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Department of Education Region III

Division of City Schools

S.Y. 2019-2020

Causes and Effects of Lateness of the Senior High School Student in GRLLIS

A Research Paper

Presented by:

Relyn Y. Masiclat, April Garcia

Anthony Paller, Reymar Mendoza

Submitted to:

Sherylou P. David

October 04, 2019


This journey would not have been possible without the support of my family and friends. To my family,
thank you for encouraging me in all of my pursuits and inspiring me to follow my dreams. We especially
grateful to my parents, who supported me emotionally and financially. We always knew that you
believed in me and wanted the best for me. Thank you for teaching me that my job in life was to learn,
to be happy, and to know and understand myself; only then could I know and understand others. Thank
you to my mother, Carol Pellegrino, for guiding me as a person, violinist, and teacher and for offering
her editing expertise throughout this process. I must thank all of the music education and School of
Education professors whom I have worked with over the last four years for showing me what it means
to be a dedicated, each in their own unique way. Each of you have given of your time, energy, and
expertise and I am richer for it Also, to my violin teacher, Professor Andrew Jennings, thank you for
supporting my music-making and for helping me explore ideas about researching music-making in string
teachers’ lives. I would like to give special thanks to my dissertation committee. I owe a debt of
gratitude for her time and careful attention to detail. I thank her for her untiring support and guidance
throughout my journey. who encouraged me to pursue this degree and who has mentored me for
almost twenty years, his insight into what makes a great string iii teacher and a great string program has
helped me realize the connection between my own music-making and teaching, which has also inspired
this dissertation. thank you for modeling great teaching and for furthering my thinking about identity
and learning. I must also thank Dr. Betty Anne Younker for challenging my thinking by helping me
question assumptions and view issues from multiple perspectives. To my friends and roommates, thank
you for listening, offering me advice, and supporting me through this entire process. Special thanks to
my Michigan friends: Chad West, Erin Hansen, Dan Gilbert, Lisa Raschiatore, John and Rebecca Eros, Ann
Marie Stanley, Ben and Brooke Allen, Lisa Furman, Scott Edgar, Michael Palmer, Christine Kapusky
Moore, Mary Pipan McIntyre, Chris Wild, and Marie Gazillo. The debates, dinners, and game nights as
well as editing advice, rides to the airport, and general help and friendship were all greatly appreciated.
To my friends scattered around the country, thank you for your thoughts, well-wishes/prayers, phone
calls, e-mails, texts, visits, editing advice, and being there whenever I needed a friend. To my music-
making friends, who have shared part of themselves and their music with me, the connections we have
made through music-making have enriched my life and I look forward to continuing our relationships. To
my four participants, thank you for sharing your life stories with me and for your friendship.

Cover page…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….i
Acknowledgement page……………………………………………………………………………………….ii
Content page/Table of contents…………………………………………………………………….......iii
Definition of terms………………………………………………………………………………………………iv

MAIN BODY………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
2.1 MAIN BODY…………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
2.2 MAIN BODY…………………………………………………………………………………………………….4


8.1 REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………………………………..9



1.a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided.

im·mense·ly /iˈmenslē/

Learn to pronounce adverb to a great extent; extremely

lax·i·ty /ˈlaksədē/

Learn to pronounce noun 1. lack of strictness or care. "the result of such fiscal laxity is a budget deficit"
2. looseness of a limb or muscle. "over-stretching can result in joint laxity

mo·rale /məˈral/

Learn to pronounce noun the confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular

plague /plāɡ/

Learn to pronounce verb past tense: plagued; past participle: plagued cause continual trouble or distress

spare /sper/

Learn to pronounce verb past tense: spared; past participle: spared 1. give (something of which one has
enough) to (someone); afford to give to.
tru·an·cy /ˈtrooənsē/

Learn to pronounce noun the action of staying away from school without good reason; absenteeism.

Tardiness is the quality of being late. When people don't show up on time, they're guilty of tardiness.
When you're late for something, you're tardy, so tardiness refers to the habit of being late. Because of
their tardiness, some people almost never arrive at work, school, or other places when they're

This is topic is all about Causes and Effects of Lateness of the Senior High School Student in GRLLIS

Late coming to school is one of the major problems that have plagued many schools; there is hardly any
school that is spared from this problem. The impact of this great menace cannot be over emphasized, as
it has contributed immensely in a negative way to the academic achievement of learners and the
functioning of the school a school is primarily an established institution that aims to educate learners.

To Avoid Lateness. Be realistic about your daily schedule and the amount of time you are available to
realistically commit to a task, volunteer project or fundraising event. When scheduling an appointment,
do not assume everyone else will be running on time.

To maintain early arriving in school Showing up late to every meeting and event can stress you out and
leave others questioning how reliable you are. You'd probably love to be on time whenever and
wherever you go, but punctuality doesn't come naturally to everyone.

To inform the readers the negative effects of lateness to students who are tardy miss the beginning of
their morning classes, and they also cause a distraction when they arrive late to class. Students who are
frequently tardy have lower GPAs, lower scores on standardized assessments, and lower graduation

Main Body
Why do students come to class late? We as teachers have three options when dealing with students that
come late to class. One option is to let them continue their habit without any repercussions. If asked if
there are any implications of how we speak towards the students I would have to say absolutely. A
teacher may not say anything verbally but he/she is saying a great deal. The teacher is telling the
student that they accept the behavior that is being presented. The second option is to verbally telling
them they are late and that they need to be punctual. If a student is habitually late then tell them to be
punctual and that they will not be allowed to make up missed work. If they continue the habit then they
will be sent to the office. Also ask the student why they are late to your class and if there is anything
youcan do to help them not be late to your class. The voice of the teacher can make or break the
classroom mood. !o if a teacher has a harsh tone with the student then the student will be defensive
and if the teacher is calm the student will more likely be more understanding. The third option is to not
allow the student back into the class room and to send them straight to the office. This is the harshest
way to handle the situation but many times will be the only way a student understands. The goal will be
for students to start taking responsibility for their actions. The tone of voice that a teacher uses when
instructing a student go to the office because of this infraction could lead to more classroom
disturbances. There are many possibilities for students being late to classes. The most feasible reasons
for students to be late to class are" students not taking responsibility for themselves and student does
not thinking that it is important to be in class on time because there are no consequences. a students
that do not take ownership over their responsibilities will be late to school in the morning for first
period. The student give excuses like I over slept or my alarm clock did not go off. The excuses that these
students give are many but there is usually a reason for the excuses. The second reason is lack of class
room management. If you instill in a student high expectations and strong class room management
techniques then they will not want to be late to your class unless there is a personal issue. If you feel
motivated to find a reason for the behavior the student will greatly benefit from your caring heart. All
students have a reason for their behavior. It is educators who can help them solve the problem and get
back on track. Take the student aside and start asking them questions and let them know you are there
for them make sure you make them feel safe and comfortable. any people may have different things
they feel we should avoid when addressing situation &come to class late.' One thing I feel we should
avoid is any female issues or medical situations. This could be embarrassing every party involved. I do
not feel that medical issues or female issues should be used as excuses or as an excessive way to be late
to class but we should be sensitive to these issues. I would ask a professional if there is a way to identify
students that are using medical situations or female issues excuses .When students come to class late, it
can disrupt the flow of a lecture or discussion, distract other students, impede learning, and generally
erode class morale. Moreover, if left unchecked, lateness can become chronic and spread throughout
the class. Because there are a number of possible reasons students arrive to class late, considering
which causes are at the root of the problem can help guide instructors to appropriate responses and
strategies. Understanding the reasons, however, does not require tolerating the behavior. When
students come to class late, it can disrupt the flow of a lecture or discussion, distract other students,
impede learning, and generally erode class morale.

Moreover, if left unchecked, lateness can become chronic and spread throughout the class. Because
there are a number of possible reasons students arrive to class late, considering which causes are at the
root of the problem can help guide instructors to appropriate responses and strategies. Understanding
the reasons, however, does not require tolerating the behavior. When students come to class late, it can
disrupt the flow of a lecture or discussion, distract other students, impede learning, and generally erode
class morale. Moreover, if left unchecked, lateness can become chronic and spread throughout the
class. Because there are a number of possible reasons students arrive to class late, considering which
causes are at the root of the problem can help guide instructors to appropriate responses and
strategies. Understanding the reasons, however, does not require tolerating the behavior. Poor
organization is the most common reason for lateness. People wait until the last minute, and then do not
allow themselves enough time to travel. In order to be on time for school and work, you should figure
out how much time it takes you to travel from your house to your school or job - add ten to fifteen
minutes to that number - this gives you a little bit of leeway in case traffic is bad or there is an
obstruction like a wreck or a railroad train. Have your things organized so that you do not spend a lot of
time hunting all over the house for clothes, books, keys, etc. Learn how long it normally takes you to get
dressed and ready to leave - again, give yourself an extra ten minutes just in case! - it is better to be
ready early and Banging on the door and begging for that someone to speed things up in the bathroom
could help, but if it’s an older sibling you’re in for a long argument and some more begging. You left
something at home – You’re all set to go, most often than not you’re already on your trip to school,
admiring the roadside view, having the morning chat with your friend, snuggly sitting beside your special
someone, happily texting away or listening to your mp3 player and then suddenly something dreadful
comes to mind and your life flashes before your eyes. You left something very important back at home
or at the dorm!! From school IDs, to books, home works and projects to mobile phones and even your
wallet. When you accidentally leave these behind at home, it feels like you’ve left behind half of what
and who you are. Or sometimes it feels like going to school naked with your hands tied to your back.
And your professor is ready with the guillotine, waiting for you to just walk in and surrender yourself to
his or her mercy. Silenced alarms and wrong calendars – for some strange reasons, we set the alarm
before we went to bed. The alarm, ever diligent as it is, rang and went on at the exact same time you set
it. Unfortunately this ruins your good sleep and you almost wreck it in the effort of turning it off.
Minutes or hours later you jolt up from bed realizing that the alarm has already did its job but it’s too
late for you. Students who display a passive-aggressive personality style may do so in a variety of ways …
from chronic tardiness to sleeping in class. Let’s look at the student who’s always running late. As you
know, some students are late to class on a regular basis, and in doing so are probably displaying a form
of resistance or defiance—and it is wise to see it as such. When questioned about their habitual
lateness, students are apt to justify or excuse it on the grounds that they have other tasks to attend to,
such as child care or job responsibilities that preempt punctual class attendance. Many instructors are
thus made to feel guilty and are thereby disarmed by such reasons or excuses. They allow students to
talk them into considering these excuses as authentic extenuations. If this sounds familiar to you, here
are a few opinions on the subject to consider. Arriving to class punctually is an important responsibility
borne entirely by the student, not the instructor. Although child care or job responsibilities are clearly
time consuming, and when combined with the demands connected with attending college can be
downright overwhelming, it is again largely the responsibility of the student, not the instructor, to
decide which takes priority — one’s job, one’s child care responsibilities, or punctually attending classes.

Lateness is often a rude and disruptive form of behavior, especially when it is accompanied by doors
opening and shutting, loud noises, and students distractingly passing in front of the instructor to get to
their seats. Habitual lateness to class, much like when friends or family members habitually arrive late
for social gatherings and usually infuriate us because of their thoughtlessness, is typically a sign of
devaluation of and contempt for instructors and other students who have arrived to class punctually.
Even more important, it is most likely a sign of devaluation and contempt for one’s own education,
albeit unconscious, since the student’s habitual lateness will necessarily curtail his or her time in class
and cause the student to forfeit important opportunities for learning. Instructors who habitually arrive
late to class themselves are poor models for their students and should find any reasonable means
possible to correct this form of unprofessional behavior. Generally speaking, strict rules and adverse
consequences for chronic lateness almost always improve attendance and punctuality. Remember, this
form of passive-aggressive behavior can be remedied if you allow yourself to use a clear, fair, and
proportionate set of adverse consequences to deal with it. It is designed with the purpose of bringing
children from different families together under one roof (the classroom) for the purpose of teaching and
learning under the direction of teachers. One of the important traits entering into a successful person’s
character is the habit of punctuality. Effective teaching and learning cannot take place without the
coming together of the teacher and the learners. A learner that is not regular in school, faces learning
problems resulting from late – coming to school such as, truancy, and inability to read and not
consulting with the teacher. Lateness can be viewed as an outcome of laxity or system breakdown.
Lateness is a function of time and as such time is usually used as the criteria for determining lateness.
Late coming violates the principle of punctuality and if not checked at the onset, may become a habit
with the individual involved and may have negative consequences. The importance of education is
increasing and is regarded highly. The societies of the past are on the front rank of the world civilization
on account of education, this educational system may be seriously hampered as a result of late-coming
especially in high schools. In most developing countries, Lateness is a major and a continuous
administrative problem among high school learners. The society suffers a lot as Many Senior High school
students come late to school and as a result; academic subjects will be affected as well as the grades,
and they will be able to miss classes a sit affects their class performance that is why every Senior High
school student should eliminate the cause regarding tardiness. A tardy student presents a lack of
responsibility. Being tardy all the time to classis a sign of carelessness and a waste of time. Being on time
is not only a duty for students, but also a part of good manners, respect and reputation. Hence, student
should know how to value their time and do their best not to be tardy at all times. Tardiness is not much
of an issue for students nowadays; to them it seems to be a normal thing. Nonetheless, some reasons
that cause the tardiness among students can tell whether it is being committed or not or being peer
pressured. When students come to class late, it can disrupt the flow of a lecture or discussion, distract
other students, impede learning, and generally erode class morale. Moreover, if left unchecked, lateness
can become chronic and spread throughout the class because there are a number of possible reasons
students arrive to class late, considering which causes are at the root of the problem can help guide
instructors to appropriate responses and strategies. Understanding the reasons, however, does not.
There are many possibilities for students being late to classes.

. 4

Chart Title








Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Figure 1: Have you experience being late

Lateness among students has negative reflection due to affecting other students. However, late
students coming to class distract the rest students and disrupts the flow of the instuctor’s discussion.
Definitely, understanding the variety of causes that could contribute to disruptive behavior in the
classroom can help professors to select the most appropriate solution. Lateness among students is
persistent and important issue and it is one of the most challenging aspects as a professor to deal with
such behavior in the classroom. In addition to, Instructors can be more realistic and effective in selecting
coping strategies with students lateness behavior to identify the available referral resources and
institutional policies concerning lateness behavior. Basically, to create a constructive classroom
enviroment, instructors need to consider their own behavior as well as that of their students. Moreover,
the first class give perfect opportunity for instructors to communicate the expectations for classroom
agreement, such as arriving and departure time. One more things, instructors should make sure that
policy and consequences for lateness have exceptions and seeking feedback from students before they
act to handle students lateness behavior. Moreover, lateness could affect students performance and
lead to low grade averages. Weade (2004) reported that students with better attendance and
punctuality have higher grade point averages. While students with poor attendance and punctuality
have lower grade point averages. Eventually, lateness has both intellectual and social costs. Where it,
interrupt the instuctor’s thought and affect

In general, the researchers were confident that the problems were correspondingly answered with the
accuracy and reliability it can utmost achieve; however, there are still aspects in the research study that
will improve the research and yield more accurate and strong data and conclusions. The researchers
have the following recommendations: 1. The sample respondents were relatively small compared to the
whole population of UP Cebu. Stronger data and conclusions can be derived if a larger sample will be
studied and the margin of error will be at minimum. 2. It will also be helpful if more reasons are served
to the respondents. This will expose more areas of concern and even reveal more interesting
correlations. 3. The effects of the subject, teacher and untimely works were related only to the whole
sample of respondents. More correlations and findings can arise if we study these factors per course or
year level. 4. A better and well-organized questionnaire will be needed to derive more accurate answers
and responses from the respondents. Some of the respondents simply put a check mark on the
reasons/factors instead of putting numbers indicating the rank of these reasons/factors. The researchers
selected other respondents to replace the respondents that answered the questionnaire wrongly.

1. Have you experienced being

2. Do you feel sad when being


3. Do you think it is ok to be

4. Do your parents know that

you’re come late to school?

5. Have you experience of being

bullied because you’re always

6. For you it is good when

you’re always late?

7. Did your parents getting mad

when your late?

8. Are you getting shy when

you’re late?

9. Have you experience of being

embarrassed because your
always late?

10. Do you feel safe at school?

11. Do you ever find your self

out of class due to arriving late?

12. Do you think punctuality at

university is equally important
as punctually in the work place?


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