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The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Ministry of Communications
Roads and Railways Division
Bangladesh Road Transport Authority


2002 – 2004


BIA Bangladesh Insurance Association
BPC Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation
BRAC Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee
BRRL Bangladesh Road Research Laboratory
BRTA Bangladesh Road Transport Authority
BIT Bangladesh Institute of technology
BUET Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology
CAMPE Campaign Popular Education
CCI Chief Controller of Insurance
CDA City Development Authority
City Corpn. City Corporation
DCC Dhaka City Corporation
DFID Department for International Development
DMA Dhaka Metropolitan Area
DOE Department of Environment
DTCB Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Board
GOB Government of Bangladesh
LGED Local Government Engineering Department
LGI Local Government Institute
MCD Mass Communications Department
MOC Ministry of Communications
MOcom Ministry of Commerce
MOEd Ministry of Education
MOEnv Ministry of Environment
MOEgy Ministry of Energy
MOF Ministry of Finance
MOH Ministry of Health
MOHA Ministry of Home Affairs
MOI Ministry of Information
MOLG Ministry of Local Government
MOPT Ministry of Post and Telecommunications
NCTB National Curriculum and Textbook Board
NGO Non-Governmental Organisations
NRSC National Road Safety Council
RAJUK Capital City Development Authority
RHD Roads and Highways Department
RHDTC Roads and Highways Department Training Center
RIHD Rehabilitation Institute Hospital for Disabled
RSC Road Safety Cell
RSD Road Safety Division
T&T Telegraph and Telephone Department
VRU Vulnerable Road User

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