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1. The field out fits of of this Agency carried out surveys of various localities of District from
23 to 24 Sept, 2019 and identified 30 places, where stagnant water is present serving as
breeding places for dengue mosquito.

2. According to the field staff, the state of cleanliness in majority of the places (both urban
and rural) at District Gujrat is extremely poor and pools of waste/ rain water are seen at these
places. Consequently, these water bodies containing dirty, contaminated and highly dangerous
water for health are offering sufficient breeding places for dengue mosquito to germinate and
rapidly spreading the virus amongst people. Circle wise summary of the subject places of
the said nature is given below in the shape of a table, while the pictorial evidence of
these mosquito-breeding-places are attached:

No. of places where pools of

District Circle
stagnant water are present
City Circle 08
Sadar Circle 08
Headquarter Circle 04
Circle 06
Circle 04
Total: 30

3. Similarly, 1197 persons suspected with Dengue reported in DHQ hospital of the District
in which 12 patients were confirmed diagnosed. Following is the statement showing present
status of dengue patients.

District Suspected No. of Confirmed No. Status of confirmed No. of Total No. of
dengue person till of dengue dengue patients deaths by
to date patients till to Under Recovered Dengue till to
date Treatment date
Gujrat 1197 12 3 4 Nil

Note: 05 Confirmed Patients referred to Lahore.

4. In a ward consisted on 24 beds separated for only dengue patients. There 4 medical officers
and 6 house officers along with nursing and paramedical staff are deputed shift wise in this

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i) Reportedly, a number of water bodies are present in District Gujrat causing dengue,
which need to be eliminated on war footing by taking chemical, biological or mechanical

ii) The Health department should call a meeting of technical committee to review the
present dengue situation in District Gujrat and submit their recommendations for
effective control on dengue in coming days.

iii) With number of suspected dengue patients increasing day-by-day, the Health
Department should ensure availability of treatment facilities of dengue fever in all
government hospitals of the District. Dedicated Dengue wards/ High Dependency Units
supported by separate staff (Doctors/ Nurses) should be established in DHQ.

iv) Campaign of cleanliness may be launched in the city areas of District Gujrat. The
School Education Department should launch a special campaign in all schools (Govt
and Private) to give awareness to the students about dengue fever.

v) There is a need to focus on larva hunting. For this purpose, the Entomologists detailed
in every circle of District Gujrat should be made responsible for this exercise.

vi) Focus on holding of Dengue related meetings at district and Tehsil levels should be

vii) The dengue sore points relating to District Gujrat, which are being identified by this
agency should be cleared / resolved as early as possible.

viii) The district administrations of Gujrat should ensure that banners/ hoardings containing
directions about Dengue Preventive Measures are set up/ installed at all prominent
intersections/ places/ Bazaars, especially parks and playgrounds of this city.


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