed
11. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan died in 1898.
12. Quaid-i- Azam was born in 1876 at Karachi.
13. Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal was born in 1877 at Sialkot.
14. Quaid-i-Azam got a degree of Bar-at- Law from Lincoln’s Inn.
15. Quaid-i- Azam started hislegal practice at Karachi.
16. Quaid became the personal secretary of Dada Bhoy Naurojee in 1905.
17. Jinnah joined All India Congress in 1905.
18. Bengal was divided into two parts in 1905.
19. Simla Deputation met Viceroy of India in October 1906.
20. All India Muslim League was established in December1906.
21. The first annual session of Muslim League was held in 1907 at Karachi.
22. Muslim League London branch was established in 1908.
23. Minto Morley Reforms were introduced in 1909.
24. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar brought out COMRADE in 1910.
25. Division of Bengal was cancelled in 1911.
26. Quaid-i-Azam joined Muslim League in 1913.
27. A mosque was burnt at Kanpur during construction of a road.
28. First World War started in 1914.
29. Home Rule League was established in 1916.
30. Lucknow Pact was signed in 1916.
31. First World War came to an end in 1918.
32. Rollet Act was passed in 1919.
33. Khilafat Movement started in 1919(Sept.).
34. Montage Chelmsford Reforms were introduced in 1919.
35. Tahreek-e-Hijrat started in 1920.
36. Jinnah resigned from Congress in 1920.
37. Allama Iqbal became the member of Punjab Assembly in 1926.
38. Quaid presented Delhi Proposals in 1927.
39. Simon Commission came to India in February1928.
40. Nehro Report was presented in 1928.
41. Quaid-i-Azam put forward his famous Fourteen Points in March1929.
42. Allama Iqbal gave the idea of separate homeland for the Muslims of Sub
Continent in 1930 at Allahabad.
43. Three Round Table Conferences(RTCs) were held at London from 1930 to
44. Ch. Rehmat Ali created the word Pakistan in 1933.
P= Punjab A= Afghania K= Kashmir ISTAN= Baluchistan
45. Quaid-i-Azam returned India after RTCs in 1934.
46. Government of India Act was enforced in 1935.
47. The elections of provincial assemblies were held in 1937.
48. Allama Iqbal died on April 21, 1938.
49. Second World War started in 1939.
50. The congress ministries resigned in September 1939 and Muslim League
observed the ‘Deliverance Day’ on December 22, 1939.
51. The Lahore Resolution OR Pakistan Resolution was passed on 23 of March
1940 at Minto Park (Iqbal Park) Lahore.
52. Congress started Quit India Movement in 1942.
53. Stefford Cripps Mission came to India in 1942.
54. Second World War came to an end in 1945.
55. Simla Conference was held in 1945.
56. Cabinet Mission came to India in 1946.
57. Lord Mount Batten became the Viceroy of India in March 1947.
58. The Partition Plan (3rd June Plan) was announced on June 3, 1947.
59. The 3 June Plan was approved on July 18, 1947 and was named as Indian
Independence Act.
60. Quaid-i- Azam called upon the session of Constituent Assembly on August 11,
61. Quaid-i-Azam became the first Governor General of Pakistan.
62. Liaquat Ali Khan became the first Prime Minister of Pakistan.
63. Maulvi Tameez-ud- Din was the speaker of First Constituent Assembly of
64. Sir Zafarullah was the first foreign minister of Pakistan.
65. Pakistan became the member of United Nations Organization(UNO) on
September 30, 1947.
66. Independence of Azad Kashmir was declared on October 24,1947.
67. Jinnah died on September 11, 1948.
68. Khowaja Nazim-ud- din became the Governor General after Quaid-i-Azam.
69. The Objectives Resolution was passed on March 12, 1949.
70. Liaquat Ali Khan was killed on October 16, 1951.
71. Nazim-ud-Din became the second Prime Minister of Pakistan after Liaquat Ali.
72. Ghulam Muhammad dismissed Nazim-ud- Din in 1953.
73. Ghulam Muhammad dismissed the Constituent Assembly in 1954.
74. West Pakistan was declared ONE UNIT in 1955.
75. The first constitution of Pakistan was announced in 1956.
76. General Ayub Khan imposed Martial Law on October 7, 1958.
77. The Indus Waters Treaty was signed in 1960and was enforced in 1961.
78. The second constitution of Pakistan was introduced in 1962.
79. Indo-Pak war started in September 1965.
80. Ayub Khan resigned in 1969.
81. General Yahyah Khan, after Ayub Khan imposed Martial Law in 1970.
82. East Pakistan became Bangladesh in on December 16, 1971.
83. The third constitution of Pakistan was enforced in 1973.
84. Second Islamic Summit Conference was held at Lahore in 1974.
85. Third Martial Law in Pakistan was imposed on July 5, 1977 by Zia-ul- Haq.
86. President Zia-ul-Haq died in an air crash in 1988.
87. The total area of Pakistan is 796096 Sq.Km.
88. The largest province of Pakistan is Baluchistan.
89. The largest province of Pakistan regarding area is Punjab.
90. Karachi is the largest city of Pakistan.
91. The national slogan of Pakistan is “PAKISTAN ZINDABAD”.
92. The National Anthem of Pakistan was written by Hafeez Jalandhri.
93. The National Flag of Pakistan was approved on August 11, 1947.
94. Our National flower is “JASMINE”.
95. The National drink of Pakistan is “Sugarcane Juice”.
96. The highest peak of Pakistan K-2 (Godon Austin) is 8611 meters high.
97. The second highest peak of Pakistan Nangaparbat is 8126 meters high.
98. The longest river of Pakistan is Indus River.
99. The largest mud dam of Pakistan is Terbella Dam.
100.The first Motor Way of Pakistan is 333 Km long.


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