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Quiz 4 May 27, 2005.

(Due May 31)

Mark the best answer among the given multiple-choices. Then, give your explanation

1. A Chemist finds that 30.82 g of nitrogen will react with 17.60 g, 35.20 g, 70.40 g,
or 88.00 g of oxygen to form four different compounds. (A) Calculate the mass of
oxygen per gram of nitrogen in each compound. (B) This example obeys which

2 Name the following compounds: (A) Fe(OH)3, (B) Cr2(CO3)3, (C) (NH4)2SO4, (D)
N2O, (E) N2O5, (F) Cu2O

3 Fill in the gaps in the following table assuming each column represents a neutral
atom or an ion:
Symbol Sb Sr W Se Os I
Protons 51 38 74 34 76 53
Neutrons 70 50 108 46 116 74
Electrons 51 38 74 36 74 54
Mass no 121 88 182 80 192 127
Net charge 0 0 0 2- 2+ 1-

4. How many hydrogen and oxygen atoms are in each of the following: (A) C2H4OH
(B) Ca(CH3COO)2 (C) (NH4)3PO4

5 Write the chemical formulas for the following compounds. (A) copper(I) oxide,
(B) iron(III) carbonate, (C) Barium chlorate, (D) dinitrogen tetroxide, (E)
tetraphosphorus hexasulfide

Provide your brief explanations here:

1. A) O / N = 17.60/30.82 = 0.571; 35.2 / 30.82 = 1.14; 70.4 / 30.82 = 2.28; It

obeys the law of multiple proportions.

2. (A) Iron(III) hydroxide (B) Chromium(III) carbonate (C) Ammonium sulfate

(D) Dinitrogen monoxide (E) Dinitrogen pentoxide (F) Copper(I) oxide

3. Provided in table above

4. (A) 5 H atoms and 1 O atom (B) 6 H atoms and 4 O atoms (C) 12 H atoms and
4 O atoms.

5. (A) Cu2O (B) Fe2 (CO3)3 (C) Ba(ClO3)2 (D) N2O4 (E) P4S6

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