Lesson 3 Be Humble and Meek

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Chapter 1: Appreciating God’s gift

Lesson4: Be Humble and Meek

Things to prepare: Colored marker or pens
Photocopy of page 2 and 3
Scripture: John 13:1-16
Objective: By the end of this lesson, the children should be able to:
Understand humbleness and be able to show it to other people
around them.
Memory verse: James 4:6
Song: He is God
Introduction: page 2

Building their foundation

Everyone likes to win and to receive an award. We feel good about
ourselves when we have done something good and beautiful. But as we feel good
about ourselves, we should remember to accept all praises with humbleness. It is
not being proud or conceited. Humility is our Kingdom culture. It is a virtue most
pleasing to God and to everyone around us. (Summarize John 13:1-16)
 A humble person treats everyone fairly.
 He or she is never boastful.
 Ready to forgive those who have done him or her wrong.
 A humble person asks for forgiveness when he or she makes mistakes or
hurt others.
 He or she is compassionate towards all people.
People who are meek and humble are trustworthy. They love doing good deeds
for the people
around them. They are at peace with themselves and with everyone around them.
Humility and meekness is a sign of strength in a person. Remember you came into
this world without nothing. Humble people are always blessed. (read James 4:6)

Recall gifts, and awards, medals, and trophies that you have received for
winning a contest, for getting good grades, or simply doing something worthy of
praise and reward. Write something about them or Draw them in the box below.

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