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‘Scope of Work Trial Section Preparing of ‘Subgrade for Canal Lining SPECIFICATIONS - TECHNICAL PROVISIONS 41 —CANAL LINING 44.1 The work te be done by the contractor under this item shall include preparation of the subgrade and dressing, constructing concrete lining and all incidental operations necessary to construct concrete lining in branch canals, distributaries and minors, in ‘accordance with the Drawings and these Specifications and subject to approval of the Engineer. 41.2 Before starting full scale canal lining operations, the Contractor shall carry aut a trial section of the complete prism of the canal for a length of not less than 50 feet, This trial section should be carried out in the same area on which trial section for earthwork has already been accepted and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit his proposals for this trial section to the Engineer for approval at least 14 days before he proposes to start the trial. The trial section shall demonstrate the sequencing of lining operations, the effectiveness and the quality control of the Contractor's methods including, but not limited to the following matters: ~ Preparation of sub-grade and dressing = Conerete batching arrangements, - Arrangement for construction of concrete lining, forms, transporting, placing, vibrating, screeding and finishing conerete, placement of joints and associated fillers, sealants, curing etc. ‘The trial section will be incorporated into the Works provided it complies in all respects with these Specifications. Should it not so comply, the Engineer may either instruct remedial measures, or complete removal of the trial section, reinstatement of the foundations, and a repeat tral, all at the Contractor's expense. 44.3. (1) Ensuring proper_compaction of subgrade: Prior to canal lining, the contractor shall prepare the subgrade including dressing of bed and side slopes filled or excavated sections of canal and any other backfill over which canal lining is to be placed. Before proceeding with canal lining, the contractor shall ensure and prove to the satisfaction of the Engineer by means of compeetion tecte that the subgrade of the whole canal prism (slopes and bed) is in a state of compaction equal to 95% Standard Proctor or 70% relative density depending upon the type of material, to a minimum depth of one (1) foot below the final grade, measured perpendicular to the surfaces of the canal prism. No separate payment shall be made for compaction tests and their cost shall be deemed to have been included in the unit ates quoted for the other relevant items given in. the BOQ. The Contractor shall rework the areas which fall to most the compaction Tequirements es described above and shall perform compaction by ‘employing appropriate equipment and methods in order to ensure that the reworked portions meet the compaction requirements described above, Tsitt-1 Crush stone & sand filter Concrete Lining SPECIFICATIONS ~ TECHNICAL PROVISIONS (2) Refilina of Over-excavated Areas: If ul any point material has been excavated beyond the neat lines required to Teceive the canal lining, the excess excavation shall be refilled with ‘compacted fill material and according to Section 3 — Earthwork. It at any point the foundation material is disturbed or loosened during the excavation process or otherwise, it shall be moistened if required and thoroughly compacted by tamping, roling or other approved methods in accordance with Section 3 — Earthwork to form firm foundations to place the concrete lining. @ & ) Lines_end Grades: In addition to the ‘above, the work under Subgrade preparation shall include but not be limited to cutting, filing, compacting, reworking, dressing and finishing the canal prism to true and even surfaces to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings in accordance with these Specifications and as directed by the Engineer. 144 6" inch thick compacted, filter, crush stone and sand material with maximum size % inch not more than 35% passing sieve No. 8 & Hot more than 5% finer than sieve No. 30 meeting the requirement of ASTM G — 33 under the canal lining will be placed, as per drawings and approved by the Engineer 418 (1) General: Concrete for canal lining shall be of Class B nveinforced, and shall be constructed in the canal priem as shown an the Drawings, and its strength shall be as specified herein. Plain cement concrete for canal lining shall be plastic enough to consolidate well and stiff enough to stay in place on specified slopes over 6° thick compacted, filter as shown on the drawings. ‘Slump shall be in the range of 1 to 3 inches. The water-cement ratio Shall be adjusted to achieve the specified slump and strength but Shall not exceed 0.45 In any casc. The compressive cylinder Strength of the concrete (28 days) shall be 3,000 psi and the concrete will be cured by application of a curing compound subject to approval of the Engineer following the submission of a request including supporting procedural methods and documentation by the Contractor. Nominal maximum size of aggregate for concrete in Canal Lining shall be 3/4 inches. The subgrade shall be well moistened but not muddy at the time of placing concrete. (2) Materials and Procedures: All the materials used in concrete canal lining including Sulphate Resisting Cement, slag, Sand, aggregate, water, curing compound and admixtures etc., mixing and batching, sampling and testing shall be in accordance with the Standards and specifications given in other sections of these specifications relevant to these items. Tant2 [SPECIFICATIONS - TECHNICAL PROVISIONS (3) Formwork: Forms for the concrete canal lining shall be in accordance with Section 4 - "Concrete, General’ and as approved by the Engineer. (4) Construction Joints: The place where contraction joint is not required but the concrete lining operations are interrupted because of breakdown or delayed by other causes, the edge of the fiesh concrete lining chall bo bullheaded to a perpendicular surface to the lining along transverse or longitudinal lines. When placing operations are resumed, the surface of the hardened concrete shall be prepared as a construction joint as specified lnerein. The fresh concrete shall then be placed against the existing concrete to form a permanent bond with the existing concrete, No payment shall be made to the contractor for making construction joints. (5) | Concrete Temperature: For concrete temperatures, refer to sub-section ‘Temperature’ of the Section ‘Concrete — General’ of the Specifications. (6) Method of Conerete Lining: The contractor shall carry ‘out concrete lining with the lining machine(s).. a)’ Contractor must deploy the concrete lining machine(s) comprising Trimmer and Trimmer discharae conveyor, concrete iine1s, bullom feed conveyer, conorete curing , jumbo, finishing jumbo and working bridae jumbo till the completion of canal ining. The concrete liner *. component for lining machine set should be capable of concrete lining at least 165 yd° (125m°) per hour for 4 inch (100 mm) thick lining layer. b) The concrete batching plants, transit mixers, concrete pump, water chiller plants, crushing plants and other related equipment should manufacture and maintain the supply of concrete in such a capacity that the conerete liner can yield at least 165 yd (729m*) per hour. (7) Replacement of Damaged/Rejected Concrete Panels: Where a damaged/rejected panel of concrete canal lining is to be roplaced, the old concrete shall he removed to the edges of the adjacent panels. The surfaces of the existing concrete shall be prepared as a contraction joint. Fresh concrete shall then be placed against the existing conte with the full groove contraction joint formed adjacent to the existing concrete. The groove shall be sealed with elastomeric sealant in accordance with para 11.6(7) of this section (8) Joints: Contraction and dummy joints in lining shall be constructed as shown on the Drawings, according to the specification provided in this section. The joint formed at the end of the day's work in case uf continuous lining, shell be made oo contraction joint. Expansion joints would be provided where the lining abuts against the structures (where shown on the drawings) according to the TSHt3 [SPEQIFICATIONS - TECHNICAL PROVISIONS specifications given for Expansion Joints in Section-17 "Miscellaneous Works’. (9) Curing: The Contractor shall cure lined surfaces of the Canal as follows: 18) The exposed surfaces of the concrete shall be membrane cured with an approved, white pigmented curing compound which forms a water-retaining membrane on the surfaces of the concrete. Curing compound shall contorm t0 ASTM Designation. C-309. The compound shall be of uniform consistency and quality within each container and from shipment to shipment. No water curing will be permitted for concrete placed for lining b) Curing compound shall be applied to the concrete surfaces by spraying in one coat to provide a continuous, uniform membrane over all areas. Coverage shall not exceed 150 ‘square feet per gallon and on rough surfaces coverage shall be decreased as necessary to obtain the required continuous membrane. Mortar encrustation and fines on surfaces shall be removed prior to application of the curing ‘compound. The repair of all other surface imperfections shall not be made until after application of curing compound. 4) when curing compound is used on concrete surfaces where forms are not used, application of the compound shall commence immediately after finishing operations are Completed. When curing compound is to be used on concrete suriaces where forms are used, the surfaces shall be moistened with a light spray of water immediately after the forms are removed and shall be Kept wet unti the surfaces will not absorb more moisture. As soon as the Surface film of moiatura disappears but while the surface still has a damp appearance, the sealing compound shall be applied. Special care shall be taken fo ensure ample coverage with the compound at edges, comers and rough spots of formed surfaces. When application of the sealing compound has been completed and the coating is dry to touch, any required repair ot concrete surfaces shall be performed. Each repair, after being finished ‘shall be moistened and costed with sealing compound in accordance with the foregoing requirements. 4) Equipment for applying sealing compound and the method of application shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI of the 8 Edition of the Bureau of Reclamation Concrete Manual, Any sealing membrane that is damaged or that peels from concrete surfaces, prior to 28 days after application, shall be repaired without delay in an approved manner. TSNt-4 Joints in Gana Lining SPECIFICATIONS - TECHNICAL PROVISIONS ) Sealing compound will be accepted on Manufacturer's certification of compliance with specifications, but the acceptance on cettification shall in no way relleve the Contractor of the responsibility for furnishing the compound meeting specification requirements. Sealing compounds shall be subject to sampling and testing. The Contractor shall provide without charge to the Employer such facilities and occistances as may be necassary fo obtain test samples. Sampling will be in accordance with Designation 38 of the 8” Edition of the Bureau of Reclamation Concrete Manual. #) The costs of furnishing and applying all materials for curing concrete shall be included in the unit rate tendered in the Bill of Quantities for the applicable concrete item on ‘whieh tho curing materials are used (10) Tolerances for Concrete Construction: The canal lining shall be built to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings. The dimensions shown on the Drawings will be subject to such modifications as may be found necessary by the Engineer to adapt to the conditions exposed by the excavation or to meet other site conditions. Where the thickness of any portion of concrete is Variable, it chall vary uniformly between the dimensions shown. Tolerances for Canel Lining T Description init J Ty | Departure tom established | 2in. on tangents ligament +24 in.on curves Ti | Departure from estabished prof | 21 in | grade. | | Beparures set tins above shat be uniform and no correction shall bbe made i less than 100 feet Ti} Reduction in thickness oftining | (29. tach of Sprciied Ticicness| provided that average thick-ness ver any 20 feet length is not less than the specifed thickness. | TW) | Variation fom specified width at | #1 inch of specified with any height. (| Wariation trom spaced heiaht of | +t inch of established height. lining. 116 (1) ‘ypes of joints as shown on the Drawings are generally contraction end dummy joints which shall be constructed or placed in concrete canal lining, The joints shall be made along straight lines and the required shape and dimensions shall be maintained during any subsequent finishing operations until the concrete has hardened. ‘The Contractor shall drill 6 inch diameter cores for inspection of joints: at locations designated by the Engineer to determine the effectiveness of the Contractors joint installation procedures Additional cores shall be drilled by the Contractor for any other TSi18 SPECIFICATIONS - TECHNICAL PROVISIONS purpose so designated by the Engineer. All core holes shail be repaired by and at the cost of the Contractor immediately following ‘completion of the inspection of the noies by the Engineer unless otherwise directed. The method and manner of repair shall be approved by the Engineer. If inspection reveals that the joint does not meet these Specifications, the Contractor shall promptly modify equipment and installation procedures to ensure compliance with these Specifications and in addition shall, at his own expense, correct the defective work as required, (2) Construction joints: Construction joints are purposely placed in concrete at spacings that vary from the spacing shown on the Drawings and in order to facilitate special conditions at structures, interruption because of breakdown, or delayed by ather causes. The spacings shall not be less than one-half of the spacing shown on the Drawings. These joints are provided to reduce initial shrinkage stresses and cracks) to allow time of the installation of embedded metal work; or to allow for the subsequent placing of other concrete. Bond shall be ensured at construction joints. The location of all construction joints in concrete work shall be subject to approval of the Engineer, and the joints shall be constructed in accordance with the Specifications Na payment shall he made to the Contractor for making construction joints. 3) Contraction Joints: Contraction joints shall be the joints placed in concrete to provide for volumetric shrinkage of a monolithic unit or movement between monolithic units. The concrete lining placing operations should be scheduled such that stoppage of day's ‘work is at specified location of the contraction joint as for as possible. The joints shall be so constructed that there will ba na hand between the concrete surfaces forming the joint. Contraction joints shall be constructed at location shown on the Drawings. The joints shall be made by forming the concrete on one side of the joint and allowing it to set before concrete is placed on the other side of the joint. The surface of the concrete first placed at the contraction joint shall be coated with curing compound and two coats of bitumen before the concrete is placed on the other side of the joint. Special care shall be taken to ensure proper compaction of concrete ear the joint faces. A groove will be formed at the top of lining on one side of the joint as shown on the Drawings and filed with elastomeric sealant in accordance with paragraph (7) below. (4) Dummy Joints: Dummy joints shall be the joints provided in the lining in the slopes and bed of the canal lining as shown on the Drawings. They are to be grooved into fresh concrete and filled with elaetomeric cealant in accordance with tho paragraph (7) below. 1st Measurement and Payment ‘SPECIFICATIONS - ‘TECHNICAL PROVISIONS (5) Approval of Joints: One copy and one reproducible of the drawings and data showing the joints, joint intersections, and the melliud uf construction shall bo cubmitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval (6) Edges: The Contractor shall tool or chamfer edges of concrete where shown on the Drawings and elsewhere as directed by the Engineer. (7) ‘Sealant: The elastomeric sealant to be used in joints shall’be of the type suitable for immersion in water and conforming to ‘ASTM C920-98 type S or M or equivalent subject to approval by the Engineer. The sealant shall be filled in the groove as soon as the concrete has gained its 14 days strength in order to avoid deposition and consolidation of any undesirable material in the groove which may impair the function of the joint. The concrete groove shall be sand blasted to produce a rough surface and to remove all debris, scale, dirt, oil, taitance, curing ‘compound, and other foreign materials just before the application of the elastomeric sealant. The concrete shall be at least 14 days old before it is sand blasted. The joint groove that has been sandblasted shall be blown out under high pressure compressed air to remove all residue. Elastomeric sealant shall not be placed in dusty weather or while rain is falling At the time of placing the joint sealant, the joint groove shall be clean and dry. The storage and application of the sealant and any necessary primer shall be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. The method of mixing the sealant shall result in homogeneous material. The sealant shall he extruded at the bottom of the joint groove and. shall be tooled as necessary to work the sealant into intimate contact with the concrete without entrapping air. The top surface of the sealant shall be tooled to the shape shown on the Drawings. Elastomeric sealant which does not cure to a homogenous, rubber like compound, of which does not bond to the Joint-groove faces or to this Specification shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Employer. 14.7 (1) Sub-arade Preparation including dressing: Measure- ment for payment of sub-grade preparation including dressing shall be made for the surface area of sub-grade prepared under the canal lining in bed and side slopes and shall be measured in hundred square feet. Payment shall be made at the unit rate tendered per hundred square- feet in the BOG for preparation of sub-grade and dressing and shail constitute full compensation for the work performed for sub-grade preparation and dressing including all labour, equipment, operations Ten7 SPECIFICATIONS - TECHNICAL PROVISIONS ‘and compaation testing etc., complete in all respects. (2) Concrete Lining: Measurement for payment of conerete placed in lining shall be made of the volume of the concrete placed for canal lining according to the design lines in hundred cubic feet. Payment shall be made at the unit rate tendered per hundred cubic. feet in the BOQ for concrete for canal lining and shall constitute full ‘compensation for the work performed for moictening of subgrade prior to concrete placement and concrete placement including material, labour, equipment and its operation, curing compound, ‘admixtures and testing etc., complete in all respects. (3) 62inch thick filter. crush stone and sand materiat Measurement of 6” inch thick, fiter, crush stone and sand material under canal lining shall be made ‘ett of the volume of material Payment shall be made at the unit price quoted per hundred eft in the Bill of Quantities for completion of work ‘The amount tendered shall be full payment for completion of the work including but not limited to procurement, transportation, placing and compaction according to the specifications and as directed by ine Engineer. (4) Contraction Joints: Measurement of contraction joints in canal lining shall be made of the length of the joints prepared ‘according to design lines for canal linings in running feet. Payment shall be made at the unit rate tendered per running-foot in the BOQ for joints in canal lining and shall consutute full ‘compensation for the work of providing joints in canal lining complete jn all respects including two coats of bitumen on vertical face of contraction joint and providing sealant in the groove. (6) Dummy Joints: Measurement of dummy joints in canal lining shall be made of the length of the joints prepared according to desian lines for canal linings in running feet. Payment shall be made at the unit rate tendered per running-foot in the BOQ for joints in canal lining and shall constitute full ‘compensation for the work of providing joints in canal lining complete in all respects including providing sealant in the groove. (6) Rainwater_Drain_Inlet Structures: Measurement for rainwater drain inlet structures shall be made in number of complete inlet structures constructed in canal banks a» per drawings. Payment shall be made in number of inlet structures for specified pipe diameter measured as above and shall constitute full payment for provision of MS grating, stone pitching, RCC pipes, concrete and other materials and operations required to complete the specified TSN18 [SPECIFICATIONS - ‘TECHNICAL PROVISIONS works in all respects. ™ it Drain le Structures with Chu Measurement for rainwater drain manhole structures with chutes shall be made in number of completed manhole structures along with chutes constructed in deep cut areas in specified reaches as per drawings. Payment for rainwater drain manhole structures for the specified chute elze ae measured above shall be mad at the unit rate tendered per number of each size and shall constitute full payment for manhole structure and chute constructed of plain cement concrete and brick masonry, lean concrete, etc. including all material, labour, operations (curing), and equipment to complete the specified works in all respects. (8) Bathing Steps: Measurement for installing reinforced concrete class B bathing steps using slag and SRC, shall be made in hundred cubic feet of reinforced concrete placed in bathing steps as per drawings. Payment for installing reinforced conorete bathing steps shall be made at the unit rate tendered per hundred cubic feet and shall constitute full payment tor materials including curing compound, admixtures, etc. complete in all respects excluding reinforcement. rans

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