Games For Teaching of Pronounciation Skill

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BY :

Bagos Apriyadi (3061412153)

Ahmad Widhoni (3061412154)

Siti Hartinah (3061412155)





A. Theory

1. Definition of games

Games comes from the English language meaning the game. In every game there are
different rules to start the game that makes the game more varied types.

Because one of the functions of the games as a reliever of stress or boredom, then everyone
would be happy to play the game like a child, teenager, and adult, so maybe only kinds of game
will be make different.

 Games have positive and negative effects for who played it.

Examples for positive : As a stress reliever because was tired of working all day, maybe with play
a game is right to eliminate the tired, and then for the kids as a media for add intelligence and
responsiveness, and much more.

Examples for negative : Because too often play games will forget to do other jobs so make the
other jobs be delayed and if playing games on the computer for too long will damage the eyes and
so much more.

A. Benefits of game in general :

1. Improve eye coordination by hand

2. Improve strategies skill

3. Teach a teamwork

4. Teach the diligence

5. Make mood be better

6. Have a new friends

8. Gathering the family members

B. Benefits of game in learning activities :
1. The process of learning becomes more attractive.
2. The learning process of the students be more interactive.
3. The time of teaching and learning can be reduced.
4. The quality of student learning can be improved.
5. The process of learning can occur anywhere and anytime.
6. A positive attitude of students towards learning materials and the learning
process can be improved.
7. The teacher's role can change towards to more positive and productive.

2. Games for teaching of pronounciation skill

1. Training students' pronunciation skills.

2. Adding students' vocabulary.

3. Knowing the pronunciation of the word.

4. Training students' ability to hear.

3. Example

1. Pronunciation Journey

A. Purpose : By listening students know about the different of pronunciation

between two words with the almost same sound (minimal pairs).

B. Level : SMA

C. Participates : 1-4 Group (1 group contains 2 members)

D. Media :

E. Approximate time : 15 minutes

F. Preparation :

1. Make a copy of the map for each member of the class.

2. Choose some pairs of words from your course.

3. The word pair should differ in only one sound.

4. Here are some example :

- Men / Man

- Place / Plays

- Taught / Thought

- Ship / Sheep

5. There are several published books giving lists of these minimal pairs.

6. You need four pairs for this games.

G. Rules of Game :

1. Give each students a map. Point out that at each of the numbered junctions, there
is a choice of turning left or right.

2. Explain that you will read four words from the board, one word for each junction.
For each word, students must turn left or right according to whether the word is
from the left or the right hand list on the board. When you have said the four words,
students would then arrive at one of the destinations along the top of the map. For

Men – place – thought – ship = Singapore

3. Go over the route together to check the correct route

4. Repeat the activity several times using the same four pairs of words or using
other minimal pairs.

5. Students can play the game in pairs or small groups. They take turns to read out
words and trace the route on the map.
2. Ludo

A. Purpose :

1. Training students' pronunciation skills.

2. Adding students' vocabulary.

3. Knowing the pronunciation of the word.

B. Level : SMA

C. Participate : 4 group (1 group contains 2-3 members)

D. Media : Dice, Counters, paper of Ludo

E. Approximate time : 30 – 45 minutes

F. Preparing :

1. Make a copy of the board and provide a dice for each group of 3-4
students in the class.

2. Provide a counter for each student or group.

G. Rules of game:

1. Before we start me must decide who will gets the first turn by shake the dice, the
bigger one will get the first turn and so on.

2. Place your counters on the starting position (the outer triangles marked A,B,C
and D). The object of the game is to go around the board to the finishing position
(the inner triangles marked A,B,C and D). The first player to do this, is the winner.

3. Go around the board in the direction shown by the arrow in your starting triangle
and do not crossy any thick lines.

4. Take turns to throw the dice and move. To move , check the dice next to the
board to find out which sound is indicated by the number on the dice.
Then move arround the board to the first word or the most close word containing
that sound. If the other players agree that you have moved your counter to a word
which does not contain the sound that you are looking for, put your counter back
where it was and miss a turn. You will get 25 second to choose what word that
contain the sound. If you run out time, miss a turn.

5. When there are no more words on the board which contain the sound that you
are looking for, move directly to the finishing position.

6. If another player lands on the square where your counter is, miss a turn.

7. The first winner will get fifteen stars, the second will get ten stars, the third will
get five stars, the fourth didn’t get any star.

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