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The study use descriptive-correlation design to determine the influence of mass media
exposure on aggression, loneliness, and anxiety. Furthermore, the study identified the degree of
relationship between the influence of mass media and the level of aggression, loneliness, and
anxiety of the respondents. Bonafide college students were the qualified respondents of the

Results showed that majority of the respondents used the internet and watched television

every week. The sites frequented were research and emailing sites while preferred shows were

comedy or sitcoms, TV news, music channels, cartoon or anime, and telenovelas. Moreover,

majority of the respondents read newspaper or magazines as often as twice a week and the

preferred materials were regular newspapers, entertainment magazines, and health or lifestyle

magazines. On the other hand, aggression is not present among the respondents, loneliness is not

prevalent, and anxiety is mild.

The study found a significant difference in the level of aggression of the respondents

considering age, with a mean difference of .2698. Further, on the level of anxiety, a mean

difference of .2212 marks a difference. There is also a significant difference in the level of

loneliness considering gender with a p-value of .001. Furthermore, there is a relationship

between print media and loneliness with a P-value of .002. Finally the study identified that mass

media is predictor to loneliness.

Based on the findings, the researcher could conclude that exposure of respondents to

mass media is controlled thus aggression, loneliness, and anxiety levels were moderate.

However, it is also showed that the late adolescents and early adults are more aggressive and

males are lonelier than females. Finally, print media is a predictor to loneliness.


The researcher adopted both descriptive and exploratory methods in this project and used

both primary and secondary data. Primary data were gathered through interviews and general

observations to existing mushroom production. Interviews were conducted with farm

supervisors, owners of mushroom production, and technicians. Furthermore, the researcher

administered survey questionnaires duly validated by experts in the areas of finance, marketing,

technical and business research as well as laymen.

Secondary data for purposes of research and historical background were gathered from

the libraries of government and private institutions such as the Department of Trade and

Industry, Technology and Livelihood Research Center, National Economic & Development

Authority, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Statistics, JL Detwiler library of

Adventist University of the Philippines, and the library of the University of the Philippines-Los



The marketing study revealed that the proposed business will possess a strong potential

of penetrating the market with a good share.

It has been determined in the Technical Study that the proposed business shall spend

₱179,477.25 for the acquisition of various tools, equipment, furniture and fixtures and

₱179,527.25 for the building to be established in Iba, Silang Cavite.

The organization and Management Study stated that the sole proprietorship is the best form of

organization suited for the proposed project and therefore shall be adopted.

The Financial Study further proved that proposed business is expected to be profitable for

the five-year period. An initial requirement of ₱569.353.33 is to be financed by Ms. Emmely D.

Poblete for establishing the proposed business.

Finally, aside from the profit earned, the proposed business will also bring social and

economic benefits to the community, and the government.


Based on the results of the study, the researcher concluded that the establishment of

Everbloom Mushroom Farm in Iba, Silang, Cavite is feasible and it is recommended that the

proposed project be implemented.


The study explored the viability of expanding a bakeshop at Mindanao Mission

Academy, to separate identity as Nutribakeshop, the bakery will add additional revenue to the

academy at the same time provide bread products to the faculty, staff, students and visitors as

well as the neighborhood nearby purok and passersby travelling to and from Cagayan de Oro

City and Iligan City.

The descriptive method was the methodology used in this research. Primary and

secondary data were utilized. A questionnaire was created, validated and distributed to the target

market. The population was computed using 6.5% margin of error.

The marketing study revealed that 95% of the study eats bread and 83% purchases bread

from the bakeries. The study projected that the target market will purchased P89.68 worth of

bread weekly from the bakeries which is about Php40, 000.00 weekly. Analysis of supply and

demand predicts that the NutriBakeshop will have a significant market share Bread from the

bakery will be marketed as the healthier option..

The technical study described the production process. The machinery and equipment for

the bakery were identified; cost for these if Php49,5770.00. The process of baking bread and the

description of where the bread would be displayed were described. A daily sale is projected to be

Php 7, 237.54.
Five personnel will run the operation. The supervisor of the bakery will report directly to

the treasurer of the academy. Three staff will start as regular workers while others are students

trained casual. Compensation package is discussed in chapter 4.

Strategic Management study showed the strategic framework of the new venture such as

the philosophy, vision, mission and strategic goals. Other vital strategies laid out if ever the

venture will not be successful.

Capital investment is estimated to be one million. Annual net income is projected around

one hundred thousand and one more by the fifth year. The financial position and cash flows were

also presented. The financial analysis was established by using the NPV, Payback ratio, ROI,

ROS, Gross profit, Acid Test and current ratio.

The venture is seen to not only provide a new source of revenue, but would benefit the

customers, community, government and especially students for their school finances.

The opportunity and strength of the project were explored, to note is the expected

increase in the population of the area due to the influx of Muslim around the vicinity of the

Academy. The strength and weaknesses were also discussed.



Tuberculosis is a mycobacterium disease that is important as a cause of disability and

death in many parts of the world (Benenson, 2:457). During the epidemiological review of

tuberculosis issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) IN 1995, the country ranked first

in the Western Pacific Region in terms of reported tuberculosis cases per 100,000 among 36

countries. In 1998 alone, the Philippines was among the top ten countries worldwide with high

tuberculosis cases. ( WHO, 41:225).

During the first half of the 20th century, in-patient treatment or "sanatorium" was

believed to be the only way to manage tuberculosis. It valued rest, fresh, air, good nutrition and

isolation to prevent spread of infection. But in 1948 an anti-microbial drug was discovered that

could kill tuberculosis bacteria in the human body. Today, 40 years after the introduction of

chemotherapy for tuberculosis, there are more new cases (8 million per year) than ever ( Haynes,


The historic menace of the so-called " White plague" continued for so many centuries

because people had a poor understanding of the disease and poor medical tool in which to fight it

( Fanning, 28:20). Health education is needed in order for the public to have a complete

understanding on the prevention and control of tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis is also a special problem. Therefore, programs aiming to prevent and

control tuberculosis should also include social interventions like reducing poverty, improving

environmental sanitation, improved housing and employment; aside from health interventions
like health education, provision of medications and other health services. Furthermore,

tuberculosis patient at this time needs strong support system in order to protect them from social

shame as well as to provide encouragement while they undergo long-term medication.

The project in Barangay Pulong Sta. Cruz, Relocation Site was mainly health education.

In this project therefore, objectives and strategies were geared towards developing skilss and

lifestyle changes in order to enable them to protect themselves in acquiring this once and still

dreaded disease.


Life and health are dependent on environment. Today, this planet is under unprecedented

attack due to wide range of human activities and the sheer pressure of human numbers.

In the Philippines, people in Manila alone produce 6,100 tons of garbage every day. Many

uncontrolled garbage dumps left in the city.

Human beings also produce 1,150 grams of urine and 200 grams of feces per day.

About three million deaths per year are due to air pollution. In the Philippines, waste gas

from vehicles is the main cause for air pollution. About seventy percent of urban dwellers have

higher incidence of environmental-related diseases such as acute respiration infection,

pneumonia, and lung cancer.

About twenty-five percent of all preventable diseases have occurred by poor

environmental quality which human beings themselves caused and they are actually living and

suffering in it.

Mahler wrote:

"......the challenge of health for all by year 2000 can only be achieved through health education

with special emphasis on environmental health and sanitation education "( WHO, A10:31).

This program was offered with how to eliminate the environmental health problems, how to

prevent the environmental diseases, how to promote a healthful environment, and how to take

care of individual's and family's health.

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