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Journal title: Geomorphology Characterization of the Ica Basin and Its

Effect on the Dynamic Response of Land for Earthquake Hazard Urban

in Ica, Peru

The journal entitled Geomorphology Characterization of the Ica Basin

and Its Effect on the Dynamic Response of Land for Earthquake Hazard
Urban in Ica, Peru explains how the underground situation can have an
impact on the impact of the earthquake. Ica Basin (IB) is a depression located
in central western Peru between the Coastal and Western mountains of the
Andes, an area of frequent great earthquakes, such as in 1942 (7.8Mw) and
1996 (7.6Mw) and the latest 8.0 MW Pisco in 2007. The earthquake on pisco
was one of the largest earthquakes over the past 300 years and shows
specifically the characteristics such as its duration (120 s) and the process
breaking complex that caused the local tsunami. The study area of the quake
at pisco was in a thick alluvial deposit consisting of gravel and small blocks.
This soil of type and quality will contribute to produce damage as it occurs;
Therefore, it is necessary Determine the geometry of the sedimentary basin
to better understand its dynamic behavior [5]. This understanding depends on
the physical and geomechanical properties of the soil and the basin
(stratigraphy, lithology, coating thickness, and basal rock), as they are faster
distributed than shear waves (𝑉𝑠). In this study, the authors are structured on
the basis of geography theory. Ica Basin and the dynamics of soil response to
seismic hazards in Ica. To anticipate this feature, we apply the five
geophysical methods: spectral ratio (𝐻 / 𝑉), frequency-wavenumber (𝐹-𝐾),
surface wave multichannel analysis (MASW), multichannel microtremor
analysis method (MAM), and gravimetry. the authors then used these results
to find seismic and two dimensional results (2D) of the Ica Basin model.

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