BPS3201 - Kinetika Dan Katalisa (3 SKS)

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BPS3201 – Kinetika dan Katalisa

(3 SKS)

Program Studi Strata 1 Teknik Bioproses

Fakultas Bioteknologi – Institut Teknologi Del
Practical Aspects of Kinetics
 Enzyme assays:
 Discontinuous and continuous assays
 Estimating the initial rate
 Increasing the straightness of the progress curve
 Coupled assays

 Detecting enzyme inactivation

 Experimental design
 Choice of substrate concentrations
 Choice of pH, temperature and other conditions
 Use of replicate observations

 Treatment of ionic equilibria

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Practical Aspects of Kinetics
 Tugas:
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Practical Aspects of Kinetics
 Enzyme assays:
 Discontinuous and continuous assays

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Practical Aspects of Kinetics
 Enzyme assays:
 Estimating the initial rate
- Biphasic
- Find the right angle

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Practical Aspects of Kinetics
 Enzyme assays:
Increasing the straightness of the progress curve

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Practical Aspects of Kinetics
 Enzyme assays:
Increasing the straightness of the progress curve

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Practical Aspects of Kinetics
 Enzyme assays:
Increasing the straightness of the progress curve
Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menggunakan substrat berkonsentrasi tinggi:
- Harga,
- Kelarutan, dan
- Kemungkinan potensi inhibisi oleh substrat, sehingga sensitivitas pengukuran

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Practical Aspects of Kinetics
 Enzyme assays:
 Coupled assays
Contoh reaksi:
Glukosa + ATP  Glukosa 6-fosfat + ADP
Glukosa 6-fosfat + NADoxidized  6-fosfoglukonat + NADreduced

Even if the reaction of interest can be assayed directly it is sometimes advantageous to

couple it to a second reaction:
- If one of the products of the first reaction is a powerful inhibitor.
- If a reversible reaction is being studied in the less favored direction, so that
equilibrium is reached after only a small proportion of substrate has reacted

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Practical Aspects of Kinetics
 Detecting enzyme inactivation
 Pada umumnya, enzim lebih stabil pada konsentrasi tinggi dibandingkan
pada konsentrasi rendah
 Enzim lebih stabil pada bentuk kompleksnya, daripada bentuk enzim bebas.

 Kondisi ini memungkinkan terjadinya error dalam penyampaian data.

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Practical Aspects of Kinetics
 Experimental design
 Choice of substrate concentration

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Practical Aspects of Kinetics
 Experimental design
 Choice of pH, temperature and other conditions
Bagaimana mencari pH dan temperatur optimum?

Pada umumnya, enzim terdenaturasi sangat cepat pada temperatur 37°C dan stabil pada
temperatur 25°C . Walaupun demikian, terdapat kemungkinan adanya pengecualian pada
beberapa kasus dimana kondisi temperatur optimum enzim berbeda dengan temperatur
optimum enzim pada umumnya.

Penentuan pH optimum dapat bervariasi, dan seringkali dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi

substrat. Saat konsentrasi kerja enzim berubah, maka pH optimum enzim juga akan berubah.

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