Ireland Will Receive Tens of Billions in Loan Deal: GM Pulls Off Record Float

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Issue 1,267 Friday 19 November 2010

hailed the float


as a success for
his Tarp scheme
Picture: REX


BANKING the attractive rate, but Coughlan told

the Irish parliament: “It’s non-nego- have exceeded $248m, with Morgan

tiable.” Lenihan said on Wednesday the BY STEVE DINNEEN Stanley and JP Morgan taking home
IRELAND is likely to take a loan worth country’s tax policy was protected around $40m each.
tens of billions of euros from the under the EU’s Lisbon Treaty. GENERAL MOTORS closed 3.6 per cent Bank of America Merrill Lynch and
International Monetary Fund and Irish employers’ group IBEC backed higher yesterday after pulling off the Citigroup were also listed as lead
European partners to prop up its bank- the government’s firm stance. “Any biggest IPO in US history. underwriters, with Barclays Capital,
ing system, the troubled country’s change in the corporate tax regime The stock closed at $34.19, up from Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs,
banking chief said yesterday in the first would be counterproductive to the col- its float price of $33 a share. Credit Suisse and Royal Bank of
official confirmation that a bailout is lective efforts to reduce the budget Frantic trading throughout the day Canada all working on the deal.
imminent. deficit,” said director general Danny saw more than 100m shares change The roaring success of the IPO
Central bank governor Patrick McCoy. “Ireland is a small, open trad- hands, out of the total of 478m could set the US and Canadian gov-
Honohan said “we are talking about a ing economy and the recovery will placed, while financial advisers strug- ernments up for a windfall down the
very substantial loan for sure – tens of come from enterprise. It is vital that gled to meet the demands of investors line as they offload the remainder of
billions, yes,” when asked about the res- the ability of Ireland’s enterprise sector desperate to get hold of the stock. their stakes.
cue package. to drive growth and recovery is not GM raised $20.1bn after pricing The US government sold around
“The intention is and the expecta- undermined in any way.” shares at the top of its proposed half of its 61 per cent interest, while
tion is, on their part and personally on David Cameron said he has not range. The total is expected to top Canada sold 20 per cent of its 11.7 per
my part, that negotiations or discus- ruled out a direct UK contribution to $23bn after underwriters on the deal cent stake.
sions will be effective and a loan will be Ireland’s coffers, telling a House of take up options to shift extra stock. Barack Obama hailed the float as a
made available and drawn down as Commons committee yesterday that It is the largest ever IPO retail victory for his Tarp bailout scheme.
necessary,” he added. Ireland is “a close neighbour, a good uptake, with small investors snapping He said: “Supporting the American
Experts from the European friend, a country that we have very up more than 17 per cent of the firm, auto industry required tough deci-
Commission, the European Central close political and economic relations although this was less than the 30 per sions and shared sacrifices, but it
Bank and the IMF met at the Irish cen- with . . . Our banks are very connected to cent originally expected. helped save jobs and rescue an indus-
tral bank yesterday to discuss the possi- Central bank governor Patrick Honohan (top) the Irish banks. We have an interest in Combined fees are estimated to try and make it more competitive.”
ble rescue package, with discussions said Ireland would take a “substantial loan”; not just the Eurozone being a success,
ANALYSIS l General Motors
set to continue into next week. while deputy PM Mary Coughlan (bottom) said we have an interest in Ireland being a $
Finance minister Brian Lenihan said success.” 34.19
in parliament that the embattled gov-
its low corporate tax rate was “non-negotiable” After 10 days of losses, European 18 Nov
ernment had not formally asked for a stock and bond markets and the euro
loan, and the amount needed was cur- banks’ debts, the amount needed rebounded yesterday on expectations
rently unknown. Estimates yesterday won’t be less than €80bn.” Ireland would become the second 35
ranged from €80bn (£68bn) to €110bn. The government would not be Eurozone country after Greece to
“The banks themselves can’t put a coerced into altering its 12.5 per cent receive a bailout.
figure on the residential debt, and the corporate tax rate as part of a bailout Ireland’s cost of borrowing, which is
figure has been going up and up over deal, Ireland’s deputy Prime Minister close to an 11-year high, fell as worries
the last two years,” WorldSpreads chief Mary Coughlan said yesterday. of a sovereign default eased. Yields on 34
executive Conor Foley told City A.M. last French and German officials are 10-year gilts dropped from 8.3 per cent
night. “Based on our estimates of the thought to be pressing Ireland to raise to 8.1 per cent yesterday. 10 am 11 am 12 pm 1 pm 2 pm 3 pm

FTSE 100 ▲ 5,768.71 +76.15 DOW ▲ 11,181.23 +173.35 NASDAQ ▲ 2,514.40 +38.39 £/$ ▲ 1.60 +0.01 £/¤ ▲ 1.18 +0.01 ¤/$ 1.36 unc Certified Distribution
04/10/10 - 31/10/10 is 110,406

Come and have a go if you

think you’re smart enough.
Join us at the next evening information session on 24 November 2010.
2 News CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

Crisis must be used to force change NEWS | IN BRIEF

Dell reports strong third quarter
Dell raised its yearly income forecast
after third-quarter margins and earn-
during its bankruptcy phase, with fac- ernment ought to have made use of were forced to give up what is one of ings beat expectations, helped by sliding
tories shut and ridiculously generous the Irish crisis to push through real its few successful policies, it is fin- costs of PC components propelling its
union-negotiated wage and pension change in the EU and force a renegoti- ished as an economy. Hiking corpora- shares 4.8 per cent higher. The personal
costs cut to more realistic levels. The ation of the Treaties to allow the UK to tion tax wouldn’t even raise any computer maker, which vies with Acer
firm now makes money on every car it extricate itself of those bits that it money. Firms that have relocated to for the number two spot in the global
sells, rather than losing a packet. doesn’t like. Prior to the election, the Dublin would simply up sticks again PC market, expects stable demand from
The IPO values GM at about $63bn. Tories said they wanted to repatriate and move somewhere else; they won’t government and corporate customers
Roughly $23.1bn will have been some powers from Brussels to return to high tax countries. There are and favourable component prices this
EDITOR’S LETTER raised, the biggest public offering in Westminster, including on social poli- more low tax jurisdictions than ever, current quarter. Dell beat earnings fore-
history, eclipsing the $22.1bn raked in cy. Depressingly, the trend since the not least the up and coming global casts by a wide margin. It yesterday
ALLISTER HEATH by Agricultural Bank of China in July. election has been entirely the other financial centre that is Singapore. reported net earnings for the quarter
This is an astonishing turnaround way, with European institutions crack- The Eurozone’s existential crisis ended 29 October of $822m (£512m),
SOMETIMES, crises are the best way to from GM’s near-death experience in ing down on the City like never before. won’t end with Ireland’s bailout. It up from $337m, from a year ago.
force through change. Take what has 2008. Its rescue left the US Treasury The government has blown a once-in- will be merely delayed. Ireland can be
happened to the US car industry. I with a 61 per cent stake, cut to 33 per a-decade opportunity to reverse this saved. This may not be true of some Gap posts weak earnings
wish the US government hadn’t bailed cent yesterday. At $33 a share, the par- nonsense. Eurorealist Tories have been other Eurozone countries; their day- Gap posted a slight decrease in net prof-
out General Motors; governments tial sale represents a loss of $9bn on defeated by unthinkingly pro-EU ele- to-day non-banking budget deficit are it that met Wall Street estimates,
should not be in the business of help- taxpayers’ original investments; how- ments within the coalition. much larger and their economies less despite tepid sales in advance of the key
ing individual firms in this way. The ever, the soaring share price means One change which the crisis must- competitive. Another bailout of anoth- holiday selling season, but the apparel
assistance helped GM’s remaining that they could still quite easily break n’t trigger is the abolition of Ireland’s er small country a few months down retailer stood by its 2010 profit outlook.
employees but it unfairly put other even on the deal over time. GM’s trans- 12.5 per cent rate of corporation tax. the line would start to stretch the EU Net profit in Gap's third quarter fell one
companies at a competitive disadvan- formation – it has, of course, still a Competition between nations for cap- and IMF’s ability to cope. The real per cent to $303m (£189m), from
tage, including Ford, Toyota and oth- long way to go – is a perfect case study ital, labour and corporate HQs is a worry is whether Spain or Italy will $307m a year earlier. Sales rose two per
ers who had done all the hard work to of how a crisis can transform a seem- good thing. The French and Germans eventually lose the markets’ confi- cent to $3.65bn, above the $3.58bn
put their own houses in order. ingly untransformable organisation hate it, because they want to keep dence. Britain desperately needs to expected by Wall Street. The firm said it
Putting that crucial point aside, and thus end up being beneficial. taxes higher; they would rather create turn this crisis to its advantage. would close about 100 Gap stores in
however, at least GM was transformed In a similar fashion, the British gov- a cartel of high-tax nations. If Ireland 2010, 10 below its earlier guidance.

7th Floor, Centurion House,

24 Monument Street, London, EC3R 8AJ
Tel: 020 7015 1200 Fax: 020 7283 5334
Hands looks
for next deal
Editor Allister Heath
Deputy Editor David Hellier
News Editor Ben Griffiths
Night Editor Katie Hope
Associate Editor David Crow
PRIVATE EQUITY private equity needed to accept lower

Business Features Editor Marc Sidwell

Lifestyle Editor Zoe Strimpel BY MARION DAKERS returns in the future. “2004 to 2007 Former Man Group boss Stanley Fink is to join the House of Lords Picture: GETTY
Pictures Alex Ridley was an anomaly...the Woodstock

City stars set for peerages

PRIVATE equity tycoon Guy Hands years. We have to accept reality and
Commercial said yesterday he was focused on “the stop chasing ghosts. We are back
Sales Director Jeremy Slattery next deal” following his attempts to where we were,” Hands said.
Commercial Director Harry Owen sue Citigroup over his purchase of Buyout funds should return to
Head of Distribution Nick Owen struggling music label EMI. basics, he said. Private equity would
He said his firm would “look like have to invest in good businesses and
geniuses” if it hadn’t bought EMI, but hold on to them long-term rather POLITICS Bishop is also thought to be on the

Distribution helpline refused to discuss his recent legal bat- than selling out after three years. list of up to 30 new Conservative
If you have any comments about the distribution BY MARION DAKERS
of City A.M. Please ring 0207 015 1230, or email tle against Citigroup. “EMI is where Investors should expect returns of peers, along with Andrew Feldman, EMI is,” he told the Super Investor eight or nine per cent rather than the THE CONSERVATIVE and Labour par- the party co-chairman and a universi-
conference in Paris yesterday. 20 per cent seen at the height of the ties are set to name several City play- ty friend of David Cameron.
Editorial Statement It was the Terra Firma owner’s first market, he added. ers in the latest lists of appointed The Labour party has also submit-
This newspaper adheres to the system of public appearance since losing a peers. ted a list of up to 20 candidates for
self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints $2bn (£1.25bn) fraud case against the Terra Firma boss Guy Stanley Fink, the Tory party treas- the Lords, who have been scrutinised
Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the investment bank over the purchase of urer and former chief executive of by a selection committee. Labour’s
editorial content of publications under the Editor’s Hands made his first
EMI. Hands unsuccessfully claimed Man Group, is among those said to be list is thought to include Nigel
Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at Citigroup had tricked him into pay- public appearance on the list of the latest entrants to the Doughty, founder of private equity
Printed by Newsfax International,
ing $6.8bn for the debt-laden firm in since his failed lawsuit House of Lords, which will be firm Doughty Hanson and owner of
Beam Reach 5 Business Park, May 2007. against Citigroup revealed on Saturday. Nottingham Forest FC, and ready
Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8RS He told conference delegates that Former BMI chairman Sir Michael meal entrepreneur Sir Gulam Noon.


that Brazil will face flight delays and
cancellations around the World Cup.

almost one-sixth of all property deals Fund managers Schroders and Cairn The US will be banned from selling A former secretary to Bernard Madoff Norges Bank, the central bank of
in the UK this year, as some £4bn of Capital have teamed up with goods to many countries if it contin- and another long-term employee of Norway, became the latest to report
property has been shifted by boom- Eurohypo, the German bank, to ues to shirk its promise to cut green- the multi-billion-dollar fraudster have boosting its stake in BlackRock. after
time borrowers needing to repay launch a real estate debt venture with house gas emissions, according to the been arrested and charged with secu- Bank of America and PNC Financial
loans to the bank’s £30bn troubled the aim of plugging a £1.5bn hole in world’s leading climate change econ- rities fraud and falsifying books. Services sold a total of $9.57bn in a
real estate debt division. Lloyds, the the UK property market. There is a omist. In an interview with The Annette Bongiorno, who worked as a BlackRock secondary offer this
largest lender to commercial proper- shortage of new real estate lending as Times, Lord Stern said nations that secretary and helped to run the back month. According to a filing with US
ty with almost a quarter of the bank retrench after profligate lend- were taking strong action on emis- office at Madoff Securities, was arrest- regulators yesterday, Norges now
£250bn of outstanding debt, has ing for property purchases during the sions could start imposing restric- ed at her home in Boca Raton, Florida. owns 9.85m shares, or 7.5 per cent of
formed a 425-strong business support boom years. tions on “dirty” US exports by 2020. Joann Crupi, another former employ- BlackRock’s common shares.
team headed by Richard Dakin. ee, was also arrested.
WORLD CUP Sportech, the football pools opera- The name may have disappeared PROFIT SQUEEZE European Central Bank president
Brazil risks public embarrassment tor, and bookmaker Betfred are the from the pools coupons handed to Almost half of British businesses were Jean-Claude Trichet yesterday
because it will run out of space at its early frontrunners in the auction for doorstep collectors every week, but hit by decreased profits in the last expressed “grave concerns” about the
airports well before it hosts the World the government’s Tote betting busi- Littlewoods will survive on the inter- quarter, according to a survey of busi- depth of the EU’s stability pact, call-
Cup in 2014 due to a rapid increase in ness. Lazards, which is conducting net for another five years. Football ness owners and financial directors. A ing for a “quantum leap” in econom-
demand and inadequate develop- the auction, this week sent out an pools operator Sportech has signed a quarterly ranking of the warning ic governance, while speaking at a
ment plans, according to leading air- information memorandum to licencing deal with Shop Direct, signs of business distress by R3 found central banking conference in
line industry executives. Without prospective bidders, according to which owns the Littlewoods brand, to that a downturn in profits was experi- Frankfurt. He called for increased
more development, observers fear those close to the deal. use the name for online gambling. enced by 49 per cent of firms. governance and surveillance.
CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 News 3


Airbus to seek compensation

Picture: REUTERS
for Rolls-Royce engine failure
“We can’t comment on customers dent could delay deliveries next year.

BY MARION DAKERS but we can say that any cost Airbus Qantas said yesterday around 40
incurs, we will seek full financial Rolls-Royce engines, or around half of
AIRCRAFT maker Airbus will seek compensation from Rolls-Royce,” an those in use in A380 aircraft, will be
compensation from Rolls Royce for Airbus spokesperson said yesterday. affected. Qantas’ six A380s have been
disruption linked to its engine failure The move means that Rolls-Royce grounded since the incident. The air-
on a Qantas flight earlier this month. could face a more serious financial line said in a memo yesterday its
Rolls-Royce plans to replace engines impact than thought from the inci- pilots had struggled to shut down an
in the wake of the Qantas Airbus dent. engine on the flight on 4 November
A380 emergency, when an engine Airbus, which has almost 200 due to debris from the Rolls-Royce
blow-out forced a passenger plane to orders for A380 planes on its books, engine that severed cables as it broke
turn back to Singapore. said disruption caused by the inci- up mid-flight.

MEREDITH Whitney, the analyst credited with predicting the financial crisis, plans to go
head-to-head with Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s by launching her own credit ratings
agency. Whitney already set up her own research company, Meredith Whitney Advisory
Group, last year after leaving her analyst role at boutique investment firm Oppenheimer.

Deloitte woos
Roland Berger
It is believed the new firm would

BY MATTHEW WEST be called Roland Berger Deloitte
Strategy Consultants.
DELOITTE Touche Tohmatsu is in Martin Wittig, Roland Berger’s
advanced talks about a possible chief executive, is thought most likely
takeover with Roland Berger Strategy to become the new company’s chief
Consultants it emerged yesterday. executive with Jeff Watts, Deloitte’s
The discussions to merge the global strategy and operations leader,
German firm with Deloitte’s strategic being lined up as his deputy should
consulting practice are in line with the deal go through.
consolidation activity in the wider Roland Berger also confirmed the
consulting sector this year. Risk man- talks with Deloitte. Matthias
agement firm Aon acquired Hewitt Hopfmueller, a spokesman for the
Associates in a $4.9bn (£3.05bn) deal firm said: “Discussions between the
which added to its human resources two companies are already taking
consulting arm. place to open up new growth
Deloitte confirmed yesterday that prospects for ourselves and Deloitte
discussions were taking place. but we have to discuss this with all
“We can confirm that Deloitte and the partners at our international
Roland Berger are in advanced discus- meeting in December.”
sions to merge their businesses. We Roland Berger began as one-man
have an exciting ambition to create a company in 1967 with a focus on mar-
market leading strategy consultancy keting consulting. In 2009, the com-
within Deloitte’s Consulting busi- pany generated €616m in sales and
ness,” the accountancy said. employed 2,000 staff worldwide.

United Biscuits back on the block

as Chinese firm’s offer crumbles
talks, are likely to be invited back into

the process, the people said.
THE PRIVATE equity owners of United A number of rival buyout firms are
Biscuits are opening up a possible also thought to be readying approach-
£2bn sale to new bidders after exclu- es for the business.
sive talks with a preferred suitor United Biscuits, Britain’s biggest
ended, people familiar with the mat- snack food group and maker of
ter said yesterday. McVitie’s biscuits and Hula Hoops, is
US food groups Kraft, Campbell owned by Blackstone and PAI
Soup and Kellogg’s, which all looked Partners. Blackstone declined to com-
at United Biscuits before Chinese food ment last night, while PAI did not
group Bright Food entered exclusive respond to requests for comment.
4 News CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010


Advisers say A LIST OF ITS BIGGEST SUPPLIERS? Interviews by Thomas Hamed
migrant cap “Indeed it will help because the govern-
ment is spending way too much. Much
of this money is wasted.
spending data

needs rethink

Thankfully, the new transparen- THE government is to publish a list of
cy also lets me pay taxes with its biggest suppliers today as it
launches its drive to make public
confidence.” spending more accountable.
Cabinet Office minister, Francis
Maude, will publish the spending

POLITICS and family routes.” data later this morning which shows
BY TOM DE CASTELLA The professor noted “widespread all departmental spending above
concern among employers regarding £25,000.
PLANS to cap the number of skilled the impact that limits on migration “I think the transparency will help me form Among the government’s biggest
migrant workers coming to the UK could have” and suggested that alter- an opinion. It will help me find out what my suppliers are the Young People’s
will only go a small way to achieving
new immigration targets and are like-
native methods to capping workers
may be more practicable.
government is spending on, and deter- Learning Agency, established in April
to provide support for training and
ly to damage economic growth, a “Limits on work visas could be mine if I like it or not. education to all 16 to 19 year-olds in
government advisory body warned.
The Migration Advisory Committee
eased if, for example: the study and
family routes bear more than their
Undoubtedly, this gives me confi- England, Partnerships for Schools
and the Greater London Authority.
(MAC) was asked by Home Secretary pro-rata share of any cuts.” dence now that I can see where The data published covers govern-
Theresa May to recommend limits on
the number of skilled workers enter-
The 300 page report gave support
to businesses concerned by the eco-
the money is being spent.” ment spending over the last six
months and the government expects
ing the UK from outside Europe. nomic impact of a stringent cap on that charities alongside access to
Its latest report says that if govern- migrant workers. He said: “[Skilled] information groups will use it to help
ment targets to return immigration migration makes a small but positive PIERRE HENRI LEROY | PROXINVEST the public understand where money
levels to “the tens of thousands” from contribution to GDP per head. Such is being spent.
196,000 by 2015 are to be achieved, effects will accumulate over time and The government has also created
the number of workers from outside become more significant.” “I would say ‘yes’. Disclosure is a really an open access website to give the
Europe will need to be cut by between
13 and 25 per cent next year.
Baroness Jo Valentine, chief execu-
tive of business lobby group London
good thing because it lets you see where public and computer programme
developers easy access to the data
But in his foreward, MAC chair First praised the bold nature of the the money is going. If you from all levels of government.
Professor David Metcalf stated: “It is
not possible to reduce net migration
She said: “It is quite brave of them
don’t disclose, no one will trust The Taxpayers Alliance welcomed
the move. A spokesman said: “There
to the tens of thousands by limiting to point out, more than once in the you.” is lots of excellent information that
work-related migration alone. This document that the economic case will make it easier for us to hold the
goal can only be achieved by also cut- argues against capping these highly government to account for its spend-
ting net migration under the study skilled individuals.” ing activities”
CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 Focus on LSE 5

per share:
23.3p (up 11
Group is still well-placed to compete
per cent) despite growing fragmentation
Total six-
SE has not had an easy time so Still, despite growing fragmenta-
far this year, after it was shuf- tion in the marketplace, LSE is well-
month fled out of the FTSE 100 in placed to compete in Europe.
revenues: June. Following the worst of It maintains a dominant market
the financial crisis, 2010 has seen share in the UK and with its move
£297.9m nervous investors shuttle into into high-frequency trading (albeit
bonds and out of equities, partly slightly marred by suspected sabo-
explaining why the company’s rev- tage), it has proved that, with some
LSE boss Xavier Six-month enues saw barely any change. prodding, it is ready to move with
Rolet is hoping to pre-tax Its results yesterday benefited the times.
cash in on lucra- from a one-off gain of £5.6m after
tive derivatives profit: renegotiating VAT calculations with
trades £100.2m the Treasury, but they were other-
Theiner/ CITY A.M
wise right on consensus, with oper-
ating profit of £155m.
Analysis by Juliet Samuel

LSE to launch
new platform
for derivatives
tives platform: “This was an isolated

BY JULIET SAMUEL incident and, although a thorough
investigation is ongoing, it is clear that
THE London Stock Exchange (LSE) has it was unconnected to the functioning
announced that it will launch a pan- of the trading platform itself,” the
European derivatives trading platform company said in its third-quarter
in the second quarter of 2011. results statement.
The move comes after rival trading Overall, analysts were cautiously
platforms stole market share, in part positive on LSE’s earnings. Its six-
due to regulatory changes following month pre-tax profit was up 26 per
concern about competition. cent to £100.2m. Revenues from pri-
In February, LSE bought the high- mary capital markets were up just one
frequency trading platform Turquoise per cent on last year, to £297.9m, and
as part of its response to changing revenues from cash equities in the UK
demand. Turquoise, which uses tech- fell 18 per cent to £44m.
nology from LSE-owned company
Millennium IT in October, will form ANALYSIS l LSE 747.50
p 18 Nov
the basis of its new platform. 760
Turquoise suffered a blow to its rep-
utation earlier this month when the
Millennium IT system it uses was 720
taken out for two hours by suspected
sabotage. 680
The incident forced LSE to put back
the move-over of the main market
onto the Millennium IT system, but 640
the firm insists that it has not affected
its plans for the Europe-wide deriva- 23 Aug 13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov

Rolet celebrates rules rethink

REGULATION seat in Brussels. This is very good

BY DAVID HELLIER news for the UK, for the corporate sec-
tor looking to raise capital, in particu-
LONDON stock exchange (LSE) chief lar SMEs, and for financial markets”
executive Xavier Rolet yes- SEE DETAILThe E CITY exchange chief has
S INSIstock
Issue 1,220


15 Septemb
er 2010

terday applauded the gov- for weeks been www.citya


ernment’s decision not to U

waging a cam-

split the regulation of the to paign (which
UK’s primary and second- REGULATIO
ovbegan in CityA.M.)

THE Londo
last night n Stock Exchange’s

ary markets in its shake- the capita

called on

against earlier
those involv boss

campaign raising business to ed in
he fears against proposed new his
back BY MAR
London’s could “severely” rules
OIL gia
competitiven impact

up of the financial coalition propos-

There are ess. could b
new rules growi ng
out of Londo could chase fears that the US Just
capital chief ex
much-neede n, robbing the raising pares to
d City of
Xavier Roletincome and jobs. Horizon
plans to split opposes contro

regulatory system. als that would

mary and the regulation of versial ing on M
markets betwe secondary the pri-
capita ment “ex
Protection en the new l raising complain
(CPMA) and and Markets Authomer Horizon d
Reporting a strengthened Finan rity

Speaking at the LSE’s have split up the

relevant en
ingly obscuCouncil (FRC). While cial The gove
ous reperc re, the move will haveseem- civil action
ussions, critics seri-
Others in warn. Mexico, bu
far largel the City agree but details of
Yesterday y kept their have so Monday’s

interim results presenta- listing regulation

Rolet counsel. do
of the govern asked for more Xavier Rolet, Hannah
critics the LSE’s CEO,
come forwa ment’s
rd, for the proposals to is spearheading the Depar A
and its ability sake Rolet is conce a campaign tm
we have said
to raise fundsof the City the against propos
and small
compa for large regulation rned that separating ed new regula are comm
“I don’t speak nies alike. those comp of prima marke tions responsible
anies that ry listings – withint there if that area

tion yesterday, Xavier and might have

say that I for others Picture: Micha c
would not but I would money for the are raisin is Theiner/City made,
number of be surpri regulation first time g weigh its remit. “Given no longer of prima A.M. resour restore
– from the t of the sheer
similar viewsother participants sed if a makes little of secondary have exper regulation, you need ry
could increa and secondary marke
ces los
tragedy, and
“I want to to ours,” issued sense, since it willlistings detail ts in the room to The se risks of marke ts payer r
he told City regulation ed who have Association
their views encourage them to A.M. most conceless efficient. But make mary andunderstanding of a and t abuse money.”
the Nationof British Insure . BP
response to known. We need make both pri- rs mattedeclined

Rolet said: “We very weakened the UK’s

rned he is and secon
the a robust quences of doing about the conse- are respon dary market issues Pension Funds al Associ
ation of rs.
The govern consultation.” influence this on the he said. sible for the still consu told City
process ends ment’s consu in Brussels. UK’s outcome,” lting their A.M. they were The distric
The CPMA Rolet said he was For its part, the memb alread
have long,” on 18 October. “Weltation Europe’s has the ers. y set
cases arisin to
warned Rolet. don’t fears new super UK’s only vote on ernment
was positive the say wheth FRC
er it even is refusing to
that it will regula and is hopef consulting on the gov- responsibiliti wants the April, g fro
not be abletor. Rolet ul changes issue chief new assets and the fi

much welcome the gov- position in

es. Stephen
FTSE 100 ▲ sent the views The
of the prima to repre- Associ Investment
can be made. execu Haddr
5,567.41 +1.88 ry listings ation has Managemen will make tive of the FRC, said:ill, the $20bn (£12.9
to pay fo
DOW M10,526 It says that criticised t ment
separating the changes. own when we have
our views known to “We
bn) c
.49 -17.64 govern-
before the will a
NASDAQ ▲2,289 the regula
tion WHEN analysis.” completed
our on parliam
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8 Economic News CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

OECD warns of
VAT rise will UK headwinds
hurt growth, as cuts forecast

says the OBR


GOVERNMENT spending cuts will put
the brakes on UK growth, according
to influential think tank the
Organisation for Economic Co-opera-
tion and Development (OECD) which
yesterday slashed its forecast for the

ECONOMICS he wouldn't raise VAT because it hits UK in 2011.

BY DAVID CROW the poorest hardest. He broke that The Paris-based group said Britain
promise. will grow by 1.7 per cent in 2011, well
GEORGE Osborne’s decision to hike “Now the independent OBR has The High Street is losing out to internet sales Picture: Micha Theiner/City A.M. below the 2.5 per cent it predicted in
VAT will shave 0.3 per cent off GDP in told us the impact of Cameron’s very May and the 2.3 per cent expected by

Retail sales pick up but

2011-12, the official independent fore- own jobs tax – slower growth and the Treasury.
caster said yesterday. fewer jobs.” But despite warning of “head
The chancellor will increase the The OBR only publishes the winds” and “subdued growth”, the
sales tax from 17.5 per cent to 20 per assumptions behind its forecasts in OECD continued to judge the

growth stays sluggish

cent in the New Year, as he seeks to response to a formal request. Coalition’s fiscal tightening “substan-
pay down the largest deficit in Yesterday, it refused to say who had tial but necessary”.
Britain’s peacetime history. asked for the information, although The OECD’s revised forecast
Yesterday, the Office of Budget sources close to the Treasury insist it dragged some growth it previously
Responsibility (OBR) revealed the was the Labour party. saw for the UK next year into the cur-
amount of damage it expected the Meanwhile, economists at the rent 12 months, upping the 2010 fore-
tax hike to do to economic growth. Adam Smith Institute called on the ECONOMICS rivals, with non-store retailing up 1.2 cast to 1.8 per cent from 1.3 per cent.

“The interim OBR’s June 2010 government to consider more spend- BY JULIAN HARRIS per cent on September and a stagger- However, the pace will slow as contri-
Budget forecast assumed that the ing cuts instead of the VAT rise, which ing 12 per cent on October 2009. butions from businesses stockbuild-
increase in the standard rate of VAT they said would do less damage to the RETAIL sales in the UK rose for the But shops selling household goods ing wane and household
from 17.5 per cent to 20 per cent economy. first time in three months in October, such as hardware stores and DIY consumption remains subdued, it
would reduce the level of real GDP in “The coalition should urgently con- according to official statistics released superstores fared the worse, with sales said.
2011-12 by around 0.3 per cent,” it said sider making further spending cuts yesterday. down 4.7 per cent year-on-year, due to The organisation forecast world
in a statement. instead of raising VAT, which is going Sales volumes were up 0.5 per cent the slowdown in the housing market. growth would slow to 4.2 per cent in
Shadow chancellor Alan Johnson to hit every household in the coun- compared to September, but still 0.1 Sales at these retailers were down 0.6 2011 from 4.6 per cent this year
seized on the figures, claiming the try,” said Tom Clougherty, executive per cent lower than the same month per cent on September. before returning to a rate of 4.6 per
hike would ultimately result in fewer director of the Adam Smith Institute. in 2009. Analysts warned the VAT hike cent in 2012. Last May, it projected
jobs. The rise will come into force on 4 Online retailers continued to out- would likely stem retail sales growth expansion of 4.6 per cent in 2010 and
He said: “David Cameron promised January 2011. perform their traditional High Street in the New Year. 4.5 per cent in 2011.
CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 Economic News 9



“ Borrowing is still on track to undershoot the latest emergency budget target. Nonetheless, the
deterioration in recent months is a disappointment and may reflect slower growth.


“ Deficit levels are still high but should come down next year as fiscal tightening steps up a gear.
But only if forecasts of strong growth and employment do not prove overly optimistic.


“ The figures were encouraging, as they were in previous months. And those months’ debt levels
have since been revised down. The UK remains well on course to meet its target.

Economists said George Osborne might have to make deeper cuts Picture: GETTY

borrowing up
on last year the seiko chronograph.
a new fusion of high performance
and classic style.

equivalent of 57.1 per cent of the UK’s

BY JULIAN HARRIS GDP – up from £694.7bn or 49.3 per
cent of GDP at the end of October
THE chancellor could have to cut pub- 2009.
lic spending by even more than These figures exclude financial
planned, economists warned yester- interventions such as bailouts for
day after government borrowing in banks. Including these amounts, the
October was higher than last year. public sector debt is 64.5 per cent of
The Office for National Statistics GDP, says the ONS.
(ONS) said net borrowing was £10.3bn Mark Littlewood, director general
last month, up from £10.1bn in of the Institute of Economic Affairs,
October 2009. said: “The real liabilities facing the
There is now a “very real risk the country are even worse than these
deficit will overshoot” the govern- numbers indicate. When our colossal
ment’s target of net borrowing of pensions liabilities are considered,
£149bn for 2010-11, according to the true scale of our indebtedness
Graeme Leach, chief economist at the runs into several trillion.”
Institute of Directors. Interest payments on the debt also
Chancellor George Osborne may increased to £3.86bn in October from
have to “revisit spending cuts and tax £3.35bn a year earlier.
hikes” if the economy underperforms However, economists at IHS Global
between now and March, Leach Insight pointed out that that the pub-
added. lic finances have benefited from
The ONS figures show public sector increased corporation tax and VAT
net debt reaching £845.8bn – the receipts.

dedicated to perfection
Mortgage lending slumps Car production boosts industry
Gross mortgage lending last month was Over a million cars have rolled out of
the lowest October total since 2000, British factories this year, according to
according to figures released yesterday. figures released yesterday – and most of
The Council of Mortgage Lenders esti- the vehicles are being exported. As the inventor of the quartz watch in 1969 and the analogue quartz chronograph in 1983, SEIKO has
mated that lending was down nine per Production of new cars grew six per cent decades of experience in fusing high performance with refined design. The new 2010 chronograph
cent, from £13.6bn in October 2009 to in October, while production is up 30.4
£12.4bn last month. per cent so far this year. Earlier this week measures elapsed time to 1/5th second and features an alarm with dual-time option, a sapphire crystal and
The figures coincided with fresh Bank of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ 10 bar water resistance. A classic chronograph for the watch connoisseur.
England data on the level of mortgage Association reported a 16.6 per cent fall
lending by major UK lenders. in new EU registrations. Yesterday’s fig-
The Bank announced that 44,000 new ures from the Society of Motor
mortgages were approved in October, Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT)
yet the value of mortgage lending for showed exports up 6.4 per cent, account-
house purchases is down from £5.6bn in ing for over four out of five cars pro- AVA I L A B L E AT H . S A M U E L U W W W. H S A M U E L . C O . U K
September to £5.3bn. This represents a duced in the UK. Commercial vehicle
nine-month low, the Bank said yesterday. production was up 47.1 per cent.
The Capitalist
10 CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

Centre left to right:

Finsbury senior
partner Roland
Rudd; Philip
Bassett, Labour
adviser in the
House of Lords and
RBS chairman Sir
Philip Hampton

On right: Credit
Suisse’s UK manag-
ing director of
investment bank-
ing Sebastian

From left to right: Baronness Vadera, consultant to the Dubai government, Alliance
Boots chief executive Andy Hornby and M&S chairman Robert Swannell

Left: Katherine Garrett-Cox, Alliance Trust chief;

Right: Carphone Warehouse chair Charles Dunstone

Pictures: Micha Theiner/City A.M.

On left: RBS chief executive Stephen Hester and former business secretary Lord Peter
Mandelson; On right KKR partner Dominic Murphy


Complete with ceiling lights, a steady Apparently embracing his “John the
flow of champagne and a path of can- Baptist” role, as he put it, but further
dle-filled lanterns guiding our path, specifics remained a mystery.
the Tate Britain was last night decked “Does he still think he’s running
out for one of the biggest City shindigs RBS?” one chairman asked as the Lord
of the year last night. The annual peeled Hester off from the crowd.
party of Roland Rudd’s Finsbury PR And Sainsbury’s chief executive
made its triumphant return to the Justin King strolled the floor display-
cosy environs of the museum in full ing his heart on his sleeve – or lapel –
style. Guests strolled past a violet-lit, in the form of a huge badge bearing
upside-down aeroplane hanging from the supermarket’s logo (and kindly
the ceiling to the central lobby, where enlarged to fit the clumsy Olympic
a sizeable chunk of Rudd’s two dozen equivalent).
FTSE 100 clients had gathered for As Centrica chairman Roger Carr
drinks and high jinks. deployed his charming smile to
Your Capitalist was there, watching another guest and former Lloyds boss
as the axles of business – at least, its Sir Victor Blank made a fashionably
more champagne-fuelled side – were late entrance, Nat Rothschild’s BMW
greased. Speculation that Finsbury pulled up at the Tate’s steps. For
would ruthlessly shed its New Labour some, the evening was still young.
credentials in favour of this coalition
fad proved groundless, as we spotted
only the regular Tory attendees.
And, of course, the dark prince of
Ever wanted your own private string
New Labour himself – Peter quartet concert? Or to see what goes
Mandelson – was seen gliding across on behind the scenes at fashion house
the floor. Smoothly, he sailed into a Anya Hindmarch? All such delights
conversation with RBS honcho are up for grabs at the Pilotlight
Stephen Hester. “How are you?” online charity auction. The charity
exclaimed the lord as if the two were acts as a mentor to smaller non-profit
old friends. “I’ve just come back from agencies, helping them find funding
China.” and business advice from big City
His impeccable black tie drew names. Bidding starts today in its
queries – “off to the Italian ambas- online auction and will close on 30
sador’s”, he said airily. But what was November, so get your offers in now
the old hand doing in China? at
CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 News 11

Treger triggers £2bn bid

stake through one of his funds, the ment that cost only around £20m

Audley European Opportunities three years ago.
BY DAVID HELLIER Master Fund. Walter Energy has said it wants to
JULIAN Treger, the well known share- Treger has agreed to sell 40 per buy Western Coal for $11.50 a share,
holder activist, has triggered the sale cent of his shareholding now for valuing it at $3.3bn (£2.06bn), more
of the Aim market’s largest company cash, with the rest later subject to than any other Aim company.
Western Coal by agreeing to sell a him getting a higher offer from Western Coal says it sold three mil-
23.5 per cent stake in it to Walter another buyer. lion tonnes of coal last year but
Energy, the US coal company. If the sale of his entire holding goes expects to get to six million tonnes by
Treger, who came off the board of through at the current price he will this year. It is being advised in the UK
Julian Treger’s share sale sparks a deal at Western Coal Picture: REX Western Coal last month, owned the have netted £530m from an invest- by Nick Wells at Cenkos Securities.

Capita says PwC sells

cuts will hit remaining
its revenues Rok units

CAPITA yesterday said revenues ADMINISTRATORS have been forced
would be hit harder by government to break up the remainder of trou-
spending cuts than it previously bled housing group Rok after a sole
expected, casting a shadow over pre- buyer failed to materialise.
dictions that robust support services Just 500 jobs out of a workforce of
firms stand to gain from the era of 3,800 look set to be saved after
austerity. PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Since the coalition was formed in found buyers for only parts of the
May, many large support services firm.
firms such as Capita and rival Serco PwC said that it had sold parcels of
have sounded bullish about their the construction and social house
ability to gain market share because building division to Mansell
of increased levels of government Construction Services, a subsidiary
outsourcing. of Balfour Beatty, saving 381 jobs.
“We indicated that pressures on The reprieved section is made up
public spending might potentially of construction operations in Milton
affect growth in the short term... Keynes, Gatwick and Heathrow and
This is now occurring and will sub- the social house building businesses
due revenue growth in the second based in the South West and North
half of the year more than previously West of England.
anticipated,” Capita said. In a further development, sources
Capita, which processes 25m life, close to housing maintenance firm
savings and pensions policies and Mears Group, claimed that it was
handles complaints for the BBC, said saving more than 100 jobs in the
revenue growth would be modest South West.
because many existing contracts But the majority of the firm’s
would not be renewed or offset with employees are being made redun-
new deals, and because fewer con- dant after earlier expressions of
tracts had been signed in the second interest to buy the whole group col-
half. lapsed.
The support services sector’s PwC are retaining a team of 200
largest players had been expected to people across the group to help wind
cash in on the cuts because of their up the business but these jobs will
penetration, size and diverse list of go once the parent group closes.
services. According to PwC, Rok which built
and maintained social housing, was
ANALYSIS l Capita a casualty of public sector cuts and
800 p the construction slump.
690.00 PwC Jeremy Webb joint adminis-
18 Nov
trator said: “We are delighted that
780 we have been able to secure a sale of
part of the business hence preserv-
ing employment for 381 people.
720 “This is tinged with disappoint-
ment that there was not sufficient
interest in the other parts and hence
23 Aug 13 Sep 1 oct 21 Oct 10 Nov
the redundancies that have been
made today.”

Yoplait owners reject £1.2bn Lactalis bid Two linked in Madoff case
private equity fund PAI Partners said The sale process, which officially ly charged since the December 2008


BY HARRY BANKS it wanted to sell its 50 per cent stake. started a few days ago, could also revelation of Madoff’s multibillion-
The other half of Yoplait is owned draw interest from food giants such TWO members of imprisoned finan- dollar decades-long fraud.
THE owners of French yoghurt maker by Sodiaal, a dairy co-operative, which as Nestle, General Mills, which distrib- cier Bernard Madoff’s inner circle Hours after the two women were
Yoplait rejected a €1.4bn (£1.19bn) wants to keep its participation. utes the Yoplait brand in the United were arrested on charges of helping arrested at their homes, Manhattan
unsolicited bid from Europe’s largest Lactalis’ offer, made on 16 States, Asian food groups and private to conceal the largest financial fraud US attorney Preet Bharara hinted at
dairy group, Lactalis yesterday, saying November, was for all of Yoplait. equity groups. in history, US prosecutors said yester- more arrests and criminal charges in
it was too low and would force out a “The price proposed by Lactalis nei- Lucien Fa, who had been with day. the case.
major shareholder. ther reflects the intrinsic nor strate- Danone for 21 years, came on board The indictments of former employ- The fraud shook investor confi-
Unlisted Yoplait, which competes gic value of Yoplait, nor its growth as chief executive in 2002. Following ees Jo Ann “Jodi” Crupi, 49, and dence in market regulators who
with food giant Danone, has been in potential,” Sodiaal and PAI said in a a restructuring plan, the loss-making Annette Bongiorno, 62, brings to missed Madoff’s epic swindle despite
the spotlight since the summer when joint press release. Yoplait returned to profit. eight the number of people criminal- repeated warnings.
12 News CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

BA wins appeal in cargo case Wealthy Europeans pile

flawed.” BA, which could still face individ-
into London property

The companies, which claim they ual claims, said in a statement: “We
BY KATIE HOPE suffered a loss as a result of the air- will continue to contest every class

BRITISH Airways (BA) yesterday won a line’s involvement with a global car- action brought by cargo customers.” PROPERTY debt problems and the potential
high court battle to prevent hundreds tel which fixed the price of air cargo, impact on the value of the euro have
of air cargo customers suing it in a had wanted to bring a class-action ANALYSIS l British Airways CASH-rich Europeans are rushing to led to a surge of interest from buyers
US-style class action lawsuit. suit on behalf of around 200 compa- 300 272.90 invest in prime property in one of keen to move some of their wealth
Two UK flower importers that sued nies. 18 Nov London’s most expensive postcodes, into London prime property,
BA in 2008 cannot represent all direct BA pleaded guilty in the US three 280 in a bid to protect their money amid Sandfords added.
and indirect customers of the carrier, years ago to being involved in the car- growing fear over the stability of the Around a quarter are looking to
because there was no way to know if tel and was fined $300m for its role in 260 euro, according to property firm make London their primary resi-
they had the same interest in the the separate conspiracies to fix both Sandfords. dence, while the rest are purchasing
case, the Court of Appeal in London cargo rates and passenger fares. The firm says cash-rich individuals as a means of diversifying their
ruled yesterday. Last week, BA alongside ten other 220
from Europe currently account for 60 wealth and seeking protection from
Justice John Mummery concluded airlines was fined €104m by the EU per cent of property purchases in the turbulence in the Eurozone.
the customers’ request for a so-called after an investigation into the air London’s W1 postcode. Properties between £1.5m and £4m
representative action was “fatally cargo cartel. 23 Aug 13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov Ireland and Portugal’s mounting are selling in seven days on average.

Station plans
Chaucer aims for Crossrail
to grow car are unveiled
insurance arm

LONDON Mayor Boris Johnson yester-
day unveiled new station designs for
Johnson showed pictures of eight
to £677m. new Crossrail stations, five of which

Bob Stuchbery, chief executive, are underneath Central London.
said: “A key focus of the management The stations feature wide plat-
INSURER Chaucer will expand its UK team over the past few months has forms, escalators and lifts to ease con-
motoring operations as part of an been to ensure we have the strategy gestion.
ambitious new growth strategy. and resources in place to make the All stations will also have step-free
It says the push into motoring most of our core strengths as a busi- access to platforms.
insurance will involve a “significant” ness going forward. Speaking at the event, Johnson said
presence on price-comparison web- “With the launch of our new strate- that Crossrail will form the backbone
sites. Chaucer wants to balance its gy, we firmly believe we are now bet- of London’s rail infrastructure.
exposure to the catastrophe business, ter positioned to meet the developing He said: “As Crossrail moves from
which offers high returns but high needs of our markets, to deliver a the drawing board to reality we can
volatility, with a greater input to the superior return on capital and to see the breathtaking benefits it will
lower-risk motoring sector. build enduring value for our share- bring to our city.”
However, the firm says its core holders.” Rail minister Theresa Villiers, also
business remains the 27 specialist Chaucer has staged a strong recov- at the event, said Crossrail will add 10
London classes, including the new ery after a torrid period of natural dis- per cent to London’s rail capacity, and
international division, and the UK asters which included the Chilean and move more workers into the City.
division. It says it aims to become a Haiti earthquakes, European wind- “[Crossrail] will create thousands of
“top three dedicated Lloyd’s busi- storm Xnthia and floods in Australia. jobs and potentially generate up to
ness.” It is currently number six. £50bn for the UK’s GDP,” Villiers said.
It will also develop a new global ANALYSIS l Chaucer The £16bn project will bring pas-
energy business, taking advantage of 51 p senger trains under central London.
its energy, nuclear and engineering The line, running from east-to-west,
expertise. 50.50 has direct connections between the
The company has targeted an over- 49 City and Heathrow, London City
18 Nov
all return on equity of 12 per cent and Airport, and Eurostar rail services at
a reduction in its combined ratio of 47 Stratford. It will also run to Canary
two per cent. Wharf.
Total premium rate increases of 2.7 The station designs are displayed
per cent are forecast for this year after 45 until 8 December at the Building
premium income for the first three Centre, near Tottenham Court Road
23 Aug 13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov
quarters rose more than four per cent New station designs were unveiled for Crossrail yesterday Underground station.

Weir snaps up American Hydro Corp to Melrose hires Rothschild

boost its presence in renewable energy to sell die-cast metal firm
ther boost growth in North America. Weir’s chief executive, Keith expected to post second-half operat-


BY MARION DAKERS American Hydro has had a tie-up Cochrane, said: “Hydro-power is the ing profit similar to first half levels, it
with Weir over the past five years and world’s largest source of renewable BRITISH manufacturing buyout firm said in a statement.
ENGINEER Weir Group has snapped also worked with the company on energy.” Melrose said trading was slightly Melrose plans to sell Dynacast for a
up an American firm that makes wind hydro projects in Scotland during the He added: “Combined with ahead of its own view and that rev- price expected to be more than
turbines and hydro-electric power sta- 1990s. American Hydro, we have the engi- enue visibility remained healthy as £350m. It has hired Rothschild to
tions. neering depth and skills to accelerate orders were increasing. advise on the sale.
The Glasgow-based group refused to Keith Cochrane, chief our development in established hydro Melrose, which has grown by buy- Dynacast accounted for about a
say how much it is paying for markets throughout the Americas and ing underperforming businesses, said fifth of Melrose’s total revenue for the
American Hydro Corporation, which executive of Weir Europe” it was confident that the year would six months to the end of June.
has revenues of £27m and assets Group, has worked with “Weir has worked with American end strongly and provide a good base Melrose shares, which have more
worth £18m. American Hydro on Hydro before, so knows the business for 2011. than doubled in value in the year to
Weir also said it would invest £6m various tie-ups before well,” said RBS analyst Andrew The company’s Dynacast business, date, closed 4.9 per cent lower at
in a new Canadia service centre, to fur- Douglas. which makes die-cast metal parts, is 288.6p yesterday.
CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 News 13

Close Brothers
Investec sells reports solid
its Rensburg start to year

funds division

CLOSE Brothers said overall perform-
ance during the first quarter was
solid yesterday, driven by good loan
book growth on continued demand
for its specialist lending services.
The merchant bank said its loan
book stood at £3.1bn at the end of

BANKING months to 30 September, up 5.6 per October compared to £2.9bn three

BY TOM DE CASTELLA AND MATTHEW WEST cent from £215.9m a year earlier. months earlier, an increase of seven
Excluding a £46m profit made in the Donal Kinsella said he had been made a laughing stock by the allegations per cent. It said it also remained posi-
INVESTEC, South Africa’s fifth-largest same period last year on the repur- tive about the outlook for the full

Naked mining director

bank, is selling Rensburg Fund chase of debt, profits were 34 per cent financial year.
Management (RFM) for £45m, it said higher. It added net interest income However, Close said its bad debt
yesterday as it unveiled a six per cent totalled £321.17m, compared with ratio grew slightly compared to the
hike in underlying operating profit. £297.36m a year earlier. Meanwhile, first six months of the year due to a

wins €10m libel case

Franklin Templeton has entered bad debt charges totalled £122.85m, problem property portfolio although
into a conditional agreement to compared with £134.29n a year earlier. it said it expected its bad debt ratio to
acquire RFM from Investec, which The investment bank and asset be lower by the end of the 2011 finan-
manages about £880m in UK equities, manager said the regulatory environ- cial year.
and is a small part of Rensburg ment remained challenging, but activ- The bank’s asset management divi-
Sheppards, which was bought earlier ity levels were starting to improve. sion made a small loss as it continued
in the year by Investec. MINING The jury accepted the married to invest for future growth, particu-

RFM chief executive Alex ANALYSIS l Investec BY STEVE DINNEEN father of six’s explanation that he larly in private clients. Total funds
Brotherstone said the deal would give p was prone to sleepwalking, did not under management increased 14 per
the firm’s fund managers global distri- 520 18 Nov A MINING director was yesterday wear pyjamas and had been drinking cent to £8.5bn at 31 October 2010,
bution opportunities. awarded €10m (£8.5m) after a judge whilst taking painkillers. The inci- compared to £7.4bn three months ear-
But he was unable to give details of found he had been defamed by false dent took place on a work visit to lier reflecting the acquisition of the
his own future: “I’m keen to stay allegations he made inappropriate, Mozambique. Chartwell Group and market move-
around and will work very closely with naked advances to a work colleague. Kinsella argued the incident had ments.
Jamie to see how we can expand. At the 480 Donal Kinsella, a director at made him a laughing stock after he Close Brothers said its securities
moment I remain joint chief executive Kenmare Resources, had been was asked to resign as chairman of division had recorded sound perform-
until the group is integrated”. 460 accused of making three trips to the the firm’s audit committee. ance although its derivatives trader,
Meanwhile, Investec said operating door of a female fellow director late at He took particular exception to a press Mako, had been subdued due to lower
profit totalled £228.15m in the six 23 Aug 13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov night. release which he said was suggestive. volumes and volatility.

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14 News CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

Roadworks action demanded AMEC wins North Sea oil

to speed up its consultation on road- centrate the minds on cash and
rig engineering contract

works disruption and to get on with a reduce the capital’s cones, chaos and
BY JULIET SAMUEL consultation on lane rental that was congestion.”

BAA CHAIRMAN Sir Nigel Rudd has meant to begin in July. The letter claims that roadworks ENERGY ConocoPhillips anticipates produc-
added his name to a list of nine signa- It says that Hammond should cost London £1bn per year and are at tion on the Jasmine platform will
tories to a letter urging the govern- “urgently approve regulations that the root of 38 per cent of the city’s ENGINEERING firm AMEC’s shares start in the fourth quarter of 2012.
ment to stop dragging its feet on would mean utility companies could traffic jams. Data from public.lon- gained 2.5 per cent yesterday after the AMEC shares closed 28p up at
roadworks policy in London. be charged for digging up the capi- shows that there group won two contracts on oil and £11.54, its highest close in more than
The letter, sent out by the office of tal’s busiest roads at the busiest have been 22 active roadworks caus- gas rigs in the North Sea. a year.
London Major Boris Johnson, was times”. ing disruption in the City of London Oil refiner ConocoPhillips has hired “I am delighted that our long track
today delivered to transport secretary Automobile Association president in the last two weeks alone. AMEC for engineering and procure- record of delivery of major and com-
Philip Hammond and warns that Edmund King has also signed the ini- The other signatories to the letter ment work on its existing Judy plat- plex projects for ConocoPhillips,
there is still too much disruption on tiative. He said: “84 per cent of include Jules Pipe, the chairman of form around 240km from the including on this field itself, has been
the capital’s roads caused by road- Londoners back tougher penalties for London councils, Sue Terpilowski of Aberdeen coast, as well as for initial recognised through this significant
works with just two years to go until utility companies that dig up the the Federation of Small Businesses, work on its new Jasmine gas reservoir. contract award,” said John Pearson,
the Olympic games. roads without permission. An effi- and James Drummond, chief execu- The value of the contract win has managing director of AMEC’s
The letter calls on the government cient lane rental system would con- tive and president of Invensys Rail. not been disclosed. European & West African business.

QinetiQ’s cost
National Grid

cutting helps
dividend up as boost results
profits soar

DEFENCE firm QinetiQ saw its shares
soar yesterday after it posted a 14 per
cent rise in first-half profit on
stronger sales and better cash genera-
electricity transmission expected to tion.

see 13 per cent growth. Sales at the defence technology
Holliday said: “We are renewing firm’s global products business,
NATIONAL Grid saw six-month pre- assets that are old and connecting which accounts for around a third of
tax profit surge 45 per cent to £938m, new generators – lots of them wind group revenue, grew 65 per cent, driv-
with operating profit growing in and nuclear. And we have to reinforce en by demand for its Q-NET vehicle
every part of the business. the system so that the power can flow products to support operations in
The good performance is in part from where they’re located to where Afghanistan.
weather-related, with a warm sum- you and I live.” QinetiQ reported underlying pre-
mer in the US leading to high use of National Grid’s investment pro- tax profit of £51.6m for the six
air conditioners on the east coast gramme has been particularly affect- months to the end of September, on
where National Grid’s interests are. ed by Britain’s increasing reliance on revenue seven per cent higher at
Six-month earnings per share (EPS) imported gas, meaning that energy £865m.
have increased five per cent to 20.3p has to be transported from different Its shares, which had fallen more
with the £2.3bn rights issue complet- points of entry than used to be the than a third this year after it lost a
ed in June. As a result of the earnings case. As a result, it is expanding its key Ministry of Defence training con-
growth, National Grid increased its facility on the Isle of Grain off the tract, closed up 13.6 per cent at
interim dividend by eight per cent to coast of Kent by a third, which will 112.5p, valuing the floated portion of
12.9p a share. The firm, which owns make it big enough to supply 20 per the firm at £647.5m.
and operates electricity and gas net- cent of the UK’s gas demand. “The overall beat comes from the
works in both the UK and US, said lumpy products business, mainly
that profits were flattered somewhat ANALYSIS l National Grid from the Q-Nets order which the mar-
by earnings from previous periods ket had underestimated,” Bank of
being carried over into the current 590
p 587.50 America analyst Celine Fornaro said
18 Nov
results, with this effect accounting in a research note, adding the compa-
for about £200m of pre-tax profit. 570 ny’s 231 per cent cash conversion rate
Chief executive Steve Holliday told was a “key positive”.
City A.M. that the firm is also on track QinetiQ, which was spun off from
with its £3.7bn investment pro- ONE of Heritage Oil’s wells in Iraq has hit a bigger-than-expected hydrocarbon deposit, the Ministry of Defence in 2001, said
gramme, with most money being the firm said in a trading statement yesterday. Shares closed down 2.3 per cent at 367p, it had cut net debt a quarter to £327m
spent in the UK. It is planning for a 530 however, after no update was given on the company’s ongoing tax dispute with the over the past 12 months, adding cost
seven per cent overall growth in its Ugandan government. The company has set aside around $400m (£249m) in relation to cuts and self-help measures were
23 Aug 13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov
assets over the next five years, with the tax quarrel linked to its sale of assets to former partner Tullow. Picture: REUTERS starting to bear fruit.

CITY MOVES | WHO’S SWITCHING JOBS Edited by Marion Dakers in association with

mercial manager leading the client rela- 2008, will join F&C on 1 February. ary sector. The firm has also recently
Man Group tionship team in the south of the UK. hired Nick Richards as a business devel-
The alternative asset manager has hired Jenny Before this he was UK and Ireland sales Smith & Williamson opment director, supporting the private
Morton as head of consultant relations, starting manager for Europ Assistance Holdings. The investment manager has appointed client side of the business.
on 22 November. She joins from Putnam He has spent the last ten years working David Amplett-Lewis as a director to
Investments, where she was head of global on healthcare and benefits. grow its discretionary fund manage- HIG Europe
consultant relations, and has also held senior ment business with independent finan- The European branch of the private
roles at Fidelity, Boston Partners and the F&C cial advisers (IFAs). He has 11 years of equity firm has hired Neil McIlroy as an
Boston Company. Morton will report to Paul Michael Sell is set to join the F&C experience with IFAs and investment, associate in its London office, bringing
Dackombe, head of institutional clients UK, and emerging equities team, following the working most recently at Deutsche the company’s UK investment team to
will be responsible for leading Man’s initiative fund manager’s recent appointment as Bank within private wealth manage- 25. McIlroy joins from European buy-
to build relationships with UK consultants. group manager for the Board of ment as an investment director. Also out firm Cinven, where he spent four
Traditional Funds’ global emerging mar- joining is Amanda Keyton, who will be years in the industrial and healthcare
Thompson as a senior consultant in its ket and emerging Asia funds. Sell, who working alongside Amplett-Lewis to investment teams. Before this he
Mercer health and benefits business. Thompson has managed the Asian fund for previ- promote the firm’s discretionary wealth worked at Morgan Stanley within the
The consultancy has taken on Simon joins from Bupa, where he was a com- ous manager Nevsky since January management services to the intermedi- investment banking division.

To appear in CITYMOVES please email your career +44 (0)20 7557 7245
CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 News 15

Glencore paves way

for £10bn flotation
COMMODITIES named. Five-year credit default swaps

BY HARRY BANKS Switzerland-based Glencore tightened 30 basis points to 215

declined to comment. basis points, the tightest levels since
PRIVATELY held commodities giant While no final decision has been May.
Glencore is considering listing in made on the size of the offering, it “Whilst we wouldn’t expect the
the first half of next year, in an IPO could raise around £10bn, one proceeds to be put towards debt
that could raise around £10bn. source said, making it one of the reduction, we consider the
Glencore, the world’s biggest biggest London flotations on record. increased transparency and addi-
commodity trader, has been prepar- The IPO could to be a dual listing tional funding source should pro-
ing to go public after issuing a in London and Hong Kong, another vide comfort to credit investors,”
$2.2bn (£1.bbn) convertible bond source said. Morgan Stanley, analyst Matthew Robbins at RBS
last year. Citigroup and Credit Suisse are said Another analyst said an IPO of
The group, which yesterday post- expected to be involved in the list- Glencore would likely not take place
ed a strong jump in nine-month ing. until it completed a spin-off of its
profit, is considering an IPO that In the credit markets, the cost of gold assets. In August, Glencore
would likely launch off the back of insuring Glencore’s debt against unveiled plans for spinning off or
full-year results in March or April, default fell, which analysts said was listing its Kazzinc gold assets, which
according to two people familiar sparked by the news about possible could be worth more than $5bn,
with the matter who declined to be timing of the IPO. next year.

Champion Trader - NEWS | IN BRIEF

Day 4 l Week 2
Lagardere aims for Spring IPO
Hard day on the markets for most and we have a new leader jasonkhan who lost French media group Lagardere will sell
a little but managed to take the top spot but a good performance from rhona45 its stake in pay-TV group Canal+ France
and shidong who have increased their account values and moved into second and in an initial public offering (IPO) in
third. The weekly prize closes at 5.30pm today for the greatest account increase spring 2011, Lagardere's chief financial
over the week so plenty to play for. officer Dominique d'Hinnin said yester-
day. D'Hinnin told an investor conference
It is free with £8,000 prize pot still available. in Spain that Canal+'s majority owner
Vivendi had never responded to a price
proposal Lagardere had sent early this
User Name Account Value % Difference year, and there had been no negotia-
1 jasonkhan £132,186.03 1222
2 rhona45 £113,451.74 1035
Ex-car czar Rattner sued by NY
Steven Rattner, the former Obama
administration auto industry czar, was
3 shidong £104,381.03 944 yesterday sued by New York’s attorney
general Andrew Cuomo for allegedly
4 alonsove £95,890.39 859 paying kickbacks to win investments
from the state's public pension fund.
5 sbwilliams £89,750.21 798 Rattner separately settled a related US
Securities and Exchange Commission
6 Gekko1981 £73,845.76 638 (SEC) civil lawsuit, agreeing to pay
$6.2m (£3.9m) and accept a two-year
7 urosbric3 £73,486.00 635 ban from working with an investment
adviser or broker-dealer. That accord
8 TheMysteryTrader £71,150.75 612 requires court approval. Cuomo and the
SEC alleged Rattner entered quid pro
9 ballyvirane £45,335.20 353 quo arrangements with the New York
State Common Retirement Fund to
10 dadaas £40,969.11 310 obtain $150m in investments for his pri-
vate equity firm, Quadrangle Group, in
To register and the full standings, visit 2005 and 2006.
16 Consumer News CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

John Lewis in
Arcadia looks sales surge as
overseas to Xmas nears

grow profit

JOHN Lewis said sales had risen by
11.3 per cent over the last four days –
driven by a strong performance from
fashion and helped by the colder
The department store said the
RETAIL Dorothy Perkins, Wallis and Evans – week had begun well as consumers

BY JOHN DUNNE has declined in recent weeks. started thinking about buying
Sir Philip Green said he was eyeing Christmas gifts.
ARCADIA, the owner of retail chains South Africa, Australia and Asia to Lesley Ballantyne, John Lewis direc-
including Topshop and BHS, is plan- expand his chains, which include tor of operational development said:
ning further international expan- Top Shop and BHS. “This week is shaping up to be a really
sion Arcadia already has 2,542 owned strong week, by last night we were
after posting a 6.4 per cent rise in and 579 franchised outlets in 37 11.3 per cent up on last year.
pre-tax profit to £213.2m for the year countries. The group has just agreed “All areas are very positive but fash-
to the end of August yesterday. to open five stores in Brazil, and is in ion particularly stands out, where
Arcadia Group’s operating profits discussions to set up in South Africa customers are taking advantage of
increased 10.4 per cent to £279.6m in and Australia. our beautiful winter ranges in
the year, on sales up 40 per cent to Green said: “We also have get to go women’s cashmere.”
£2.8bn. to Asia. We’ve got to sit down and Sales of fleece robes jumped 118 per
Total sales were £2.8bn with sales draw up a business plan. I remain cent during the four days compared to
at UK stores open at least a year up cautious about the year ahead, with last year, while sales of slippers rose 15
1.3 per cent, and up one per cent in increases in VAT, rates, raw materials per cent, and Ugg earmuffs 112 per
the first 11 weeks of the new finan- and some wage inflation. But I look cent. Watch sales were up 25 per cent.
cial year. to grow the business both at home The retailer is considered a bellwether
However, UK like-for-like sales and overseas.” for the consumer climate on the high
growth at the group – which also The company said that Green will street and issues regular trading
includes Miss Selfridge, Burton, not receive a dividend. Arcadia boss Sir Philip Green is planning international expansion Pic: Micha Theiner updates in the run-up to Christmas.

Coleen Rooney
launches debut
Spar MD to move SABMiller sales boosted
by its emerging markets
clothes line on after nine years

“Emerging markets are fine
A STRONG recovery in emerging mar- although some have been hit by tax

the end of July. kets helped brewing giant SABMiller but developed markets in Europe and
COLEEN Rooney yesterday launched SPAR UK managing director Jerry By category, sales of own-brand beat forecasts with a 16 per cent rise North America are struggling.”
her debut fashion collection with the Marwood has announced he is set to products grew by 4.4 per cent, while in half-year earnings, while the Miller The brewer of Peroni and Grolsch
online and home shopping retailer leave the company after nine years in fresh food and wine sales increased Lite brewer’s markets in Europe and beers said it would continue to bene-
Littlewoods. charge. by 3.9 and 3.5 per cent respectively. North America struggled. fit from lower raw material prices
Rooney’s collection goes on sale in He will move on next summer but Spar said in statement : “Jerry has a The world’s second biggest brewer, such as for barley to the end of its
December and is “inspired by fashion is yet to reveal his future plans. desire to move on to seek new chal- which earns more than 80 per cent of March 2011 year and then see a small
icons including Jackie Onassis”. During his time at Spar, Marwood lenges and we have been working its profits from emerging markets, rise the following year as higher grain
Floor-sweeping maxi dresses, neat has overseen rapid company growth. with him to map out a process which said Africa and Asia had fully recov- prices come through.
shifts and strapless prom-style dresses The company has a 2,583-strong would ensure a smooth transition.” ered while high unemployment in “The market seems to have
feature in the range. Rooney said: “I network of supermarkets in the UK, Marwood said: “I still have a num- mature markets was holding back assumed that SABMiller is better
am often asked about the clothes that all of which are independently owned ber of exciting business initiatives to any upturn in beer sales. placed than some competitors to deal
I wear and my sense of style. By creat- and managed, and it recently report- implement, a replacement to find Chief executive Graham Mackay with the increase in some commodity
ing a range myself I hope to make my ed a 3.1 per cent year-on-year increase and a handover to complete – all of said: “The outlook is extremely costs,” said Matthew Webb at brokers
favourite looks available to all.” in sales for the three-month period to which will take some time.” mixed. JP Morgan Cazenove.
CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 Consumer News 17

Halfords refinances as
earnings drive forward
to ride to work. company’s banks.

BY JOHN DUNNE The company also said it had seen a Chief executive David Wild said:
slight bounce in satnav sales after “We are pleased that we have had an
HALFORDS said yesterday it had refi- they had plummeted earlier in the agreement with our banks that is pos-
nanced its debt arrangements as it year. itive for us.
posted a rise in first half profit. Halfords said its Autocentre devel- “This has been a big period of
The cycle and car parts retailer saw opment plan was on track with change for the company with new
pre-tax profit rise 12.8 per cent in the rebranding of all centres to be com- distribution arrangements and the
six months to 1 October. pleted by early 2011. re-branding of our servicing
Halfords said it had grown its mar- Meanwhile net debt stood at Autocentres. We think we have the
ket share in its more expensive cycles £109m at the end of the period with a right stock for Christmas which
range as more people invest in bikes new debt facility agreed with the should give us another boost.” Halfords chief executive David Wild is bullish on 2011 Picture:Micha Theiner/ CITY A.M
18 News CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

Crozier cool BlackBerry claims

on restarting
ITV dividend
Playbook is more
powerful than iPad

BROADCASTER ITV will keep consid-
ering the possibility of paying a divi- TECHNOLOGY possible contender for the iPad’s

dend given its newly strong balance BY STEVE DINNEEN crown.
sheet, but investing in programmes is Its processor and RAM are both
more urgent, its chief executive said BLACKBERRY maker Research in superior, despite its smaller size. This
yesterday. Motion (RIM) yesterday fired a warn- would be good news for users dealing
Adam Crozier, who took over in ing shot to Apple when it released a with a lot of video or multi-tasking
April, said ITV needed to make more video claiming to show the superiori- between apps.
of its own content and technology to ty of its tablet computer. It also appears to have been posi-
profit from coming web distribution RIM is set to launch its rival to the tioned closer to BlackBerry’s core
channels such as Google TV, Apple TV all-conquering iPad in the second enterprise market, rather than the
or YouView in Britain. quarter next year. Named the consumer-facing iPad, which could
ITV makes only 45 per cent of its Playbook, it will attempt to lure users reel in large numbers of business-
own programming, or 17 per cent with its ability to run Flash videos, focused users.
excluding soap operas Coronation which Apple has blocked. However, analysts say the product
Street and Emmerdale. The video runs through a series of has come late to a market Apple’s
To cut costs, ITV ran down invest- comparison tests with a BlackBerry tablet computer has already taken by
ments in content during the reces- Playbook and Apple iPad, which the scruff of the neck.
sion, buying in programmes and demonstrate the speed of the In Apple’s fourth fiscal quarter, the
relying on mass-audience shows like PlayBook Browser, its support for rich second quarter that the iPad has been
the X Factor to attract advertisers. Flash content, and the performance available, the company sold 4.2m
“We have some investments we of open web standards like HTML 5 on units. Analysts also see Google
need to make, and we've been upfront the PlayBook. Android-powered devices becoming
about that,” said Crozier. RIM’s Playbook (below) will go head-to-head with Apple’s iPad Pictures: REUTERS/ REX On paper the Playbook looks like a increasingly important.

iPhone users to see

adverts inside apps
TECHNOLOGY and iPod touch users.” apps have now been downloaded

BY STEVE DINNEEN The launch of iAds heralded the through the App Store, with Apple
start of a major advertising war pocketing a third of the cover price.
iPhone users in the UK will soon between Apple and Google. At the Now it will also be able to cream off
find adverts inside apps they down- launch of the iPhone 4, Apple chief a premium from ads.
load as Apple rolls out its iAds plat- executive Steve Jobs claimed iAds iAds, which is built into iOS 4,
form outside the US. would help Apple to control 48 per lets users stay within their current
The platform allows application cent of the mobile advertising mar- app while engaging with an the
developers – and Apple itself – to ket by the end of 2010 – a clear advertisement.
make money from advertising con- swipe at Google’s dominance. Apple says the platform aims to
tained within apps. The emergence of iAds has pro- “combine the narrative quality of
It is set to launch in the UK and vided Apple with a lucrative new TV ads with the interactivity of dig-
France in December after attract- revenue stream. An estimated 5bn ital for something entirely new”.
ing a host of big money advertisers Marc Menesguen, L’Oréal’s Head
in the US. Steve Jobs believes of marketing said: “We’re thrilled
European launch partners will by the quality, the interactivity and
include L’Oréal, Renault, Louis iAds can help Apple the depth of iAd’s user experience,
Vuitton and Absolute Radio. capture almost 50 giving us an unparalleled opportu-
Apple describes the technology per cent of the nity to reach and serve the most
as a “powerful new way for adver- mobile ad market engaged and discerning customers
tisers to reach millions of iPhone at the digital forefront of beauty.”

Reed Elsevier confirms gloomy

outlook as subscriptions remain weak

PUBLISHING in its Lexis Nexis legal business in ucts for the US market, although
the United States, where it is work- subscription renewals continued
REED Elsevier yesterday reaffirmed ing to reverse a long decline in to reflect low levels of legal activity.
its outlook for a slightly lower oper- market share against Thomson This week, Reed agreed to sell
ating profit margin this year as Reuters’ Westlaw. Lexis Nexis Deutschland to Wolters
subscriptions to its scientific and A company spokesman said: “A Kluwer, effectively ceding the
legal publications remained weak. modest reduction year on year in German market to its Dutch rival,
The Anglo-Dutch company has adjusted operating margin is which has invested there for a
been slow to respond to economic expected, due to a weak revenue quarter of a century.
recovery as corporate subscriptions environment and increased invest- Reed said yesterday its exhibi-
come up for renewal only periodi- ment in legal markets. Any sus- tions business – the world’s largest,
cally, and are worth less as firms tained recovery is expected to be which includes the annual mip-
employ fewer staff – a fact that pro- gradual and remains dependent on com entertainment fair and the
tected it in the early stages of the economic conditions.” Vienna Auto Show – was stabilis-
recession. Reed said it was making good ing. It expects to grow this division
It has also been investing heavily progress in developing legal prod- over the next year.
CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 News 19

Private equity BEST OF THE BROKERS

SEC probes Citi
on mortgage
battle looms
Execution Noble has upgraded the super-
440 p 390.20
market to “buy” with an upgraded fair

18 Nov
value price of 475p, following its research
on M&S customers. The broker sees the
securities deal
firm’s new strategy as a real driver for

for Danish ISS

sales growth, with the food business as a
particularly strong opportunity. It adds BANKING

that the brand could also cash in on the THE US Securities and Exchange
homewares market, which is ripe for con- Commission (SEC) is investigating
23 Aug 13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov solidation. Citigroup’s role in a $1bn mortgage-
backed securities deal in 2007.
ANALYSIS l Trinity Mirror TRINITY MIRROR Citigroup “improperly pushed an
p 74.50 Altium Securities rates the media group independent manager to put specific
18 Nov “buy” with a reduced target price of 145p. assets” in a collateralised debt obliga-

comment or had no immediate com- tion (CDO) it created in February

The broker has trimmed its pre-tax profit
BY HARRY BANKS ment. 110
2007. The deal, which was backed by
ISS yesterday reiterated it was forecasts for 2011 and 2012 by four and other CDOs that were backed by slices
A BLACKSTONE-led quartet and two examining “strategic alternatives” eleven per cent respectively, following a of subprime mortgages, was man-
rival teams are readying bids for ISS, but declined to comment further. more cautious revenue outlook in last aged by Credit Suisse Alternative
the $7bn (£4.4bn) Danish cleaning A deal of this size will require big 90 Capital.
week’s management statement. Altium still
giant as Europe’s biggest post-crisis equity cheques from new buyers, Citigroup said in a regulatory filing
buyout heats up. hence the four-strong Blackstone views the shares as cheap, but remains earlier this month that it “continues
The owners of ISS – Goldman Sachs team. Purchasers might also draw on wary for future years until more concrete to cooperate fully in response to sub-
Capital Partners and Sweden’s EQT – a buoyant high-yield market and seek 23 Aug 13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov signs of recovery emerge. poenas and requests for information
are exploring an initial public offer- to keep some of ISS’s big, existing from the Securities and Exchange
ing (IPO) of the company or a sale of debt pile in place. ANALYSIS l Keller Group KELLER GROUP Commission”.
it. Blackstone Group, the buyout titan Citi, Goldman and Nordea are like- BNP Paribas rates the construction firm Spokeswoman Danielle Romero-
that is raising a near-$15bn fund, is ly to be among ISS’s key existing 660 p 546.00 Apsilos declined to comment on the
18 Nov “neutral” with a reduced target price of
working with Bain Capital, Nordic lenders: the trio arranged a 23bn specific probe yesterday but said in an
Capital and Clayton Dubilier & Rice. crown (£2.6bn) refinancing in 2007, 650p. The broker believes there is further email: “It’s been widely reported that
CVC and Apollo Management are Thomson Reuters Loan Pricing Corp 620 pressure on margins from continued slow there are ongoing industry-wide inves-
also preparing a joint bid, while (LPC) data shows. ISS sees its main demand in North America and Europe, with tigations into CDO-related matters.”
Apax, which can draw on co-investors peers as British security services the company forced to cut costs. However, Shareholders have also sued
such as Chinese and Singaporean sov- group G4S, French catering and serv- 580 Citigroup over its CDOs and other
ereign wealth funds, is working ices company Sodexho, UK catering
it adds that Keller can maintain its dividend securities, claiming the bank know-
alone. services provider Compass Group and payments despite a 10 per cent earnings ingly misled them about the value of
Indicative offers for ISS, one of the Swedish security services Securitas per share shortfall, due to its recently- and risk related to the securities.
world’s largest facilities services AB. Goldman and EQT will have to 23 Aug 13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov reduced net debt levels. A judge dismissed parts of the law-
firms, are due next week. weigh whether a deal, at perhaps a lit- suit earlier this month, but allowed
The owners and all of the other pri- tle more than 40bn crowns will offer To appear in Best of the Brokers email your research to the investors to pursue some of their
vate equity firms either declined to a better return than an IPO. CDO-related claims.


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Markets&Investment 21

LONDON’S TOP 250 Trade these shares from £1.50 with Interactive Investor -
Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low
(p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p)
3i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .315.20 +6.20 328.30 246.90 Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .535.50 +6.00 574.50 399.30 Kazakhmys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1470.00 +44.00 1634.00 955.50 Sainsbury(J) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .372.60* +4.90 397.00 307.60
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A.B. Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1080.00 +11.00 1113.00 790.00 Croda Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1438.00 +43.00 1540.00 735.00 .LQJÀVKHU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .246.80 +7.10 255.00 196.50 Schroders N/V. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1277.00 +23.00 1330.00 912.50
Aberdeen Asset Man . . . . . . . . . .177.70 +1.40 191.60 111.00 Daily Mail ‘A’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .559.50 +1.00 573.50 401.70 Ladbrokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130.70* –1.20 164.60 120.00 Scot. & Sthrn Energy. . . . . . . . . 1156.00 +8.00 1206.00 1006.00
Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1573.00 +3.00 1721.00 1003.00 Davis Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .406.30 +6.30 442.30 356.00 Lancashire Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . .633.50 +4.00 636.00 416.70 Scottish Mortgage. . . . . . . . . . . .649.00* +9.00 684.00 475.00
Aegis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135.10 +4.50 137.30 103.10 Debenhams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71.40 +2.00 88.90 51.95 Land Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .670.00 +1.50 724.50 543.00
Afren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127.20 +2.60 135.90 77.00 Derwent London . . . . . . . . . . . .1459.00 –4.00 1633.00 1183.00 Legal & General . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96.80 –0.50 107.50 69.05 SEGRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296.90 –1.10 383.00 244.00
African Barr Gold . . . . . . . . . . . .535.00 –4.50 685.00 520.50 Dexion Absolute . . . . . . . . . . . . .139.50 +1.30 148.00 131.20 Lloyds Banking Gp . . . . . . . . . . . .67.79 +1.39 79.15 45.30 Serco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .556.50 –3.50 656.50 491.20
Aggreko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1536.00 +31.00 1698.00 727.50 Diageo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1193.00 +28.00 1240.00 988.00 Logica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123.80 +1.30 149.10 100.80 Severn Trent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1435.00 +2.00 1468.00 981.50
Alliance Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .355.50 +8.10 363.00 292.80 Dixons Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25.80 +0.19 39.50 23.07 London Stk Exchange . . . . . . . . .747.50 +30.50 876.00 540.50 Shaftesbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .435.80 –0.10 465.00 348.00
AMEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1154.00 +28.00 1163.00 728.00 Domino’s Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . . .519.00 +4.00 535.50 278.20 Lonmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1775.00 +8.00 2198.00 1344.00 Shire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1543.00 +30.00 1545.00 1117.00
Amlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .383.20 –8.30 437.60 357.30 Drax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .373.20 +2.60 455.20 321.50 Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284.20 +3.90 368.70 199.60 SIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119.30 +6.40 142.10 89.55
Anglo American . . . . . . . . . . . .2958.00 +62.00 3069.00 2210.00 Dunelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .497.70 +3.20 521.00 319.40 Marks & Spencer. . . . . . . . . . . . .390.20* +6.00 431.40 321.90 Smith & Nephew . . . . . . . . . . . . .592.00 +4.50 700.50 532.00
Antofagasta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1395.00 +30.00 1482.00 755.50 Easyjet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .450.00 +6.20 499.90 339.80 Meggitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .323.90 +7.90 336.70 234.50 Smith(Ds) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183.00 +1.90 185.90 103.00
Aquarius Platinum . . . . . . . . . . .351.40 +3.50 490.00 211.50 Edinburgh Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .443.00* +6.80 466.80 345.50 Melrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .304.20 +29.30 306.80 160.00 Smiths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1154.00* +22.00 1297.00 930.00
ARM Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .370.60 +10.00 419.50 150.60 Electrocomponents . . . . . . . . . . .262.10 +0.10 266.60 159.50 Mercantile IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1007.00 +18.50 1029.00 822.50 SOCO Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .348.70 +2.90 510.00 287.40
Ashmore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .361.60* +7.20 400.50 215.00 EnQuest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132.00 +3.40 138.50 87.35 Michael Page Intl. . . . . . . . . . . . .483.20 +10.20 507.50 326.00 Spectris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1202.00 +13.00 1234.00 653.00
Ashtead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128.80 +3.80 135.60 61.25 Essar Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .506.50 –0.50 566.50 358.50 Micro Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .323.90 –7.10 550.00 272.20
Astrazeneca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3062.50 +25.00 3389.50 2687.00 Eurasian Nat Res . . . . . . . . . . . .927.00 +22.00 1276.00 801.00 Millen & Copthorne . . . . . . . . . . .532.50 +11.00 585.00 329.20 Spirax-Sarco Eng . . . . . . . . . . .1746.00 +16.00 1888.00 1060.00
Atkins(Ws) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .739.00 +12.00 801.00 549.50 Euromoney Inst Inv . . . . . . . . . . .675.00* +0.50 685.00 383.00 Misys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .295.40 +4.40 300.00 196.60 Spirent Comms . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148.90 +0.90 158.30 90.45
Autonomy Corp . . . . . . . . . . . .1399.00 –11.00 2012.00 1319.00 Experian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .744.50 –3.50 763.50 559.00 Mitchells & Butlers . . . . . . . . . . .347.30 +9.70 351.60 242.50 Sports Direct Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . .130.60 +2.20 154.30 89.85
Aveva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1526.00 +24.00 1572.00 930.00 Ferrexpo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .376.90 +3.30 401.60 175.00 MITIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .198.00 –5.80 245.90 187.60 SSL Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1164.00 +1.00 1190.00 660.50
Aviva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .400.90* +3.90 428.70 290.20 FirstGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379.90 +2.40 428.40 331.20 Mondi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .496.00 –9.50 562.00 304.70 St James’s Place . . . . . . . . . . . . .251.80 –0.30 298.00 203.40
Babcock International . . . . . . . . .530.00 –25.00 645.50 489.00 Foreign & Col Inv Tst. . . . . . . . . .294.70 +4.90 300.00 250.00 Monks Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .338.60 +5.50 349.70 265.00 Stagecoach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205.20 +1.20 226.10 144.10
BAE Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .352.70* +4.90 389.90 288.10 Fresnillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1414.00 +68.00 1480.00 647.00 Morgan Crucible . . . . . . . . . . . . .242.60 +10.60 254.90 142.90 Standard Chartered . . . . . . . . . .1852.00 +37.00 1975.00 1316.50
Balfour Beatty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279.30* +1.00 304.80 228.60 G4S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249.60 +0.70 285.70 238.70 Morrison Wm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .280.00 +3.90 307.10 255.00 Standard Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223.80* +1.80 238.00 170.00
Barclays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .277.95* +3.70 394.25 253.40 Genesis Emerging Mkts Fd . . . . .521.00 +8.00 542.50 383.00 Murray Intl Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .906.00 +14.00 938.50 720.00 SuperGrp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1478.00 +29.00 1488.00 499.00
Barratt Development . . . . . . . . . . .75.65 +0.90 145.60 72.15 GKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191.60 +5.80 192.00 100.40 National Express. . . . . . . . . . . . .242.00 +4.90 261.30 164.80 TalkTalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149.40 –0.80 154.50 106.60
BBA Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196.80 +0.80 220.00 145.90 GlaxoSmithKline . . . . . . . . . . . .1257.50* +14.50 1347.00 1088.00 National Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .587.50 +3.00 607.65 474.80 Talvivaara Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .545.00 +16.00 597.00 341.40
Berkeley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .801.00 +11.00 917.50 735.00 Great Portland Estates . . . . . . . .332.10* +2.10 368.60 265.40 Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2083.00 +5.00 2361.00 1816.00 Tate & Lyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .526.00 +1.00 534.50 388.00
BG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1232.00 +13.00 1302.50 966.90 Greene King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .446.70 +9.00 484.00 372.50 Northumbrian Water . . . . . . . . . .349.00 –2.00 364.00 239.90
BHP Billiton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2365.00 +29.50 2500.00 1678.00 Halfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .426.60 +15.10 562.50 370.10 Ocado Grp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139.40 +3.40 169.00 120.90 Taylor Wimpey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25.34 +0.41 46.34 22.12
BlackRock Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .726.00 +16.00 737.50 490.00 Halma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .334.20 +6.30 345.50 221.80 Old Mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128.20* +1.70 146.90 95.30 Telecity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .445.00 +1.00 546.00 323.50
BlueBay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .481.60* +0.10 495.00 251.00 Hammerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411.10 +2.90 455.70 332.20 Partygaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232.20 +12.20 339.70 205.80 Templeton Emrg Mkts . . . . . . . . .652.00 +7.00 688.00 470.00
Bluecrest Allblue GBP . . . . . . . . .174.00 — 174.50 151.60 Hargreaves Lansdown . . . . . . . .490.20 +18.20 502.50 259.40 Pearson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .937.50 +1.50 1069.00 812.00 Tesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .428.30* +8.50 454.90 368.40
Booker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55.40* –0.10 56.00 37.50 Hays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109.50* +2.30 125.30 82.50 Pennon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .627.50 –3.50 644.00 468.70 Thomas Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188.00 +2.00 277.20 167.50
BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .438.25 +2.65 658.20 296.00 Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127.80 +2.20 157.80 112.10 Persimmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .357.30* +6.90 520.00 335.90 Travis Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .852.50 +22.50 915.00 647.50
Brit Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1038.00 –1.00 1052.00 709.00 Heritage Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .367.00 –8.80 585.00 295.90 Petrofac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1500.00 +17.00 1545.00 900.00 TUI Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200.40 +1.40 313.90 189.20
British Airways . . . . . . . . . . . . . .272.90 +11.50 290.00 180.20 Hikma Pharma . . . . . . . . . . . . . .779.00 +26.00 813.00 480.00 Petropavlovsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1062.00 +40.00 1370.00 834.00 Tullett Prebon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .356.60* +1.20 427.00 261.20
British Amer. Tob . . . . . . . . . . .2402.50 +39.50 2490.50 1832.00 Hiscox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .353.60 –9.50 371.60 299.60 Phoenix Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .671.50 +1.50 775.00 550.50 Tullow Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1213.00 +18.00 1375.00 979.50
British Empire Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .482.00 +4.60 497.00 338.50 Hochschild Mining . . . . . . . . . . .565.50 +12.00 580.50 220.00 Premier Farnell . . . . . . . . . . . . . .295.00 +1.60 299.20 150.80 UK Commercial Prop. . . . . . . . . . .77.00* +2.00 84.90 71.00
British Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .495.40 +6.70 525.00 416.00 Home Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210.40* +0.50 325.60 201.70 Premier Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1885.00 +20.00 2032.00 984.00 Ultra Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . .1588.00 +42.00 1903.00 1198.00
Britvic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .487.90 +5.90 518.00 366.10 Homeserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .430.00 –0.10 502.00 405.40 Provident Financial . . . . . . . . . . .750.00* +6.50 983.50 725.50 Unilever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1877.00* +29.00 2024.00 1662.00
Brown(N.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283.00 +5.20 308.00 204.80 HSBC Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .666.50* +6.00 752.00 595.20 Prudential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .618.00 +5.50 665.00 475.70
BSkyB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .726.00 +2.00 737.00 521.00 Hunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .636.00* +14.50 663.50 429.10 PZ Cussons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .385.20 –2.80 406.80 231.70 United Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .626.00 +3.00 634.50 467.40
BT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164.80 –0.30 170.10 108.40 ICAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .476.60 +4.60 501.50 291.70 Qinetiq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.50 +13.50 179.10 96.00 Utd Business Media . . . . . . . . . .645.00 +5.00 692.00 408.30
Bunzl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .723.00* +5.50 784.50 614.00 IG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .507.00 +15.50 560.00 312.60 Randgold Resources. . . . . . . . .6045.00 +75.00 6755.00 4126.00 Vedanta Resources . . . . . . . . . .2219.00 +40.00 2967.00 1795.00
Burberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1026.00 +18.00 1065.00 555.50 Imagination Tech Gp . . . . . . . . . .317.30 +13.80 445.00 200.00 Reckitt Benckiser . . . . . . . . . . .3541.00 +70.00 3667.00 3019.00 Victrex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1241.00 +41.00 1355.00 753.00
Cable & Wire Comms . . . . . . . . . .48.05* –0.09 150.00 46.51 IMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .856.00 +30.00 857.50 483.10 Reed Elsevier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .529.00 –7.00 566.00 454.60 Vodafone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168.10* +1.15 179.90 126.50
Cable & Wire Wwide . . . . . . . . . . .66.70 –0.20 94.80 60.05 Imperial Tobacco. . . . . . . . . . . .1990.00 +19.00 2159.00 1728.00 Regus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80.20 +3.10 125.50 64.05 Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1725.00 +36.00 1735.00 660.00
Cairn Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .373.70 +7.70 497.60 306.80 Inchcape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .341.10 +9.90 358.00 235.00 Renishaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1178.00 +21.00 1250.00 479.00 Wellstream Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . .750.00 +15.00 810.00 429.70
Caledonia Invs . . . . . . . . . . . . .1783.00 +32.00 1833.00 1496.00 Informa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .420.70 +6.40 450.50 263.30 Rentokil Initial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93.80 –1.20 140.20 89.40 WH Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .468.10 +3.10 551.00 392.20
Capita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .690.00 –32.00 829.50 676.50 Inmarsat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .688.00 +14.50 831.00 603.50 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240.50 +0.50 280.50 220.10 Whitbread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1715.00* +24.00 1807.00 1260.00
Capital & Counties . . . . . . . . . . .145.80 +0.30 159.00 99.60 Intercontl Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139.00 +37.00 1244.00 803.00 Rexam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .318.30 +2.30 348.80 271.40 William Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158.30* –1.40 217.80 157.20
Capital Shopping Centres . . . . . .372.00 –5.70 523.50 300.10 Intermediate Capital . . . . . . . . . .335.50 +1.70 352.80 233.50 Rightmove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .770.00 +11.00 830.00 456.90 Witan Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .481.50 +6.50 492.00 397.30
Carillion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .344.40 +3.20 361.90 272.00 Intertek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1828.00* –122.00 1964.00 1136.00 Rio Tinto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4281.50 +134.00 4477.50 2751.00
Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2632.00* +16.00 2937.00 1963.00 Intl Personal Fin . . . . . . . . . . . . .314.80 +8.60 340.90 181.40 RIT Capital Partners . . . . . . . . . 1195.00 +22.00 1215.00 940.00 Wolseley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1770.00 +28.00 1837.00 1155.00
Catlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .344.00 –1.70 394.60 303.20 Intl Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .428.30 +8.80 438.10 268.70 Rolls Royce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .603.50* +4.00 661.50 466.10 Wood Group (John). . . . . . . . . . .479.00 +12.50 492.60 279.60
Centamin Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . .184.80 +4.80 202.80 103.50 Invensys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .338.70* +2.60 350.30 224.90 Rotork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1660.00 +2.00 1906.00 1101.00 WPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .740.00 +10.50 758.50 562.50
Centrica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .331.00* –1.20 347.00 252.00 Investec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .507.00 +7.00 565.00 411.50 Royal Bank Of Scot . . . . . . . . . . . .42.01 +0.28 58.95 28.25 Xstrata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1338.50 +26.50 1462.50 832.50
Charter Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711.50 +17.50 855.50 563.50 ITV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68.25 –0.25 73.00 46.77 Royal Dutch Shell A . . . . . . . . .2042.00* +23.00 2106.50 1621.00 LONDON TOP 250 BY MARKET CAPITALISATION
Chemring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2870.00 +10.00 3711.00 2551.00 Jardine Lloyd Thompson. . . . . . .582.00 +3.50 604.50 420.70 Royal Dutch Shell B . . . . . . . . .2014.50* +26.00 2071.00 1550.00
Close Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .806.00* +4.50 834.00 657.00 Johnson Matthey . . . . . . . . . . .1897.00 +54.00 1999.00 1435.00 RSA Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126.90* +1.50 137.40 114.10 * Ex-Dividend † Suspended
Cobham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207.90 +4.10 278.60 199.20 JPMorgan Emerg Mkts . . . . . . . .602.50 +14.00 618.00 448.00 SABMiller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2157.00 +105.00 2165.50 1638.00
COLT Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121.00 +1.20 144.20 107.70 Jupiter Fnd Mgmt . . . . . . . . . . . .286.50 +3.50 310.00 180.00 Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .269.20 +5.70 286.80 208.20

Mounting hope of an Irish New York rises on

bailout drives up the FTSE success of GM IPO
banks. British Airways added 4.4 per cent “There’s a lot of selling pressure at
THELONDON Sentiment surrounding banking
stocks was buoyed, with Lloyds
after solid results from Air France-
KLM boosted optimism in the sector. THENEW YORK the 1,200 level, there’s buying pres-
sure at 1,150 and we’re in a tight

REPORT Banking Group the best off, putting

on 1.9 per cent.
Further brightening the mood, gov-
Positive broker sentiment helped
InterContinental Hotels, up 3.4 per
cent, with Nomura repeating its
REPORT range until further notice,” said Joe
Battipaglia, market strategist at Stifel
Nicolaus in Yardley, Pennsylvania.
ernment statistics showed new US “buy” stance on the stock ahead of a Piercing the 1,200 level would

RITAIN’S top share index closed claims for jobless benefits barely rose strategy day on 23 November. S stocks jumped yesterday on leave the S&P 500 facing hefty techni-
higher yesterday, boosted by last week and manufacturing activity Nomura said the firm “is well placed expectations of a resolution of cal resistance near 1,228, the highest
banks on growing hopes for a in the country’s Mid-Atlantic region to execute on long-term growth strat- Ireland’s banking crisis, but the it has been in more than two years.
deal to ease Ireland’s debt crisis touched a near one-year high in egy”. S&P 500’s inability to break Reflecting less market uncertainty,
and by mining stocks which followed November, ging investors more proof On the downside, Intertek shed 6.3 through resistance suggests stocks the CBOE Volatility index fell 13.8 per
metals prices higher. that the economy was regaining per cent after the testing equipment could be in a tight range through the cent, its largest percentage daily drop
The FTSE 100 closed 76.15 points, or some momentum. firm issued a cautious update, end of the year. in more than five months.
1.3 per cent, firmer at 5,768.71, in UK data, meanwhile, painted a prompting Seymour Pierce to cut its General Motors shares gained 3.6 The Dow Jones industrial average
light volume, trading 85 per cent of mixed picture of the economy, with rating to “hold”. per cent in its return to public trad- gained 173.35 points, or 1.57 per cent,
its 90-day average. British retail sales volumes picking And outsourcer Capita fell 4.4 per ing and accounted for about 5.1 per to 11,181.23.
The index rose 0.2 per cent in the up in October, while public borrow- cent after the firm’s quarterly trading cent of regular session volume, The Standard & Poor’s 500 rose
previous session, having recorded its ing hit a record high for the month. update, with Execution Noble saying according to Thomson Reuters data. 18.10 points, or 1.54 per cent, to
biggest one-day percentage fall in The upbeat US economic data in a note a lack of new contracts However, given how much 1,196.69.
three months on Tuesday. along with the easing Irish debt wor- would put downward pressure on Ireland’s financial woes hampered The Nasdaq Composite added 38.39
“I think we’re probably close to get- ries underpinned demand expecta- 2011 top-line expectations. stocks in recent days, GM’s success points, or 1.55 per cent, to 2,514.40.
ting things resolved in Ireland but tions for industrial metals, boosting was a side note to the rescue of GM shares shot up as much as 9.06
I’m not pinning too much on the metals prices and having a positive ANALYSIS l FTSE another troubled European country’s percent as investors bet the US
market bouncing back,” Manoj knock-on effect on mining stocks. 6,000 5,768.71 finances. automaker can make a sustained
Ladwa, senior trader at ETX Capital, Fresnillo was the second-top FTSE 18 Nov US-listed shares of the Bank of recovery as it returned to the market
said. 100 riser, up more than 5 per cent, 5,800 Ireland climbed 33.3 per cent to after a blockbuster IPO.
“It could just be a dead cat bounce with Rio Tinto another good gainer, $2.88. The stock closed up 3.6 per cent at
recovering some of the losses we saw 3.2 per cent ahead. 5,600 Despite the bullish sentiment, the $34.19. The S&P Industrials index
a couple of days ago,” he said. But SABMiller grabbed the top spot 5,400
S&P 500 hovered around 1,200 for rose 1.8 percent as GM’s advance
Ireland’s central bank chief said he on the blue chip leader board, up 5.1 most of the session but failed to hold boosted shares of other automakers
expected Dublin to receive tens of bil- per cent after a strong recovery in 5,200 above the key level. and auto suppliers.
lions of euros in loans from European emerging markets helped the brewer This could mean the index’s trad- “This morning we had the big push
partners and the IMF to provide con- beat forecasts with a 16 per cent rise 5,000 ing range will remain tight for the from GM and the enthusiasm that
23 Aug 13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov
tingency capital for its shattered in half-year earnings. rest of the year. creates,” Battipaglia said.
22 Investment | Personal Finance CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

Planning now
will save time
and cash later
Thinking ahead will wealthy City workers, however financially
savvy they might think themselves to be.
help you successfully Sue Whitbread at the Institute of
Financial Planning says: “Financial plan-
achieve your goals, ners tell us that high net worth individu-
als quite often don’t plan.”
writes Jessica Mead Julie Lord at Bluefin Wealth
Management says: “They will all think
that they know something about money,
and they will. But what is missing is that

LMOST everything you will ever there is no coordinated strategic plan.
want or have to do in life will cost They all have a bit of money here and a bit
you money, so it is worth – every there and they don’t know what size of
now and again – taking stock of fund this is going to generate them nor is
your situation to think about your goals it targeted towards any particular out-
and how you can plan your finances comes.”
accordingly. Next week is Financial Life-changing events such as having
Planning Week, which should provide you children and retiring will affect your
with an incentive to do just this. finances. Here’s what you should be think-
Financial planning is just as relevant to ing about when you do your planning.

Inflation is like a hole

in every saver’s pocket
This is a terrible time
to be putting money
under the mattress,
says Daniel Knowles

NFLATION is a global concern at the
moment. In China, rocketing food
prices have pushed up inflation to 4.4
per cent, prompting a 50 basis point
rise in interest rates and a short crash in
global equity and commodity prices. That Don’t let your savings people willing to commit for five years, as
must be galling for British savers – accord- float away does the AA. Savers would be advised to
ing to the Office for National Statistics; use up their ISAs first though – few pay
British inflation is almost as high as Picture: GETTY more than 3 per cent, but unlike most sav-
China’s, and no interest rate rise is forth- ings accounts, interest is tax-free.
coming. The retail price index increased A better option might be to stop being a
by 4.6 per cent in October, while the co saver. The Bank of England is keeping
nsumer price index increased by 3.2 per interest rates low not so much to deliber-
cent. Far from earning a return, savers are ately punish savers but rather to encour-
seeing their money steadily eroded in age people to either spend their money or
value. What can they do about it? to put it into riskier assets. It is now possi-
Well, the first thing is to look for higher ble to invest as much as £10,200 in a stocks
interest rates. According to and shares ISA, which attracts no income, to beat inflation, a basic or capital gains tax, while shares are still
rate taxpayer will have to find an account arguably relatively cheap.
with a return of 4 per cent, while a higher But with the VAT rise kicking in at the
rate taxpayer will need to earn 5.33 per New Year, there is one other solution.
cent. To get those sorts of returns, most Stuff is only going to get more expensive.
savers will have to lock in their money for Perhaps the best way to beat inflation is
a long time – the State Bank of India offers just to buy as much you can possibly can
an account with a return of 4.5 per cent to now.
CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 Investment | Personal Finance 23


It doesn’t matter how old you are. Knowing what your goals ly accessible rainy day funds. FINANCE NEWS
are is critical to planning your finances. People often won’t Bluefin Wealth Management’s Julie Lord says: “The main BY JESSICA MEAD
think about planning finances until they get married or have thing that people ignore is inflation and what it will do to
children because they see it as not particularly exciting. But their value of their money in the future. It’s a hidden demon BRITS TO WORK BEYOND RETIREMENT AGE
ideally, you should think about it as early as possible. that sneaks up on people. With inflation having been low for Over 4m Brits aged 50-plus expect to work
beyond their state retirement age by an
“You have to find out how much you are worth and prepare a some time, its effects have almost been forgotten.” average of just over six years, according to
budget to work out what your net cash flow is,” says Adrian In essence, people should have a ballpark figure of what they the first Working Late Index, published this
Lowcock, senior investment adviser at BestInvest. Lowcock can afford to save on a weekly, monthly or even annual basis. week by insurance, investment and retire-
adds that you often find out very quickly what you are doing Then how they save is down to their discipline and need for ment group LV=. A quarter believe they will
work five to 10 years more, and a further
wrong with your finances. As part of any financial plan, you flexibility. For example, there is no point putting all your one in five see themselves working well into
should always aim to have about three months’ salary in easi- money into a pension if you need it aged 40 for school fees. their seventies or even eighties. Nearly twice
as many women expect to retire past their
state retirement age as men.
Planning for children can be as simple as how many you kids. Trading platform eToro has this week
launched its Responsible Trading pro-
want to have – and even this can cause disagreements with Financial planning for those with young families is not just gramme, which aims to provide traders with
your partner. But, assuming you do want children, having an about managing the higher daily expenditure. It may also be the information and knowledge they need. It
idea of how many and how far apart will help you manage about putting some money aside – perhaps well before the safeguards new traders by setting a low risk
level as the default and requires new traders
your cash flow. children are born – to help pay for school fees, computers to review educational information before
Children are certainly expensive – estimates run at and the like. being able to change the leverage setting
£200,000 before you’ve even added on private school fees Parents should also consider financial protection. What hap- manually. Further features are scheduled to
be added to the platform next year.
and the rising cost of university tuition. You will have to be pens to the rest of the family if you and/or your partner are
able to cope with reduced income for at least the duration of involved in an accident? Will they be able to manage finan- MORGAN STANLEY’S FTSE GROWTH PLAN
maternity leave and potentially for longer if one half of the cially? Look into getting insurance against unforeseen events Morgan Stanley announced this week the
couple decides to reduce working hours to look after the such as redundancy, long-term illness and premature death. launch of its FTSE Gilt-Backed Growth Plan
6. This six-year product offers investors 7.25
per cent per annum, which will be paid on
KEY MOMENTS | ESTATE PLANNING the first anniversary that the FTSE records
flat or positive performance. Should this
occur, investors may exit the plan at this
Thinking about one’s death is never a particularly appealing If you have a large estate and are likely to be liable for inheri- point and receive their initial investment
prospect but that does not mean you should avoid estate tance tax, then you are likely to need the assistance of a back in full plus the fixed return. The mini-
planning. You never know when you might fall ill, become less financial planner. “Financial planners can be worth their mum investment is £3,000 and it is available
until 24 December with an early investment
able to manage your finances, or even get hit by a bus, so weight in gold in this scenario,” says BestInvest’s Adrian discount equivalent to 0.5 per cent per
forethought really is essential. Lowcock. annum.
If you had one of If you do have significant wealth or complicated finances, The rules and regulations surrounding bequests and gifts are
be easier then restructuring your assets to make them as tax efficient extremely complicated – ie, any gifts you make to individuals Leeds Building Society has relaunched its
and as simple as possible will help your relatives after your will be exempt from inheritance tax as long as you live for short term Fixed Rate Postal Bond, which
death. In an age of austerity, your children and grandchildren seven years after making the gift. If you are planning to pass pays a guaranteed return of 2.50 per cent
Picture: GETTY gross per annum. Investors have unlimited
will appreciate whatever financial help you can give, whether on some of your wealth to reduce the size of your estate, it is access to all of the funds in the bond at any
this is the form of gifts before you die or as an inheritance. worth speaking to a financial adviser or tax expert. time without any notice or penalty. The mini-
mum investment is £1,000 and the maxi-
mum is £1m (£2m for joint accounts). The
KEY MOMENTS | RETIREMENT AND OLD AGE interest is paid on maturity on 31 March
Every financial expert agrees that people need to start a sizeable retirement income. For example, if you have a For example, one of Bluefin’s clients was a couple in their
putting away money sooner if they want to have a com- pension pot of £500,000 when you retire, then your fifties with poorly structured pensions – spread between M&S Money is warning Britons to take steps
fortable retirement. “Because of the power of com- income – if you enter drawdown to preserve capital – is various life offices, mostly in with-profits schemes. By to prevent burst water pipes this winter
pounded growth, people should be thinking about things around £20,000. “There are enough people out there consolidating their pension and cash accounts after pur- after a surge in related claims last January.
way ahead of when they need the money,” warns who want a lot more than that,” points out Lowcock. chasing an annuity with their accumulated pension fund, Claims concerning burst pipes made to M&S
Home Insurance jumped 220 per cent in
Bluefin’s Julie Lord. If you are aged 40 or more, he says that getting financial Bluefin could create a bespoke investment portfolio. January 2010 on the previous year as a
“People assume that if they’re earning good money now, planning advice is essential. “Just in retirement alone But it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. A financial result of the freezing temperatures. There
they’re going to continue earning good money,” says people are living longer and the healthcare associated planner may be able to help you restructure and consoli- was also an increase in the number of claims
of more than £100,000. Andrew Ferguson,
Chris Nicholls at with that can eat away a lot of money very quickly date your finances so that you can reduce your hours as M&S Head of General Insurance, said:
With annuity rates dropping like a stone, it has also indeed. A planner can help you tidy up complicated tax you approach retirement or even retire earlier than you “Escape of water can cause thousands of
become more difficult to transform your pension pot into affairs and make them more effective,” he adds. ever thought possible. pounds worth of damage by destroying ceil-
ings, furniture and personal belongings.”

Expat expert: Potential offshore tax benefits

Understand how your wealth A probate may be required in certain
l You are a resident in the UK but are
not domiciled there and are prepared to
may be affected by European However, if you live in an EU member follow certain restrictions, ie, you do not

Union investment legislation

state then you are likely to be affected by
the European Savings Directive (ESD). A. Any interest you receive on your off-
shore accounts can have tax with-
held at source.
intend to transfer any of the offshore
interest paid after 1 July 2005 from your
offshore accounts back to the UK.


Alternatively, you may opt to continue
to receive gross interest, but details
l You are an unincorporated associa-
tion or society such as a charity.


A. The European Savings Directive was
agreed on 3 June 2003 and it came
about you and the interest you have
received will be shared with the tax
authority in the EU member state where
l You are a company or partnership.
l Your affairs are in a trust (provided
the trust structure meets certain rules).

A. An attraction of offshore banking

could be the opportunity to receive
gross interest since interest on offshore
into force on 1 July 2005.
According to the directive, it aims to
counter cross border tax evasion by col-
you are resident.
Certain investments are not affected
by the European Savings Directive, how-
l You are able to provide an exemption
certificate from an EU tax authority.

accounts is usually paid without the lecting and exchanging information ever. These include: For more details about HSBC Bank
deduction of tax. This may be tax effi- about foreign resident individuals l Insurance policies, life policies (such International’s offshore banking solutions visit
cient for you, depending on the tax rules receiving savings income outside their as with profit funds) and pensions. or call +44 1534 616079
in the country where you are resident. resident state. l Shares that you hold directly.
There is also the possibility that you The government believes that l Pure equity funds are unlikely to be In association with
will not have to pay any inheritance tax, exchange of information between tax affected because their primary objective
capital gains tax or death duties if you authorities is the best way to ensure that is to achieve capital growth.
hold a bank account in jurisdictions individuals pay the right amount of tax You may also be excluded from the
such as the Isle of Man and Jersey. on cross-border income from savings. ESD in certain circumstances:
24 CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

| The Knowledge




Price: £599,995 Price: From £294,995
This four-bedroom
townhouse is close to
This 60-acre develop-
ment on the outskirts of
Russell Hunt
the town centre and it Hertford has one and PROPERTY HUNT
has been refurbished. two-bed apartments as
Period features such as well as three-bed hous- Dear Russell, what can I do to
sash windows and fire-
places have been kept.
There is a back garden.
es. All properties have
state-of-the-art fittings
and luxury furnishings.
Q. increase the value of my property?

Contact: Hetheringtons Contact: Explore Living

There are very simple and obvious
on 01992 440000, on 0844 6626049, things that can be done to improve the value of a property but it is amazing
how often people forget them. For example, it
will not help the value of your property at all if
it is cluttered. You want prospective buyers to
envisage rooms as large in size and clearing
away items will help them appear bigger.
Equally, keep your kitchen surfaces clear.
If you are selling a tenanted property, then
NEED TO KNOW | AREA INSIGHT you need to make sure your tenants keep it
tidy. You could consider incentivising them by
REVELLS HALL offering them a rent reduction. This will help
Price: £2.75m Commuting: Hertford is around 40 national average, particularly for rob- your sale price so you’ll almost certainly make
This Grade II-listed 16th minutes away from Moorgate by train bery and sexual offences. back what money you lost on the rent.
century house has while it is also well located for both Check to make sure there are no damp
panoramic views across the A1 and the M25. Restaurants & Pubs: Hertford has a patches or any smell of damp and if a flat
Ware Park. There are six number of good restaurants, including above has leaked, for example, and stained the
bedrooms, two separate Education: There are top state Lussmans, Deco, and Papillon at the ceiling, get rid of the mark. Even if it happened
self-contained flats, a years ago, it will give buyers an impression that
schools near Hertford such as Mill Woodhall Arms, which is in nearby the place needs work doing to it and may offer
large garage and a size- Mead and Hollybush primary schools Stapleford. In terms of pubs, the Mill
able gym. less. Make sure all appliances and lights work.
Contact: Strutt & Parker as well as Simon Balle secondary Stream is described as friendly with a Finally, if you have a flat in an apartment block,
on 01727 840285, school. Private schools in the area pleasant beer garden. give the communal areas a tidy. These are the including Duncombe Preparatory first parts of the property that viewers will see.
School, Heath Mount Preparatory Parks & Leisure: There are plenty of

School and Haileybury College. sports facilities such as golf at Dear Russell, do you think it is a buy-
Hanbury Manor, Aston and East Herts ers’ or sellers’ market in London?
Crime: Hertford is much safer than the golf clubs and polo at Letty Green.

There have been many conflicting
reports on this topic but in my opinion
it is more of a buyers’ market here in
CURRENT MORTGAGE DEALS BY JESSICA MEAD Source: the capital. Vendors have become more flexible
so it is worth doing some research into what
Lender Fixed/Flexible Rate Until Standard Rate APR Maximum Loan situation the seller is in. Try to find out if they
need to sell quickly or if they need to release
(per cent) (per cent) (per cent) to Value (per cent) the cash – this strengthens your negotiating
power. However, there are still some sellers
who have a price in mind and you will never get
NatWest Flexible 1.99 To Feb 2013 4 3.9 60 them to shift their position. If you are up
First Direct Flexible 2.19 2 years 3.69 3.5 65 against other people for a property, then it
becomes trickier to make the most of a buyers’
Santander Flexible 2.19 2 years 4.24 4 60 market. But with Christmas approaching, there
ING Direct Flexible 2.29 2 years 3.5 3.5 60 is less competition and sellers want to
exchange now to get it out of the way.
HSBC Flexible 2.39 Term 2.4 2.4 60 Check out properties that have been sitting
on the market. The house might not have any-
Yorkshire BS Flexible 2.39 To Nov 2012 4.99 4.7 60 thing wrong with it – it may just have been
First Direct Fixed 2.69 2 years 3.7 65 passed over by estate agents in favour of
newer commissions – and the seller might take
Yorkshire BS Fixed 2.69 To Nov 2012 4.99 4.8 60 a reduction.
Santander Fixed 2.69 To Jan 2013 4.2 4.2 60
Russell Hunt is managing director of Property
Principality BS Fixed 2.74 To Dec 2012 4.99 4.9 65 Hunt, a search agent for London and the
Home Counties.
ING Direct Fixed 3.39 To Mar 2013 3.5 3.6 80


Rents rose for the ninth consecutive month in Only 10 homes are still available at Redeham Homes’ Buying is more cost effective than renting in 80 per More than 75 per cent of apartments have sold in the
October to £691 while tenant arrears fell significant- Accordia Living development in Cambridge so inter- cent of British cities and towns according to research second phase of Barratt East London’s Dalston Square
ly for the second month in a row, according to the ested buyers will have to act quickly. Prices for the conducted by property search website As development. The homes are approximately three miles
latest buy-to-let index from LSL Property Services. remaining homes start from £239,950 for a one-bed- asking prices have come down and rents have from the Olympic Park and are due for completion in
Unpaid rent totalled £221m, down from £229.3m in room apartment and from £849,950 for a four-bed- increased, this figure has risen from 74 per cent in July. the summer/autumn of 2011. Comprising nine blocks of
the previous month. This accounted for just 9.3 per room townhouse. The development of 203 homes is Assuming an owner with an interest-only 5 per cent different heights, prices in the latest phase start from
cent of all UK rent unpaid during the month and was situated within 23 acres on Brooklands Avenue. It mortgage, the average renter pays 9.9 per cent more £242,000 for a one-bedroom apartment. Most flats
only 0.1 per cent higher than its best performance on received the Royal Institute of British Architecture than an owner. This is compared to a difference of 8.7 will have a balcony or terrace and there will also be a
record. Stirling Prize for its innovative architecture. per cent in July. 24-hour concierge service and an on-site private gym.
Queen Mary’s Gate • South Woodford • E18

...and special offers on selected homes reserved in November!
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*Price correct at time of going to press. **Terms and conditions apply - please contact the Sales Centre for full details.
All apartments must legally complete by 20th December 2010 to qualify for the November special offers. Photographs depict Queen Mary’s Gate.
26 Living | The Knowledge CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010


Between $935m-$9.9m
These recently opened contemporary-style villas had their interiors styled by Beverley Hills
design celeb Kelly Wearstler. The 166 residences range from studio apartments to penthous-
es. Some have private beaches. The development is surrounded by 35 acres of land.

property in paradise
Contact: Hamptons International on 020 7758 8488

property can be $2.5m cheaper than in

Buying your Caribbean dream Barbados. Certainly, a risk worth taking
now that the financial crisis is underway
home is now more affordable and prices are beginning to recover.
But which island is most likely to pay off?
than ever, writes Donata Huggins “Any island with direct international
flights will do well,” says Cunningham. The
Caymans, for example, has direct flights to

T FEELS wrong to be delighted by the both the UK and Miami. It also benefits
financial crisis, doesn’t it? But if you from extremely low taxes – a major pull
were reclining on a sun-lounger in considering the rising taxes in the UK and
30°C heat with a sparkling ocean US. St. Lucia is also a good choice. It’s cheap-
stretching out in front of you, it would be er than Barbados, more popular than
difficult not to. Especially if you had man- Dominica and has none of the financial
aged to buy a Caribbean dream home on scandals that rocked Antigua a couple of
the cheap. The numbers of these smug peo- years back. The island is experiencing grow-
ple are growing because the financial crisis ing commercial interest. Developments
lopped an average of 20 per cent off proper- such as Sugar Beach have poured in mil-
ty prices across the Caribbean. But with lions to build luxury properties on the
depressed property prices comes a degree coast of the Caribbean Sea.
of risk and buyers need to consider careful- But what are the experts tipping?
ly the various islands' potential before tak- Cunningham says Grenada is his “wild
ing the plunge. card” because it had only just entered the
Indeed, Julian Cunningham of Knight mainstream property market prior to the
Frank’s international department explains crash, yet the prices have fallen 10-5 per
that most are shopping safe by sticking to cent further than its more established
the most established islands such as rivals. “My bets are on it making a come
Barbados. “Three and a half years ago peo- back,” says Cunningham.
ple were more adventurous, buying in less Prices may be low but confidence is
densely populated places like Dominica growing, so the window of this bargain
and St. Martin. Now they want to be able to opportunity might be short-lived. Those
see their exit strategy before they buy, just bold enough to take the plunge on an
in case.” island property outside of Barbados could
But the real bargains are outside of reap the benefits when prices take off
Barbados. In Nevis, for instance, a luxury again.

For more information visit

CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 Living | The Knowledge 27


Between $1.975m-$2.45m
These villas are based on the least populated island in the Caribbean. The development offers 11 apart-
ments with three to four bedrooms on the harbours side.
Contact Aylesford International on 020 7349 5100


Caribbean banks never really If you know that you will be selling While taxes are extremely low in the
offered particularly generous your property in the near future, Cayman Islands there are a few
mortgages even before the crisis. beware that experts have noticed taxes that can hit the unprepared
SUGAR BEACH, ST. LUCIA So if you’re interested in buying be that property sells more easily when hard. The tax imposed on importing
Between $2.4m-$9m sure that you have at least a 30-40 the dollar ranges between $1.5-$1.6 a car, for instance, is calculated from
These soon-to-opened residences will offer private swimming pools with natural stone or whitewashed per cent deposit available. Most to the pound. Important to bear in the cost of the car plus the insur-
greenheart timber deck, depending on the setting. Some of the bedrooms will have private balconies. people purchase their property in mind as the next few years could ance premium with a special tax for
Contact Sugar Beach on 084 4921 0126 cash. see considerable fluctuations. those with SUVs.

Introducing the Caribbean’s finest

residences, nestled between the
iconic Pitons of St Lucia
The Residences at Sugar Beach
The world renowned Jalousie Plantation Resort is undergoing a breathtaking
transformation to become Sugar Beach. At the heart of this UNESCO World
Heritage Site are the Residences – stunning freehold properties with unbroken
vistas across the rainforest, Pitons and warm waters of the Caribbean.

Prices from US$2,400,000

+44 (0)844 9210126

28 Living | Couples CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

Investing your love in bricks and mortar

Rebecca O’Connor, director at will come out in the open, as will earn-
ings. When assessing how much you can
Perrons Davis, the property afford monthly, mortgage lenders will
take into account the amount you earn
group, explains how to buy jointly.
Each lender has different criteria – for
your first house as a couple example, some will lend a maximum of
three times the highest income and one
times the second income, or four times

joint income. Some will just go on what
you can afford rather than income mul-
BUDGET tiples, but check before applying. If
BEFORE you start the fun stuff – house- either of you has credit problems in the
hunting – make sure you have covered the past, be aware that this may result in a
boring stuff: finances. Work out how rejected application, although lenders
much you can afford to put towards mort- will look more kindly on you if the high-
gage repayments each month, based on est earner has an unblemished credit
your joint net income, and joint outgo- history.
If, like Kate and William, you are thor-

oughly modern and are already living Prince William and Kate Middleton will probably
together in rented accommodation, this is manage to avoid mortgage stress.Picture: REUTERS
easier to work out (whether you are com- POOL RESOURCES
fortably affording your rent repayments is WHEN sourcing a mortgage deal, buying

4 5
a good guide to what you could afford in as a couple is easier than buying as a sin-
mortgage repayments). If you are living gleton because you can pool resources
separately, you may find that your outgo- for a deposit – another bonus of couple- THE BIGGER THE DEPOSIT, THE SET UP A JOINT ACCOUNT
ings on household bills shrink when you dom. It is best to try and contribute CHEAPER YOUR REPAYMENTS WILL BE THIS does not have to be a big, meaningful
move in together – a bonus of coupledom equally but in practice, this is unlikely, THERE are first time buyer deals available relationship event. It is just practical. All
– so take this into account. since the chances are your incomes to people with as little as 5 per cent of the of your household outgoings, including
Excel spreadsheets really come into aren’t the same. If one of you has con- purchase price to put down, but rates are the mortgage, electricity bills, council tax,
their own when budgeting: familiarise tributed more to financing the pur- cheaper if you can find 10 per cent, cheap- TV licence and Sky can come out of it by
yourself with the formula function. chase, consider what this would mean if er still at 15 per cent, and really great if direct debit. Each person’s contribution to
you broke up and sold the property. you have 25 or even 40 per cent to put in. the household expenses can also go into it

Would the main contributor get a bigger Consider how much you can raise as a by standing order. This is more egalitarian
BE FRANK WITH EACH OTHER ABOUT share of any equity gain? deposit before househunting, as this will than nominating one person to take
EARNINGS It is not a nice conversation, but it is inform your range of options more than charge of all of the household bills and is a
THERE can be no financial holes barred worth having and even putting in writ- anything else. The Post Office currently good exercise in shared responsibility that
when applying for a joint mortgage. ing or in an email, should the unthink- has some competitive deals for those with will serve your relationship well in the
Every little missed credit card payment able happen. smaller deposits. future.


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30 CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

| Entrepreneurs

How to turn Cameron’s vision of an

entrepreneurial decade into a reality
Global Entrepreneurs Week one per cent in self-employment rates
could boost the UK’s GDP by around 1.5
are engaged in the actual process of start-
ing a business compared to 8 per cent in
The YouGov poll shows the population
offers the chance to hold the PM per cent and add approximately £22bn to
the UK economy.
the US and 15 per cent in Brazil and 19
per cent in China.
is pointing its finger at the government
for this one: 77 per cent of people want
No wonder David Cameron wants to the government to play a key role in sup-
to account, says Donata Huggins make this decade the “most entrepre- AMBITION GAP porting entrepreneurs.
neurial and dynamic” in British history. But don’t think this means that Brits So this week’s Global Entrepreneurs
But the trouble is few believe him. A don’t want to become entrepreneurs: 50 Week is calling Cameron to account, ask-

AVID Cameron has called on the recent YouGov survey found that while per cent of the population want to start a ing him to back British entrepreneurs
nation’s “doers-and-grafters, inven- 79 per cent of Brits think the recovery business. Clearly some form of “ambition and to make sure the next decade really
tors and entrepreneurs” to save us rests on the shoulders of entrepreneurs, gap” has emerged. Many are pointing to is an entrepreneurial one. Below, we have
from our troubled finances. He’s only 20 per cent believe it will happen. the education system because research asked entrepreneurs, opinion-formers
not wrong. According to research com- Currently Britain is lagging behind: shows that enterprise education at and decision-makers what can be done to
missioned by Enterprise UK, a rise of just just 5.8 per cent of the population school doubles your chances of business achieve this.



“ “ “
It’s in all our interests to make the load as light We need to tackle late or non-pay-
as possible for entrepreneurs. The gov- ment for work if we want to make a
ernment needs to reduce taxes and national big difference for entrepreneurs in this coun- The government
insurance contributions in the early years of a try. In our survey this year we found that, at could encourage
business and create labour laws that give any one time, around £9bn is owed to small entrepreneurs in
greater flexibility to growing companies. businesses in the UK. Worse, businesses have these tough times
The rest of us however need to make their doubled the amount they have written off and by extending the
stories heard to start to change the cul- around one in five businesses say that late or non-payment national insurance
ture of the UK and encourage an threatens their business’s future. Once debt is written off, holiday for small
atmosphere of entrepreneurship. that’s money, time and resources lost and for some busi- businesses to the
After all, NESTA research shows that nesses that may be the difference between profit and loss. excluded areas of
the 6 per cent of UK businesses with Avoiding this isn’t always possible, but businesses can help London and the South East. This is a
the highest growth rates generated themselves by making credit checking standard practice – great incentive that will encourage

half of the new jobs between that’s simply doing a credit check on their new more businesses to get off the ground

2002-8. We need entrepreneurs or existing customers and working out in those difficult early years. The gov-
now more than ever. whether they are creditworthy. ernment’s proposed extension of the
Enterprise Capital Fund programme is a
good idea since many good business

ideas are not currently getting
funding from the banks.

“ People simply need to realise the opportunities the internet

holds for starting new businesses. It is now easier than ever to start a
online business. The internet is a fantastic low-cost tool for trialling
products and ideas, allows for easy feedback and marketing and pay-
ment methods are faster, safer and easier to use than ever before.
Business online is not a new idea anymore. Britain is steaming ahead
this week showed that young people blame
their teachers for their lack of entrepre-
neurial spirit. They say the number one
reason they are held back from becoming
an entrepreneur is their teachers’ lack of
business experience. We need a structured
approach to tackle this if we want to
in this field – proved by the fact that online businesses currently make

up 7.2 per cent of GDP (more than the construction, utilities and change the nation. There’s a high level of

transport industries put together). And it’s growing at 10 per If we really want to encourage support for doing this. The survey also
cent a year. Forecasts predict that online businesses will make the “doers-and-grafters” of showed that 54 per cent of people backed

up 10 per cent of GDP by 2015. Britain, we urgently need a shift in the idea of making enterprise edu-
culture and this has to start with young cation a mandatory part of the
people. Research released from YouGov national curriculum.



“ We want to support small businesses as

they grow and expand, and ensure they
have access to the finance they need.
This week we announced a new 40,000-
strong network of business mentors
which will help start-ups, growing com-

Abolish the right to flexible working and
let small businesses conduct this informally.

Introduce a minimum £500 deposit in

employment tribunals.
l Introduce a fast-track IP scheme for small
businesses to help entrepreneurs protect
their ideas. The procedure currently takes
around two years.
panies and businesses seeking financial
mentoring. I want to call on more l Scrap the ban on the default retirement l More government sponsored apprentice-
businesses to join this network. rate will be reduced to 20 per cent. We will also age. ships.
The best people to advise extend the highly successful Enterprise Finance
entrepreneurs and business Guarantee for four more years, which facilitates THE FEDERATION OF SMALL BUSINESSES: TAXPAYERS’ ALLIANCE:
owners are those additional bank lending to viable small and l Cut red tape to make it easier to set up l Scrap capital gains tax to strengthen the
who have already started and medium sized businesses (SME). We also want small businesses. incentive to take risks and become an entre-
run successful companies. to continue the Enterprise Capital Fund pro- preneur
The government wants to gramme that enhances the provision of equity l A greater number of government con-
create the best possible condi- finance to SMEs by using government funding tracts must be awarded to small and grow- l Abolish inheritance tax because it doesn't
tions for our small businesses alongside private sector investment. This will ing businesses. raise much revenue and inheritances are a
so the main rate of corpora- enable high-growth start-ups to key source of initial capital for the many

tion tax will be cut from 28 access important venture capital l Greater financial support for green innova- entrepreneurs who don't want the risks of
per cent to 24 per cent over investment. So my message to aspir- tion. borrowing.
four years, and the small firms’ ing entrepreneurs is: you can make it.
Lifestyle ON SAFARI 31


Watches ready for action WATCH GEEKS
It’s time for a return CORUM, ADMIRALS CUP CHRONO Timothy
to sporty timepieces Bringing sleekness and some heavy duty toughness to Barber
for thrill seekers, Corum’s Admirals Cup line of nautically-themed watches,
this is the watch for those taking to the most gruelling of Style
says Timothy Barber high seas.
£5,250 Counsel
ACK in the heady days of what we’re OR an industry that prides itself on being
now calling “the bubble” (2006, basi-
cally) things in the world of watches
had all got a little bit much, frankly.
If the thing strapped to your wrist wasn’t
big enough to eat your dinner off and full
Swiss-owned but British-branded, Graham’s watches are
F at the cutting edge of technological
endeavour, the watch business – or at
least, the luxury end of it – can also be
rather backward looking. Just take its attitude
to online technology – the internet has mostly
of enough moving parts to dazzle a rocket large and macho, with something of a military edge to been treated with the same hostility as digital
scientist, it wasn’t worth wearing. them, to which this one adds some motor racing cool. watches once were, and the idea of selling high-
So the return to elegance, understated £7,150 end pieces online mostly dismissed by those in
beauty and classic design engendered by their Alpine ivory towers.
harsher economic times was to be wel- Things are changing though. Companies like
comed. But that shouldn’t mean there isn’t Jura Watches in Mayfair
room for a bit of extraversion. In fact sporty, ( and British watch-
chunky, rugged watches suddenly seem maker Christopher Ward (www.christopher-
refreshed – and in 2011 may be just what’s have demonstrated a ready market
needed to stand out from the crowd. for online selling, and the odd prestige brand –
most notably France’s Bell & Ross – has fol-
lowed suit.
However it’s in the world of the app that
companies are really noticing an opportunity to
interact with tech savvy watch fans. This
month has seen the launch of the most
involved watch app yet, by Hublot. As smartly
designed as the company’s ultra-cool watches,
HUBLOT, KING POWER SENNA the app allows you to browse the collection,
Hublot, official timekeeper of this year’s World Cup, and rotate watches through 360 degrees to
inspect them from every angle. You can also
makes watches that are the last word in cool, extrovert photograph your wrist via the app and see how
machismo. In honour of the late Ayrton Senna, its latest it would look with a Hublot watch on – a func-
PIAGET, POLO FORTYFIVE piece incorporates materials used in F1 cars, and will be tion that will also be present in Jura’s about-to-
available from Mayfair’s Marcus watches soon. appear app, through which you can interact
A chronograph watch that’s both sporty and with the online shop directly. Check out Jura’s
£18,710 website next week
smoothly businesslike at the same time. The
to download it.
dynamic display includes a second 24-hour time Other watch
zone, date and flyback chronograph. apps include one
£13,200 from Montblanc
that actually flies
inside the move-
ment of the
Nicholas Rieussec
chronograph; IWC,
with which you
can browse
images of the col-
lection; Boucheron,
JAEGER-LECOULTRE, MASTER which has lots of
jewellery to
Breitling’s watches are bold, brash and heavily influenced This chronograph watch is as tough as it is terrifically watches; and Bell
PATEK PHILIPPE, 5980R by aviation. Its latest flagship watch is this sporty limited smart. Designed for extreme conditions, its housing is & Ross, which
allows you to have
A timely rose gold version of Patek’s charis- edition Chronomat 01, which contain’s the company’s in- made from a highly resistant titanium alloy and its bezel one of its distinc-
matic, retro-cool Nautilus chronograph line. house movement, the Caliber 1. from ceramic zirconium. tive watch faces as
£35,100 £5,880 £43,000 your lock screen.



Japan’s Seiko is well known as more than a cre- Another brand coming to this country is Ellicott, Easily one of the most prestigious Swiss watch Talking of Mayfair boutiques, one of the
ator of quartz watches, but its highest-end pieces, though it’s actually an English watchmaking brands, Piaget has been leading the trend for smartest, Mount Street’s William & Son, is cele-
the Grand Seiko range, have only ever been sold name – the original Ellicotts made timepieces for thinner watches with its Altiplano line of brating 10 years of business by bringing out its
in Japan. After 50 years, they’re finally hitting the European monarchs over 200 years ago. Now watches with movements that are a mere own watch. It’s a striking Art Deco-inspired piece
international market, and Mayfair’s Jura watches revived in Switzerland, the brand’s small but cap- 2.1mm thick. Next week it opens a smart new in 18ct rose gold, conceived by chairman William
is selling them in the UK. For collectors, they’re tivating range is available at Fulham’s Watch London boutique, and not before time. 169 New Asprey, and only 10 – worth £11,000 each – are
worth the wait. Gallery. Bond Street, W1S 4AN. being made.
32 Lifestyle | Reviews CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010



Re-release of the classic 1950s psycho thriller. Progress features all five boys in a first since 1995.


One man’s daughter is another man’s lover. Rejoice: Rihanna is back with Loud, her fifth album.


Gory Hong Kong horror flick. Two discs with 21 previously unreleased songs.

The darkest Harry

Potter film yet
Film Theatre
Cert: 12A
IT’S NEVER easy preceding the headline
WINTER 2010 is the perfect time for a
revival of Tennessee Williams’ The Glass

GRFKHNKRY act, but part one of the Deathly Hallows

– JK Rowling’s final fat tome in the wiz-
ardly series that has been split into two
films – is pretty engaging, while saving
the big dramatics for next year’s finale.
Menagerie, set in the grip of the Great
Depression. But the Young Vic’s produc-
tion has so much more going for it than
good timing. From the moment the first
cigarette (of about a zillion) is lit you can
It certainly sees things go in a differ- tell Joe Hill-Gibbins’ production is going
ent direction to previous films, as to be magical.
Hogwarts is left behind by Harry, Williams’s play tells the story of a sour-
Hermione and Ron, who are engaged in thern family – matriarch Amanda,
tracking down and destroying a series daughter Laura and her brother Tom
of “horcruxes” – items in which evil (the play’s narrator, recollecting past
Lord Voldemort has stashed various events) – living a hollow existence in a
parts of his mortality. And let’s face it, cramped tenement, hoping for better
anyone who needs horcruxes explained things.
to them this deep into the series isn’t The set conjures up a very believable
going to understand an awful lot else of backstage area, complete with a costume
what’s going on either. cupboard and a sign telling you to keep
Unfortunately, the whereabouts of quiet. Melodramatic Amanda (Deborah
these enigmatic objects are still Findlay) and her cripplingly shy daugh-
unknown, and a large section of the ter Laura (Sinéad Matthews, pictured)
film sees the trio travelling across the constantly have an eye on the green door
country in an epic treasure hunt. with a star on, nervously waiting for a
Meanwhile Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) long-overdue gentleman caller.
and his followers are busy trying to Meanwhile disillusioned Tom (Leo Bill)
hunt down the boy wizard, with the protects his sister from their infuriating-
allegiances of Alan Rickman’s ly demanding, but ultimately forgivable,
%HOLHYHLQEHWWHU Professor Snape still eerily ambiguous. mother.
Away from Hogwarts and The acting is flawless. Every heart-
Dumbledore, the rootless, unprotected string is tugged and yet there is comedy
nature of the trio’s wanderings only in the most unexpected places. One per-
add to the menace of what’s cer- fectly-pitched scene switches from joy-
tainly the darkest Harry Potter fulness to tragedy in the briefest
film yet, as does an unsettling moment, with the smashing of a
visit to the decidedly Orwellian glass ornament – part of the titular
Ministry of Magic. collection of glass animals that are
It’s all pretty ominous – Laura’s obsession.
even while the little soap Any woman who has had their
opera elements like Ron heart broken will feel for Laura,
FKHNKRYFRPHG\VKRUWV and Hermione’s develop-
ing relationship bubble
and any man with a difficult
mother will feel for Tom. The
VXQGD\VDWSP away – and makes a com-
pelling watch. Some may
real clinchers, though, are the
clever staging, spot-on lighting
find that the fact that and small details such as a live
this is clearly intended as musician playing the glass
a prelude and not the harp. The set highlights the
main event a little frus- claim from Tom that this is
trating. We’ll have to “truth in the pleasant dis-
wait until the summer for guise of illusion,” a lovely sum-
VN\FRPDUWV the real fireworks. mary of what we expect from
Rhys Griffiths theatre. Lauren Paxman
CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 Lifestyle | TV& Games 33


6pm BBC News 6pm Eggheads: Quiz show, 6pm London Tonight 6pm The Simpsons 6pm Home and Away
6.30pm BBC London News hosted by Jeremy Vine. 6.30pm ITV News 6.30pm Hollyoaks 6.25pm Live from Studio Five
7pm CHOICE Children in Need 6.30pm CHOICE Strictly Come 7pm Emmerdale 7pm Channel 4 News 7pm Five News at 7
2010: Terry Wogan, Tess Daly Dancing – It Takes Two 7.30pm Coronation Street 7.25pm 7.30pm Fifth Gear: Five News
and Fearne Cotton present 7pm Live International Rugby 8pm Cheetah Kingdom 7.30pm Unreported World Update
coverage of the charity event Union: Wales v Fiji (Kick-off 8.30pm Coronation Street 8pm Come Dine with Me 8pm CHOICE White Van Man:
from the BBC Television Centre 7.30pm). 9pm I’m a Celebrity Get Me 9pm The Event Five News at 9
in London, featuring 9.30pm Harry & Paul Out of Here! 10pm FILM Good Luck Chuck: 9pm The Mentalist
performances by JLS and 10pm Mastermind Children in 10pm ITV News at Ten Premiere. Comedy. 2007. 10pm Law & Order: Special
Cheryl Cole. Need Special 10.30pm London News 12am Music on 4: Mercury Victims Unit
10pm BBC News 10.35pm Newsnight 10.35pm FILM Tango & Cash: Prize Sessions 10.55pm CSI: Miami CHILDREN IN NEED 2010
10.25pm Regional News 11.05pm The Review Show: Action adventure, with 12.15am Music on 4: The BBC1, 7PM
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Fearne Cotton present coverage Draws Headlines 1.05am FILM The Serpent: 4.30am Street Market Chefs event from the BBC Television Centre
of the second half of the appeal 12am Later with Jools Holland 2.30am FILM The Three Premiere. Thriller, starring Yvan 4.55am Rough Guide to Beaches in London.
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in London; Weatherview Period thriller, starring Dorothy Michael York. 1973. 4.20am- 4Music Top 20 4.55am Brothers & 5.35am-6am Michaela’s Wild
2.05am-6am BBC News McGuire. 1946. 2.25am-6am Close 5.30am ITV Nightscreen Sisters 5.40am-6.25am Countdown Challenge

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SKY SPORTS 2 11.15pm WATTS 11.30pm-
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11 16 30 12 13 16 32 3 
21 26
12 13
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 31  
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers Fill the grid so that each block 28 15
16 22 6
from 1 to 9 to solve this tricky Sudoku puzzle. adds up to the total in the box 21 12 5

above or to the left of it. 27 15
You can only use the digits 1-9 8 38 
  and you must not use the
same digit twice in a block. 14 34 33 4
   The same digit may occur 22 11 
   more than once in a row or
column, but it must be in a

10 14
  separate block.
9 12 12 
27 29
      10 16

1 Committee having 1 Amphibious animal
powers (5)
4 Light touch or
renowned for its fur (6)
2 River mouth (5)
3 Peculiar aspect of
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have
  ten minutes to find as many words as possible,
stroke (3) a person’s attitude
6 Evade (5) or behaviour (5)
none of which may be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters P 7 Be of service (5) 4 Trick (9)

LAST ISSUE’S or more, all must contain the central letter and
letters can only be used once in every word. There
A E 9 Unbearable
physical pain (7)
5 Food used in a trap (4)
8 Industry and technology
SOLUTIONS KAKURO is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.
P I 11 Set aside (7) concerned with aviation,
satellites, etc (9)
13 Capsicum spice (7)
QUICK CROSSWORD 3 2 1 8 2 9 15 Highest female 10 Church instrument (5)
0 $ & $ 8 $ : $ 5 '
5 9 8 7 3 4 1 2 SUDOKU          voice (7) 12 Daily news publications (6)
3 7 5 1 3 7
( / 3 $ 5 / ,          16 Make a thrusting 13 Electronic device
1 6 2 1 3 5 2
7 : , * 6 5 2 2 6 7          forward that generates a
$ , 0 $ $ 2 7 8 1 7 4 6 8 9
         movement (5) series of beeps (5)
/ ( % $ 1 2 1 ) 5 < 3 7 1 2 5
' 2
' 5
$ ' ( '
1 2 4
5 9 7
6 3
2 5
17 Not easy to
swallow (5)
14 Growth on the surface of
a mucous membrane (5)
5 7 2 0 ( 9 $         
1 2 + 2 : ( 0 % ( ' 6 9 4 8 4 9 The nine-letter word 18 Source of metal (3) 15 Palm starch used
4 8 9 7 9 6 5 8         
, ( 1 8 1 $ '
was GODPARENT          19 Capital of France (5) in puddings (4)
( $ 5 / 6 7 $ 5 ' < 1 6 5 7 2 1
34 CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

| Sports



Local bragging rights

can go to the Gunners





EVERYONE was writing off Arsenal’s title
credentials when they lost at home
against Newcastle a fortnight ago, but two
consecutive away wins and some dropped
points by their rivals have seen them close
the gap on Chelsea to just two points.
They are normally very strong at the
Emirates, but they’ve already lost to newly least two goals. They have also won by two clear goals in all of their last five visits to
promoted West Brom and Newcastle here or more in five of their last eight league Big Four opposition.
this season. games hosting top-half, non-Big Four Arsenal always have plenty of chances
The north London derby is often a full- opposition. at the Emirates, but they’ll need to get on
blooded encounter and tomorrow’s game Arsenal’s relatively young team have the scoresheet relatively early if they’re to
promises to be exactly the same. showed strong battling qualities in the avoid making the crowd anxious. I fancy
Tottenham are in seventh place in the past two games and they should have too them to do that and to hold on for a win
league, but they have lost their last two much for a Spurs side that have struggled in the second half, so back the Arsenal HT
away games and you have to go back to away from White Hart Lane in recent / FT double result at 7/4 on Betdaq.
1993 for the last time they won at Arsenal. weeks. The Gunners can be backed at 4/6 We’ve already seen how poor Harry
In fact, astonishingly they have now failed with Paddy Power and that is a decent Redknapp’s side are on the road at the top
to win at a Big Four side in the league in price – especially as they have won nine of teams, so buying Arsenal supremacy at 1.1
their last 68 attempts. their past 11 home meetings against with Sporting Index looks the right
Arsene Wenger will have been pleased Spurs. option.
with his side’s response following the This will always be a big game for both
Newcastle defeat and he’ll be keen to
make sure they continue their momen-
teams and their supporters, but Spurs fol-
lowers would have to be concerned that POINTERS...
tum. His side have won 19 of their 25 their team have lost by the HT / FT double Arsenal at 4/6 with Paddy Power
home games since the start of last season result in three of their past four away Arsenal HT / FT at 7/4 on Betdaq
and 15 of those victories have come by at games. They have also gone down by two Buy Arsenal supremacy at 1.1 with Sporting Index

two of their last eight league games, games when they have lost their previous
LIVERPOOL they’ve drawn five of them, all against rel- league match, with five wins by two or
atively week sides. It also has to be a worry more goals. They are as short as 2/5 with
that they’ve lost 15 of their past 25 away Paddy Power in the outright market, but
WEST HAM games and have lost by a minimum of two the Irish firm offer 5/4 about a Liverpool
goals in five of their six trips to Big Four win to nil and that looks appealing with
outfits, scoring just once in the process. the Hammers only finding the next once
TOMORROW, 5.30PM, ESPN Roy Hodgson is still under pressure, but in their last six games at Big Four
he knows that another run of good results opposition.
THINGS had been looking up for Liverpool could lift his team pretty close to the top Punters can also have a go at the HT / FT
following three straight wins, but a point four. That would have seemed highly home win at 11/10 on Betdaq, while
from their last two away games against unlikely a month ago and a home game spread bettors are advised to buy
Wigan and Stoke isn’t inspiring form. against an out of form West Ham side is Liverpool supremacy at 1.25 with
However, they are a different side at exactly what his team need. Liverpool Sporting Index.
Anfield and a win against bottom-side have won five of their last seven games at
West Ham really should be a formality.
Avram Grant had a tough season at
Anfield against bottom-six sides, with four
victories coming by at least two goals.
Portsmouth last year, and this one looks The Reds are also good at bouncing Liverpool to win to nil at 5/4 with Paddy Power
as though it’s going to be every bit as diffi- back from a defeat – they have won eight Liverpool HT / FT at 11/10 on Betdaq
cult. Although the Hammers have lost just and drawn two of their last 10 home Buy Liverpool supremacy at 1.25 with Sporting Index

Red Rose set to continue momentum

bright new era for the Red Rose. looked. The Leicester fly-half barely made a
ENGLAND Samoa did get within 10 points of questionable decision with ball in hand but
Ireland last Saturday and are unlikely to with his right boot he was flawless. Nine
be a walkover, but if England can replicate place kicks saw him record 25 points – the
SAMOA the intensity displayed at Twickenham highest by a single player ever between
last time then an admittedly steep handi- England and Australia – and a make-up of
cap of 21 points can be overcome. The Red 259 metres on Sporting Index’s England
TOMORROW, 2.30PM, SKY SPORTS Rose won by at least that margin in their kicking metres market. The firm quote 175-
last two contests against the Samoans, 185 versus Samoa and if we assume that
DARE we say that Martin Johnson’s grand including by a 37-point gap in their last England will cross the try-line several
plans to mould England into contenders meeting at Twickenham in 2005, so back- times, Flood can be relied upon to convert.
for the 2011 World Cup are finally taking ing England on the handicap at 10/11 with
shape? The scintillating attacking display
against the Aussies last weekend suggests
Paddy Power appeals.
Quite rightly, Ben Youngs’ coming of age
so, but we must wait until after tomor- and Chris Ashton’s wonder try drew most England to win with 21pt handicap at 10/11
row’s match against Samoa to gauge if of the plaudits last weekend but Toby with Paddy Power
that was a one-off or the heralding of a Flood’s contribution should not be over- Buy England kicking metres at 185 with Sporting Index
CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 The Punter | Racing 35


HAYDOCK TOMORROW live on Channel 4

What A Friend 3.25 BETFAIR CHASE (GRADE 1) 3m £112,660 GOING: GOOD TO SOFT (Soft in places)
Miss V Williams Paul Beck
2 37011- CHIEF DAN GEORGE (249)(C)(D)
supplied by RACING POST
9 11-7 A Coleman

10 11-7 P Aspell


Sir Alex has in

J Moffatt Maurice Chapman
3 P251U- IMPERIAL COMMANDER (226)(BF) 9 11-7 P Brennan 8-11F
N Twiston-Davies Our Friends In The North
4 8P423-1 NACARAT (21)(D) 9 11-7 P Moloney 7-1
T George Simon W Clarke

5 12F01- PLANET OF SOUND [T] (213) 8 11-7 R Johnson 8-1
P Hobbs C G M Lloyd-Baker
6 24174-3 TIDAL BAY (21)(D) 9 11-7 B Hughes 33-1
J H Johnson Andrea & Graham Wylie
7 61/211- WHAT A FRIEND (226)(D) 7 11-7 S Thomas 3-1

Betfair Chase
P Nicholls Ged Mason & Sir Alex Ferguson

T WAS nice to finally be back goes on all types of ground and has won
amongst the winners last week and I on his reappearance in the last two sea-
hope you managed to snap up some sons. Another who goes well fresh is
of the 15/2 available about Menorah Charlie Longsdon’s PALYPSO DE CREEK
early on Sunday morning. Long Run was a (2.20pm) and he ran a stormer to finish
little disappointing in the Paddy Power second to Our Vic in the Peter Marsh
Gold Cup, but all those who followed our Chase here last season. He fell late on in
each-way tip on Poquelin were in the the Grand National when beaten, but this
money if they backed Paul Nicholls’ is more his level and he is still relatively
charge at 20/1 with the sponsors who paid unexposed.
down to fifth place. Over at Ascot, MASTER MINDED should
Looking ahead to this weekend’s action have too much speed and class for
and it won’t be the last time this season Albertas Run over 2m3f in the Amlin 1965
we focus on the Paul Nicholls camp in our Chase at 2.05pm. It may just be that he
search for the winner of the feature con- needs an extra couple of furlongs these
test. The Champion trainer saddles the Sir days and he could end up going for the
Alex Ferguson-owned WHAT A FRIEND in Ryanair at the Festival. However, the best
the Betfair Chase (3.25pm) and the seven- bet at the Berkshire track tomorrow is
year-old looks decent value at 7/2 with ZAYNAR in the Coral Ascot Hurdle at
Paddy Power to defeat Cheltenham Gold 2.35pm. He won this race easily last year
Cup winner Imperial Commander in the and although he has to give weight to the
£200,000 contest. majority of his rivals, I expect him to win
Our selection was last seen in action at again.
Aintree last term winning the Totesport Finally, Alan King’s yard is absolutely
Bowl, having won the Lexus Chase in flying at present and his MILLE CHIEF
Ireland on his previous start. The young- looks like an each-way bet to nothing in
ster is quickly rising to the very top of the this afternoon’s 3.55pm at Ascot. His train-
chasing tree and he could well be er thinks he could be Champion Hurdle
Ditcheat’s main Gold Cup hope come class, but the problem is that he’s taking
March. on Aegean Dawn who was hugely impres-
Last year’s painfully unlucky runner-up sive at Cheltenham last Friday and is due
Imperial Commander will be a very tough to go up 21lb in the future. However, Mille
nut to crack and his trainer Nigel Twiston- Chief would have needed the run on his
Davies has reported him to be in rude reappearance at Aintree and will strip
health. However, he is currently trading at much fitter today.
as short as 4/6 and, even though he is the Newbury’s fantastic three-day Winter
most likely winner, there may not be as Festival kicks off on Thursday and I’ll be
much between him and What A Friend as there on Gentlemen’s Day on Friday.
the betting would suggest. Denman goes for an unprecedented third
Elsewhere on Haydock’s card, I like the Hennessy win on the Saturday, but I’ll
look of CLERK’S CHOICE in the 1.50pm. He hold off on my tips for the big race until
absolutely bolted up at Cheltenham last next week.
time and is now quoted as short as 25/1 for
the Champion Hurdle. He comes from
Michael Banks’ small stable of just six POINTERS...
horses, but don’t let that put you off. He MILLE CHIEF e/w 3.55pm Ascot (today)
demolished the well-regarded Royal Mix CLERK’S CHOICE 1.50pm Haydock (tomorrow)
by 21 lengths last time and could be top MASTER MINDED 2.05pm Ascot (tomorrow)
class. PALYPSO DE CREEK e/w 2.20pm Haydock (tomorrow)
JAMES DE VASSY looks very interesting ZAYNAR 2.35pm Ascot (tomorrow)
in the 2.50pm handicap hurdle for Nick JAMES DE VASSY e/w 2.50pm Haydock (tomorrow)
Williams. The stable is in fine fettle, he WHAT A FRIEND 3.25pm Haydock (tomorrow)


OR ME it really is back to getting the All the runners would have to be at their
All Weather form sorted and trying to peak to beat Malcheek in a seven furlong
pick off some good value winners over dash on Polytrack but on this occasion I
the winter months. I like the jumps but reckon the draw (14 of 14) may be his undo-
I have found over the past few seasons that ing. It therefore leaves the door ajar for
the flat offers some great value at this time WOODCOTE PLACE (5% win) to break his
of year. duck (0 from 10) on Polytrack. Richard
The races that catch the eye are the Class Kingscote gets the leg up on Pat Chamings’
2 & 3 handicaps over five to 10 furlongs. runner. With a 20% strike rate (47-232
Tomorrow there is a very interesting seven rides) over the past five seasons, Kingscote
furlong handicap at Lingfield (2.30pm). Elna should have the course knowledge to get
Bright could bounce back to form with this son of Lujain home in front.
Kieren Fallon on board but based on his last The Listed contest at 3.05pm is an intrigu-
two runs I think we can discount him. Bravo ing race and I like the look of NIDEEB (5%
Echo and Yer Woman need to drop a few win), who bolted up at Kempton recently
more pounds, while Autumn Blades may not and can show further improvement here to
be fully tuned up. take the prize.
36 CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

:I@:B<K =@IJKK<JKD8K:?1N\jk@e[`\j,/'$0[\Z%:?>Xpc\***# >FC=
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21-28 NOVEMBER The O2 LONDON Gerrard was only

supposed to play
for an hour
against France.

Picture: ACTION

Gerrard out
for a month
decision to renege on the agreement

prompted a furious response from
BY JAMES GOLDMAN Liverpool’s head of fitness and condi-
LIVERPOOL captain Steven Gerrard tioning Darren Burgess, who branded
faces up to a month on the sidelines the decision to keep Gerrard on as
with the hamstring injury he suf- “amateurish” and “disgraceful”.
fered playing for England on However, Brukner took a more rea-
Wednesday. soned approach. He said: “You have
Dr Peter Brukner, Liverpool’s head got to accept how long they want you
of sports medicine and sports science, to play for. There were obviously cir-
confirmed the midfielder’s injury cumstances which came together to
was “significant”. result in Steven playing for longer
“Steven’s been in for an early assess- than we’d hoped.”
ment here and it certainly looks like a
significant hamstring injury,” said “There were obviously circumstances
Brukner. “He’s going to be out for GERRARD | THE GAMES HE’LL MISS
three to four weeks I’d imagine.”
Gerrard was only expected to play 20 Nov, West Ham (h); 28 Nov,
for an hour against France, but Tottenham (a); 2 Dec, Steaua
injuries to other senior players meant Bucharest (a); 6 Dec, Aston Villa (h); 11
he stayed on until the 84th minute. Dec, Newcastle (a); 15 Dec, Utrecht (a)
England manager Fabio Capello’s 18 Dec, Fulham (h).


THIS SUNDAY EVENING Chelsea promote Emenalo
MICHAEL EMENALO has been appointed
the tune of £105m. Building work is due to
finish in the summer of 2012 with the FA
Chelsea’s assistant first-team coach fol- aiming to use it as a coach education cen-
LAST TICKETS REMAINING lowing the departure of Ray Wilkins last
week. Emenalo had been working as head
opposition scout for the club since October
tre. “St George’s Park will be a world-class
facility,” said National Football Centre
chairman David Sheepshanks. “St George’s
2007 but will now make the transition to Park won’t be an instant panacea for all coaching. Chelsea confirmed the move in a
statement: “Chelsea are pleased to
the ills of English football, but it will be a
catalyst for a step change in the way we
announce the appointment of Michael educate our coaches.”
Emenalo to the position of assistant first-
team coach. He moves up from his previ- Whyte confirms Rangers interest
ous post of head opposition scout.” RANGERS officials have confirmed that
chairman Sir David Murray is in “early
Work to begin on National Centre talks” with London-based investor Craig
OR Follow the stars on their journey to compete at the
BUILDING work on the National Football Whyte over a possible takeover of the
2010 ATP World Tour season finale on Check website for order of play.
Centre in Burton will begin in January, club. A statement from Whyte’s solicitor
Qualification and participation subject to ATP rules.
the Football Association has announced. read: “Mr Whyte confirms that he is con-
The FA board has unanimously approved sidering making an offer for RFC and is in
plans for the much-delayed centre and talks with Murray International Holdings
also agreed to underwrite it financially to but these are at an early stage.”
CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 37


Jones lauds Welsh scrum

hand to England
DEINIOL JONES hopes Wales contin-
ue to exhibit their scrummaging
power against Fiji tonight. The Welsh
pack destroyed Australia’s eight two
weeks ago, and held its own when

World Cup bid

world champions South Africa came
calling seven days later. Cardiff Blues
lock Jones is among five changes in
the forwards for tonight’s Millennium
Stadium clash. He said: “The scrum is
an area where Wales have been
strong so far this autumn. We need to
Cameron, knowing this, yesterday press our cases forward.”

BY FRANK DALLERES telephoned Jack Warner, one of the
most powerful members of the com- Kidney wants to reduce errors
PRIME MINISTER David Cameron has mittee, in the latest attempt to woo IRELAND head coach Declan Kidney
embarked on a charm offensive after him before next month’s decision. knows his side cannot repeat the
England’s ailing bid to host the 2018 “He called to ask me for my sup- errors they made in their recent 23-21
World Cup suffered further blows yes- port for the English bid and he asked defeat against South Africa if they are
terday. me to join him for lunch next week to topple the mighty All Blacks tomor-
England is thought to have lost at Thursday,” said Caribbean Warner. row. “We know our error count
least one vote, perhaps two, after gov- Adamu was banned from all foot- against South Africa was too high and
erning body Fifa banned two top offi- ball activity for three years and that’s what we’ve been trying to recti-
cials, Amos Adamu and Reynald Temarii for one, while both were fy,” he said.
Temarii over corruption allegations. fined four-figure sums. The pair were
To make matters worse, the chair- accused by the Sunday Times of ask- Hines’ experience is crucial
man of Fifa’s ethics committee then ing for money in exchange for votes. SCOTLAND will hope the experience
launched an attack on the English trio Nathan Hines, Chris Paterson and
newspaper that probed Adamu and ANALYSIS | ENGLAND’S CHANCES Nikki Walker have of beating the
Temarii, increasing fears a backlash Springboks will prove key when the
against English media could affect sides clash at Murrayfield tomorrow.
support in the 2 December vote. Some positive remarks in Fifa reports Scotland scored a 21-6 victory over
With Adamu and Temarii’s bans had this week given England renewed the world champions eight years ago,
trimming the number of votes to be hope, but yesterday’s events dampened IAN BELL underlined his growing importance in the England batting line-up with a with wing Walker scoring one of his
cast from 24 to 22, currying favour spirits again. Serious doubts remain that superb century against Australia A yesterday. The Warwickshire right-hander, tradition- four Scotland tries. "I’ve had more suc-
with the remaining members of the England’s bid will have enough support ally identified as a weak link by the Aussies, missed most of the summer with a broken cess against South Africa than any
all-powerful executive committee has to beat Spain/Portugal and Russia. foot, but looked in fine fettle against a decent attack on a green pitch. Kevin Pietersen’s southern hemisphere team, so that’s a
become even more fundamental. form, however, continues to be a worry. He was dismissed for just five. Picture: PA big boost for us,” said Hines.
38 Sport CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010

Bath stars are ready

to take centre stage
Johnson’s decision to rest key men against Samoa will allow
club colleagues Hape and Banahan to shine, by James Goldman
He said. “Me and Shontayne have slate. Obviously we don’t want to for-
ENGLAND got a good link and understanding get about the positives of last week
from playing together at Bath. We’ve but we need to kick on. Samoa are no
also spent three months as room- pushovers, all of their players are
SAMOA mates together so I think we know tough and lots of them play in Super
each other inside out. 14 teams and top Premiership sides.
“It’s a matter of trust out “In international rugby you want

ATH centres Matt Banahan and their in the midfield so it’s to win every game, you don’t need
Shontayne Hape believe their good to have him there. any more motivation than that.”
close off-field relationship will We’re looking forward Standing at 6ft 4in and weighing
help them develop a midfield to it and it’s a chance in at 18 stone, Banahan should be
partnership that will benefit England we want to take better prepared than most to cope
for years to come. with both hands. with the physical challenge the
With veteran World Cup winner “We want to Pacific Islanders will present, and
Mike Tindall being afforded the week carry in the Hape has given his club colleague
off by manager Martin Johnson, the form we’ve and roommate a vote of confi-
Bath axis of Kiwi-born Hape (right) shown togeth- dence.
and Jersey giant Banahan will get the er in the He said: “He’s had a massive
opportunity to translate their club Premiership. Obviously I ride in his career, starting some-
from onto the international stage want to stake my claim.” where in the forwards.
against Samoa tomorrow. Johnson has already publi- “He can play anywhere. He’s
The decision to play Banahan at cally warned his players not such a specimen, you don’t
centre – his previous five England to rest on their laurels follow- want to mess with him.
appearances all came on the wing – ing last weekend’s uplifting Luckily I room with him in
represents something of a bold move win over Australia and Banahan the England camp so I
by Johnson and 23-year-old Banahan is certainly expecting a tough know him on a personal
is glad he’ll have a familiar figure in encounter against Samoa. level. He’s up for this
Hape alongside him. He said: “We want to cut a clean challenge.”

England new boys will be out to prove points

the Test to experiment. Here are three will also be wary of their tackling; the across the Channel at Stade Francais, fairly quick and powerful, so should
men who’ll be out to impress. medical team will be on red alert. he is extremely dangerous and carries offload well. The centre partnership is
Easter has become a talisman and the ball well. He is the sort of player something England seem less sure
NICK EASTER was exceptional last week. who should be in the England team about, and trying Banahan is a gam-
As captain in place of the rested Lewis Enthusiasm is key: the Australia win and on his day would be in the back ble, but this is the right game for it.
Moody, Nick has a vital role. Chiefly bred it, and England must continue row. The flanker has a massive point
he must make sure England play with to play with it in order to maintain to prove tomorrow. VERDICT
the same attitude that they did in last their momentum and have a good England will win but the questions
RUGBY UNION COMMENT weekend’s win over Australia – one of chance of beating the Springboks. MATT BANAHAN are: can they follow up last week’s
the best games the national team Once billed as England’s answer to dazzling performance, and how
KYRAN BRACKEN have played in more than a decade. JAMES HASKELL Jonah Lomu, Banahan’s career has many players will emerge unscathed?
They’ll have one eye on the South Regarded as an easy pick in the last stuttered a bit. Chris Ashton and Kyran is hosting a rugby business breakfast

FEW of England’s players have Africa match next week, but need to few years, James has been looking for- Mark Cueto have nailed down the on 2 December themed ‘Managing Change’
a particular point to prove remain fully focused because Samoa lorn on the bench this autumn wing spots, while Banahan has been where he will be in conversation with
against Samoa tomorrow, have some very talented individuals, having lost his place in the side. reinvented as a centre. He won’t out- England captain Lewis Moody;
with Martin Johnson using as their sevens teams show. England When he is on form, as he has been run the Samoan defence but he is
CITYA.M. 19 NOVEMBER 2010 Sport 39

Banaham has been
moved from the
wing to centre by

Picture: GETTY

Van der Vaart

has become a star
for Spurs.

Picture: ACTION

Van Persie: I advised Arsenal to sign Van der Vaart

Persie. “I know the quality he has. I’d first start since 28 August.

BY FRANK DALLERES rather have him at Arsenal. I indicat- Wenger is hopeful midfielder Jack
ed a couple of times Rafael would be Wilshere will recover from a back
ARSENAL striker Robin van Persie has useful for Arsenal but that advice was problem. Spurs striker Jermain Defoe,
added further spice to tomorrow’s not followed. I regret the fact he who also missed England’s friendly
north London derby by revealing he wasn’t signed, but it is the right of the defeat to France, is back in training
begged manager Arsene Wenger to club. This is just my opinion. Now you and could be set to return.
sign Rafael van der Vaart.
Holland playmaker Van der Vaart
can see the result. Spurs were a good
team but now they are a top team.” FRIENDS REUNITED
has been a revelation at Tottenham
since joining in September and will
Van Persie and Van der Vaart were
team-mates for Holland two days ago
Other international colleagues crossing
pose the visitors’ biggest threat when
they clash at Emirates Stadium. But
the mercurial midfielder could have
but are now preparing to do battle in
a lunchtime kick-off that could see
the Gunners go top of the Premier
swords tomorrow: Bacary Sagna, Gael
Clichy, Samir Nasri take on fellow France
36 & 37
been dancing through defences in an
Arsenal shirt instead, had Van Persie
League, at least for a few hours.
The Arsenal forward played 45 min-
stars Younes Kaboul and William Gallas;
Russians Andrey Arshavin and Roman
succeeded in persuading Wenger to
move for his international team-mate.
utes in that friendly win against
Turkey as he steps up his recovery
Pavlyuchenko, Cameroon’s Alex Song
and Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
“He’s a great footballer,” said Van from injury, and is in contention for a

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