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uestion Booklet Serles

:j: QuestlonBooklet

S. No.
721 3

Entrance Test" ?:O"r5-201 6

[.L.M. '

Roll No. of Candidate :


Signature of Candidfie : ....

Tirne : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 100


This question booklet comprises of 1 00 questions

tii) Write your Roll No. on Question Booklet as well as OMR Sheet"
(iii) Each question has four options (a), (b),'(c) and {d} out of which one is correct,
The candidate is required to darken completely the correct option in the OMR
Answer Sheet supplied separately
(iv) lrnmediately on opening the question booklet, the candidate shnuld check the
booklet and ensure that it contains 100 multi ehoice objective type questions
(Sr. No. 1 to 100) and the OMR Sheet {Answer-Sheet) for answers and that
none question is rnissing. Discrepancy, if any, should be neported by the candidate
to the invigiiator within 5 (five) rninutes of the opening of the question booklet.
lf deem fit, a colrect question booklet/OMR sheet shall be supplied.
(v) Each correct answer carries 1 mark.
{vi) There is no negative maricing.
(vii) Rough work may be done in this question booklet itself w'here the space provided"
{viii} The question booklet along with the OhrlR answer sheet is to be handed over by
the candidate to the invigilatsr at the end af the Fxamination"
(ix) Use blue ball pen to dark the answer boxes
M' $ntr.qnc€,,,t, 2A1.5'20 1,6

Time :, ) I{ours : '- ';'::''f "' Maximuln Marks : 100

1.. , :-; L:,.
::.,;i... .....,, :

1,. It is mandatory' to produee the person arrested before the Magistrate, within 24
- Firs, ' of his . arrest under' : :
1:'..'.'- 'I :

\ 'r'
(a) Section 56 of',CrPC' W Section ,CrPC

(") Section 58 ,of ,CrPC : ,

?,. '-When' a police officer fi1e9 a rep-ort,under section 195(1) (a) of CrPC,'it is,known

as a:

Complaint (b) Refer Report

(c) Police Report /r{\'
\u/ None of these :

3. Which of the following sections of the Code' of Cfiminal Procedure, I973 defines
the term 'summons Case' ?' '

(a) Section Z(r)

(c) Seetion 2(i

4. Which of the following sections of the'Code of Crirninal Procedure,' 1973 deals

with the powers of superior police of officey?
(a) 35
Section Wf Section 36
(c) Section 37 (d) Section 3 8

3. Which of the following sections is supplernentary 'to 'sectibn 57 of the rCode of

Criminal Procedure, 1973 ?

(a) -Sectio (b) Sestion r62

tion 161 (d) Section 168

L-ET-I511tA P.T.O.
{r" My${ny atrlowance or the interim monthly'allowance can be altered, as provided

l,/ Aa) Under section 125(5) of crPc (b) under section 126 of crPC, .

(c) Under section 121 :of crPc (d) lJnder section I28 0f crPC

V " Maintenance of a case dairy by an investigating officer is mandatory'under :

(a) tron t52 of CrPC (b) Section 167 of CrPC

Section 112 of CrFC (d) Section 174 of CrPC

The Magistrate has the power to grant compensation to the victim as

under :

{a) Section 360 of CrPC (b) Sec 59 of CrPC

{c) Section 358 of CrPC Section 357 of CrPC


9. , , T'irc 'inhei,ent powers of the F{igh Court are contained in

ia) Sscticn 462 of CrFC (b) Section 472 of CrPC

/\ ,r()rt
Section 482 of f'
-.C CrPC (d) Section 492 of CrPC
/ l\

10. Ttrre section dealing with the medical examination of the victim of rape as inserted
by Cr;ndnal procedure (Amendment) Act; 2005 (25 of 2005) is :
,.y' '

(b) Section 166A

Section t64A
(c) Section 1668 (d) Section 53A

!.1. \ilhich of the following sections of the Indian Evidence Act is often termed as

ithe pible of the Court of Facts' ?

,\-r''/ krt Section 3 Section 4

(c) Section 5 Section 6

L-ET.I 51 1 /A
\2. Under. which'of the following provisions of the lndian Evidence Act, do the words

"forming part of the satne.,transactionoo appear ? l

(a) Under Section 5 ' . 16 Under Section 6
. .:: . ., :1. ..

(c) IJnder Section 7 td) Under Section 8

13. Which of the follo*ing sections of the Indian Evidence Act suggests a valid
-'. .: : . :" - l;.

defence for the accused ?

(a) Sectioq 13, (b) Section L2

-' r',':'''-:
" kYsection
Ll (d) Section 10

14. Which of the'following sections of the TIndian

1' r". I
Evidence Act waives the proof of

Judicial Admissions ?

(a) Section 19 (b) Section 59


,-.iffiection 58 (d) Section 18

15. Which of the followino'b sections of the Indian Evidence Act is applicable to civil
.. . .11 ..

cases only ? :

(a) Section 21 (b) Section 22


, b)--section 23
'V-o '
(d) Section 24

16. Confession of an aecused is admissible against tle other co:&ccused

(u) Under section 28 of Evidence Act

(b) section 29 of Evidence Act

Under section 30 of Evidence Act
(d) Under section 31 of Evidence Act
L-ET-I51 1/A P.T;O.

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