Assignment: NFC Institute of Engineering & Technology, Multan Department of Chemical Engineering

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NFC Institute of Engineering & Technology, Multan

Department of Chemical Engineering

Technical Report Writing And Presentation Skills

Submitted by:
Asim Farooq

(Roll no.2K16-CHE-150)

Submitted to:
Mam Hina Rana

N.o Word Type Meaning Sentence

A temporary change from

Aberration Noun I'm sorry I'm late - I had
1 the typical or usual way
a mental aberration and forgot we had
of behaving
a meeting today.

2 Abhorrent Adjective Morally very bad Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me.

Theories abound about how

3 Abound Intransitive To exist in large numbers
Verb the universe began.

The state of being away from a
4 Absense Noun place or person new manager was appointed during/in
her absence.

5 Accomodate Transitive To provide with a place to live or There wasn't enough space to
Verb to be stored in accommodate the files

Two hundred and fifty schools

6 Accredited Adjective Officially recognized or approved are accredited by the university of

7 Acknowled noun Acceptance of the truth or I applied for five jobs, but only got
gement existence of something.
three acknowledgements.
8 Adaptation Noun The action or process of adapting Evolution occurs as a result of
or being adapted.
adaptation to new environments.

He seems to have been

9 Admirable Adjective Deserving respect or approval. an admirable teacher, with a great
power of lucid exposition.

10 Affectionate Adjective Readily feeling or showing Henry was an affectionate but a

fondness or tenderness. suspicious and close-handed father.

The floor of a building which is Our kitchenware department is in the

11 Basement Noun partly or entirely below ground
level. basement.

A military unit consisting of three

12 Battalion Noun A battalion of marines is stationed
or more companies here.

I knew she was coming

Earlier (than a particular time). that afternoon because she
13 Beforehand Adverb
had phoned beforehand to say so.

14 Brickyard Noun A place where bricks are made. The couple eventually settled in
Pennsylvania, working in
the brickyards.

The citadel was later converted into

15 Bridewell noun A prison or reform school for a bridewell to house the city's
petty offenders. growing criminal population
Something that is produced as
16 By-product Noun a result of making something else, Buttermilk is a by-
or something product of making butter.
unexpected that happens as
a result of something.

attract the attention of and detain reporters buttonhole officials coming

17 Button hole Verb (someone) in conversation, out of the press secretary's office
typically against their will.

18 Busily Noun in a busy, active way. I was busily preparing for their arrival.

I mowed the lawn this morning, and

19 Bushed Adjective very tired now I’m bushed.

20 Burl Noun a slub or lump in wool or cloth. She used warty burls to construct her

21 Calibrate Transitive to check a measuring instrument A calibrated stick for measuring the
verb to see if it is accurate. amount of oil in an engine.

a planned group of especially The protests were part of their

22 Campaign Noun political, business, campaign against the proposed
or military activities that building development in the area.
are intended to achieve a

having a lot she rummaged in her capacious

23 Capacious Adjective of space and able to contain a lot handbag
24 Catering Noun any job making or serving food I've always wanted to work in catering.

25 Certifiable Adjective behaving in a silly or stupid way Simon's washing his car again - that
man's certifiable!

26 Certitude Noun the state of is impossible to predict the outcome of
being certain or confident the negotiations with any degree of

27 Character Noun qualities that As people grow older, their faces

are interesting and unusual acquire more character.

28 Characterize Transitive Something that characterizes Bright colours and bold strokes charact
verb another thing is typical of it erize his early paintings.

giving money, food, or help free to The entire organization is funded by

29 Charitable Adjective those who are in need because charitable donations.
they are ill, poor, or have no home

human society with its well

30 Civilization Noun developed social organizations, or Some people think that nuclear war
theculture and way of life of would mean the end of civilization.
a society or country at
a particular period in time

The drinking water had a

31 Disagreeabl Adjective unpleasant disagreeable oily taste.

32 Disaffirm Transitive repudiate; declare void. To disaffirm a contract is to say it

verb never existed
to show the differences between Good dictionary definitions
33 Disambigua Transitive two or more meanings clearly. disambiguate
te verb between similar meanings.

strong feelings of not approving of She feared her father's disapprobation.

34 disapprobati Noun something or someone.

35 Disarticulat Transitive separate (bones) at the joints. the African egg-eating snake can
e verb disarticulate its lower jaw from its

to pay out money, usually from The local authorities annually disburse
36 disburse verb an amount that has between £50 million and £100 million
been collected for on arts projects.
aparticular purpose.

There should be
37 disconformi Noun lack of conformity. no disconformity between them.

38 discriminate Verb recognize a distinction; Babies can discriminate

differentiate. between different facial expressions.

involving diplomats or Lawyers should be diplomatic

39 Diplomatic Adjective the management of in dealing with a judge.
the relationships between

a strong statement or Declamations against the press are

40 Declamatio Noun an occasion when common enough.
n you express something with a lot
of feeling.

liquid waste or sewage discharged Irrigation of campus landscaping uses

41 Effleunce Noun into a river or the sea. treated effluent water.
42 Embrace Verb to accept something This was an opportunity that he would
enthusiastically. embrace.

It's very easy to

43 Empathize Verb to be able to understand how empathize with the characters in
someone else feels. her books.

Engineers are
44 Endeavour Verb to try to do something. endeavouring to locate the source of
the problem.

45 Energetics Plural noun having or involving a lot of energy I tried aerobics but it was too energetic
for me.

I am pleased to announce the

46 Enlargemen Noun the fact of being enlarged. enlargement of the
t History Department by three
new teachers.

47 Enormity Noun very great size or importance. I don't think you realize the
enormity of the problem.

48 Enrapture Transitive to give someone The performance enraptured adults and

verb very great pleasure. children alike.

49 Entirely Adverb completely. I admit it was entirely my fault.

to cause someone to
50 Estrange Transitive no longer have Her lifestyle estranged
verb a friendly relationship with her from her parents.
another person or other people.
to produce a product, An electronic circuit is fabricated on
51 Fabricate Transitive especially in an industrial process. a silicon wafer.

not serious about a serious subject,

52 Facetious Adjective in an attempt to be funny or He's just being facetious.
to appear clever.

53 Fascinate Transitive to interest someone a lot. Science has always fascinated me.

the possibility that can be made, We're looking at the

54 Feasibility Noun done, or achieved, or feasibility of building a shopping
is reasonable. centre there.

a band, usually made of metal, She

55 Ferrule Noun around something such as was clutching a closed umbrella by its
a stick or handle. ferrule.

(of a muscle, especially in the

56 Fibrillate Verb heart) make a quivering movement The atria ceased to fibrillate when the
due to uncoordinated contraction temperature was reduced.
of the individual fibrils.

developing and She spent her

57 Formative Adjective not yet completely formed. formative years in Africa.

58 Forthwith Adverb immediately. We expect these practices to cease


59 Fortunately Adverb happening because of good luck. Fortunately, we got home before
it started to rain.
It was also necessary to win back from
60 Frondeur Noun Slinger Spain the territory which
the Frondeurs had delivered up to her.

willing to
61 Generous Adjective give money, help, kindness, It was generous of you to lend me
etc., especially more than the money.
is usual or expected.

to (cause a seed to) start growing. The beans will only germinate if
62 Germinate Verb the temperature is warm enough.

a movement of the hands, arms,

63 Gesture Noun or head, etc. She made a rude gesture at the
to express an idea or feeling. other driver.

an imaginary creature like a man  He was shorter than the seven-foot

64 Giant Noun but extremely tall, strong, and giants around him, standing right at
usually Romas's height.
very cruel, appearing especially in
children's stories.

(of the moon) having the The cloudiness will decrease and the
65 Gibbous Adjective illuminated part greater than a waning gibbous moon will shine later
semicircle and less than a circle. tonight.

behaving in She finally apologized, but she wasn't

66 Graceful Adjective a polite and pleasant way. very graceful about it.

The skeleton, a gracile adult male,

67 Gracility Noun the state of being gracefully was found buried with more than
slender. 2,000 small beads.

68 Grave Noun a place in the ground where They lowerd the coffin into the grave
a dead person is buried.
relating to gymnastics
(= physical exercises and
69 Gymnastics Plural noun activities performed inside, often Olga Corbett became famous after
using equipment such her inspirational gymnastic routines in
as bars and ropes, intended to the 1972 Olympics.
increase the body's strength and
the ability to move and bend

providing money or Many graduates tell of months spent in

70 Gainful Adjective something else that is useful. search of gainful employment.

qualify for office, especially as a Heisenberg had already habilitated at

71 Habilitate Intransitive teacher in a German university. the University of Göttingen.

72 Habitual Adjective usual or repeated. There is something wrong with anyone

who is so habitually rude.

73 Hailstorm Noun a sudden heavy fall of hail.  Covered events include damage or
destruction caused by accidental fire,
wind, hailstorm and so on.

in the middle of something, or at New York City is

74 Halfway Adverb a place that is equally far from two halfway between Boston and
otherplaces. Washington, DC.

A similar method has frequently been

75 Harmonic Adjective relating to or characterized by applied to the study of variations of
harmony. soil-temperatures by harmonic analysis
of the annual waves.
the time of year when crops are cu
t and collected from the fields, or
76 Harvest Noun the We had a good harvest this year.
activity of cutting and collecting
them, or the crops that
are cut and collected.
75 Header Noun a shot or pass made with the head. He scored with a header past the

to make progress or Little headway has been made

76 Headway Noun get closer to achieving so far in the negotiations.

77 Heartily adverb enthusiastically, energetically, and She laughed heartily at the joke.
often loudly.

78 heinous Adjective very bad and shocking. But it did not stop the heinous acts he's

If you are hesitant, you do not do

79 Hesitant Adjective something immediately or quickly She gave me a hesitant smile.
because you are nervous or
not certain.

She wears the most

80 Hideous Adjective extremely ugly or bad. hideous colour combinations you
could ever imagine.

a set
81 Ideology Noun of beliefs or principles, especially The people are caught between
one on which two opposing ideologies.
a political system, party,
or organization is based.

(especially of events or  By getting drunk and dancing on table

82 Ignominious Adjective behaviour) embarrassing tops, Sarah displayed ignominious
because of being a complete behavior at the party.

83 Imaginative Adjective new, original, and clever. The architects have made imaginative
use of glass and transparent plastic.
They spent an
84 Immense Adjective extremely large in size or immense amount of time getting
degree. the engine into perfect condition.

a person who has come to a Illegal immigrants

85 Immigrant Noun different country in order to live are sent back across the border if they
there permanently. are caught.

A small papillary muscle was attached

86 Imperforate Adjective lacking the normal opening; not to the underside of
perforated. the imperforate valve.

If an object or achievement is
87 Impressive Adjective impressive, That was an
you admire or respect it, usually impressive performance from such
because it is special, important, or a young tennis player.
very large.

88 Inappropriat Adjective unsuitable. His casual behaviour was wholly inapp

e ropriate for such a formal occasion.

89 Inaugurate Transitive to put something into use The change of government inaugurated
verb or action officially a new era of economic prosperity.

to force someone These new bullets are capable of

90 Inflict Transitive to experience something inflicting massive injuries.
verb very unpleasant

a person who
writes news stories or articles On his retirement from office he
91 journalist Noun for a newspaper or magazine returned to journalism and
or broadcasts them business.
on radio or television

the ability to make considered  I trust your judgment better than I do

92 Judgement Noun decisions or come to sensible my own.
having or showing reason and We should make judicious use of
93 Judicious Adjective good judgment in the resources available to us.
making decisions.

the authority of School admissions are

94 Jurisdiction Noun a court or official organization not under/within our jurisdiction.
to make decisions and judgments.

fairness in the There's no justice in

95 Justice Noun way people are dealt with. the world when people can be made
to suffer like that.

an expert in law, especially a Wolff, in the intervals of his chequered

96 Jurist Noun judge theological career, lectured and wrote
as a jurist upon the Law of Nature.

a place where You should slow down as

97 Junction Noun things, especially roads or you approach the junction.
railways, come together.

Having won the fight, Hamlet married

98 Jointress Noun a widow who holds a jointure. his brother's widow Gertrude who
acquired the status of jointress rather
than that of queen dowager.

unhappy and angry because He had always been very jealous of his
99 Jealousy Noun someone has something that brother's good looks.
you want.

a short journey for pleasure, A Sunday jaunt into the hills.

100 Jaunt Noun sometimes including a stay.

very interested, eager, They were very

101 Keen Adjective or wanting (to do) something very keen to start work as soon as
much. possible.
102 Kin Noun your closest relation or We can't release his name until we
relations. have informed his next of kin.

Her imagination was kindled by

104 Kindle Verb to cause strong feelings or the exciting stories her grandmother
ideas in someone. told her.

the middle joint of The baby was crawling around

105 Knee Verb the leg that allows the leg to on its hands and knees.

(in the past) a man of

106 Knight Noun high social position trained to knights in black armour
fight as a soldier on a horse.

107 Knock Verb to repeatedly hit something, Please knock before entering.
producing a noise.

the state of knowing about or Her knowledge of English grammar is

108 Knowledge Noun being familiar with something. very extensive.

a small projecting knob or ridge, The manufacturing volume of such

109 Knurl Noun especially in a series around the tools or parts is generally low and the
edge of something. performance of the knurl is critical.

having or showing knowledge of

110 Knowing Adjective private or secret information My mother gave me a knowing smile.

Above the rim of the pitcher is a broad

111 Laminar Adjective consisting of laminae. flattened lid, which is also
a laminar development.
a large area of countryside, He landscape is dotted with
112 Landscape Noun especially in relation to its the tents of campers and hikers.

to exist in He has been languishing in jail for the

113 Languish Intransitive an unpleasant or unwanted past 20 years.
Verb situation, often for a long time.

His whole life was indeed one

114 Lanquor Noun tiredness or inactivity, especially continued illness, but in this part of it
when pleasurable. his pain and languor had greatly

115 Legalize Noun to allow something by law. The government has legalized the use
of the new drug.

116 Linear Noun arranged in or extending along a  The species of a genus can hardly ever
straight or nearly straight line. be arranged in linear series.

117 Literacy Noun the ability to read and write. Far more resources are needed to
improve adult literacy.

the angular distance of a place east

118 Longitude Noun or west of the Greenwich The regions are on roughly the same
meridian, or west of the standard longitude.
meridian of a celestial object,
usually expressed in degrees and

119 Luminous Adjective producing or reflecting bright The library was lit by the
light, especially in the dark. luminous glow of laptops.
Finances aren't something discussed
120 Luxuriate Intransitive enjoy (something) as a luxury; on this show, probably because most
Verb take self-indulgent delight in. of the contestants are luxuriating in
extra funds.

Something that is mandatory must In 1991, the British government made

121 Mandatory Adjective be done, or is demanded by law it mandatory
to wear rear seat belts in cars.

to produce goods in large He works for a company that

122 Manufactur Noun numbers, usually in manufactures car parts.
e a factory using machines

a person who suffers very much or She fought against racism all
123 Martyr Noun is killed because her life and died a martyr to the cause.
of their religious or
political beliefs, and is
often admired because of it.

He's done a marvellous job of

124 Marvellous Adjective extremely good. the decorating.

125 Maternity Noun motherhood Karen will be on maternity leave next


a building in which Above, rises the mausoleum, also a

126 Mausoleum Noun the bodies of dead people are square, with a great dome of white
buried. marble in the centre.

an object, often large and made The statue was erected as a

127 Memorial Noun of stone, that has been memorial to those who died in the war.
built to honour a famous
person or event.
a person with experience in
a job who supports and advises so He acted as a business mentor to
128 Mentor Noun meone with less many young aspiring entrepreneurs.
experience to help them
develop in their work.
129 Minority Noun a smaller number or part It's only a tiny minority of people who
are causing the problem.

very effective or surprising, The diet promised miraculous weight

130 Miraculous Adjective or difficult to believe loss.

the action of causing

131 Negation Noun something to have no effect. Richard is buying unnecessary things.

honesty, courage, and kindness. In strictness nobility and gentry are the
132 Nobility Noun same thing.

a system for naming things, In law school, students spend years

133 Nomenclatu Noun especially in learning legal nomenclature so they
re a particular area of science. will be prepared to work as attorneys.

134 Numerous Adjective Many. We have discussed these plans on

numerous occasions.

containing many of
135 Nutritious Adjective the substances needed for life Raw spinach is especially nutritious.
and growth.

Something that is non-existent Insurance payment for alternative healt

136 Non- Adjective does not exist or is not present in a hcare is virtually non-existent.
existent particular place.

Birds are even more effective than

137 Non- Adjective not successful in producing a wind in transporting seeds to long
Effective desired or intended result. distances.
Mary, whose mom is a nurse, sits
not absolutely necessary (tending
Non- Adjective to be less forceful in meaning behind me in class.
Essential than inessential ). It is not essential for us to know what
Mary's mom does.

That will not explode: a nonexplos Most of its activity has

139 Non- Adjective ive fuel; nonexplosive gases. been nonexplosive, but a 1924
explosive eruption spewed ash and 10-ton (9-
metric ton) rocks into the sky, leaving
one man dead.

in name or thought but not She's the nominal head of our college -
140 Nominal Adjective in fact or not as things really are. the real work is done by her deputy.

the act of expressing or feeling op Her

141 Objection Noun position to or dislike of something objection to/against the plan is based o
or someone n incorrect facts.

a ceremony or action to Financial markets will

142 Observance Noun celebrate a holiday or be closed Monday in observance
a religious or other important of Labor Day.

Her concern about cleanliness

143 Obession Noun the state of being obsessed with approaches the level of obsession.
someone or something.

something that blocks you so

144 Obstacle Noun that movement, going forward, The biggest obstacle in our way was
or action is prevented or made a tree trunk in the road.
more difficult

They have
145 Obvious Adjective easy to see, recognize, a small child so for obvious reasons
or understand. they need money.
Inside the room there was
146 Odour Noun a smell, often one that the unmistakable odour of sweaty
is unpleasant. feet.

Opaque writing
147 Opaque Adjective or speech is difficult to I find her poetry a little too opaque.

a person who someone In the second game, her

148 Opponent Noun is competing against in opponent hurt her leg and had to retire.
a sports event.

a law or rule made by City Ordinance

149 Ordinance Noun a government or authority. 126 forbids the parking of cars in
this area.

the person or group who plans and Community organizers help to

150 Organizer Noun arranges an event or get people out to vote on election day.

two things, people, The two companies were not

151 Pairing Noun or organizations that work a successful pairing.

a series of people or things three hours a committee of state senato
152 Parade Noun that appear one after the other. rs listened to a parade
of local residents giving their opinions.

a place or condition of great happi His idea of paradise is

153 Paradise Noun ness where everything to spend the day lying on the beach.
is exactly as you would like it to

a condition in which you Some nervous disorders can produce p

154 Paralysis Noun are unable to move all aralysis.
or part of your body because of
illness or injury.
a structure dividing a space into A thin partition separates the two
155 Partition Noun two parts, especially a light rooms in the cabin.
interior wall.

a company that is owned by two The company is developing a new car

156 Partnership Noun or more people. in partnership with leading auto
manufacturers in Japan.

The child's mother made a

157 Passionate Adjective having very strong feelings or passionate plea for help.

making you want to do Your arguments are very persuasive.

158 Persuasive Adjective or believe a particular thing.

shown in the form of The exhibition is a

159 Pictorial Adjective a picture or photograph. pictorial history/record of the town in
the 19th century.

Too much exposure to the sun can

160 Permature Adjective occurring or done before the usual cause the premature aging of skin.
or proper time; too early.

the state of being successful and A country's future prosperity depends,

161 Prosperity Noun having a lot of money. to an extent, upon
the quality of education of its people.

A number of
162 Prosecution Noun the act of prosecuting someone. the cases have resulted in successful pr

163 Pleasant Adjective enjoyable, attractive, friendly, It was pleasant to sit down
or easy to like. after standing for hours.
164 Plentiful Adjective If something is plentiful, there is a Strawberries are plentiful in
lot of it available. the summer.

165 Portable Adjective light and small enough to They offer portable pensions, carried
be easily carried or moved. by employees from job to job.

Definite economic problems can very

166 Quantitative Adjective relating to numbers or amounts. rarely be dealt with by
merely quantitative methods.

one of
167 Quarter Noun four equal or almost equal parts of My house is situated a mile and three-
something. quarters from here.

168 Quell Transitive to stop something, especially Police in riot gear were called in to
verb by using force quell the disturbances/unrest.

often complaining, especially in He became increasingly dissatisfied an

169 Querulous Adjective a weak high voice. d querulous in his old age.

a line of people, There was a long queue

170 Queue Noun usually standing or of traffic stretching down the road.
in cars,waiting for something.

a form of energy that comes from Many servicemen suffered radiation

171 Radiation Noun a nuclear reaction and that can be sickness after the early atomic tests.
very dangerous to health.

a liquid from which impurities A raffinate is the liquid

172 Raffinate Noun have been removed by solvent which comes out of an extraction
extraction. process involving two liquids.
an arch (= curved shape) of The sun came out and we saw a
173 Rainbow Noun different colours seenin rainbow.
the sky when rain is falling and
the sun is shining
any material, such as oil, cotton,
or sugar in its natural condition, The cost of raw materials was going
174 Raw Noun before it has been processed for up.
Material use.

a large machine in The problems also affected the

175 Reactor Noun which atoms are Mayak reactor and reprocessing
either divided or joined in order to complex.
produce power.

accepting things as they are Let's be realistic (about this) - I just

176 Realistic Adjective in fact and not can't afford to pay that much money.
making decisions based on
unlikely hopes for the future.

to come together again, After lunch, the class reassembled.

177 Reassemble Intransitive or bring something together again,
Verb in a single place.

It's a
agreement that something new country, hoping for diplomatic
178 Recognition Noun is true or legal. recognition from
the international community.

a factory where substances in There were two huge oil refineries on

179 Refinery Noun their natural state, such the coast.
as oil or sugar, are made pure

a return to a previous and A regression has occurred in

180 Regression Noun less advanced or worse state, the overall political situation.
condition, or way of behaving.

At the turn of the century, Congress

181 Restriction Noun an official limit on something. imposed/placed a height restriction of
13 storeys on all buildings in
to make something or The grass had been saturated
182 Saturation Noun someone completely wet by overnight rain.

the office or people responsible fo One of the

183 Secretariat Noun r managing an organization, especi report's recommendations was that
ally apolitical or a national security secretariat should
international one. be set up at the heart of
the government.

Interests or aims that are sectional

184 Sectional Adjective are limited to The national interest is
a particular group within more important than any sectional
anorganization, society, or personal interests.
or country and do
not consider other groups

A secure place is one that it He killed the man just a month after
185 Secure Adjective is difficult to get out of his release from a
or escape from. secure mental hospital.

an official agreement that finishes It now seems unlikely that it will

186 Settlement Noun an argument. be possible to negotiate/reach a
peaceful settlement of the conflict.

the act of ending a connection, rel The minister announced the

187 Severance Noun ationship, etc. or of severance of aid to the country.
being separated from
a person, place, etc.

I'm slightly worried that she'll

188 Sightly Adverb a little. get lost on the way.

189 leafless Adjective having no leaves. The trees were leafless and dead.
an expert in science or technology We believe there is a danger in policy-
190 Technocrat Noun who has a lot of power in makers blindly trusting the
or influence with technocrats.
the government or industry.

toleration willingness to accept be

191 Tolerance Noun haviour and beliefs that are This period in history is
different not noted for its religious tolerance.
from your own, although you
might not agree with or approve of

192 Unconsciou Adjective unconscious thought or feeling is My unconscious desire to impress him
s one that you do not know you

deserving respect because of age, She has worked at such

193 Venerable Adjective high position, or religious or
historical importance. venerable institutions as Boston's
Museum of Fine Arts and the
Metropolitan Art Museum in New

able to change easily from A leather jacket is a timeless and

194 Versatile Adjective one activity to another or able to
be used for many versatile garment that can be worn in
different purposes. all seasons.

the distance between

195 Wavelength Noun two waves of energy, or The station is broadcast on the FM
the length of the radio wave used wavelength.
by a particular radio station for
broadcasting programmes.

196 Worthless Adjective having no value in money He company's shares are

now virtually worthless.
197 Worship Noun to go to a religious ceremony. They socialize together and worship in
the same mosque.

198 Workshop Noun a meeting of people to discuss and The organization runs a stress-
/or perform practical work management workshop.
in a subjector activity.

a line or pattern that looks like a Z The kids ran in zigzags around
199 Zigzag Noun or a row of Zsjoined together. the playground.

to change completely the

appearance or character of
200 Transform Verb something or The reorganization will transform
someone, especially so that that the entertainment industry.
thing or person is improved.

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