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Assessment 2:

Lesson Plan

Table of Contents
Assignment 2: QT Analysis Template .................................................................... 3
Lesson Plan Modification ........................................................................................ 5
Academic Justification .......................................................................................... 12
References ............................................................................................................. 14
Learning Portfolio Link.......................................................................................... 15

102086 Designing Teaching & Learning
Assignment 2: QT Analysis Template

Evaluate the lesson plan according to the following NSW Quality Teaching model elements.

Evaluation score – refer to NSW QTM Classroom Practice Guide for each element
Comments incl. evidence for evaluation score (2 sentences)

1 Intellectual quality
1.1 Deep knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: The scientific concepts of the freezing points of water, salt water and sugar
5 water are clearly stated. This practical will provide students with deep knowledge on
chemical reactions.

1.2 Deep understanding

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: The practical lesson is designed around the concept ‘freeze’ and its components.
5 The experimental procedure allows students the opportunity to gain a deep understanding
into the concept as they can physically observe what changes occur in the solutions.
1.3 Problematic knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: The practical provides students with the ability to make predictions on the aims
5 and results of the experiment. This allows the students perspectives to be challenged;
however, it does not provide students the opportunity to question their perspectives based
on the social construction of knowledge.

1.4 Higher-order thinking

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: The practical allows students to engage in thinking that allows them to
5 organise, analyse and evaluate information gathered from the experiment. This can be
observed when students are asked to make predictions and then asked to discuss and
compared their predictions with the class.

1.5 Metalanguage
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: The practical states various metalanguage; for example, compounds, predict,
5 solutions, elements and periodic table.

1.6 Substantive communication

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: The practical is an interactive lesson, it involves group work therefore, allowing
5 students to communicate as well as the teacher frequently asks questions.
Quality learning environment
2.1 Explicit quality criteria
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: The lesson plan provides students with clear experimental instructions in the
5 method. However, the teacher lacks in explicitly describing the quality of work required.
2.2 Engagement
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Strong student and teacher engagement is present, however further alterations
5 can enhance student engagement among teacher and peers.

2.3 High expectations

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: High expectations can be demonstrated when asking the students to make
5 predictions on the aim and results of the experiment. As well as the high expectations of
teacher’s in regards to students following safety instructions.

2.4 Social support

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Group work allows for social support as students can collaboratively work
5 together to combat issues that are not understood. Also teachers are there to provide clear
instructions and help.
2.5 Students’ self-regulation
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: N/A difficult to rate as I need to be physically present to witness student
5 behaviour and participation in the practical lesson.

2.6 Student direction
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Students are not given the opportunity to direct their own participation as their
5 roles are allocate to them by their teachers.
3 Significance
3.1 Background knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: The interactive brainstorm activity in the beginning of the lesson will allow
5 students to gain some background knowledge on the concepts covered within the lesson.
3.2 Cultural knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: The practical lesson does not cover much on cultural knowledge however, this
5 could also be difficult to incorporate into a science lesson.

3.3 Knowledge integration

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: This component was lacking, and with the complexity of the lesson it was
5 difficult to integrate this component.

3.4 Inclusivity
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: The practical allows students to experience a variety of classroom roles such as
5 the timer, retriever, handler and the recorder.
3.5 Connectedness
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: The YouTube video used at the end of the lesson mentions real life situations on
5 why salt reduces the freezing point of water with similarities to the foam models. This allows
students to connect to the concepts covered within the lesson more.

3.6 Narrative
1–2–3–4– Comments: A narrative is not demonstrated in the practical lesson.

Identifying Areas for Improvement

Identify the four NSW QT model elements you are targeting for improvement.

QT model
1) Student direction 2)Engagement
3)Narrative 4) High order thinking

Lesson Plan Modification
Topic area: Stage of Learner: Stage 4 Syllabus Pages:
Temperature, Freezing Outcomes: 81-83
points and Chemical Students learn about:114-
reactions. 115
Students learn to: 104-106

Date: Location Booked: Lesson Number:

Term 4 Science laboratory classes
Time: Total Number of students Printing/preparation
60 mins 30
Materials for students:
100mm clear plastic test
tubes, test tube lid or cork,
test tube rack, water at
10oC, salt, sugar, periodic
table, freezer, teaspoon.,
marker, timer, foam spheres
of different sizes and colours
to represent the elements:
Na, Cl and H2O. Small
wooden sticks to represent
connections for the elements
and compound.

Additional Materials:
Freezer, monitor in front of
classroom, access to the
internet, large bottles of
water at 100C, correct
chemical and physical
equations for both salt water
and sugar water.

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about Students

learn to
Working scientifically Informal The students will: Students learn
Assessment to:
SC4-4W identifies CW4 in a chemical
questions and problems The padlet change, new WS4 Students
that can be tested or brainstorming substances are question and
researched and makes exercise to test formed, which may predict by:
predictions based on student’s prior have specific
scientific knowledge knowledge of the A. formulating
properties related questions
concepts covered to their uses in
 collaboratively in the lesson. or

and individually produces everyday life. hypotheses
a plan to investigate Teachers can that can be
questions and problems observe student A. identify investigated
participation when a scientifically
throughout the chemical
experiment, to get change is
 follows a an understanding taking place B. predicting
sequence of instructions to on their level of outcomes
safely undertake a range knowledge. based on
observing a observation
of investigation types, change in
collaboratively and Formal and
assessment temperature scientific
, the knowledge
The end of term appearance 

 presents exam which will of new
science ideas, findings cover some of the substances SCLS-4WS: Asks
and information to a given concepts in this or the questions that can
audience using lesson. disappearan be tested and
appropriate scientific ce of an makes predictions
language, text types and original (New South
representations substance Wales. Board of

 Studies, 2012).
Chemical world

SC4-16W describes the

observed properties and demonstrate
behavior of matter, using that a
scientific models and chemical
theories about the motion change
and arrangement of involves
reacting to
SC4-17CW explains how form new
scientific understanding of, substances
and discoveries about, the 

properties of elements,
compounds and mixtures
Explain how
relate to their uses in
dissolving salt and
everyday life
sugar into water will
Values and attitudes affect the freezing
point depression of
 appreciates the
importance of science in C.
their lives and the role of compare
scientific inquiry in physical and
increasing understanding
of the world around them
changes in
SC4-2VA shows a terms of the
willingness to engage in arrangemen

finding solutions too t of particles
science-related personal, and
social and global issues, reversibility
including shaping of the
sustainable futures

Explain the
differences between
a physical and
chemical reactions.

Predict the freezing

points of the water
solutions containing
either salt or sugar
and which will
freeze first.

Demonstrate the
ability to record and
analysis the data
collected from the
experiment as they
engage in critically
thinking about the

Display the ability to

formulate equations
of salt dissolved in
water and sugar
dissolved in water.

Time Teaching and learning actions

min Interactive brainstorm- Padlet (engagement)

Use Padlet to create an interactive brainstorming lesson. This can allow teachers
to understand the current knowledge their students have on freezing point and
chemical reactions.

The Padlet can address questions such as:

 What does the word freeze mean to you?
 How things freeze?
 What makes something freeze?
 Why things freeze?

Students can then add what their answers in regards to the questions on Padlet.


Teachers can organise the Padlet before students come to class, with the
questions already set up. Once students are ready, teachers should instruct
students on how to use Padlet and what questions they will be addressing.

Students can use their laptops or smart devices to login into Padlet.

Learning resources:
Pin: 88127464
Laptop, computers or phones

5 Narrative
Introduce a YouTube video to the class to demonstrate a narrative to the students
on the concepts that will be studied.

The video for the lesson does not cover all the concepts throughout the lesson,
however it sets the tone for the lesson as, it is a video on the Artic. Therefore,
students get introduced to something that relates to the word ‘freeze’.


The teacher must ensure that the link to the video is ready. The teacher can
explain to the students why this particular video was chosen. The teacher can
also ask students questions as to what they believe the video is about and how it
relates to their experiment.

Students are given the opportunity to prepare themselves for the concepts that
will be covered in the experiment. As well as, allows them to relate to real life
scenarios on the word ‘freeze’ and gives them a visual representation of what it is.

Computer or a smart device that will allow the video to play.
YouTube link:

20 Practical investigation (student direction)

Allow for student direction, permit students to pick their groups and allow them to
negotiate their roles within their groups. Students can decide who is in charge of
being the timer, recorder, handler and retriever.

Explain what to do in the practical and too follow the methods sheet that was
handed out.

Ask the students to make their predictions on what will happen to the three
solutions before and during the practical. Predict the aim of the experiment, if
students are confused or haven’t identified the correct aim help them factor it out
or provide the aim if necessary.

Guide or provide assistance at the start of the experiment without influencing the
students’ thought processes. Walk around the classroom.

After the students record the first lot of results for the practical introduce the
boxes foam spheres representing the elements: Na (Sodium), Cl (Chloride),
C12H22O11 and H2O to each group.

Start with saying: Ok class lets zoom in on what’s happening to the three
solutions in the freezer. I have a box of elements and compounds of the water,
salt and sugar

Ask if the students know the common names of elements and compounds of
chemical symbols on the foam spheres. Allow them to refer to their periodic table
for guidance.

Use sugar as an example:

“Sugar is make up of these elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen which of

the spheres has these elements?”

Followed by: “Now what can Hydrogen and Oxygen make and which of the
spheres represents water?”

Instruct the student to predict what is happening to all three solutions using the
foam spheres.


Provide students with clear instruction on the experimental procedure. Assist
students where assistance is required. Ensure that all students are in equal
groups and have all been allocated a role.

Ensure that the periodic table is available and accessible for use. The teacher
must ensure that the required equipment for the experiment is available, an easier
alternative is organising the equipment out on the benches before the students
enter the class.

Students are required to negotiate among themselves which roles they believe
each student should do. They must also ensure that their groups have an equal
number of members. In doing group work, student class participation and
engagement can increase.

The required equipment for the experiment and the periodic table.
Discussion and evaluation of the practical.
30 Preparation:
Prepare a table for the combined results of the all class. Have the recorder of
each group write down their result on the table.

Discuss the predictions and errors from each group and compare them with all
class. Correct any misconceptions the students may have.
Ask questions to why the thought that way and how it relates to the topic.

Discuss if by dissolving salt and sugar is a chemical change or physical one

referring to the experiment the student preformed and foam modals.

Demonstrate what the correct formula for salt water and sugar water and the how
the freezing point of water is reduced using the foam spheres.

Discuss and compare the video with the experiment the student preformed and
demonstration with the class.

Engage students in a Think pair share activity, teachers can implement this by
engaging the students in being able to relate the results of the experiment to the
previous narrative. This can be achieved by asking the students, “how do you
believe mammals found in the artic survive extreme cold conditions and do not

If the teacher finds the students confused, additional questions can follow such
as, “do you think mammals would have a higher salt concentration or sugar
concentration in their blood composition?”.

Students will be able to reflect on the experiment and see what ways they could
improve it. Students can individually think about the questions asked and then
after gathering their thoughts they can share them collaboratively within their
groups in a classroom discussion.

Video representation of why salt reduces the freezing point of water with
similarities to the foam models (only if time is available)
Link to video:
Similarities in 0:50 seconds to 1:12 minutes of the video.

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

SC4-4WS Students will make predictions on the aim and
results of the experiment.
SC4-6WS Observe student participation and understanding
of the method. Examine how many times the
student asks for clarification or help on a step.
Observe students throughout the experiment and
SC4-16CW note their weaknesses and strengths, in order to
help them improve.
SC4-17CW Formal assessment, end of term exam that covers
some of the theory in this experiment.

Academic Justification

The quality of teaching is measured by the quality of the pedagogy that is

demonstrated within classrooms and educational institutions. The NSW Quality
Teaching Framework (QTF) is an accepted model that provides teachers the
opportunity to develop their skills in critical reflection and analysis of their
teaching approaches (NSW Department of Education and Training, 2003). Its
main aim is to enhance pedagogy in order to ensure that students receive
ample learning opportunities. The QTF model consists of three dimensions,
these include; Intellectual Quality, Quality Learning and Significance. Within
each dimension there are specific elements that demonstrate the appropriate
characteristics of quality pedagogy (Gore and Ludwig, 2009). The original
lesson plan demonstrated parts of these characteristics however further
development can enhance student learning, engagement and participation. The
main areas of focus for improvement include; 3.6 Narrative, 2.6 Student
direction, 1.4 Higher-order thinking and 2.2 Engagement.

Under dimension two of the QTF on Quality Learning Environment, student

direction seemed to be lacking in the lesson plan. Students were originally set
in groups and allocated roles directly by their teachers. However, in order to
ensure student direction is met, a modification in allowing students to pick their
groups and negotiate roles was made. This allows students to build their
confidence, learn negotiating skills and interact with their peers. Erwin (2004)
suggest that, there is a link between high student motivation and engagement
when students are given the power to make decision within classroom settings.
In another study by Parker, Novak and Bartell (2017) state that, giving students
the ability to make decisions allows students to notice their strengths and
motivates them towards reaching their goals. Hence, as teachers we should
encourage our students to partake in decision making in order to increase their
quality of learning.

Another component under this dimension on Quality Learning Environment,

that was lacking was engagement. Therefore, the modification of incorporating
an interactive brainstorming activity using Padlet was made in order to enhance
student engagement within the lesson. Students are able to interact with their
peers and teachers whilst using Padlet, thus allowing them to share their ideas

and thoughts on the lesson content in a fun and interactive way. It also allows
students to use their technological devices, therefore developing another skill
in using Information and communication technologies (ICT). The use of ICT
particularly in the 21st century is becoming a popular way of teaching and
learning; as it has the ability to increase flexibility and construct innovative
teaching and learning practices (Khan, Butt and Zaman, 2013).

Dimension three of the lesson plan, under Significance the narrative component
was lacking throughout the lesson. Therefore, as part of the modification
process a narrative using a YouTube video on the artic was established. This
gives students a brief insight on the knowledge that will be covered throughout
the lesson as well as provides them with a visual representation of the main
concept they will be exploring which is ‘freeze’. By setting the tone, students
are able to base the information they gather from the experiment and relate it
to real-life situations, for example the Artic. This creates an engaging, fun and
dynamic learning environment (Hannam, 2015).

High order thinking is a crucial component to implement within a learning

environment as it covers a broad range of learning benefits. Brookhart (2010)
defines higher-order thinking and divides the term into three distinct
classifications these include; transfer, critical thinking, and problem solving.
Brookhart (2010) states that these three categories are skills that students gain
when engaged in high order thinking. Therefore, I found this component to be
very beneficial to further enhance in the lesson plan. Hence, the incorporation
of the Think pair share activity allows students to question, gather their thoughts
and discuss them collaboratively within their class setting. It also allows
students to use the results of the experiment and relate it to the narrative that
was demonstrated in the beginning of the lesson, in order to allow students to
use their gained knowledge from the lesson and discuss it in terms of real-life
scenarios (the Artic YouTube video).

In conclusion, the QTF model provides teachers with an understanding on the

types of pedagogies that can enhance student learning and teaching quality. It
is a model that provides education systems with clear guidelines on the
importance of quality teaching on a student’s learning and why as teachers we
should follow such guidelines in order to be successful not only as teachers but

as professional role models within society.


Brookhart, S. (2010). How to Assess Higher Order Thinking Skills in Your

Classroom, ASCD, Retrieved from

Board of studies. (2017). Syllabus K-10 [Ebook]. (pp. 122-123). New South

Erwin, J. C. (2004) Classroom of choice: Giving students what they need

and getting what you want. Alexandria, Virginia USA: Association for
Supervision & Curriculum Development.

Gore, J., & Ludwig, J. (2009). Quality teaching in NSW public schools: An
assessment practice guide (2nd ed.). Ryde, NSW: Professional
Learning and Leadership Development Directorate.

Hannam, F. D. (2015). Teaching through narrative. Forum on public policy.

Retrieved from

Khan, S. M., Butt, M. A., & Zaman, M. (2013). ICT: Impacting teaching and
learning. International Journal of Computer Applications, 61(8), 7-10.
Retrieved from

NSW Department of Education and Training. (2003). Quality teaching in

NSW public schools. Retrieved from

Parker, F., Novak, J., & Bartell, T. (2017). To engage students, give them
meaningful choices in the classroom. Phi Delta Kappan, 99(2), 37-41.


Learning Portfolio Link


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