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Everybody Out of the Pool I

Georgia Adopt-A-Stream

Chemical Data Forms
Return to: GA AAS
To be conducted every month 4220 International Parkway
Use this form and the Adopt-A-Stream methods to record important information about the Suite 101
Atlanta, GA 30354
health of your stream. By keeping accurate and consistent records of your physical/chemical
tests, you can document current conditions and changes in water quality.

Investigators:__________________________________ Stream name:________________________________

Date:________________ Time:_________________Picture/Photo Documentation? yes / no

Site/location Description:____________________________________________________________________

Rain in the last 24 hours Present Conditions

heavy rain steady rain heavy rain steady rain Intermittent rain
Intermittent rain none overcast partly cloudy clear/sunny

Amount of rain if known?_____ inches in the last_________hours/days

BASIC TESTS Sample 1 Sample 2

Air Temperature _________________ _________________(°C)

Water Temperature _________________ _________________(°C)

pH _________________ _________________(1-14)

Dissolved Oxygen _________________ _________________(mg/L or ppm)

Settleable Solids _________________ _________________(ml/L)


Total Alkalinity _________________ _________________(mg/L or ppm)

Nitrate Nitrogen _________________ _________________(mg/L or ppm)

Orthosphosphate _________________ _________________(mg/L or ppm)


Fecal Coliform _________________ _________________(cfu/100 mL)

Turbidity _________________ _________________(NTU)

_________________ _________________

_________________ _________________

Special Lab Analysis: Name of lab performing tests:___________________________________


Laboratory 6 | Everybody Out of the Pool Ⅰ: Water Quality Testing ≫ 83

Investigators:__________________________________ Stream name:________________________________

Date:________________ Time:_________________Picture/Photo Documentation? yes / no

Site/location Description:____________________________________________________________________

Rain in the last 24 hours Present Conditions

heavy rain steady rain heavy rain steady rain Intermittent rain
Intermittent rain none overcast partly cloudy clear/sunny

Amount of rain if known?_____ inches in the last_________hours/days

(check all that apply)

Method used: Muddy bottom Rocky bottom

Habitat selected: riffle leaf pack/woody debris streambed with silty area (very fine)

for sampling: streambed with sand/small gravel vegetated bank other (specify)

Use letter codes (A = 1-9, B = 10-99, C = 100 or more) to record the numbers of organisms found in the total sample. Then add up the
number of letters in each column and multiply by the indicated value. The following columns are divided based on the organism's
sensitivity to pollution.


caddisfly beetle aquatic worms Now add

together the
three index
hellgrammite larvae blackfly larvae values =
_____ total
mayfly clams leeches index value
grilled snails crane fly larvae midge larvae
riffle beetle adult crayfish pouch snails (>22)
Good (17-
22) Fair
stonefly nymphs damselfly nymphs # of letters times 1 =
Poor (<11)
water penny larvae scuds
The total index will give you an indication of the water
quality of your stream. Good water quality is indicated
# of letters times 3 = sowbugs by a variety of different kinds of organisms, with no
one kind making up the majority of the sample.

fishfly larvae

alderfly larvae

# of letters times 2 =

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