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Section 3.

10: Site Plans and Technical Data

TERMPOL Surveys and Studies



Prepared for:
Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.

January 20, 2010

Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.
Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Objectives ...................................................................................................... 1-5

2 Plans and Site Studies .................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Overall Site Plan and Marine Terminal Location ............................................... 2-1
2.2 General Arrangement ....................................................................................... 2-3

2.2.1 Marine Terminal General Arrangement ......................................................... 2-3

2.2.2 Proposed Vessel Manoeuvring...................................................................... 2-3
2.2.3 Dredge and Fill .............................................................................................. 2-5

2.3 Tanker Berth Marine Structures........................................................................ 2-8

2.3.1 Tanker Berth Structural Arrangement............................................................ 2-8

2.3.2 Central Loading / Unloading Platforms ........................................................ 2-10
2.3.3 Berthing Structures ...................................................................................... 2-12
2.3.4 Mooring Structures ...................................................................................... 2-14
2.3.5 Access Structures ........................................................................................ 2-14

2.4 Utility Berth Marine Structures ........................................................................ 2-16

2.5 Geophysical Studies ...................................................................................... 2-16

2.5.1 Single-beam and Multi-beam Bathymetric Surveys .................................... 2-17

2.5.2 Sidescan Sonar Surveys ............................................................................. 2-17
2.5.3 Seismic Reflection Surveys ......................................................................... 2-17

2.6 Geotechnical Studies ..................................................................................... 2-17

2.6.1 Marine Geotechnical Investigations ............................................................ 2-17

2.6.2 Uplands Geotechnical Investigations .......................................................... 2-18
2.6.3 Geotechnical Data ....................................................................................... 2-19
2.6.4 Interpretation of Geotechnical Data ............................................................. 2-20

3 Environmental Data ........................................................................................ 3-1

3.1 Wind Data ........................................................................................................ 3-1

3.2 Wave Data ....................................................................................................... 3-4

3.2.1 Recorded Wave Data at Nanakwa Shoal ...................................................... 3-4

3.2.2 Estimated Wave Data at Kitimat Terminal ..................................................... 3-5

3.3 Tide Data ......................................................................................................... 3-6

3.4 Current Data .................................................................................................... 3-6

3.4.1 Currents in Douglas Channel and Manoeuvring Area ................................... 3-6

3.4.2 Currents at Berth Locations ........................................................................... 3-7

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Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
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Table of Contents (continued)

3.5 Ice Data ............................................................................................................ 3-8

3.6 Temperature Data............................................................................................. 3-8

3.6.1 Atmospheric Temperature ............................................................................. 3-8

3.6.2 Water Temperature........................................................................................ 3-8

4 Design, Operating and Safety Parameters .......................................................4-1

4.1 Design Vessels ................................................................................................. 4-1

4.2 Underkeel Clearance Requirements ................................................................. 4-1

4.2.1 Minimum Water Depth at Tanker Berths ....................................................... 4-2

4.2.2 Minimum Water Depth at Utility Berth ........................................................... 4-2

4.3 Design Loads and Load Combinations ............................................................. 4-2

4.4 Maximum Operating Conditions ........................................................................ 4-2
4.5 Engineering Standards and Relevant Codes .................................................... 4-3
4.6 Project Datum and Grid .................................................................................... 4-3
4.7 Model and Field Testing.................................................................................... 4-3
4.8 Design Flow Rates and Product Characteristics ............................................... 4-4
4.9 Fire Protection System Operating Parameters .................................................. 4-6
4.10 Electrical Power and Lighting Requirements ..................................................... 4-6
4.11 Terminal Identification and Obstruction Lighting ............................................... 4-7
4.12 Docking Monitoring System .............................................................................. 4-7
4.13 Quick Release Hooks and Mooring Load Monitoring System ............................ 4-8
4.14 Metocean Monitoring System.......................................................................... 4-11
4.15 Control and Instrumentation ............................................................................ 4-12

4.15.1 Terminal Control and Monitoring Systems .................................................. 4-12

4.15.2 Leak Detection System ................................................................................ 4-13
4.15.3 Marine Monitoring Systems ......................................................................... 4-13

4.16 Waste Management Plan................................................................................ 4-13

4.16.1 Waste Water ................................................................................................ 4-13

4.16.2 Solid Waste.................................................................................................. 4-14

4.17 Pollution Prevention Systems and Equipment ................................................. 4-14

4.17.1 Containment Boom ...................................................................................... 4-14

4.17.2 Uplands Tank Overflow Systems ................................................................ 4-14
4.17.3 Remote Containment Reservoir .................................................................. 4-15
4.17.4 Tanker Berth Deck Containment ................................................................. 4-15
4.17.5 Ship’s Deck Containment ............................................................................ 4-15
4.17.6 Recovered Oil Drain Tank ........................................................................... 4-16
4.17.7 Corrosion Protection .................................................................................... 4-16

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Table of Contents (continued)

4.18 Operational Safety Procedures and Facilities ................................................. 4-16

4.18.1 Terminal Operational Safety Procedures .................................................... 4-16

4.18.2 Port Information Booklet and Terminal Regulations .................................... 4-17
4.18.3 Cargo Transfer Safety Procedures .............................................................. 4-17
4.18.4 Security ........................................................................................................ 4-18
4.18.5 Safety Facilities Summary ........................................................................... 4-18

4.19 Intended Berthing Strategy ............................................................................. 4-19

5 References ..................................................................................................... 5-1

Appendix A Marine Terminal Drawings .................................................... A-1

Appendix B Engineering Standards.......................................................... B-1

List of Tables
Table 3-1 Wind Speed versus Wind Direction ........................................................ 3-1

Table 3-2 Recorded Wave Height at Nanakwa Shoal............................................. 3-5

Table 3-3 Estimated Wave Height and Period at Project Site ................................. 3-5

Table 3-4 Tide Levels ............................................................................................. 3-6

Table 4-1 Design Tanker Vessel Characteristics .................................................... 4-1

Table 4-2 Proposed Oil Design Flow Rates, Pressures, Temperatures, and
Liquid Characteristics ............................................................................. 4-4

Table 4-3 Proposed Condensate Design Flow Rates, Pressures,

Temperatures, and Liquid Characteristics .............................................. 4-5

Table 4-4 Fire Suppression Operating Parameters ................................................ 4-6

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Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
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List of Figures
Figure 2-1 Typical Photograph of Shoreline at the Northern End of the Marine
Terminal Site ........................................................................................... 2-2

Figure 2-2 Typical Photograph of Shoreline at the Middle of the Marine

Terminal Site ........................................................................................... 2-2

Figure 2-3 Turning Basins, Navigational Clearances and Vessel Manoeuvres ........ 2-4

Figure 2-4 OCIMF Guidelines for Tanker Berth Layout (Reference 19).................... 2-9

Figure 3-1 Nanakwa Shoal Wind Rose ..................................................................... 3-3

Figure 4-1 Docking Monitoring System Display Board (Source: Harbour &
Marine Engineering) ................................................................................ 4-8

Figure 4-2 Typical Triple Quick Release Hook (Source: Harbour & Marine
Engineering) ............................................................................................ 4-9

Figure 4-3 Remote Release System Console (Source: Harbour & Marine
Engineering) .......................................................................................... 4-10

Figure 4-4 Mooring Load Monitoring Alarms (Source: Harbour & Marine
Engineering) .......................................................................................... 4-11

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Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
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1 Objectives
The objective of this study is to demonstrate the preliminary terminal design that has been conducted in
support of the project, as addressed by the following engineering plans and associated development
• Marine terminal plans, including site plans, general arrangements, bathymetry and structural
• Site studies, including turning basins, vessel manoeuvres, dredge and fill work, and geotechnical data;
• Environmental studies, including wind, wave, tide, current, ice, and temperature data;
• Design parameters, including design vessels, clearance requirements, and derivation of loads;
• Maximum operating parameters;
• Relevant engineering standards, codes and recommended guidelines;
• Description of design flow rates, pressures, temperatures and liquid characteristics in the cargo
transfer system;
• Description of safety systems and procedures, including fire protection, electrical, lighting, marine
monitoring, control and instrumentation, leak detection;
• Description of pollution prevention and waste management programs and systems; and,
• Description of intended berthing strategy.

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Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.
Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
Table of Contents

2 Plans and Site Studies

2.1 Overall Site Plan and Marine Terminal Location
Northern Gateway Pipelines Limited Partnership is proposing to construct a new marine oil and
condensate terminal in Douglas Channel, just north of Bish Cove near Kitimat, B.C. as part of the
Northern Gateway Pipeline Project. The marine terminal will consist of two new tanker berths, designated
the North Berth and South Berth respectively. Each tanker berth will be capable of accommodating
vessels ranging in size from 80,000 DWT Aframax tankers to 320,000 DWT Very Large Crude Carrier
(VLCC) class tankers. There will also be a Utility Berth capable of accommodating two utility boats and
two harbour assist tugs. The Utility Berth may also be required to support construction activity by
providing moorage and offloading support for construction barges, as well as a staging area for the new
tank terminal that will be constructed adjacent to the marine terminal.
The proposed marine terminal site is located approximately 7 km south of Kitimat Harbour on the west
side of the Kitimat Arm section of Douglas Channel. A site plan is shown on Drawing No. 5743-03-001
in Appendix A (all Drawing numbers are in the form of 5743-03-xxx, with the digits 5743-03 used as a
common prefix. For brevity, the prefix will not be used in the subsequent discussion. Unless otherwise
indicated, Drawings are located in Appendix A, while Figures are included in the text.).
The project site includes approximately 1500 metres of shoreline situated between the UTM Northing
Coordinates of 5,976,000N and 5,977,500N meters and Easting Coordinates of 518,500E and 519,000E
meters. There are no existing marine structures in the nearby vicinity of the proposed terminal.
The foreshore area where the marine berths will be built is relatively steep and rocky. At the northern and
southern ends of the site there are small beachfronts consisting of cobble- to boulder-sized rocks. The tree
line is approximately 20 to 30 meters from the shore and the beachfronts are littered with driftwood as
shown in Figure 2-1 as follows. In the middle of the site the beachfront transitions to a steep rocky
shoreline with intermittent rock cliffs as shown in Figure 2-2. An alluvial fan is situated within the inter-
tidal zone near the middle of the project site.
The uplands area is undeveloped and covers an area of over 200 ha. The heavily-forested hills along the
water rise to an elevation of approximately 150 to 190 metres with the northern half of the site having
steeper slopes than the southern portion.

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Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
Table of Contents

Figure 2-1 Typical Photograph of Shoreline at the Northern End of the

Marine Terminal Site

Figure 2-2 Typical Photograph of Shoreline at the Middle of the Marine

Terminal Site

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2.2 General Arrangement

2.2.1 Marine Terminal General Arrangement
A general arrangement plan showing the overall marine terminal layout is given in Drawing No. 002.
Both tanker berths and the Utility Berth are located in the northern half of the project site in order to avoid
an existing alluvial fan near the middle of the site, as shown on Drawing No. 001. (Reference 5,
Reference 6). This eliminates possible foundation issues associated with the alluvial fan as indicated in
Section The South Berth is located to the immediate north of the alluvial fan. The North Berth is
located further north along the shoreline providing a vessel-to vessel separation of approximately 190
metres (one-half the maximum design vessel length). The Utility Berth is located 115 metres north of the
north tanker berth.
The exact berth locations will be determined during detailed design. Each berth location will be optimized
based on a number of criteria, including obtaining sufficient underkeel clearance with minimal dredging
or rock blasting requirements. The berth clearance lines shown in Drawing Nos. 002, 003, and 004
provide adequate water depth for the largest vessels, accounting for compression of the rubber fender as
well as an angular vessel approach of up to 7 degrees measured inshore from the fender line 1. The
dredged areas extend north and south at least 50 percent of the design VLCC length from the outermost
berthing structure in accordance with the TERMPOL Review Process (TRP) Guidelines.
As shown in Drawing No. 002, the bathymetry of the site is characterized by a steep embankment that
drops fairly evenly from the shoreline down to a level of approximately -40 metres below low tide. Below
the -40 metres level, the seabed tends to be steeper along the northern half of the proposed site and less
steep in the southern half. To provide enough underkeel clearance for the design VLCC ship, the -30
metres contour (geodetic datum) will likely represent the fender line of the marine berth. This contour lies
approximately 25 to 40 metres offshore in the northern area of the site, and approximately 50 to 75 metres
in the southern area.

2.2.2 Proposed Vessel Manoeuvring Turning Basins and Navigational Clearances

In the immediate vicinity of the terminal, Douglas Channel is approximately 2,500 metres wide. This
provides ample area for manoeuvring and turning the vessels, as shown in Figure 2-3. The available space
easily exceeds the minimum turning basin size of 2.5 times the overall length of the largest ship (i.e., 850
metres for a VLCC class ship and 750 metres for a Suezmax class ship). Aframax vessels will have an
even smaller required turning basin diameter and will not govern. Due to the steep-sided bathymetry and
deep waters of Douglas Channel, the seabed quickly drops off from the shoreline and achieves depths
within the turning basin area well in excess of 40 metres deep. This easily meets the minimum
manoeuvring-area underkeel clearance requirements of 27.1 metres as given in the Special Underkeel
Clearance Survey (TERMPOL Study 3.6).

Although the TRP Guidelines (Appendix 3, Clause 1.3) specifies an approach angle of 5 degrees, the
Kitimat berth layouts are based on an angle of 7 degrees to provide increased clearance from shore as
an added measure of safety.

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Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
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Approaching the terminal, Douglas Channel runs relatively straight and maintains a fairly constant width
of approximately 2,700 metres. Assuming a two-way traffic lane 490 metres wide (7 times the beam
width of the maximum size VLCC) located in the middle of Douglas Channel, the separation between the
tanker berths and the edge of the navigation lane is approximately 1050 metres, providing sufficient room
for the maximum required turning basin. The separation between the tanker berths and the centreline of
the navigation lane is approximately 1300 metres, well in excess of the minimum requirements of 420
metres (6 times the maximum design ship beam) as given in the TRP guidelines.

Figure 2-3 Turning Basins, Navigational Clearances and Vessel Manoeuvres Condensate Tanker Approach and Departure Manoeuvres

Inbound condensate tankers arriving in a loaded condition will normally berth with their port sides to the
unloading platform. This is advantageous as it allows for a straight arrival course as the vessel approaches
the terminal in its fully loaded condition as indicated by Vessel Manoeuvre #1 in Figure 2-3. Vessel
Manoeuvre #2 shows the condensate vessel will be required to make a 180 degree turn after departure
from the terminal, however, it will do so in the ballasted condition as opposed to a fully loaded condition.
Starboard-side berthing may be required for the condensate tankers depending on meteorological
conditions and preferences of the pilots, in which case the arrival and departure approaches will be the
reverse of that shown in Figure 2-3. Although Figure 2-3 shows the condensate tanker berthing at the
North Berth, the approach and departure vectors for the South Berth would be similar.

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Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.
Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
Table of Contents Oil Tanker Approach and Departure Manoeuvres

Inbound oil tankers arriving in a ballasted condition will normally berth with their starboard sides to the
loading platform. As indicated by Vessel Manoeuvre No. 3 in Figure 2-3, the approach from the
navigation lane to the berth will require the ballasted oil tankers to make a 180 degree turn before
berthing. This is advantageous, as it will allow for a straight departure course, as indicated by Vessel
Manoeuvre No. 4, when the vessel leaves the terminal in its fully loaded condition. Port-side berthing
may be required for the oil tankers depending on meteorological conditions and preferences of the pilots,
in which case the arrival and departure approaches will be the reverse of that shown in Figure 2-3.
Although Figure 2-3 shows the oil tanker berthing at the South Berth, the approach and departure vectors
for the North Berth would be similar. Proposed Anchorage Areas near Kitimat Terminal

Kitimat Harbour is the closest possible anchorage area in the immediate vicinity of the marine terminal.
However, this anchorage area either does not meet the minimum TRP requirements for swing circle
radius with respect to the design vessels, or it exceeds the maximum recommended water depth; thus
Kitimat Harbour should only be considered as a temporary or emergency anchorage area (see TERMPOL
Study 3.12). It is conservative to assume that tankers which are committed to Douglas Channel, and
which are unable to berth at the marine terminal, will be required to remain in a holding pattern, within
the south portion of Kitimat Arm (see TERMPOL Study 3.12), or in a worst case scenario, be turned back
to potential anchorages outside Douglas Channel.
One such potential anchorage is Anger Anchorage located off the NW side of Anger Island in Principe
Channel (see TERMPOL Study 3.12). This site potentially has enough area, water depth, and proper
seabed conditions for anchoring large VLCC tankers. Although this anchorage is located outside of
Douglas Channel, with proper vessel scheduling, it may be a suitable location for anchoring “staged”
vessels before they commit to the final leg of their transit through the inner passages to the marine

2.2.3 Dredge and Fill

The steep bathymetry and exposed rock faces along the sides of Douglas Channel provide a technical
challenge for the installation of the foundations for the marine structures. Construction of the marine
structure foundations may require dredging of overburden soil and/or blasting and removal of rock.
Additional dredging or blasting may be required to provide adequate underkeel clearance for moored
The amount of material to be removed is highly dependent on the specific berth location, alignment,
structural configuration, and construction methodology. Structures with small foundation footprints, such
as those with individual piles that are drilled and socketed into the rock face, may require only minor rock
surface preparation to initiate drilling operations. For structures with larger foundation footprints, such as
jacket or caisson structures, rock shelves or “benches” may be required to be blasted into the rock slope in
order to provide a flat and level surface upon which the jacket structure can rest and be anchored to.

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Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
Table of Contents

The maximum anticipated dredging and blasting area for the marine terminal is conservatively based on
the proposed jacket structure concepts as described in Section 2.3. The actual dredging and blasting
volumes will be determined during the detailed design based on the final selected marine structure type,
construction methodology, and optimization of the berth location.
Since there are no existing submarine pipelines, cables or other underwater installations within the
vicinity of the proposed project site, there should be no complicating factors associated with existing
facilities. Dredging of Overburden Material

In some areas of the site the underwater bedrock is exposed, while in other areas there is a relatively thin
layer of overlying marine sediments (i.e., overburden). Based on an assumed average overburden depth of
1.5 metres, it is estimated that up to approximately 30,000 m3 of underwater dredged material may need to
be removed for construction of the marine terminal.
Chemical analysis of the overburden sediments was carried out to determine if there is any contamination
of the in-situ materials. Several samples of sediment were collected in the immediate vicinity of the
marine terminal site as well as control samples from locations on the east side of Kitimat Arm. The
sediment samples were analyzed for total metals, BTEX, PAHs, total PCBs, dioxins and furans,
porewater ammonia, and sulphide. Additional tests were also conducted for toxicity to benthic
invertebrates. The test results indicated there was no toxicity in the sediments (Reference 1).
The lack of toxicity implies there is no need to dredge and remove the in-situ material for purposes of
hazard mitigation. The option to dredge will be at the discretion of the contractor, depending on the
construction methodology used, and will also be subject to best construction practices as approved by the
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and Environment Canada. The option of leaving the
overburden sediments in place during rock blasting or pile drilling can be advantageous for various
reasons including:
The overburden material will be helpful in properly seating drill bits and initiating the drill holes for the
explosive charges during the drilling phase of the rock blasting work;
The presence of overburden material will help reduce the blast overpressures when the charges are
The overburden material will be helpful in sealing the casing, and properly seating and initiating the drill
during the drilling of the individual pile sockets into the rock; and,
If rock benches are blasted into the rock slope, overburden material left in place can be dredged and
disposed off with the rock spoils simultaneously in a single work phase.

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Regardless of the sequencing of dredging work, clam-shell dredging is the most suitable method for
removing overburden sediments and rock spoils, given the deep water conditions and location of the
marine terminal. Dredging equipment will likely consist of a derrick barge which is fitted with a clam
shell bucket. A silt curtain will be deployed in the top 5 metres of the water column to protect fish from
turbidity during dredging.
Considering the lack of toxicity, the dredged overburden sediment can be disposed of by either side-
casting the spoils into deeper water, ocean disposal at an approved site, or removing the spoils and
stockpiling them on a flat deck barge for subsequent disposal at an uplands facility. Further discussions
will be held with DFO and Environment Canada regarding disposal options and permitting matters. Underwater Rock Blasting

An upper limit to the amount of underwater rock material required to be removed is conservatively
estimated at 36,000 m3. This volume of rock is based on the jacket structure concept and assumes benches
will be blasted into the rock face to accommodate the jacket foundations. Detailed blast volume schedules
showing the amounts of estimated rock material to be removed at each berth will be prepared later during
the detailed design phase.
Rock removal procedures may vary depending on the volume of rock to be removed for a particular
foundation. For structures with small foundation footprints, such as those with individual piles that are
drilled and socketed into the rock face, rock removal techniques employing divers and pneumatic
equipment may be used for minor rock surface preparation and removal of small amounts of rock to
facilitate pile drilling operations. For structures with larger foundation footprints, such as jacket or caisson
structures, the rock benches can be formed by drilling a series of small blast holes into the rock face in
such a pattern that when explosive charges are detonated in the holes, they will shape the rock face to the
desired geometry. Typically the blast holes are drilled into the rock face from a drill derrick which
essentially is a barge with multiple drill rigs arranged to allow for the efficient and simultaneous drilling
of holes in a regular grid pattern.
In order to mitigate the effects of the underwater blasting on local fish and marine mammals, several
measures will be utilized during the blasting work including:
• Blasting only during specific time windows;
• Detonating blast charges in sequence and not simultaneously, in order to keep blast overpressures
• Utilizing bubble curtains which can reduce blast overpressures by 8 to 10 times; and,
• Monitoring blast overpressures and submitting hydrophone records to the Department of Fisheries
and Oceans (DFO).
The majority of rock blasting will take place in water ranging from 10 metres to 32 metres deep. The rock
spoils typically range in size from 75 mm cobbles up to 1 metres sized boulders. The spoils can be
removed with the same derrick barge and clam shell equipment that is used for dredging. The spoils are
typically side-cast into deeper water for disposal.

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Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.
Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
Table of Contents Fill for Levelling Courses

Although efforts will be made to minimize the amount of rock overbreak, the surface of the rock face
after blasting will likely be somewhat irregular, which is not ideal as a bearing area for structure
foundations. In order to seat the marine structures properly, it may be necessary to place a layer of
engineered fill or tremie concrete on the horizontal rock faces to act as a levelling course in order to
provide a flat working surface. This surface will facilitate seating of the structures and the drilling of
anchor piles or rock sockets.

2.3 Tanker Berth Marine Structures

Several structure types and construction methodologies were considered during the development of the
tanker berth marine structures. For each concept various criteria were evaluated such as design
practicality, reliability, durability, constructability, and long-term maintenance issues (Reference 2).
Based on a review of the advantages and disadvantages, and the associated risks for each concept, two
options are proposed for each functional element of the tanker berths. The proposed options represent a
range of structure-types and construction methodologies that are considered the most viable for this

2.3.1 Tanker Berth Structural Arrangement

Each tanker berth is comprised of the following functional elements:
• Central Loading / Unloading platform structure;
• Breasting / berthing dolphin structures;
• Mooring structures; and,
• Access structures consisting of main and secondary trestles, and catwalks.
The basic layout of the berths is based on conventional industry practice for tanker berths and complies
with the recommendations of the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), which is one of
the most widely recognized international standards. OCIMF guidelines for the layout of tanker berths are
summarized in Figure 2-4. The berth layouts also generally comply with TERMPOL Appendix 3, Berth,
Mooring and Fendering guidelines. The TERMPOL guidelines (Diagram B, Appendix 3) differ somewhat
from the OCIMF guidelines in that they recommend providing a head line and stern line at approximately
45 degrees from the axis of the largest ships. Although these lines are less efficient than “pure” breasting
lines or spring lines, they do offer some additional redundancy and safety during storm wind conditions.
The proposed berth layout therefore includes additional mooring points on shore, located to provide head
and stern lines lead angles of approximately 45 degrees (see Drawing No. 002). These additional mooring
points could be used at the ship master’s discretion if desired.

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Figure 2-4 OCIMF Guidelines for Tanker Berth Layout (Reference 19)
Two different configurations of these functional elements are shown in Drawing Nos. 003, 003A, 004 and
004A. For both options, the central loading / unloading platform provides the interface for transferring
cargo between the ship and the on-shore tank facilities. Located in the middle of each berth, the central
platform will be an independent structure that supports the cargo transfer arms and will have a deck
surface approximately 35 metres wide and 58 metres long. Piping, loading arms and other equipment will
take up a portion of the deck space and the remaining area will be available for maintenance vehicle
access such as a mobile crane or truck.

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Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
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The breasting structures are independent structures located on either side of the central platform and are
fitted with rubber fenders designed to absorb the kinetic energy from a berthing vessel. Four fender
locations, two on each side of the central platform, are required to accommodate the range of design
vessels. The berthing structures also provide part of the mooring system for the vessel and are equipped
with mooring hooks to secure the vessel’s spring lines.
A minimum of six mooring structures for each berth are required to accommodate the range of design
vessels, as shown on Drawing Nos. 003, 003A, 004 and 004A. The mooring structures are located inshore
from the fender line by a distance of 40 to 50 metres or greater, and are used to secure the mooring lines
from the bow and stern of the ship. The mooring structures may be pile-supported and located in the
water, or they may be located on land depending on the geometry of the final berth location. Each
mooring structures will be equipped with multi-line quick release mooring hooks which are load
monitored and controlled from a centralized control room on shore.
One or more access trestles will be provided for vehicular access to the central platform. A single lane
roadway is planned, as well as space for the piping and utilities that connect the cargo arms to the shore-
based facilities. Catwalks will span between the various berth structures and to shore to provide
pedestrian access to all structures.
The Utility Berth will accommodate two utility workboats approximately 7 metres in length. These utility
boats are required primarily for maintenance of the tanker berth, line handling, and deploying the
environmental protection boom. A davit system will likely be used to launch and retrieve the utility boats
for stowage and maintenance. The Utility Berth may also be used to moor two or more tug boats that will
assist the tankers on and off the berths. The utility berth is shown in Drawing No. 005, and is described in
detail in Section 2.4.

2.3.2 Central Loading / Unloading Platforms

The two proposed concepts or options for the central platform structures include a full jacket-structure
option and a pile-and-deck option. These options are described below. Full Jacket-Structure Option

Proposed Type of Construction

The proposed jacket structures consist of four-legged fully-braced tower-like steel assemblies that are
approximately 40 metres high. The structures are square in plan and have a column spacing of
approximately 10 metres per side as shown in Drawing No. 006. The legs and bracing are made from
large diameter pipe members. The bracing is fully welded to the vertical legs forming a robust pre-
fabricated truss structure. As indicated in Drawing No. 006, the central platforms are proposed to be built-
up from two to four modular jacket structures using common member sizes and dimensions wherever
possible. By standardizing the dimensions, the number of unique fabrication details and welding
procedures for each is minimized, which reduces construction cost, improves quality and reduces
construction time.

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Vertical loading is taken directly from the deck down into the bedrock through the vertical legs of the
jackets. For horizontal loads in either direction, the fully-braced jackets act as cantilevered trusses taking
the loads down to the bedrock as axial forces in the legs and bracing.

Method of Installation
The jackets will be prefabricated in a shop environment, shipped to site via barge, floated or lifted into
position, and seated on rock benches. Underwater benches will be blasted into the bedrock to provide a
level and stable surface which the jackets can be seated. The seated jackets in turn provide a stable
platform from which drilling operations can be conducted. The legs of the jackets are hollow and act as a
template guide for drilling accurately-aligned holes into the bedrock. After the holes in the bedrock have
been drilled, anchors (rock dowels or sockets) will be installed into the holes and grouted.
A rock dowel is a steel pile which extends through its respective jacket leg and into the drilled hole in the
bedrock. The pile is fully grouted within the jacket leg as well as the hole in the bedrock, thereby
providing full anchorage. A rock socket is similar to a rock dowel, but in lieu of a steel pile, it uses a cast-
in-place reinforced concrete core which extends through the hollow jacket leg and into the hole drilled
into the bedrock.
After pile installation, the deck framing can be assembled on a barge and lifted as complete or partial
assemblies onto the jackets via a barge crane. The deck structures are field welded to the jackets to
complete the erection of the primary structural members. Pile and Deck Option

Proposed Type of Construction

The pile and deck option for the loading platforms consists of individual steel pipe piles connected with
concrete pile caps as shown in Drawing No. 007. The deck will likely be comprised concrete box-girders
with a composite concrete deck slab, although the deck could also be comprised of steel beams and
decking. The individual piles will likely be vertical and may be either partially or entirely filled with
concrete. To account for the larger construction tolerances for individual piles, the pile caps will consist
of cast-in-place concrete. The precast concrete box girders span perpendicular to the pile caps and bear on
ledges formed on either side of the pile cap. A space is provided between the ends of the box girders to
allow steel reinforcement extending from the box girder ends and the lower half of the pile cap to be cast
in a second pour which forms the top portion of concrete pile cap. Once cured, the deck and pile caps will
behave monolithically. A top deck slab can be cast either simultaneously with or after the second pile cap
pour. The cast-in-place deck slab ties the entire deck structure together as a diaphragm and also can allow
for composite bending action between the deck slab and the precast concrete box girders to help resist
vertical loads.
The vertical loads are resisted via bending in the deck girders and deck slab which in turn transfer the
loads to the pile caps and then directly into the piles. Horizontal loads acting parallel to the berthing line
are resisted by frame action resulting from the continuity among the deck, pile cap, and piles. Horizontal
loads acting perpendicular to the berthing line can be directly transferred through the deck diaphragm to
the abutments on land.

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Method of Installation
Individual support piles will typically be drilled using a conventional drill derrick and either doweled or
socketed into the rock. Each pile may require minor rock surface preparation to initiate drilling
operations. If there is sufficient overburden to stabilize the pile tip and form a seal for the drilling
operation, rock surface prep may not be required.
Once the piles are fixed in the rock, concrete top plugs with extended reinforcement cages will be cast in
the heads of each pile. Formwork will be set up to form and pour the concrete pile caps around the pile
heads. The pile caps are typically cast in two separate pours. The first pour, includes casting the lower
half of the pile cap around the individual pile heads. This not only forms the bottom half of the pile cap,
but also provides a bearing surface for seating the precast concrete box-girders. The precast concrete box-
girders can then be efficiently erected with barge cranes onto the bottom half of the pile caps. The pile
caps are completed with a second pour which is cast on top of the first pour between the ends of the
precast box-girders. The second pour allows the deck and pile cap to act monolithically and achieve the
frame action necessary to resist lateral loads.
A cast-in-place concrete deck slab and curb can then be poured on the precast box-girders. The deck slab
will act compositely with the precast box-girders completing the erection of the main structural
components. Topside equipment, guardrails, pipes etc. can be installed afterward as required.
The final selection of the preferred structural option will be made at the detailed design phase of the
project. However, it is anticipated that the pile and deck option will be selected as it requires significantly
less rock blasting and associated disturbance of the marine habitat compared to the jacket structure option.
It also minimizes the potential design and construction issues associated with the quality of the rock.

2.3.3 Berthing Structures

The two proposed concepts for the berthing structures include a full jacket structure option and a
buttressed (stiff-leg) option. Full Jacket-Structure Option

Proposed Type of Construction

Similar to the loading platforms, the berthing structures were conceived as modular jacket structures
using the same member sizes and dimensions as the loading platforms. Although the berthing structures
have an additional outboard frame for supporting a fender unit as shown in Drawing No. 008, they can
generally use the same modular template as the loading platforms. By standardizing the dimensions, the
number of unique fabrication details and welding procedures for each jacket is minimized, which reduces
construction cost, improves quality and reduces construction time.

Method of Installation
The method of installation for the berthing jacket structures is the same as the loading platform jacket

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Proposed Type of Construction

An alternative to the full jacket structure is a buttressed or “stiff-leg” concept as shown in Drawing
No. 009. Instead of individual berthing structures as proposed in the full jacket concept, each set of
side-by-side berthing structures is combined into one structure. Each combined structure is comprised of
individual vertical piles which are tied together at the top by partial jackets and/or bracing, and which are
laterally supported by two stiff-leg space frames that are mounted to onshore concrete abutments. The
concrete abutments in turn, are anchored with rock anchors to transfer the load directly into the bedrock.
This concept takes advantage of the relatively close rocky shoreline by providing a more direct means of
transferring horizontal loads to the bedrock. Since the horizontal loads bypass the vertical piles, the piles
and their rock sockets can be optimized for vertical loads only and can be reduced in size compared to the
full jacket concept. The stiff legs also provide a convenient means of supporting the catwalks and access
trestles to the berthing structures.
The partial jackets that tie the individual piles together are prefabricated fully-braced frames that are
similar to the full jacket structures but are only approximately 8 metres high. The partial jackets can either
sit on the individual piles, or can have hollow legs that slide onto the piles. Their purpose is to transfer
horizontal loads from the fender units directly into the stiff-leg buttresses.
In lieu of prefabricated partial jackets, individual struts and bracing members can be field welded directly
onto the piles to achieve the same objective. However, partial jackets are preferable, since shop
fabrication provides higher quality control and it is more efficient to erect a single jacket structure
compared to multiple individual members, especially considering the restricted work windows due to tidal
fluctuations. The partial jackets are also advantageous since the fender support frames can be made
integral with the jacket frame.
The stiff-leg buttresses are prefabricated fully-braced trusses, similar to full jacket structures, except they
span horizontally instead of vertically. The combined frame and stiff-leg structures act together as a large
space truss capable of efficiently transferring horizontal loads that act either perpendicular or parallel to
the berth. The two stiff-legs are splayed out in a “V” pattern from each end of the combined dolphin
frame in order to better resolve the horizontal forces.
The stiff-leg concept is less amenable to a modular fabrication scheme, since each stiff-leg is likely to be
unique due to the varying distances between the berthing dolphins and abutment locations. Although the
locations of the abutments could be adjusted to allow for stiff-legs of equal lengths, the trade-off would be
additional rock blasting and cut and fill work on the waterfront slopes.

Method of Installation
Similar to the individual pile concept for the loading platforms, the individual support piles for the
berthing structures will be drilled using a conventional drill derrick and either doweled or socketed into
the rock.
Prior to the erection of the stiff-leg frames, the stiff-leg abutments will need to be constructed. The
abutments will be cast-in-place mass concrete formed and poured directly on bedrock. Some minor rock
surface prep may be required including cleaning away any loose or deleterious material. The transfer of
load from the abutment to the bedrock will be achieved with rock anchors that are drilled and installed
through preformed holes in the abutment. The stiff leg anchor bolts can be cast monolithically with the

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The partial jackets and stiff-leg frames will be prefabricated in a shop environment and shipped to site via
barge. The erection of the partial jackets can begin once the individual piles for the berthing structure
have been installed. The partial jacket frames can be lifted and erected onto the tops of the piles via a
barge crane. Although various connection configurations are possible, the partial jackets will likely be
attached to the vertical piles via field welding. Any ancillary bracing can also be installed via field
welding. After the partial jackets are erected and the onshore abutments are constructed, the stiff-leg
frames can be lifted into position and connected accordingly. With the stiff-legs installed, the deck and
trestle framing can be assembled on a barge and lifted as complete or partial assemblies onto the jackets
and stiff-legs via a barge crane. These components are then field welded to the jacket frames and stiff-leg
frames to complete the erection of the primary structural members.
The final selection of the preferred structural option will be made at the detailed design phase of the
project. However, it is anticipated that the buttressed (stiff-leg) option will be selected as it requires
significantly less rock blasting and associated disturbance of the marine habitat compared to the jacket
structure option. It also minimizes the potential design and construction issues associated with the quality
of the rock.

2.3.4 Mooring Structures

Because of the proximity of the shoreline to the tanker berths, the mooring structures will be located on
land. The mooring structures will comprise a rock anchored concrete abutment. During the detailed
design phase, an optimization process will be conducted to determine the most cost effective and practical
locations for the mooring structures.
The abutments will be cast-in-place mass concrete formed and poured directly on bedrock. Some minor
rock surface preparation may be required including cleaning away any loose or deleterious material. The
transfer of load from the abutment to the bedrock will be achieved with rock anchors that are drilled and
grouted into the bedrock. Mooring equipment anchor bolts, electrical conduits, etc., will be cast
monolithically with the abutment.

2.3.5 Access Structures

Vehicular and pedestrian access to the central platforms will be provided by access trestles that lead from
shore to the berth structures. Depending on the final berth configuration selected, the access trestles may
span directly from the main berth structures to shore or they may have intermediate supports of their own.
The onshore supports will consist of cast-in-place concrete abutments that are rock anchored into the
bedrock. Intermediate support bents, if used, will consist of individual vertical steel pipe piles with cast-
in-place concrete pile caps. To provide spill containment, a cast-in-place concrete slab and curb is
required as the roadway surface. Either concrete box-girders or steel beams can be used as the framing
members that support the concrete deck slab. The two options are described below.

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Proposed Type of Construction

Precast concrete box girders are proposed as one option for the framing members as shown for the main
access trestle in Drawing No. 011. The cast-in-place concrete deck slab can be poured on the precast
concrete beams without major formwork and can act compositely to support vertical loads. The concrete
box girders frame into the cast-in-place concrete pile caps in a similar fashion as that proposed for the
central platform’s pile and deck option. Horizontal loads are resisted either by the frame action of the
support bents or by the landside abutment through diaphragm action of the deck.

Method of Installation
For the access trestles, the individual support piles will be drilled as previously described using a
conventional drill derrick and either doweled or socketed into the rock. Once the piles are fixed in the
rock, concrete top plugs with extended reinforcement cages will be installed in the heads of each pile.
Formwork will be set up to form and pour the concrete pile caps around the pile heads to create each
moment frame support bent. Deck structures consisting of precast concrete beams can then be efficiently
erected with barge cranes onto the pile caps. A composite cast-in-place concrete deck slab and curb can
be poured on the box-girders, completing the erection of the main structural components. Topside
equipment, guardrails, pipes, etc. can then be installed as required. Steel Framing Option

Proposed Type of Construction

This type of construction is similar to the concrete framing option except the deck slab is supported on a
grillage of steel girders instead of concrete box girders. A cast-in-place concrete deck slab is still used but
additional formwork will be required to pour the slab on the steel framing. Adequate shear connectors
will be provided so that the concrete deck slab acts compositely with the steel framing.

Method of Installation
The method of installation for the steel framing option is the same as the concrete framing option, except
steel beams instead of concrete box girders will be erected with barge cranes onto the pile caps. Once the
steel framing is erected, the cast-in-place concrete deck slab and curb can be formed and poured on the
steel frames, completing the erection of the main structural components. Topside equipment, guardrails,
pipes, etc. can then be installed as required. Catwalks and Supports

Proposed Type of Construction

The catwalks will be prefabricated truss-type structures that will be made from either steel or aluminum.
The catwalks will be equipped with non-slip grating, toe rails, handrails, and guardrails. The walkway
deck can be supported either between pony trusses or on a single triangular space truss as determined in
detailed design. The catwalks will have a fixed bearing on one end and a sliding bearing at the other end
to accommodate thermal expansion and contraction, as well as the full movement of the supporting
structures caused by berthing, mooring and other forces.

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Intermediate supports for the catwalks may be required for some of the longer spans. The supports will
typically consist of individual cantilevered piles with either a steel or concrete pile cap to support the
catwalk bearings.

Method of Installation
For the intermediate catwalk supports, the individual piles will be drilled using a conventional drill
derrick and either doweled or socketed into the rock, as per typical pile and deck construction. Once the
piles are fixed in the rock, either a steel pile cap can be installed by welding it onto the pile cap-plates or a
reinforced concrete pile cap can be formed and poured around the pile heads.
The catwalks will be prefabricated in a shop according to specifications and shipped to site via barge or
truck. The catwalks can be lifted into position via a barge crane as the main support structures are

2.4 Utility Berth Marine Structures

The Utility Berth (see Drawing No. 005) is located north of the two tanker berths and is intended to serve
a number of functions:
• Provide storage, mooring and maintenance berth for two small utility boats, which may be used for
various tasks such as mooring line and containment boom deployment;
• Provide moorage location for two or more tug boats;
• Provide a storage location near the berth for items such as containment boom and spill response
equipment; and,
• Provide a means of offloading general cargo, equipment or construction supplies which arrive by
The Utility Berth will be comprised of a moored floating pontoon or modified deck barge which is held in
place with a series of guide structures that are drilled and socketed into the bedrock. An articulated access
bridge ramp would span between the barge and shore, providing access for vehicles and pedestrians.

2.5 Geophysical Studies

Several reconnaissance marine surveys were conducted of the site area to establish the bathymetric and
geophysical conditions. The first phase of the surveys was conducted in August, 2005 along a 1,500
metres segment of the site shoreline and included a single-beam bathymetric survey, a sidescan sonar
survey, and a seismic reflection survey (Reference 3). The second phase was completed in May, 2006 and
included additional sidescan sonar and seismic reflection surveys to cover an additional 500 metres of
shoreline to the north of the first phase area, plus a multi-beam bathymetric survey over the entire
combined survey area (Reference 4).

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2.5.1 Single-beam and Multi-beam Bathymetric Surveys

The single-beam and multi-beam bathymetric results reveal an irregular and steeply-sloping surface
descending from the shoreline to great depth at the bottom of the channel. The slopes of the near-shore
seabed vary across the site. In certain areas there are steep vertical rock faces near the shoreline grading to
seabed slopes in the order of 1V:2H and steeper. The near-shore slopes in the northern portion of the site
tend to be steeper than in the southern portion of the site. These slopes extend to depths of 100 to 160
metres and can have localized steep to near-vertical faces. Below these depths the seabed becomes
relatively flat near depths of 190 metres. The surveys measured depths as great as 190 metres, with the
deepest part of the channel being in the order of 220 metres as confirmed on the nautical charts for
Douglas Channel. The bathymetry suggests that the proposed VLCC class vessels will be able to berth
relatively close to shore with minimal dredging requirements.

2.5.2 Sidescan Sonar Surveys

The sidescan sonar data indicate that the seabed can be characterized as steep slopes covered by a
relatively thin layer of fine-grained sediments with outcrops of exposed bedrock. The sidescan images
also reveal numerous debris flow features at the base of the steep slopes which may be related to historic
or recent debris flow events from onshore streams / gullies. The bedrock surfaces show linear features
that may be remnants of glacial erosion, or possible geological lineaments.

2.5.3 Seismic Reflection Surveys

The seismic reflection surveys were designed to provide imagery of the upper layers of seabed sediments
from the surface to the bedrock below. The results confirm that the seabed areas are characterized by
relatively thin layers of fine-grained sediment draped over the more steeply dipping seabed slopes. Most
of the near-shore areas appear to have only thin or non-existent sediments. Where overburden sediments
do exist, their thicknesses are highly variable and range in thickness from approximately 1 to 5 metres.
However, the southern portion of the site may have near-shore sediment layers as thick as 10 metres due
to the slopes being less steep. Also, in the northern portion of the site there are some near shore sediment
zones, in proximity to runoff streams and gullies, which are interpreted to have localized sediment
thicknesses up to 8 to 10 metres. These fine-grained sediment layers gradually become thicker towards
the bottom of the channel as the side slopes decrease with depth.
Since the seismic reflection signal was able to penetrate through the sediment to an acoustically hard
layer, it suggests there are only minimal amounts of organic material or biogenic gas within the sediment.
The hard layer has been interpreted as bedrock; however, it may be possible that in certain areas it is
made up of coarse sediment.

2.6 Geotechnical Studies

2.6.1 Marine Geotechnical Investigations

A marine geotechnical investigation will be conducted during the detailed design phase of the project. It
is anticipated this investigation will include the drilling of underwater boreholes and the testing of core
samples to determine the strength characteristics of the bedrock and establish appropriate foundation
design parameters for the marine structures. In addition to the marine investigation, bore holes will also
be drilled along the foreshore as part of the detailed uplands geotechnical investigation in order to
establish the foundation requirements for onshore structures, such as trestle abutments and mooring

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Of particular importance for the marine structure foundation design is the stability of the steep underwater
rock slopes, as well as the stability of the clay and rock slopes along the foreshore above the marine
structures. Oriented rock core techniques and geological mapping of the rock structure will be used to
evaluate the nature and extent of joints and faults in the rock to help assess the rock stability. The results
of this investigation will dictate the possible structure types and construction methods required to mitigate
the risk of rock slope failure.

2.6.2 Uplands Geotechnical Investigations

Although there has been no marine geotechnical investigations conducted for the berth structures to date,
some useful information can be obtained from a two-phase preliminary-level geotechnical investigation
that was completed for the uplands portion of the terminal site (Reference 5, 6). This study included
LiDAR elevation data, boreholes, and geophysical data and was meant to characterize the geological
conditions of the uplands site. The goal was to provide preliminary geotechnical assessments and
recommendations relative to the site grading and foundation design options for the terminal tank farm and
other upland facilities.
The uplands geotechnical investigation included:
• A ground-based survey carried out at the site during September and October of 2005 under the
direction of AMEC. This survey was done to establish a project control network and provide
geophysical line profile data for concurrent geophysical surveying;
• Additional ground-based surveys in July and August of 2006, including 52 hand-cut survey lines
totalling approximately 20.2 km in plan length. The line locations were selected to provide a grid of
data across the entire site, including the main tank lot, the impoundment reservoir area, the main
terminal facilities area, and the foreshore area;
• A LiDAR survey completed in September of 2005. The survey was helicopter based and was carried
out at planned flight altitudes of between 100 metres and 250 metres above ground level. The original
LiDAR data did not correlate well with the ground-based surveys therefore the LiDAR was
subsequently re-flown in 2006. The second set of LiDAR data aligned very well with the ground-
based surveys;
• Seven drill holes and nine test pits completed at the site between October and November of 2005. The
holes were drilled to between 1.5 metres and 3.0 metres into the underlying bedrock, resulting in total
borehole depths between 10.2 metres and 21.8 metres. The test pits were completed to depths ranging
between 1.0 metres and 7.5 metres depth;
• An additional 17 drill holes completed on the site between July and August 2006. Boreholes were
drilled 5.0 metres into bedrock, resulting in total borehole depths between 5.2 metres and
33.2 metres. Four of the drill holes were drilled using diamond drilling methods to investigate
bedrock conditions. Final depths for these holes ranged between 42 metres and 97.2 metres;
• Initially, 11 geophysics survey lines (totalling 11.6 km in plan length) surveyed using seismic
refraction geophysical methods to estimate the depth of overburden soils and to provide a profile of
the underlying bedrock surface along the lines; and,

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• An additional 52 lines (totalling 20.2 km plan length) surveyed between June and August 2006. The
collective set of lines were located to provide a grid overlay of the entire site, including the main tank
lot, the impoundment reservoir area, the main terminal facilities area, and the foreshore area.
The primary geotechnical considerations that will be addressed during detailed design of the uplands
portion of the Kitimat Terminal include:
• Foundation and supports for the tanks and other infrastructure;
• Rock falls and rock toppling failures on existing rock slopes and in excavated cut slopes;
• Detection and disposal of potential acid generating rock from excavations;
• Stock piling of excavated top soil and organic material;
• Maximize reuse of excavated materials as engineered fills;
• Disposal of excess overburden materials;
• Differential settlements under the oil and condensate tanks;
• Potential instability of the marine clays;
• Diversion, collection, and disposal of storm water and surface runoff water during and after
• Road design for appropriate vehicle traffic; and,
• The potential effects of seismic activity at the terminal, particularly on the oil and condensate tanks
and piping.

2.6.3 Geotechnical Data Bedrock
The site for the Kitimat Terminal is underlain by bedrock throughout the uplands area and inter-tidal zone
of the berth structures. The bedrock can be characterized as strong to very strong igneous and
metamorphic rock which consists mainly of gneiss (metamorphic rock) and quartz diorite (igneous rock)
both cross cut by felsic dykes (igneous intrusive rock). At the proposed site, the depth to bedrock ranges
from surface exposure to approximately 25 metres. A field review of bedrock outcrops indicated that the
bedrock can be locally fractured and has other structural features which may cause potential planes of
weakness. The stability and bearing capacity of the bedrock is largely determined by these discontinuities
within the rock mass and can vary greatly over relatively short distances.
Unconfined compressive tests were conducted on two rock core samples. The first sample broke at a
strength level of 134 MPa. The type of failure indicated the sample consisted of intact homogenous rock
and is classified as “very strong”. The second test broke at a much lower strength of 71 MPa indicating
the presence of a micro crack or similar plane of weakness. This second core sample is classified as
“strong” rock.

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Although the soil characteristics are not directly applicable to the design of the marine foundations, which
will be exclusively founded on rock, they are important when considering the possibility of a near shore
slope failure above the berth structures. These soils consist of relatively weak clays that can be
characterized as firm to stiff with a low to medium plasticity. These clays were originally deposited as
marine sediments and then later emerged above sea level as part of an overall terrain uplift which
occurred during the last glacial receding event. Because the soils are of a marine origin, they typically
have low shear strength, high compressibility, and low bulk permeability. In certain areas the local clays
may be potentially sensitive and can possibly exhibit abrupt loss of strength due to minor disturbances
such as construction activity or seismic events, making them highly susceptible to sliding failure. The
clay deposits are not considered suitable as a foundation material for structures that cannot tolerate
substantial settlements. Alluvial Fan

An alluvial fan exists at the shoreline near the middle of terminal site. Because the material within the
alluvial fan was likely deposited during high peak flows of the associated streams, it may contain large
volumes of debris including trees, mud, rocks and boulders of various sizes. The presence of these
materials can be problematic for the installation of structural foundations and increase the potential for
large settlements.

2.6.4 Interpretation of Geotechnical Data Marine Foundations in Bedrock

In general, the bedrock is very strong. However, the competency of the rock will vary throughout the
project site and certain areas may have localized fragmentation. Despite the possibility of periodic faults
and localized areas that are heavily jointed, the bedrock is suitable for pile, footing, and raft foundations.
Due to its high strength, the bedrock cannot be machine-excavated and preparation of foundations will
typically require drill and blast techniques.
When excavating or blasting rock, care will be taken to select a blast pattern that reduces the amount of
damage to the back walls and bottoms of the excavated surfaces. The blast pattern will limit the amount
of rock damage and rock overbreak past the cut lines. Final walls will be blasted using pre-split or
cushion blasting methods to improve the long term stability of the cuts and the wall slope will not exceed
a slope ratios recommended by the geotechnical engineer of record. As mentioned previously, to mitigate
potential rock slope instability, a detailed study of the rock structure including possible joints and faults
will be carried out in the vicinity of the marine structures.
The majority of the marine structure foundations will consist of either rock doweled steel piles grouted
into the rock or steel piles with rock socketed cast-in-place concrete plugs. Preliminary results indicate the
piles may be designed for an end bearing resistance of 6 MPa. Since the piles will likely be drilled for
some depth into the rock, a combination of shaft friction and end bearing resistance may be used. Specific
shaft and end bearing resistances will be determined from the geotechnical investigation conducted during
the detailed design stage.

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For the uplands portion of the marine terminal, the overburden soils and underlying bedrock will be
excavated as necessary to achieve the design grades at the site. All tank bases will be supported on
concrete foundations or granular tank pads, either of which will be founded on bedrock. Other major
buildings and structures will be supported on concrete pile or footing foundations which will bear directly
on the underlying bedrock. Smaller buildings will likely be supported on gravel pads. The ground surface
will be graded and sloped within the tank lots and culverts will be provided to direct surface water into
the remote containment reservoir proposed to be located on the southwest side of the site. Stability of Clay Sediments

Weak and compressible marine clay deposits exist over much of the project site. The potential weak
zones in the clay deposits are randomly distributed throughout the area and may occur at depth in some of
the deposits. Although the underwater clay sediments in the area of the marine structures are relatively
thin and should not be too problematic for the marine structure foundations, the clay deposits onshore
above the berths might represent a possible slope stability hazard. A detailed study of the foreshore and
onshore slopes for instability will determine the possible risks of landslide and the potential for required
soil excavation and removal. Alluvial Fan

Due to the uncertainty of the geotechnical conditions of the alluvial fan, it was determined at the
preliminary design phase to avoid placing foundations in this area altogether. Thus the marine structures
were located to the north, clear of the alluvial fan, effectively eliminating it as a design concern.

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3 Environmental Data
Measured climatic information in the vicinity of the marine terminal is available based on historical
records and recent studies conducted in support of the proposed project. This information includes data
for wind, waves, tides, currents, and air and water temperatures. In addition to the recorded wave data,
estimated wave data was derived using hindcasting techniques with input parameters specific to the
marine terminal site.

3.1 Wind Data

Recorded wind data in the vicinity of the site is available from several nearby wind monitoring stations.
One is a marine buoy located at Nanakwa Shoal which is approximately 14 km south west of the project
site. Another is a station located at the Eurocan Dock near the town of Kitimat, which is approximately 10
km to the north of the project site. There are also two weather stations in the Kitimat Townsite which
provide longer-term records. For the purposes of reviewing the wind climate near the project site, the
Nanakwa Shoal and Eurocan data sets were considered most relevant since they are closer and share
similar exposure conditions to the proposed marine terminal.
The Nanakwa shoal dataset was recorded over a period from January 1998 to June 2005 and contains 7
full years of wind data. The Eurocan Dock dataset was recorded over a period from October 1996 to
December 2004 providing over 8 years of wind data. These historical databases include hourly over-water
wind data consisting of mean wind velocities and wind directions.
After removing any outliers from the data, the yearly maximum wind speeds were sorted and converted to
a reference wind height of 10 metres above water level. A comparison of the maximum annual wind
speeds from the two stations indicated that the wind speeds from the Nanakwa Shoal station govern as
they are somewhat higher than the values from the Eurocan Station. Since the Nanakwa Shoal data is
more conservative and considering that it had a longer period of records than the Eurocan station, the
Nanakwa Shoal dataset was used exclusively for determining the design wind speed at the project site.
The processed wind data from the Nanakwa Shoal records is summarized in Table 3-1 in a bi-variate
histogram format. The frequency of the wind speeds and directions are also shown graphically in the wind
rose, as shown in Figure 3-1.

Table 3-1 Wind Speed versus Wind Direction

Frequency Distribution (Count)
Speed N NE E SE S SW W NW Total
0.5 - 1.8 3,258 2,113 627 720 1,899 2,602 3,488 2,639 17,346
1.8 - 3.3 2,252 2,869 204 260 2,433 3,954 3,189 1,325 16,486
3.3 - 5.4 1,318 3,983 76 142 4,151 5,334 584 271 15,859

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Frequency Distribution (Count)

Speed N NE E SE S SW W NW Total
5.4 - 8.5 917 5,132 83 45 4,103 7,185 132 48 17,645
8.5 - 11.1 700 3,796 60 5 952 2,297 10 2 7,822
11.1 - 14.2 651 2,938 53 4 169 410 2 0 4,227
14.2 - 17.2 120 1,083 2 0 4 28 1 1 1,239
>17.2 2 131 0 0 0 1 0 0 134
Total 9,218 22,045 1,105 1,176 13,711 21,811 7,406 4,286 80,758
Frequency of Calm Winds: 4,508
Average Wind Speed: 4.68 metres/s

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Figure 3-1 Nanakwa Shoal Wind Rose

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The following provides a summary of the results of the wind analysis:

• The maximum measured sustained winds, converted to a 10 metres reference height, were from the
northeast with a speed of 20.3 metres/s (73 km/hour) (39.4 knots);
• The maximum measured sustained winds, converted to a 10 metres reference height, from the
southwest were 18.4 metres/s (66 km/hour) (35.8 knots); and,
• The project site is relatively exposed to winds along the Douglas Channel and will likely be most
affected by the predominant winds from the northeast and southwest, i.e. aligned with the main axis
of the channel.
These wind data formed the basis of a computer-based mooring analysis that was carried out as part of the
preliminary design work. Additional mooring analyses will be carried out as part of the design process.

3.2 Wave Data

Both recorded wave data and estimated wave data, derived from the recorded wind data, were utilized in
the wind and wave analysis (Reference 6). Like the wind data, the wave data was obtained from the
Nanakwa Shoal Marine Buoy station. Although the recorded wave data is generally representative of the
overall wave climate in Douglas Channel, it is specific to the Nanakwa Shoal area and may not be entirely
representative of the wave conditions at the project site. The wave conditions at the project site can be
estimated from the wind data using hindcasting methods and fetch conditions specific to the project site.
Although the recorded wave data and estimated wave data represent different locals in Douglas Channel,
they can be roughly compared for validation purposes.

3.2.1 Recorded Wave Data at Nanakwa Shoal

The recorded wave data from the Nanakwa Shoal Marine Buoy dataset provides a general understanding
of the wave climate in Douglas Channel and can be used for general verification of the wave conditions at
the project site. However, a review of the raw wave data indicated several irregularities in the dataset,
causing concern about its validity. After removing apparent outliers in the wave height sequence, the
maximum overall wave height for locally generated waves was determined to be approximately 1.5
metres. For waves specifically coming from the south to southwest, the maximum wave height was
determined to be approximately 1.1 metres.
A statistical analysis was performed on the Nanakwa Shoal wave data to determine the extreme wave
heights for various return periods using the ACES Code of Extremal Analysis (Reference 6). Any waves
with a period of 5 seconds or greater were deemed erroneous and were filtered out of the analysis. The
program used Weibull distributions to determine the significant wave heights at Nanakwa Shoal for the
return periods of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 years. The results of the analysis are summarized in Table 3-2.
The significant wave height, HS, is the average of the highest one-third of all waves.

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Table 3-2 Recorded Wave Height at Nanakwa Shoal

Significant Wave Height, Hs (metres)
Return Period (Years)
From All Directions From NE From SW
2 0.76 0.73 0.60
5 1.17 1.15 0.92
10 1.41 1.39 1.10
25 1.67 1.66 1.30
50 1.85 1.84 1.43
100 2.01 2.00 1.55

3.2.2 Estimated Wave Data at Kitimat Terminal

Due to the localized nature of waves in Douglas Channel, the wave conditions at the terminal site will be
slightly different than those recorded by the marine buoy at Nanakwa Shoal. Wave conditions at the
terminal site were estimated using the ACES Code of Windpseed Adjustment and Wave Growth program
(Reference 6). The input used was the wind data from the Nanakwa Shoal dataset and fetch data specific
to the terminal site.
The ACES analysis shows that the wind blowing from an azimuth of 202 degrees from North with a
duration of 2 to 2.5 hours resulted in the maximum waves for all return periods. The predicted maximum
zero-moment wave height Hm0, and the peak wave periods for the associated return periods of 2, 5, 10, 25,
50, and 100 years are summarized in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3 Estimated Wave Height and Period at Project Site

Return Wind Wind Wind Effective Wave Wave
Period Direction Speed, U10 Duration Fetch, F Heights, Period, Tp
(Years) (deg. N) (metres/s) (hours) (km) Hm0 (metres) (s)
2 202 13.8 2.5 16.2 1.08 3.8
5 202 16.4 2.0 16.2 1.33 4.3
10 202 17.9 2.0 16.2 1.53 4.6
25 202 19.5 2.0 16.2 1.68 4.7
50 202 20.6 2.0 16.2 1.81 4.8
100 202 21.6 2.0 16.2 1.92 4.9

The zero-moment wave height Hm0, is generally equivalent to the significant wave height, HS, for deep-
water offshore waves. Therefore, comparison of the estimated zero-moment wave heights at the project
site with the significant wave heights from recorded data at Nanakwa Shoal shows the two datasets are in
good agreement.

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Waves of this nature are expected to have negligible effect on the moored vessels due to their relatively
short period and wavelength compared to the natural frequency of the design vessels. Wave loads on the
berth structures are also expected to be negligible compared to other environmental forces (e.g., wind,

3.3 Tide Data

The tides along the central coast of British Columbia are classified as mixed, mainly semi-diurnal
(i.e. two high tides and two low tides per day) with successive highs and lows of unequal heights. The
tides in the area also have a spring-neap cycle where the tidal ranges that occur during the spring tides are
approximately double the tidal ranges that occur during the neap tides. For the Kitimat area, the spring
tide range is 6.5 metres, while the neap tide range is only 3.0 metres. The tide levels given in Table 3-4
are measured from the local Hydrographic Tide and Chart Datum at Kitimat, B.C., as published in the
Canadian Tide and Current Tables, Volume 7.

Table 3-4 Tide Levels

Elevation (metres) Elevation (metres)
Tide Level
(Chart Datum) (Geodetic Datum)
Recorded Extreme High Tide 6.7 3.47
Higher High Water Level (Large Tide) 6.5 3.27
Higher High Water Level (Mean Tide) 5.3 2.07
Mean Sea Level 3.3 0.07
Lower Low Water Level (Mean Tide) 1.0 -2.23
Lowest Normal Tide (Chart Datum) 0.0 -3.23
Lower Low Water Level (Large Tide) -0.1 -3.33
Recorded Extreme Low Tide -0.2 -3.43

The historical data (Reference 7) and more recent water level studies conducted from September 2005 to
January 2006 (Reference 8) and from January 2006 to April 2006 (Reference 9) show that the recorded
tidal ranges conform to the tide levels given by the Canadian Hydrographic Services.

3.4 Current Data

3.4.1 Currents in Douglas Channel and Manoeuvring Area

Historical current data indicates that near surface current speeds in the manoeuvring area at the terminal
site, and Douglas Channel in general, can vary from 15 to 30 cm/s (0.3 to 0.6 knots) with maximum near-
surface currents being as high as 50 to 60 cm/s (1.0 to 1.2 knots). (Reference 10). The highest maximum
current speed measured directly at the surface and near the terminal site was 78 cm/s (1.5 knots).

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Typically, the current speeds diminish with water depth. The historical data indicate subsurface currents
in the inland waterways at depths below 75 to 100 metres are typically 3 to 20 cm/s (0.1 to 0.4 knots) with
maximum speeds of 10 to 60 cm/s (0.2 to 1.2 knots) (Reference 10).
A more recent study conducted between Sept. 2005 and Jan. 2006 (Reference 8) deployed an Acoustic
Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) unit in the manoeuvring area approximately 200 metres from shore at a
depth of 179 metres. The results from this study indicate average near surface current speeds of 8 cm/s
(0.15 knots) with a maximum near surface current speed of 51 cm/s (1.0 knot). The results also show a
pronounced decrease in current speeds with respect to depth. At a depth of 40 metres the average and
maximum current speeds are 3.4 cm/s (0.07 knots) and 24 cm/s (0.5 knots) respectively or approximately
half the near surface current speeds. At depths below 75 metres, current speeds are reduced even further.
Overall, the results of this recent study are consistent with the historical data.
As a further comparison with the historical data, the published tidal current velocities indicated on the
CHS Marine Chart No. 3743 for Douglas Channel are 0.5 knots for flood conditions and 1 knot for ebb
In addition to tidal currents, wind-generated surface currents may develop as energy is transferred from
the wind to the water surface layer. In the open ocean, the current speed will be about 2 percent to 3
percent of the wind speed. For the 100-year return wind with a speed of 25.6 metres/s, a wind-generated
surface current of approximately 80 cm/s (1.5 knots) is estimated.
Due to the confined nature of the inland waterways, the currents typically flow in the direction of the
channel, with cross channel flow being minimal. The currents at the proposed marine terminal flow in a
NNE to SSW direction in alignment with the channel at this location.

3.4.2 Currents at Berth Locations

To determine the currents precisely at the berth locations an ADCP unit was deployed in 30 metres deep
water, at the fender line of the proposed berths, from January to April 2006 (Reference 9). The average
and maximum near surface currents speeds recorded at the berth locations were 10 cm/s (0.2 knots) and
66 cm/s (1.3 knots) respectively. The current speeds diminish with depth, with the average and maximum
values at a depth of 29 metres being measured as 3.3 cm/s (0.06 knots) and 21.0 cm/s (0.4 knots)
respectively. These results are in general agreement with those from the manoeuvring area.
Since the footprint of the marine structures is very small compared to the overall channel size, (the width
of the channel at the berth locations is approximately 2,700 metres wide), it is anticipated the proposed
marine structures will have no influence on overall tidal levels or overall currents. Even directly at the
berths, the effects on current velocities and directions should be minimal considering:
The berths and moored ships are aligned with the channel sides and direction of current flow;
Most marine structures are “open” structures providing little obstruction to current flow;
Dredging volumes are insignificant compared to the overall channel size and volume of water; and,
Significant underkeel clearance exists even under a fully loaded VLCC due to the steep bathymetry at the
terminal location, thereby reducing any shallow water effects with respect to deep draught vessels.

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3.5 Ice Data

The waters of Douglas Channel are not subjected to freezing and remain open all year round. As such
there are no ice load effects on the terminal structures other than the potential build-up of ice and snow on
the deck and topside equipment due to freezing sea spray and snow fall.

3.6 Temperature Data

3.6.1 Atmospheric Temperature

The closest temperature monitoring station is Kitimat 2 located near Kitimat Harbour approximately
10km to the north of the project site. The average daily air temperatures recorded at this station from 1966
to 2002 are as follows (Reference 11):
• Recorded Extreme Maximum Temperature (August): 36.7 deg. C
• July Daily Maximum Temperature: 21.5 deg. C
• July Daily Average Temperature: 16.7 deg. C
• January Daily Average Temperature: -2.4 deg. C
• January Daily Minimum Temperature: -4.8 deg. C
• Recorded Extreme Minimum Temperature (December): -26.0 deg. C

3.6.2 Water Temperature

Surface temperature records near the project site are available from the Nanakwa Shoal Marine Buoy.
These temperatures are measured in the “upper layer” of the water column. The records indicate the
following annual (seasonal) water temperature variances (Reference 12):
• Extreme Monthly Maximum (July): 22.3 deg. C
• Maximum Monthly Average (August): 16.1 deg. C
• Minimum Monthly Average (January): 5.2 deg. C
• Extreme Monthly Minimum (February): -0.4 deg. C
The vertical temperature profile in the water column directly corresponds with the vertical salinity
distribution and occurs in three distinct layers in the vicinity of the project site:
• A shallow upper layer approximately 3 metres to 7 metres deep characterized by low salinity due to
freshwater discharges from the local mountain streams and rivers. It is also characterized by
pronounced seasonal changes in salinity and temperature as given above;
• A halocline or intermediate layer just below the upper layer approximately 40 to 90 metres deep
characterized by a gradual increase in salinity and density. This layer has only small seasonal
temperature changes with temperatures varying between 6 to 8 deg. C year round; and,

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• A lower layer making up the balance of the water column where year round temperatures are fairly
consistent at 7 deg. C or slightly lower. In certain years temperature minimums are observed where
the temperatures are less than 6 deg. C.
Recent water temperature surveys conducted between Sept. 2005 and Jan. 2006 (Reference 8) and
between Jan. 2006 and April 2006 (Reference 9) are consistent with the historical data. Unfortunately,
due to the lack of long-term temperature records, it is difficult to determine any longer term variations.
However, considering there is a general correspondence between water temperature and atmospheric
temperature, the historical atmospheric temperature trends in the area suggest the historical water
temperature variations are relatively small.

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4 Design, Operating and Safety Parameters

4.1 Design Vessels
The characteristics of the design tanker vessels to be accommodated at either tanker berth are given in
Table 4-1. The data shown are for the largest available VLCC, the smallest available Aframax and an
average sized Suezmax tanker. For a detailed description of ship specifications and characteristics refer to
TERMPOL Study 3.9 – Ship Specifications.

Table 4-1 Design Tanker Vessel Characteristics

Vessel Particulars Oil and Condensate Oil
Aframax VLCC
Vessel Class (Design (Design
Minimum) Maximum)
DWT, tonnes 80,000 160,000 320,000
Displacement, tonnes 96,000 185,000 365,000
LOA, metres 220.8 274.0 343.7
LBP, metres 210 265.0 328.0
Beam, metres 32.2 48.0 70.0
Moulded Depth, metres 18.6 23.1 30.5
Loaded Draft, metres 11.6 17.0 23.1
Ballast Draft, metres 6.9 8.0 10.0
Transverse Wind Area at Loaded
2 2800 3,600 3,500
Draft (m )
Longitudinal Wind Area at Loaded
2 900 1,200 1,300
Draft (m )
Transverse Wind Area at Ballasted
2 4700 6,000 7,700
Draft (m )
Longitudinal Wind Area at Ballasted
2 1200 1,600 2,000
Draft (m )
Hull Type Double Double Double
Capacity, bbl 0.5 Million 1.0 Million 2.2 Million

4.2 Underkeel Clearance Requirements

The berth layouts are based on providing a minimum underkeel clearance of 15 percent of the largest
draft. Due to the steeply-sloping foreshore at the berth locations, the actual amount of underkeel clearance
exceeds this minimum. Underkeel clearance is discussed further in TERMPOL Study 3.6, Special
Underkeel Clearance.

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4.2.1 Minimum Water Depth at Tanker Berths

The minimum water depth required at the compressed fender line of the tanker berths is as follows:
• Maximum draught of VLCC: 23.1 metres
• Under-keel Clearance: 3.5 metres (15 percent of Draught)
• Contingency: 0.5 metres
• Minimum Water Depth: 27.1 metres

4.2.2 Minimum Water Depth at Utility Berth

The minimum water depth required at the uncompressed fender line of the Utility Berth is as follows:
• Maximum draught of tug: 7.0 metres
• Under-keel Clearance: 1.0 metres (15 percent of Draught)
• Contingency: 0.5 metres
• Minimum Water Depth: 8.2 metres

4.3 Design Loads and Load Combinations

Design loads (structural, seismic, berthing and mooring etc.) and load combinations used for the berth are
discussed in TERMPOL Study 3.13, Berth Procedures and Provisions.

4.4 Maximum Operating Conditions

Tankers operating near the facility within Douglas Channel will be tug assisted. Estimates of the limiting
environmental operating values are given below:
• Maximum Wind Speed, Tug Assisted Berthing for Smaller Tankers: 20 metres/s (40 knots) sustained
• Maximum Wind Speed, Tug Assisted Berthing for Larger Tankers: 15 metres/s (30 knots) sustained
• Maximum Wind Speed, Loading / Unloading Shutdown: 25 metres/s (50 knots) sustained
• Maximum Wind Speed, Loading / Unloading Arm Disconnect: 30 metres/s (60 knots) sustained
• Maximum Wind Speed for Vessel to Vacate the Berth: 32.4 metres/s (63 knots)
• Maximum Current, Vessel Manoeuvring: 1.0 metres/s (2 knots)
• Minimum Visibility, Tug Assisted Berthing: 1.0 km
The above estimated values are considered preliminary and are subject to change pending detailed
operational and mooring analyses which will be conducted during the detailed design phase of this

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4.5 Engineering Standards and Relevant Codes

A list of the relevant codes and standards for the design of the marine terminal is given in Appendix B.
Design of the facilities will conform to the most current version of these codes and standards.

4.6 Project Datum and Grid

Horizontal datum is based on NAD83 UTM Zone 9 ground level coordinates. Vertical datum is Canadian
Geodetic Datum (GD). Geodetic datum is related to local Hydrographic Tide and Chart Datum (CD) as
• 0.0 metres (GD) = +3.23 metres (CD)

4.7 Model and Field Testing

Various 3D modeling software packages were used for the Kitimat Terminal as tools to aid in the
preliminary design of the facility. These software packages include applications for structural modeling,
pipe stress analysis, civil works, and terminal layouts.
To verify the feasibility of constructing marine structures in the deep waters at the proposed terminal site,
preliminary engineering was conducted on certain marine structure concepts, including the jacket-
structure option for the loading platforms and berthing structures, and the pile-and-cap option for the
mooring structures. The superstructures for these proposed concepts were analyzed with STAAD Pro
2005, a general purpose 3-D structural analysis and design program. Preliminary structural configurations
and member sizes were designed using the loads and load combinations as detailed in TERMPOL Study
3.13. Detailed analysis and design for the marine structures will be completed during the detailed design
Preliminary design for the marine structure foundations was also conducted with the aid of LPILE Plus
5.0, a special-purpose program for analyzing piles and drilled shafts under lateral loading. This program
was primarily used to characterize the behaviour of piles drilled into rock and to determine the equivalent
point-of-fixity for these types of foundations which could be used as input for the structural modeling.
The 3D computer modeling was also conducted for piping flexibility and stress analysis and was
performed to recognized industry codes, including ASME B31.3 and CSA Z662. Preliminary modeling
was only completed for specific areas of the terminal that were deemed ‘critical’ and which could have a
major influence on the design of the system. A detailed analysis of the entire system is proposed for the
detailed design phase.
As detailed in Section 2.6, site field testing consisted of a two-phase preliminary-level geotechnical
investigation which included LiDAR elevation data, boreholes, and geophysical data. The preliminary
foundation designs for the uplands facilities were based on the findings from these two investigations.
The computer modeling program AutoPLANT Version 8.6 along with the LiDAR data obtained from the
preliminary geotechnical investigations were used to establish rough cut elevations, conceptual equipment
spacing, and high level structural and piping layouts.

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4.8 Design Flow Rates and Product Characteristics

Design flow rates, pressures, temperatures and liquid characteristics are given in Table 4-2 and Table 4-3.

Table 4-2 Proposed Oil Design Flow Rates, Pressures, Temperatures, and
Liquid Characteristics
Oil Tank Manifold to Oil Oil Metering Skids to Marine Marine Berth to
Stream Oil Tank to Oil Tank Manifold
Metering Skids Berth Ships

Product: Heavy Oil Light Oil Heavy Oil Light Oil Heavy Oil Light Oil Heavy Oil
Product Specifications:
Flowrate, Bbl/day
Maximum Rate 1,200,000a 1,200,000a 2,400,000b 2,400,000b 2,400,000(ii) 2,400,000(ii) 600,000c
Flowrate, m3/h 7,949 7,949 15,889 15,889 15,889 15,889 3,975
Flowrate, USgpm 35,000 35,000 70,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 17,500
Velocity, ft/sec 8.35 8.35 8.47 8.47 8.47 8.47 9.65
Temperature, C 11.9 21.2 7.5 21.0 11.9 21.2 7.5 21.0 11.9 21.2 7.5 21.0 11.9 21.2
Pressure, kPag 188 188 580 720 393 393 175
Viscosity @
Temp., cSt 350 177 8.0 5.4 350 177 8.0 5.4 350 177 8.0 5.4 350 177
Abs. Viscosity, cP,
@ Temp. 328 165 6.9 4.7 328 165 6.9 4.7 328 165 6.9 4.7 328 165
Density @ 15 C 935 865 935 865 935 865 935
Density @ Temp.,
kg/cu.metres 937 933 868 863 937 933 868 863 937 933 868 863 937 933
RVP, kPa 64.3 31.7 64.3 31.7 64.3 31.7 64.3
TVP, kPa @
Temp. 20.9 36.1 13.6 21.0 20.9 36.1 13.6 21.0 20.9 36.1 13.6 21.0 20.9 36.1
Sulphur %w/w 2.7 0.15 2.7 0.15 2.7 0.15 2.7
Ni plus V, ppm 276 n.a. 276 n.a. 276 n.a. 276
Pipe Specifications:
Pressure Class PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20
Design Pressure,
kPag 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900
Temperature, C 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Line Size 30 30 42 42 42 42 16
Flow rate based on simultaneous draining of 4 oil tanks.
Flow rate based on 2 x NPS 42 oil lines for a total flow of 4,800,000 bbl/day (200,000 bbl/h).
Flow rate based on 2 berths capable of simultaneous oil loading with 4 loading arms per berth.
Pressures are preliminary and will be determined in greater detail in the detailed engineering design phase.

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Table 4-3 Proposed Condensate Design Flow Rates, Pressures,

Temperatures, and Liquid Characteristics

Condensate Condensate
Marine Berth to Condensate Metering
Ship to Marine Unloading Pumps Tank Manifold
Stream Condensate Skid to Condensate
Berth to Condensate to Condensate
Metering Skid Unloading Pumps
Tank Manifold Tanks

Product: Condensate Condensate Condensate Condensate Condensate

Product Specifications:

Flowrate, Bbl/day
Maximum Rate 420,000a 1,680,000 1,680,000 1,680,000 840,000b
Flowrate, USgpm 12,250 49,000 49,000 49,000 24,500
Temperature, C 7.5 21.0 7.5 21.0 7.5 21.0 7.5 21.0 7.5 21.0
Pressure, kPag 590 560 290 523 192
Viscosity @ Temp., cSt 0.86 0.75 0.86 0.75 0.86 0.75 0.86 0.75 0.86 0.75
Abs. Viscosity, cP, @
Temp. 0.62 0.54 0.62 0.54 0.62 0.54 0.62 0.54 0.62 0.54
Density @ 15 C 724 724 724 724 724
Density @ Temp.,
kg/cu.metres 727 722 727 722 727 722 727 722 727 722
RVP, kPa 80.6 80.6 80.6 80.6 80.6
TVP, kPa @ Temp. 34.2 56.9 34.2 56.9 34.2 56.9 34.2 56.9 34.2 56.9
Sulphur %w/w 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ni plus V, ppm n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Pipe Specifications:
Pressure Class PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20 PN20
Design Pressure, kPag 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900
Design Temperature, C 50 50 50 50 50
Line Size 16 42 36 36 24

Flow rate based on condensate unloading at one berth with 4 loading arms.
Condensate flow rate based on simultaneous filling of 2 tanks.
Pressures are preliminary and will be determined in greater detail in the detailed engineering design phase.

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4.9 Fire Protection System Operating Parameters

Fire hydrants and monitors will be located on the berth structures and throughout the site as detailed in
TRP Study 3.11, Section 3.4. The fire suppression operating parameters are summarized, as shown in
Table 4-4.

Table 4-4 Fire Suppression Operating Parameters

Item Metric Units Imperial Units
Fire Water Flow Rate 17,010 L/min. 4,400 US gpm
(including Foam Solution)
Fire Water Pump Discharge 1896 kPa 275 psig
Fire Water Pond Volume 5,500 m 1,400,000 US gal.
Total Foam Solution Volume 90 m 24,000 US gal.
Total Foam Concentrate Volume 3.8 m 1,000 US gal.

The fire water pond will be sized to provide a minimum of four hours of supply. There will be one
electric-motor-driven water pump and one back-up water pump driven by a diesel engine in case of power
Given the proximity of the firewater pond to the foreshore area, additional stand-by firewater pumps that
direct-draw seawater are proposed. One pump is proposed for each tanker berth. These additional pumps
will serve as an emergency firewater source back-up system in the event the feed from the firewater pond
is interrupted. The pumps will tie into the main firewater distribution system at each tanker berth.

4.10 Electrical Power and Lighting Requirements

Sufficient terminal lighting will be installed so operations can proceed during periods of darkness. The
electric power and data transmission lines will be installed in conduit attached or embedded in the
concrete decks of the marine structures.
Electrical power for the Kitimat Terminal will be supplied from a BC Hydro 287 kV transmission system.
A new 287 kV transmission line approximately 10 km long will be constructed to deliver power to a
25/30 MVA substation located at the Kitimat Terminal.
The main electrical substation will feed medium voltage distribution substations at appropriate locations
throughout the terminal. Each distribution substation will be connected to outdoor switchgear that will
feed various electrical services buildings to supply electrical power to:
• The condensate initiating pump station;
• The oil and condensate tank farm;
• The marine terminal off-loading pump station; and,
• Auxiliary equipment such as the firewater system, control rooms, maintenance shop and other

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Standby diesel electric generators will be installed at the Kitimat Terminal to meet essential power
demands in the event of a mainline power outage.

4.11 Terminal Identification and Obstruction Lighting

The TERMPOL Code refers to providing “Terminal identification and obstruction lighting”. Enbridge
assumes that this refers to navigation or marker lights placed on the berth to identify its location to
approaching vessels. The berth area will be well-lit with area lighting to provide a safe working
environment during operations, and will likely have a lower level of security / safety lighting when the
berth is not operational. Red navigation lights will also be used on the outermost berthing dolphins to
mark the outer limits of the berth area. The placement and details of these lights will be subject to
approval from the Coast Guard and pilots. Lighting at the terminal itself will also be subject of
community consultation regarding minimization of visual impacts.

4.12 Docking Monitoring System

Kitimat Terminal will install a docking monitoring system to assist in docking and undocking the tanker
vessels. This system is standard equipment for most marine oil terminals around the world and is
designed to provide feedback information to the pilot and ship’s crew in order to facilitate the safe
berthing of the vessel.
The docking aid system is used by the pilots and terminal operators to assist in vessel berthing over the
final 200 to 300 metres of approach. Laser sensors are used to measure the vessel’s approach speed,
distance and angle with respect to the berth structures. The laser sensors are typically mounted to the
berth structures at optimized locations to accommodate the range of design vessel sizes. The laser sensors
produce highly accurate vessel distance measurements which are sent to a monitoring control unit that
calculates vessel speed and approach angle. The vessel’s distance and speed data are typically displayed
on a large outdoor display board located on the berth structures as shown in Figure 4-1. The data can also
be transmitted and displayed to the pilots and ship personnel in real time via carry-on laptops or hand-
held monitors. The system improves the safety of the berthing operation by helping the pilot and ship’s
crew manage the vessel’s speed and approach vector and verify that the approach procedure is within the
specified terminal limits.
The system can be designed to perform three major functions including:
• Monitoring the vessel as it approaches and is manoeuvred towards the berth;
• Monitoring the vessel’s approach immediately prior to docking as it makes contact with the fender(s);
• Monitoring the drift movements and position of the vessel while it is moored at the berth.
All sensor information is sent to the marine monitoring station located in the control centre for display
and logging. The logs of each berthing operation can be saved for future reference and analysis by
terminal personnel. The system can also be integrated with Global Positioning System (GPS) docking
systems. The particulars of the dock monitoring system will be selected during the design phase of the

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Figure 4-1 Docking Monitoring System Display Board

(Source: Harbour & Marine Engineering)

4.13 Quick Release Hooks and Mooring Load Monitoring System

Quick release hooks are standard equipment for marine oil terminals. They provide a safe and efficient
means of securing a vessel alongside the berth and, in an emergency situation, can allow for the rapid
release of mooring lines even while under full tension.
As shown in Figure 4-2, a quick release hook is a steel assembly with one or more pivoting hooks which
can swivel to accommodate mooring lines coming from different angles and inclinations from the ship.
Quick release hooks can be manufactured with either single, double, triple, or quadruple hooks depending
on the terminal’s requirements.

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Figure 4-2 Typical Triple Quick Release Hook (Source: Harbour & Marine
The quick release hooks are securely anchored to the berth structures to provide strong mooring reaction
points for the ship’s mooring lines. Each hook unit typically includes an integrated capstan which is used
to haul in the mooring line before it is placed on its corresponding hook. Once a mooring line is attached
to a hook, the line is tensioned by the winch gear on the ship. Although the hooks are designed for quick
release even when the lines are under full tension, it is typical practice to release the ship’s winch brakes
and reduce the line tension gradually before removing the line from the hook. This practice avoids any
potentially dangerous recoil which may occur if the line were released under full tension.
One safety feature of the quick release hooks is their Remote Release System, which allows mooring lines
to be safely released from a control console located in the central control room, as shown in Figure 4-3.
This reduces the need for terminal personnel to be on the berth structures in close proximity to highly
tensioned mooring lines The remote release console is typically located in the control centre adjacent to
the operator’s control displays. The displays will have the capability of monitoring the load in each
mooring line via the Mooring Load Monitoring System.

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Figure 4-3 Remote Release System Console (Source: Harbour & Marine
The Mooring Load Monitoring System monitors the forces in each mooring line in real time by using load
cells installed in each hook. The system helps operators balance the mooring line pattern and helps
prevent lines from becoming overstressed and breaking. The system can be installed with visual and audio
alarms located local to the hook, as shown in Figure 4-4, and remotely at the control centre. The alarms
can alert mooring personnel when line tensions become too high or too low. All mooring load information
is sent to the marine monitoring station located in the control centre. The data can also be transmitted and
displayed to the pilots and ship personnel via carry-on laptops or hand-held monitors.

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Figure 4-4 Mooring Load Monitoring Alarms (Source: Harbour & Marine

4.14 Metocean Monitoring System

Meteorological and oceanographic sensors will be installed at Kitimat Terminal to monitor local
environmental conditions at the tanker berths. These sensors will provide real time data including wind
speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, temperature, visibility, tidal changes, wave height, wave
direction, current speed, and current direction. This information is critical since the environmental
conditions can have a significant effect on vessel handling during the berthing and un-berthing
manoeuvres and can cause vessel movements while the vessel is moored at the berth. The environmental
sensors can include:
An onshore weather station typically located on the roof of the control room building or in some other
exposed location near the tanker berths. The station will be capable of logging the full range of
atmospheric conditions including wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, humidity, temperature,
rainfall, snowfall, and visibility;
An offshore buoy sensor(s) anchored near the terminal and capable of measuring wave profile, wave
direction and current;
A non-contact wave-profile / tide laser mounted on the berth structure and capable of measuring wave
height, wave profile, and tide level and trend; and,
A Doppler current meter immersed at the berth and capable of measuring current speed and direction at
fixed depths or over the entire water column. In addition, an offshore sea-bed mounted Acoustic Doppler
Current Profiler (ADCP) sensor with wave profiling capabilities could be used.

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All environmental information from the sensors is sent to the marine monitoring station located in the
control centre for display and logging. The environmental data can also be integrated with the information
from the docking and mooring load monitoring systems.

4.15 Control and Instrumentation

4.15.1 Terminal Control and Monitoring Systems

The Kitimat Control Centre is the marine terminal’s primary control room. Its main functions include
control of the marine facilities and all cargo transfer operations. The control room will also monitor the
tank terminal operations and the transfer pumping station. The Kitimat Control Centre will monitor and
control the loading and unloading operations at the marine terminal and the associated terminal equipment
with the use of a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system. A system redundancy
back-up Control Centre that is separate from the primary site will be evaluated during detailed design.
With the system redundancy back-up plan, operators can take control of the system remotely if primary
control is lost.
The SCADA system will allow the tank terminal operations to be remotely controlled and monitored from
the existing Enbridge Control Center in Edmonton, Alberta, if the need arises. The control system will
enable the following operations to be undertaken remotely with respect to Kitimat Terminal (Reference
• Control and monitoring of pumps for condensate shipped from the Kitimat Initiating Station;
• Monitoring of flow rates in both the oil and condensate pipelines at the discharge side of terminal’s
pump stations;
• Control and monitoring of automated block valves and remote monitoring of product temperatures
and pressures at each block valve;
• Control and monitoring of tank levels, oil and condensate tank transfer pumps, pressure regulation
and custody transfer metering;
• Remote monitoring of loading and unloading operations; and
• Seismic activity monitoring, and initiation of safe-shut down sequences in the event that seismic
activity exceeds pre-set limits.
The SCADA system will be supported by PROCYS, a graphical user interface (GUI) software system
developed by Enbridge. PROCYS provides the means to remotely monitor and control critical aspects of
the operations. Data transmitted by the SCADA system includes pressures, set-points, pump and valve
status, and tank levels. This information is displayed and monitored by PROCYS for alarms and other
unusual conditions. Based on the information displayed, the controller can control terminal operations by
adjusting pressure set-points, opening valves, initiating pump unit starts or shutdowns, or a complete line
shutdown. In addition, PROCYS also provides several analytical tools, including a selection of pre-
configured or customized graphical trends and reports. These tools are used in the analysis of normal /
irregular operations.

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4.15.2 Leak Detection System

Kitimat Terminal will use a real time transient model (RTTM) material balance system (MBS) computer
program for leak detection (Reference 17). The MBS will be designed to meet the current code
requirements of OPR and CSA Z662. The MBS applications will reside on a dedicated high capacity
UNIX server that is separate from the SCADA servers. The MBS graphics and other MBS displays will
be displayed on a separate computer monitor at the control centre consoles. MBS alarms will be passed to
the SCADA system and will appear on the SCADA monitors. Full MBS models will also be running at
the back-up site with all MBS workstations fitted for remote access by support personnel. Alarm
thresholds will be optimized during the tuning period of the new system and be set as low as possible
without creating nuisance alarms, which would erode system credibility.

4.15.3 Marine Monitoring Systems

The marine monitoring systems include the docking monitoring system, mooring load monitoring system
and metocean monitoring system. Data from the docking lasers, load cells, and environmental sensors are
transmitted to the control center via digital cable or wireless communications. For multiple berth
configurations, the sensor data signals may be consolidated at the head of each berth first and then
transmitted to the control center over fibre-optic cable or wireless radio.
At the control center all data is received by the marine monitoring station, which is a separate PC
computer server dedicated to marine data processing and data logging. The marine monitoring computer
is networked to the operator’s console work station and integrates the various marine data into a single
user interface. If any of the data from the marine monitoring systems exceeds the user-defined limits,
alarms will be activated to alert the mooring operator. The data can also be networked to other locations
over LAN or wireless communications including remote lap-tops and hand-held monitors.

4.16 Waste Management Plan

4.16.1 Waste Water

The primary water treatment facility for Kitimat Terminal is the remote containment reservoir (Reference
17). The remote containment reservoir uses segregated holding ponds for the primary separation of
hydrocarbons from the water (see Section 4.17.3). The separated water is collected in the reservoir’s wet
well area and is then pumped from the wet well to a coalescing separator that will remove any remaining
hydrocarbons. The clean water will then flow into the fire protection reservoir. Water quality testing will
be conducted on the treated water downstream from the coalescing separator to confirm that the
equipment is working satisfactorily.
Excess water from the fire protection reservoir will be monitored to confirm that any water discharged
off-site from that reservoir meets regulatory requirements. The excess water will be piped to the marine
foreshore area and will be discharged into the waters of Kitimat Arm through a submerged discharge pipe
that is located outside the boomed zone of the tanker berthing facilities. Piping design will be in
accordance with ASME B31.3.

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Floating hydrocarbon-on-water detectors will be used to detect any hydrocarbon sheens that develop on
the surface of the remote containment reservoir or on the firewater reservoir. If hydrocarbons are
detected, they will be removed and disposed of in a controlled manner.
The sewer will include a holding tank and a biokinetic system.

4.16.2 Solid Waste

Solid waste will be collected and compacted and then trucked off site as required.

4.17 Pollution Prevention Systems and Equipment

As described in the following sections, various pollution prevention systems and equipment will be used
at Kitimat Terminal to prevent system leaks and allow for the containment, isolation, and recovery of any
hydrocarbons that may be released (Reference 17, 18). These systems are described in greater detail in
TERMPOL Study 3.18.

4.17.1 Containment Boom

Each tanker berth will be equipped with a containment boom designed to maintain containment of any
potential oil spills that may occur during oil loading operations. The boom will be anchored to the loading
platform and will be deployed after a tanker has moored and before loading operations begin. Each half of
the boom will be floated out from under the berth platform and towed by utility boats around either end of
the vessel. The ends will be connected together encircling the ship and berth completely.
For safety reasons, it is not recommended that the boom be deployed during the discharging (unloading)
of condensate. This product is more volatile and poses certain explosion risks if released into the water
and contained around the ship within the confines of a boom.

4.17.2 Uplands Tank Overflow Systems

The main tank lot and the recovered oil tank at the marine terminal will have containment berms around
them. The berm wall design will be determined in detailed engineering and will likely be constructed of
either engineered fill or vertical concrete wall system. The area will be designed to collect liquids and
direct them through a pipe system to the remote impoundment reservoir. The main tank lot will be gravity
fed to the impoundment reservoir. The recovered oil tank at the marine terminal will have a sump system
to deliver any liquids to the impoundment reservoir. The main tank lot berm system will be designed to
allow overflow between tank lots prior to overflow of the perimeter walls.
The tanks will be equipped with safeguards to prevent tank overflow. Each tank will have a level
transmitter that will alarm when the normal fill level of the tank is exceeded. If the tank level continues to
rise, a level switch will be activated that causes the tank’s fill manifold valves to close (2 valves per tank).
The valve manifold will incorporate check valves to limit the ability for material to drain from one tank to
another. All remaining piping capable of transferring oil and condensate between tanks will be equipped
with isolation valves connected to an uninterruptible power supply generator.

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4.17.3 Remote Containment Reservoir

The remote containment reservoir is proposed to be located at the southwest end of the tank farm at a
lower elevation than the tank farm as shown in Drawing No. 001. The reservoir will be sized for a
minimum of 110 percent of the volume of the largest tank plus all the water collected within the area of
the tank farm during a peak rainfall event and the water volume from a fire fighting event. The perimeter
berms for the remote containment reservoir will be built of engineered fill and the reservoir will be double
lined with an impervious membrane liner with a leak detection system.
The remote containment reservoir consists of two separate areas, a primary pond area and a secondary
pond area also called a wet well (Reference 17). The remote containment reservoir will contain a berm
used to isolate the wet well from the primary pond area. Under normal operating conditions, all water
collected within the Kitimat Terminal site, including liquids collected at the berths, will be drained or
pumped to the primary pond area. The water will flow through an underdrain into the region
encompassing the wet well. Any hydrocarbon floating on top of the water will be trapped in the primary
pond area, while the underdrain will continue to allow the water to flow into the region containing the wet
well. The water will be pumped from the wet well to a coalescing separator that will remove any
remaining hydrocarbons.

4.17.4 Tanker Berth Deck Containment

The tanker berths will have concrete deck slabs and curbs designed to contain rainwater and any loss of
material from the loading arms. The decks will be completely curbed and will be sloped to allow for
drainage to contact water pits. Material collected in the contact water pits will be pumped to the
containment reservoir at the recovered oil tank and then subsequently, pumped to the remote
impoundment containment reservoir.

4.17.5 Ship’s Deck Containment

Rainwater collected on the catchment area of the ship’s deck cannot be drained directly to the sea through
an open scupper. MARPOL regulations require a deck containment system that allows rain water to be
either collected on board or, if the amount is excessive, decanted overboard by means of a siphon that
leaves any oil residue or oil sheen on board.
Typically, tanker vessels have a void space between the cargo slop tanks and the engine room that can be
used to collect rain water. Vessels are also typically fitted with specially designed siphon valves in the aft
portion of the ship’s tank deck on both the port and starboard corners. The tank deck sheer strake coaming
at the aft end is designed high enough to allow a large pool of water to form, the depth of which ensures
that any oil residue on the surface is not picked up by the siphon valve. Siphon valves can siphon clean
rain water either to the vessel’s void space and/or overboard as required and allowed by local regulations.
Other equipment that is required to be available in case of an oil release on deck includes oil absorbent
material that can be used to minimize any deck residues or sheen, and portable compressed air driven
pumps that allow for an additional means to pump or siphon rainwater manually, if the quantity of rain is
too much for the ‘fixed system’ to cope with.

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4.17.6 Recovered Oil Drain Tank

The recovered oil drain tank will have a level transmitter that will alarm when the normal fill level of the
tank is exceeded. If the tank level continues to rise, a level switch will be activated. Activation of the level
switch will cause all pumps that discharge into the tank to shutdown and all motor operated valves
associated with filling the tank to close.
Secondary containment for the recovered oil drain tank will be provided by direct impoundment around
the tank with a berm capable of containing 110 percent of the volume of the tank and any local rainwater
within the containment area. Tank Floating Roofs
Product tanks will be equipped with floating roofs, which have decreased hydrocarbon vapour space
above the liquid level as compared to fixed roof tanks. Consequently, floating roof tanks assist in the
reduction of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions into the atmosphere. Other pollution prevention
measures include a surge relief system that drains into the recovered oil tank to prevent against significant
back pressures and potential loss of product containment.

4.17.7 Corrosion Protection

The control of corrosion will be an important element of all steel structures. Steel structures that are not
directly exposed to seawater will be protected from corrosion by paint. Steel structures exposed to
seawater will receive additional corrosion protection from epoxy coatings and cathodic protection.
External bottoms of field-erected tanks will be uncoated, but will be protected against soil-side corrosion
by applying current from mixed metal oxide ribbon anodes installed within the tank base foundation.
Internal cathodic protection of the tanks is not required as the tanks will contain pipeline grade
hydrocarbon liquids. Tanks will have an internal protective coating applied to the floor and the lower 1.2
metres of the walls. The full height of the exterior walls, the floating roof vapour space, and the upper 0.6
metres of the internal walls will also be painted.

4.18 Operational Safety Procedures and Facilities

4.18.1 Terminal Operational Safety Procedures

Northern Gateway’s operational policies, practices, and activities will give the highest priority to safety
and stewardship of the natural environment. Preventative maintenance will be performed along with
regularly scheduled safety and security inspections. The Operation and Maintenance Manuals will contain
policies and procedures to address:
• Terminal berthing;
• Terminal loading and unloading;
• Dock maintenance;
• Tanker acceptance;
• Product safety specifications;
• Logging roads radio access control; and,
• Fire protection.

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Vessels will be required to follow procedures as recommended in the latest version of the International
Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT), and in accordance with Oil Companies
International Marine Forum (OCIMF) and Tripod Catenary Moored Systems (TCMS) guidelines and

4.18.2 Port Information Booklet and Terminal Regulations

Of vital safety importance to the visiting vessel, especially on its first occasion, is the receipt by the tanker
and its owner of copies of the Port Information Booklet (see TERMPOL Study 3.16), and the Terminal
Regulations (see TERMPOL Study 3.17). The Port Information Booklet will contain information about
general marine subjects including pilots, tugs, weather, references to Canadian regulations, etc. The
Terminal Regulations will include mandatory procedures and regulations for the tanker to follow while it
is moored at Kitimat Terminal.

4.18.3 Cargo Transfer Safety Procedures

A synopsis of the safety procedures conducted during the cargo transfer operations is presented below;
refer to TERMPOL Study 3.11 for a detailed description of the general cargo transfer procedures. Inert Gas Generation

For all vessels arriving at Kitimat Terminal, it is critical that the vessel’s inert gas generation system is in
good operating condition. The inert gas system limits the amount of oxygen in the cargo tanks of the
vessel and prevents the formation of an explosive atmosphere. Prior to arriving at the terminal the vessel’s
crew will monitor the cargo tanks and will operate the inert gas system as required to ensure the inert gas
pressure and oxygen content comply with standard safe values. Verifying the vessel’s inert gas system is
in good operational condition will form part of the vessel’s pre-transfer safety inspection. Unloaded
vessels arriving at the terminal will be inspected to confirm that the empty tanks contain inert gas at the
prescribed concentration. Mooring Procedures

All laden vessels, and under certain conditions ballasted vessels, will be escorted by escort tug(s). As a
vessel approaches the terminal, harbour tugs will also be deployed to assist the vessel into the berth. To
help in the berthing operation, the terminal will also be equipped with a docking aid system including an
on-deck display to monitor the speed, distance and approach angle of the vessels as detailed in Section
4.12. Once a tanker has completed arrival manoeuvres and has been assisted onto the breasting structures
by the tugs, it will be ready to secure its mooring lines by trained terminal personnel. The containment
boom then is deployed in preparation for oil transfer operations. Pre-transfer Safety Conference and Vessel Inspection

The terminal will typically conduct a pre-transfer safety conference between terminal personnel and the
ship’s representatives in charge of the cargo and ballast operations. After the safety conference, both
terminal personnel and ship’s crew will conduct a vessel safety inspection. The inspection includes
completing a safety and oil pollution checklist, in accordance with OCIMF and TCMS guidelines and
regulations. The terminal personnel will also inspect the cargo tanks and establish communication links
between the tanker and terminal. Any inspection failures will require rectification prior to the
commencement of loading.

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An important safety procedure is the pre-cargo transfer circulation test which confirms the absence of
leaks in the system. The test involves initiating the cargo transfer operation at a low transfer rate and then
gradually ramping-up the transfer flow. During the cargo transfer operation, vessels will follow
procedures as recommended by ISGOTT and all other applicable rules and regulations, including required
procedures for preparing the ship’s manifold and loading arm connections. Safety Control System

The berths will be equipped with a safety control system that will allow terminal personnel to
continuously monitor cargo transfer operations from the central control building. The safety control
system will also allow the terminal personnel to continuously monitor tanker movements at the berth,
weather information, mooring line forces, and other important safety parameters, refer to Section 4.15. Communications
Ship-to-shore communications will be maintained throughout the entire cargo transfer operation with
intrinsically-safe explosion-proof handheld radios.

4.18.4 Security
The terminal will prepare a security plan to protect the facility and comply with International and
Canadian laws and regulations. The entire terminal facility will be fenced with electronic access gates and
there will be an extensive security camera system installed. (Ref. 20)

4.18.5 Safety Facilities Summary

The basic safety facilities located at Kitimat Terminal include the following:
• Redundant means of access to the shore from the tanker berths including safety ladders from the
decks of the various marine structures to the water level. Marine berths will meet WCB safety
• Fire protection systems as described in Section 4.9;
• Standby diesel electric generators as described in Section 4.10;
• Docking monitoring system as described in Section 4.12;
• Quick release hooks with remote release systems and mooring load monitoring systems as described
in Section 4.13;
• Meteorological monitoring station as described in Section 4.14;
• Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system including a real time transient model
(RTTM) material balance system (MBS) computer program for leak detection as described in Section
• Overflow systems on the uplands condensate and oil tanks as described in Section 4.17.2;

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• Remote containment reservoir as described in section 4.17.3;

• Overflow systems on the recovered oil drain tank as described in Section 4.17.5; and,
• Emergency Release Couplings / Powered Emergency Release Couplings (ERC / PERC) which will be
used on the marine loading arms as described in TERMPOL Study 3.11, Section 2.2.2. During
emergencies, the ERC / PERC system includes fast-acting, hydraulically actuated ball valves which
stop material flow before the arms are automatically de-coupled from the ship’s manifold.

4.19 Intended Berthing Strategy

The berthing strategy in terms of the tanker’s approach and departure from the terminal berth is critical,
since this will determine the requirements for tug assistance, mooring assistance, and the maximum
allowable berthing velocity. A brief synopsis of the intended berthing strategy is given below. For a more
detailed description of the berthing strategy refer to TERMPOL Study 3.13.
Tug assistance will be required for berthing and un-berthing the tankers at Kitimat terminal. For a loaded
tanker of the design size range, it is typical practice to use three or four tugs for berthing and two or three
tugs for un-berthing the ship. Harbour tugs will meet an incoming vessel approximately 5 km from the
marine terminal. The tugs will take their positions according to the pilot’s direction and prepare to assist
in the mooring operation by making lines fast and manoeuvring as required by the pilot.
The terminal’s docking aid system will be activated prior to the tanker arriving at the berth. It will
indicate to the pilot the vessel’s approach speed and distance away from the berth. Using this system, the
pilot will direct the harbour tugs to manoeuvre the tanker alongside the dock and push the vessel against
the berth’s fender units. The vessel’s approach speed and approach angle will be kept as low as practical
to prevent damage to the dock structures.
When the vessel is a few meters away from the fenders, the vessels crew will pass mooring lines to
terminal personnel for connection to the mooring hooks on the berth structures. Depending on terminal
operating procedures, this can be done with the use of small utility boats to transfer the mooring lines
from the vessel to the mooring hooks. The number and placement of the mooring lines will be determined
for each size vessel during the detailed design phase of the project.
When all the mooring lines are connected and the vessel is held against the dock the mooring operations
will be complete. The tugs and pilot will leave the vessel. The entire mooring operation should take
approximately 2 hours. Tugs will remain on standby at the Utility Berth when a ship is alongside.

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Section 5: References

5 References
The following documents are referenced by number as such (Reference #).
1. Gateway Environment Management Team, 2005. Marine Fish and Fish Habitat Technical Data
Report. Prepared for Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Burnaby, B.C.
2. Moffatt & Nichol, 2008. Marine Terminal - Conceptual Alternatives Evaluation. Draft report
prepared for Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project, October 20, 2008.
3. Golder Associates, 2006. Gateway Project, Marine Reconnaissance Survey Near Kitimat, B.C.
4. Golder Associates, 2006. Phase 2 Bathymetric Survey and Subbottom Profiling Gateway Project,
Marine Oil Terminal Study Kitimat, B.C.
5. AMEC, 2005. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation - Proposed Kitimat Gateway Terminal
Near Kitimat, B.C., Phase I AMEC Report. Report prepared for Gateway Pipeline LP, Edmonton,
Alberta, January 24, 2005.
6. AMEC, 2006. Geotechnical Report – Phase II Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation –
Proposed Kitimat Terminal, Kitimat, British Columbia. Report prepared for Gateway Pipeline
LP, Edmonton, Alberta.
7. Moffatt & Nichol, 2006. Wind and Wave Analyses. Final report prepared for Enbridge Gateway
Pipelines. Inc., December 1, 2006.
8. Gateway Environmental Management Team (GEM), 2006. Marine Physical Environment TR-
ASL-004: “Water Levels and Waves.
9. Gateway Environmental Management Team (GEM), 2006. Marine Physical Environment Report
TR-ASL-007: GEM Oceanography Program, Sept. 2005 to Jan. 2006.
10. Gateway Environmental Management Team (GEM), 2006. Marine Physical Environmental
Report TR-ASL-008: GEM Oceanography Program, January to April 2006.
11. Gateway Environmental Management Team (GEM), 2006. Marine Physical Environment Report
TR-ASL-002: Ocean Currents.
12. Gateway Environmental Management Team (GEM), 2006. Marine Physical Environment Report
TR-ASL-001: Meteorology Review from Historical Data.
13. Gateway Environmental Management Team (GEM), 2006. Marine Physical Environment TR-
ASL-003: Freshwater Discharges and Temperature-Salinity Distributions.
14. Moffatt & Nichol, 2006. Static Mooring and Berthing Analysis. Final report prepared for
Enbridge Gateway Pipelines. Inc., December 1, 2006.
15. Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses (PIANC): Guidelines for the
Design of Fender Systems.

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Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
Section 5: References

16. Moffatt & Nichol, 2010. Vessel Wake Study. Final report prepared for Enbridge Gateway
Pipelines. Inc., December 1, 2006.
17. Northern Gateway Pipelines Ltd. Volume III: NEB Application. Draft “O”, Dec. 2008.
18. Colt Engineering. Design Basis Summary RPT-005 06C5951. Nov. 2006.
19. OCIMF. Mooring Equipment Guidelines. Second Edition 1997.
20. 3Si Risk Strategies Incorporated. Enbridge – Northern Gateway Kitimat Terminal, Marine
Facility Security Overview. Nov 2009. (Included in TERMPOL Submission Volume 2).

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Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
Appendix A: Marine Terminal Drawings

Appendix A Marine Terminal Drawings

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Appendix A: Marine Terminal Drawings

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Appendix A: Marine Terminal Drawings

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Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
Appendix B: Engineering Standards

Appendix B Engineering Standards

Design of the facilities will conform to the most current version of the following codes and standards:

B.1 Marine Facilities Planning and Design

• American Petroleum Institute (API), RP2A, Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing, and
Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms;
• British Standards Institution (BSI): British Standard Code of Practice for Marine Structures – Part 1-
6. BS 6349;
• California State Lands Commission Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards
• Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF): Design and Construction Specification for
Marine Loading Arms;
• OCIMF / ICS / IAPH: International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals;
• OCIMF: Mooring Equipment Guidelines;
• OCIMF: Prediction of Wind and Current Loads on VLCC’s;
• Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses (PIANC): Criteria for Movements of
Moored Ships in Harbors;
• PIANC: Guidelines for the Design of Fender Systems;
• PIANC: Seismic Design Guidelines for Port Structures;
• Transport Canada - TERMPOL Review Process; and,
• US Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Manual.

B.2 Navigation
• International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) Aids to Navigation Guide (Navguide) 4th
Edition; and,
• PIANC: Approach Channels, A Guide for Design.

B.3 Structural Design

• Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC) – Handbook of Steel Construction;
• Cement Association of Canada – Concrete Design Handbook;
• CSA A23.1: Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction;

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Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
Appendix B: Engineering Standards

• CSA A23.2: Methods of Test and Standard Practices of Concrete;

• CSA A23.3: Design of Concrete Structures;
• CSA A23.4: Precast Concrete – Materials and Construction;
• CSA S6: Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC);
• CSA S16: Limit States Design of Steel Structures;
• CSA W47.1: Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures;
• CSA W59: Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding); and,
• National Building Code of Canada (NBCC).

B.4 Topsides Mechanical Design

B.4.1 Mechanical System Design

B.4.1.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• ANSI / API 610: Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries
• ASTM A36: American Society for Testing and Materials – Carbon Structural Steel;
• ASTM A307: American Society for Testing and Materials - Standard Specification for Carbon Steel
Bolts and Studs;
• ASTM A234: American Society for Testing and Materials - Standard Specification for Pipe Fittings
of Wrong Carbon Steel and Alloy for Moderate and High Termperature Service;
• ASME B31.3: American Society of Mechanical Engineers – Process Piping;
• ASME B16.5: American Society of Mechanical Engineers – Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings;
• ANSI B36.10: American Society of Mechanical Engineers – Carbon, Alloy and Stainless Steel
• CSA-G40.20 / G40.21 General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel /
Structural Quality Steel;
• CSA-Z245.11 Steel Fittings;
• CSA-Z245.12 Steel Flanges;
• CSA-Z245.15 Steel Valves; and,
• CSA-Z662-03 Oil and Gas Piping Systems.

B.4.1.2 Enbridge Standards

• D02-103: Design Basis, Station and Terminal;
• D02-104: Hazardous Area Classification;

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Appendix B: Engineering Standards

• D03-101: Pipeline Corrosion Assessment;

• D03-104: Weld Inspection;
• D04-102: Painting, Coating and Lining;
• D05-102: Site Preparation, Earthwork, Grading, Roads and Pavement;
• D05-301: Foundation, Station and Terminal;
• D05-401: Platform, Stairs and Ladders;
• D06-101: Piping Design and Construction, Mainline;
• D06-102: Piping Design, Station and Terminal;
• D06-104: Pipe and Fittings, Steel;
• D06-105: Valve, Steel;
• D06-105TB: Valve, Application Table;
• D06-106: Piping Design and Construction, Auxiliary;
• D07-101: Pump, Mainline;
• D07-201: HVAC, Building, Station and Terminal;
• D07-202: Heat Tracing;
• D07-301: Sump System Design;
• D11-202: Lighting, Outdoor;
• D11-301: Valve, Actuation and Control;
• D12-104: Pressure Relief; and,
• D12-208: Pressure Control System.

B.4.2 Fire Protection System Design

B.4.2.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• NRCC 38727: National Fire Code of Canada (NFC);
• OCIMF: Oil Companies International Forum – Guide on Marine Terminal Fire Protection and
Emergency Evaluation;
• CCPS: Center for Chemical Process Safety – Guidelines for Fire Protection in Chemical,
Petrochemical and Hydrocarbon Processing Facilities;
• NFPA 11: National Fire Protection Association – Standard for Low-, Medium-, and High-Expansion
• NFPA 30: National Fire Protection Association – Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code;

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Appendix B: Engineering Standards

• NFPA 307: National Fire Protection Association –Standard for the Construction and Fire Protection
of Marine Terminals, Piers, and Wharves; and,
• NFPA 1405: National Fire Protection Association – Guide for Land-Based Fire Fighters Who
Respond to Marine Vessel Fires.

B.4.2.2 Enbridge Standards

• D02-103: Design Basis, Station and Terminal;
• D02-104: Hazardous Area Classification;
• D02-105: Fire Protection, Extinguishment; and,
• D12-203: Fire Detection.

B.5 Electrical Design

B.5.1 Power System Design

B.5.1.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• CSA C22.1: Canadian Electrical Code, Part I;
• ANSI / IEEE C37: Collection of C37 Standards;
• ANSI / IEEE C57: Collection of C57 Standards;
• ANSI / IEEE 141: Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants
(IEEE Red Book);
• ANSI / IEEE 142: Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems;
• ANSI / IEEE 242: Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems;
• ANSI / IEEE 399: Recommended Practice for Power System Analysis (IEEE Brown Book);
• ANSI / IEEE 446: Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and Commercial
Applications; and,
• ANSI / IEEE 493: Recommended Practice for Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power
Systems (IEEE Gold Book).

B.5.1.2 Enbridge Standards

• D02-101: Design Basis, Electrical;
• D10-102: Substation Design;
• D10-103: Switchgear and Motor Control Center;
• D10-104: Auxiliary Power Supplies;

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Appendix B: Engineering Standards

• D10-105: Power System Protective Relaying;

• D10-201: Wiring Methods;
• D10-202: Grounding Methods;
• D11-102: Variable Frequency Drive; and,
• D10-101: Power System Design.

B.5.2 Substations

B.5.2.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• BC Hydro: Guide and requirements for service at 69000 to 287000 Volts;
• Alberta Reg 378: Electrical and Communications Utility Systems Regulation;
• CSA C22.1: Canadian Electrical Code, Part I;
• ANSI C37.06: Switchgear — AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current
Basis — Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilities;
• ANSI C84.1: Electric Power Systems and Equipment — Voltage Ratings (60 Hz);
• ANSI / IEEE 80: Safety in AC Substation Grounding;
• ANSI / IEEE 141: Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants
(IEEE Red Book);
• ANSI / IEEE 142: Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems;
• ANSI / IEEE 242: Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems;
• ANSI / IEEE 399: Recommended Practice for Power System Analysis (IEEE Brown Book);
• ANSI / IEEE 446: Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and Commercial
• ANSI / IEEE 493: Recommended Practice for Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power
Systems (IEEE Gold Book);
• ANSI / IEEE 605: Guide for Design of Substation Rigid-Bus Structures;
• ANSI / IEEE C37.010: Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis;
• ANSI / IEEE C57.13: Requirements for Instrument Transformers;
• ANSI / IEEE 100: Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms; and,
• CSA CAN3-C13: Instrument Transformers.

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Appendix B: Engineering Standards

B.5.2.2 Enbridge Standards

• D02-101: Design Basis, Electrical;
• D05-102: Site Preparation, Earthwork, Grading, Roads, and Pavement;
• D05-202: Foundation, Station and Terminal;
• D10-101: Power System Design;
• D10-103: Switchgear and Motor Control Center;
• D10-104: Auxiliary Power Supplies;
• D10-105: Power System Protective Relaying;
• D10-106: Substation Grounding;
• D10-201: Wiring Methods;
• D10-202: Grounding Methods;
• D11-103: Motor Protection; and,
• D10-102: Substation Design.

B.5.3 Substation Grounding

B.5.3.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• ANSI / IEEE 80: Safety in AC Substation Grounding;
• ANSI / IEEE 837: Qualifying Permanent Connections Used in Substation Grounding; and,
• IEEE 81: Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of
a Ground System.

B.5.3.2 Enbridge Standards

• D02-101: Design Basis, Electrical;
• D04-101: Cathodic Protection;
• D10-101: Power System Design;
• D10-102: Substation Design;
• D10-105: Power System Protective Relaying;
• D10-202: Grounding Methods; and,
• D10-106: Substation Grounding.

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Appendix B: Engineering Standards

B.5.4 Switchgear and MCCs

B.5.4.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• CSA C22.1: Canadian Electrical Code, Part I;
• ANSI C37.12: Specification Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical
Current Basis;
• ANSI C37.16: Preferred Ratings, Related Requirements and Application Recommendations for
Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers and AC Power Circuit Protectors;
• ANSI / IEEE 141: Recommended Practice for Electrical Power Distribution for Industrial Plants
(IEEE Red Book);
• ANSI / IEEE C37.010: Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis;
• ANSI / IEEE C37.04: Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis;
• ANSI / IEEE C37.20.1: Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear;
• ANSI / IEEE C37.20.2: Metal-Clad and Station-Type Cubicle Switchgear;
• ANSI / IEEE C37.100: Definitions for Power Switchgear;
• CSA-C22.2 No. 31: Switchgear Assemblies;
• CSA C22.2 No. 14: Industrial Control Equipment;
• CSA C22.2 No. 190: Capacitors for Power Factor Correction;
• CSA CAN3-C13: Instrument Transformers; and,
• NEMA SG5: Power Switchgear Assemblies.

B.5.4.2 Enbridge Standards

• D10-101: Power System Design;
• D10-102: Substation Design;
• D10-104: Auxiliary Power Supplies;
• D10-105: Power System Protective Relaying;
• D10-201: Wiring Methods;
• D10-202: Grounding Methods;
• D11-102: Variable Frequency Drive; and,
• D10-103: Switchgear and Motor Control Center.

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Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
Appendix B: Engineering Standards

B.5.5 Mainline Motors

B.5.5.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• CSA C22.1: Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, Section 28;
• CSA C22.2 No.100: Motors and Generators;
• CSA C22.2 No.145: Motors and Generators for Use in Hazardous Locations;
• API Std 541: Form-Wound Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors  250 Horsepower and Larger;
• ANSI / ASME B31.4: Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas,
Anhydrous Ammonia, and Alcohol;
• ANSI / IEEE 112: Test Procedures for Polyphase Induction Machines;
• ANSI / IEEE 522 : Guide for Testing Turn-to-Turn Insulation on Form-Wound Stator Coils for
Alternating-Current Rotating Electric Machines;
• ANSI / IEEE C37.96: Guide for AC Motor Protection;
• IEEE 85: Standard Test Procedure for Airborne Sound Measurements on Rotating Electric
• NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code;
• CSA C390: Energy Efficient Test Methods for Three-Phase Induction Motors; and,
• NEMA MG 1: Motors and Generators.

B.5.5.2 Enbridge Standards

• D02-102: Design Basis, Main Line;
• D02-103: Design Basis, Station and Terminal;
• D02-104: Hazardous Area Classification;
• D02-106: Noise and Acoustic Dampening;
• D04-102: Painting, Coating, and Lining;
• D05-202: Foundation, Station and Terminal;
• D05-301: Building, Station and Terminal;
• D10-202: Grounding Methods;
• D07-101: Pump, Main Line;
• D11-102: Variable Frequency Drive;
• D12-101: Control, Pump Station;
• D12-204: Vibration Monitoring; and,

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Appendix B: Engineering Standards

• D11-101: Motor, Main Line Pump.

B.5.6 Booster Pump Motors

B.5.6.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• CSA C22.1: Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, Section 28;
• CSA C22.2 No.100: Motors and Generators;
• CSA C22.2 No.145: Motors and Generators for Use in Hazardous Locations;
• ANSI / IEEE 112: Test Procedures for Polyphase Induction Machines;
• ANSI / IEEE 841: Petroleum and Chemical Industry-Severe Duty Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled
(TEFC) Squirrel Cage Induction Motors Up to and Including 500 Hp;
• NEMA MG 1: Motors and Generators; and,
• API Std 541: Form-Wound Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors  250 Horsepower and Larger.

B.5.6.2 Enbridge Standards

• D02-102: Design Basis, Main Line;
• D02-103: Design Basis, Station and Terminal; and,
• D02-104: Hazardous Area Classification.

B.5.7 VFD Mainline

B.5.7.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• CSA C22.1: Canadian Electrical Code, Part I;
• CSA C22.2 No. 14: Industrial Control Equipment;
• CAN / CSA-C88: Power Transformers and Reactors;
• CSA CAN3-C155: Shunt Capacitors for AC Power Systems;
• Electrical Protection Act of each Province or Territory;
• Local Power Utility Regulations;
• ANSI / IEEE 18: Shunt Power Capacitors;
• ANSI / IEEE 100: Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms;
• ANSI / IEEE 519: Guide for Harmonic Control and Reactive Compensation of Static Power
• ANSI / IEEE C37.99: Guide for Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks;

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Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
Appendix B: Engineering Standards

• ANSI / IEEE C57.12.00: General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power and
Regulating Transformers;
• ANSI / IEEE C57.13: Requirements for Instrument Transformers;
• ANSI / IEEE C57.110: Recommended Practice for Establishing Transformer Capability When
Supplying Nonsinusoidal Load Currents;
• EEMAC 1E-1: Suggested Standard for Future Design-Preferred Locations of Conduit Knockouts
and Openings for Conduit in Enclosed Switches, Enclosed Circuit Breakers, Service Entrance
Equipment and Industrial Control Equipment;
• NEMA CP-1: Standards Publication for Shunt Capacitors; and,
• NEMA ICS ICS7.1: Safety Standards for Construction and Guide for Selection, Installation and
Operation of Adjustable- Speed Drive Systems.

B.5.7.2 Enbridge Standards

• D02-101: Design Basis, Electrical;
• D02-106: Noise and Acoustic Dampening;
• D10-101: Power System Design;
• D10-102: Substation Design;
• D10-103: Switchgear and Motor Control Center;
• D10-105: Power System Protective Relaying;
• D10-106: Substation Grounding;
• D11-101: Motor, Main Line Pump;
• D11-103: Motor Protection;
• D12-101: Control, Pump Station; and,
• D11-102: Variable Frequency Drive.

B.5.8 Valve Actuators

B.5.8.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• CSA C22.1: Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, and Related Provincial or Territorial Installation
Laws, Regulations, and Amendments;
• CSA C22.2 No. 14: Industrial Control Equipment;
• CSA C22.2 No. 139: Electrically Operated Valves;
• CSA C22.2 No. 145: Motors and Generators for Use in Hazardous Locations;
• ANSI / NEMA ICS 6: Enclosures for Industrial Controls and Systems;

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Appendix B: Engineering Standards

• EEMAC 1E-1: Suggested Standard for Future Design - Preferred Locations of Conduit Knockouts
and Openings for Conduit in Enclosed Switches, Enclosed Circuit Breakers, Service Entrance
Equipment and Industrial Control Equipment; and,
• EEMAC M1-6: Motors and Generators.

B.5.8.2 Enbridge Standards

• D02-104: Hazardous Area Classification;
• D06-105: Valve, Steel;
• D09-101: Oil Measurement, Mechanical;
• D10-103: Switchgear and Motor Control Center;
• D10-201: Wiring Methods;
• D12-101: Control, Pump Station;
• D12-102: Control, Injection, and Delivery Facility;
• D12-103: Pressure Control Valve;
• D12-205: Programmable Logic Controllers; and,
• D11-301: Valve Actuation and Control.

B.5.9 Lighting

B.5.9.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• CSA C22.1: Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, Section 30: Installation of Lighting Equipment;
• API RP 500: Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installation at
Petroleum Facilities;
• IES HB-R: Lighting Handbook (Reference Volume); and,
• IES HB-A: Lighting Handbook (Application Volume).

B.5.9.2 Enbridge Standards

• D02-104: Hazardous Area Classification;
• D11-201: Lighting, Indoor; and,
• D11-202: Lighting, Outdoor.

B.5.10 Hazardous Area Classification

B.5.10.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• CSA-C22.1-94: Canadian Electrical Code Part I;

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Appendix B: Engineering Standards

• API RP 505: Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at
Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, and Zone 2;
• NFPA 45-1996: Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals;
• NFPA 30-1996: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code;
• NFPA 321-1991: Basic Classification of Flammable and Combustible Liquids;
• NFPA 496-1993: Purged and Pressurized Enclosure for Electrical Equipment; and,
• NFPA 497 metres -1991: Classification of Gases, Vapors and Dust for Electrical Equipment in
Hazardous (Classified) Locations.

B.5.10.2 Enbridge Standards:

• D02-104: Hazardous Area Classification;
• D02-102: Design Basis, Main Line; and,
• D02- 301: Building, Station and Terminal.

B.5.11 Grounding

B.5.11.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• CSA C22.1: Canadian Electrical Code, Part I;
• CSA C22.2 No. 0.4: Bonding and Grounding of Electrical Equipment (Protective Grounding);
• CSA C22.2 No. 42: General Use Receptacles, Attachment Plugs and Similar Wiring Devices;
• CAN / CSA B72: Installation Code for Lightning Protection Systems;
• ANSI C135.3: Zinc-Coated Ferrous Lag Screws for Pole and Transmission Line Construction;
• API RP 2003: Protection Against Ignition Arising Out of Static, Lightning and Stray Currents;
• FIPS PUB 94 / LL: A Guideline on Electrical Power for EDP Installations;
• FM 5-10: Protective Grounding for Electric Power Systems and Equipment;
• IEC 536: Classification of Electrical and Electronic Equipment with Regard to Protection Against
Electric Shock;
• IEEE 32: Standard Requirements, Terminology, and Test Procedure for Neutral Grounding Devices;
• IEEE 80: Guide for Safety in Substation Grounding;
• IEEE 81: Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of
a Ground System;
• IEEE 141: Recommended Practice for Electrical Power Distribution for Industrial Plants (IEEE Red

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Appendix B: Engineering Standards

• IEEE 142: Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
(IEEE Green Book);
• IEEE 242: Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial
Power Systems (IEEE Buff Book);
• IEEE 367: Guide for Determining the Maximum Electrical Power Station Ground Potential Rise and
Induced Voltage from a Power Fault;
• IEEE 446: Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Generator Systems for Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems (IEEE Orange Book);
• IEEE C37.101: Guide for Generator Ground Protection;
• NEMA PB 2.2: Application Guide for Ground-Fault Protective Devices for Equipment;
• NFPA 59A: Production Storage and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas; and,
• NFPA 77: Recommended Practice on Static Electricity.

B.5.11.2 Enbridge Standards:

• D02-101: Design Basis, Electrical;
• D04-101: Cathodic Protection;
• D10-101: Power System Design;
• D10-102: Substation Design;
• D10-103: Switchgear and Motor Control Center;
• D10-105: Power System Protective Relaying;
• D10-106: Substation Grounding; and,
• D10-201: Wiring Methods.

B.5.12 Wiring Methods

B.5.12.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• CSA C22.1: Canadian Electrical Code, Part I;
• CSA C22.2 No. 0: Canadian Electrical Code, Part II;
• CSA C22.2 No. 0.3: Test Methods for Electrical Wires and Cables;
• CSA C22.2 No. 0.4: Bonding and Grounding of Electrical Equipment (Protective Grounding);
• CSA C22.2 No. 0.5: Threaded Conduit Entries;
• CSA C22.2 No. 38: Thermoset Insulated Wires and Cables;
• CSA C22.2 No. 41: Grounding and Bonding Equipment;

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• CSA C22.2 No. 45: Rigid Metal Conduit;

• CSA C22.2 No. 56: Flexible Metal Conduit and Liquid-Tight Flexible Metal Conduit;
• CSA C22.2 No. 62: Surface Raceway Systems;
• CSA C22.2 No. 75: Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables;
• CSA C22.2 No. 83: Electrical Metallic Tubing;
• CSA-C22.2 No. 85: Rigid PVC Boxes and Fittings;
• CSA C22.2 No. 126: Cable Tray Systems;
• CSA-C22.2 No. 131: Type Teck 90 Cable;
• CSA C22.2 No. 174: Cables and Cable Glands for Use in Hazardous Locations;
• CSA C22.2 No.211.0: General Requirements and Methods of Testing for Nonmetallic Conduit;
• CSA C22.2 No.211.1: Rigid Types EB1 and DB2 / ES2 PVC Conduit;
• CSA C22.2 No.211.2: Rigid PVC (Unplasticized) Conduit;
• CSA C22.2 No.230: Tray Cables;
• Ontario Hydro L-891SM: Tests to Determine Fire Retardancy and Acid Gas Evolution of Insulated
Power and Control Cables;
• National Building Code of Canada, National Research Council of Canada;
• National Fire Code of Canada, National Research Council of Canada;
• ANSI / ASME B30.19: Cableways;
• ANSI C80.1: Specification for Rigid Steel Conduit, Zinc Coated;
• ANSI / IEEE 383: Type Test of Class 1E Electric Cables, Field Splices, and Connections for
Nuclear Power Generating Stations;
• ANSI / UL 1: Flexible Metal Conduit;
• ANSI / UL 5: Surface Metal Raceways and Fittings;
• ANSI / UL 360: Liquid-Tight Flexible Steel Conduits;
• ANSI / UL 651: Schedule 40 and 80 Rigid PVC Conduit;
• ANSI / UL 870: Wireways, Auxiliary Gutters and Associated Fittings;
• ASTM B3: Specification for Soft or Annealed Copper Wire;
• ASTM B8: Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or
• ASTM B33: Specification for Tinned Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes;
• EEMAC F5-1: Cabletrough Systems and Accessories;

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Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.
Section 3.10: Site Plans and Technical Data
Appendix B: Engineering Standards

• IEEE(SH07096) / ICEA: Power Cable Ampacities;

• NEMA WC 3: Rubber-Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical
Energy (ICEA S-19-81);
• NEMA WC 5: Thermoplastic-Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of
Electrical Energy (ICEA-S-61-402);
• NEMA WC 7: Cross-Linked Thermosetting Polyethylene Insulated Wire and Cable for the
Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy (ICEA S-66-524);
• NEMA WC 8: Ethylene Propylene Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution
of Electrical Energy (ICEA S-68-516);
• NEMA FB 1: Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit and Cable Assemblies;
• NEMA RN 1: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and
Intermediate Metal Conduit;
• NEMA TC 3: PVC Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing;
• NEMA VE 1: Metallic Cable Tray Systems;
• NPS A 120: Specifications for Steel Pipe;
• UL Bulletin 758: Investigation of Thermo Plastic Insulated Appliance - Hook-Up Wire; and,
• UL 1569: Metal-Clad Cables.

B.5.12.2 Enbridge Standards

• D02-101: Design Basis, Electrical;
• D02-104: Hazardous Area Classification; and,
• D10-202: Grounding Methods.

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