Conditional Clauses Exercises 2º Bac

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1. MIXED TYPES. Complete the missing parts of these sentences. All

conditionals are included

If I ____________ (know) you were coming, I would have bought more food

As long as you drive carefully, I____________ ( lend) my car

I´ll take to you about it tomorrow If you _____________ ( arrive) early

If we had left earlier, we ______________ ( miss) the train

If you don´t light the fire, we________________ ( get) cold

If they _______________ ( explain) how to get there, I would have got lost

Don´t give them anything unless they ______________ ( pay) in cash

She would have won the race easily if she ____________ ( run) faster

You´ll feel much better, if you___________ ( take) an aspirin

If you wrote more letters, your friends______________ ( reply)

If the house______________ ( be) in better condition, I would buy it

Let me know at once if you_______________ ( hear) any news

If you hadn´t stayed behind, they_____________ ( catch) you

You can´t take photograps here unless you____________ ( ask for) permission

I wouldn´t have done it if he______________ ( ask) me to

2. Put the verbs in brackets in the most suitable form ( use could...etc where

1. If I ___________ ( notice) that you were waiting I __________ ( give) you a lift
2. I_____________ (go) skiing every year, if I _____________ ( know) how to ski
3. If I____________ ( catch) that plane which crashed, I___________ ( be) dead
4. If we__________ (live) in South America, we___________( speak) Spanish or
5. I______________( not lose) the Battle of Waterloo if I ____________( be)
6. I____________( give up) smoking, If I ___________(be) you; it´s bad for you
7. I______________( like) you more if you____________( not laugh) all the time
8. I_____________( buy) the house before if the price ___________( be) a bit
9. Do you think they___________( like) this party if they ___________( come)?
10. They____________( not get) lost last night if they____________( see) the road-
11. I_______________( phone) you earlier, if I _____________( find) the right
12. If you_____________( not leave) your car there, you___________( not get) this
parking ticket
13. If they______________( be) friendly, we__________( not have) all that trouble
14. If man _______________( not visit) the moon, the world _____________( be)
at all different?

3. Rewrite the following sentences using the correct conditional clause

1. We went for a picnic, but it rained and we got wet


2. My watch stopped, I didn´t arrive on time


3.We can´t see very well; you are near the light switch


4. Your car won´t start; I suggest kicking it

If you

5 .I didn´t wake George because I didn´t know he wanted to get up early

If I

6. I can´t meet you tomorrow evening because I have to work


7. She wasn´t injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat-belt


8. I didn´t accept the job because they didn´t offer me a good salary

If they
1. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb tense

1 I wish you ___________________ so horrible to your brother. He's a really

nice bloke. (be NEGATIVE)
2 I wish the council ___________________ that beautiful old house. It was
part of the town's heritage. (demolish NEGATIVE)
3 If only I ___________________ the money to go to Jon's wedding in The
States. (have)

4 I wish I ___________________ her she'd put on weight. She hates me

now. (tell NEGATIVE)
5 I wish you ___________________ to your mother like that. (speak
6 If only we ___________________ a Hewlett Packard printer. The
cartridges are so expensive. (buy NEGATIVE)
7 I wish Jorge ___________________ so fast. It's only a matter of time
before he kills someone. (drive NEGATIVE)

2. Read the situations and write appropriate sentences using I wish or If only

1. Bill isn´t here. He would help me

I wish_____________________________________

2. You have to get up early tomorrow evening. You´d like to stay in bed till late

I wish_______________________________________

3. You have just painted you room. Now you are not happy with the colour

If only ________________________________________

4. Your little brother cries all day long

If only ________________________________________

5. Your best friend won´t come to your birthday party. You´d like him/her to come

I wish_________________________________________

a. 3º
b. 2
c. 3
d. 2
e. 3
f. 2
g. 2
h. 3
i. 2
j. 3
k. 3
l. 1
m. 3
n. 3


10 I wish you weren't so horrible to your brother. He's a really nice bloke. 11 I wish
the council hadn't demolished that beautiful old house. It was part of the town's
heritage. 12 If only I had the money to go to Jon's wedding in The States. 13 I wish
I hadn't told her she'd put on weight. She hates me now. 14 I wish you wouldn't
speak to your mother like that. 15 If only we hadn't bought a Hewlett Packard
printer. The cartridges are so expensive. 16 I wish Jorge wouldn't drive so fast. It's
only a matter of time before he kills someone.

2. I wish: ( rewrite) : a) past s b) past simple c) past perfect d) would e) past simple

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