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28 | Loss Prevention Bulletin 215 October 2010

Lessons not learned – part 6

Failure to recognise hydrogen sulphide

(HCN). Its occupational exposure level (eight-hour TWA) is
Key lessons 5 ppm, and short-term exposure level (STEL 15 minutes) is
10 ppm. The STEL for hydrogen cyanide is also 10 ppm.
• Hydrogen sulphide (also known as dihydrogen Hydrogen sulphide affects the central nervous system
sulphide) is an extremely poisonous chemical which through inhalation. It also has the effect of ‘fatiguing’ the
affects the central nervous system through inhalation. sense of smell in those exposed to it so that exposure
• At low levels H2S has a characteristic ‘rotten egg’ continues beyond dangerous levels without the victim being
odour. Never turn a blind eye if you detect this fully aware of the effects—sometimes with fatal results. This
odour — H2S gradually dulls the sense of smell, and effect starts to manifest itself at levels in air of 50–100 ppm
exposure may then continue to dangerous levels, and it starkly illustrates the need for monitoring of
unbeknown to the victim. occupational levels starting at much lower levels than this. If
• Always wear prescribed Personal Protective levels likely to lead to a fatality are present, however, it will not
Equipment and carry personal H2S alarms in potential be detected by smell as its impact on the nasal nerve endings
H2S areas. A regular maintenance/calibration are too rapid for someone to notice. The obnoxious of H2S at
program for H2S devices should be established with lower concentrations indicate that appropriate measures such
regular training provided on their use. as monitors and breathing approaches are required. Optimum
• Rescuers must be fully trained, have the correct systems of worker protection against H2S would incorporate
equipment and strictly follow safe rescue procedures. personal gas detectors, with audio/visual alarms and
• Whenever sulphur containing substances are in use respiratory protection. In the second incident described, it is
then there is potential for H2S development/release. possible that the release was sudden and dramatic. If that were
A robust Hazard identification process is essential. the case, then the ‘fatiguing’ effect would have been irrelevant.
It is sometimes forgotten that hydrogen sulphide is extremely
flammable (between limits of 4% and 56% in air), and has an
Introduction exceptionally low minimum ignition energy of approximately
Over the past years, several articles on the subject of 0.08mJ – cf 0.8mJ for petrol vapour. The main combustion
hydrogen sulphide (H2S) poisoning have been published in product is highly toxic sulphur dioxide.
Loss Prevention Bulletin1–5. The two incidents described
below share several common features related to the failure Incident 1: Hydrogen sulphide exposure
to properly recognise the hazards of hydrogen sulphide. A maintenance worker entered a wastewater treatment
• In both cases, there was insufficient detailed knowledge of plant to retrieve a tool. His path brought him directly
the process being undertaken and personnel were unaware alongside a clarifier — an open top tank for settling solids.
that dangerous levels of H2S could be generated. This The worker noticed a ‘rotten egg’ odour, and suddenly felt
resulted in inadequate provision of risk mitigation measures. unable to breathe. He tried to leave the area but was
• Personnel in the vicinity of both incidents were aware of overcome and collapsed. He was pulled to safety by fellow
the presence of hydrogen sulphide by its unpleasant employees and recovered with no injuries.
smell, but no-one had thought it necessary to act upon
it. In the first incident there had even been complaints The process involved
received from off-site. The hazardous waste facility was a treatment, storage and
• Another common feature was the way in which colleagues disposal facility consisting of a series of tanks and filters that
entered the area in an attempt to rescue a collapsed received, stored, chemically treated, filtered, and settled
colleague without wearing suitable respiratory protection. solids out of water-based waste streams. The aqueous
In the first incident, the two colleagues were fortunate in portion of this waste would be consolidated in a storage
securing a rescue without causing harm to themselves. Two tank, and sampled and treated by adding chemicals to react
would-be rescuers in the second incident were less lucky. with the various contaminants, adjusting for pH, and
filtering. The treated solution was held in a clarifier, and if
Hydrogen sulphide toxicology the pollutants were within permitted limits, the liquid would
Hydrogen sulphide (also known as dihydrogen sulphide) is be decanted into a storage tank, and filtered again, before
an extremely poisonous chemical. Its toxicity is comparable finally being discharged to the municipal sewer. Figure 1
to that of the better-known poison, hydrogen cyanide shows a simplified diagram of the process.

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Loss Prevention Bulletin 215 October 2010 | 29

Figure 1: Simplified flow diagram

Description of the incident • The facility had no written procedures for operating the
wastewater treatment plant and no written instructions
On the morning of the incident, the waste treatment specifying what to do in the event that a waste failed to
operator sampled treated liquid in the clarifier and noted meet discharge limits after treatment.
that the mercury content was above the discharge permit • Communication was inadequate to inform facility
level. The operator added sodium sulphide flake to the personnel of the hazards of H2S. Employees did not
clarifier to precipitate mercury sulphide. As the clarifier was respond appropriately when they smelled the
not equipped with a mixer, the operator connected a plant characteristic odour because they did not fully appreciate
air hose to the vessel to provide mixing. After decanting, the dangers. Employees were not warned when waste
tests showed that the mercury was within limits, but the pH treatment operations had the potential to release H2S.
was too high due to the alkalinity of the sodium sulphite. This lack of awareness is evidence by the fact that several
The operator then added an acidic chemical – employees entered the area immediately after the
polyaluminium chloride (PAC) – to the clarifier in order to incident without respiratory protection.
cause flocculation of the mercury salts and to adjust the pH • There was no calibration and inspection programme for
towards neutral. Three 55-gallon drums of PAC were added the H2S detector. It did not alarm on the day of the
over a few hours. incident and failed to warn employees of a dangerously
At approximately 2.00pm, the facility compliance high concentration of H2S in the area. The investigation
coordinator was alerted to an H2S smell. He entered the found that it was not functioning due to a faulty sensor.
wastewater treatment area, noticed the odour and left to get
a portable gas detector. From US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
A few minutes later, a maintenance worker entered the
area to retrieve a tool. He also noticed the odour but was aspx?SID=44&Type=2&pg=1&F_All=y
unconcerned because he had smelled it before with no ill
effects. However, as he walked towards the tool, he
Incident 2: Fatalities result from a hydrogen
suddenly became unable to breathe and he collapsed. sulphide release
The compliance coordinator returned to the plant with a Three men died as a result of inhaling hydrogen sulphide
supervisor and a gas detector to further investigate the odour released during the emptying of molecular sieve from a gas
and they discovered the mechanic lying unconscious on the drier.
floor and not breathing. At the same moment, the gas
detector began to alarm. The two men (who were not wearing The process involved
breathing apparatus) pulled the victim from the room in the
The plant concerned produced lean gas and natural gas
fresh air, where he began breathing again. He was taken to
liquids (NGL) from associated gas from oil wells. The
hospital for evaluation, but suffered no lasting effects.
associated gas contained water vapour and H2S. The process
comprised compression of gas, followed by refrigeration to
The investigation and causes condense and separate liquids, dehydration of vapours and
• The operator used air to mix the contents of the clarifier liquids, and final separation of lean gas and NGL cryogenically.
(a vessel designed for settling its contents) rather than The natural gas liquids were dried by passing through a bed of
transferring the batch back to the treatment tank which molecular sieve prior to the cryogenic stage. When this bed
had adequate mixing and ventilation. The air did not became saturated with water, it was regenerated by passing
provide sufficient mixing to completely dissolve the hot gas through it then cooled with cold gas.
sodium sulphide flake and distribute the PAC. These two After some 3-4 years, beds have to be replaced. To do
chemicals combined to produce hydrogen sulphide, this, the sieve would be regenerated, cooled and purged
which was released from the top of the vessel. with nitrogen, then put into a truck for disposal.

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30 | Loss Prevention Bulletin 215 October 2010

Description of the incident for some time before the incident. This was a crucial
factor in allowing events to proceed to the tragic scale
A drier was prepared for discharge of sieve in a way that had that they did.
been done many times before over the past twenty years. • The management of safety and risk assessment systems
The operators entering the drier to remove the top guard had a number of shortcomings. Disposal of the sieve was
and mesh used breathing apparatus and personal H2S moni- not included in the planning of the overall sieve
tors, demonstrating that the hazards of this gas were well replacement job. No risk assessment was carried out
understood for this operation. The sieve was then removed specifically for the disposal stage. Multiple jobs requiring
by raking it from the drier onto a chute carrying it to just different precautions were carried out under the one
above a high-sided tipper truck. The truck floor and the dis- Permit to Work, in contravention of company safety
charged sieve were water-wetted to restrict dust (it was procedures. There was no company supervision at the
windy) and to reduce the risk from any pyrophoric material. sieve unloading location.
After a while, a mound of sieve accumulated at the back of • No standby personnel were posted at the scene to pro-
the truck. A man entered the truck via a ladder to level the vide, for example, breathing apparatus or rescue services.
mound by shovelling it to the front of the truck. Ten minutes This is perhaps not surprising since the hazard that was
later, a second man joined him to help with the levelling. present was not recognized. Because of this, and other
This man collapsed very soon after entry. The first man tried factors, the immediate first aid response was inadequate.
to help him and was joined by a third man who actually • The fact that the high-sided truck, in effect, constituted a
jumped down into the truck from the platform on the drier. confined space in which concentrations of toxic gas could
All three became unconscious and died. A fourth man, who be confined and accumulate, was not taken into account.
also entered the truck via the ladder, to render assistance, A risk assessment would probably have identified this.
collapsed but was rescued. The emergency response was
delayed by unclear radio communications. Lessons from this incident
Investigation and cause of the incident The company did take this tragic accident most seriously and
put into place systems and improvements to address all of
It was established that the H2S concentration in the truck was
the above considerations. Thus:
sufficient to overcome workers in a few minutes and lead to
death unless they were rescued very quickly. The rear of the • Hazards identification, including potential incident scenar-
high-sided truck, in effect, constituted a confined space in ios and job safety analysis would be carried out with the
which ventilation by natural air circulation was insufficient to involvement of first line supervisors. Method statements,
reduce the concentration of any toxic vapours. containing clear roles, responsibilities and control features,
The workers in the truck, who were contractors, were would be prepared in advance of the starting of jobs.
not provided with breathing apparatus, escape masks or
• The understanding, communication and application of
personal monitors. The possibility of H2S release from the
manufacturer’s recommended safe practices would be
sieve at this stage was not fully understood or foreseen and
this resulted in inadequate management of the potential
• Safety induction would take account of different
risks. The initial emergency response was not effective.
languages and levels of literacy and its effectiveness
The mechanism for release of H2S in fatal quantities was
would be checked. Follow-up refresher training would
described as follows. The regeneration gas used prior to sieve
be provided as necessary.
discharge, contained approximately 830 ppm of H2S which
• The awareness of the specific hazards of H2S would be
begins to be adsorbed by the sieve during cooling. It is then
enhanced, tested and made the subject of routine
retained, not removed, during the nitrogen purge stage. Then,
refresher training.
since the molecular sieve’s affinity for water is much greater
• Enforcement of the use of personal protective equipment,
than its affinity for H2S, the latter is released on contact with
in particular breathing apparatus, would be ensured, and
water, in this case when it was wetted in the truck. More
emergency drills would cover a range of all identifiable
trapped H2S would have been physically released while the
scenarios and include all personnel who have a role to play.
sieve was being levelled by shovelling. There was little or no
prior knowledge amongst company staff or contractors about From LPB 194, April 2007
this mechanism for release of H2S though it is hard to imagine
that it had never happened before in 20 years. Perhaps it was References
just fortuitous that no tragic accident had occurred previously. 1. Man overcome by hydrogen sulphide fumes, LPB 184,
Other important findings of the investigation were: August 2005
• The mechanism for H2S release from the sieve in this 2. Hydrogen sulphide release from a process vessel, LPB
way was not known to either the company personnel or 168, December 2002
to the contractors. 3. Supply of wrong chemical leads to a release of
• The induction training given to contractors was not hydrogen sulphide gas, LPB 159, June 2001
effective. There was no testing of understanding, records, 4. A hydrogen sulphide release affects four workers, LPB
or recognition of any literacy or language difficulties. 155, October 2000
• There were no signs posted in or around the driers to 5. Hydrogen sulphide releases during oil tanker
warn of possible hazardous concentrations of H2S. operations, LPB 155, October 2000
• Personnel in the vicinity of the disposal operation did not 6. Hazardous substances in refineries, BP Process Safety
react to the very unpleasant smell which was apparent Series, IChemE, ISBN 978 0 85295 482 9

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