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I’m a soldier, better than the rest

Until every enemy is dead, I will not rest

They all know my name; they tremble at the sight of me

If anyone were to cross me, my horrible wrath they’d have to see

I’m not a bad person really, just got to keep people in check,

Can’t be afraid to grab someone by the neck, to me human life is only

a dust speck,

Macbeth’s the name, being boss is the game

If you have a problem with me, that’s a shame

Lady Macbeth is pushing me

Pushing me to do something evil, something unspeakable

I do want the power; I do want to be royalty

But how far could I take it?

Could I really assassinate a king, could I really take Duncan’s’ life?

I consider doing it, I consider not doing it, oh what to do?

The decision has to be made tonight, and these daggers are


I have done the deed, Duncan no longer draws breath

I am now the king, but was my murdering worth it?

The crown on my head is a bloody one, but a crown nonetheless

There are still people who would take it from me; they must be dealt

The only option I see would be to do to them what I did to Duncan

Or maybe to hire another to do my bidding, to keep their blood from

my hands

To keep more blood from staining these hands

I must act fast; every passing day brings closer the possibility of
them taking the crown

By Reginald Simmons (2012)

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