Speech and Stage Arts

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Joanne L.

ico October 21, 2019

Bsed= English Ms. Roxan Parone



1. The difference between drama and play is that Drama refers to a form of written
literature that is intended for performance while play refers to a theatrical performance .
The difference is that a drama is a type of play. A movie or a TV show can also be
dramas but are not plays. Some other types of plays are musical, comedy,
Shakespearean , biopic and drama is a composition in prose or verse presenting in
dialogue or pantomime a story involving conflict or contrast of character.
2. For me , studying drama or performing arts at school can be a positive , life enhancing
experience for children . It can improve confidence and help to combat shyness , which
many young children struggle with . Confidence is vital for young people who need to
excel in higher education and in the workplace . One way students can improve their
confidence is to study at school , as it can help combat shyness and help to develop
social skills . Drama can improves child’s confidence because once they get used to
performing in front of an audience , they will feel more able to speak out in other social
situation .Studying drama enables children to relax and have fun in social settings ,
which is vital for improving confidence .
Here are the five tips to gain student’s confidence
 Choose you words with care
 Encourage risk- taking and trying new things in the drama classroom
 Embrace “beginner mentality and focus on the process
 Guide, but don’t overpower
 Ask students directly what they need
3. Self – discovery and expression
The importance of self- expression was emphasized from the very beginnings of the
performing arts colleges in London and Paris . The theater , dance and other performing
arts can teach people how to express themselves effectively , and can also be a tool
through which people with disabilities can communicate . Many performing arts students
suffer from shyness when they start attending the classes and gradually become more
confident as they find ways to communicate , in addition to teaching self expression , the
performing arts help society as a whole in self- knowledge and understanding . Theatre
and performing arts teach society about itself , hoping to point out the attitudes and
mindsets of current society , it can be a tool used to educate people about their current






Exposition – the exposition is the portion of a story that introduces important background
information to the audience .

Rising Action – a series of events build toward the point of greatest interest

Climax- is the turning point , which changes the protagonist’s fate

Falling Action – the conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist unravels, with the
protagonist winning or losing against the antagonist

Denouement – comprises events from the end of the falling action to the actual ending
scene of the drama or narrative.

III. Norman kills

detective Milton
Arbogast , whom
Lino’s sister. Lilas,
hires to investigate
Lino’s disappearance

II. Disquised as his IV. Lila and her

dead mother. boyfriend Sam ,
Norman Bates kills capture Norman

I.Marion Crane V. Psychologically ,

absconds with her Norman has
employer’s money become his
deceased mother.

Lino checks into the Having knocked Sam out

Bates Motel , Norman attacks Lila

5. ” Imagination is more important than Knowledge”

This was a famous quote of Albert Einstein , he said Imagination is more important than
Knowledge , because knowledge is limited but imagination encircles the world. Knowledge
will get you from point A to point B but imagination will take you everywhere.

I think he meant something along the lines that imagination is what you really need in order
to be able to acquire new knowledge . If all of the knowledge in the world was lost it would
ultimately be our ability to use our imagination to solve problems and to see bigger picture
beyond merely what is known that would allow use to acquire it back.

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