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NO BP : 1811212013
Class : A1
Subject : English

1. Public Health
2. Promoting means give publicity to (a product, organization, or venture) so as to increase
sales or public awareness.
For example : when a health communicator promotes that people do not suffer from
3. Public Health act by informing people about the health of general public, while an
environmental health prevent health problems by taking care of the environment itself.
4. The main focus of Public Health activist is to improve health and quality of life through
the prevention and treatment of disease and other physical and mental health conditions,
through surveillance of cases and the promotion of healthy behaviors.
5. Multidisciplinary in public health are specializing in public health / community medicine
/ infectious diseases, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, public health nurses, medical
microbiologists, environmental health officers, dental hygienists, dietitians and
nutritionists, health inspectors, veterinarians, public health engineers, public health
lawyers, sociologists, community development workers, communications officers, and
Why? because of the many public health problems at this time that require professionals
in each of the problems such as occupational health and safety experts.
6. Charles-Edward A. Winslow is an American Public Health Leader in 1920, he is very
important because he is the one who introduced public health in the world and provided
the basis for the World Health Organization's definition of health.
7. Public Health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting
physical health and efficiency through organized community efforts for the sanitation of
the environment, the control of community infections, the education of the individual in
principles of personal hygiene, the organization of medical and nursing service for the
early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease, and the development of the social
machinery which will ensure to every individual in the community a standard of living
adequate for the maintenance of health.
8. The American Public Health only scope in physical health, while the WHO’s include the
mental health in scope of public health.
a. In Bahasa
- Luangkan waktu setiap harinya
- memeriksa kemajuan anda melalui kegagalan yang diperoleh
- pahami kegagalan diri
- baca lebih dari satu kata dalam satu waktu.
- bacalah sesuatu yang kamu sukai dan berlatihlah

b. Several ways of previewing a non-fiction book

1. Examine the outside-front and back.
2. Note the author’s name; read any biographical information about him.
3. Check the publisher’s name and the copyright date.
4. Read the front matter-Introduction, Preface, Foreword, etc.
5. Carefully look over the Table of Contents.
6. Thumb throught the book.
7. If there is an overall Summary of Conclusion, read it carefully
8. Peruse Indexes, Bibliographies, or Glossaries if any are included
9. From the preview, evaluate the book’s value for your purpose.

c. - Look for headings, that is titles for the paragraphs. The writes may put all or part of the
main idea in a heading. Headning are easy to find. They are in different type (or print)
from the reast of the paragraph. They are in a different place- above the paragraph or
before the first sentence within the paragraph.

- Look at the relations among the sentences. The topic sentence is the most general
statement. The other sentences are about it more than they are about each other.

- Use the linking devices The topic sentence may be joined to the supporting sentences
by words like for example, namely, because, and so on.
Bioconversions refers to the tapping of the solar energy that captured naturally through
photosynthesis into an energy that can change the use of fossil fuels that need millions of years
to reproduce. Bioconversion shortens the time by the use of plants to change the use of coal or
oil. There are two primary sourceof organic material for conversion into energy, organic waste
and growing energy crops. These materials could be reclaimed, so some of the energy could be
reuseable for efficiency and it could reduce the littering of the landscape with garbage dumps or
smudging the sky with incinerator smoke.

Main Idea
Computers are very useful, but they also can cause problems
Computers are machines, and machines can break down
One kind of problem is whit the computer’s memory
It is not perfect, so sometimes computers lose important information
When computers break down, they may erase information, like chalk on a blackboard
And there is another, different kind of problem with computers
Another problem is with the machinery
Or they many stop doing anything at all
Some doctors say they may be bad for your health
They say you should not work with computers all day

Main Idea
Now computers come in all shapes and sizes
The first computers are very large machines
These large computers tell the factory machines what to do
There are other special computers for factories
There are still big computers for companies or universities
But there are also small personal computers to use at home or in an office
There are even computers in telephones, television sets, and cars
These computers have to be very small
They are so small you cannot even see all their parts.

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