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Identification of functional existing emptying technologies

The existing technologies will be identified through observation to obtain information that differentiates
the technologies as shown in the in the observation checklist.

The technical equipment used will be observed and questionnaires will be administered to get
information about the equipment specifications suck as capacity of equipment, sludge emptied as
shown in the questionnaire.

The identified technology specifications will be document to show the existing technologies and the
conditions in which they function.

Determination of sludge variation for the different technologies

Faecal sludge sampling for viscosity and moisture content

A grab sample will be picked from the pit latrine when the emptying is done. 22 emptying events will be
monitored and a sample picked for each event.

Laboratory analysis


Faecal sludge sampling for trash content

A grab sample using a bucket will be picked from the discharge of the truck. 8 samples will be picked for
the 22 emptying events monitored.

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